Another, Other, The Other - February 8

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Another​ m

​ eans “​one more​” or “​an additional or extra​” or “​an alternative or different​”

Another​ used as a Determiner

We use ​another​ with ​singular​ countable nouns:

1. Would you like ​another​ c​ up​ of coffee? (an additional)
2. You’ve met Linda, but I have ​another​ ​sister​ who you haven’t met.
​ nother​ ​cafe​ we can go to? (an alternative)
3. I don’t like this place. Is there a

Other ​means “additional or extra”, “alternative”, or “different types of”

Other​ used as a determiner

We can use ​other​ with ​uncountable​ nouns and ​plural​ nouns:

1. The website has general information about travel visas. O ​ ther​ ​information​ can be obtained
by calling us. ​(additional or extra information)
2. Some music calms people. ​Other​ ​music​ has the opposite effect. ​(different types of music)
3. What o ​ ther​ ​books​ by Miguel De Cervantes have you read? ​(additional or extra books)
​ ther ​sizes​? (​ alternative sizes)
4. This shirt is too big. Do you have it in o

EXERCISE 1 ​- Choose either “​another​” or “​other​” to complete the sentences.

1. I’m going to have _________ piece of bread.

2. I think we should paint it ____________ colour.

3. Some research suggests that yoga can relieve back pain. _____________​ ​research
suggests that yoga can reduce symptoms of depression.

4. Paulo: I missed my bus! I’m so angry!

Sara: Don’t worry. There will be ____________ bus in five minutes.

5. We discussed the problem of pollution. There are two __________ problems I would like to

6. Do you have ___________ furniture that you want to move?

7. That is __________ way of saying the same thing.

8. I have some __________ friends I’d like to invite.


the other​ as a determiner

The other​ with a ​singular​ noun means ​the second​ of two things or people.

1. I have two computers. This computer is new. The ​other​ c​ omputer​ is 5 years old.
2. Two men robbed a bank. One man was arrested. The ​other​ ​man​ was never caught by the

The other​ w
​ ith a ​singular​ noun can also mean ​the opposite​.

You can’t park on this side of the street. You have to park on ​the other ​side​ of the street. (The
opposite side).
He lives at ​the other​ end of the street. (The opposite end of the street).

​ ith a ​plural​ noun means ​the remaining people or things​ in a group.

The other w

Joel and Karen are here, but where are ​the other​ ​children?
​ (The remaining children).
I have six dinner plates. I found 4 plates, where are ​the other​ two ​plates​?


Write 3 sentences with “the other”.

In the first sentence, use ​the other​ with a ​singular​ noun to mean ​the second​ of two things or
In the second sentence use ​the other​ with a ​singular​ noun to mean ​the opposite. ​(Use “the
other side”, “the other end”, or “the other direction”)
In the third sentence, use​ ​the other​ ​with a ​plural​ noun to mean ​the remaining people or
things​ in a group.

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