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Notification of Assessment Task Number 2021 

Date of notification  Wednesday 3rd February 2021 

Task type  First hand investigation and scientific report (Student Research Project) 

Due Date   Term 1 Week 6 

Wednesday 3rd March 9am 

Task weighting  30% 

Submission   Compass 
● Each student will complete their work in the logbook created on their science 
classroom page.  
● Once completed, this logbook will be downloaded as a pdf and submitted on 
Compass for marking. 

Syllabus content area/s  Working Scientifically / Research Skills 


Syllabus outcomes to be  A student: 

assessed   ● Develops questions or hypotheses to be investigated scientifically SC5‑4WS 
● Produces a plan to investigate identified questions, hypotheses or problems, 
individually and collaboratively SC5‑5WS 
● Undertakes first-hand investigations to collect valid and reliable data and 
information, individually and collaboratively SC5‑6WS 
● Processes, analyses and evaluates data from first-hand investigations and 
secondary sources to develop evidence-based arguments and conclusions 
● Applies scientific understanding and critical thinking skills to suggest possible 
solutions to identified problems SC5‑8WS 
● Presents science ideas and evidence for a particular purpose and to a specific 
audience, using appropriate scientific language, conventions and 
representations SC5‑9WS 

Criteria for assessment /  You will be assessed on your ability to independently design and perform a first hand 
Rubric   investigation; collect, analyse, and present relevant data; critically think about your 
findings; and formulate a conclusion in response to this; using appropriate scientific 
language and methods of communication throughout your report. 

Feedback  ● Teachers will provide feedback on sections of student’s work at specific 

intervals during weeks 2-6. 
● Feedback to be given with marking criteria upon return of the task. 

Assessment Policy  As detailed in Year 10 Assessment Booklet 2021. 

The Task  
​Individually​, you are to do the following: 
● Choose an investigation from ONE of the suggested areas provided by your class teacher 
● Research and compile relevant background information 
● Develop an Aim and Hypothesis for your investigation 
● Plan and carry out a first-hand investigation (​experiment​) to test your hypothesis 
○ The procedure must include at least one photograph of your experimental setup, or of you 
conducting the experiment. 
● Collate and analyse results and formulate a conclusion 
● Use the student logbook doc and marking criteria as a guide to the requirements of the task.
Marking Guidelines 

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