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Name : Ega Asvia Martiana

NPM : 21-MPI0016
UTS : Leadership in Digital Transformation
Empowering Leadership Understanding Motivation Theory, How to lead Generation Y
in the world of work
Leadership is a process in which one person intentionally influences a group of people
in an organization through relationships, structures, and guidelines (Yukl, 2008 in Basit and
Sebastian, 2017). Motivation is the thing that motivates individuals to act to achieve certain
goals. Generations are all people who were born at roughly the same time. Generation is a
group of people based on the year of birth which is also grouped based on shared historical
and sociological experiences (YR Munthe: 2017). The current workforce in organizations
consists of at least three generations labeled as Baby Boomers (Boomers), Generation x (Gen
X), and Generation Y/Gen Y (millennials), and are considered an important resource for the
organization, representing a broad pool of talent and talent. skills (Glass, 2007 in Shrivastava
et al; 2017).
The increasing number of millennials (Genreation Y) who enter the world of work
with privileges that tend to be different from previous generations has become one of the
challenges for the world of work. Millennials are often referred to as a generation that likes
freedom and flexibility such as the freedom to work, study and do business.
In this era of globalization, there are more and more challenges on every side, both in
the world of work, daily life or the world of education. The existence of a leader in the
organization or individual is needed to bring the organization or individual to the goals that
have been set. Various leadership styles will color the behavior of a leader in carrying out
their duties. The characteristics of Generation Y encourage a trend where young people are
now more selective in choosing the right job and this cannot be separated from the leadership
attitude they have.
Millennial leadership is translated as contemporary leadership that adapts to the style
of the new generation born in the 1980s, there is a uniqueness currently found in the
millennial generation, one of which can be seen that there is an increase in the use of
proximity by interacting with the use of media and mastering digital-based technology. To
adapt to the current conditions that are inhabited by millennials, a leader who will lead the
millennial generation should have the capacity and capability that is qualified and have a
good leadership spirit where a leader is able to create an effective, efficient and productive
atmosphere. so that they can set an example for their subordinates.
Leaders are people who have a central role in the progress or decline of an
organization. Millennial leadership must always carry out innovation movements and explore
the creativity of their subordinates. The millennial generation, which at this time is a
generation that is sensitive to information technology, must have different skills and
creativity. Therefore, the development of the younger generation is very necessary, of course,
the leadership attitude must also be adjusted so that there is no miscommunication between
leaders and subordinates.
In a school environment that is currently led by people born from the Baby Boomers
generation who have different ways and views from generation Y. The pattern of leadership
used today uses democratic leadership. Democratic leadership is a leader who can take into
account the inputs of the people he leads before making a decision. Teachers can express
their opinions freely. Using this leadership method, the leader/principal can identify problems
and can solve problems appropriately.
However, in the school environment, especially teachers, most of whom belong to
generation Y or millennials are faced with a big challenge, namely the diversity of competent
(talented) teachers. Potential conflicts can occur because there are differences in
characteristics and needs between each generation, often leaders/principals of the baby
boomers generation find it difficult to manage the talents of generation Y even they often
consider generation Y to be disrespectful because generation Y sees their superiors as friends
who equivalent. A very prominent characteristic is having high skills/experience in
technology which is a challenge for the leadership of the baby boomers generation. The
principal's leadership style is firm and disciplined and likes a clear, independent, and
The school environment, which is led by the baby boomers generation, emphasizes
something that is stable and certain, so it is in contrast to teachers who think more
dynamically following changes in this digital era of globalization.
Actually, there are many opportunities that can be taken from the dominance of
Generation Y, namely:
 Making technology a promotional opportunity for the progress and
development of the school, so that it can improve the quality and quantity of
the school
 Making technology a tool for exchanging ideas, easily accessing the internet
and making it easier to access science and technology can improve the quality
of the educators themselves and of course add insight
In addition to opportunities, of course there are obstacles that are very visible with the
dominance of this generation Y, namely:
 For yourself, the difficulty of changing mindsets and habits to keep up
with the current changes is one of the inhibiting factors for the progress of
the school itself.
 Having to be able to upgrade yourself and accept change, with the change
from traditional habits to digital ones nowadays, it will be very difficult at
first, especially for the baby boomers and generation X, but if there is a
will and desire to change in a more advanced direction, it will make a very
good impact for himself and the school
But in the end the leadership in the school environment led by the baby boomers
generation inevitably adapts to the Y generation they lead. This will lead to collaboration and
harmonization in the world of work.

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