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Subject Independent Emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and Deep

Article  in  Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences · November 2019
DOI: 10.1016/j.jksuci.2019.11.003


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2 authors:

Pallavi Pandey Seeja K.R.

Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women


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Subject independent emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and deep
Pallavi Pandey, K.R. Seeja ⇑
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110006, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Emotion recognition from Electroencephalography (EEG) is proved to be a good choice as it cannot be
Received 30 July 2019 mimicked like speech signals or facial expressions. EEG signals of emotions are not unique and it varies
Revised 27 September 2019 from person to person as each one has different emotional responses to the same stimuli. Thus EEG
Accepted 5 November 2019
signals are subject dependent and proved to be effective for subject dependent emotion recognition.
Available online xxxx
However, subject independent emotion recognition plays an important role in situations like emotion
recognition from paralyzed or burnt face, where EEG of emotions of the subjects before the incidents
are not available to build the emotion recognition model. Hence there is a need to identify common
Variational Mode Decomposition
Valence-Arousal model
EEG patterns corresponds to each emotion independent of the subjects. In this paper, a subject
Deep Neural Network independent emotion recognition technique is proposed from EEG signals using Variational Mode
Affective computing Decomposition (VMD) as a feature extraction technique and Deep Neural Network as the classifier.
Intrinsic-mode functions The performance evaluation of the proposed method with the benchmark DEAP dataset shows that the
combination of VMD and Deep Neural Network performs better compared to the state of the art
techniques in subject-independent emotion recognition from EEG.
Ó 2019 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction for applications like online gaming where EEG data of the player
can be captured to train the model and later on that model is used
Emotion recognition is associated to the field of affective to evaluate the emotion/mood of the user while game playing.
computing. Affective computing is the study of how computers However, for recognizing emotions from people whose face is
process and recognize emotions. The major part of the emotions burned or paralyzed, the recorded EEG signal of the person before
in human’s daily life is the management of attention (Dolan, the incident needs to be available for performing the subject
2002) and decision making (Lerner et al., 2015). An emotionally dependent emotion recognition. Most of the time, the need of
imbalance person may be less responsive to perform daily tasks. the emotion recognition based on EEG data, comes after the inci-
So it is clear that emotions play important role in one’s life. dent when it becomes difficult to capture their facial expressions.
EEG recording is a non invasive method and hence researchers In this situation a subject Independent EEG based emotion recogni-
are using it to study the neural activity of the brain related to tion system is required. Likewise, if a patient with depression
emotional responses. Emotion recognition from EEG has already comes for diagnosis, whose earlier data is unavailable when he
been explored successfully by the researchers in subject dependent was healthy, then also subject independent approach can be
case (Liu and Sourina, 2014). In subject dependent approaches, EEG adopted. There are various applications of emotion detection like
data from same user is used to train as well as to test the emotion stress management (Kalas and Momin, 2016), anger management
recognition system. These types of emotion recognition work well (Mohamed et al., 2012) and depression detection (Cai et al.,
2018). Similarly driver’s state detection whether he is in anger/
⇑ Corresponding author. stress, sleepy or calm state (Dabbu et al., 2017). If the driver is
E-mail address: (K.R. Seeja). not in calm state, some kind of alarm would be generated. Another
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. is fear detection (Masood and Farooq, 2019) for ATM machine
users. If user is in fear state, this means there is a threat to her/him
and then ATM will not dispatch the money.
In literature, we can find that not only EEG but other physiolog-
Production and hosting by Elsevier ical signals like electro-myogram, facial muscle tension, blood
1319-1578/Ó 2019 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: P. Pandey and K. R. Seeja, Subject independent emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and deep learning, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
2 P. Pandey, K.R. Seeja / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

pressure volume and a skin conductance (Picard et al., 2001; In the proposed method, Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)
Chanel et al.,2011) are also used to detect emotions. Various tech- and Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) are used to obtain
niques like Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) (Lin et al., 2010; intrinsic mode functions (IMF) from EEG data. For each IMF, two
Ackermann et al., 2016), Multifractal detrend fluctuation analysis features namely Peak value of Power Spectral Density and First dif-
(Paul et al., 2015) and Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) ference of the signal are calculated and then these features are fed
(Zhuang et al., 2017; Mert and Akan, 2018) are used to extract var- into a Deep Neural Network for classification.
ious frequency bands from EEG. Several other features like power
spectral density (PSD) (Lin et al., 2010; Ackermann et al., 2016) 2. Material and methods
and discrete wavelet transform (Aydin et al., 2016; Pandey and
Seeja, 2019a,b) are also extracted from the EEG bands for emotion 2.1. EEG data
recognition. In a comparative study (Jatupaiboon et al., 2013) on
various features of EEG for emotion recognition, PSD performed EEG is a noninvasive procedure used to track electrical func-
best as compared to other features like spectral power asymmetry, tions of the brain along the scalp and hence it is the first choice
higher order spectra, higher order crossing, common spatial pat- of researchers for several applications (Read and Innis, 2017).
terns and asymmetric spatial patterns for classifying two emotions Human emotion recognition is one of those applications. A repre-
- happy and unhappy. The authors reported that beta and gamma sentative EEG signal may have amplitude of 10 mV to 100 mV and
frequency bands and channel T7 and T8 give good results as com- frequency range of 1 Hz to 100 Hz approximately. There are mainly
pared to other bands and other pairs of electrodes. five types of EEG frequency bands: Delta band which is less than
Various classifiers (Alarcao and Fonseca, 2017) are used for clas- 4 Hz, Theta band which is greater than or equal to 4 and less than
sifying emotions with EEG data. Out of which Support Vector 8 Hz, Alpha band which is greater than or equal to 8 and less than
Machine (SVM) (Wang et al., 2011; Shahabi and Moghimi, 2016) or equal to 14, Beta band which is greater than 14 and less than
is the most reported in the literature. Most of them are subject 40 Hz and Gamma band is greater than or equal to 40 Hz.
dependent emotion classifiers. In some subject dependent EEG signals can be recorded by two ways - mono-polar record-
approaches, linear SVM (Wang et al., 2014) performed well while ing and bipolar recording. Mono-polar recording can be obtained
in some other studies RBF SVM (Atkinson and Campos, 2016; by the voltage difference between the electrode placed on the scalp
Chanel et al., 2009), polynomial SVM (Lan et al., 2016) and adaptive and reference electrode situated at ear lobe. In bipolar recording,
SVM (Liu et al., 2013) have given good results. K-Nearest Neighbor voltage difference of two scalp electrodes is recorded. Subject will
(KNN) classifier (Xu and Plataniotis, 2012; Mohammadi et al., wear an electrode cap while watching the stimuli for fixed dura-
2017) is also found to be effective in emotion classification with tion of time and the EEG recording will take place with EEG record-
EEG data. There were few (Jirayucharoensak et al., 2014; Zheng ing software. The electrodes in the electrode cap would be placed
and Lu, 2015) emotion classification attempts with deep learning as suggested by 10/20 international electrode placement system
too. (Acharya et al., 2016) as shown in Fig. 1. The numbers 10/20 are
Most of the existing work (Petrantonakis and Hadjileontiadis, used to establish the constraint on the distances between neigh-
2010; Soleymani et al., 2012; Lin et al., 2014) on subject indepen- boring electrodes. Constraint is that contiguous electrodes ought
dent emotion classification is on self produced databases and to be far off each other either ten percent or twenty percent of
hence it is very difficult to perform a comparative study on their the total front to back or left to right distance of the skull. Head
performance. (Petrantonakis and Hadjileontiadis, 2010) used is partitioned into various lobes. Several lobe positions are repre-
higher order crossing to extract features on a self-produced data- sented by letters.
base with 16 subjects. They have classified six basic emotions
using SVM classifier and obtained an accuracy of 83.33%. In 2.2. Emotion representation
another research (Soleymani et al., 2012), an accuracy of 62.1%
on three level of arousal and 50% on three level of valence has been Emotion can be represented using either categorical model or
obtained on a self created database using SVM. Lin et al. (2014) cre- dimensional model (Mauss and Robinson, 2009). Emotions are
ated an EEG database with 26 subjects and worked on both labeled in categorical model like ‘surprised’ or ‘anger’ emotions.
approaches- subject dependent and independent. For subject inde- In dimensional-model (Lang, 1995) emotions are expressed in
pendent, they got an accuracy of 61.09% for valence and 57.33% for terms of several dimensions like Valence, Arousal, Dominance
arousal with SVM. and Liking/Disliking. The two dimensional model using Valence
Most of the emotion detection researches on DEAP databases and Arousal is shown in Fig. 2. Emotions are labeled as discrete
are subject dependent. Zhuang et al. (2017) have proposed a sub- points in this valence-arousal space. Valence axis goes from nega-
ject dependent emotion recognition method using eight electrodes tive to positive and arousal axis goes from passive to active. In this
data and they achieved an accuracy of 69.10% for valence and modal, the space is divided into four quadrants. Valence and arou-
71.99% for arousal with DEAP database. Atkinson and Campos sal values are rated on the scale which contains values 1 to 9. If the
(2016) have used various statistical features of EEG and with rating of valence scale is greater than 5 and arousal is greater 5
SVM classifier on DEAP database and achieved an accuracy of then the emotion could be ‘Excited’ or ‘Happy’ and falls in first
73.14% for valence and 73.16% for arousal. Further, with three quadrant. If the Valence is less than 5 and Arousal greater than 5
levels of valence and arousal classification, they got an accuracy then the emotion could be ‘Angry’ or ‘Afraid’ and falls in second
of 60.7% for arousal and 62.33% for valence. Zhang et al. (2016) per- quadrant and so on.
formed both subject dependent and independent classification for
four emotions with SVM. They have taken data of 16 subjects from 2.3. DEAP database
30 electrodes from DEAP database. They got an accuracy of 62.59%
for subject dependent classification and 58.75% for subject inde- To the best of our knowledge, DEAP database (Koelstra et al.,
pendent classification. Li et al. (2018) have worked on two data- 2012) used in this work is the publically available EEG database
bases - DEAP and SEED. On DEAP, they achieved an accuracy of for emotion recognition which contains maximum number of sub-
59.06% for positive and negative emotions and on SEED data they jects. SEED and MAHNOB are other publically available EEG data-
got an accuracy of 83.33% with SVM. base for emotion recognition containing data from 15 and 30

Please cite this article as: P. Pandey and K. R. Seeja, Subject independent emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and deep learning, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
P. Pandey, K.R. Seeja / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Fig. 1. 10–20 Electrode-Placement system (Acharya et al., 2016).

data. EEG was recorded at 512 Hz with 32 active AgCl electrodes

placed on the subjects scalp according to the international 10/20
electrode placement system. Then the data is down sampled to
128 Hz. The statistics of the database is as follows:
Number of electrodes – 40 (32 to record EEG, 8 to record other
physiological signals)
Number of files – 32 .mat files (one for each subject) and a
metadata file containing participants rating.
Data dimension – 40  40  8064 for one subject (here first
dimension shows video, second dimension shows electrodes posi-
tion and third shows voltages.)

2.4. Feature extraction

Intrinsic mode functions (IMF) of an EEG signal provide mean-

ingful time-frequency information about the signal. In the pro-
posed method, EMD and VMD techniques are used to compute
the IMFs of EEG signal. When the signal is decomposed into its var-
ious oscillatory components, these components are called IMFs.
Fig. 2. Valence-Arousal model of emotions (Jirayucharoensak et al., 2014). After getting IMF signals of EEG data using EMD or VMD, two fea-
tures namely peak value of PSD and first difference of the signal are
subjects respectively. The DEAP database contains data of 16 male calculated.
and 16 female subjects and therefore the data is not gender biased.
The data is collected by allowing the participants to watch a one
minute duration video by wearing an electrode cap and asking 2.4.1. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD)
them to rate their emotions on valence and arousal scale. In this In EMD (Huang et al., 1998), for a signal sðtÞ, its IMFs are
way, the EEG is recorded when the subjects were watching videos obtained by using a repetitive process called sifting.
and they have rated how much valence and arousal they felt on Each IMF must satisfy two conditions. First is that the number
valence arousal scale of 1 to 9 using self assessment manikin of zero crossing and extrema must be same or differ by at most
(Morris, 1995) as shown in Fig. 3. one. Next, the mean value of the upper envelop defined by local
There were forty videos and for every video, this database holds maxima and lower envelop defined by local minima is zero. The
readings of forty electrodes. Authors have already preprocessed the complete process to find IMF involves the following steps:

Please cite this article as: P. Pandey and K. R. Seeja, Subject independent emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and deep learning, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
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Fig. 3. Self-assessment-manikin used to rate videos (Morris, 1995).

1) Find out all minima and maxima in sðtÞ. sum of bandwidths of IMFs such that the sum of all the uk is equal
2) Using interpolation, get the upper envelop env max ðtÞ and to main signal. This optimization problem can be formulated
lower envelop env min ðtÞ by connecting maxima and minima (Dragomiretskiy and Zosso, 2014) as given in Eq. (2).
respectively. ( )
3) Compute the mean of env max ðtÞand env min ðtÞ as. min jj@t ½dðtÞ þ j=pt  uk ðtÞejwk t jj22 ð2Þ
mðtÞ ¼ env max ðtÞþen
v min ðtÞ
. ained mean value is subtracted from uk ;wk
the original signal s ðt Þ. to get the details as P
Such that k U k ¼ S where sis the original signal which has to be
dðtÞ ¼ sðt Þ  mðt Þ.
decomposed into k IMFs.
4) cide whether dðt Þ. satisfy the two basic conditions of IMF.
A sample of three IMFs obtained using VMD is shown in Fig. 5.
5) To obtain first IMF Iðt Þ, repeat the above steps from (a) to
(e) until it satisfies the required two conditions of IMF.
Now this obtained details signal d(t) will be the first IMF i. 2.4.3. Power-spectral-density (PSD)
Power-spectral-density describes how power of a signal is dis-
eIðtÞ ¼ dðt Þ. . .or next IMF, calculate the residue
tributed over frequency. In this research, Welch method (Rahi
xðtÞ ¼ sðtÞ  Iðt Þ. This residue will be termed as a new signal.
and Mehra, 2014) is used to calculate PSD of IMF.
Now above steps will be repeated again.
6) The whole process will be continued until the residue signal
will satisfy some stopping criteria (Say, it becomes Welch method.
constant). 1. Partition the signal s[0], s[1],. . .,s[N  1] into k segments.
2. For each segment 1 to k, Compute a windowed discrete fourier
The original signal in terms of its decomposed IMF components transfer at a frequency v ¼ i=M where ðM=2  1Þ  i  M=2 as
is shown in Eq. (1) shown in Eq. (3).
Sk ð v Þ ¼ S½mw½mexpðj2pv mÞ ð3Þ
sðtÞ ¼ Ii ðtÞ þ xk ðtÞ ð1Þ m
where m varies from (k  1)L to M+(k  1)L  1, w[m] is the win-
In the above equation k represents the number of IMFs obtained
dow function, M represents segment size and L is the number of
and Ii ðtÞis the ith IMF. A sample of six IMFs obtained using EMD is
points that is shifted between the segments.
shown in Fig. 4.
3. For each segment, compute the modified periodogram value
2.4.2. Variational-Mode-Decomposition (VMD): using Eq. (4).
VMD (Dragomiretskiy and Zosso, 2014) is a time-frequency
decomposition approach. It is made to overcome the limitations Pk ðv Þ ¼ 1=wabsðSk ðv ÞÞ2 ð4Þ
present in EMD, listed as follows: PM
where w ¼ m¼0 w ½m

i. EMD uses a recursive approach that does not allow back-

ward error correction. 4. Estimate of the power spectral density by finding the average of
ii. It is unable to handle noise properly. the obtained periodogram values using Eq. (5).

VMD does not use recursive approach; instead it uses concur- X


rent approach to extract intrinsic mode functions from the signal. Ls ðv Þ ¼ 1=K Pk ðv Þ ð5Þ
This is an adaptive method and decomposes the signal into k IMFs
and gives set of modes uk with their respective centre frequencies The number of points common to 2 adjacent segments is equal
wk. The sum of these modes represents the original signal. VMD is to (M-L) i.e. two adjacent segments will be overlapped by (M-L)
less susceptive to noise in comparison to EMD and it does not leave points. After getting power spectral density signal, the peak value
residual noise (Jiang et al., 2019). of it is selected as a feature. Fig. 6(a) and (b) shows a sample PSD
In VMD, identification of IMFs is considered as an optimization identified using Welch method for low valence class and high
problem. The aim of optimization algorithm is to minimize the valence class respectively.

Please cite this article as: P. Pandey and K. R. Seeja, Subject independent emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and deep learning, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
P. Pandey, K.R. Seeja / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 4. First six IMFs using EMD (electrode fp1 of subject 1 for high valence).

Fig. 5. First three IMFs using VMD (electrode fp1 of subject 1 for high valence class).

Visualizing both the plots, it is clear that peak value of PSD of the voltage variation of EEG during a period of time (ie, during var-
IMFs can discriminate both the classes and hence it is selected as ious emotional stimuli), we have selected First Difference of IMF
feature for emotion recognition. also as a feature.

2.4.4. First difference of IMF 2.5. Support vector machine

First difference represents the changes in time from one period
to the next. If yt denotes the value at time t of the time series y then SVM is a machine learning technique that classifies the data by
First Difference¼ yt  yt1 . Since in this research, we are analyzing drawing maximal marginal hyper planes which segregates the data

Please cite this article as: P. Pandey and K. R. Seeja, Subject independent emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and deep learning, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
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Fig. 6. PSD of first IMF (method-VMD, electrode fp1, subject 1) (a) Low valence class (b) high valence class.

very well. For non-separable data, it finds the hyper plane that to classify high/low valence and high/low arousal. These high/low
maximizes the margin and minimizes the misclassification by valence and arousal indicators are used to obtain emotion label as
introducing penalty term for misclassification. It maps the data described in the Section 2.2.
by using kernel function. As described in Section 1, various studies The proposed methodology of subject independent emotion
have suggested SVM as a better classifier for EEG based emotion classification is outlined as follows:
classification tasks and hence it has been selected in this research
for performance comparison with DNN. 1. Data collection
EEG data corresponds to the electrodes fp1, fp2, F3 and F4 of all
2.6. Deep Neural Network the 40 videos are selected from the DEAP database. Out of the
32 subjects, the data corresponds to 30 subjects are selected
It is a machine learning technique that can be used to learn fea- for training and 2 subjects are selected for testing in order to
tures as well as to perform classification tasks. The major attraction make it a pure subject independent approach.
towards DNN is its ability to work well with large amount of data. 2. Feature extraction
If a neural network consists of more than three layers including Two features are extracted from EEG signals – Peak value of PSD
input and output layer, this network comes under the category of and First difference. These features are calculated from the IMFs
deep neural network. A simple model of deep neural network with of EEG signal. For each EEG signal, extract the IMFs using EMD
three hidden layers is shown in Fig. 7. The number of hidden layers or VMD. Then by using Welch method, the PSD of each IMF is
and the number of neurons at each hidden layers can be varied. calculated. Select the peak value of the PSD as a feature. Calcu-
DNN also has the capability to detect stronger features from the late the first difference of IMF as another feature as described in
data and hence it is selected in this research for the emotion recog- Section 2.4.4.
nition task. 3. Classification
The two features calculated from the top IMFs are combined
2.7. Proposed methodology together to form the feature vector. Then the DNN classifier is
trained with the feature vectors correspond to 30 subjects
The schematic diagram of the proposed emotion recognition selected for training and then tested with the feature vectors
methodology using EEG signals is shown in Fig. 8. The subjects will correspond to the 2 subjects selected for testing.
wear an electrode cap during the recording of EEG and they will
watch videos. In this way the emotions will be induced and corre- 3. Experiments and results
sponding EEG will be recorded. Then the signals are preprocessed
and artifacts are removed. Finally the data base of preprocessed The proposed methodology has been implemented in Python
EEG Data for emotion recognition is created. In this study the with tensor-flow platform. Gradient-descend based optimization
bench mark DEAP database is used that is already preprocessed. algorithm is used and the activation function is Relu. At the output
Then features of EEG are extracted by using EMD and VMD layer soft max function is used. DEAP database contains EEG
techniques. Obtained features are fed into the deep neural network recordings of 32 electrodes corresponds to 40 videos and 32

Fig. 7. Deep Neural Network.

Please cite this article as: P. Pandey and K. R. Seeja, Subject independent emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and deep learning, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
P. Pandey, K.R. Seeja / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of the proposed method for emotion recognition from EEG.

subjects. We have selected the EEG recording from four electrodes for VMD based features. Similarly, different topologies of DNN
namely fp1,fp2,F3 and F4 (Petrantonakis and Hadjileontiadis, are examined by changing the number of hidden layers and num-
2010) since these electrode positions are already identified as emo- ber of neurons in hidden layers. The best results were obtained at
tion specific. Also, we have considered the valence/arousal rating three hidden layers as shown in Table 2.
greater than 5 as High and less than or equal to 5 as LOW. Table 3 shows the performance comparison of the classifiers
(SVM with RBF kernel and DNN with three hidden layers) with
3.1. Experiment 1: EMD based features VMD based features. We did the experiment with data from 2 elec-
trodes (fp1 and fp2) also in order to reduce the number of features
In this experiment, EEG signals were decomposed in to several as shown in Table 3. However the best results were obtained with
IMFs using EMD. For some EEG signals, the total number of IMFs features from four electrodes.
obtained was 11 and for some signals it was 12 based on the stop-
ping criteria (i.e., when the IMF becomes constant). Then the top 4. Discussion
IMFs were selected for feature calculation. For each of the selected
IMFs, the Peak value of PSD and First difference of IMF are calcu- From the experiments, it is found that
lated. The total number of features obtained for one electrode is
6.(i.e.,3  2) and thus for 4 electrodes (fp1, fp2, F3 and F4) it is 1. Features of IMFs like peak value of PSD and first differences are
24. (i.e.,4  3  2). The features of the selected IMFs are then given effective for emotion classification.
to the two selected classifiers – SVM and DNN. The number of top 2. Features of top IMFs, especially the first three IMFs, are more
IMFs per EEG signal was selected based on exhaustive experimen- informative for the emotion recognition task.
tation. After trying different options like top one IMF, top two IMFs, 3. EEG recordings of electrodes fp1, fp2, F3 and F4 are related to
top three IMFs and so on, we got best results with top three IMFs as emotions as found in literature.
given in Table 1. 4. VMD based features with DNN perform best for both Arousal
As shown in Table 1, the first three IMFs are highly correlated and Valence classification.
with EEG signal and hence for the second experiment only the
top three IMFs are considered for feature extraction. The comparison of EMD and VMD based features in terms of
classification accuracy for arousal and valence is shown in the
3.2. Experiment 2: VMD based features Fig. 9.
In DEAP database, the valence and arousal are rated in a 1–9
In this experiment, EEG signals were decomposed in to several (low to high) scale. With this valence–arousal model (Russell,
IMFs using VMD. Then the top three IMFs of each signal are 1980), emotions can be classified as shown in Table 4. Thus, with
selected for feature extraction. The peak value of PSD and first dif- the proposed binary classification model, four different emotions
ference of each of the selected IMFs are calculated as features. can be identified.
Then, the obtained feature vector is fed into SVM as well as DNN. Various attempts have been made to develop human emotion
In the case of SVM, linear, polynomial and radial basis function recognition systems as explained in Section 1. However most of
(RBF) kernel are examined and it is found that RBF is best suited them are subject dependent approaches and have used self created

Table 1
SVM vs. DNN (EMD based features).

Arousal or Valence No of IMFs selected Train data size (Data Test data size (Data Classifier Kernal function Accuracy on Accuracy on
for each signal from 30 subjects) from 2 subjects) train Data (%) test data (%)
Arousal 3 1200  24 80  24 SVM RBF 83 58.4
Polynomial 92 56
Deep Neural Network 94 60
Arousal 6 1200  48 80  48 SVM RBF 86.5 56.8
Polynomial 94 50
Deep Neural Network 92 57.6
Valence 3 1200  24 80  24 SVM RBF 80 57.6
Polynomial 90.5 52
Deep Neural Network 91.75 56
Valence 6 1200  48 80  48 SVM RBF 82 56
Polynomial 86.5 48
Deep Neural Network 90.5 52.8

Please cite this article as: P. Pandey and K. R. Seeja, Subject independent emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and deep learning, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
8 P. Pandey, K.R. Seeja / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Accuracy at different DNN Topologies.

No. of Hidden Layers No. of neurons at hidden layers for Valence No. of neurons at hidden layers for Arousal Accuracy (%) Valence Accuracy (%) Arousal
3 (12, 24, 12) (7, 14, 7) 62.50 61.25
4 (12, 24, 12, 3) (12, 24, 12, 3) 55.00 59.75
5 (12, 24, 12, 21, 12) (12, 24, 12, 21, 12) 60.00 56.75
6 (100, 200, 100, 200, 100, 200) (100, 200, 100, 200, 100, 200) 56.25 52.50

Table 3
SVM vs. DNN (VMD based features).

Valence/ No. of Classifier No. of neurons at 3 hidden Train data size (Data from 30 Test data size (Data from 2 Accuracy on test
Arousal electrodes layers subjects) subjects) data (%)
Arousal 4 (fp1, fp2, F3, DNN (7, 14, 7) 1200  24 80  24 61.25
F4) SVM – 57.50
Valence DNN (12, 24, 12) 62.50
SVM – 58.75
Arousal 2 (fp1, fp2) DNN (4, 8, 4) 1200  12 80  12 57.50
SVM – 55.00
Valence DNN (10, 20, 10) 60.00
SVM – 56.25

Fig. 9. Comparison of different methods with respect to accuracy.

database with less number of subjects to evaluate the model. We

Table 4
have compared our results with the state of the art subject inde-
Emotion classification based on Valence-Arousal. pendent techniques, found in literature, on the bench mark DEAP
database and is shown in Table 5.
Valence Arousal Emotion
Positive (6–9) Passive (1–5) Calm/Content
Positive (6–9) Active (6–9) Happy/Excited 5. Conclusion
Negative (1–5) Passive (1–5) Sad/Depressed
Negative (1–5) Active (6–9) Angry/Afraid
In this paper, a subject independent emotion recognition
system based on EEG signals is proposed. In the proposed

Table 5
Performance comparison with state of the art techniques.

Article Approach Database Feature Extraction Classifier Accuracy (%)

(Li et al., 2018) Subject DEAP STFT SVM 59.06
Independent Positive and Negative
(Lan et al., 2019) Subject DEAP Differential Entropy Domain adaption 48.93
Independent technique For Three level valence
(Rayatdoost and Soleymani, Subject DEAP Spectral topography maps of different Convolutional Arousal- 55.70
2018) Independent bands Neural Network Valence- 59.22
Proposed Subject DEAP VMD Deep Neural Network Arousal-61.25
Independent Valence-62.50

Please cite this article as: P. Pandey and K. R. Seeja, Subject independent emotion recognition from EEG using VMD and deep learning, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
P. Pandey, K.R. Seeja / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 9

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