Figure 1: Distribution of Respondents According To Gender

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The Figures presented in this section were generated by Google Forms which was utilized by the

proponents in the distribution of the Demand Survey Questionnaires, while the Tables illustrated were
constructed by the researchers themselves. Part 1 of the Demand Survey Questionnaire is the
Respondent’s Profile wherein the following data were gathered:

Figure 1: Distribution of Respondents According to Gender

Gender Number Percentage

Female 50 51%
Male 48 49%
Prefer not to day 0 0%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to Gender

The Figure and Table above shows the Distribution of Respondents According to Gender. Female
respondents dominated the results taking up 51% or 50 responses, while Male respondents closely
follow at 49% or 48 responses, all respondents opted to indicate their gender.
Figure 2: Distribution of Respondents According to Residency

Residency Number Percentage

Barangay 396 44 44.9%
Barangay 397 30 30.6%
Barangay 399 24 24.5%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to Residency

The survey questionnaires are available only for residents within Barangay 396, 397, and 399
which are the closest Barangays around the target location. Among 98 respondents, 44.9% resides
within Barangay 396, 30.6% of them are located in Barangay 397, while the remaining 24.5% belongs to
residents within Barangay 399. When converted to number of people, 44 respondents are from
Barangay 396, while 30 and 24 respondents came from Barangay 397 and 399 respectively, for a total of
98 respondents.

Figure 3: Distribution of Respondents According to Age

Age Number Percentage
15 – 19 years old 65 66.3%
20 – 24 years old 17 17.3%
25 – 29 years old 16 16.3%
30 years old and above 0 0%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to Age

According to Figure 3, the majority of 66.3% or 65 respondents are 20-24 years old, within that
age are either college students or office employees who are the proponents’ primary and secondary
target market. 17.3% or 17 respondents are 15-19 years, while the remaining 16.3% or 16 respondents
are 25-29 years old.

Figure 4: Distribution of Respondents According to their Employment Status

Employment Status Number Percentage

Student 50 51%%
Office Employee 25 25.5%
Working Student 23 23.5%
Others 0 0%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to their Employment Status

The respondents’ employment status is divided into general categories: Students, which take up
51% or 50 or the respondents, Office Employees gathering 25.5% or 25 responses, and Working
Students having 23.5% or 23 responses. All respondents fall into the predetermined categories which is
why there are no responses on the Others option.
Figure 5: Distribution of Respondents According to their Source of Income

Source of Income Number Percentage

School Allowance 50 51%%
Salary 25 25.5%
School Allowance & Salary 23 23.5%
Others 0 0%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to their Source of Income

As shown above, the data gathered from the Distribution of Respondents According to their
Employment Status and the data from the Distribution of Respondents According to their Source of
Income are the same. This is because their Source of Income depends on their Employment Status,
naturally, Students’ income come from their School Allowance, Office Employees have Salaries, and
Working Students both have School Allowance and Salary.
Figure 6: Distribution of Respondents According to their Personal Monthly Income/Allowance

Personal Monthly
Number Percentage
Php 3,000 and Below 3 3.1%
Php 3,001.00 - Php 7,000.00 47 48%
Php 7,001.00 - Php 11,000.00 17 17.3%
Php 11,001.00 - Php 15,000.00 15 15.3%
Php 15,001.00 - Php19,000.00 9 9.2%
Php 19,001.00 and Above 7 7.1%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to their Personal Monthly Income/Allowance

The Distribution of Respondents According to their Personal Monthly Income/Allowance is also

related to the respondents’ Employment Status and Source of Income. Naturally, the income/allowance
received by Office Employees and Working Students is higher compared to Students. As shown on the
Table above, when you add the first two choices, you will get 50, which is equal to the number of
Student respondents shown on the Distribution of Employment Status and Source of Income Tables. The
number of Office Workers and Working Students are distributed across the different choices.
On the other hand, Part 2 of the Demand Survey Questionnaire contains the Survey Questions
which can help the proponents in the evaluation of Pen Station’s feasibility. The following information
are observed:

Figure 7: Distribution of Respondents According to their Pen Purchase Frequency

Frequency Number Percentage

Daily 3 3.1%
1 – 2 times a week 32 32.7%
3 – 4 times a week 26 26.5%
5 times a week 8 8.2%
1 – 3 times a month 29 29.6%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to their Pen Purchase Frequency

32.7% takes up the majority of the responses, this belongs to the group of people who purchase
their pens 1 – 2 times a week, the second largest number of responses came from the people who
purchase pens 1 – 3 time a month having 29.6% of answers, respondents who purchase pens 3 – 4 times
a week came in third with 26.5%, 8.2% of the respondents buy 5 times a week while the remaining 3.1%
of the people purchase pens on a daily basis.
Figure 8: Distribution of Respondents According to their Weekly Spending on Pen Stationery

Weekly Spending Number Percentage

Below Php 100 33 33.7%
Php 101.00 - Php 200.00 48 49%
Php 201.00 – Php 300.00 17 17.3%
Php 301.00 – Php 400.00 0 0%
Php 301.00 – Php 400.00 0 0%
Above Php 500.00 0 0%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to their Weekly Spending on Pen Stationery

33.7% of respondents spend Php 100 on their pen stationery every week, while 49% spend Php
101.00 – Php 200.00, lastly, the least number of respondents answered that they spend Php 201.00 –
Php 300.00 weekly gathering 17.3% of the responses.
Figure 9: Distribution of Respondents According to Where They Buy Pen

Store Name Number Percentage

National Bookstore 90 91.8%
Conanan Bookstore 41 41.8%
Morayta Bookstore 36 36.7%
Corona Bookstore 49 50%
Others 62 63.3%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to Where They Buy Pen

Distribution of Respondents According to Where They Buy Pen were presented in the Figure and
Table above. Nearby stores were chosen as options in the questionnaire to show which store would be
Pen Station’s biggest indirect competitor. With respondents checking all that applies to their preference,
91.8% or 90 over 98 respondents answered that National bookstore is their selected store to buy pens.
With a 28.5% difference, the respondents’ answers reflected that other than the stores listed by the
proponents in the questionnaire, 63.3% of them buy pens from other stores. Half of the respondents
visit Corona Bookstore to purchase pens, 41.8% go to Conanan Bookstore, and 36.7% answered Morayta
Bookstore as their go-to pen store. Do take note that the respondents were allowed to choose more
than one option, which is why when the number of the responses are totaled, it will exceed 98. On the
other hand, the percentages were computed by dividing the number of responses by 98.
Figure 10: Distribution of Respondents According to the Type of Pen They Usually Buy

Type of Pen Number Percentage

Ballpoint Pen 86 87.8%
Rollerball Pens 14 14.3%
Gel Pens 52 53.1%
Friction Pens 55 56.1%
Others 41 41.8%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to the Type of Pen They Usually Buy

There are different variants of pen that users use. Ballpoint pens use oil-based ink having a
lighter color and does not bleed nor smudge, it is also suitable for all types of paper and is the least
expensive among other types of pens, due to these advantages, 86 over 98 of the respondents or 87.8%
answered Ballpoint pen as the type of pen that they usually buy. On the other hand, Rollerball pens are
water based, has a thicker and more vibrant color, but usually bleeds and transfers to the palm when
writing, 14 respondents opted for this, taking up 14.3% Gel pens, having 53.1% of responses are gel
based as the name suggests, it has similar features with Ballpoint pens but has a clearer ink. Friction
pens are erasable pens without the use of correction tape or white out, although it can be expensive, it
still garnered 56.1% of responses, 41.8% of the respondents opted for others as well which could include
markers however, such choices would not be relevant to the research. Again, do take note that the
number of responses and their corresponding percentage is not totaled because the respondents were
allowed to choose more than one option.
Figure 11: Distribution of Respondents According to their Preferred Pen Features or Criteria

Feature/Criteria Number Percentage

Ink Color 89 90.8%
Ink Thickness/Boldness 55 56.1%
Ink Material (Water based, Gel, 54 55.1%
Handy 49 50%
Price 83 84.7%
Popularity 4 4.1%
Others 12 12.2%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to their Preferred Pen Features or Criteria

Allowing respondents to choose multiple selections, reflected above are their answers according
to their preferred pen features or criteria. Choices Ink Color and Price raced to 90.8% and 84.7%
respectively, this manifests that respondents and potential customers mostly consider the color of the
ink based on their needs and the price that they are willing to pay for it. Ink Thickness and Ink Material
comes in third and fourth having only one difference at 56.1% and 55.1%, Handy comes in close at 50%.
Respondents prefer other features other than listed in the questionnaire having 12.2% choose Others,
according to the responses, the least feature or criteria that respondents take in consideration is its
popularity garnering only 4.1% of the responses.
Figure 12: Distribution of Respondents as To Whether or Not They Have Experienced Losing
Their Pen

Responses Number Percentage

Yes 88 89.8%
No 10 10.2%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents as To Whether or Not They Have Experienced Losing
Their Pen

Aside from convenience, the researchers could also lessen the prospective customers’ problems
with regards to the misplacement of their pens resulting to having to borrow or buy another one when
the need to write arises. When asked whether or not they have experienced the difficulty of losing their
pen, 89.8% or 88 respondents answered Yes while the remaining 10.2% answered No.
Figure 13: Distribution of Respondents According to Their Interest

Pen Features Number Percentage

Pen with OTG and Flash Drive 66 67.3%
Pen with Sanitary Alcohol 23 23.5%
Pen with Phone Stand 18 18.4%
Wearable Bracelet Pen 17 17.3%
None of the above 7 7.1%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to Their Interest

Having to choose more than one selection, Pen with OTG and Flash Drive gathered 66 over 98
responses (67.3%), Pen with Sanitary Alcohol comes next with 23 (23.5%) responses. Pen with Phone
Stand (18.4%) and Wearable Bracelet Pen (17.3%) had one response difference being 18 and 17
respectively. Lastly, 7 (7.1%) respondents do not find the listed Pen Features interesting having to
choose None of the Above.
Figure 14: Distribution of Respondents as To Their Willingness to Buy a Pen with OTG Flash

Responses Number Percentage

Yes 85 86.7%
No 13 13.3%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents as To Their Willingness to Buy a Pen with OTG and Flash

The proponents included a question which could determine the willingness of the respondents
and prospective customers’ willingness to buy a product which will be offered by Pen Station. As a
result, 85 respondents (86.7%) said that they are willing to buy a Pen with OTG Flash Drive, while 13
(13.3%) answered No.
Figure 15: Distribution of Respondents According to the Amount They are Willing to Spend for
a Pen with OTG Flash Drive

Amount Number Percentage

Php 50.00 – Php 100 0 0%
Php 101 – Php 150 7 7.1%
Php 151 – Php 200 39 39.8%
Php 201 – Php 250 29 29.6%
Php 251 and Above 11 11.2%
None of the above 12 12.2%
Total 98 100%
Table xx. Distribution of Respondents According to the Amount They are Willing to Spend for a
Pen with OTG Flash Drive

Majority of the respondents said that are willing to spend Php 151 – Php 200 for a Pen with OTG
Flash Drive with 39 responses, equivalent to 39.8%, 29.6% or 29 respondents opted for a higher amount
with the willingness to spend Php 201 – Php 250 for the said product. 11 respondents opted for an even
higher amount with 11.2% or 11 responses for the price Php 251 and Above, 7 respondents (7.1%) said
they are willing to spend Php 101 – Php 150, and no one answered for the Php 50.00 – Php 100 option.
On the other hand, 12 (12.2%) answered None of the above which corresponds to the ones who
answered No in the previous question.

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