A Case Study Questions

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Flexibility at KPMG

A Case Study

1. How does this program help KPMG?

 In my perspective, the program helped KPMG because this organization

wanted to decrease the payroll cost but still stabilize the employee’s
commitment to the company. The program Flexible Future volunteered to
help KPMG to solve their problem by changing the 18-month employee
contract that they use. Therefore, the solutions are to reduce the labor hours
contributed by the employees to keep employee commitment to the company.
Then, reduced the salary by reducing the large-scale staff in their company.
This will keep employees intact and maintain interaction and relations. Also,
Flexible futures use intranets to enables employees to self-manage and
calculate their salary, it keeps the honesty and employee to organization
relationship in KPMG.

2. How does this program help KPMG's employees?

 Flexible futures help KMPG’s employees give more job security and control
over the organization. This keeps the members of the organization to worry
less about their jobs, focus more on clients and customer, and give a fair
work-life balance. In the case study, this shows that 85% of KPMG
employees signed up to at least one option that keeps employee
commitment. That is why the organization had a win-win situation where they
have solved their problem on reducing payroll costs also keeping the
employee commitment. As a result, KPMG saved up to 15% of the labor cost
that they usually spent and improves boosting employee morale.

3. If you were employed by KPMG, would this program appeal to you? Why or why
 If I were an employee of KPMG, then there are problems in the organization
that needs to be addressed especially when the problems are disrupting the
company’s operation and production, specifically that the company needs to
reduce labor cost which the company needs to risks on organizational
changes whether it is internal and external change agents. I will keep track on
the changes made in the organization by measuring and comparing the new
system than before and reviewing it fairly because the problem can affect my
employment and livelihood. So, If the changes stabilize, increases, and
improves the organization and resolving its problem. Also, maintained the
employee commitment. I will comply and adapt to the changes and still see if
the changes will be effective in the long run.

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