Literacy Autobiography Draft

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Jesus Madrigal

Professor Monterrey

English 5M

July 5, 2021

Literacy Autobiography

Writing has been my least favorite subject in school. In elementary and middle school,

writing was never fun for me. Throughout high school I was getting more comfortable with

writing. My teachers taught me many things about being able to write a good essay. They

showed me the basics of writing an essay throughout the years. Every Year I was taught a new

way to write. Even though my teachers taught me how to do an essay, I am not confident in my

writing skills. The task of writing will always be difficult for me to do but is something that I

will always need.  Therefore writing will sometimes be fun for me, it could get challenging, and

it is a way that I can have a better future. 

The first time that I had to write was in my third grade. I would have to write a paragraph

about a book the class read together. For most of my elementary and middle school years I would

be enrolled in reading and writing classes because I didn't understand it as much. In middle

school I was also enrolled in reading and writing classes. 

Next, writing is something I find more fun to do but it can get challenging at times. For

example a way that writing can be challenging is by not having enough time to do what is told.

The way to have a good essay is to take some time creating it. Another way that writing can get
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challenging is by the topics that are given. Sometimes topics for writing could be difficult to

accomplish because I don't understand them. 

Writing is something I only use for school purposes. Throughout these years I have been

getting better at writing. In high school I was a part of an ELD class that taught us reading and

writing. I was very concerned that I never needed that class. But after being in that class I did

learn a few more things I didn't know about writing. 

Lastly, writing has been more complex over the past years. My writing has improved

because of my teachers that encourage me to never give up. Also my family has helped me many

times when I was struggling with writing. My brothers would be the ones to help me more since

they went to college.  I hope to learn more about writing and learn from my mistakes.

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