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JeAo 's1oqo; 6ut,(11

.sloqor o6rel
e^ell sloqor no^ op sooElue^pe ,{u111o suorlecrldde eq1 }noqe ylel C=I e L{c}€A', o
IpLUS >lurL.lI lell^ z
a)roM ]e loqor e uoos seuorp
ro^e no^ e^eH aAepol L.1llalt sn d;eq sloqor op 1o se6eluenpesrp pue seOeluenpe eql inoqe peol o
'ser6olouqce] o^rle/\ouur roqlo pue sloqor ]noQB >jlEl o
'reuped e qlyv\ suorlsenb eql ro^ suv
S,reLUny {etr11o ped qc1e11IEffi "' nCI/{ 'lrun slui ,-
'Ilel CfI lllA
dn wuv/l/r s]voc ilNn
i ' ,' Joleods o:11 'lst3lloqou
retuny fe[1
& -.r*'
*, /, ,,
l**' -"t*"
dm e#
+r- \

A business owner interacts

with a rohot at his shoP in
Yokohama, JaPan. -1



4 l


Technol n

make a n
VOCABULARY What can robots do?
Read the paragraph below' Then match
each bold word to its definition'
For example' we
Robots are machines that we can program
to handle repetitive or dangerous functions'
than humans' Also'
can do it more quickly and less expensively
use robots to assemble cars because they images from
because we can control them from a distance'
remote-controlled robots can gather data and
while they explore the
can operate robots safely from dry land
inaccessible places. For example, scientists can sometimes
tasks such as surgery' Using robots for surgery
ocean floor. Robots can also perform delicate
loetter than using human hands because
robots can make tinier' more precise movements'

1 program . C USES

2 functions o c to make something work

3 assemble () o managed from far awaY
4 remote-controlled c c to put together
5 oPerate o o to write a set of instructions for a computer
A' One word is extra'
B Complete the sentences using the words in
objects like cell phones
1 Robots often work in factories, where they
it to do'
2 Because a robot is a machine, it only does what we
3 Robots can have manY
robots can go into areas that -are dangerous
for humans'
you? Why or why not?
G Work with a partner. Would you trust a robot to perform surgery on
aop ]r seop ]eq^
'AL leuls {ur sr ecrnep qcel eluonel {p
'no[ dleq o] onoqe anlq ur suorsse;dxe
aLll osn 'lnJasn s,1r [qm pue A6olouqce] ro acr^op oyronel rno{ lnoqe 1;e1 'teuyed B q}!/v\ UoA C
'reuyed B [.1]l/!\ uor]eslo^uoc eq] oct]celd g
iino lr)ceqc o] ]uem | 4mou osnoLlrno{ ol oO enn ueC looc [i1erd spunos ]eq1 :V
i11rq {1rcu1cele Au ecnpe; eLu pedgeq s,}l roneqeq sir }sntpe pue oult} reno e6esn
>lcer] uec ]l ]eq] sl 1 ]noqe lsolu elll I ]€qA 'lno Lx,l ueq^ JJo
surnl Allecrlerrolne ]l 'eldLurs ,{11eer s,1r 'qeo1 :g
ieleredo o1,{see 1r s1 ;lceped spunos :V
e1t1 sAep ]oq ro1 leer0 s,]l 'oLuor-lie6 I ueqm looc oq llt^ osnoll Ar-u os ']no LlJ,l epqnn euoqdpeuus Au 6ursn
uo ]r urn] [Jlensn 1
'AleloLuer pollor]uoc eq uec ]t os ']euro]ul oq] o] po]ceuuoc s,]Bq] rouolilpuoc lE ue s,]l :g
(,]eq] s,]eq^ .rouor],puoc llE UBLUS v :v
'o6e sqluoLu ei e pollelsut eulLu 1oO I 6reuolltpuoc le UeLUS e 1aO noA 1,uop 4q7171 :g
'Ouruorlrpuoc rre ell] uo urn] pue ouroq oO o1 lrent i,uec I 'Iepo] loq os s,]l :V
elnrosn ocr^ap s,g releedg sr s{em }eL1^ ul[flffili V
sosr^op lBcr6olouLlcel lnoqe 6ul>1|e1 cNlyvfds
'reuyed e Llllm ssncsr6 6pllnq ol luel^
'.rsqte6ol XJoM uec let{}
no{ p;nonn }oqor }o putl }eq^ '1oqor e pltnq plnoc no[ 1; 6ur1celleg
sloqor spllnq pooM uoqou
;sree[ OZ ur e^eq s]oqor s,poo1 lq6ru_r suorlecrldde 1o spury ]eq1 Z
csloqoJ srq ro] seopr srq 1e6 poo171 seop oJor]^ L
'suorlsenb osor..ll ssncsrg 'ure6e qcleM g E:
t*n# !pffi
'u6rsep pue plrnq o] Jerseo ore sloqor srH
tr *.
'Jolsel o^oul sloqor srH
+, tr
s 'Jor^eoq ore sloqor srH
ffi tr
'rolleurs ere sloqoj srH
,# 'sloqor lpuorilperl urorJ luore#tp ore sloqol srq s{em oq} (,/) IooqC 'spllnq
eq sloqor 1o sedfi oql lnoqe )lel poo11 Uoqou lsrctloqor Llclp1 V
']xoluoc oq] uto;l OurueeLl oq] ]no IroM o] fu1 'pueisrepun i,uop noA
]eql uo6ref lecruqoo] ro crlrluotcs reeq noI ueL{A 'suor}e}ueserd ur-Ipn1s ro
)roM lo seere oyceds ul pesn sulle] Ieclur.lcel-uo6tel esn uogo s]st]uotcs
lxoluoc ruorl sonlc 6uranelq
sooqoqou cNtN=IIsl'I
ffirffiwmmffimffiffi ffiffiffiffi
and disadvantages
LANGUAGE FOCUS Talking about advantages
you like a driverless car? Why or why not?
A ffiflt Read about how driverless cars work' Would


ffiffiffiWffiffifuffiffiffihumon input'
Driverless cors cqn operote without
ir.*v voriety of feoture$ to sense their surroundings'
" ..:: i:.i ;t,t tl: l,! r! ::1.: i ;'rli
' ' --"''r:'. i;:r!: i i1,i:::t 1,:,"ir1..l,lii;1.i,;1;:
ir :r'.:j'iti.i Takes a 360-degree
Recognizes lane markings and Creates a real-time 3-D
picture of the car's surroundings image of the road ahead
keeps the car centered in its lane
using a roof-mounted sensor using two windshield-
mounted cameras

14 i;r ;,i 11 ;1r; i::. rl ;
::l.iri l.,:ri,rri Prevents nnir:il:"iri;:r
accidents bY detecting Extends
obstructions in the vision at night
car's blind sPots using infrared

Circle the correct words'

B Hffifftt Listen to the conversation' Complete the sentences'
the likelihood of traffic jams'
1 Accordrng to Jason, driverless cars will (increase / reduce)
(faill coltect personal information)
2 Elizabeth is worried that the software in driverless cars might

C ffi$H[ft Watch and study the language in the chart'

Talking about conditions

lf you keep your eyes on the road,

you'll be less likely to have an accident'
lf you like to be in control, you won't like
driverless cars'
Do you think more people will buy driverless
cars if they become more affordable?

lf I had a driverless car, l'd save money on insurance'

l'd buy a driverless car if there was no risk of malfunction'
lf you had a driverless car, would you feel
on ca;: 3-
For nrore inforn-ration on first conditional ancl *econd canditianal' see Grammar Summani 9

esnecoq "' eq plno^ olot-l] 'slEc ssope^llp e^olp euo^Je^e,l
slol 6ulllPd su6rs peoJ slr.l6!lcl#erl
'6urmo;1o1 oql uo stec ssopo^up 1o lcedult eql leplsuoc 'uolssncslp lno{ dleq o1
asrec ssol;onup e^orp euo[:ene ;r peu6tsepei oq sot]tc plnon oH
'lauyed e qltm 1lon1
srec sseue^trp Io lcedul oqi oulssncslc cNlyvilds
'olcrqon ssoponup oq] Llll/v\ Duornn seo6
Durqleuos jr rono o>jel ol pleoq uo slonup uetlnq
(eneq) n g{1 'suoseer I1e1es ro1
'le^e^ oH 're^rjp ueurnL.i e LlllM )ec e )o rec sseuo^llp'
e roqyo Io ecroqc e perello (eq) I
Aeql 'poued lsol oq+ 6uunp ocrl;os oL1I osn sreuolsnc
ll 'solels pollun olll ur solcrr.lo^ sU ]so11sr11 pI1
'[;1uecr1ruOrs slsoc 6urleredo rreql ocnpor o] elqe
(eq) e Ur{l elll serueduoc 1xe1
'lnlsseccns (eq) , A6olouqcel
r€c sselre^up jlsrec sselro^up 6urdolenep {l1uernc
s qorq^ 'srolon lerouoC qlrnn 6ur>1ror.,r sr gA-1 srxel
sse re^up e^eL.l o] serueduoc ]sJU eq] ]o euo eq
,{eLu 1r 'leo6 srql (enerqce)
ll ll'OZ0Z {q leelg rec ssolro^up-lle ue o^eq
o1 Ouruueld sr-ocrnres Durnup elenud e-I+^l
'srel SUe rno[ lceqc pue uo]srl uot1f
'seseqluered ur sprom or.ll Io uro+ ]corJoc eq1 6ursn uorletrrolur eql eleldLuoC J
'uA op eluoc slsoc o Joles oq plno^ slec ssouo^uc
+r ,
'slueprccB sJec ssoue^Up
cu]er] re^ el eq plno^ eroq] u o [nq o1{1e>1rq erouu oq lllm eldoe! g
'peuOrseper ';e;ndod
oq oi poeu llr^ serlrc . o erour oluocoq sec ssoue^rjp,l z
re]1eq qlr^ peddrnbe ere,arr {eq11r i-r o ssopo^up peq eldoed e;olr ]l I
'socuoluos eq1 1o sped o^ l oql qclpy\ f
,,'qserc rEc E
Ilqeqord ore^ uos eq] +1,, g
,,'cl]lEr] ssol 'lec ssepo^up e euofuene ,tl 'oslv,, Z
,,'6uryed lnoqe furonn o1 I esneceq
pexelor eroul lol e 'rec ssepenup e I Jl,, t
uorlesro^uoc or.ll t!or] socuoluos eql epldr-uo3 'ueOe g ut uorlpsro^uoc oql ol uolstl f[ffi O
Dronss ar* here -.'
to stay

" g*&"'' +

Skim the passage. What are some benefits of drones? Check your ";1,"=
- tr

answers with a Partner. '* J,n

ffiE #

r I I ntil recently, drones have generally been

I I u..o.irt"i wth military surveillance. Now,
d .i:
LJ however, they are becoming easier for the
average person to obtain; we may soon see them ,f

5 replacing human labor in a variety of tasks. But are '1i'"lq.r-'

drones an important tool, or a danger to private

#!l j* J":


Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles
ro (UAVs), are remotely controlled flying robots. Some
drones are as small as birds, while others are the Camera-equipped drones can also produce
size of airplanes. Drones can carry instruments maps that are much more detailed and accurate than
such as cameras and global positioning systems those produced from satellite imagery, This will be a
(GPS), and are used in situations where manned big help to conservation experts in mapping land use
rs flight is considered too risky or difficult. For ss changes such as deforestation, which is threatening
example, they are commonly used by the military an untold number of species. The U.S. government
for intelligence-gathering, surveillance, and already uses drones to protect its lands and the
identifying targets. species that inhabit them.
ln addition, farmers can use drones to drop
OTHER DRONE USES +o fertilizers and pesticidesl on crops, This not only
26 Apart from benefiting the military and law saves money, but keeps farm workers safer by
enforcement agencies, drones can help people limiting their exposure to dangerous chemicals. Drone
perform humanitarian tasks. For instance, they can technology can also be used by farmers to monitor
be used in disaster relief efforts to deliver blankets, fields and find lost cattle. According to the Association
clothing, and medical supplies to hard-to-reach as for Unmanned Vehicle Systems lnternational (AUVSI),
"Agriculture, far and away, is going to be the
25 places. Furthermore, drones can be programmed
to fly into the heait of storms-without any risk to dominant market for UAV operations."

human life-and gather important weather data.

This information can help scientists predict natural PRIVACY AND SAFETY ISSUES
disasters like hurricanes or tornadoes, and hopefully Drones can be equipped with infrared sensors
30 save many lives in the Process. so which use temperature variations to "see" things

6t ]
r.rorlecol s.ollolid 6rij seiEir!ur ]ur.11 otruti, i olur ourqserc 'esroM 'ro sple^)ceq ul oulpuel
llor E uo poilelsul o-rl3rv\lics L/ :arEneucs 6ulqce.r1 ouoqd 11e: ., Allelueprcce souorp +o lult1l'sxgeq*r"Jp ]so66tq oz
slf,osur lir).1 seprcrlsad pue ',tto-le siuilicl dloi.j !JOZtltuel llor.{} lo ouo sr }o )cel }eq} loe} souorp }o ro^e}
:{:urur-]e1 ul posrt si'PclLlrollt 'r, :soptrt}sod pue s;azt;tpol . ^}o}es
ur oldood uo^= 'oprMpuoM slueplcce euolp fue11tu-l
lo sporpunq uooq o^Et.leroql'1002 oculs 'p'ezeu
'te1eel0 oulocoq eB s osod souolp 'suolluolul poo6 qll^ sloleledo
pollpis{q pello]1uoc uor]M ue^o puv'ouorp e uo se
]qnop ou lllm esn e;qrsuodse; pue oles Ouunsue
spueq ror.l] ]06 uec-sleulullrc oi slsllojlol tuoll
1o ecuepodLur oq]'uolrtluoc elolu otxocoq
rofelU leqioue st {1e}eg
souojp sv sorlorcos pue slenpr^lpul 'sujlell -euo^uv'urocuoc
'sluoure^our s,oldoed
ueLl] rolller 'slqeueq 1r orns ayeul o1 {6olouqce}
rolruoru pue suozrlrc 's'n uo ecuellloruns lno
srql e1eln6er sercueOe pue slueuurenoO oe
1;rm oe
dgpc o] sotcuo6e lueulecloluo Mel olqeue plnom
Moq sr premrol6uro6 uorlsenb ]ueuodLurlsoLu
Llcrql 'ojnlnt eL{} ul zoremgos 0uryce;l euoqd ;1ec
aq]-,'re^ol ouojp,, e ]o ol]] ul olE eA +eq]
LlltM pe)url oq souorp ]€rl] pouro^ sl (nlcv)
s1se66ns seuorp rono oleqop 6uto6uo eq1 uorun seruoqll^eur
ll^lc uecuoLuv eLll '^cp^ud ]noqe
NOlIVlnCfU ONV SSNOUO pourocuoc ere e;doed [ueLr 'se1e15 po]lun oq] re^o
sor)s eq] oI o>lei oi ]os seuorp pollorluoc-eloLuer es
'Apeetp socuelsut JeltLuts l€lolos e1 jo spuesnoLl] rllr^ 'suP!l!A!3 uo Ids o] selcuooe
uoeq o^eq oror.ll'ouorp e qlr^ peprlloc ]r uoqM lueurocroluo nnel{q posn eq osle plnoc }l 'ouoz
podrry Moir.lleeH ]B puel o] ]noqe lsnlsem Uercle ]crlluoc ro rolsesrp e 1o MotA e^o s,plq e 0ul]le6 lo+
sAem-iry L.lsriug e 'g LOZ lUdV u1 'seuepd lercror.rtxoc olrrl1 ']colep +ouuec o^o po>leu oql
1ryd1eq sr srr-l+
* 1
@" t 8,,.
.:i '**- *s "l -d
s. 161
sexal 'se;1eg rano 6urdl; auo.rp V
w! I
*':..,fttue '.* ]W*e,d*w&s,*&. ffidbs .
* Y tfl' S..{*i.4. i{*
w;r n #F!
* 1 &w#.
" ir i' "
; .l; .... r..

Which of the following sentences would the author agree with?

a Although drones can be useful, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages'
b Drones may be able to improve our lives, but there are issues that need to be addressed first
c Due to safety reasons, only governments and agencies should be allowed to operate


Complete the chart showing the pros and cons of drones

1 Can help the gather 1 Could be used to spy on civilians by connecting

intelligence and identify targets with

2 Can be used to disaster 2 Easy access to drones means that dangerous

--- of natural disasters
relief items to victims people like or
can get one
3 Able to use weather data to
natural disasters 3 Drones have caused manY
4 Can track wildlife and map changes in

5 Can make farm jobs

by reducing workers' contact with harmful


A tVatch the words in blue- from the passage to their definitions'

lsurveillance o odisadvantages
2 humanitarian o o to do; to conduct

3 civilians o o to be dangerous

4 carry out o o monitoring someone closely

5 pose a hazarcl o o ordinary citizens

6 drawbacks o o devoted to the improvement of people's welfare

Evaluating ln your opinion, is widespread civilian use of drones unavoidable? Discuss with a

ln my opinion, it'll be difficult to stop people from using drones' They're already quite common'

Yeah, but lthink there needs to be stricter rules on ...

'srelsBslp plnlEu roue eoeurep oLll ssossE uec
'srelsesrp prnleu luo^ord oi posn oq uec Aeqt I
's1ce[oo {neeq furec o} reul}eCIo} )ron I uec ,leqf
'spoo6 Uodsuer] o] pesn oq uec,\eqt E
's1ee; snore6uep ro] >jool uec Aeqt
's6urplrnq u6rsep uec {eq1
posn oq uec sloqor s,reun) slenn eq1(7)lceq3 'llBI O:ll_ ol1+ lo L Ued qcle1 [pffi V
cNlA fl^
Acue6reue ue ur ocuelsrsse olerpourur eprnord oI peurerl eldoed g
[ean eq1 ur ]eb ]eq] s6urq1 n
6ur11or1uoc11es lluepuedepur I
reqleOoi 6ur>ponn sonlonur leql rouueu e ur euop Z
elenle^o t
')leJ- o;11oql u! spro^
osor.l] Jeoq llrn no1 'Ourueeu sU ol prol ploq Llceo qcle6 'onoqe sqde.rDered oq1 peou
cNlA fnfud
, 'AJOUI l-l3nUl
# :
pue'sxsel Jeclsdqd, 11nc g1p'Lulolad :is;elsesl p oI
puodser suet.unL.l dleq uec sloqol snououolne
'e1r6e 1eq1sr Ourpeerds quo^ eopt s.reLuny Aefrn
'orc sopelsqo arol.lM ujor..l] AAorJs
, lell] sEJeLUec qIM polry oq osp uec deql
'salllllqe pue qpua;1s llor1l osesrout o]
ueql Buuinolp 'rtpnge.radooc 1JoM uec
sloqoJ s.rcunx jo lBJoAoS 'pen1onu11eB
: ,.susurnll gJo+oq suor]tst"r]ls:sfiola0uep ssasse uec derl]
lsuolienls,relseslp u1 slepuodser FJtl se ]cE ueo [eq1 'eldruexe JoJ 'sueulnr1
,' lo1,,s1'1or*6uep ro llnqJ#p CIol aJB:]tsU1sqof op uec sloqol s,HVWny AVSA
ffi&ffi#ffi#### www
ffimm &ffiWe ffi&ffiffiffiffi
B The diagram below illustrates the robots' motions-how they move. tVatch each description to the
correct stage in the diagram. Write a, b, or c.

a The robot changes its orientation.

b The robot builds up momentum to start moving.
c The robot recovers and hovers in the air.

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Stage 1:

C ffi plp Watch ParI 2 of the TED Talk. Then look at the picture on page 1 23' Discuss the questions
below with a partner.

1 What are the ants in the picture doing?

2 What aspect of ant behavior does Kumar want his robots to have?
D ffiplfi Watch Part 3 of the TED Talk. lf a drone is entering a building for the first time, can it complete
its mission under the following conditions? Circle Y for yes or N for no.

1 The drone is not connected to GPS but has a map of the building. Y N

2 The drone is not connected to GPS and doesn't have a map of the building' Y N

3 The drone doesn't have a camera. Y N

4 The drone is remotely controlled by someone. Y N

5 The drone is not controlled by anyone. Y N


Applying Vijay Kumar says, "Robots like this can really change the way we do K-12 education'" How do
you think drones could be used in K-12 education? Discuss with a partner.
ezl w!. {
E {
u1{ecgwoloc rily) slue rs*noleo-I
uorleluosojd e ur slpnsr^ oI uorlueue A Erp ol osn plnoc no^ soserqd orour r.ujolsureJE 'Jouued B qll/!\ )ro^ g
,,'ror.1lo L{ceo }o soL.lcur ul-lirl oLuoc {eqf iqOrp }r.l6re-ernOr} srtl} ur e
,,'uorlerxrol rcue;d olur uorleLuo, leuorsueLurp-oorqI e uo.rl esde;1oc Ieql ' z
,,'dooq eult t.l6no.rqt oD lseq o] Moq ]no e;nO[ o] Ou;fut pue 'dooq oLl] to uol]lsod eq] Dut]elnclec
sr ]oqoJ oq] ellLlm 'rle oq1 olut dooq srlll A ou..ll leruec PUV,, !
'sasn oq suorsserdxe oLll qll/v\ socuolues eq1 eleldLuoo ')lel Clf s,reurn) 1o yed LlclEM EEffi V
"' le 4oot l,nol g "' o^eq o/\ eroH
"' ol uotluolle nol unl oseo4 " oos 1,no(7ees nol etepl
'" le 4ool e o4el '@teq) oos uec noA sy
:elduuexe ro1 'srq] op o] osn uec noA suorsse;dxe snolre^
o;e oroqf LUeq] o] 6uu.le1e; ere noA ueq^ oul ecuorpne eq] ]ol 'slensrn esn no{ 11
slensr^ ol Ourrrolou STTIyS NOIIVINISfHd
ioqor e pllnq o] oleLusselc e 01peq 1 'e6elloc uuee{ pug Au-r u1 7
uroq] ]noqe erour ]ol e u;eel o] olqe oq p,o^ '6ur[es ere sleLuru€ ]eL.lA plnoc oM ll I
)lueq eq] u.ror1 {euour }o LUns e6re; e oroq o1 luem noA 1r o] poou z(eu no1 7
ro1 e;ede;d o] peou {;lensn noA I
1r qceeds e Jenrlep o1{see }ou s,}l t
r.{lr/r^ ueo} All eq1uo sdooq qOnorql dunf 1no arn6t;
'xoq alll urorl spro^ oql ql!/\\ socuoluos eq1e1e;duo3 g
a spro^ eq11o Ourueour lcoroc eq] osooLlC ')let CII or..ll urorJ sldrecxe oql qcle1 ffifri,.il V
9E WmffimMffiffiffi mffimmffi
to develop drone
& Work in groups. You are going to have a debate on the topic: Should we continue
develop them'
technology? Group A: You think drones are useful and we should continue to
Group B: You think drones are harmful. You are against developing them'

your position' Also' think

ffi ln your group, think of at least three arguments and examples that support
the chart below'
about possible counter arguments and how you would respond' Make notes in

G Have a debate on the topic' Take turns explaining why your group's position is better

Expressing disagreement

I I don't think that's quite true.

I'm afraid I disagree with that

Actually, l'd saY that ...
I see your Point, but we think

WRITING Discussing the ag:plications of a technalogy

Write a short essay. What applications of drone
technology would you like to see? How would
that change the waY we do things?

Personally, I would like to see

drones being used to helP Ir

people who have difficultY

getting around. Drones can
help deliver groceries to them
or allow them to ...

A delivery drone from on ne

shopping comPanY Rakuten

sdord sesn j:l
alonb e sopnlcul l_: qltM lellrulej sl
peeq Jroq] e^oqe pueL.l .ilell] sosrel i:] ecuorpne eql selduexo sosn l:
puelsJepun ]ou ocuotpne uorlenlrs re;ncrped e ur sonlosuloq]
^eu surBldxo
eq] ]eq] spro^ leclLll-lcol eur6eur o] ecuorpne eq] s)is€
i'.r il
]ueLuelels 6uor1s e qlrnnsur6eq i-i suorlsenb ecuetpne eq] s)se I
'" reyeeds eq1
':euped p qlln ereduuoc ueql 'urebe Llolp^A nol se Luol..ll (,r')IcoqC
lesn raleeds or.1l soop rlclq1 '^ oteq 6-L sllun ulorl sllrls uorlelueserd +o tstl oLll
[.ffi,t', C ^^or^ou
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oceJ ueurnq eq1 enes dleq I uorle;o1dxe eceds'{pul1
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I uolleuassrd

You are going to plan and give a short presentation that argues for
or against robotic
A what your
surgery. bir" to*" background information on the topic' think about
po.ition is, and explain your reasons' lMake notes in the chart below'

Background information (e.g. recent trends or statistics)

Your position (for or against)

Reasons for Your Position

you will need in

B Look at the useful phrases in the box below' Think about which ones
your Presentation.

Useful phrases
Stating your Position: l'm convinced that ,..
Personally, I believe ...

Listing points: For one thing, ...

Another reason I'm for / against
Giving examPles: For instance, ...
As proof of that, ...

your notes' Use some

& Work with a partner. Take turns giving your presentation using
of the presentation skills from Units 1-9 below' As you listen' check (/) each skill your
partner uses.

The speaker ...

ti asks the audience questions i: begins with a strong statement

i: asks the audience to imagine i-j explains technical words that the
themselves in a parlicular situation audience maY not understand
:-.. raises their hand above their head
il uses examples the audience
is familiar with :, includes a quote
i:l uses props

Give your partner some feedback on their talk' lnclude at least two
things you liked
and one thing that could be improved


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