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I. Objectives
1. Identify the different types of hazard.
2. Appreciate the importance of knowing the types of hazard.
3. Demonstrate understanding on different types of hazard.

II. Subject Matter

TOPIC: Types of hazard (Practice Occupational Health and Safety

REFERENCES: K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood

Education (Learning Module Pages 63, 64, 65)
MATERIALS: laptop, projector, Visual aids, Chalk,

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routine >Good Morning/Good Afternoon
1. Prayer
>Let us all stand for our prayer.
2. Greeting
> Good Morning/Good Afternoon Class! >Were fine sir!
>Before you take your sit kindly pick up the
pieces of paper under your chair.
> How are you today my dear students?
3. Energizer
>Before we start our lesson for today I prepare a
video for you to be energized.
Now class are you ready? >Yes we are!

D. Checking of Attendance and Assignment

>May I ask the class monitor to report the >I am glad to tell you that
attendance for today? everyone is present today

Very Good Class. Give yourselves a very good

clap for the perfect attendance of this class.

>Class I gave you an assignment. Did you all do

the assignment? May I ask the leader to report the (The leader will report about the
assignment? assignment.)

B. Review
>Now let me see if you still remember the topic
that we discussed last time? What was is all
It's all about common equipment in
Very good! taking vital signs?

Who can give at least one of common equipment

in taking vital signs?
Sir, thermometer.
And what are the different types of thermometer?
Clinical thermometer, Digital
Another equipment? thermometer, ear digital
thermometer, infrared
Impressive. It seems that you all still remember the
topic that we discussed last time about common Sphygmomanometer
equipment in taking vital sign.

C. Motivation

And to begin, with we have pictures

posted on the board. You’re going to identify the
following pictures.



b. chemical

c. psychological

d. biological
e. ergonomic

IV. A. Activity

I have here a video that you need to watch for

you to have another information about the topic
that we will discuss.

Class, did you understand the video?


B. Analysis

To test if you really understand the video, you will

have a group activity. I will group you into 5.

Each group will give an examples and cites some

effects of

Group 1.Physical Hazard

Group 2.Biological Hazard
Group 3. Ergonomic hazards
Group 4. Chemical hazards
Group 5. Psychological hazard

Group 1.Physical Hazard

Examples Effects
1.Electrical 1.Fire
hazards 2. Decreased Because sometimes even the
efficiency caregiver themselves do not mind
2.Endless loud 3.Annoyance spills on floors and this definitely
noise 4.Falls poses hazard to them.

3.Spills on floors
or tripping
How can you say spills on floor or tripping can
cause physical hazard?
Group 2.Biological Hazard

Examples Effects
1.blood or other body 1. infections Sir, Caregivers are risk of illness or
fluids irritations infection from changing diapers
2. fungi 3.allergy While they are performing first aid.
3.bacteria and 4.Tuberculosis
viruses 5.AIDS
Group 3. Ergonomic hazards

Examples EFFECTS
1.performing 1.pain in the
tasks that shoulders Group 4.chemical hazards
require lifting 2.back injury No Sir, because there are chemicals
heavy loads Effects
3. too much that are safe to use like cleaning
2.too muchlike 1.Lung
impact diseases
on wrist
bending and products and2.Difficulty in product and disinfecting solutions.
reaching breathingin
4. numbness
3.holding body some 3.Allergy
parts of Because some caregivers are
parts for long the body sensitive to solutions and it may
period of time 5.muscle cause to irritate their skin.
Where do you think
5.awkward they can get those viruses?
especially if they
are repetitive
Group 5.psychological hazard
Examples Effects
Sir, for instance when the patients hit
1.Burn out, 1. Depression
fatigue and on 2.Anxiety the caregiver because they don’t
call duty 3. Loss of confidence want their work. And it may result to
2.Unreasonable 4. Loss of concentration lose their self-confidence and they
expectations from at work
can't perform a good work.
patients or clients 5. Deterioration of
3.Verbal abuse performance at work
expectations from
supervisors and

Can you give an example of heavy loads that a

caregiver lifting?

Do you think all chemicals are unsafe?

So how liquids like cleaning products and

disinfecting solutions can cause chemical

Biological, chemical,
psychological, ergonomic, and
physical hazard.

When we encounter these types of

hazard, we already know what we
are going to do.

Sir, To engage workers in strong

safety behaviors

Another example of psychological hazards is

violence so why do think you violence can cause
psychological hazards?

c. Abstraction

To see if you really understand our lesson you

will have another activity entitled "COMPLETE
ME", you just need to complete the space provided

Are you ready?

It’s great that you answered your activity correctly.

I think you really learned well. Give yourself 5

Again, Who can give me those five types of


Impressive. Why is it important to identify the types

of hazard?

Another, answer?

Definitely, How good we are recognizing hazards

at worksites can significantly impact our safety.
D. Application

Now, I prepared another activity and you will

work as a group again. Each group will make a

Group 1, make a talk show about ergonomic


Group 2, make broadcasting about biological


Group 3, do question and answer about chemical


Group 4, make a poem about physical hazard.

Group 5, make a slogan about psychological


You will be graded by the following criteria.

Criteria Excell Good Fair Poor

ent (3 pts.) (2 (1 pt.)
(4 pts.)
Understa Indicates Good Fair Present
a clear understanding understa ation is
nding of understa of topic nding of off topic
topic nding of topic
Cooperati Accepts Some Unwilling Groups
ideas of members to does
on of the all group contribute comprom not
group members ise few work
members together
Presentat Shows Shows some Lacks Portray
confiden confidence,pr confiden al atalls;
ion ce, esents some ce; lacks
informati information somewh informat
ve, at ion
entertaini informati
ng ve
Creativity Students Students were Students Student
were somewhat attempte s were
creative creative d to be not
creative creative
Enthusias Facial Facial Facial Very
expressi expressions expressi little use
m ons and and body ons and of facial
body language body expressi
language dometimesge language ons or
generate nerated a were body
da strong interest used to languag
strong and try to e
interest enthusiasm generate
and d
enthusia enthusia
sm sm

I will give you 15 minutes to do your assigned task.

V. Evaluation
And to test the knowledge that you gained from
our lesson we will have a short quiz. Get 1/4 sheet
of paper.

Direction: Identify the terms being describe below.

1. It is present when a worker is exposed to

any chemical preparation in work place.

2. Anna is a nurse, she is working in their

Barangay Health Center, where most of her
patients had cough and cold. What type of
hazard Anna may expose.

3. The patient did not like Arianna’s work, so

the patient slapped and shouted at her.
Slapped and shouted is included to what

4. It is take place when working environment

becomes stressful and demanding.

5. It is the most normal occurrence in


VI. Assignment
Walk around your house and list down 10
possible hazards and risk that you may find.
Explain why these things that you have identified
or listed posted danger to the member of your
family. Follow the format given.
Possible Reasons why
Hazard/ it poses
Risk danger to me
and my

Checked by: Prepared by:


Cooperating Teacher Student Teacher

Noted by: Approved by:

Dean, College of Education

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