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Daniela Alejandra Duarte Guzmán


Listening and Speaking Activity

1. Listen to the recording “1. Directions Around town.”

2. Complete la oración y responda Verdadero (T) o Falso (F) de acuerdo con el mapa.

i) The hotel is next to the ___bank____. (T)

ii) The zoo is opposite the police station. (T)
iii) The library is between the post office and the supermarket. (F)
iv) The bowling alley is on east Street. (F
v) The BAR in on the corner of west Street and south Street. (T)

3. Escuche el audio “2. Giving directions in English” y complete la conversación.

Woman: Excuse me?

Man: Yeah?

Woman: i’m sorry to bother you, but I’m completely lost. Are you from here?

Man: where are you trying to get to?

Woman: Well, I was looking for the art museum, but I think I’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere.

Man: I think so! You’re miles away.

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Daniela Alejandra Duarte Guzmán

Woman: Really? This always happens to me. Directions just aren’t my thing, I suppose.

Man: I think the best thing is to take a bus. It’ll take ages6 if you walk from here.

Woman: That’s a shame… I wanted to walk around and get a feel for the city7.

Man: I wouldn’t worry there’s nothing to see around here, anyway. Take the bus into the center and
walk around there it’s much more interesting.

Woman: Oh, okay. Where can I take the bus?

Man: It’s about five minutes’ walk from here. You see that hotel, on the corner, there?

Woman: The one that says “Royal hotel?”

Man: That’s right. Go down that street to the end, then turn rigth. Take the first left and go on until
you see a junction with traffic lights. Go over the junction, keep going straigtht, and you’ll see a bus
stop on your left.

Woman: Go to the end, first left, turn right at the traffic lights…

Man:No,no. Go straight on, past the traffic lights.

Woman: Oh! Yes, and then…

Man: It’ll be on your left.

Woman: Right! Got it, I think…

Man: Well, you can always ask someone else. Good luck!

Woman: thank!

4. Make a recording of the first audio.

Son las 5 oraciones del primer ejercicio.

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Daniela Alejandra Duarte Guzmán

5. Con base en el mapa haga un dialogo en donde pregunte a un desconocido por el lugar que le
corresponda, en el cuadro hay
frases útiles que puede usar para
hacer dialogo.

Dialogo café

Me: good afternoon

Him: Good afternoon

Me: How are you?

Him: Well thank you for asking

Me: Excuse me, where is the coffee?

EL: You must walk straight until you reach the corner of the school near the
roundabout and head left. Then you will find the coffee.

Me: thank you very muchmuch.

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Daniela Alejandra Duarte Guzmán

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