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The police are related to….

A. gossip
B. immunity
C. law enforcement
D. chimney
E. gossip and immunity

All of us should… forests.

A. destroy
B. cuts
C. eliminate
D. cut
E. conserve

Rubbish like bottles, plastic, and paper can cause…….

A. air pollution
B. land pollution
C. Water pollution
D. radiation
E. pollution

If people do not get enough food, they are suffering from the….
A. drought
B. landslide
C. famine
D. earthquake
E. drought

Elephant usually have…..

A. horn
B. trunk and tusk
C. claw
D. poison
E. trunk

One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left . He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.

Why does the lion hunt day end?

A. .Animals know about lion disease
B. .There are no more animals to hunt
C. .Wolves always defeat lions
D. .Lions grow older and weaker
E. .The lion is too strong

One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.

These Words support the view of the lion’s sad code, except…
A. .Age
B. .too tired and weak
C. .approaching the hive
D. .Difficulty breathing
E. .I have nausea

One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.

Old lions are very happy. It means….

A. .many animals visit the lion out of pity
B. .A lion doesn’t have to look for food
C. .Every animal that enters that work area shows their respect
D. The lion gets fat
E. .The lion is hopeless

One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.

The trail tells us that……….

A. .Pack the wolf through the lion room
B. .so many animals pay their respects to the lion
C. .Animals that enter the cave do not let me live
D. .Lions get better and healthier
E. .Animals wants the lion to die soon


One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.

How are lions and foxes alike?

A. .Lions and foxes are equally respectable
B. .The lion and the fox are as strong
C. .Lions and foxes are smart bastards
D. .The lion and the fox are both honest
E. .The lion and the child are patient.


One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.

What characteristics am l trying to express through the fox character?

A. .You can save your life by using your mind and intelligent
B. .Show respect by visiting friends who are sick
C. .we enters the lion’s room .Be careful
D. .stand some distance when facing the lion
E. .The fox came very early in the morning.


One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.

What is the best title for the story above.

A. .Lion’s lie
B. .Big lion
C. .Fox and lying
D. .Foxes lie and lions
E. .Lion King


One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.

One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of his age.
The word in italics has a cabinet meaning….

A. .difficult
B. .minor
C. .tired
D. .old
E. .flashy


One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.

Sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead to your nest
The word in italics has a cabinet meaning…
A. .Close
B. .relax
C. .comfortable
D. .a lot of fun
E. .enjoy


One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.
From the story above, we can assume that the fox represents someone’s nature…
A. .stupid
B. .Wise
C. .lazy
D. .that man
E. .stubborn


One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of age.
Unfortunately he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at the entrance,
panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked through the nest at that
moment. He told them about his poor condition.
Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild animals. The
animals feel sorry for paying their last respects. The old lion was very happy. When every animal
enters a nest and its within reach, the lion overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat.
The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox famous for its
intelligence approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some distance away. He politely asks
about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.
My friend ‘said the lion’ you? l can hardly see you. You are far away. Please come closer and whisper
a few words in my ear to cheer me up because l haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the wedding he looked up and
left. He said’ sorry if l didn’t stay because l felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
your workplace, but no one left them.
What kind of text is this ?

A. .Narrative
B. .descriptive
C. .exposition
D. .Narrative descriptive
E. .recount

In Australia, there are three levels of government: The federal government, state government and
local government. All of these levels of government are necessary. There is a number of reasons.
First: the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and
look after things like defence. Similarly, the middle sized things. For Example they look after law and
order, preventing things like vandalism in school. Finally, local governments look after the small
things, they look after things like collecting rubbish, and otherwise everyone would have diseases.

What kind of text is this?

A. Analytical Exposition
B. Repost
C. Recount
D. Review
E. Narrative


In Australia, there are three levels of government: The federal government, state government and
local government. All of these levels of government are necessary. There is a number of reasons.
First: the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and
look after things like defense. Similarly, the middle sized things. For Example they look after law and
order, preventing things like vandalism in school. Finally, local governments look after the small
things, they look after things like collecting rubbish, and otherwise everyone would have diseases.

who is responsible for defence?

A.Federal government.
B.State government
C.Federal and state government
D.Local government
E.Federal and Local government

In Australia, there are three levels of government: The federal government, state government and
local government. All of these levels of government are necessary. There is a number of reasons.
First: the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and
look after things like defense. Similarly, the middle sized things. For Example they look after law and
order, preventing things like vandalism in school. Finally, local governments look after the small
things, they look after things like collecting rubbish, and otherwise everyone would have diseases.

.The litter management is the responsibility of….

A.all government
B.state government
D.Federal government
ELocal government

NO STEPPING ON THE GRASS. The notice usually can be found in the…


We dream to get….society.
B.just and prosperous

The writer from ciliwung river has been….with chemical waste

No 23 to 31 are based on the text below

The Important of Rainforests

Rain forest is one of the most complicated environments on earth. They are recognized worldwide as
containing the richest source of plants and animals and are believed to contain nearly three quarters of
all on earth. This remarkable because rainforest cover only about six per cent of the earth’s land
Rainforests are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes for more than one million
years. They provide habitats for more species of plants, animals, insects and birds than any other
environment found on our planet.
Scientists estimate that between 60 and 90 per cent of all species of life are to be found in rain forests,
unfortunately, the widespread destruction of many of the world’s rainforests has caused significant
decline in the number of plant and animal species on earth.
Rainforest influence both our local and global climates, for example, between 50 and 80 per cent of the
moisture in the air above rainforests are cleared, the average rainfall in the area will drop. Eventually,
the area’s climate will get hotter and drier. This process could convert rainforests into a sparse grassland
or desert. Rainforests leaves and mosses are also able to absorb over 90 per cent of the rainfall in their
leaves and mosses. By doing this, they are able to slow down water run off by gradually releasing the
water over time into streams and rivers. This helps to control soil erosion and flooding.
Rainforest are vital to the earth helping to recycle carbon and oxygen. Carbodioxide (CO2) is the gas put
into the air globally by humans mainly by the burning of fossil fuels. Rainforests are able to remove
carbon dioxide from the air and return oxygen in its place, This is why our global rainforests are often
called the earth’s lungs. Rainforests are major producers of the earth’s oxygen. In fact, scientists believe
that nearly 50 per cent of the earth’s oxygen is produced by rainforests in the Amazon region alone.
Nearly 40 per cent of the world, carbo is contain in the trees of the rainforests .As rainforests are cut
down and burned. carbon dioxide is released into the Earth’s atmospheres. Eventually .as this gas builds
up the atmosphere, leading to what scientists call the enhanced greenhouse effect. To sum up, the role
of the rainforests is essential for human life. it creates equilibrium in our environment and its resources
are significant for human being survival.

The text above is best entitled…..

A.Rainforests,the Complicated Environment
B.The importance of Rainforest
D.Reinforests are vital to Humans
E.Reinforest are major producer

The main idea paragraph 1 is…

A.rainforests cover about six per cent of the earth’s land surface
B.bearly three quarters of all the varieties of life on earth life in rainforests
C.rainforests is a complex environment
D.none of the options are correct
E. reinforests cover is very important.
Rainforests are the oldest major ecosystem having survived climate changed for more than one million
years. The underlined word has the closets meaning to….

Which paragraph should you read to find the amount of carbon in the rainforests?
A.paragraph 1
B.paragraph 2
C.paragraph 3
D.paragraph 4,2
E.paragraph 4

Rainforests influence both our local and global climates.


The climate condition is affectived by the existence of rainforest. In which paragraph can you find this
A.paragraph 1
B.paragraph 2
C.paragraph 5
D.paragraph 4
E.paragraph 3.

If large areas of these lush rainforest are cleared, the average rainfall in the area will drop (paragrph3)
The words refers to….
A.rainforest’s tree

Eventually, as this gas builds up the atmosphere ……(paragraph5)the underline word can be best
replaced by……
KUNCI:B first
B.lately the middle to

The writer’s aim to write this is to….

A.argue about the importance of rainforest
B.expose analyctically on the importance of rainforest
C.persuade the reader
D.compared iffrent rainforest in the world
E.persuade the writer

The text above is a…. text

B.analyctical exposition

I am suffering from a headache. The statement is used for….

A.showing sadness
B.showing pain
C.asking advice
D.showing expection

Which the elements of analytical exposition…


Because of being frustrated, many people now commit….


A person who becomes the head of embassy is called……

KUNCI:C envoy
B.a representative
D.a lecturer

You are invited to celebrate

The grand Re opening of clear view Landings Resort
Enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and indoor tour
Thursday, August 14 2019
5611 Bradley Boulevard
Palm Harbor, Florida
RSVP to Monica at 650.555 7342.
When will the event be held?
A. .August 14th.
B. .August 15th.
C. .August 16th
D. .August 17th
E. August 18th

You are invited to celebrate

The grand Re opening of clear view Landings Resort
Enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and indoor tour
Thursday, August 14 2019
5611 Bradley Boulevard
Palm Harbor, Florida
RSVP to Monica at 650.555 7342.
Where the location of the party?
A. .Florida
B. .Alaska
C. .Chicago
D. .Aberdeen
E. .washington

You are invited to celebrate

The grand Re opening of clear view Landings Resort
Enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and indoor tour
Thursday, August 14 2019
5611 Bradley Boulevard
Palm Harbor, Florida
RSVP to Monica at 650.555 7342.
What kind of the text is it?
A. .Invitation
B. .Suggestion
C. .offer
D. .Surprise
E. .Announcement

Mommy cleans the room every day

Passive voice is
A. .The room was clean by mommy everyday
B. .the room is clean by mommy everyday
C. .the room is cleaned by mommy everyday
D. .mommy is cleaned the room
E. .the room was being cleaned my mommy everyday

My uncle fixed the toy yesterday.

Passive voice is
A. .my uncle was fixed the toy yesterday
B. .The Toy was fixed by my uncle yesterday
C. .The Toy was fix by my uncle yesterday
D. .My uncle was being fixed the Toy yesterday
E. .The Toy had been fixed by my uncle yesterday

Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash? yes… to the
headquarters of Garuda’
A. .they are faxed
B. .has faxed
C. .the victims fax
D. .it has been faxed
E. .was fax it

Bangbang looks very happy today’

Don’t you know he… to General manager;
A. .has promoted
B. .to be promoted
C. .being promoted
D. .has to promoted
E. .has been promoted

The picture is not here anymore. it must be have…away

A. .being taken
B. .took
C. .taken
D. .been taking
E. .been taken.

You ….to be careful when you do your examination.


Rasti: Iwan is able to swim.

Ria : Do you mean he…..swim?
Rasti: yes,I do.


Ujung kulon is a…..


Entertainment is something that gives us…..


You can see snow in…..


A: shall I bring you some tea ?

B: Thank you. It’s very kind of you.
The underlined sentence means
A. making offer
B. suggesting
C. Declining suggestion
D. Accepting suggesting
E. Declining offer

Let’s go to the movie !.

The underlined sentence is the expression of ……

A. .Compliment
B. .offering
C. .opinion
D. .sympathy
E. .suggestion

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