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How to Use Skype for Video Job Interviews

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Updated April 30, 2020

To streamline the job interview process and to save on interviewing costs, companies

are turning to their computers instead of phones and offices to conduct interviews. 

Skype, an online phone and video service, is one popular way to conduct long-distance
or even international video interviews.

Benefits of Using Skype for Interviews

Sometimes companies use Skype for first-round interviews (similar to a phone
interview). Other times, the entire interview process will be online and companies will
use Skype for second-round or even third-round interviews.

For job candidates, the convenience of interviewing from home is a major bonus. It can
save you both travel time and money. If you prepare for a Skype interview in advance, it
can also be less stressful than interviewing in person.

Volume 90%

Watch Now: 7 Tips for a Professional Skype Interview

Tips for Preparing for a Skype Interview

There are a few steps you need to take before your Skype interview in order to be

 Download the software at least a few days in advance of the interview. While
there are Skype platforms that cost money, it is generally free to video chat with
other Skype users.
 Create a professional username. With Skype, people can search for you by
your first and last name. Make sure you don’t use any unprofessional nicknames
in your Skype name. Your best bet is to use your first name and last name, first
initial and last name, or some similar variation. 
 Do a test call or two with your friends or family. Make sure you can easily make
and answer a call. Check to see that your microphone and camera work. Practice
getting comfortable looking at the camera for long periods of time.
 Adjust the lighting. Be sure you have enough lighting to avoid any heavy
shadows. However, make sure the lighting is not too bright either because that
can wash you out or even blind the interviewer. You can figure out lighting issues
during your practice interview.
 Check the background. While you are the focus of the Skype video, remember
that the interviewer will also see whatever is behind you. Before the interview,
select your backdrop. Pick a bare wall to ensure there are no distractions or color
clashes with your attire. You may also want to take advantage of a Skype feature
called background blur. You can turn it on in your settings. It will blur your
background so that the main focus is your face. 
 Check the sound. During your practice call, check that your audio is working
properly. If you need to be in a public space, find the quietest area and be sure to
wear a headset to help block out background noises. At home, you'll also want to
be in a quiet place, far from sirens, kitchen noises, barking pets, and so on. 
 Test everything again an hour or two before the interview. Make sure the
microphone and camera work to ensure everything is in order.
 Prep in the traditional sense as well. Do the kind of preparation you would do
for any interview. Review your resume and cover letter, practice
answering common interview questions ahead of time, and research the
 Know who is contacting whom. Before the interview, make sure that you know
whether you are supposed to reach out to the interviewer or vice versa. If you are
supposed to reach out, ask for their Skype name ahead of time. Before the
interview, find the person on Skype and add him or her to your list of contacts.
This will make it easier to contact them if you are asked to. 

Get Ready to Interview

Dress to Impress

Just because you are interviewing in a casual setting does not mean your attire should
match your surroundings. Wear what you would wear to any in-person interview. This
will help you feel more confident as well. Dress in a way that reflects both your
personality and the position for which you are interviewing. Just watch out for specific
colors, such as red and hot colors, that can be too bright for the camera. Crazy patterns
may also clash with the camera. Stick with solids.

Put Your Best Face Forward

Again, treat the Skype interview as any in-person interview when it comes to your
appearance. For women, it is fine to wear a bit more makeup than you would in an in-
person interview, as it looks professional on camera. Wear the amount that makes you
feel confident. You can wear jewelry, but make sure it isn’t too flashy or distracting (for
example, avoid jangly, noisy earrings). For both men and women, make sure your hair
is well-groomed.

Bring Notes, Paper, and a Pen

It's useful to have a few brief bullet points in front of you about what you want to
highlight during the interview. Sometimes, conversations can go in unexpected
directions, and it can be easy to forget your talking points. This way, you can scan your
notes without losing direct contact with the interviewer. However, make sure to practice
answering interview questions in advance, so that you don’t stare down at your paper.
Remember that eye contact is important.

Keep a blank paper and a pen handy to jot down anything you’d like to comment on
later in the conversation. 

Tips for a Successful Skype Interview

There are also things you can do during the Skype interview to make sure you look
polished and professional:

Exit Your Other Applications

Another way to focus is to exit out of any other applications on your computer. You don’t
want any pop-up windows distracting you during the interview. As with any interview,
you'll want to make sure that your phone is on silent too. Now's not the time to get alerts
about emails or social media posts or to have the phone buzz with a text or call. 

Smile and Focus

In many ways, a Skype interview is just like any other interview. For example, whether
you are interviewing in person or via Skype, remember to smile!

Smiling will ensure that you look engaged and enthusiastic about the position you are
interviewing for. Remember to focus your eyes on the camera—not on the person’s face
—to make it look as if you’re making direct eye contact. Scanning the room or looking
away from the camera too much can make you appear untrustworthy or indifferent. The
interviewer deserves your full attention, so stay focused and friendly. Smiling can also
help you remain calm.

You might also keep a glass of water handy in case your throat gets dry. However, don’t
keep it too close to your computer—you don’t want to spill and have a technical

Avoid Interruptions
If you live with other people and are doing the interview in your home, tell everyone you
live with not to interrupt you during the interview. Try to keep pets corralled in another
room, too. 

Don’t Panic if Technology Fails

With any technology, there is the chance of a glitch. When you start the interview, you
might want to make sure the person can see and hear you. If anything goes wrong
during the interview, don’t panic. Remain calm and friendly. You might suggest hanging
up and trying the video call again. Make sure you have the person’s email address or
phone number so you can contact them in case you completely lose each other.

The Right Body Language is Key

You do not want your interviewer to assume that his or her screen has frozen at any

point during the interview. Therefore, make sure your body language expresses that you
are engaged:

 As the other party speaks, subtly nod your head to express your understanding
or agreement.
 And as you speak, lean forward and use subtle hand gestures to add enthusiasm
to what you are saying. But don’t overdo it.
 To avoid looking blurry on screen, don’t make any dramatic hand gestures or nod
your head too quickly.
 Also, be sure to sit up straight. This will not only make you look more
professional, but it will also help you feel more confident.

Key Takeaways

 PRACTICE BEFOREHAND:That way, you can reduce the likelihood of a

technology issue. 
 PROJECT CONFIDENCE:Make sure to make eye contact with the camera,
smile, and act professional and confident throughout the interview. Wear an
interview outfit, not causal clothes. 
 REMEMBER, THIS IS AN INTERVIEW:While the format may be different,
interviewers are most interested in the answers to their questions. Practice
answering common interview questions and have questions of your own
prepared as well.


 Benefits of Using Skype for Interviews

 Tips for Preparing for the Interview
 Get Ready to Interview
 Tips for a Successful Skype Interview

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