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.leuelstl poo6 e ulor]] so)ieul

lBqA rouelsrl poo6 E st oqM ouo^ue Moq no^ oc z
,, 6urue1srJ snorcsuoc,, ]noq€ ylel C=1 e Qcle/v\ o
aLulr..l qllM ool6E no^ oc ,!'leeq o^
ieqM lo luecled gz[ ute]el oAA,, 's^es otnseejf '6urue1sr1
I 1e poob ]ou o;e em,4qm ]noQe peo; o
'louupd e qllM suotlsonb 'reuelsrl poo6 e oq o] A or..l ]noQe )jle] r
oq+ JoA SUV
'Ilel cfl_ s,ornsEojf uetlnr,o ued LlclEM
ffi " no^ 'lrun slql ul
dn wuv^ slvoc ilNn
,J, a
il'rJ ]e poo6 fuen 1ou
or,oA lnq 'outuolsll
elul] uorlBctunuluJoc
VOCABULARY Collocations with listen
A ffiffi Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words. Then listen and check your answers.

1 The students all listened (carefully / sympathetically) as the teacher explained what to do.

2 All the voters listened (anxiously / politely) as the winner of the election was announced.
3 Despite the fact that the speech was much too long, everyone listened (patiently / anxiously).
4 The children listened (effectively / with great interest) to the storyteller.
5 A good doctor should listen (sympathetically / with half an ear) to patients' complaints.
6 We are often told to respect our elders and to listen (politely / reluctantly) to what they have to say'
ffi Work with a partner. Take turns asking how you would listen in the following situations. Choose from the
collocations in A, and give reasons for your choices.

1 You are at an airport and there is an announcement about a delay to your flight.
2 You are at a soccer match and the national anthem is being played.

3 A close friend is giving you relationship advice even though you didn't ask for it'
4 You are aI a conference and the speaker is using technical jargon that you don't understand'

lf you're at an airport and there's an announcement about a delay, how would you listen?

l'd listen really ..., loecause ...

''' o] lnldlor.l ]l puB I 'Eopr poo6 e s,]eqt
'rell qIA ]celuoc o^o o>lEul o] Ar] pue ral]ceo]
oLl] ]e )lool | 'sselc ur polcerlslp ]e6 | re^ouor"l^
'no^ dloq ol o^oqp onlq ut suotsseldxo
otll osn asselc ut loqceol ino^ ol 6uruelsr; uoql posncol Iels no{ op oH .louued e qlrnr )loM C
reuyed e qll/v\ uorlpslonuoc oql octlceld g
',{1;n1e:er uelsr;
pue posnco] Aels oL-u dloq {11n1edop1 uotsses s,^ oloLrJo} ut erolu dn .1q0u
11,1eq1 leeds o1fu1 11,1 er,no1 :y
'6ur1eeu s,Aepol ur lernb A11erd ere,u no1 suorlsanb 6ur1se Aq pe6e6ue Aeis
o] fu] I 'polce.rlsrp 5ut1]e0 11els,{ur puU | .to^eLtoql oroLU suorssncstp eq1 ur urol plnoqs no,{ oq,{e6 .ulujH :E
's6urql reqlo ]noqe 6ur1urq1 po)certeprs ,]eq] pou] :V
1oO 11r1s | '>lro^ ],uplp 1l ]nq |
']t ees ],uec I erel{^ elt.tos }r }nd ueq} pue ,,}uelts,,
uo euoqd 11ec Aut urn] 01 inidlotl 1l pul+ I '6ur1eer.u e ut Lt-l,l ueq1 pesncol Aels o1{see sfennle }ou s,}r ,llo1 :E
'6uuapuem, s{ennle
s,purLU [n teqt e1r1 s6urleer-l 0uo1 ur o]€l]uocuoc o] ]lnc4]tp ii-ren 1r pug | .pe]cer]stp ]tq e se^\ | ]nq ,qeo1 :V
1,oo] oreq] no{ 1,uere7q curoq} peeu noA op Aqnn }nE orns :E
l0ur1eeu s,Iepol LroJ] selou.lnoA,mo;roq I ueC :V
;sburleeu ur pesnco+ [e1s g releedg seop oH V
^ ffiiflt
posncol 6ur{e15 cNlyvitds
'leuped e qlyv\ ssncst6 ;1ou {qm lo {q7y1
arolerpor.lJ poo6 e oq plnom no{ 1urq1 no{ og 6ur1celleg
*-* tj,
*.-..L1 t
's;;11s 6uruelsr;
rno enordrur o1 senr6 ro)te1 sdrl eerql lsrl pue LtclEAA
[[E$$l$ g
1,e1ndsrp eq] onlosor aLl ptp l oH
aenr6 eq seop e;du.rexe crlrceds lell^ 'loletpotx B se L.llt^ sleop
orl sonssr lo sput>l orll lnoqe llel rolleM pt^EC qcleM V
" ueau)noros "'teqtsureset,nolos
#11.Ho;l ffi
nor 1eq1os prBS selr ouooLuos leq^ .0]3ii'ji"'',::ft:[:T.:X* n"o, poo6 e s,11
uorlerpol/\ cNtNfIsl'I
Sound fmcts
LANGUAGE FOCUS Learning to listen

I ffiIfs Read the information. Which fact do you find most surprising?


The next time you get ready to have a conversation with someone, consider these facts about sound and listening.

o 85o/o of what we learn

is through listening
(not talking or reading)
We think at least $*arr
times faster than we speak.

ln a spoken message,
$ Less than ??a of the only Za/o is conveyed by
population has had the words u56d. i.,:;':,,
formal training on how of the meaning is derived from
to listen. facial expressions, and 387o is
indicated by the tone of voice.
listening to someone talk, we
ffi After
immediately recall about
sffi of what
Words are processed by our
ffi was said. One hour later, we remember short-term memory. lmages go
less than 8$sl" of what we heard. directly into long-term memory.

E ffiE[[ Listen to the conversation. What was Tom's problem? What does Jane suggest?

C ffiffiI[p Watch and study the language in the chart.

Reporting what someone said

"Listening is a learned process." ," i5'5 r" (that) listening was a learned process.

"You'll have to bring your notes tomorrow." She said (that) I would have to bring my notes the next day

"Don'tinterrupt." He told me not to interrupt.

"How did your test go?" She asked him how his test had gone,

"You should use audio-visuals." She suggested that I use audio-visuals.

"l'll buy you lunch today." He promised to buy her lunch that day.

According to experts. multitasking is often a barrier to effective listening.

For rnore information on reported speech, see Gramrnar Summary 10 on page 1BB"

'suolsnlcuoc lno^ lol suosEol o^lc '6uluolsll o^llcolJo
18l g
sluonold ro sdloq qdel6 eql ul +uoLuolels qseo loqloqn ssncslp 'rcuyed lnol q1t11
]er.ll pres eldoed 1o luecred A4t1
saf Eugrelvrsue eldoed 1o Yo
00t 08 09 0v oz 0
'acuo eql tE lou LU,l uoql uo^s
%96 'lio^^ moqe 6uyu;q1 dols 1,uec ;
'euoqd 1;ec
%19 {u o1 pelclppe Lu,1
'eldoed roqlo ql!^
%tz ezrqledua o1 [see l! Pull I
'Iep e rnoq euo lseol
%98 le rol elpoLu lPlsos asn I
'6u11;e1 ere {eq1 ueqnn
%09 eldoed ldnr;elut lenau I
'luotuolels L{ceo Ouluodol suln} o}Ef
A oloq qder6 eq1 'sl;ed u1 lloM V
lr lnoqe reuyed tno{ 1;e1 'Aeruns E }o s}lnsol otl} sA oLls
{eruns V CNIyVlldS
'suotsse;dxe letce] pue e6en6uel {poq r1eq1-}r {es {eLll t-1clt.ll ul [em eq1]nq 's^PS
ouooulos IEIIM o] ]snllou uolluope esolc {ed oA }eLl} , eq '0utue1s1;
enrice s,e;doed eno;dLtlt oi lep;o ul ,,'UB 6utlp,, n l!
_=.-_==-.-q uone uosuelg
ifttntlce enlssed e se Dutualsll ]o IUlq] eldoed Aueu '{le}eunuo}u(-l pue UoJJo 'snco}
sernber Llctql 'sreLuolsnc pue J+Els Llorl )ceqpool o1 [;;n1erec uo]sll o] poou sropeal
ssoulsnq leql
'-=-o eg 's6ul1eep ssoulsnq uA o sltl ulo4 selopcoue
porerls pue 'd;qs.lepeel poo6.;o11uepodr-ut sem 6utue1st1 Iqrut I
oq'soqoJ LlltM A elnloiul ue ul 'sleue1sll 1eer6 z srop€ol
lseqeql-dnorg ut6rtl Io repunoj oq]-uosuerB preL{cl5
ate plPs pallec
alaM olburplocce pauteldxe pelse66ns
BJlxo ore suotldo oA I 'xoq oql LUoII sproM oql Llll/v\ uolleurolul eq1e1eldLuo3 3
LUrr_l plo] eqs
,, furor'n ],uoc,, e
]ELl] pres oH
,, saplls pue spte lensn olol.ll osn ol fu] ll,l,, Z
Lultl pe)lse eqs
,,l6uturoiu srLl1 oO uotlelueserd lnoA ptp nnop1,, t
'pres sreleeds
oLl] leql elum 'qceeds peyodal 6uts6 'ute6e g ul uollesro^uoc oql o] uolsll ffi$ Of
*-H Wililf

Wffirem ffimmR mrffi mff


PRE-READING Predicting/Skimming
A Who do you think are generally better listeners: high school students
younger kids? Predict and discuss with a partner' 7f r\
B Skim the first two paragraphs' Check your prediction' t/ A

1 ,. ', o you think you're a good listener?
Chances are you do. But studies show that
' . most people seriously overestimate their
ability to listen. The truth is we are generally not
s Qood at listening, and our listening
declines as we age.
This was proven by Dr. Ralph Nichols, a pioneer
in the scientific study of listening behavior' With the
help of school teachers in N/innesota, he conducted
ro a simple experiment to test students' listening
skills, He had teachers stop what they were doing
mid-class, and then asked students to describe
what their teachers had been talking about You
might assume that older kids, with more developed barriers to effective listening. The younger students

rs brains, would be better listeners' The results' Dr. Nichols's experiment were better listeners
however, showed otherwise:While 90 percent of because their brains were less developed-they
first- and second-graders gave correct responses'
lacked the extra brain power to be distracted'
this percentage dropped rapidly as the students 35 Another factor that contributes to our poor
older. A little under half of junior high students could
listening is our ever-decreasing attention span'
zo remember correctly, and only 25 percent of high
According to a study conducted by tVlicrosoft'
school students got the answers right' the age of smartphones has had a negative
So why aren't we good at listening? One reason
impact here. ln 2000-around the time the mobile
concerns the speed at which we think' The adult
+o revolution began-the average human attention
brain can process up to around 400 words per
span was 12 seconds; by 2013, it had fallen to
zs minute, more than three times faster than the speed
B seconds. Even a goldfish-with an average
an average person speaks. This means that we can
attention span of 9 seconds-can hold a thought for
easily think about something else while someone
talking to us, allowing our mind to wander or get
sidetracked. Thinking about how you will reply while
45 Our mobile devices also provide constant
distractions, which can be very disruptive to listening'
so someone is still talking is one of the most common

puelsrepun '6urue1st1 allll^A posnco] Aels sn dleq uec
,,'Lror.l] o] uolsll o1 sl eldood
lo 6uqe1-e1ou ]o ]c'e elduts eq1
'poolsropun oq pue puelsropun ]celuoo e[e OuryeLu
o] ISoq eLlI
^eM uen3 'Outuelsll onllce lno onoldtut uec 'eldLuexe
lo1 ''
o] poeu olli sl speou ueLUnLl llE +o clseq ]soLU
e1 'suollouro pue e6enOuel{poq s,re>1eeds e eruesqo o1
or.ll, 'ples ecuo sloqclN tldleH rc sv'Aueu ore
aq1 os-Alleuotsselord Ourureel 'ectlcerd qOnorqt pedolenep oq uec leL]] ll!)s
Ourue1sr1 enllco11e lo sprel er pue orol4
enn 6urq1fuene ul olol e sr 6utue1st1 ]eLl] ozlpol mou eldoed olou
pue {11etcos tl}oq-op
'ol oneq 1,uop,(eq11nq-{1r1rqe oullcep
6utue1st1 ul
s! eLlI se
lerluoc e sAeld 6utue1stl leLl] ]cel
'seopl ctleluelp e osnec uec 'leuolllpel] e.lotu lo lelt6tp
A ou Pue suotlse66ns
uoLl] o16utue1st1 ere oz lot-.lleLlA'suollcellslp leLllo pu€ suotldnleluI
lnidleq rollo ol A1e1r1 ssel ore
' uotlcellslp leuq e Ouurnollo] uorleslonuoc ocel-o1-oc€]
sassoq llotl] o^olleq ],uop oLlM see^oldue leLl] plnoc eldoed
a91 e 1o luecred OL ]noqE (uo requueuer
pelecrpur punof yewebeue4l p Awepecy 'A6olouqce] pl6lp 1o e6e
poo6 'Apn1s 2961- e o1 Dutploccy
utApnls V srepeolrepoq oleLu sreue1s11 ']uecied cs
or-ll ololeq uo^e penlosqo oloM slnsol PllLUlS
ere oL.lA eldoed leq] slse66ns osle Llcreosog
sron ol (e6esseuL
'Lrodde.r pllnq pue llol L.uee] ocuequo oI uenold 67 Aq uotsueqerdLuoc 6utue1sr1
e Outlcedxe 1sn[uene ro) e6esseul euoqd 11ec
uooq seLl I se 'Outuelsll enllcoile ul soslnoc
Aueyl [q peldrurelur6uteq ]ELl] uA oqs oneLl s]lnso'r ]sel
eptnord Mou sesseulsnq pue slooqcs
, , j&"
W 'Aurtqe rno
I it:I!,]
# ":
t ***

Which sentence is the author most likely to agree with?

a There are many techniques we can use to help us stay focused while listening, but the best way to improve
our listening skills is to limit our use of modern technology.
b Effective listening is something we all do automatically, although most of us need to be taught the proper
tools and techniques in order to be good at it.

c The mobile revolution has had a negative impact on our ability to listen, but there are various techniques
we can use to improve our listening skills.


Complete the diagram showing causes and effects


Adults havel
are more likely to be distracted.
brains and
+ Our listening ability
as we

The brain can process information three times We tend to multitask while listening and get
3- than the speed an +
average human speaks

N/any people today own
and other mobile devices.
--+ We have a shorter
have to dealwith many 7-

It/any companies now provide training in

+ Bosses who undergo this training are more likely
to become better e-


A lr/atch the words in blue from the passage to their definitions.

1 overestimate o o one who is first or among the earliest to do something

2 pioneer o o to make something better; improve

3 disruptive o o a good relationship or understanding among a group of people

4 enhance o o to judge too highly or favorably

5 rapport o o causing trouble and therefore stopping an activity from continuing as usual


Reflecting What behavior mentioned in the passage are you most guilty of? What can you do to change
this? Discuss with a partner.

:enbtutlco] 0utuelsq :enbtuqcelOutuelsq :enbtuqcelOuluelsq
'Ae,tte 'oslou oL..l] ocllou
sroloLu lBJoAes sl oq puE 'Ouiles st Apnq pue ]t o] pesn ]eO
Asrou q6noql uene
sL 1r releeds eql oslo 6uttllAue no{ 's1eer,,t A o} e loUV
'Lr-ilq ol uorluolle OutAed ]ou 'osrou l€leuoD Pue ctgell
reoq no^'eu€u
;noA 1no sllec pue sontlle ere no1'setn6tl pue slcel or-.1] lle +o esneceq deels
puoul V '6ur>11e1 eldoed Ae1 euros ut polse;olur o] preq 1r pug noA 'lsrg ]V
A;uo ere no1'ornicol 'Airc eql ol eptsfulunoc
+oslol Aq pepuno;;ns
'Aped e 1e ere no1 e olOutuelstl ele no1 elll uoll o^ou no^
0 oueuocs z oueuocs L olJeuocs
6urie1;r1 c Outcuololllp q uorlrubocel uleged e
'c lo 'q 'e e1t.t11 'olleuocs +colloc oql ol xoq oL{} ut senbtuqcel 6utue1sll
elll r.lclel4 'llel OII olll Io L ued Llcle^ ual.ll'^ oloq solreuocs or..ll pEoU V
Ourueddeq sl lellm 6u;nnou1 pue s6ulpunollns s,euo lo ereme 9
luepodurtlou t
ocrlou ol [see 1ou setl;enb Dutneq g
6ur[o[ue 7
IBLUIOU :^epfue^o l
'llel c=ll oLll ul splo/t^
oseq+ reor.1 lltA no1 '6utueeur sll ol plol ploq L{cEo t.lctelA 'oloqe sqdel6ered oq} pEoH
cNlA SnSUd
isdiqsuollpp;1n;6utueou UIE1uIeLU pue roqloue euo
puElsJepun 4n,r1uecro,tn {enn Aluo eq1 eq Aer-u ,,Outuq+stt
€holeQUoc;,.iuotlusl1€ Jo] Out]adu"loc st euofuene Qlaqnn
ppon peoed:lsei B ul1eq1s1 Dutpeeds qpoltrt,eepls.a;nseo;i uellnf
pnsnun ol.ll o] 'le! !+.pu€ augpunu ogl u;o4-spunos jo spull ]uols#!p 6uyones
sonlo^ul slrll 'uotleetunulLuoc,oeue!,luo ol Iean sno1esuoc alou,E .Lll Llslsll uee o/v\
MorJ uo sosncol€H 'uolleclunrruloc pue punos uo Uedxo ue q eHnSVgUI Nvnnt
rffi&&ffiq e*ffi&ffi*fr ffi& mffiwffie ffiefrd ool
B ilHftfl Watch Parl2 of the TED Talk. Would Julian Treasure agree with the following
statements? Circle Y for yes or N for no'
1 Sounds help define our surroundings. YN
2 Listening is difficult and tiring because the world is now so noisy. Y N

3 N/any people nowadays prefer quick sound bites to actual conversations' Y N

4 We are becoming more sensitive to noise and what's being said in the media Y N

5 lt's less important for us to practice conscious listening now because of Y N

modern technology.

G Hffil[f,f Watch Part 3 of the TED Talk. tt/atch each tool for conscious listening in the box to
its corresponding exercise.

silence the mixer savoring

1 Listen closely to the ticking of a clock. Nod your head in time with the "beat" of the clock, as if
you are listening to music on headphones.

2 Find a quiet area in your house, and sit on the floor in a cross-legged position. Close your eyes,
clear your mind, and meditate for a few minutes.

3 Listen to a song and identify the different instruments and voices you hear. Practice differentiating
one sound from another.

D ffiffills| Watch Part 3 of the TED Talk again. G)

What does the acronym RASA mean? Fill out
the acronym in the space provided on the right. @

Applying Which statement below do you personally agree with the most? Explain your
reasoning to a partner and give examples. As you discuss, take turns applying the RASA

a I want to make a list of mundane sounds and practice savoring each of them.
b I think conscious listening is an imporlant skill and should be taught in schools.
c I need to limit my use of social media and have more meaningful face-to-face conversations with
my friends.


ffi!!@ Watch the excerpts from the TED Talk. Choose the correct meaning of the words

eueou {eq1op lpr..l11 e}o 1urq1 noA uec suluorce reL.l}o }ELIM 'rouued e qltm IloM C
@ @
o @
@ @
G) @
'ueou Aeql leqan oJns ]ou e;,no{ 1t dn
Luoq+ lool {eur no1 'peprnord eceds oq} ur uoL1} }o r{cee }no lllJ 'stu[uorce uoulLlJoc oA l ole l oleg g
,,'spreruoue suotisenb
)se 'YSypue :uorlecrunurLUoc ur luepodLul fuen st ,os, prom eql'oruewwns :,yo, ,'qo, ,'LULllt-1, o)ll soslou
e1pr1 OurleLu 'epoeddy iuosred oLiI oI uorluepe {ed sueour qcrql 'o^/acau VSVU
puv 'ecuosse ;o ecrnIro] prol ]rrysues eq] sr
qclq^ 'VSVU st tu[uorce eq1 LuAuorce ue '{11eug puy,,
'sosn eq eserqd eql q+l/v\ A oloq ldrecxe eq1 elelduuog ;Outueeur s1t ule;dxe
pup VSVU lu{uo;ce oq} ocnpor}ur or1 soop oH 'llef CfI
S,ornseorf uerlnn 1o yed qc}eM EIIffiH V
A;redo;d 6urueeur s1r
ureldxe no{ erns olELrJ 'uor}e}uoserd e ur orul} }srl eL{} ro1 uuAuotce ue 6utsn ueql1
'fuesseceu jr slo^ o^ ppe uec no1 'ecunouord o1
i\see sr ]eq] pro^ e olur srogel eq1e6uele ']xoN roquoLuer o] 6urfu1ere noA prom
qceo +o rol]ol ls;r+ eLll o)e] 'ur{uorce ue LUro} o1 'sde1s ro slutod {e>1 puelsrepur-t
pue roqluoLuol ocuerpne .rnoi( dleq o1 {em e^r}ce}ie ue sr sLuAuorce 6ursp
ozrrpLuLUns ol su^uorcE 0ursn slllys NolIVINfsfud
ffimmffiffi me#ffi fr ffi Hmftmmru fr x"xg

COMMUNICATE How good are your listening skills?

A Are you a good listener? Read the questions below and check (/) your answers.

When someone is talking to you, do you ...

1 keep an eye on the clock? tr T tr
2 make eye contact with the speaker? I tr tr
3 pay attention to the speaker's body language? tr T l
4 check your cell phone for messages as you listen? l I T
5 interrupt the speaker if they say something you
disagree with? n I tr
6 think about how you'll reply as you listen? I T tr
7 listen more for facts than for feelings? T tr T
I take notes about important information you've heard? T tr tr
9 wait for the speaker to finish before forming an
opinion? T tr
10 make physical gestures (like nodding) to show that
you're listening? tr tr

B Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering the questions. Circle your partner's answers.

C Look back at the answers. With your paftner, discuss whether you are each good at conscious listening, and
give reasons for your conclusions. You may ask follow-up questions to get more information if necessary.

I think l'm a good listener because L..

That's true. But you also sometimes ...

Asking follow-up questions

a Can you elaborate on that, please? Can you qive an example?

WRITING A survey report

Look at the results above. Write one or two paragraphs summarizing the results of the survey, and include
details about what makes a good listener.

., The survey showed that while l'm generally a pretty good listener, there are still some things I can work
, on to improve my listening skills. ln pafticular, I tend to keep an eye on the clock during conversations.
This is a bad habit because ...
According to the survey, David is good at conscious listening because ...

co^leoeu Jo o^lllsod suolsseldxo osoL.ll erv aspnolc
uorluelu lelll suolsserdxe qsr16u3 i(ue 1o 1utq1 no{ ue3 7
'Lueq1 6urletcerdde uorl ]Uouoq
uec oM A ot-l puE spnolc ]noqe )lB-[ c=Ie LlclEM o
alou [qnt ro [q7171 l,Pllqc B oreM
'ulerq eql slco]Je ornieu Moq inoqe peol o
noA ueqm spnolc eLlI ]e dn 6ur1oo1 [ofue no{ pt6 t
'6ut1se1ououu pue ul^op 6utruto1s ]noQe >lle] o
'reuyed p qll^ suollsenb oql Jo^ suv 'llel OfI
"' iluv\ nof itun slLl] ul
s,{euut6-rolord ut^Pe 1o ped qc}EA f ffi
dn ruuv^ S]VOC IINN
oll'relrAA osuolss
feuu!d-ro]erd u!^eo
J{ '}ueuodtut
os s,]t ,(t,llvt Alesrceld st
uclr..l^^'A1tnt1ce sseliulod
e sr [0ur]]odspn olCl ll

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