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TEMA 2: Penerokaan Unsur dalam Alam


Sebatian Karbon
Carbon Compounds

IMPORTANT concepts

Sebatian karbon
iaitu Carbon Hidrokarbon Alkana
that is compounds Hydrocarbons Alkane
as as
Faktor Sebatian organik Sebatian tepu dan Dari karbon 1
penghubung dan bukan tak tepu hingga 6
Relating organik Saturated and From carbon
factors Organic and unsaturated 1 to 6
inorganic compounds

Penghasilan Tindak balas

5 iaitu Alkena
Production of
Ciri-ciri alkohol
Characteristics of
Reactions of
that is Alkene alcohol alcohol alcohol
as as as
Faktor Dari karbon 1 Melalui Contoh: larut Pembakaran dan
penghubung hingga 6 penapaian dalam air Pengesteran
Relating From carbon 1 Through Example: dissolve Combustion and
factors to 6 fermentation in water esterification

Buah kelapa pencucian sabun
iaitu Jenis lemak sawit Pembuatan sabun Cleansing action
that is Types of fat Oil palm fruit Making of soap of soaps
as as as
Faktor Lemak tepu dan Pengekstrakan Melalui Melibatkan
penghubung lemak tak tepu minyak sawit saponifikasi molekul sabun
Relating Saturated and Extraction of Through Involve soap
factors unsaturated fats palm oil saponification molecule



Karbon ialah unsur asas semua bentuk hidupan dan bahan semula jadi serta buatan manusia di sekeliling
kita. Tahukah anda karbohidrat dan protein yang merupakan binaan asas sel adalah contoh-contoh
sebatian karbon?
Carbon is the basic element of all life forms as well as various natural and man-made objects around us.
Did you know that carbohydrates and proteins which are the basic building blocks of cells are examples of
carbon compounds?

Sebatian Karbon Carbon Compounds
1. Sebatian karbon organik ialah sebatian karbon yang 1. Organic carbon compounds are compounds of carbon
berasal daripada benda hidup. Contohnya ialah kanji, derived from living things. Examples are starch,
protein, alkohol dan minyak sawit. proteins, alcohol and palm oil.
2. Sebatian karbon bukan organik ialah sebatian karbon 2. Inorganic carbon compounds are compounds of
yang bukan berasal daripada benda hidup. Contohnya carbon which are not derived from living things.
ialah karbon dioksida dan kalsium karbonat (marmar). Examples are carbon dioxide and calcium carbonate

Kitar Karbon The Carbon Cycle

1. Kitar karbon ialah proses peredaran karbon yang 1. Carbon cycle is the process of circulation of carbon
berlaku antara benda hidup dan persekitarannya. which occurs between living things and their
2. Kitar karbon mengekalkan kandungan karbon dioksida environment.
di atmosfera. 2. The carbon cycle maintains carbon dioxide content in
the atmosphere.

Sebatian Hidrokarbon Hydrocarbon Compounds

1. Sebatian hidrokarbon ialah sebatian yang mengandungi 1. Hydrocarbon compounds are compounds that contain
unsur hidrogen dan karbon sahaja. only hydrogen and carbon elements.
2. Petroleum, gas asli dan arang batu ialah contoh-contoh
sumber asli hidrokarbon.
2. Petroleum, natural gas and coal are examples of
natural resources of hydrocarbon. 5
Alkana dan Alkena Alkane and Alkene
1. Alkana ialah sebatian hidrokarbon tepu. 1. Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbon compounds.
2. Alkana boleh diwakili oleh satu formula am iaitu 2. Alkanes can be represented by a general formula
CnH2n+2 di mana n = 1, 2, 3, … Simbol ‘n’ mewakili CnH2n+2 where n = 1, 2, 3,.... The symbol ‘n’ represents
bilangan atom karbon dalam molekul alkana. the number of carbon atoms in an alkane molecule.
3. Alkena ialah sebatian hidrokarbon tak tepu. 3. Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbon compounds.
4. Alkena boleh diwakili oleh satu formula am iaitu CnH2n 4. Alkenes can be represented by a general formula CnH2n
di mana n = 2, 3, 4, … where n = 2, 3, 4, …

Alkohol Alcohol
1. Alkohol boleh disediakan secara penapaian ke atas 1. Alcohol can be prepared by fermentation on
makanan berkarbohidrat dan ditulenkan secara carbohydrate foods and purified by distillation.
penyulingan. 2. Alcohol (ethanol) is a colourless liquid, good organic
2. Alkohol (etanol) merupakan cecair tidak berwarna, solvent, burns with a sootless blue flame in excess
pelarut organik yang baik, terbakar dengan nyalaan oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.
biru tanpa jelaga dalam oksigen yang berlebihan 3. Alcohol reacts with organic acids such as ethanoic
untuk menghasilkan karbon dioksida dan air. acid to produce esters with a fragrant or fruity smell.
3. Alkohol bertindak balas dengan asid organik seperti Concentrated sulphuric acid is added as a catalyst.
asid etanoik menghasilkan ester yang berbau harum This reaction is called esterification.
atau buah-buahan. Asid sulfurik pekat ditambahkan 4. Alcohol is used as a solvent in cosmetics such as
sebagai mangkin. Tindak balas yang berlaku disebut perfumes, shaving lotions and nail polish and as a
tindak balas pengesteran. solvent for shellac and printing ink.
4. Alkohol digunakan sebagai pelarut dalam kosmetik 5. Excessive consumption of alcohol (ethanol) will affect
seperti minyak wangi, losyen cukur dan varnis kuku, the sense of sight, hearing and speech, and may cause
dan sebagai pelarut bagi syelek dan dakwat percetakan. liver cirrhosis.
5. Pengambilan alkohol yang berlebihan (etanol) akan
menjejaskan deria penglihatan, pendengaran dan
percakapan, dan boleh menyebabkan sirosis hati.

Lemak dan Kesannya Terhadap Kesihatan Fats and Their Effects on Health
1. Lemak ialah sebatian karbon organik yang mengandungi 1. Fats are organic carbon compounds that contain
unsur karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen. carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
2. Contoh lemak tepu ialah lemak ayam dan minyak sapi. 2. Examples of saturated fats are chicken fat and ghee.
3. Contoh lemak tak tepu ialah minyak zaitun dan minyak 3. Examples of unsaturated fats are olive oil and coconut
kelapa. oil.
4. Pengambilan lemak tepu (lemak haiwan) secara 4. Excessive consumption of saturated fat (animal fat)
berlebihan pada tempoh masa yang panjang boleh can cause the deposition of cholesterol in blood
menyebabkan pemendapan kolesterol pada saluran vessels that may lead to stroke, high blood pressure
darah yang mungkin akan mengakibatkan strok, and heart attack.
tekanan darah tinggi dan serangan jantung. 5. Consumption of unsaturated fat is good for health.
5. Pengambilan lemak tak tepu adalah baik untuk Unsaturated fat can lower cholesterol concentrations
kesihatan. Lemak tak tepu dapat menurunkan in the blood.
kepekatan kolesterol dalam darah. 6. Saturated fats (margarine) can be prepared from
6. Lemak tepu (marjerin) boleh disediakan daripada unsaturated fats (palm oil) by adding hydrogen atoms
lemak tak tepu (minyak sawit) dengan menambahkan to unsaturated fatty molecules in the hydrogenation
atom hidrogen kepada molekul lemak tak tepu dalam reaction.
tindak balas penghidrogenan.

Minyak Sawit Palm Oil

1. Minyak sawit digunakan untuk membuat pembersih 1. Palm oil is used for making facial cleansers and printing
muka dan dakwat percetakan. inks.
2. Minyak sawit sesuai digunakan sebagai minyak masak 2. Palm oil is suitable as cooking oil as it does not foam
kerana tidak berbuih pada suhu tinggi dan tidak at high temperatures and contains no cholesterol.
mengandungi kolesterol. 3. Organisations such as the Palm Oil Research Institute
3. Institut seperti Penyelidikan Minyak Sawit Malaysia of Malaysia (PORIM) and Malaysian Palm Oil Board

(PORIM) dan Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia (MPOB) have conducted extensive research to develop
(MPOB) telah menjalankan banyak penyelidikan the Malaysian palm oil industry.

5 untuk membangunkan industri minyak kelapa sawit


Pembuatan Sabun Manufacture of Soap

1. Minyak sayuran seperti minyak kelapa sawit, minyak 1. Vegetable oils such as palm oil, coconut oil and olive
kelapa dan minyak zaitun boleh digunakan untuk oil can be used for making soap through the process
membuat sabun melalui proses saponifikasi. of saponification.
2. Proses pembuatan sabun disebut saponifikasi. Minyak 2. The process of making soap is called saponification.
sayuran + natrium hidroksida → sabun + gliserol Vegetable oil + sodium hydroxide → soap + glycerol

Tindakan Pencucian Sabun The Cleansing Action of Soap

1. Sabun ialah agen pencuci yang digunakan untuk 1. Soap is a cleaning agent used for removing organic
menanggalkan kotoran bahan organik. dirt.
2. Sabun mengurangkan ketegangan permukaan air 2. Soap reduces the surface tension of water so that
supaya air dapat membasahi permukaan bahan. water can wet the surface of the material.
3. Molekul sabun terdiri daripada dua bahagian: 3. The soap molecule consists of two parts:
(a) bahagian kepala atau hidrofilik yang larut dalam (a) the head or hydrophilic part which is soluble in
air water
(b) bahagian ekor atau hidrofobik yang larut dalam (b) the tail or hydrophobic part which is soluble in
kotoran seperti minyak atau gris. dirt such as oil or grease.
4. Semasa pencucian, kotoran diemulsi dan dipecahkan 4. During washing, the dirt is emulsified and broken down
menjadi titisan-titisan kecil. Apabila air dikocak, into small droplets. When water is agitated, the head of
bahagian kepala molekul sabun yang larut dalam air the soap molecules which dissolve in water is brought
dibawa ke atas oleh air. Seterusnya, bahagian ekor up to the surface by the water. Then, the oil-soluble tail
yang larut dalam kotoran ditarik oleh bahagian kepala. is pulled by the head. Soap bubbles cause grease to
Buih sabun menyebabkan gris terapung. Kotoran float. The grease is removed.

Nota Grafik

Standard Kandungan
5.1 Pengenalan sebatian karbon Tarikh:

Sebatian karbon dan kitar karbon
Carbon compounds and carbon cycle

Buku teks m/s 142 – 144

2007 BHG. B, S7(a) & (c)  2011 BHG. C, S12(b)
1 Lengkapkan peta konsep yang berikut tentang pengelasan sebatian karbon. Kemudian, berikan
maksud sebatian karbon, sebatian karbon organik dan sebatian karbon bukan organik. TP1
Complete the following concept map on the classification of carbon compounds. Then, give the meanings
of carbon compounds, organic carbon compounds and inorganic carbon compounds.
Karbon dioksida Hidupan Arang batu Gula Etanol Kertas
Carbon dioxide Living things Coal Sugar Ethanol Paper
Kain kapas Minyak sawit Bukan hidupan Karbon Kalsium karbonat (marmar)
Cotton cloth Palm oil Non-living things Carbon Calcium carbonate (marble)

Sebatian karbon/Carbon compounds

dikelaskan kepada are classified into
Sebatian karbon organik Sebatian karbon bukan organik
Organic carbon compounds Inorganic carbon compounds
contoh examples contoh examples
Gula, etanol, minyak sawit, arang batu, kain Karbon dioksida, kalsium karbonat (marmar)
kapas, kertas Carbon dioxide, calcium carbonate (marble)

Sugar, ethanol, palm oil, coal, cotton cloth, paper

(a) Sebatian karbon ialah sebatian yang mengandungi unsur

karbon . 5
Carbon compounds are compounds that contain element.

(b) Sebatian karbon organik ialah sebatian karbon yang berasal daripada hidupan .
Organic carbon compounds are carbon compounds which originate from living things .

(c) Sebatian bukan organik ialah sebatian karbon yang berasal daripada bukan hidupan .
Inorganic compounds are carbon compounds which originate from non-living things .
2013 BHG. B, S7(a)
2 Berdasarkan pernyataan di bawah, nyatakan proses-proses yang berlaku dalam kitar karbon yang
ditunjukkan dalam rajah yang berikut. TP1
Based on the statement below, state the processes that occur in the carbon cycle shown in the following
Kitar karbon mengekalkan kandungan karbon dalam alam semula jadi.
The carbon cycle maintains the carbon content of nature.

Karbon dioksida Proses/Processes:

Carbon dioxide P
Q P: Fotosintesis/Photosynthesis
R Q: Respirasi/Respiration
S R: Penguraian/Decomposition
S: Respirasi/Respiration
T: Pembakaran/Combustion

Rumput Fotosintesis/Photosynthesis
Grass Pembakaran/Combustion
Diuraikan oleh pengurai
Dimakan oleh haiwan Decomposed by decomposers Penguraian/Decomposition
Eaten by animals

Standard Kandungan
5.2 Hidrokarbon Tarikh:

Penyulingan berperingkat petroleum PBD
INKUIRI Fractional distillation of petroleum
Buku teks m/s 145 – 150
(Demonstrasi Guru/Teacher’s demonstration)
Tujuan Mengkaji proses penyulingan berperingkat petroleum
To study the fractional distillation of petroleum

Bahan dan Minyak mentah (petroleum), ais, kapas kaca, tabung didih, penunu Bunsen, kaki retort
Radas dan pengapit, tabung uji, penyumbat, termometer (–10°C hingga 360°C), bikar 250 ml,
tiub penghantar, mangkuk pijar
Crude oil (petroleum), ice, glass wool, boiling tube, Bunsen burner, retort stand and clamp,
test tube, stopper, thermometer (–10°C to 360°C), 250 ml beaker, delivery tube, crucible

Prosedur Termometer (–10°C hingga 360°C)

Thermometer (–10°C to 360°C)
Galeri Info
• Semua pecahan
Salur penghantar
Delivery tube
petroleum tidak
larut dalam air.
All the petroleum
Tabung uji fractions do not
Test tube dissolve in water.
• Wul kaca diguna-
Ais kan untuk
Ice memecahkan
Minyak mentah
Crude oil gelembung udara.
Video Pecahan petroleum

Ais digunakan
Wul kaca Petroleum fraction dalam bikar untuk
Glass wool mengkondensasi-

5 Panaskan kan wap menjadi

Heat cecair.
Glass wool is used to
1 Sediakan susunan radas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah break up gas
di atas. bubbles. Ice is used
in the beaker to
Set up the apparatus as shown in the above diagram. condense the vapour
2 Masukkan kira-kira 20 cm3 minyak mentah ke dalam tabung into a liquid.
• Petroleum (minyak
didih bersama sedikit wul kaca. mentah) ialah
Add about 20 cm3 of crude oil into the boiling tube together with cecair hitam yang
some glass wool. likat.
Petroleum (crude oil)
3 Panaskan minyak mentah dalam tabung didih secara perlahan- is a black viscous
lahan. liquid.
Heat the crude oil in the boiling tube slowly.
4 Kumpulkan tiga pecahan petroleum pertama yang tersuling keluar pada suhu yang
Collect the first three fractions that are distilled at the following temperatures:

Pecahan/Fraction Suhu (°C)/Temperature (°C)

30 – 80
80 – 150
150 – 230
230 – 250
5 Bagi setiap pecahan petroleum yang terkumpul, bandingkan warna dan kelikatannya.
For each petroleum fraction collected, compare the colour and viscosity.
6 Bakar setiap pecahan petroleum dalam mangkuk pijar. Perhatikan kemudahan terbakar,
warna nyalaan dan kuantiti jelaga yang terhasil.
Burn each petroleum fraction in a crucible. Observe the flammability, the colour of the
flame and the amount of soot produced.

Pemerhatian Kuantiti
Keboleh- Warna nyalaan
Pecahan Warna Kelikatan jelaga
bakaran Colour of the
Fraction Colour Viscosity Amount of
Flammability flame
Tidak Tidak Sangat Kuning Sedikit
1 berwarna likat/Not mudah Yellow A little
Colourless viscous Very easy
Tidak Tidak Mudah Kuning Banyak
2 berwarna likat/Not Easy Yellow A lot
Colourless viscous
Kuning Sedikit Sukar Kuning Lebih banyak
muda likat Difficult Yellow More
Light Slightly
yellow viscous
Kuning Lebih Paling sukar Kuning Paling banyak
Yellow likat/More the most Yellow The most

Perbincangan 1 Apakah proses pengasingan pecahan petroleum dalam aktiviti ini? TP1
What is the process of separation of the petroleum fractions in this activity?
Penyulingan berperingkat/Fractional distillation

2 Apakah sifat petroleum yang membolehkannya diasingkan kepada pecahan-

pecahannya? TP2
What is the characteristic of petroleum that enables it to be separated into fractions?
Pecahan-pecahan petroleum mempunyai takat didih yang berlainan.

The petroleum fractions have different boiling points  .

3 Pilih perkataan yang sesuai tentang hubungan antara takat didih pecahan dengan
sifat pecahan./Choose the suitable words about the relationship between the boiling
point of the fraction and the characteristics of the fraction. TP2
Semakin tinggi takat didih, semakin (terang, gelap) warnanya, semakin (kurang
likat, likat) pecahan itu, semakin (mudah, sukar) terbakar pecahan itu dan semakin
(kurang, banyak) jelaga nyalaannya akan terhasil.
The higher the boiling point, the (lighter, darker) the colour, the (less viscous, more
viscous) the fraction, the (easier, more difficult) it is for the fraction to burn and the
(less, more) soot the flame will produce.
4 Pecahan petroleum terdiri daripada campuran sebatian hidrokarbon. Berikan
maksud sebatian hidrokarbon./Petroleum fractions consist of a mixture of hydrocarbon
compound. Give the meaning of hydrocarbon compounds. TP2
Sebatian yang mengandungi unsur hidrogen dan karbon sahaja.
Compounds that contain only hydrogen and carbon elements.
5 Tandakan ( ✓ ) sumber-sumber sebatian hidrokarbon dalam alam semula jadi.
Tick ( ✓ ) the sources of hydrocarbon compounds in nature. TP1
Bahan Gas asli Arang
radioaktif Petroleum
✓ ✓ Natural ✓ batu
Radioactive Petroleum
gas Coal
6 Nyatakan dua jenis sebatian hidrokarbon yang terdapat dalam petroleum.
State two types of hydrocarbon compound found in petroleum. TP1
Sebatian hidrokarbon tepu dan tak tepu .
Saturated and Unsaturated hydrocarbon compounds.

Kesimpulan Pecahan-pecahan petroleum dapat diasingkan melalui penyulingan berperingkat

disebabkan setiap pecahan petroleum mempunyai takat didih yang berlainan.
Petroleum fractions can be separated by fractional distillation because the petroleum
fractions have a different boiling points .


Siri homolog alkana dan alkena
Homologous series of alkane and alkene

Buku teks m/s 145 – 150

1 Tuliskan formula molekul dan formula struktur bagi alkana dan alkena. TP1
Write the molecular and structural formulas of alkane and alkene.
(a) Alkana/Alkane (Hidrokarbon tepu dengan hanya ikatan kovalen tunggal di antara atom karbon
Saturated hydrokarbon with only single covalent bonds between carbon atoms)

Formula am/General formula = CnH2n+2

bilangan atom karbon/number of carbon atoms, n = 1, 2, 3, …

Penamaan Formula molekul Formula struktur

Naming Molecular formula Structural formula

1 Metana CH4 H
Methane |

2 Etana C2H6 H H
Ethane | |
| |

3 Propana C3H8 H H H

5 Propane

| | |
| | |

4 Butana C4H10 H H H H
Butane | | | |
| | | |

5 Pentana C5H12 H H H H H
Pentane | | | | |
| | | | |

6 Heksana C6H14 H H H H H H
Hexane | | | | | |
| | | | | |

(b) Alkena/Alkene (Hidrokarbon tak tepu dengan ikatan kovalen ganda dua antara atom karbon
Saturated hydrocarbon with a double covalent bonds between carbon atoms)

Formula am/General formula = CnH2n

bilangan atom karbon/number of carbon atoms, n = 2, 3, 4, …

Penamaan Formula molekul Formula struktur

Naming Molecular formula Structural molecule

1 Etena C2H4 H H
Ethene | |

Penamaan Formula molekul Formula struktur
Naming Molecular formula Structural molecule
2 Propena C3H6 H H H
Propene | | |

3 Butena C4H8 H H H H
Butene | | | |
| |

4 Pentena C5H10 H H H H H
Pentene | | | | |
| | |

5 Heksena C6H12 H H H H H H
Hexene | | | | | |
| | | |

2 Baca petikan di bawah./Read the passange below. TP2 Video

Bahan kumbahan membebaskan gas metana hasil daripada pereputan bahan buangan organik.
Terdapat negara yang menggunakan gas metana sebagai sumber tenaga alternatif. Tenaga biojisim
tersebut merupakan tenaga boleh baharu./Sewages release methane gas as a result of decomposition
of organic wastes. There are countries that use methane gas as an alternative source of energy. This
biomass energy is a renewable energy.

Lengkapkan petikan di bawah tentang tenaga biojisim. TP2

Complete the passage below about biomass energy.

Mereput/Decay Najis lembu/Cow dung

Gas metana/Methane gas Tangki penapaian/Fermentation tank

Paip gas
Gas pipe Bahan seperti najis lembu disimpan
Tangki penapaian (pencerna) dalam sebuah tangki penapaian atau pencerna
Fermentation Gas metana
tank (digester) Methane gas yang tertutup dan dibiarkan mereput .
Kemudian, gas metana yang terhasil
disalurkan melalui paip untuk tujuan pemanasan
Paip salur dan memasak.
Material such as cow dung is placed in
Inlet pipe
a closed fermentation tank or digester and left to
Paip jalur keluar
Outlet pipe decay . The methane gas that is
formed is piped away to be used for heating and
Biojisim (hasil buangan haiwan dan tumbuhan
Biomass (animal and plant waste)

Projek 2: Sumber tenaga alternatif dan tenaga boleh baharu. (rujuk silang m.s.139 – 140).
Project 2: Alternative energy sources and renewable energy. (cross reference pp.139 – 140).

Standard Kandungan
5.3 Alkohol Tarikh:

Penghasilan dan penulenan etanol PBD
INKUIRI Production and the purification of ethanol
Buku teks m/s 150 – 157
2008 BHG. A, S4(c) & (d)  2013 BHG. B, S8(a) & (d)(i)  2015 BHG. A, S4(a) & (c)  2017 BHG. B, S5(a)(i), (b) & (c)
Tujuan Menghasilkan etanol tulen melalui proses penapaian dan penyulingan
To produce pure ethanol through the processes of fermentation and distillation
Bahan dan Larutan glukosa, yis, air kapur, kelalang kon, tabung uji, penyumbat getah, salur
Radas penghantar, bikar, kelalang penyulingan, kondenser Liebig, kasa dawai, tungku kaki
tiga, penunu Bunsen, termometer, bikar, salur getah, kaki retort
Glucose solution, yeast, limewater, conical flask, test tube, rubber stopper, delivery tube,
beaker, distillation flask, Liebig condenser, wire gauze, tripod stand, Bunsen burner,
thermometer, beaker, rubber hose, retort stand
Prosedur dan Jalankan aktiviti-aktiviti yang berikut. Kemudian, rekodkan pemerhatian dan berikan
Pemerhatian inferens anda.
Carry out the following activities. Then, record the observations and give your inferences.
Aktiviti Pemerhatian dan inferens
Activity Observation and inference
A. • Larutan jernih glukosa
bertukar menjadi
keruh .
glucose Air kapur The clear glucose solution
solution Limewater turns cloudy .

Yis • Air kapur bertukar menjadi
yeast keruh
1 Sediakan susunan radas seperti yang ditunjukkan
The lime water turns
dalam rajah. cloudy
Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram. .
2 Tambah dua spatula yis ke dalam larutan glukosa. Inferens/Inference:
Add two spatulas of yeast into the glucose solution.
Gas karbon dioksida terbebas.
3 Biarkan radas selama dua hingga tiga hari dan Carbon dioxide
rekodkan perubahan yang berlaku. gas is released.
Leave the apparatus for two to three days and
record the changes that occur.
B. Termometer Hasil penyulingan adalah
cecair tidak berwarna ,
Air keluar
Hasil penapaian water out berbau alkohol dan
Product of
fermentation Kondenser Liebig mempunyai takat didih
Liebig condenser 78 – 80°C .
Serpihan Air The distillate is a colourless
porselin masuk
Porcelain liquid, smells like alcohol
chips Panaskan in and has a boiling point of
Hasil sulingan
heat Distillate
78 – 80°C .
1 Sediakan susunan radas seperti yang ditunjukkan
dalam rajah di atas. Inferens/Inference:
Set up the apparatus as shown in the above Sejenis alkohol iaitu
diagram. etanol
2 Panaskan hasil penapaian dengan perlahan. terhasil.
A type of alcohol i.e.
Heat the product of fermentation slowly.
ethanol is produced.
3 Alirkan air pili ke dalam kondenser Liebig.
Pass tap water through the Liebig condenser.
4 Kumpul hasil sulingan dalam kelalang kon. Galeri Info
Collect the distillate in the conical flask. Penapaian berlaku ke
5 Perhatikan warna, bau dan takat didih hasil atas karbohidrat.
Fermentation takes
sulingan yang dikumpul./Observe the colour, odour place on carbohydrates.
and the boiling point of the distillate collected.

Perbincangan 1 Namakan proses-proses yang berlaku dalam aktiviti A dan B. TP1
Name the processes that occur in activities A and B.
(a) Aktiviti A/Activity A
(b) Aktiviti B/Activity B

2 Mengapakah yis digunakan dalam aktiviti A? TP1

Why is yeast used in activity A?
Yis mengandungi enzim zimase yang dapat menguraikan glukosa.
Yeast contains zymase enzyme which decomposes glucose.
3 Daripada inferens anda, lengkapkan persamaan perkataan untuk mewakili proses
penapaian. TP2
From your inference, complete the word equation to represent the process of fermentation.

Glukosa yis/yeast etanol karbon dioksida

Glucose enzim zimase ethanol carbon dioxide
zymase enzyme
4 Bulatkan makanan lain yang boleh digunakan untuk menggantikan larutan glukosa
dalam aktiviti ini. TP1
Circle other foods which can be used to replace the glucose solution in this activity.

Jus nanas Ubi kayu Keju Jus anggur

Pineapple juice Tapioca Cheese Grape juice

5 Berdasarkan aktiviti ini, nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi penapaian.  TP4/KBAT

Based on this activity, state the operational definition of fermentation.
Penapaian ialah proses yang menyebabkan larutan glukosa/air kapur menjadi
keruh ./Fermentation is a process that causes the glucose solution/limewater
to turn cloudy .
6 Carta alir di bawah menunjukkan langkah-langkah untuk memperoleh etanol tulen
daripada larutan glukosa. Namakan proses P dan Q. TP1
The flow chart below shows the steps to obtain pure ethanol from a glucose solution.
Name processes P and Q.
glukosa P Etanol Q Etanol tulen P: Penapaian/Fermentation
Glucose Ethanol Pure ethanol Q: Penyulingan/Distillation

7 Mengapakah etanol tulen dapat disuling keluar dalam aktiviti B? TP2

Why can pure ethanol be distilled out in activity B?
Takat didih etanol lebih rendah daripada takat didih air.
The boiling point of ethanol is lower than the boiling point of water.
8 Tandakan ( ✓ ) unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam suatu alkohol. TP1
Tick ( ✓ ) the elements contained in an alcohol.
Karbon Nitrogen Hidrogen Oksigen
Video ✓ ✓ ✓
Carbon Nitrogen Hydrogen Oxygen
9 Tandakan ( ✓ ) satu contoh lain alkohol. TP1
Tick ( ✓ ) one example of other alcohol.
Ammonia/Ammonia Sukrosa/Sucrose ✓ Metanol/Methanol

Kesimpulan Etanol dapat disediakan melalui proses penapaian dan dapat ditulenkan melalui
proses penyulingan ./ Ethanol can be prepared through the process of fermentation
and can be purified through the process of distillation .


Ciri-ciri alkohol PBD
INKUIRI Characteristics of alcohol
Buku teks m/s 150 – 157
2001 BHG. B, S4  2003 BHG. C, S2(a)  2007 BHG. B, S7(b)  2013 BHG. B, S8(d)(ii) & (iii)  2017 BHG. B, S5(a)(ii) & (d)
Tujuan Mengkaji ciri-ciri alkohol/To study the characteristics of alcohol

Bahan dan Etanol (sejenis alkohol), asid etanoik, asid sulfurik pekat, air,
Radas kayu uji, kertas turas, mancis, tabung uji, piring penyejat, Asid sulfurik pekat
bersifat mengakis.
bikar, tungku kaki tiga, kasa dawai, penunu Bunsen
Ethanol (a type of alcohol), ethanoic acid, concentrated sulphuric Concentrated
acid, water, wooden splinter, filter paper, matches, test tube, sulphuric acid is
evaporating dish, beaker, tripod stand, wire gauze, Bunsen burner

Prosedur dan Jalankan aktiviti-aktiviti yang berikut. Kemudian, rekodkan pemerhatian dan berikan
Pemerhatian inferens anda./Carry out the following activities. Then, record the observations and give
your inferences.

Aktiviti Pemerhatian dan inferens

Activity Observation and inference
A. 1 Masukkan sedikit Etanol larut dalam air.
Etanol etanol ke dalam air.
Ethanol Ethanol dissolves in the
Add a little ethanol into
the water. water.
2 Goncang campuran Inferens/Inference:

dalam tabung uji. larut

Alkohol dalam air.
Air Shake the mixture in the

5 Alcohol dissolves in water.

Water test tube.

B. Etanol mudah terbakar

dalam udara dengan nyalaan
biru tanpa jelaga .
Ethanol burns easily in air
Piring penyejat
Etanol to produce a blue sootless flame.
Evaporating dish
Takat didih alkohol rendah .
1 Bakar cecair etanol.
Burn the ethanol. Alkohol mudah terbakar
2 Letakkan sekeping kertas turas di atas dalam udara.
nyalaan itu. The boiling point of alcohol
Place a piece of filter paper above the flame. is low . Alcohol is
easily burned/flammable in air.

C. Bau wangi/buah terhasil.

5 cm3 etanol/ethanol
5 cm3 asid Campuran tidak larut dalam
Kukus air fragrant/fruity
Water + A smell
Beberapa titik asid
sulfurik pekat (mangkin) is produced. The mixture
Panaskan A few drops of does not dissolve in water.
Heat concentrated
sulphuric acid (catalyst) Inferens/Inference:
Alkohol bertindak balas dengan
1 Sediakan susunan radas di atas. asid organik untuk membentuk
Set up the above apparatus. ester .
2 Didihkan campuran dalam tabung uji beberapa
Alcohol reacts with an organic acid
minit dan tuangkan ke dalam air.
Boil the mixture in the test tube a few minutes to form an .
and pour it into water.

Perbincangan 1 Pembakaran etanol menghasilkan gas yang mengeruhkan air kapur dan titisan
tidak berwarna yang menukarkan kertas kobalt klorida daripada biru ke merah
jambu. Lengkapkan persamaan di bawah.
The combustion of ethanol produces a gas that clouds lime water and colourless droplets
that turn cobalt chloride paper from blue to pink. Complete the equation below. TP2
Etanol oksigen Karbon dioksida Air
+ +
Ethanol oxygen Karbon dioksida Water

2 (a) Namakan proses yang berlaku dalam aktiviti C.

Name the process which takes place in activity C.
(b) Lengkapkan persamaan perkataan untuk mewakili proses yang dinamakan di 2(a).
Complete the word equation to represent the process named in 2(a). TP2
asid sulfurik
Alkohol asid organik pekat ester air
+ +
Alcohol organic acid concentrated ester water
sulphuric acid

3 Tandakan ( ✓ ) ciri-ciri lain bagi alkohol (etanol). TP1

Tick ( ✓ ) other properties of alcohol (ethanol).
Mudah meruap Mengakis Mudah terbakar
✓ ✓
Volatile Corrosive Flammable
4 Tandakan ( ✓ ) kegunaan alkohol./Tick ( ✓ ) the uses of alcohol. TP1
Sebagai antiseptik Sebagai bahan api
✓ ✓
As an antiseptic As a fuel

Mengawet makanan Menghasilkan minuman beralkohol

For preserving food For producing alcoholic drinks

Sebagai pelarut organik Menghasilkan perisa tiruan
✓ ✓
As an organic solvent For producing an artificial flavouring
5 Bulatkan kegunaan ester./Circle the uses of ester. TP1

Sebagai perisa makanan Sebagai pelarut organik Membuat minyak wangi

As a food flavouring As an organic solvent Making perfumes

6 Tandakan ( ✓ ) kesan-kesan etanol terhadap kesihatan jika diambil secara berlebihan.

Tick ( ✓ ) the effects of ethanol on health if consumed excessively. TP1
Menyebabkan sesak nafas

Causes shortness of breath
Menambahkan keluasan perut
Increases the stomach area
Melambatkan gerak balas terhadap rangsangan

Slows down response to stimulation
Merosakkan sel-sel hati dan menyebabkan sirosis hati

Damages liver cells and causes liver cirrhosis
Menjejaskan koordinasi otot dan keseimbangan badan

Affects muscle coordination and body balance
Menjejaskan pemikiran, pendengaran, penglihatan dan percakapan

Affects thinking, hearing, vision and speech
Mengakis dinding dalam perut dan menyebabkan gastrik atau ulser

Corrodes the inner stomach walls and causes gastritis or ulcers
Meningkatkan kadar degupan jantung dan tekanan darah tinggi

Praktis Increases the rate of heartbeat and high blood pressure
Kendiri Menyebabkan pengecutan arteri dan mengakibatkan haba terkumpul dalam
badan/Causes the constriction of arteries and leading to the accumulation of
heat in the body

Kesimpulan Alkohol larut dalam air, mudah terbakar dan bertindak balas dengan asid
organik untuk menghasilkan ester ./Alcohol dissolves in water, is flammable

and reacts with organic acids to produce esters .

Standard Kandungan
5.4 Lemak Tarikh:

Lemak tepu dan lemak tak tepu
Saturated fats and unsaturated fats

Buku teks m/s 157 – 160

2011 BHG. C, S12(a)  2014 BHG. B S8
1 Tandakan ( ✓ ) jawapan yang betul untuk membandingkan lemak tepu dengan lemak tak tepu.
Kemudian, isi tempat kosong untuk menunjukkan persamaan antara kedua-dua jenis lemak tersebut
Tick ( ✓ ) the correct answers to compare saturated fats with unsaturated fats. Then, fill in the blanks
to show the similarities between the two types of fat. TP1

Karbon Pepejal Rendah Tumbuhan Organik Kurang Cecair

Carbon Solid Low Plant Organic Less Liquid
Tinggi Baik Haiwan Lebih Oksigen Buruk Hidrogen
High Good Animal More Oxygen Bad Hydrogen

Ciri-ciri Lemak tepu Lemak tak tepu

Properties Saturated fat Unsaturated fat
(a) Sumber lemak Haiwan Tumbuhan
Source of fat Animal Plant

(b) Keadaan pada suhu bilik Pepejal Cecair

State at room temperature Solid Liquid

(c) Takat lebur/Takat didih Tinggi Rendah

Melting point/Boiling point High Low

(d) Kandungan kolesterol Tinggi Rendah

Cholesterol content High Low
5 (e) Bilangan atom hidrogen
Number of hydrogen atoms

(f) Kesan terhadap kesihatan Buruk Baik

Effect on health Bad Good


Lemak ialah sebatian karbon organik yang mengandungi unsur karbon , hidrogen
dan oksigen ./Fats are organic carbon compounds that contain the elements of carbon ,
hydrogen and oxygen .

2 Tuliskan (LT) untuk mewakili lemak tepu dan (LTT) untuk mewakili lemak tak tepu. TP1
Write (SF) to represent saturated fat and (UF) to represent unsaturated fat.
LT Minyak sapi LT Mentega LTT Minyak bijan LT Marjerin
SF Ghee SF Butter UF Sesame oil SF Margarine

LTT Minyak zaitun LT Lemak ayam LTT Minyak sawit LTT Minyak jagung
UF Olive oil SF Chicken fat UF Palm oil UF Corn oil

3 Tandakan ( ✓ ) jenis penyakit yang mungkin dihidapi akibat

pengambilan lemak tepu secara berlebihan. TP1 Galeri Info
Tick ( ✓ ) the types of diseases that might be experienced as a Mentega dibuat daripada susu lembu. Marjerin,
result of consuming excessive amounts of saturated fat. sejenis lemak tepu, dibuat dengan menambahkan
atom hidrogen ke dalam minyak tumbuhan
Arteri tersumbat Tekanan darah tinggi (lemak tak tepu). Proses yang berlaku disebut
✓ ✓
Blocked arteries High blood pressure penghidrogenan.
Diabetes Strok Butter is made from cow’s milk. Margarine, a
✓ type of saturated fat, is made by adding
Diabetes Stroke hydrogen atoms into plant oil (unsaturated fat).
Penyakit jantung Sirosis hati The process that takes place is called
✓ hydrogenation.
Heart diseases Liver cirrhosis

Standard Kandungan
5.5 Minyak sawit Tarikh:

Buah kelapa sawit
Oil palm fruit

Buku teks m/s 160 – 171

2004 BHG. B, S2  2005 BHG. C, S8
1 Jawab soalan yang diberi tentang buah kelapa sawit.
Answer the given questions about oil palm fruit.

(b) Sabut (Mesokarp)
(a) Isirung (Kernel) Pulp (Mesocarp) Praktis
Kernel Kendiri

(c) Tempurung (Endokarp)

Buah kelapa sawit Shell (Endocarp)
Oil palm fruit
(a) Label keratan rentas buah kelapa sawit dengan menggunakan perkataan-perkataan berikut.
Label the cross-section of the oil palm fruit with the following words. TP1

Sabut (Mesokarp Tempurung (Endokarp) Isirung (Kernel)

Pulp (Mesocarp) Shell (Endocarp) Kernel

(b) Bahagian manakah pada buah kelapa sawit yang menghasilkan minyak yang paling banyak?
Which part of the oil palm fruit produces the most oil? TP1
Sabut (Mesokarp)/Pulp (Mesocarp)

(c) Bahagian lain yang manakah pada buah kelapa sawit menghasilkan sedikit minyak tetapi
berkualiti tinggi?
Which other part of the oil palm fruit produces a little oil but of high quality? TP1
Isirung (Kernel)/Kernel
2 Tandakan ( ✓ ) kelebihan minyak sawit.
Tick ( ✓ ) the advantages of palm oil. TP1
Tiada kolesterol Mengandungi vitamin Mengandungi asid
✓ ✓ ✓
Cholesterol-free A dan E lemak dan beta
Contains vitamin A and E karotena (antioksida)
Mengandungi vitamin C Mengandungi lemak Contains fatty acid
✓ and beta carotene
Contains vitamin C tak tepu
Contains unsaturated fat (anti-oxidant)

3 Lengkapkan peta alir tentang langkah-langkah pemprosesan minyak daripada buah kelapa sawit.
Complete the flow map about the steps of oil processing from the oil palm fruit. TP1

Penurasan Pensterilan Penulenan Pengekstrakan Pencernaan Penanggalan

Filtration Sterilisation Purification Extraction Digesting Threshing

(a) Pensterilan/Sterilisation (c) Pencernaan/Digesting

(b) Penanggalan/Threshing
• Buah distimkan • Mesokarp dipisahkan
• Buah dipisahkan
untuk membunuh daripada tempurung
daripada tandan
mikroorganisma Mesocarp is separated
Fruits are separated
Fruits are steamed to from the shell
from the bunch
kill microorganisms

(f) Penulenan/Purification
(e) Penurasan/Filtration (d) Pengekstrakan/Extraction
• Bau dan warna minyak
• Bendasing • Minyak ditekan keluar
disingkirkan Oil is pressed out
The odour and colour
Impurities are removed
of the oil are removed


Pengekstrakan minyak sawit PBD
INKUIRI Extraction of palm oil
Buku teks m/s 160 – 171
Tujuan Mengkaji proses pengekstrakan minyak daripada sabut (mesokarp) dan isirung (kernel)
kelapa sawit/To study the process of oil extraction from the pulps (mesocarp) and kernels
of oil palm fruits.

Bahan dan 5 biji buah kelapa sawit, pisau, forsep, alat penekan
Radas 5 oil palm fruits, knife, forcep, press
Prosedur Air Alat penekan
Water Press

Buah kelapa
Oil palm

Minyak sawit
Panaskan Palm oil

     Rajah/Diagram (a)      Rajah/Diagram (b)

1 Rebus lima biji buah kelapa sawit dalam air didih selama kira-kira 20 minit. (Rajah
(a))./Boil five oil palm fruit in boiling water for about 20 minutes (Diagram (a)).
2 Keluarkan buah kelapa sawit dari bikar dengan menggunakan forsep.

Remove the palm oil from the beaker using a forcep.

3 Asingkan sabut daripada tempurung buah kelapa sawit dengan pisau.

5 Separate the pulp from the oil palm fruit using a knife.
4 Masukkan sabut ke dalam alat penekan untuk diperah (Rajah (b)).
Put the pulp into the a presser for squeezing out the oil (Diagram (b)).
5 Kumpulkan minyak sawit yang diekstrakkan daripada sabut di dalam bikar.
Collect the extracted palm oil from the pulp in a beaker.
6 Potong tempurung buah kelapa sawit dan keluarkan isirung.
Cut the shells of the oil palm fruits and remove the kernel.
7 Ulang langkah 4 hingga 5 untuk memperoleh minyak isirung.
Repeat steps 4 to 5 to get the kernel oil.
8 Banding dan bezakan warna dan kuantiti minyak yang diekstrakkan daripada
sabut dan isirung./Compare and contrast the colours and quantities of extracted oils
from the pulps and kernels.

Jenis minyak/Type of oil Warna/Colour Kuantiti/Quantity

Sabut/Pulp Merah/Red Banyak/A lot

Isirung/Kernel Kuning/Yellow Sedikit/A little

Perbincangan 1 Apakah tujuan memanaskan sabut dalam air didih? TP2

What is the purpose of heating the soap in boiling water?
Untuk melembutkan buah./To soften the fruit.

2 Gambar di sebelah menunjukkan minyak masak.

Nyatakan bahagian buah kelapa sawit yang
membekalkan minyak tersebut.
Video The photo on the right shows a cooking oil. State the
part of the oil palm fruit that supplies the oil. TP1
Sabut (Mesokarp)/Pulp (Mesocarp).

Kesimpulan Sabut membekalkan lebih banyak minyak berbanding dengan isirung .

The pulps supply more oil as compared to kernels .


Sifat kimia dan pengunaan minyak sawit
The chemical property and the uses of palm oil

Buku teks m/s 160 – 171

1 Minyak sawit menjadi tengik disebabkan satu proses. Nyatakan proses dalam ruang yang disediakan.
Palm oil becomes rancid because of a process. State the processs in the space provided. TP1

Minyak dibiarkan beberapa
minggu atau bulan

Oil is left for weeks or months


2 Namakan satu perubahan fizik bagi minyak sawit di mana minyak sawit dipecahkan kepada titisan-
titisan minyak kecil oleh hempedu di badan kita./Name a physical change for palm oil where palm oil
is broken down into small oil droplets by bile in our body. TP1

3 Namakan tindak balas antara molekul minyak sawit dengan air dalam kehadiran enzim pencernaan
lipase atau asid untuk menghasilkan gliserol dan tiga asid lemak./Name the reaction between palm oil

molecul with water in the presence of the digestive enzyme lipase or acid to produce glycerol and three
fatty acids. TP1

4 Tandakan ( ✓ ) produk berasaskan minyak sawit dalam bidang penjagaan kesihatan, makanan dan
bukan makanan./Mark ( ✓ ) palm oil based products in healthcare, food and non-food. TP1

(a) (b) (c) (d)

✓ ✓ ✓

Minyak masak Lilin Yogurt Coklat

Cooking oil Candle Yogurt Chocolate

(e) (f) (g) (h)

✓ ✓ ✓

Sos tiram Susu pekat Marjerin Krim rambut

Oyster sauce Condensed milk Margarine Hair cream

(i) (j) (k) (l)

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Makanan tambahan Minyak pelincir Sabun Kosmetik

Food supplement Lubricating oil Soap Cosmetics


Tindakan pencucian sabun
The cleansing action of soap

Buku teks m/s 160 – 171

2003 BHG. C, S2(b)
1 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu molekul sabun. Label bahagian P dan Q. Kemudian, lengkapkan
ruang tentang molekul sabun itu. TP1
The diagram below shows a soap molecule. Label parts P and Q. Then, complete the spaces on the soap

Air Hidrofilik Gris Hidrofobik Minyak

Water Hydrophilic Grease Hydrophobic Oil

(a) Bahagian ekor/Tail part (b) Bahagian kepala/Head

P: Hidrofobik/Hydrophobic Q: Hidrofilik/Hydrophilic
• Larut dalam minyak • Larut dalam Kendiri
atau gris air
Dissolves in oil or Dissolves in
grease Molekul sabun water

Soap molecule

2 Lengkapkan ruang tentang tindakan pencucian sabun. TP1 

Complete the spaces on the cleansing action of soap.

Menarik/Attracts Mengelilingi/Surround Hidrofilik/Hydrophilic Larut/Dissolves

Dipecahkan/Broken down Hidrofobik/Hydrophobic Terapung/Float Ketegangan/Tension

Gris (a) Sabun larut dalam air dan molekul sabun

mengelilingi permukaan gris.
Soap dissolves in water and the soap molecules
Air surround the grease.
(b) Bahagian hidrofilik larut dalam air.
The hydrophilic part dissolves in water.
Permukaan kain (c) Bahagian hidrofobik larut dalam gris.
Surface of cloth
The hydrophobic part dissolves in grease.

(d) Air menarik bahagian hidrofilik untuk menanggalkan

gris daripada permukaan kain.
The water attracts the hydrophilic part to lift the grease
off the surface of cloth.
(e) Semasa bilasan, kotoran dipecahkan menjadi titisan-
titisan kecil.
Upon rinsing, the dirt is broken down into small droplets.

(f) Buih sabun menyebabkan gris terapung dan kotoran

The soap bubbles cause the grease to float and dirt is

Eksperimen Wajib 10: Menghasilkan sabun melalui proses saponifikasi (rujuk silang m.s.183 – 184).
Compulsory Experiment 10: Produces soup through saponification process (cross reference pp.183 – 184).

Kertas 1
Arahan: Setiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, A, B, C dan D. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik.
Instructions: Each question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer.
1 Antara yang berikut, yang mana­ A Nasi/Rice 7 Rajah 4 menunjukkan per­ sa­
kah sebatian karbon bukan B Telur putih/Egg white maan perkataan tentang proses
organik?/Which of the following is C Minyak sapi/Ghee pembuatan sabun.
an inorganic carbon compound? D Betik/Papaya Diagram 4 shows a word equation
A Glukosa/Glucose KLON SPM 2012 for the process of making soap.
B Protein/Protein
C Etanol/Ethanol 5 Rajah 2 menunjukkan per­ Minyak sawit + X → Y +
D Kalsium karbonat samaan kimia yang mewakili gliserol
Calcium carbonate pengesteran./Diagram 2 shows a Palm oil + X → Y + glycerol
KLON SPM 2009/2011
chemical equation that represents Rajah 4/Diagram 4
2 Rajah 1 menunjukkan proses esterification.
penghasilan etanol. Apakah bahan X dan Y?

Diagram 1 shows the production Alkohol + K → L + air What are substances X and Y?
of ethanol. Alcohol + K → L + water
yis/yeast karbon Rajah 2/Diagram 2 A Ester Sabun
Glukosa ⎯→ etanol +
dioksida Ester Soap

enzim Apakah bahan K dan L?

Glucose zimase ethanol carbon
zymase dioxide What are substances K and L? B Alkohol Ester

enzyme Alcohol Ester
K L C Asid organik Sabun
Rajah 1/Diagram 1
A Asid organik Ester Organic acid Soap
Apakah proses itu?

What is the process?
Organic acid Ester D Natrium Sabun
A Saponifikasi/Saponification hidroksida Soap
B Minyak sawit Ester
B Pengesteran/Esterification Sodium hydroxide
Palm oil Ester
C Penapaian/Fermentation KLON SPM 2006/2007/2008/2010/2012/2015/2016
D Penghabluran C Ester Asid organik
Crystallisation Ester Organic acid 8 Makanan yang manakah kaya
KLON SPM 2003/2004/2009/2013/2015 dengan lemak tak tepu?/Which
D Asid organik Sabun food is rich in unsaturated fat?
3 Seorang murid ingin meng- Organic acid Soap A Minyak jagung
hasilkan etanol tetapi dia telah
Corn oil
kehabisan larutan glukosa. KLON SPM 2008/2010
B Minyak sapi/Ghee
Apakah bahan yang paling
6 Rajah 3 menunjukkan struktur C Mentega/Butter
sesuai untuk menggantikan
buah kelapa sawit. D Ayam goreng
larutan glukosa?/A student wants
Diagram 3 shows the structure Fried chicken
to produce ethanol but he has run
KLON SPM 2007/2008/2016
out of glucose solution. What is of an oil palm fruit.
the most suitable substance to 9 Bahan manakah merupakan
replace the glucose solution? A bahan antioksida dalam minyak
A Peria/Bitter gourd B sawit?/Which substances are
B Anggur/Grape antioxidant in palm oil?
C Timun/Cucumber C I Karotena/Carotene
D Tomato/Tomato II Vitamin E/Vitamin E
III Lemak tepu/Saturated fat
Rajah 3/Diagram 3 IV Lemak tak tepu/Unsaturated
4 Makanan yang manakah se­kira­
nya diambil secara ber­ le­
bihan Bahagian manakah yang berlabel
akan menyebabkan pengecilan A, B, C dan D, membekalkan A I dan II B I dan III
saiz lumen arteri? paling banyak minyak?/Which of I and II I and III
Which food if taken excessively, the labelled parts A, B, C or D, C II dan IV D I, II dan III
will narrow the size of the supplies the most amount of oil? II and IV I, II and III
lumens of the arteries? KLON SPM 2011/2013 KLON SPM 2003/2017

Kertas 2
Arahan: Jawab semua soalan.
Instructions: Answer all the questions.
Bahagian B/Section B
1 Rajah 1 menunjukkan aktiviti untuk menyediakan sejenis bahan kimia di dalam makmal.
Diagram 1 shows activity to prepare a tpe of chemical in the laboratory.
(a) Namakan bahan kimia itu./Name the chemical.
glukosa [1 markah/1 mark]
solution Air kapur (b) (i) Apakah yang dapat diperhatikan pada air kapur?/
+ Limewater What is your observation of the lime water?
Yis Air kapur menjadi keruh/It turns cloudy
[1 markah/1 mark]
Rajah 1/Diagram 1

(ii) Berikan inferens kepada pemerhatian anda./Give an inference to your observation.

Karbon dioksida terbebas/Carbon dioxide is released
[1 markah/1 mark]
(c) Tulis satu persamaan dalam perkataan bagi tindak balas kimia yang berlaku.
Write one equation in words for the chemical reaction that occured.
Jus tebu/Sugarcane juice → etanol/ethanol + karbon dioksida/carbon dioxide

[1 markah/1 mark]
(d) Berikan satu contoh lain yang dapat menggantikan jus tebu dalam eksperimen ini.

5 Give one other example that can replace sugarcane juice in this experiment.
Glukosa/Jus nanas/Glucose/Pineapple juice
[1 markah/1 mark]
(e) Bagaimanakah hasil yang dihasilkan dapat ditulenkan?/How do we purify the product produced?
Melalui proses penyulingan/Through distillation
[1 markah/1 mark]

Bahagian C/Section C
 KLON SPM 2011 BHG. C, S12 2(a) and (B)

2 (a) Nyatakan dua perbezaan antara lemak haiwan dengan lemak tumbuhan.
State two differences between animal fat and plant fat.  [2 markah/2 marks]
(b) Rajah 2 menunjukkan tiga contoh sebatian karbon organik.
KBAT Diagram 2 shows three examples of organic carbon compounds.


Petroleum Sebatian karbon organik Minyak sawit SPM
Petroleum Organic carbon compounds Palm oil

Rajah 2/Diagram 2

Kaji maklumat dalam Rajah 2 dan bina konsep sebatian karbon organik.
Study the information given in Diagram 2 and construct a concept of organic carbon compounds.
[6 markah/6 marks]
(c) Lemak tepu merupakan sejenis sebatian karbon organik. Pada pendapat anda adakah makanan yang kaya
dengan lemak tepu boleh diambil dalam kuantiti yang besar? Wajarkan jawapan anda.
Saturated fats are a type of organic carbon compound. In your opinion, can foods rich in saturated fat be
consumed in large quantities? Justify your answer. [4 markah/4 marks]


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