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Oleh :

Nama : Yuhannisa
Nim : 17323015
Prodi : s1 Teknik Sipil
Jurusan : Teknik Sipil



A. Struktur Rangka Penahan Momen
1. Outline of the Structure

Gambar 1. Tampak depan dan Samping

Gambar 2. Tampak Atas Struktur

Gambar 3. Portal Y

Gambar 4. Portal X
Story K1




bxD 300 x 300

Main Bar 8 - D16

2. Preliminary Calculation
2.1 Structural weight and sustained force by columns

Tabel A-1 Structural Weight

a) Portal X

Floor Floor area Af (m2) Floor Weight Wi(kN) ∑ Wi

2 25 295 295
1 25 295 590

b) Portal Y

Floor Floor area Af (m2) Floor Weight Wi(kN) ∑ Wi

2 12.5 147.5 147.5
1 12.5 147.5 295

Tabel A-2 Column Sustaining Force

a) Portal X
Frame Story Supporting area A (m2) 11.8 x A Sustaining Force N (kN)
2 14.75
x2 1.25 14.75
1 29.5
2 14.75
x1 1.25 14.75
1 29.5

b) Portal Y
Frame Story Supporting area A (m2) 11.8 x A Sustaining Force N (kN)
2 29.5
x2 2.5 29.5
1 59
2 29.5
x1 2.5 29.5
1 59

2.2 Story-shear modification factors for E0

Tabel A-3 Story Shear modification factors

a) Portal X
Modification Factors

Story n 1

2  0 . 75
1  1

b) Portal Y

Modification Factors
Story n 1
2  0 . 75
1  1
Ket : n = Jumlah Lantai
I = Lantai yang di tinjau

3. The First Level Screening Method

3.1 vertical elements categorization and shear stress at ultimate state

Tabel A-4. Vertical elements categorization and shear stress at ultimate state
a) Portal X
Story x1 x1
Column K1 Lt 2 K1 Lt 2
h0/D 11.17 11.16666667
2 Category Column Column
t (N/mm2) 0.93 0.93
Sectional Area A (mm2) 90000 90000
Column K1 Lt 1 K1 Lt 1
h0/D 13.33 13.33
1 Category Column Column
t (N/mm2) 1.00 1.00
Sectional Area A (mm2) 90000 90000
b) Portal Y

Story Y1 Y2
Column K1 Lt 2 K1 Lt 2
h0/D 11.17 11.17
2 Category Column Column
t (N/mm2) 0.93 0.93
Sectional Area A (mm2) 90000 90000
Column K1 Lt 1 K1 Lt 1
h0/D 13.33 13.33
1 Category Column Column
t (N/mm2) 1.00 1.00
Sectional Area A (mm2) 90000 90000

3.2 Strenght Index - C

ßc 

Fc di dapatkan dari hammer Test 45 Mpa

ßc   2.25

A) Portal X
Lantai 1
c. Ac 0,93.(90000  90000)
Cc  .c  .2,25  1.28
W 295x1000

Lantai 2
c. Ac 0,93.(90000  90000)
Cc  .c  .2,25  0.69
W 590 x1000
B) Portal Y
Lantai 1
c. Ac 0,93.(90000  90000)
Cc  .c  .2,25  2,56
W 147,5 x1000
Lantai 2
c. Ac 0,93.(90000  90000)
Cc  .c  .2,25  1,37
W 295x1000

Tabel A-5 Strength index C (the first level screening)

Portal X
Story Member Category C
2 Column 1.28
1 Column 0.69
Portal Y
Story Member Category C
2 Column 2.56
1 Column 1.37

3.3 Basic seismic index of structure E0

Portal X

Story Member Category C F Eo

2 C 1.28 1 0.96
1 C 0.69 1 0.69

Portal Y

Story Member Category C F Eo

2 C 2.56 1 1.92
1 C 1.37 1 1.37
3.4 Seismic Index of structure Is

Portal X :

(2nd story) Is = 0,96 . 1 . 0,93 = 0,897

(1st story) Is = 0,69 . 1 . 0,93 = 0,686

Portal Y :

(2nd story) Is = 1,92 . 1 . 1 = 1,79

(1st story) Is = 1,97 . 1 . 1 = 1,37

Kesimpulan :
Pada lantai 1, untuk portal X dari hasil Is yang di peroleh di dapatkan
kesimpulan bahwa struktur tersebut lemah. Untuk Lantai 2 memilki
struktur yang masih baik.

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