Year of Goodbyes by Phoenix

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Year of Goodbyes


Twenty five years old Arabella steps out of the plane and breathes the fresh air of
Arizona. It has been 6 years since she left, but nothing much has changed, except
her. Memories of the past came flooding in like an avalanche in her brain. But
she's not here to reminisce. She's here for her mom. She rushed through the gate
with her 5-year-old daughter in her arms and went out to catch a cab. But she
didn't expect to see the one person she dreaded to see for many years... Liam Jones
Liam Jones dangerously handsome, a very successful Pediatrician and was about to
make an important decision of his life until he ran into the girl who broke his
heart many years ago. Will they give each other a chance and finally face and
explore the feelings they have for each other? Will they let their fear of
rejection get in the way of a happy ever after, especially if Sophie is involved.

Author's Disclaimer
Hi, this is my second book under Stary writing, and I would like to thank every one
of you for your support and encouragement. I have always wanted to write a book,
but life gets in the way, so I have to put aside my writing passion. I can never
thank the people behind Dreame/Stary Writing enough for this opportunity and my
editor Miss Cherry for believing in me.

I lie awake at night with all these ideas and stories running through my head. Then
one day, I stumbled into the app of Dreame; that's when I got the motivation to
write again. I started with my first book, which is quite challenging because I've
never written a fantasy story before.

I loved reading them nut I've never really tried writing one until now. But thanks
to all the fantasy story fans, I was able to apply for the 'pay to read program,'
and the number of readers of that book is still rising every day.

Please note that all the characters, places, and names are fiction only, a product
of my imagination and originally written by me. If there are any similarities to
any book or true to life story, I assure you it's merely coincidental.

So without further ado, here's my second book entitled " Year of Goodbyes" enjoy!

Chapter 1
Twenty-five years old Arabella steps out of the plane and breathes the fresh air of
Arizona. It has been six years since she left, but nothing much has changed except

Memories of the past came flooding in like an avalanche in her brain. But she's not
here to reminisce. She's here for her mom. She rushed through the gate with her 5-
year-old daughter in her arms and went out to catch a cab. But she didn't expect to
see the one person she dreaded to see for many years. Liam Jones.

Shit! What the fuck is this man doing here? Oh God, please, I don't need this right
now. I only want to see my mom. Okay, calm down Arabella, he doesn't notice you
yet, so you are safe. Just walk slowly and look in another direction. He's busy
talking on his phone so pretend you did not see him, alright?

Oh, God! Oh, God! Please, just this once, hear my pleas. I promise I will go to
church often, just please don't let him see us.

Yep! God must be feeling hilarious today because right on cue, when Bella came into
full view, Liam raised his head, and their eyes locked. If you say Liam is shocked
would be an understatement, he froze!

He is looking at Arabella intensely and shifting his gaze from her to the little
girl she's holding. Arabella is also frozen. She can't look away even if she wanted

Seeing Liam after six years still gives butterflies in her stomach, but, most
importantly, she is nervous. Liam strolled towards her, and all she can think about
is to bolt to the nearest cab, but nope, she stood frozen as he approached.

" Bella? Is that you?" Liam asked as he got nearer and looked at the cute little
girl in her arms. He can't explain what he's feeling right now aside from shock to
seeing her again, but he's also happy that she's here.

When he looked at the little girl, he can't seem to shake the feeling of joy and
protectiveness but, most of all, jealousy. So she's married and got a kid, she has
moved on.

" Liam!! Hiiii!" She forced herself to act naturally and happy to see him, although
her heartbeat is like 200 beats per second.

" Good to see you again! What are you doing here? Flying somewhere?" She asked with
a forced smile on her face that her jaws hurt.

" Ahh no, I'm waiting for someone, my ahm," but before he can finish what he was
saying, she heard a high-pitched voice from behind her.

" Liam! Baby, I'm here!" The girl ran straight to Liam and showered his face with
kisses. She is tall with short blonde hair, probably a model, Bella thought to
herself. She is looking at the girl with raised brows.

" Who do we have here, baby?" The girl asked Liam, then turned to Bella extending
her hand.

" Hi, I'm Taylor Liam's girlfriend," the girl smiled at her, but she can see
through her mask. She's pretending to be friendly.

" Tay, this is Bella, my sister Collette's childhood best friend. Bella, this is
Taylor, my ahm girlfriend." Liam introduced the two with such difficulty. Today is
the first time he wished she is not his girlfriend.

" And who is this little cutie over here?" Taylor pinched the little girl's face,
which made the little girl wake up and looked around her.

" Mommy, where are we?" Asked the little girl. She has dark chocolate eyes and long
light brown curly hair with the cutest dimple on each cheek.

Liam was taken aback by the girl's appearance. He felt something had pinched his
heart, and he doesn't understand why. The girl looks so familiar, but he doesn't
know where he has seen that face.

" We are still at the airport, sweetheart. Mommy's going to call a taxi now so we
can see nana, okay?' Bella explained to her daughter then looked at the two people
in front of her.
" This is my daughter Sophie. Baby, these are mommy's old friends, uncle Liam and
Taylor." She doesn't want her daughter to call this fake bimbo auntie. If possible,
she doesn't want her daughter ever to see her again.

" Okay! Sssooo, we'll go ahead, Liam. I'm sure mom's impatiently waiting for us
now." She told Liam.

" Oh, okay, yeah, sure we'll go ahead as well. Does Colette know you are coming?"
He asked her.

" Ahm no, I haven't talked to her after I left." She answered him with sad eyes.

" Please say hi to Collette for me and tell her she can come by the house anytime,
that is, if she still wants to see me." She added with a sad smile.

" Of course she does. She's your best friend. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see
you. So I'll see you around? Maybe you can come to the house and meet my parents?
I'm pretty sure they missed you too and will be happy to know you have returned and
see that you have a cute little girl. You are like family to us, and you know that,
right?" Liam stated, looking intently at her and her daughter. He came close and
kissed her forehead and her daughter as well.

He seems reluctant to leave her, but Taylor is looking bored and impatient, so they
went to their car, but then he turns right back and calls Bella.

" You know what, why don't we drop you off at your house? I mean, we practically
live in the same neighborhood. We are just two houses apart after all." He offered.

" No, it's okay, Liam, we can take a cab. I don't want to bother you or impose.
We'll be fine." She declined as gently as she can, but Liam as Liam doesn't take no
for an answer.

" No, I insist, and you will not be imposing. As I've said, we live near each other
it wouldn't be a bother, Bella and your daughter is tired, I know you are too from
the flight. Please allow me, or Collette will skin me alive if she finds out I left
you here." He insisted and even made a joke about her sister.

" Are you sure it's okay?" She asked shyly and glanced at Taylor, who is already
sitting in front of the car, looking irritated.

" Yeah, of course, it is. I'd love to hear about your life this past six years." He
smiled at her, making those two cute dimples come out from his cheeks. The dimples
she so adored growing up and the same dimples she sees every single day for the
past six years.

" Okay, if you insist. I appreciate it very much," Bella then accepted his offer,
which made him very happy. He suddenly kissed her cheek and kissed Sophie's head,
then took the luggage and put it in the trunk. Then, he guided her and her daughter
to the back seat.

Arabella didn't know she was holding her breath up until now. She stood frozen.
What the hell just happened?! Why did he kiss Sophie and me with her girlfriend

Oh, fucking hell, I shouldn't have come, but my mom needs me now, and besides, she
hasn't met her grandchild yet. All she saw were pictures and constant phone calls
from them. Now it's time they meet.

Her mom was so devastated when she decided to run away after her graduation. She
didn't tell her why at first, but she had no one but her mom for support when she
got pregnant.

Now her past seems to catch up with her. The problem is, can she handle what's
going to happen? Can she honestly say she's over him when in fact, she cannot, even
if she wanted to?

Every day she's reminded of that one night, one happy memory that she can keep for
a lifetime. But that's what it is, a memory. He has moved on and forgotten about
her, and that's obvious.

Chapter 2
The ride home was not so pleasant for Arabella. Taylor's constant flirting with
Liam irritates her. She tried to tune out Taylor's irritating voice and looked at
the scenery outside, how she missed this place.

It brings back memories of both happiness and sadness. She stole a glance at Liam
and looked at the rearview mirror to find him staring at her. She averted her gaze,
and instantly her face heated. She knows she probably looked flushed right now.

She gathered her daughter closer to her to cover her face and looked once again
outside. She was busy looking at the scenery that she didn't hear when Liam asked
her something.

" Bella," He called her attention again.

" Huh? Oh, I'm sorry I didn't hear you." She replied nervously.

" I asked how's life in Denver?" Liam told her, smiling at her from the mirror.

"It was fine, and I got my degree. I was teaching at the Kindergarten for two years
before I decided to quit and come home. It was a tough decision because it will be
hard for Sophie to be in a new environment, but Mom needs me here. I guess you know
she's not feeling okay, right?" She looked at him, and he nodded and smiled sadly.

" Yeah, I heard what happened to her at the facility. She had a mild stroke, right?
We went to visit her at the hospital, but she didn't mention you are coming home.
So that means you're staying for good?" He asked with hopeful eyes and gave his
dimpled smile again. That smile got her into trouble many times before, and it has
the same effect on her even after so many years.

" She didn't tell me about her condition until a nurse from the hospital called me.
I resigned right away from my job and packed our things. I've applied to a local
school here as a kindergarten teacher, and I have an appointment this Monday with
the Principal." She told him to avoid eye contact.

" Wow! So proud of you babe, you've always wanted to be a teacher. I can still
remember when you were younger and used to hang out with Collette. I always see you
try to teach a group of teddies and Collette how to read." He said, laughing a bit.
He didn't realize that he just called her babe. Arabella, on the other hand, is
feeling hot and awkward. She can see Taylor's face turned sour.

" Hahaha yeah, you used to tease me nonstop then until I start to cry, and Collette
would always go after you with a stick in her hand. How is she, by the way? Is she
married?" She also laughed at the memories and missed her best friend, but she was
just scared she would not talk to her because she left without saying goodbye.
" No, she's not, but soon, she just got engaged two months ago. She has her own
boutique in town and her fiance Todd is a lawyer." He informed her.

" What about you? Where's your husband?" He added. Arabella was taken off guard by
his question. She panicked for a while but was able to regain her composure.

" I don't have a husband. He left me when I was pregnant," She said with a hushed
tone and looked at her sleeping daughter, who is now starting to stir, and opened
her eyes.

" Mommy, are we there yet?" Sophie asked her.

" Not yet, sweetheart, but almost." She replied and helped her sit in a comfortable
position in her lap. Sophie's eyes landed on Liam and smiled.

" Hi uncle Liam, when are we arriving at Nana's house? I'm hungry," She asked him
and pouted a little, giving her puppy eyes, and looked at Liam in the mirror.
Liam's eyes twinkled at her cuteness, and he can't seem to shake the pang in his
heart at her words.

" We're almost there, sweetheart, don't worry. I'm sure your nana prepared all your
favorite food." He answered her and used the same endearment Bella used for her.

He caught Bella staring at him in the mirror before she abruptly looked away. He
can see her cheeks blushing, and it tugged at his heart to see her flustered like

The Arabella he knew when she was nineteen was pretty, but now, the twenty-five-
year-old Arabella is gorgeous. She filled up in the right places, and her hazel
eyes still hold purity and innocence.

He can't explain the feeling he felt when she said she doesn't have a husband. It
was both a relief and sadness. She must have been through a lot. He admired her so
much for raising her child alone.

Is it the reason why she left? Because some idiot got her pregnant but didn't have
the balls to man up? If he ever meets that guy, he will give him a piece of his
mind and more. The overwhelming protectiveness towards her came back. He has always
been protective of her.

" Okay. Mommy, what if nana doesn't like me? What if she doesn't want us in her
house?" Sophie turned to her mother and asked her with worried teary eyes.

" What? Why would you think that, love? Of course, nana loves you. She's so excited
to meet you. She will kiss you many times you will beg her to stop. And I'm sure
you will be sleeping in her room more often. She loves you very much, sweetheart,
and she can't wait to have you in her arms." Bella assured her daughter and kissed
her little hands and head.

" Sweetheart, you tell me if your nana turned into a witch, then I will come and
rescue you and your mommy, okay?" Liam told her, smiling, which made Sophie giggled
and Bella glaring at him.

" But I'm pretty sure your nana loves you peanut, she will adore you the moment she
sees you. I know I do." He added. Bella's heart stopped and broke a little. She
tried to swallow the lump in her throat and busied herself fixing Sophie's long
curly hair.

The hurt in Bella's eyes didn't escape Liam. He can see right through her. He had
to clear his throat several times and looked at the road ahead.

Good thing his girlfriend is sleeping beside him, or she might see the effect
Arabella has on him. He thought the attraction he had for Arabella was fleeting.
But seeing her now after six years, all grew up, matured, and still the sweetest
and loving girl she was, made him realized the feelings didn't go away. In fact,
it's stronger now than before.

He knew his heart is in deep trouble once again. He was devastated when he knew she
left without any word and didn't even try to contact anyone or at least Collette.

The last time he saw her was during the after-party for their high school
graduation at his house. He was so drunk that night, but he remembered they were
talking by the lake. He had too much alcohol that night because he was jealous of
the guys who kept on approaching her.

All he remembered was him kissing her by the lake, but everything else was a blur.
He woke up in the morning with the nastiest hangover and a tint of blood on his
sheet. He can't even remember who the girl he had sex with that night was.

Chapter 3
Finally, they are in their neighborhood. Liam dropped of Arabella and Sophie first
before going to their house. He went down his car and helped Arabella carry her
suitcases inside.

Agnes was out her door the moment she heard a car parked outside. She had tears in
her eyes and was smiling happily. At last, her little girl is home, and she can hug
her grandchild. But when she saw Liam, she paled, she transferred her troubled eyes
to her daughter, who also has a conflicting look in her eyes.

" Oh, my girls! You are finally here! I thought I would wait forever for you to
arrive!" She hugged both her girls and took Sophie from her mother's arms, and
rained kisses on her face. Sophie was so happy and was giggling nonstop. Bella and
Liam watch them with adoring eyes.

" Liam! How come you sent them home? Did you know Bella's arriving today?" Agnes
asked Liam and looked at Arabella suspiciously.

" Oh no, Aunt Agnes, we just met at the airport. I was waiting for Taylor's flight
when I saw Bella came out of the gate. I offered to send them home since we live
near to each other." Liam explained awkwardly.

" Oh, okay, what a coincidence, huh? Must be fate." Agnes answered cryptically and
glanced at her daughter, who is now throwing daggers at her.

" Mom! Why don't we go inside? It's getting late and cold, and we are starving."
She pushed her mother inside and gathered her suitcases, but before she went in,
she turned to Liam and smiled awkwardly.

" Thanks again for the lift Liam, I really appreciate it, and please tell Collette
I say hi."

" Ahm yeah, it's really not a big deal what neighbors are for, right? Anyway, I
have to get going, and I will surely tell Collette you're here. Expect an avalanche
in a little while. Knowing her, she won't stay put and start banging on your door."
Liam laughed, he said goodbye, but he's not even moving. He seemed reluctant to
part with her. He can't get enough of her.
She is so gorgeous, and he is having a hard time controlling himself, not grabbing
her and hug her tight. After a few more goodbyes, he finally walks back to his car
and drives home.

" What took you so long, baby? I'm dying here and starving. Why didn't you just
dropped them off and leave? She's not your ex, isn't she? You seem so eager to chat
with her, and she looks so smitten with you, it's disgusting." Taylor complained
irritation is visible on her face.

" What? No, Tay, she is like my little sister. As I've told you, she is my sister's
best friend. I haven't seen her for six years. I can't just treat her like I don't
know her." Liam answered heatedly. He is pissed with her behavior and hostility
against Bella.

" Huh, little sister, ha? If I'd known better, I think you are crushing on her. You
can't take your eyes off of her and paying more attention to her than me. Me, your
girlfriend, who flew hundreds of miles to see you." She continued badgering, and it
annoyed him more.

" You are just tired, Tay. You imagine things that don't exist. Let's stop
discussing Bella, alright? She has done nothing to you, so don't judge her based on
the first impression." He put a stop to their argument and exited the car.

They have arrived at their house. He took Taylor's suitcase and walked to the front
door. Taylor followed him with a scowl on her face. She knows there's more to it
than Liam wants to let on. One thing is for sure. She will not let that bitch come
close to her man.

" Liam, you're here! Oh, hello Taylor, welcome." Collette greeted her brother and
gave Taylor a nod. She doesn't like her for her brother, but she can't do anything
about it.

" Hello dear Collette, how are you? I miss you." Taylor hugged Collette, beamed at
her with a fake smile, and kissed both cheeks. Collette made a gagging face and
rolled her eyes, which made Liam chuckle.

" Wow, in a good mood, are we?" Collette asked Taylor with raised brows.

" Hey, Cole, guess who I met at the airport a while ago?" Liam was grinning at her
sister, excitement on his face.

" Who?" Collette was intrigued.

" Bella. She finally came home, sis. After six years, she's back. I just dropped
her off at their house before coming here." He informed his sister, Collette was
wide-eyed and didn't move or speak for a second, then she screamed so loud that her
parents came running.

" What is going on here? Where's the fire?!" Her Father asked, stunned.

" Daddy! Daddy! Bella is back! I've got to go! I need to go see her!" And before
anyone can say anything, she's out the door like a flash.

" Bella, as in little Arabella?" Her mother turned to Liam with a confused face.

" Yes, mom, little Bella is home, and she got the cutest and prettiest little girl.
You got to meet them, mom. You will fall in love with her daughter. I know I did."
Liam said animatedly.
" She's married?!" His dad asked, surprised.

" No, dad, she said that idiot left her when she got pregnant, but I admire her,
though, despite her predicament, she was able to raise her child alone and got a
degree. She applied to our local school here as a Kindergarten Teacher." He told
them proudly.

" Oh, I always know our little Bella will go far. She is smart, responsible, and
respectful, not to add a gorgeous young girl." Her mom nodded her head, and
happiness and pride are visible on her face.

" Ehherm, hello Mr. and Mrs. Jones, what a lovely home you got." Taylor made her
presence known. She felt a little left out with their conversation.

" Oh, hi dear, I'm sorry, where are our manners, welcome. How was your flight?"
Liam's mother greeted her with a smile. Even though she doesn't like this girl, she
has to endure her presence for her son.

She cannot understand what he sees in her, with all that fake body and a fake
smile. Not to mention her awful personality.

" Oh, the flight was fine, Mrs. Jones, it was tolerable, but I hate the service.
The flight attendants are all stupid and slow." She criticized the staff and
calling them names, which made Liam grimaced, and her parents glared at him.

Their eyes are asking him, why on earth did he choose her? He could do better than
this plastic, spoiled fake barbie. Funny, because he's been asking himself that
same question the moment he saw Arabella.

She is way behind Bella, physically and mentally. Her personality, compared to
Bella's, is like comparing a lion to a lamb. She is nothing like Bella, and she
never will be.

Chapter 4
Mom and I are happily chatting about our lives for the past six years while Sophie
is at her Nana's lap. My mom was over the moon when she finally held Sophie in her
arms. She never let her go since we arrived. She showered Sophie with kisses and
just stared at her, but I can see the worry in her eyes when she glanced at me.

" Bella, are you sure of this? I told you I am going to be just fine. You don't
have to come back home." She told me, worry evident on her face while glancing at
Sophie. I looked at my little girl busy playing with her Nana's scarf.

The truth is I'm really scared right now, but sooner or later, I have to face the
music and just let God do his magic. I cannot hide Sophie forever. She deserves to
know her roots and meet her father.

When she started asking about her father, all I said was that he's away on a very
secret mission. My heart shattered every time she asks why she doesn't have a dad
and what her classmates have. She often asks if her dad hates her. That's why he
didn't want to see her. I cry myself to sleep every night, hurting for my little

That is why I decided to come back. I want to see if he can recognize his own flesh
and blood. The look on his face when he saw Sophie was priceless, I was hopeful,
but then he masked it with disappointment. My heart was crushed.

" Mom, I'm sure, I think it's time," I told her tiredly and looked at my baby with
sad eyes. Then we heard a thunderous knock on the door, almost banging.

I got up, and as soon as I opened the door, I was tackled to the floor by an
outraged woman. Collette, my best friend, was hugging me so tight I almost choked,
I patted her arm to let me go, and we stood up.

" Where have you been?! Why didn't you call? Did I do or say something wrong that
you have to go away and hide?!" She fired so many questions that I have whiplash. I
am catching my breath from her death grip just now.

Sophie started crying. She thought Collete was attacking me, so I went to her right
away and took her in my arms. She stopped crying instantly and buried her face in
my neck. Collette had a shocked look on her face.

" You have a daughter, and you didn't tell me?!" She glared at me, looking at my
daughter and then back to me.

" Hello to you too, Collete. I'm fine, by the way, thank you for asking," I tell
her in a very sarcastic tone and rolled my eyes.

" Why don't you both sit down? I'll go get some tea." My mom said, standing up and
going to the kitchen.

" Well? Are you going to tell me? What happened, Bell?' She asked in a somber tone

" This happened," I replied, pointing to my daughter, Sophie. " Baby, this is
auntie Collete, mommy's best friend." I urged Sophie to lift her head and look at
Collete. As soon as she did, Collete gasped loudly.

" Hello, auntie Coyet," she said shyly, not able to pronounce Collette's name
properly, and laid her head in my chest. Collete looked at me incredulously, eyes
wide, mouth hanging.

I smiled at her weakly, feeling sorry and sad that she has to know this way. I know
it is wrong of me to hide what happened that night. I was just so hurt and confused
and scared that she might get angry, but judging on her reaction right now, she's
more hurt than angry.

" Bella, you have to tell me, or I will go crazy. My mind is running a hundred
miles per minute here. Tell me I'm not mistaken. Tell me she's not who I think she
is." She begged with tears in her eyes. I started to tear up as well and nodded
slowly. She covered her face and sobbed. I feel so sorry that I wasn't able to stop
the tears myself.

" Mommy, why are you and auntie Coyet cwaying?" Sophie asked and wiped my face. I
kissed her hand and smiled at her.

" We are just so happy we see each other again, Princess. These are tears of joy,
right Collette?" I turned to Collete, who seemed to get a hold of her emotions.

" Yes, yes, baby, I am just so happy to see your mommy again and to meet you. Can
you hug auntie Collete too?" She agreed, smiling at Sophie, and opened her arms for

Sophie looked at me as if asking for confirmation, so I nodded and let her go down
and walk to Collette's waiting arms. Collette hugged her tight and started crying
again, kissing all over her face.

" I am so happy to meet you finally, baby. I will spoil you with toys and clothes,
just you wait and see. Then you will meet your gra...ahm my parents. They will
adore you and spoil you too." She told Sophie, and Sophie's face lit up like a
Christmas tree upon hearing the word toys.

I glared at Collette, and she glared back at me. My mom came back with our tea, and
she took Sophie with her and told her she would show her my baby photos. I looked
at my mom and thanked her with my eyes, I have some explaining to do to my best
friend, and I don't want Sophie to hear it.

Collette and I were staring at each other when they left the room, waiting who
would talk first. I cleared my throat and started talking.

" It happened the night of our graduation party at your house 6 years ago. Remember
when Liam got into a fight with his football buddy? The night he discovered that
his bitch of a girlfriend cheated on him with his buddy?" I asked her, and she

"Well, before that, we were by the lake talking. He was already a bit drunk, and I
was also tipsy. We were just talking at first, and then I don't know how it
happened, we started kissing. You know I was in love with your brother for years,
right?" I asked her again, and she nodded, now curiously eyeing me.

"So when he kissed me, I was over the moon, the scene, the weather was so perfect,
and I gave my first kiss to my first love. But then he ended the kiss saying he was
sorry and didn't know what came over him and that it was a mistake." I looked down
and started tearing up.

"So I followed my instinct. I ran and hide in one of the bathrooms. When I finally
came out, it was when Liam fought with his mate. We tried to stop them and brought
Liam to his room, we tended to his wounds, and then you asked me to stay with him
while you pacify the crowd downstairs." I played with my fingers and sighed loudly.

"I stayed even though I know I shouldn't, but he looked so hurt and so helpless, so
I took care of him. But when I was wiping his face with the washcloth, he grabbed
me unexpectedly and pinned me to the bed. He was stronger than me even when he was
so drunk. He started kissing me and started crying, my defenses broke, and I gave
in. I just want him to love me and see me, and I thought he finally did. But after
we had sex, he suddenly said, " you can get out now, Jenny, we are over," my world
shattered along with my heart that night." Tears escaped my eyes, and I wiped them
quickly. Collette is looking at me with sadness and pity.

"He thought I was Jenny. He thought he was making love with his girlfriend, not me.
So tell me, Collette, what would you have me do? He didn't know it was me, that's
why I stopped going to your house after that. But when I realized my period didn't
come, I bought the kit and checked if what I'm thinking is correct." I shook my
head and raked my fingers through my hair.

"Then I found out I was pregnant, I got scared, and I don't know how to tell mom,
you, or Liam. I don't want you to think that I did it on purpose, to get Liam and
force him to marry me. Honestly, all of it was my fault, I could have prevented it,
but I didn't because I loved him too much. I did what I thought was right for
everyone, it was hard, but I didn't regret everything that's happened." I told her,
wiping my tears. She was a crying mess too, then she grabbed me and hugged me
" I am so sorry, Bell, I am so sorry I was too busy partying that night that I
neglected you. You should have told me I could have helped you. You know I wouldn't
turn my back on you. I will kill Liam for doing that to you, that idiot! He didn't
even recognize his own daughter!" She was fuming at Liam. I grabbed her hands and
squeezed them.

" I am sorry, Cols, but as you can see, I survived. I've made a career for myself,
and I raised Sophie as best as I could." I pleaded with her, and she nodded and
hugged me again.

" So what are you going to do now?" She asked.

" I don't really know, I thought he would recognize Sophie, but he didn't, and I
don't want to tell him yet also the same goes with you. It would be best if you
didn't interfere, Collette. Let him discover the truth himself. Please promise me,
Cols, let's just wait. I'm putting my trust in God, hoping he would realize and
remember what happened that night." I begged Collette. He bit her lip and draws her
brows together, clearly not liking the idea, but then she conceded and made a

I smiled at her sadly, and we set that issue aside. We started talking about our
lives these past six years and reminisce. For now, the storm has calmed down. I
will let tomorrow worry about itself and go with the flow.

Converted by Kei

Chapter 5

Collette ended up staying the night. We talked the whole night, filling each other
in about our lives for the past six years. She told me about her fiance, Todd, and
how they met. I told her about my life in Denver and my struggles when I had

It was dawn when we finally went to sleep. It's as if we are back to our teenage
days. We always have a sleepover, but I enjoyed sleeping at their house more, one
because she has a massive bed and her room is decorated like a Princess room.

Two, because Liam is there, he would always hang out with us whenever I'm around
and always very attentive. He would always ask me if I needed anything, even in
school. He tries to hang with Collette and me even if he's three years ahead of us.

I was so heartbroken when he left for the University, and I always make sure I am
at their house whenever he comes home for the break. My crush turned to love as
years passed by. I broke my heart when he brought his girlfriend home one spring

They were so sweet, and he seldom hangs out with us. In the following years, I
avoided going to their house if I knew his girlfriend is there again. Collette
didn't ask. She doesn't have to.

She knows I am in love with her brother for the longest time. Collette and I don't
like Jenny. We heard so many rumors about her. We tried telling Liam, but he blew
us off and got pissed.

So we let him be. What he discovered that night at our graduation party was way
past overdue. Everybody knows that his girlfriend is fucking every guy that hits on
her except him. Maybe Jenny thought Liam wouldn't find out since he was so drunk
that night, but I was happy he did.
I remembered vividly what we talked about that night by the lake.

Graduation Party 2016 Arizona

I was feeling suffocated by all the smoke and loud music in the house. That's why I
stepped out and headed to the lake.

This is my favorite spot in the Jones mansion. They have a lake at the back of the
house. I took off my shoes and dipped my feet in the warm water, the moon is full
tonight, and its reflection on the water added to the beauty of the lake.

I went to my favorite spot, a big branch of the tree, and sat there. I inhaled the
fresh scent of the lake and nature and looked up at the sky. There are so many
stars out tonight. I heard a twig broke near me, and I abruptly looked back. Liam
is walking towards me, a beer in hand.

" Hey, beautiful, what are you doing here all alone? Why aren't you at your party?"
He asked, smiling down at me then sat beside me. I scooched a bit to make room for
him and smiled shyly. It always makes me blush when I hear him call me beautiful.

" I'm just taking a break, all those loud noises and cigarette smoke make me dizzy,
and I am feeling a little bit tipsy already. Collette has been making me drink beer
more than I can handle. You know I don't drink much." I told him and looked back at
the lake. I heard him chuckle and took a swig on his beer before he spoke again.

" So are you ready for the University, Bel? I heard you wanted to be a teacher.
Have you found a school yet?" He asked me again and adjusted his form facing me. He
is straddling the branch and almost like encasing me in his thighs.

I blushed again and tried to hide it with my hair covering my eyes. I suddenly feel
conscious. He tucked my hair behind my ears to uncover my face and lifted my chin.

" Hey, why are you always so shy around me? Do not hide your face from me, Bel. I
love looking at your innocent, beautiful face. He smiled softly and caressed my
face with the lightest touch. I stared at him with wide eyes.

" I'm not shy, and it's just that I don't want people staring at me. It makes me
uncomfortable. To answer your question, yeah, I found a University not far from
here, and they accepted my application. I don't want to study so far away from
momma. I will miss her terribly." I told him, shrugging my shoulder and biting my
lower lip. His eyes are trained on my lips, and he bit his own lip and swallowed

" Don't do that, babe," he groaned and closed his eyes.

" Huh? Do what?" I asked him, puzzled. Then he sighed deeply and opened his eyes.
He stared at me for a few seconds before he whispered.

" Don't bite your lip like that. It makes me want to kiss you." I gasped and stared
at him in shock. Now I feel hot, and I'm pretty sure my face turned as red as a
tomato. I swiftly averted my eyes and looked at the lake.

" Haha, Liam, don't toy with me." I laughed awkwardly and unconsciously bit my lip

I heard him curse and turned my face towards him. He stared at me intensely,
looking at my lips then at my eyes, a tormented look on his eyes.

Then without warning, he captured my lips in a searing kiss. I was too shocked to
react at first. Then he bit my lower Iip a little bit too hard and made me gasp in

He took the opportunity to delve his tongue inside my mouth and caressed every nook
and cranny. I moaned in ecstasy and started kissing him back. He is a good kisser.
He knows how to solicit a response from me and made me want more.

He was holding my face in place and explored my mouth thoroughly. We separated not
because we wanted to but because we need to. We ran out of air. He placed small
kisses all over my face and captured my lips again.

Then he abruptly stopped and stared at me with wide eyes. He dropped his hand from
my face and stood up.

" I'm sorry, Bella, I didn't know what came over me. This doesn't seem right. This
should not have happened. I'm sorry." I stared at him in shock and hurt. Tears fell
down my eyes, and I covered my mouth before my sobs come out.

He said it was a mistake, but his kisses told me otherwise. I stood up too and ran
towards the house. I heard him call my name, but I never stopped. I was so
embarrassed and hurt that I just wanted to hide.

Liam Jones finally kissed me, but he said he was sorry as if it was a mistake. My
heart broke a little again, all because of that one boy.

Chapter 6
Still a Flashback

When I emerged from the bathroom where I was hiding for the past 30 minutes, I
heard a commotion outside. When I checked, I saw Liam fighting with his buddy.

They are both bloody, but Liam was worst, maybe because he's too drunk. Jenny,
Liam's bitch girlfriend, tries to stop the other guy while Collette is trying to
stop Liam.

I ran to Collette's side to help her hold Liam back. Even in his drunken state,
Liam is so strong that we had a hard time controlling him.

" You son of a bitch, you were fucking my girlfriend behind my back the whole
time?!" He shouted to his buddy. The guy just smiled evilly at him and spat blood
on the ground.

" You're so dense, Liam. I was not the only one who's fucking this bitch! Almost
the whole school does! I was doing you a favor and show you who she really is!"

" Stop it, Jake! Baby, he's lying. He forced me to have sex with him!" Jenny tried
to wiggle her way out of the situation.

" Really, Jen? What, you happen to stumble in the room and ended up riding him
naked?! Who are you kidding? We know you've been cheating on my brother, you slut!"
Collette was so pissed with Jenny that she wants to pull all her hair out.

" Shut up, Collette, you don't know anything! You're just making it up!" Jenny
shouted at Collette, which made her angrier. She started to advance towards
Collette, but I stopped her.

" Cols, we really need to bring Liam inside, he's bleeding badly, and he's drunk,"
I told her, which made her looked at her brother and glared back at Jenny.

" I want you out of here before I come back. Leave my brother alone, you bitch!"
She spats at Jenny, and we carried Liam inside up to his room.

She quickly changed his shirt and took a washcloth and medicine kit to attend to
his cuts and bruises.

" Bel, can you look after him for me while I get rid of the people downstairs? I
have to clean up as well. I don't want to leave him here alone. I will come back as
soon as I'm done, okay?" She begged. I got nervous all of a sudden. This is the
last thing I want to do after that kiss.

I don't want to be alone with him, but I guess he won't wake up. He's too drunk. I
nodded, and she hugged me quickly before going out the door.

I looked at the sleeping Liam and stroked his bruised face lightly. How can I love
you still after you broke my heart? I took the washcloth and wiped his face and

Then suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to bed. He pinned me down under
him and stared at me. He is staring but not really seeing. He's way too drunk to
know it's me. Besides, it's a little dark in here.

Then he started kissing me aggressively. I feel like I'm going to die because of
the intensity of his kiss. When I thought I could not breathe anymore, his lips
traveled down my neck and shoulders. His hand started roaming all over my body, and
I went inside my dress to massage my breast.

I felt so alive but also scared. This is my first time, and I'm doing it with the
person I love the most. I know this doesn't seem right, he might not remember in
the morning, but I can't seem to stop.

He's doing things to me that made me go crazy with need. He raised my dress over my
head and lowered his head between my breasts. He discarded my bra and captured one
of my nipples in his mouth. We both moaned when he did that.

He started playing with my nipples with his tongue while caressing the other
breast. Then he transferred his attention to the other breast while his other hand
roams lower to my body.

He cupped my lady parts, and I involuntarily arched my back to feel more. He kissed
down my chest to my stomach. Now he's near to my very wet pussy and was biting my
panties down my legs.

He kissed his way back to my center and flicked his tongue on my clit. I jerked off
the bed and moaned loudly. God, he's so good at this. I heard him groaned and lick
faster down there. I feel like exploding. I had trouble keeping my moans down.

He sucked and licked then he fucked me with his tongue. New waves of tingles and
shivers traveled throughout my body which intensified when he added a finger inside

It was painful at first but the sensation I'm feeling covered every uneasy feeling,
then I heard him grunt, " fuck so tight!"

He went faster and faster, and something started to build up in my stomach. His
tongue licked faster on my clit, and I exploded in a million pieces. He went back
up and kissed my mouth.
I can taste and smell myself in his mouth. The feeling is so intoxicating. Then I
felt him get rid of his own clothes and is now so naked on top of me. He entered me
so roughly that I screamed because of the pain.

He pushed harder and faster. The initial pain subsided and is now replaced with
ecstasy. He moved faster on top of me and is grunting hard, he pushed harder, and I
feel that same build-up in my stomach.

One more push and we both moaned loudly from our release, we were breathing hard,
and he didn't move from the top of me. I thought he fell asleep. Then he rolled to
his side and turned his back away from me, and said.

" You can get out now, Jenny. We are through. I don't want to see your face ever
again." Was his steely statement. I felt like a bucket of cold water was thrown at

I gasped loudly, and tears welled up in my eyes. He thought I was Jenny. He thought
he was making love to his girlfriend.

That was angry sex, goodbye sex for his girlfriend. I was so stupid for ever
believing he knew it was me. I stood up, picked up my dress and underwear, and
dressed slowly.

Tears falling down my face, and my heart broke into a million pieces. I looked at
him one more time and left the room.

There are still people downstairs. I guess Collette decided to continue the party
after all. I went out the back door to avoid confrontations. I better stay away
from this house starting tomorrow.

It's a good thing I'm going to college soon. I will have a better excuse to stay
away. I looked up to Liam's room once more and said goodbye to the first man who
made me fall in love and the first man who broke my heart.

Chapter 7
I woke up to my daughter's giggles and small kisses. I pretended to be sleeping
still, then I suddenly grabbed and tickled her. She is laughing hysterically,
asking me to stop.

Collette woke up and smiled; she also tickled Sophie, who is now sandwiched in
between us. She kissed her left cheek while I kissed her right.

" Good morning, sweetheart. Why are you up early?" I asked her and hugged her to
me. Every day I thanked God for this little bundle of joy.

She keeps me grounded and is the reason I wake up every day with a grateful and
happy heart.

" Nana and I cooked breakfast, mommy. She asked me to wake you and auntie Coyet."
She answered with her sweet little voice.

" Oh, God! My baby girl, you are just so adorable saying my name like that. Can
auntie Coyet take a little bite on your cheek, baby?" Collette acted like she was
actually going to bite her cheek, and she squealed again and hide in my chest.

" Mommy, hide me! Auntie Coyet is going to eat me!" She squealed, and I laughed.
" Alright, you two, let's go down and eat breakfast or Nana will come up and spank
our bums." I got up laughing. Sophie clung to my neck and wrapped her small legs
around my middle.

Collette also got up and followed us downstairs. Mom prepared a scrumptious

breakfast. I really missed her cooking, especially her special blueberry muffins.

"Good morning, girls. What time did you sleep last night? I heard your laughter in
the wee hours of the morning." My mom asked us, smiling.

" Well, aunt Agnes, we have six years of catching up to do, and one night is not
enough. I missed your homecooked meals and your heavenly blueberry muffins."
Collete answered, grabbed a muffin, and stuffed it in her mouth in one go.

My daughter Sophie was so fascinated with her auntie Coyet that she tried to
imitate her every move. We all laughed at her when she had a hard time stuffing
the big muffin in her small mouth.

" Oh, baby, slow down. You will choke yourself, sweetheart. Take small bites,
alright? Don't follow your crazy aunt Collette." I removed a big chunk of muffins
out of her mouth and glared at my best friend.

" You're a bad influence on my daughter, you crazy woman." I continued to glare at
her, but I was smiling too.

It felt so good to be around her after so many years. I really do miss her a lot. I
have been arguing with myself when I was in Denver, whether to call her or not.

I know I've hurt her when I also cut her out of my life. I don't want to drag her
into the mess I made and complicate things. I know that I won't lie to her if I
contacted her during those times.

She is like a sister to me, and we made a promise to never hide secrets from each
other. But this secret is so important, and I was afraid it would break us apart.

" Well, my beautiful niece, if you think I am awesome, wait till you see your mommy
stuff two muffins in her mouth," Collette told Sophie, grinning. My daughter's eyes
turned so big, and she looked at me expectantly.

" Can you really do that, mommy?" She asked me with wide eyes and in awe.

" Oh, sweetheart, your mommy is the all-time champion when it comes to eating my
blueberry muffins." My mom answered Sophie and chuckled.

" Can you show me, mommy, pliiith?" She begged, so eager to see me make a spectacle
of myself.

" Oh, God, I haven't done it for six years, baby. I'm not sure I can still do
that." So I grabbed two muffins and stared at them, hesitating to make my
daughter's request.

Just when I'm starting to stuff the first muffin, our doorbell rang. My mom went
and opened the door to whoever it is outside. I was now stuffing the second muffin
when Liam strolled into the dining room.

I looked up, and our eyes met, mine wide with shock and horror, while his eyes went
from my eyes to my face and back. I can see he is trying so hard not to laugh. I
must look like a fish out of the water or a monkey with a mouth full of bananas.
I tried to swallow, but I choked instead, I coughed so hard, and I can't breathe.
Mom, Collette, and Liam rushed to my side and helped me. Mom tapped my back, and
Collette tried to give me water.

"Relax, baby, breathe. Bella, calm down, try to relax. That is why you have to chew
your food before swallowing, babe." Liam squatted in front of me and is rubbing my
back. He looked worried but also smiling. Clearly, he is suppressing his laugh.

I can smell his aftershave and his natural scent. He is so near, and he is touching
me. Not helping at all, Liam! God! This is so embarrassing, especially now that
Collette is laughing her ass out.

Finally, I've finished swallowing the muffins and was able to drink the water
Collette offered. Did I forget to mention him calling me baby and babe just now
made it impossible to relax? Thanks a lot, Liam!

" Are you okay now, Bel? What were you thinking, stuffing all those muffins in your
mouth?" Liam looked at me with concern and is shaking his head.

" I'm sowi, mommy. I made you do it?" Came Sophie's small voice on the verge of

" Oh, my sweetheart, it's not your fault. Mommy was just startled. That's why I
choked on my food. That is why you should not do what mommy and aunt Collette did,
okay?" I hugged her to me and placed her in my lap.

" You had me worried back there, Bella. You scared the hell out of me." My mom said
and went back to her chair.

" If I weren't so scared, I would have taken a video or at least a photo of you
choking, Bella. It was hilarious," Collete said, still laughing. I glared at her
and threw a napkin at her.

" What are you doing here anyway, Liam? I think you were the one who caused Bella
to choke." Collette turned her attention to Liam, who is still standing close to me
and is staring at my daughter Sophie.

" Huh? Oh, yeah, mom asked me to get you. You seem to forget your way home and that
you have a fiance waiting for you." He answered Collete then looked at Sophie and

I felt so awkward and nervous at the same time. The way he was staring at Sophie
got me so worried.

" Why don't you take a seat, Liam, and have breakfast with us? You can take
Sophie's place since she's at her mother's lap now." My mom motioned Liam to a
chair beside me, where Sophie used to sit.

" Thank you, aunt Agnes," he said while taking the seat beside me.

" I'll have a muffin, I guess. I already had my breakfast at home." He added, then
took a bite at my mom's famous muffins.

"Mmmm, no wonder you're stuffing your mouth with these muffins, Bella. This is so
good, aunt Agnes, you could make a profit out of this." He praised my mom and
stuffed the rest of his muffins into his mouth.

" Thank you, Liam, that is so sweet of you. Please bring some for your parents.
I've made a lot for Bella and my darling Sophie." My mom thanked him and smiled.

" Oh, before I forgot, Bella, my parents are inviting you and your daughter to
lunch at our house. They are so excited when I told them about Sophie." He informed
me, and I felt nervous all over again. I glanced at Collette, asking for help.

The traitor just smiled and said, " that would be great! I'm dying to introduce
Sophie to mom and dad!"

" Isn't she the cutest, Liam? Come to think of it, she kind of looks like you when
you were a kid, right? Anyone would think she's your daughter, but that would be
crazy, right? You and Bella were never together. That's ridiculous!" She added, and
I shot daggers at her for putting ideas into Liam's mind.

My mom choked and immediately drank water, averting her eyes. I held my breath when
Liam focused his attention on Sophie again.

" Yeah, you're right, Cols. That's what I thought when I first saw her, she kind of
look like me, huh?" Then he lifted his gaze to me and gave me a perplexed smile.

I cleared my throat before speaking. " You're crazy, Cols, that would be

" I'll try to come, Liam, but I won't promise. I have to go to school and meet with
the Principal later." I told him, not so sure if I want to accept the invitation.

" Oh, come on, Bella! You can always go tomorrow. You still have plenty of time.
I'm sure mom and dad are dying to meet our little Princess." Collette complains. I
shot her another glare and then looked at my mom.

" I think you should go, honey. It's been a while since you last saw them. I'm sure
they would love to see you and meet our Sophie." My mom agreed, and it's three
against one now.

" I guess I should, ha? Okay, we'll be there. But would it be okay with your
girlfriend?" I asked Liam, and he raised his brows at me.

" Of course, it will be! You are practically family, Bella. Mom and dad want to
welcome you back home. Don't worry about Taylor. I'm sure it's fine." Liam assured
me then reached out his hand to stroke Sophie's face.

" Can uncle Liam get a hug, sweetheart?" She asked my timid daughter. She looked up
to me, and I smiled at her, encouraging her to go and hug Liam.

So she went down my lap and went to Liam's waiting arms. He scooped her to his lap
and hugged her tight. My heart constricted, and I felt a lump in my throat. I
reached for my water and looked elsewhere to hide the tears pooling in my eyes.

If only he knew how many times I wished he would be able to hold her. I turned my
gaze to Collette, and I saw the pity and sadness in her eyes.

Looking back at Liam and my daughter, I smiled sadly. Liam was holding her tenderly
and showered her with kisses. The wonder and happiness in my daughter's face are
like a knife to my heart. How will I ever survive this?

Chapter 8
Sophie did not leave Liam's arms even after breakfast. She only let go when Liam
said he's going back to their house to tell his parents we are coming.

He held Sophie longer and kissed her chubby cheeks numerous times. Sophie started
crying when he tried to pass her to me. We could only console her when I said we
would be going to his house for lunch.

Collette also had a hard time going away. She hugged my daughter tightly and said
she would miss her. This is what scared me the most, the moment my daughter get too
attached to their family.

After Liam and Collette left, I helped my mom clear the table and washed the
dishes. Sophie is in the living room, watching her favorite cartoons. While washing
the dishes, mom suddenly asked me.

" What are you going to do, Bella? Are you planning to tell him the truth?" She
glanced at me, and I looked at her with misery in my eyes.

" I don't know, mom. I did not think this through. All I wanted was to come home
and be with you." I told her in a forlorn voice.

" You cannot hide the truth forever, sweetheart. Sooner or later, you have to come
clean. You cannot live your life, always worrying and scared. The truth will set
you free." She said, now facing me. I started to tear up.

" How can I do that, mom? How can I tell him that he knocked me up six years ago?
He will think I'm crazy and that I am making this up." I cried in anguish.

" And if he does believe me, what if he will try to take Sophie away from me? I
cannot bear to be separated from my daughter, mom. She is my life." I sat on the
chair and buried my face in my hand.

" I've known Liam since he was a kid, Bella. I don't think he will do that to both
of you. Of course, he will demand to be given a chance to get to know his daughter,
but I'm sure he will not take her away from you." My mom consoled me and stroked my

" I'll think about it, mom. I'll cross the bridge when I get there. For now, I want
to keep Sophie for myself. I don't want her to get hurt if her dad will deny her."
I sighed and looked at her with a heavy heart.

" You will know when it is time, honey. Take one step at a time. If my observation
is correct, I think Liam is quite smitten with you." My mom said seriously.

" Don't be ridiculous, mom. He has a girlfriend. He sees me as a little kid and
like his younger sister. It has always been like that, and I've learned to accept
that a long time ago. Anyway, I better get ready and bathe Sophie before
transferring to the house next door." I stood up and went to the living room where
Sophie is lying on the sofa.

" Come on, sweetheart, time for a bath. We will be going to uncle Liam's house,
remember?" I extended my hand to her, and she jumped from the sofa right away. She
is so excited to go to the house next door. Unlike me, I'm dreading it.

" Okay, mommy! Can I wear my pink Princess dress, mommy? I want to show uncle Liam
my pretty dress." She announced excitedly. Every time she says, uncle Liam, my hurt
constricted painfully. She is obviously in love with Liam now. She probably sees
him as her father. Or maybe it's the blood that bonds them, and they feel the
instant connection of father and child.
" Sure, sweetheart, let's go get ready, okay?" I lifted her to my arms and carried
her to our room for a bath and to change our clothes.

After changing Sophie, I told her to wait for me in the living room while I get
ready. I chose a simple white sundress with big pink and yellow flowers. It is a
sleeveless dress that reaches right above my knees.

I put on light makeup and curled my hair a little bit to add volume to it. I put on
my hoop earrings and wore my white sandals. I stared at my reflection in the
mirror, and I saw a woman, not a girl. I hope Liam sees that too.

I grabbed my sling bag and put my phone inside. I looked at myself in the mirror
one more time before going out of my room. Sophie was waiting for me impatiently,
that she jumped to her feet when she saw me emerged from the room and was at the
door waiting.

I shook my head and chuckled; this girl is like her father, so full of life. My mom
looked at me and smiled.

" You look lovely, Bella. Liam would be so dense if he can't see that." My mom said
and kissed my cheek and hugged me.

" Just be yourself, sweetheart, and enjoy. Let Sophie enjoy their company and worry
about tomorrow later." She advised, and I nodded my head slowly. I kissed her
cheek, and we were on our way to Liam's house.

The journey to their house is like a death sentence to me, I am dragging my feet
painfully slow, but Sophie is dragging me with her, telling me to hurry up. When
the house is in view, I saw Collete waiting outside.

When she saw us, she ran towards us and hugged Sophie. She lifted her to her arms
and kissed her cheek.

" Oh, my God! What took you so long? I have been waiting for ages. Baby, you look
so pretty in your dress." She told Sophie, and my daughter thanked her timidly.

" I needed time to relax, Cols, you know that. This is not easy for me." I told
her, feeling miserable.

" Bels, relax. We are just having lunch. If my parents suspect, then we'll say the
father looked like Liam, hence the resemblance. I will not tell them if you don't
want me to, Bels, but you will have to sooner or later. They have the right to
know, and they've been asking for grandchildren from us for years." She said and
started going to the house.

My nerves are on haywire, and my knees starting to shake every step I make towards
the house. I can do this. We are only having lunch. It's not like they are going to
interrogate me, right?

Chapter 9
I should have known this would happen. The moment I entered the Jones' house
threshold, Mrs. Jones tackled me with a fierce hug.

" Oh, my God, Arabella! I've missed you, child! Where have you been? Why didn't you
keep in touch? And why didn't you tell us you have a daughter?" She bombarded me
with a lot of questions. It made my head spin.
" Mom, you're suffocating, Bella. Let go of her, geez! Can you at least let her sit
first?" Collette came to my rescue, and I looked at her, secretly thanking her.

" Oh, yeah, yeah, of course. Come, Bella, let's get you inside. We have so much to
talk about, but first, let me take a look at that famous little girl of yours."
Mrs. Jones said and ushered me inside the house.

When we entered the living room, the first thing I saw was Liam and his girlfriend
being cozy on the sofa. When Taylor saw me, her face turned sour, and she glared at
me then at my daughter.

Sophie squirmed in Collette's arms and extended her arms to Liam, and shouted. "
Uncle Liam!"

" Hi, sweetheart!" Liam answered and stood up. He took Sophie from Collette and
swirled her around. Soon the living room is filled with her laughter and squeals.
We watched the two play, they looked so happy, and it breaks my heart again.

Collette moved closer to me and put her arms around me. When I glanced at her, she
had a knowing smile. She can see the pain in my eyes and squeezed my shoulders,
letting me know she understands.

" Liam, stop that! You will make her vomit. Come, give me her. I want to meet this
pretty little Princess." Mrs. Jones came closer to them and took Sophie out of
Liam's arms.

" Hi, princess, what's your name?" She asked her, then Sophie looked up to her and
answered timidly.

" Sophie." The moment she met Sophie's eyes and looked at her face, she gasps and
quickly looked my way, horrified.

I tried so hard to look puzzled, to hide my nervousness. She looked down at Sophie
again, and her eyes soften.

She hugged her and kissed her head. She looked at her husband, Demetri, and
motioned him to come closer. She is on the verge of crying, so I turned to Collette
and asked her for help.

" What is it, dear? What's wrong?" Mr. Jones or Demetri asked his wife, Carmen,
when he came closer to them.

" Nothing dear, I just want you to meet Sophie, Arabella's daughter." She answered
him and showed Sophie's face to him. He, too, had the bewildered look on his face
and looked at me then at Liam.

" Hi there, my little one. What a pretty little girl you are. How old are you, my
love?" He asked her and kissed her small hand.

" I'm five." She answered, holding her open palm up. He smiled at her and glanced
at me again.

" Okay! Who's hungry? I know I am! Let's go, baby girl, let's eat." Collette cut
the tension and took Sophie from her mother's arms.

I released the breath I didn't know I was holding when they finally agreed and went
to the dining. But I can see that Mr. and Mrs. Jones kept on glancing in my
direction and stare at Sophie openly.
Only the blind cannot see the resemblance of Sophie to her father. But I will stick
to my story until it is time to reveal the truth. Liam obviously is happy with his
life now, and I don't want to ruin it by declaring he is the father of my child.

I rolled my neck to relieve the tension I am feeling. I took Sophie from Collette
and sat her on my lap.

" Alright, let us say a prayer first before we dig in, shall we?" Aunt Carmen said
and clasped her hands, closed her eyes tightly.

" Father, we have gathered to share a meal in your honor. Thank you for putting us
together as a family. Thank you for bringing us back, Arabella. Thank you that she
found her way back to us and brought us this beautiful bundle of joy, Sophie. We
thank you for all of the gifts you’ve given to those around this table. Help each
member of our family. Use these gifts to your glory. Thank you for this food and
bless it to our bodies, Lord. In Jesus' name, we ask Amen."

" Alright, dig in, everyone. Arabella, do you want me to feed Sophie so you can eat
properly? You are so thin, child. You must take care of yourself." Aunt Carmen
offered, but I smiled and declined respectfully.

" It's okay, aunt Carmen, I can manage her. And she is still quite shy with you
guys." I answered and looked at Liam, staring at me, and to Taylor, who's been
throwing daggers in my direction. Her lips curled with disgust and jealousy.

" Bella, dear, if you don't mind me asking, where is the father?" Demetri asked so
suddenly. I choked on my food. Collette passed me the glass of water and pressed
her lips, trying not to laugh.

" Ahm, I don't know really, uncle Dem, we kind of lost contact when I went to
Denver," I answered him, not meeting anyone's eyes. I was pretending to be busy
feeding Sophie and covered my face with my hair.

" So he's from around here? Do I know him, Bella? Does he know he knocked you up?
Tell me his name, and I will hunt him down." Liam asked, lips grew thin with anger,
and his eyes turned cold.

Then, I heard Collette choked beside me. She grabbed her water and drank, then
turned a mischievous eye on me.

" Are you okay, Collette? Her mom asked her.

" Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay, mom. The food just went through a wrong pipe."
Collette answered her mom and continued eating.

" By the way, Bella, Collette is getting married in two weeks, and I'm sure now
that you're back, she will ask you to be her maid of honor. Will it be okay if we
make Sophie the flower girl? She will make a beautiful flower girl. " Aunt Carmen
asked me, and I looked at Collette, who is now grinning from ear to ear, and nodded
her head vigorously.

" What?! I thought I would be the maid of honor?! That's why I am here!" Taylor
said loudly with an edge on her voice and glared at me.

" I'm sorry, Taylor, but I did not say you will be my maid of honor. It is just
right that Arabella will be my maid of honor because she is my best friend. We had
made a pact when we were younger that we would be each other's maid of honor. But,
don't worry, you are still invited to my wedding since you are my brother's
girlfriend at the moment." Collette told her, shrugging her shoulders.
" And just what do you mean by at the moment, huh?! She glared at Collette, and
Collette just shrugged her shoulders and pretended she doesn't care.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?! I came here thinking I would be the maid of
honor!" She turned to Liam, who seem to doesn't care what is happening around him.

" Taylor, Collette is right. She didn't say you will be the maid of honor. You just
assumed that you would be." He answered her seriously. She gasped at him, then
stood up and walked out of the room. But not before she threw me a threatening

" Well, that was interesting. Whoever told her that she would be the maid of
honor?" Aunt Carmen asked, shaking her head.

" Even if hell freezes, I will never ask her to be my maid of honor," Collette
grumbled, and I chuckled.
When I looked up, I caught Liam staring at me, and he looked down at his food
quickly, pretending to study the shape of the steak on his plate.

When I turned to aunt Carmen, she had this secret smile on her lips and stared at
Sophie with happiness. Why do I get the feeling that I won't like what will happen


Chapter 10
Liam's POV

I woke up to a beautiful morning. The sun is peeking through my curtains. I don't

know why I suddenly feel happy and excited. Then I remembered the situation
yesterday. I smiled when I pictured her face in my mind.

She has grown into a beautiful woman, and her daughter, Sophie, is so adorable. I
wanted to hold her in my arms. I was holding back because my girlfriend, Taylor, is
around. I had a smile on my face when the person beside me spoke.

" What's gotten you into a good mood this morning, babe?" Taylor asked, and I was
startled. I looked at her, and the smile on my face vanished. That question in my
head came back, what did I see in her?

" Nothing, babe. I'm just glad I woke up to a beautiful morning. Let's go down and
have breakfast." I told her and got up quickly, suddenly not too excited to be
lying down beside her.

" Awe baby, it's still early, come back to bed. I need my cuddle. I will make your
morning even more beautiful." She said with a lust-filled voice, and her eyes are
roaming all over my body.

" Taylor, didn't you have enough last night? Come on. I'm starving." I asked her
and dressed quickly.

" I'll go down first, babe, come down when you're ready, okay?" I told her and went
out as fast as I could. I can still hear her scream my name in frustration.

When I came into the dining, my parents are already sitting there having breakfast.
We greeted each other, and I took a seat.
" Good morning, hon. Where's your wonderful girlfriend?" My mom asked, voice laced
with sarcasm. They don't like Taylor, that is for sure.

" Still in bed, mom, I told her she could take her time in coming down," I answered
her stuffing bacon and eggs in my mouth.

" Collette hasn't come back yet?" I asked them.

" Not yet, son. She called last night, saying she's sleeping over at Bella's. Those
two are at it again, the inseparable duo." My dad answered, and I chuckled. Those
two are more like siblings than Collette and me.

" Why don't you go and fetch her, Liam. She has a lot to do for her wedding, and
she seems to forget this is her house, haha. Her Fiance, Todd, called early this
morning looking for her." My mom said, shaking her head and smiling.

" Okay, I'll go in a while after breakfast. Let's give them time to relive their
past and catch up. I'm sure they've missed each other for the past five years." I
told her.

" Oh, and invite Bella for lunch too, make sure her darling daughter comes along.
How is she? And how is her daughter?" Mom asked excitedly.

" She looks good, mom. As I've said, she is a teacher, and her daughter Sophie is
so adorable. Bella looks different but in a good way. Motherhood suits her well,
and she did well raising her child alone." I told them with pride, and I can't seem
to stop smiling when I think of them.

" I can't wait to see them, now go and get your sister's butt in her. Oh, by the
way, aren't you going to your clinic? Are you and Taylor staying here until the
wedding, or you'll go to your apartment?" My mom asked me.

" Taylor wants to stay at my place, but I don't know. I think I'm gonna stick
around for a while. Well, until the wedding is over, then I'm going back to my
place." I answered her, and she seemed pleased with my answer, so as my dad. They
both smiled at me and looked at each other as if conversing with their eyes.

Sometimes, I think my parents have the power to talk with their minds. They act so
weirdly sometimes. So after breakfast, I was on my way to Bella's house, and I've
never felt so nervous. My heart is pumping so hard, and my hands are sweating.

When I reached their front door, I hesitated before I knocked on the door. I waited
until aunt Agnes opened the door for me.

" Liam! Good morning, son. What brought you here early in the morning?" She asked,

" Good morning, aunt Agnes. My mom asked me to get Collete. They have a lot to do
for her wedding, and her fiance has been trying to reach her. She seems to forget
she has a wedding in two weeks and that she has a fiance, hahaha. " I laughed and
scratched the back of my head.

" Hahaha, come on then. They are in the dining room, having breakfast. It would be
hard to separate those two again like before." She laughed with me and ushered me

When we came into the dining, the first thing I saw is Bella's face. She stuffed
muffins in her mouth. She looks so funny yet so adorable at the same time. I was
trying to hold back my laugh, but a smile came out.
But when she saw me, her eyes grew wide, and she started choking. I rushed to her
side and knelt in front of her.

"Relax, baby, breathe. Bella, calm down, try to relax. That is why you have to chew
your food before swallowing, babe." I told her and started rubbing her back. I am
trying so hard not to laugh. She really looks cute trying to swallow the cupcakes.

" Are you okay now, Bel? What were you thinking, stuffing all those muffins in your
mouth?" I asked her, shaking my head. I was worried for a minute there.

" I'm sowi, mommy. I made you do it?" Came Sophie's small voice on the verge of

" Oh, my sweetheart, it's not your fault. Mommy was just startled. That's why I
choked on my food. That is why you should not do what mommy and aunt Collette did,
okay?" Bella hugged her and placed her in her lap.

" You had me worried back there, Bella. You scared the hell out of me." Her mom
said and went back to her chair.

" If I weren't so scared, I would have taken a video or at least a photo of you
choking, Bella. It was hilarious," Collete said, still laughing. I saw Bella glared
at her and threw a napkin at her.

" What are you doing here anyway, Liam? I think you were the one who caused Bella
to choke." Collette turned her attention to me. I am still standing close to Bella
and am staring at Sophie.

" Huh? Oh, yeah, mom asked me to get you. You seem to forget your way home and that
you have a fiance waiting for you." I answered my sister then looked at Sophie and

" Why don't you take a seat, Liam, and have breakfast with us? You can take
Sophie's place since she's at her mother's lap now." Aunt Agnes motioned me to a
chair beside Bella, where Sophie used to sit.

" Thank you, aunt Agnes," I said while taking the seat.

" I'll have a muffin, I guess. I already had my breakfast at home." I added, then
took a bite at aunt Agnes' famous muffins.

"Mmmm, no wonder you're stuffing your mouth with these muffins, Bella. This is so
good, aunt Agnes, you could make a profit out of this." I praised her and stuffed
the rest of my muffins into my mouth.

" Oh, before I forgot. Bella, my parents are inviting you and your daughter to
lunch at our house. They are so excited when I told them about Sophie." I informed
Bella. Then I stared at Sophie again. I can't help it. I feel this invisible tug
towards her.

" Isn't she the cutest, Liam? Come to think of it, she kind of looks like you when
you were a kid, right? Anyone would think she's your daughter, but that would be
crazy, right? You and Bella were never together. That's ridiculous!" Collette asked
me, and I was surprised. Now I'm looking intently at Sophie, and she is right. She
looked a little like me when I was younger.

" Yeah, you're right, Cols. That's what I thought when I first saw her, she kind of
look like me, huh?" Then I lifted my gaze to Bella, confused.
" You're crazy, Cols. That would be impossible!" She said, laughing nervously and
glared at Collette.

"I'll try to come, Liam, but I won't promise. I have to go to school and meet with
the Principal later." Bella said, half laughing and averting her eyes away from me.

" Oh, come on, Bella! You can always go tomorrow. You still have plenty of time.
I'm sure mom and dad are dying to meet our little Princess." Collette complains.
Bella glared at her and looked at her mom.

" I think you should go, honey. It's been a while since you last saw them. I'm sure
they would love to see you and meet our Sophie." Her mom agreed, and it's three
against one now. I smiled secretly.

" I guess I should, ha? Okay, we'll be there. But would it be okay with your
girlfriend?" She asked me, and I raised my brows at her.

" Of course, it will be! You are practically family, Bella. Mom and dad want to
welcome you back home. Don't worry about Taylor. I'm sure it's fine." I assured
her, then reached out my hand to stroke Sophie's face.

" Can uncle Liam get a hug, sweetheart?" I asked the adorable, shy little girl on
Bella's lap. She looked up to her mom, and Bella smiled at her, encouraging her to
hug me. The moment she came to me, and I hugged her tight, I felt like crying. I
had these strong emotions coming out, and I felt like not letting go. What the hell
is wrong with me? What are these two beautiful girls doing to me?

𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝙺𝚎𝚒

Chapter 11
Liam's POV

When Collette and I went home, I had a heavy heart living Sophie. She cried so hard
when we said we are living. Bella hugged her and told her they would be coming to
our house for lunch; that's why she calmed down.

When we told mom that Arabella and Sophie are coming for lunch, she went into a
frenzy. She rummaged the whole kitchen and started preparing for lunch.

They really loved Bella ever since Collette brought her to our house. She is a
courteous, sweet, pretty, and smart kid.

I watched her turned into a beautiful young woman, and my feelings grew as time
goes by.

But I will never tell anyone. For her, I am only her best friend's older brother. I
tried so hard to keep our relationship platonic. I changed girlfriends like I
change my shirt only to hide my infatuation for Bella.

We were currently in the living room, casually talking, when the doorbell rang.
Suddenly my heart spiked up. I'm pretty sure it's Bella and Sophie.

Collette was waiting for them outside. She is as excited as me and my parents to
see Bella again. She had this power against us that makes us putty in her hands.

Then mom followed Collette to the door, I almost ran after them as well, but Taylor
is beside me, holding my thigh.
She had on an irritated face and was skimming through the magazine in anger. Then
Collette came in with Sophie in her arms, and mom and Bella followed behind.

I lost the ability to breathe when I saw Bella. She looks so beautiful in her
simple, white, floral sundress. Her hair cascading on her back and some framing her
small innocent face.

I didn't know I was holding my breath when Sophie screamed my name and reached for

" Uncle Liam!" She said, trying to wiggle out of Collette's arms, and reached for
me. I stood up and took her in my arms, and twirled her around.

The room was filled with her squeals and giggles and my laughter. Everyone was
looking at us, smiling except Bella.

She looked sad and hurt. I saw Collette came to stand beside her and squeezed her
shoulders. She smiled sadly at her and looked away.

" Liam, stop that! You will make her vomit. Come, give me her. I want to meet this
pretty little Princess." My mom came closer to us and took Sophie out of my arms.

" Hi, princess, what's your name?" She asked her, then Sophie looked up to her and
answered timidly. I was confused at her reaction when she saw Sophie's face. She
looked horrified and turned her attention to Bella.

Bella was looking at her in confusion or trying to look confused. My mom looked at
Sophie again and hugged her tight. She kissed her cheek and smiled at her lovingly
but also almost like crying. She looked at my dad and asked to come closer.

" What is it, dear? What's wrong?" My dad asked my mom when he came closer to them.

" Nothing dear, I just want you to meet Sophie, Arabella's daughter." She answered
him and showed Sophie's face to him. He, too, had the bewildered look on his face
and looked at Bella then at me.

" Hi there, my little one. What a pretty little girl you are. How old are you, my
love?" He asked her and kissed her small hand.

" I'm five." She answered, holding her open hand up. He smiled at her and glanced
at Bella again.

" Okay! Who's hungry? I know I am! Let's go, baby girl, let's eat." Collette cut
the tension and took Sophie from my mother's arms. We proceeded to the dining room
and took our seats.

I was seated In front of Bella, beside me is Taylor. Sophie is on her mother's lap,
and Collette is sitting beside Bella. My parents are on opposite sides at the head
of the table.

" Alright, let us say a prayer first before we dig in, shall we?" My mom said and
clasped her hands, closed her eyes tightly.

" Father, we have gathered to share a meal in Your honor. Thank You for putting us
together as a family. Thank you for bringing us back, Arabella. Thank you that she
found her way back to us and brought us this beautiful bundle of joy, Sophie. We
thank you for all of the gifts you’ve given to those around this table. Help each
member of our family use these gifts to your glory. Thank you for this food and
bless it to our bodies, Lord. In Jesus' name, we ask Amen."

" Alright, dig in, everyone. Arabella, do you want me to feed Sophie so you can eat
properly? You are so thin, child. You must take care of yourself." My mom offered,
but she just smiled and declined respectfully.

" It's okay, aunt Carmen, I can manage her. And she is still quite shy with you
guys." She answered and looked at me. She caught me staring at her, and she looked
at Taylor, who's been throwing daggers in her direction. Her lips curled with
disgust and jealousy.

" Bella, dear, if you don't mind me asking, where is the father?" My father asked
so suddenly. She choked on her food. Collette passed her the glass of water and
pressed her lips, trying not to laugh.

" Ahm, I don't know really, uncle Dem, we kind of lost contact when I went to
Denver," She answered him, not meeting anyone's eyes. She was pretending to be busy
feeding Sophie and covered her face with her hair.

" So he's from around here? Do I know him, Bella? Does he know he knocked you up?
Tell me his name, and I will hunt him down." I asked her. My lips grew thin with
anger, and my eyes turned cold.

Then, I heard Collette choked beside her. She grabbed her water and drank, then
turned a mischievous eye on Bella.

" Are you okay, Collette?" Her mom asked her.

" Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay, mom, my food just went through a wrong pipe."
Collette answered our mom and continued eating.

" By the way, Bella, Collette is getting married in two weeks, and I'm sure now
that you're back, she will ask you to be her maid of honor. Will it be okay if we
make Sophie the flower girl? She will make a beautiful flower girl. " Mom asked
Bella, and I couldn't agree more. She looked at Collette, who is now grinning from
ear to ear, and nodded her head vigorously.

" What?! I thought I would be the maid of honor?! That's why I am here!" Taylor
said loudly with an edge on her voice and glared at Bella.

" I'm sorry, Taylor, but I did not say you will be my maid of honor. It is just
right that Arabella will be my maid of honor because she is my best friend. We had
made a pact when we were younger that we would be each other's maid of honor. But,
don't worry, you are still invited to my wedding since you are my brother's
girlfriend at the moment." Collette told her, shrugging her shoulders.

" And just what do you mean by at the moment, huh?! She glared at Collette, and
Collette just shrugged her shoulders and pretended she doesn't care.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?! I came here thinking I would be the maid of
honor!" She turned to me, I really don't care what she thinks, but I agree with my
sister. Bella is the best fit as her maid of honor.

" Taylor, Collette is right. She didn't say you will be the maid of honor. You just
assumed that you would be." I answered her seriously. She gaped at me, then stood
up and walked out of the room. But not before she threw Bella a threatening look.

" Well, that was interesting. Whoever told her that she would be the maid of
honor?" My mom asked, shaking her head.
" Even if hell freezes, I will never ask her to be my maid of honor," Collette
grumbled, and Bella chuckled beside her. She looked adorable at the moment. I can't
help but stare at her.

Then she looked up and caught me staring at her. I looked down at my food quickly,
pretending to study the steak's shape on my plate.

I didn't see the look on my mom's face when she looked at Bella and me. I don't
understand why I am still feeling this way after six years. I thought it was just a
temporary thing, an infatuation.

These feelings scared me yet excites me at the same time. I had this need to
protect her and her daughter. Whoever the father is, I will find out, and I will
hunt him down.

Chapter 12
Arabella's POV

After our lunch, the Jones' decided to take a dip at the pool. I protested at
first, saying I didn't bring my swimsuit or change of clothes. Then Collette said,
since when was it a problem with us? She can always lend me her swimsuit and her
clothes since we are almost the same size.

She called her fiance, Todd, and asked him to come over so she can introduce him to
me. My daughter Sophie was so excited to take a swim in the pool. The only problem
is she doesn't have her swimsuit and change of clothes as well.

So, Mrs. Jones called my mom and asked her to bring us our swimsuits and clothes to
change. My mom happily agreed, and after a few minutes, she came with our packed
bag. She didn't stay long, though, because she said she had errands to attend to.

Collete brought us to the guest room, where I usually stay when I came over for a
sleepover all those years ago. I changed my daughter, Sophie, first, before I
checked what my mom brought for me.

To my horror, she chose my very skimpy red bikini. I didn't even know why I bought
that. I guess I was just attracted to it when I saw it, but I never really wore it.

How can I go out wearing this? I could kill my mom for doing this to me. Then
Sophie started dragging me to the door. She wanted so bad to go to the pool.

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body before we went out. I guess I'll
keep it wrapped around me; no need to go to the water. Yeah, I can watch them play
in the pool.

When Sophie and I arrived at the pool, everyone is already there. Collette, Liam,
and Taylor are already in the water while Mr. and Mrs. Jones are in the lounge
chair watching them.

" Mommy, can we go in the water now?" Sophie asked me excitedly. I don't have the
heart to say no to her, but I am so nervous about taking off my towel. I've never
shown so much skin before. It's always shorts and a t-shirt for me whenever we take
a swim.

" Yeah, come one, Bels. The water feels so good, take off your towel and get your
cute butt in here." Collette shouted, and I feel more pressure. Before I can say
anything, my naughty little princess took the towel off me, and I suddenly felt so

I heard everyone gasped, and I dared not look around me. I kept my eyes down and
followed my daughter. She's dragging me to the pool.

" Wow, Bella, you are smoking hot. I've never seen you wear this kind of swimsuit
before. Why were you hiding that gorgeous body, momma?" Collette teased, and I
splashed water her way.

" Oh, my little Bella, you are not so little now, hon. You've grown a lot, mostly
in the right places, right, Liam?" Mrs. Jones exclaimed, and my face turned as red
as a tomato.

Liam was quiet, and when I stole a glance at him, he was staring at me differently.
Taylor was seething beside him and turned her blazing eyes at me. She hit Liam in
the chest, and he was startled as if he was awakened from a trance.

" You okay there, son? It looks like you saw a ghost." Mr. Jones joked and
chuckled. Liam looked away and was blushing. Taylor was glaring at him, and he
looked confused.

Taylor is wearing a black bikini, and she had the body of a runway model. I don't
know why she feels threatened by a tiny woman like me. They had a heated argument
at the other end of the pool, then Taylor went out of the water and went back

"Come on, baby, come to auntie Collette. I'll teach you to swim like a mermaid."
Collette took Sophie from me, and they started playing. I was left by the side of
the pool, sitting on the steps. I was watching Collette and Sophie play, that I did
not notice Liam came closer to me.

" Aren't you coming in, Bella?" He asked, looking up at me smiling.

" In a minute, I'm just testing the water first," I said shyly, not looking at his

" Are you still scared of the water?" He asked again. He remembered. When I was a
little girl, I used to be scared of getting in the pool. I don't know how to swim,
so I always stay close to the steps.

" Come on. I'll hold your hands, and we won't go too deep promise." He said,
offering his hand to me.

' I'm okay, Liam. You don't have to worry about me. I'll get in, in a minute." I
answered him declining his offer with a smile.

" Bella, come on. You are not a little girl anymore, babe. See, even Sophie is
having fun, come on." There he goes again with that babe thing. As usual, I'm
blushing like a schoolgirl. Fuck my life! So I decided to take a dip to hide my
scorching and red face.

" Finally! You are such a baby, Bella." Collette rolled her eyes and teased me. I
stick my tongue at her, and Liam laughed. I didn't notice he came closer to me. I
pretended to swim to the other side, sticking to the side where it's shallow.

Liam followed me and, still laughing, " why are you running away from me, Bella?"
He asked in a low voice only the two of us can hear.
" I'm not running away, Liam. I am enjoying the water." I answered him, still
walking around the pool.

" Yes, you are, babe. You won't stop walking." He chuckled behind me and grabbed my
waist underwater. He turns me around to face him, and he stared at my very red

" And you are blushing. You don't have to feel shy around me, Bella." He said. Both
hands are holding my waist, keeping me still.

" I am not shy, Liam! I only want to swim around the pool, that's all." I replied
still, not looking at his face.

" If you are not shy, then look at me in the eye and stop blushing, babe." He
chuckled again. This crazy guy is killing me! Instead of answering him, I dunked
underwater to stop myself from blushing and to avoid his eyes.

When I came up, he is standing too close in front of me. I wiped my face and combed
my hair, then stared at him.

" There you are," he whispered, and I was startled.

" Liam, what are you doing? Your girlfriend might be watching, and your family is
watching." I told him in panic.

" I'm not doing anything, baby, not yet. You shouldn't have worn this bikini if you
didn't want my attention, babe.'' He whispered again and came closer. But before he
can come any more closer, Taylor's voice boomed.

" Liam Jones, what the hell are you doing?!" We were both startled and looked at
Taylor beside the pool with her hands on her waist, glaring at us. I pulled away
from Liam and went to Collette's side. Collette is smirking at me, and I gave her a
warning look.

Chapter 13
When I came closer to Collette, she is still smirking and have this teasing look.
" Stop it, Cols, it's not funny!" I hissed at her.
" What? I didn't say anything? Don't be so defensive." She said, laughing.
" Yeah, but your eyes say everything, so drop it!" I retorted and splashed water at
" But, seriously, Bels. Have you seen the look on Taylor's face when she caught
Liam flirting with you? It's hilarious!" She giggled, and I gave her a death stare.
" He is not flirting! He was teasing me, you crazy girl!" I hissed again and looked
at the retreating back of the two, still arguing.
" Call it what you want, girl, but I still say he was flirting. He literally froze
when he saw you in that skimpy bikini of yours." Collette answered, still trying to
teach my little girl to float.
" Speaking of that, I will strangle my mom for this. God! I have never worn this
bikini and should never agree to this." I told her, pouting.
" Bella, you look good. You've filled up nicely since high school. Be proud. You
may be small, girl, but you're a bombshell, and Liam noticed that." Collette said
seriously, and I rolled my eyes at her.
Ever since she knew I had a crush on her older brother, she has been a die-hard
shipper. She has supported my infatuation all that year, and she has witnessed all
the heartaches I got whenever Liam brings home a girl or makes out with a girl.
We played in the pool for another hour, then called it a day. Mr. and Mrs. Jones'
persuade me to stay for dinner since Sophie fell asleep after I change her clothes.
I was lying beside my daughter when a knock came on my door. It was aunt Carmen,
and she smiled when she entered.
" Hey, sweetheart. Can I talk to you for a minute?" She whispered, afraid to wake
my daughter. I smiled and nodded at her. She sat down by the foot of the bed and
held my hand.
" Honey, I know it's not my place to ask you this, but please tell me the truth
about Sophie's father. Bella, I know my blood when I see it and call me crazy, but
Sophie resembles Liam almost 99%." She began, and I started to feel uncomfortable
and scared.
" Aunt Carmen, it's not what you think. Liam didn't even know, and he doesn't have
to know. I didn't come back here to ruin his life. I can take care of my daughter.
I did and will always do." I began, and I can't fight the emotion I am feeling.
They have the right to know. Sophie, after all, is their grandchild. Carmen sobbed
and hugged me.
" Oh, Bella, I knew it! I was so shocked when I saw her, and I just knew that she
is my granddaughter. But, honey, don't you think Liam has the right to know too?"
She asked me, her face looks sad and concern.
" I don't know if I am ready, aunt Carmen. What if he will not accept her and will
think the worst of me? It was entirely my fault. I never regretted what happened. I
got a special gift, and I will forever treasure it," I said and looked at my
sleeping daughter, adoringly.
" You are a strong woman, Bella, and I admire you for that. Just know that starting
today, we are right behind you. I will respect your decision for now, but you have
to tell him somehow. If you are not ready to tell me the details, I will respect
that." She said and patted my hand and smiled at me reassuringly.
" Thank you, aunt Carmen. I will think about it. I'm just scared of what he will do
when he finds out." I told her, I am just scared for my daughter.
" Alright, dear, I understand. Just so you know, I saw the way he is looking at you
and you to him. Maybe, there's hope for you two." She smiled and winked. I
automatically blushed.
" No, aunt Carmen, you're only imagining it. He is happy with Taylor. I can see
that." I said, shaking my head.
" Well, I know what I saw, honey, and it's not happiness. You know, for a
distinguished Pediatrician, my son could be dumbest when it comes to dating and
seeing what's in front of him." She blurted out and shook her head. I smiled and
looked down at my clasped hands.
" Well, whenever you're ready, sweetheart. We are right behind you. Do you want to
come down for dinner? Don't worry. He is not around. They went out for dinner to
pacify the beast." She said, laughing and stood up.
I looked at my daughter and followed her downstairs. Collette's fiance arrived a
little while ago. I hadn't met him yet, because I took a nap with Sophie when he
When we reached the dining Collette and her fiance Todd are already there happily
talking with Mr. Jones.
" Finally! You came down. Bels, this is my fiance, Todd. Baby, this is my best
friend ever, Arabella." Collette introduces us and then shook hands. They look good
together, and I can see why my best friend adores him.
" Sorry, I got tired of playing in the water for almost two hours. It's so nice to
meet you, Todd finally." I told Todd smiling, and he smiled back.
" Pleased to meet you too, Bella. I have heard so much about you and know so much
as well before I even meet you. I f you weren't a girl, I would have been very
jealous." He chuckled and earned a slap in the chest by my crazy best friend.
We were having fun talking and reminiscing. We had so much fun remembering our
teenage years. After that wonderful dinner, we all went to our rooms to call it a
night. Sophie will probably sleep throughout the night.
So I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and prepare for bed. I was repeating
the events this afternoon in my head and my talk with aunt Carmen.
I know she's right, that I have to tell Liam, but I don't know where to start and
how to tell him.
Later that night, before I succumbed to sleep. I heard the footsteps outside and a
heated argument. The couple stopped outside my door and opened the door of the room
opposite mine.
I thought they patched things up between them. I guess not. I hope we didn't cause
trouble for them. It's the least I want to happen. I didn't come back to disturb
Liam's life. I wanted him to be happy for everything that's happened, even if it's
not with me.

Chapter 14
I woke up to an empty bed. My daughter Sophie is out of sight. I scrambled to my
feet, grabbed my robe, and went outside quickly. As I descended the stairs, I can
hear her giggles and screams. I followed the voice, and I saw her by the backyard
playing with Liam and Collette.
I watched them on the screen door. Liam had Sophie on his back while Collette
pretended to catch them. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Todd are watching them with smiles
on their faces. I don't see Taylor anywhere. She's probably still sleeping.
I open the screened door and stepped outside. Aunt Carmen saw me and waved at me to
come and join them. I greeted them good morning and sat on an empty chair.
" Good morning, dear. How was your sleep? I'm sorry if we woke you up. Collete went
to your room and saw that Sophie is awake, so she took her downstairs to have
breakfast." Aunt Carmen explained, and I nodded shyly.
" I'm sorry if I overslept. I had the best sleep after many years," I told her. "
Good morning, uncle Dem. Good morning, Todd." I added.
" Good morning, hon. Go on, eat your breakfast, don't worry about Sophie. She
already ate with Liam and Collete a while ago." Uncle Demitri smiled brightly at me
and asked me to eat. Todd just smiled and drank his coffee.
Sophie saw me and screamed for me. I waved my hand at her and smiled. Liam was
looking at me and smiled. I smiled shyly, then averted my eyes, pretended to eat.
I want to kick myself for acting like a schoolgirl.
For Pete's sake, I am a mother and a teacher. Why can't I act like one around Liam?
It's like grade school and high school all over again. I was busy cutting my
pancakes into small pieces when a shadow towered above me, shielding me from the
" Good morning, Bella. Had a goodnight's sleep?" Liam is looking down at me with a
smile as bright as the sun; it's blinding.
" Hi, good morning. Yeah, I never slept that well for a long time." I answered
softly, not looking directly at his eyes.
" Good. Must be the place or the weather then." He said. " Do you want to join us
after your breakfast?" he added.
" Where's Taylor?" I changed the topic to remind him that he has a girlfriend and
stop giving me attention that might confuse his girlfriend. Or me.
" I don't know. I think she went back to New York." He answered and sounded
disinterested. Did something happen last night? I looked up at him, surprised. He
seems not to care that she left a week before Collette's wedding.
" I would love to play with you guys, but I really have to go to school. I have a
meeting with the Principal and get some materials for my class. I will be starting
as soon as the school starts next month." I explained to him, apologizing.
" Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot. Do you need help with Sophie? You can leave her here
while you go and do your thing." He offered, and my heart skipped. I averted my
eyes and stole a glance at aunt Carmen. She had a secret smile on her lips and
winked at me discreetly.
" Oh. Thank you, that is so sweet of you, Liam, but mom can watch over Sophie
later. I won't be long anyway, or maybe I'll bring her to show her around since she
will be going to school there this year.
" Who will send you there? Do you need a ride?" He asked again. He grabbed the seat
near me and sat beside me, watching me eat. Great, how do you think I can eat with
you watching me, Liam?
I took small bites and chewed slowly. I kept my eyes down and watched my very
interesting bacon fighting with my scrambled eggs.
" Bella?" I heard Liam call my name and I looked up startled.
" I was asking you how you will go to school? Do you need a ride? I can send you
and wait for you until you're done." He said, and I shook my head.
" I'll borrow my mom's car. Thank you, though, for your offer." Just then, my very
sweaty daughter came running towards me and slammed her small body to me, hugging
" Mommy! Good morning, mommy. You wake up late, and I got hungry, so auntie Coyet
took me and gave me food." She said, looking up at me with a pout. My heart swelled
every time I see her face, how I love that beautiful face.
" I'm sorry, sweetheart. Mommy must be very tired yesterday. Did you thank aunt
Collette for breakfast?" I asked her, kissing her nose and head.
" Ahhhh... Thank you, aunt Coyet and uncle Liam and grandma and grandpa." She
announced and buried her face in my stomach, suddenly feeling shy.
" You're welcome, baby. Call me any time you're hungry." Collette said, smiling and
sitting on Todd's lap.
" Any time, Princess. Come here. let mommy finish her food first." Liam grabbed her
and placed her on his lap, and started tickling her. Laughter filled the whole
place, and everyone watched the two with smiles on their faces.
I smiled too, but my heart is bleeding. We look like a happy family, but that would
be impossible. Liam will never forgive me once he found out the truth.
Suddenly my food is not that appetizing anymore, and the lump in my throat won't go
away. Collette and aunt Carmen is watching me. I can feel their eyes. I did not
dare look up and continued staring at my food, listening to my daughter's laughter.
How my heart ached every time, she asked for her father. Now that she is in her
father's arms, I couldn't even tell her. Liam would be a great dad for sure. I
mean, he is a pediatrician, which explains his love for kids.
Will he love and accept Sophie when he finds out the truth? Will he forgive me for
hiding the truth? The wheels in my head are working non-stop, so many questions.
So many fears, what if he will take away my daughter from me? I cannot live without
my daughter. I would rather die than not be with her. She is the only thing that
keeps me sane. The heartaches of my past were erased the moment she came into my
The possibility of losing her breaks my heart all over again. The same way it broke
when I lost her father.

Chapter 15

Right after breakfast, Sophie and I went home to change. As usual, it was a
struggle to separate her from Liam and Collette. After many promises from Liam and
persuasion from Collette, she agreed to come with me and see her new school.

" Mom, can I use your car for a while? I need to go to Glendale Elementary School
for my orientation and meeting with the Principal." I asked my mom when I came out
of my room. I am wearing a grey below the knee pencil skirt and a white long sleeve

My baby girl is wearing her pink dress and white sweater. I tied her hair up in a
ponytail the same as mine.

" Oh, sure, sweetheart, be careful, though. The car was having problems yesterday,
but I guess it should be fine. The school is not too far from here, anyway. When
you come back, I'll bring it to the workshop and have it fixed." My mom replied and
handed me the key.

" Oh, okay, mom. It will only probably take an hour max. We'll be back before
lunch, I hope." I told her and grabbed my bag and my daughter. Then we're on our

I love my new school, especially in my classroom. In fact, even Sophie loved her
new school. She is so excited to start and has been very talkative. Principal
Thomas Peters was so fascinated by her enthusiasm.

I did not expect Principal Peters to be so young and still single. I thought he
would be a middle-aged guy with less hair, but he actually looks good. He is the
same age as Liam but not as good looking. Darn it! There I go again! Always
comparing guys I meet with Liam, how can I ever move on from him?

After our meeting, Tom introduced me to the rest of the faculty and gave us a
school tour. He invited me to lunch, but I respectfully declined. " I appreciate
the invitation, Tom, but my mom will be waiting for us for lunch,"

" Oh, okay, no problem then. Some other time maybe?" He said, smiling, and I smiled
back. He accompanied us outside to our car, then waved goodbye and went back
inside. I turned on the ignition, but nothing happened.

I tried again, still no response or at least a spark. I sighed in frustration and

called my mom.

" Hello, honey." Mom answered on the other line.

" Hello, mom? The car won't start, and we are stuck here in school. I'll ditch the
car here and call a cab. Maybe you can call the workshop and have it towed?" I
informed her. I scrambled out of the car and lifted Sophie to my arms.

I made sure that the car is locked before I started walking outside the school to
look for a cab. Sophie is acting irritated again. I guess she's already hungry and
thirsty too, so do I. I walked a few feet away from the school when a horn sounded
at my back.

I stopped and turned around to see Principal Peters come down from his car. He came
towards me in confusion.

" What happened, Miss Montreal? Why are you walking under the heat of the sun?" He

" My car won't start. I was waiting for the cab or the bus." I answered him. I am
sweating like a pig and probably looked exhausted and dehydrated. Sophie is crying
full-blown now and won't stop.

" Well, come on, I'll send you home. Your daughter is getting tired, and you looked
exhausted yourself." He offered and held my elbow to guide me back to his car. Just
then, a car screeched beside us, and the driver went out in a hurry.

" Bella? What happened, babe? Why is Sophie crying?" Liam came out of the blue. I
was astounded. How did he get here so fast? When Sophie heard his voice, she
reached out to him right away, crying.

Liam has been eyeing Principal Peters and stared at him openly with so much
indifference. He took Sophie from me and massaged her back. Kissing her head and
whispered sweet words to her ear. Thankfully, she stopped crying, but you can still
hear her hiccups.

" Mom's car won't start. I was waiting for a cab or a bus, but Sophie started
crying. She's hungry and thirsty, I guess." I explained to him. I'm so near to
collapsing myself due to exhaustion and the heat of the sun.

" Let's go. I'll take you home. I told you I would send you this morning, but
you're so stubborn. Good thing I passed by your house, and aunt Carmen told me
you're still here." He placed his free arm around my shoulders and guided me to his
car without saying a word to Tom.

I turned to look at Tom and said, " I'm sorry for the bother, Mr. Peters, but I'll
go with Doctor Jones. We lived in the same street, and he can pacify Sophie faster
than I can." I joked a little to ease the tension and awkwardness.

" No worries, Miss Montreal. I'll see you soon? Bye, Sophie, Doctor Jones." He
smiled at me, waved at Sophie, and gave Liam a curt nod. Then he climbed back to
his car.

" Was he hitting on you?" Was Liam's first word when he started his car.

" What? No?! He was only offering to send me home. He saw me walking by the road,
and Sophie was throwing a tantrum." I looked at him, shocked at his question.

" Well, I'm a man, and I know when a man is trying to hit on a girl. He is trying
to hit on you. Isn't he married?" He asked again, glancing at me. I glared at him
and shook my head in disbelief.

" No. He is very much single, and he's the same age as you." I answered him,
laughing a bit. I turned to look at Sophie, who is now sleeping at the back. She
probably got tired after being exposed to the heat of the sun.

" So, he's my age. Does it mean he can court you?" He didn't stop interrogating.

" Liam!? Stop! He's only trying to help. And besides, so what if he wants to court
me? He's single, I am single, no problem, right?" He suddenly stepped on the brake
and turned to look at me.

" So you want him to court you? Is that it? Bella, you had only met him a few hours
ago. How sure are you that his intentions are sincere? You are so naive!" He
shouted, nose flaring and eyes blazing. Oh, boy. Am I in trouble now?

" Liam, what is wrong with you? I was saying what if. I didn't say I'll consider
him. And I am not a kid anymore! In case you forgot, I am a mother now and a
teacher. You don't have to look after me as your little sister!" I flared up as
well. Why can't he see me as a woman? Not a little girl he used to protect at

" I know, Bella. I noticed that you are not a little kid anymore, more than you
know. I was only giving you a bit of advice. Stay away from men like that. They are
just looking for fresh meat and their prey, alright? I don't want you getting hurt
again and be played at." He added slowly and reached out a hand to tuck my stray
hair to my ear.

There was tenderness in his eyes, and the way his fingers lingers on my cheek felt
so nice. He sighed, then turned on the ignition again. The journey to our house was
so quiet and so full of tension. There's this sexual tension between us that is so
hard to ignore.

Liam is gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. The tensing
of his jaw betrayed his deep frustration. It is obvious that he's jealous of
Principal Peters, but why? He doesn't like me. Not before, not now. I am
hallucinating. I imagine things that aren't there. It was just wishful thinking, a
prayer made by my traitor heart.

Chapter 16
When we reached home, the silence was too much to bear. He turned off the ignition
and looked straight ahead. He seems to be lost in his thoughts. He is still
gripping the steering wheel tightly.

" Ahm, thanks for picking us up, Liam." I broke the silence and stole a glance at
him. He looked up for a while, then sighed. He turned to me with a forlorn smile.

" Anytime, babe. You can call me anytime you need my help, alright? Don't run away
again or hide. Do not suffer alone, okay? I want you to remember that we are here
for you. I am here for you anytime you need me." He told me, grabbed my hand, and
squeezed it softly.

I felt the lump in my throat, and my eyes watered. If he only knew. I looked away
to blink the tears quickly, then smiled at him and nodded. I opened my door and got
out of his car, I was about to grab Sophie from the backseat, but he beat me to it.

" I got her, Bels. I'll carry her inside. You look like you're about to collapse
anytime." He said and took Sophie gently in his arms. My daughter is still dead to
the world. She probably was so tired.

I opened the front door and let Liam in first. I showed him Sophie's room and
helped him tucked her to bed. He was looking down at her and caressed her face, and
then he kissed her on the forehead. My stupid heart skipped again, and I was
getting choked.

I went out so fast and went to the living room. Liam followed shortly. I felt so
awkward and so nervous, I looked everywhere but him. Thankfully, mom came in from
the kitchen and saw us.

" Oh, you're both here. Where's Sophie?" She asked.

" She fell asleep on the way home, mom. She was crying non-stop until Liam arrived.
She was exhausted right after her tantrums." I explained to her, still not looking
at Liam.

" Oh, my poor girl. Okay then, let's have lunch. Liam, dear, thank you for picking
my girls up. Please join us for lunch, okay?" My mom touched Liam's arm and smiled
at him.

" Ahm, that's not necessary, aunt Carmen. I will have my lunch at home. I don't
want to impose on you guys." He replied, scratching the back of his head and looked
my way.

" No, mom's right, Liam. Please stay for lunch. It's the least we could do after
you went out of your way to pick us up." I told him, finally looking at him,
blushing like a stupid teenager. I offered a smile, but I think it looks like a

I want to kick myself for behaving like this. What is wrong with you, woman! Stop
behaving like an idiot and act normal, for Christ's sake! Liam smiled and accepted
our offer. So we all went to the dining room to have our lunch.

Before I can grab my chair, Liam pulled it for me and waited for me to take my
seat. Mom was secretly smiling, and I blushed again, murmuring a thank you to him.
He just smiled and rounded the table to sit in front of me.

Then I noticed, only two sets of plates are on the table. I looked at my mom with
raised brows and asked her with my eyes.

" Oh, you kids, go ahead and eat. I already ate before you arrived. I couldn't wait
much longer, hon. I was starving. Go on, help yourselves. I'll go and check on my
granddaughter. Enjoy your lunch." She informed us then left us alone in the dining.

I was speechless, and my mouth hangs open. My mom is trying to play cupid, and she
was not very subtle about it. I looked at Liam with wide eyes and saw that he was
having fun. He is grinning from ear to ear.

" Close your mouth, babe. Insects might get in." He said and chuckled. " Let's eat;
honestly, I'm starving." He added, grinning still.

I closed my mouth quickly and started eating, but who am I kidding? Who could eat
when it's only the two of us here? It feels like I'm on a date with him.

" Stop looking at me and eat, Bella." He looked at me pointedly and put food on my
plate. He then motioned for me to eat, and so I did, reluctantly.

Have you tried eating, but the food won't just go past your esophagus? It was
really hard, especially when Liam keeps looking at me. So I tried to have a small
conversation with him and asked something I've meant to ask him.

" So, ahm, what happened to your girlfriend? She disappeared this morning." I
asked, looked up at him, and looked down quickly when he was about to answer.

" She's just blowing off some steam and went back to New York. We argued last
night, and she decided to skip the wedding and go home." He explained, and he seems
not bothered at all.

" Oh. So, she won't be at the wedding?" I asked him, surprised that he's not even
bothered at all.

" I don't think so, but who knows. Taylor is really unpredictable, and I'll let her
be for a few days. She's always like that. I'm getting used to it already." He
replied with a shrug and kept on eating.

" How long have you been together?" I asked him curiously and totally ignored my
food. It's pointless to eat when I can't even swallow anything.

" Two years and a half. We met in New York when I went to a seminar. She's an
aspiring model, and I bumped into her during one of their after-parties." He said
and also stopped eating.

" Wow! That long, ha? So, thinking of tying the knot soon?" I asked, trying to
brace my heart for his answer.

" Haha, actually yeah. I mean, I'm not getting any younger, and I don't have time
to play the field anymore. Taylor has been dropping hints of us getting married,
and I was actually considering it. I don't know, we'll see." He replied, looking at
me intently.

I grabbed my water and drank the whole glass, suddenly feeling thirsty. The pain in
my heart seemed unbearable, and I find it hard to breathe. I smiled and nodded and
kept silent for a while. He is studying my face now, and I kept averting my eyes.
" You okay, Bels?" He asked, still studying me. I nodded eagerly, trying to pretend
everything is fine. When the truth is, he just pushed that knife in my heart a
little bit more.

" Yeah, I'm cool. I am happy for you, Liam. It's very rare to find your soul mate
and get to spend the rest of your life with that one special person." I answered
with a voice a little too high. Good thing mom came in and broke the awkward

" Hey kids, are you done with your lunch? Bella, I think Sophie is running a fever.
She's a bit warm when I touched her. Can you go and check, dear?" My mom announced,
and I am on my feet before she even finished her sentence.

I ran to my daughter's room and touched her forehead. She is a bit warm. I went
into panic mode, Sophie rarely gets sick, but when she does, it's always the worst.
Liam followed me to the room and sat by the foot of the bed.

" Everything okay, babe? Is Sophie, okay?" He asked me, touching Sophie's feet. I
looked at him with troubled eyes and shook my head.

" I don't know. She rarely gets sick, and every time she does, it's always the
worst thing." I answered him truthfully and hugged my daughter.

" You wait here. I'll get my things and give her a check, okay? Don't worry too
much. She'll be fine. You have me now, alright? I'll be right back." He stood up
and kissed my head before going out of the room.

I looked down at my daughter and caressed her face. She's a little flushed, and her
temperature is rising by the minute. I kissed her head and waited for Liam to come
back. Thankful that I am now home and not alone in our apartment back in Denver, or
I would be a crying mess by now.

Chapter 17
While waiting for Liam to come back, I busied myself changing my daughter's clothes
and wiping her whole body with a washcloth. She has a full blow fever now, and
she's burning up. Before I know it, I'm full-blown, a crying mess now. My mom came
in with Liam and the rest of the Jones', Mr. and Mrs. Jones with Collette and Todd.

They caught me sobbing my heart out. Collette came to me right away and consoled
me. I know I'm a little bit overreacting, but it really frightens me whenever my
baby gets sick.

" Hey, stop, we are here, okay? You are home, and you are not alone anymore.
Besides, Liam is the best Pediatrician in town. He will take good care of Sophie,
alright?" Collette hugged me and rubbed my back.

" Calm down, dear. I'm sure it's just a normal fever. She's probably not used to be
out in the sun longer or still adjusting to the weather." Aunt Carmen said and
patted my hand.

" Bella, my sweetheart, stop worrying. Trust Liam, your daughter will be alright in
a jiffy." Uncle Demetri said and looked at me with a reassuring smile.

" Honey, why don't we let Liam do his work and let's step outside. I'll prepare
coffee for everyone and some muffins. It's best to cook porridge for Sophie so that
when she wakes up, she can eat it, okay?" My mom approached me and pulled me out of
the room.
The rest of the gang followed, but I stepped out. I looked at Liam with worried
eyes, and he nodded and smiled at me. It's as if he knows what my eyes and heart
are telling him. If only he can hear what it is saying. It says, " please take care
of your daughter."

We are all in the living room, waiting for Liam to come out. I still can't help but
worry for my baby. I kept glancing at the hallway to the room, wanting to go to her
so badly. Then Liam emerged, and my eyes automatically found him, and so does his.

" She'll be fine, Bella, don't worry too much. She's reacting to the heat. She
might be exposed to too much sun. I've given her aspirin, and I'll be monitoring
her now and then, okay?" He smiled and sat next to me. He pulled me to his chest
and kissed my temple.

" See, I told you, dear. There is nothing to worry about. It is a part of growing
to every child, trust me." Aunt Carmen beamed and smiled at me kindly.

" Thank you, all. Thank you, Liam. I know I am silly, panicking like that. It's
just that I was used to being alone, and taking care of a sick child is too much to
handle." I bowed my head and wringing my hands. He captured it and gave it a small

" I know, babe, you have nothing to be sorry about. It is normal for every mother
to panic when their child gets hurt or sick. But you are not in Denver anymore. You
are already home. So let us help you, alright?" He replied and kissed the top of my
head. Not minding everyone's attention on us.

They stayed for a little bit more before going back to their house. Collette
promised to come again and visit after she's done with her errands. Liam, on the
other hand, stayed. He said he needs to monitor Sophie's temperature and medicine

We were in the dining having coffee and muffins when we heard Sophie's cry. I stood
up so quickly, the chair fell and ran as fast as my human body can do. I am beside
my daughter in a flash and have her sit on my lap, trying to console her.

Liam followed right after, sat on the opposite side of the bed, and held Sophie's
hand. He kissed her tiny hand and her head. His face is so close to mine that I can
see his long lashes and smelled his aftershave.

We stared at each other for a split second then I looked down at my daughter. I can
still feel Liam's eyes on me, but I dare not look up again.

" Are you hungry, my peanut? Do you want to eat?" I ask my daughter and kissed her
warm little hand. I rocked back and forth to calm her and myself. She nodded her
little head, so I placed her back on the bed and walked out to get her porridge.

Liam lay down beside Sophie and caressed her head. Then the little girl asks him.

" Uncle Liam, can you stay here tonight? I don't want mommy to cry the whole night
again. She always does that when I get sick. She never sleeps." He looked at him
with pleading eyes and requested in a small voice. He can't describe the pain he
feels right now for Sophie, but most especially for Bella.

She must have suffered a lot while she was away. To get pregnant at an early age,
and being away from your family and friends must be really tough. Just then, Bella
came in with a tray. She fed Sophie and gave her warm milk. Liam was watching them,
and the pain in his heart intensifies.
" Mommy, I ask uncle Liam to sleep with us tonight, so you don't have to worry
about me alone. Can he please stay, mommy?" Sophie suddenly asked Bella, and she
froze for a few minutes. She looked at Liam, who is also looking at her, asking for
her approval.

" I think it's a good idea, Bels. That way, I can monitor Sophie's condition, and
you can rest. We can take turns in watching over her. What do you say?' He asked
her with hopeful eyes. He is willing to pull all the tricks to let him stay the
night. He won't be able to sleep anyway, thinking about Bella crying alone in the

" If it's okay with you, then I would appreciate it very much. I'd feel better if I
have a doctor around if ever she gets worst during the night." She answered weakly
and smiled sincerely at him.

" It will be my pleasure, babe. I'll drop by the house for a quick shower and
change, and then I'll come back right away, alright?" He replied with a full smile
and relief written all over his face. His dimples are on display, and Bella's heart
skipped a beat again every time he does that.

My face heats up again, so I ducked my head and hid behind my hair. I pretended to
be busy feeding Sophie, to escape his knowing gaze. He kissed Sophie's head and
stood up. When he went to my side of the bed, he stooped down and kissed my head as

" I'll be back, baby, don't cry while I'm gone." He joked and caught my chin,
lifted my face, and he kissed my forehead. I'm a goner after that. How can I stop
myself from falling all over again?

Falling In love was never in my plan. Until one day, I just realized that I love
this person too much. Each day my love grows deeper, deeper than I never thought
before. God help me.

Chapter 18
I took a shower while Liam was out and changed into comfortable clothes. After my
shower, I went to the kitchen to help mom prepare our dinner. She looked up when I
entered and smiled.

" How's my dear Sophie? Did she eat the porridge?" My mom asked.

" Yeah, she did, mom, and she's okay for now. Her temperature went down, and she
went back to sleep right after taking the medicine Liam gave her." I told her while
cutting the vegetables. Tonight we'll have roast beef and stir-fried veggies.

" How are you, sweetheart? I know you are struggling to be near Liam again." My mom
looked at me with sad concerned eyes.

" I'm okay, mom. It's funny how a person can break your heart, and you can still
love them. Nothing hurts more than watching him love another girl." I told her
honestly and just let all the hurt come out.

My mom turned off the stove and came to hug me. I cried in her chest and let all
the pent up emotions out.

" I am tired, mom. My heart is so tired. It's so tiring to pretend to be okay. To

try so hard to smile to stop the tears from falling." I sobbed.
" Sweetheart, maybe it's time to let go and let yourself love another man. Cheer
up, my sweet, beautiful girl. One day, you will be in love again, and it will be
worth it." She said while combing my hair and rubbing my back.

Then we heard the front door opened so I quickly stepped away from mom and went to
the nearest bathroom before Liam could see my eyes.

" Hey, Liam. Dinner is almost ready, hon." I heard mom talked to Liam.

" Oh, okay, aunt Agnes. Do you need help?" He replied.

" No, I'm okay, dear. Bella is actually helping me, but she has to go to the
bathroom." Mom said, and continued to cook.

" Oh, okay. I'll go and check on Sophie, real quick, and I'll be back." Liam said
and walked away to go and check Sophie's condition. When Bella was sure that the
coast is clear, she opened the bathroom door and peeked.

She inhaled deeply when she saw he's not around. She washed her face while she was
inside to hide the trace of tears in her face and eyes.

' Come, dear, let's finish this so we can eat and you can rest." My mom said, and I
went to work. Just when I finished setting up the table, Lim walked back in. I
averted my eyes and pretended to be busy putting the plates and utensils on the

" Hey, Bells, are you okay?" Liam asked, peeking down my face. He's probably
confused why I'm not looking at him. I don't want him to see my swollen red eyes
and see the pain there.

" Yeah, I'm okay, Liam," I said, glancing at him and looked away quickly. He stared
at me for a minute, then helped me set up the table. We all sat down and said our
grace, then started eating.

Liam and mom were chatting while eating while I stay quiet and looked down at my
food. Then I felt my foot being kicked below the table. I was so startled that I
looked up with wide eyes at Liam. Then I saw the emotions in his eyes when he saw
my swollen eyes.

I looked down abruptly and continued eating. Mom was looking at both of us and
smiled secretly. Liam keeps on stealing glances at me, but I dared not look at him
again. After our dinner, I volunteered to wash the dishes while mom retired to her

Liam went to check on Sophie again, so I was left in my thought while washing the
dishes. Then I felt him beside me. He leaned on the countersink and watched me wash
the dishes.

" Need any help?" He asked, and I smiled and shook my head.

" Naah, I'm almost done. Why don't you go and rest first? I'll take the first watch
tonight and wake you up if she feels hot again." I told him, I am wiping the plates
now and put them back in the cabinet.

" Babe, look at me." He said, but I pretended not to hear him. He stopped me from
what I am doing and turned me to face him.

" Baby, what's wrong? And don't tell me it's nothing again because obviously, you
are not. Your eyes are swollen and red. You have been crying again." He said,
looking down at me, but I kept my gaze down and bit my lip hard.

" Liam, I'm fine, really. I am always like this whenever Sophie gets sick, so get
used to it." I told him, sighing heavily.

" I can't, Bella, It pains me to see you like this. I told you everything is going
to be okay. We are here for you. I am here for you, always. Please believe that and
stop worrying too much. You'll put wrinkles on that sweet, beautiful face." He
said, smiling and tilted my face. I rolled my eyes and smiled a little.

" There you go. Always smile like that. You look prettier." He whispered and kissed
my forehead. He hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head. It feels so
wonderful to be in his arms again. I inhaled his fresh scent and hugged him back.

I will treasure every little bit of pieces with him because I know he will never be
mine. If only I am what he wanted. I wished I am what he wanted. It is not his
fault, actually. He doesn't know how I feel about him. I broke my own heart loving

All I want to do right now is cry and scream and let it all out because it's
killing me inside knowing I'll never be the one for him. I thought I'm already okay
that I have outgrown my love for him. I thought I was. No one knows how much I
cried that night I left his room.

That was the night I said goodbye to the love I held for so long. The night I said
goodbye to the man who would never see me as a woman. The most painful goodbyes are
the ones that are left unsaid and never explained.

Walking away from him was the hardest thing I ever did because I walked away still
loving him. I thought coming back will heal me, but no, it just broke me even


Chapter 19
After our little moment in the kitchen, we went to Sophie's room to sleep. I made a
makeshift bed for Liam on the floor, but Sophie woke up and asked for him, so he
climbed up the bed and squeezed in beside her.

Sophie curled her little body close to Liam, so he hugged her to him and tapped her
back to help her go back to sleep. I was facing them and stared painfully. Liam saw
my emotions and reached out to touch my face. I lifted my eyes on him and smiled
weakly. We stared at each other for a long time until he broke the silence.

" Tell me about him." He said softly so that he won't wake Sophie up.

" What's there to tell? It was so long ago, and things didn't work out." I told
him, shrugging my shoulders and averting my eyes again. Suddenly, I felt nervous
and conscious.

" Bella, it is obvious that you're not over him. I see it in your eyes, the hurt,
the pain. Do you still love him?" He asked again, but his eyes looked sad.

I closed my eyes before I answered him. " I've never loved anyone else," I
whispered. When I opened my eyes, I saw the hurt in his. Then he blinked and put on
a smile.
" I've loved him for so long. I don't know how to unlove him. I fell in love with
him when I was in 2nd grade. The first time I saw him, I told myself, he is going
to be my future husband." I smiled when I remembered the first time we met.

" But he never looked at me the way I want him to look at me. He's older than me,
and he's the popular guy in school." I told him, and he crinkled his brows.

" Wait, older? Do I know this guy? Is he one of my guys or somebody I knew?" He
asked curiously.

" Oh, no, no, no. He's from another school. Yeah, from the other school." I
answered him in panic.

" So, how did you two hook up? I mean, how did this happen?" He pointed at Sophie.

" Oh, ahm, right after graduation. We met at a party and got drunk, and one thing
led to another. But I know he's got a girlfriend. It was a one-night thing." I told
him, not looking at his eyes, so scared he might see the lie in there.

" Which party? Babe, you have to be specific. I might know this idiot." He asked,
and anger is evident in his voice and eyes.

" Liam, drop it, okay? I don't want to talk about him. He doesn't even know, and I
don't think he needs to know." I told him and looked up at the ceiling. It's so
hard to talk to him about him, actually.

" Why not? I think he has the right to know, Bell. I'm sure he will fall in love
with his daughter once he saw her. Does he know you're in love with him?" He asked.

" No, and he doesn't have to know. As much as I know, he's happy now with his
girlfriend. I don't want to complicate his life with my mistake. I am happy, Liam.
Sophie put back the pieces of my heart that were broken. In time, I will heal and
maybe find someone who will love me, broken and all." I said, still staring at the
ceiling. I can feel his eyes on me.

Without knowing it, my tears flowed down my cheeks to my pillow. I realized only
when I felt his fingers brushed the side of my eyes. I closed my eyes and inhaled

" Everyone makes mistakes, babe, that is life. But it is never a mistake to have
loved. And this right here is not a mistake." He pointed at my sleeping daughter.
"Don't ever say it's your fault. Loving someone is a gift, and to be loved by you
is a miracle. He never knew what he lost, Bella. If I were that guy, I would never
leave you." He said so passionately it broke my heart all over again.

" Would you, Liam? Stay with me, I mean. If you knew you got me pregnant, would you
stay with me? Metaphorically speaking, that is." I asked him with a heart full of

" Of course, babe. I would never abandon you or our child. I will never do that to
you. You know that, right?" He answered quickly, and so seriously.

" Even if you have a girlfriend? Even if you have Taylor?" I asked again, holding
my breath for his answer.

" In a heartbeat, Bella." He softly said and smiled weakly without taking his eyes
away from me. My heart leaped, and I teared up again. Feeling my heart shattered
into a million pieces all over again. If only I can believe his words, if only it
were true.
Liam saw the tears flowing from my face, and I turned my back quickly to hide the
pain I felt. Liam was confused by my reaction. He slowly moved Sophie away from his
body and stood up. He knelt beside Bella and hugged her.

" Baby, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Please, Bella, tell me. I can't
bear seeing you like this." He cupped my face and wiped my tears with his thumb. He
kissed my forehead, my eyes, and my nose. He stared at me with torment in his eyes
and placed his forehead on mine.

" Baby, stop. Please stop crying and tell me what's wrong." He asked again, kissing
my wet cheeks.

" Nothing, Liam. You didn't do anything. Your words just moved me. I hope he will
also feel the same when I tell him about Sophie." I smiled with tears in my eyes.

" Baby, he would be so stupid if he won't accept her and won't love you. You are
the sweetest, most loving person I know. Any man would be so lucky to have you
both, remember that. But, if he's already married, then it's his loss, not yours,
okay?" He said, rubbing my arms and wiping the remaining tears on my face.

" Do you want me to get you water?" He asked me, smiling. I nodded and smiled back
at him. He kissed my forehead again before standing up to get me a glass of water.
After drinking, Liam went to his makeshift bed below me and lay down.

" You go to sleep, babe. I'll take care of Sophie if she wakes up and checks on
her, okay?" He ordered me, and I nodded gratefully at him. I closed my eyes and
tried to relax, my hand on my side. Suddenly, I felt Liam's hand take mine, kissed
it, and held it. I didn't open my eyes, but a small smile lingered on my lips. I
wished this night will never end.

Chapter 20
Liam's POV

I woke up disoriented. At first, I didn't know where I am. Then I saw Bella's back
cradling her daughter. They were sleeping peacefully. I went to touch Sophie's
forehead and felt that it was still a bit warm, so I picked up a thermometer to
make sure she's not running a high fever.

I placed the thermometer in Sophie's mouth slowly and waited. I watched them both
with a heavy heart. How could the douche bag let this beautiful girl slip from his
finger? How could he use her and then dump her like that?

I brushed some hair covering Bella's face away and watched her. She has really
grown into a beautiful woman. I admire her strength and courage in raising a child
when she was practically still a child herself.

She is one extraordinary girl, and any man will be so lucky to have her. Just
thinking about another man touching her and kissing her drives me crazy. I've never
really told anyone about my feelings for this girl. I had the chance six years ago
by the lake, but I had a girlfriend back then. I had to do what's right, and she
was still very young, so naive and innocent.

I was scared that she doesn't feel the same way towards me. That's why I pretended
to be like an older brother. But no brother would look at their sister the way I
looked at her when nobody's paying attention. I have loved her for so long and have
never loved any woman as much as I love her.
But when she told me about this guy, the father of her child, and the love she has
for him. It broke my heart. How I wished it was me. Her feeling was so strong I
could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

How I longed to kiss those sweet, soft lips again. That night when I kissed her, I
never really wanted to stop, but I have to, or I might do something I'll regret. I
thought I felt something magical that night, but she ran away after I kissed her.
That is why I drank so much to hide the pain I was feeling. I wanted her so badly I
felt ashamed for myself.

The fight I started was not totally about my girlfriend cheating. It's more about
the fact that I cannot tell Bella I love her. After the fight, I don't really know
what happened. I know a girl came to my room and we had sex.

I thought it was Jenny, my ex, that's why I told her to leave right after we've had
sex. But in the morning, I saw blood on the sheet. That's when I realized I had sex
with a virgin. I tried to learn who that girl was, but I was ashamed to ask.

My reminiscing was cut when the thermometer beeped. I checked Sophie's temperature
and saw that she still has a slight fever. Then Bella stirred in her sleep and
opened her eyes. She was confused to see me first, and then realization dawned on
her. She smiled so sweetly at me.

I literally stopped breathing. Her smiles always take my breath away. I smiled
back, then took Sophie's medicine and slowly woke her up so she could take them.

Bella got up and helped me give the medicine to her daughter. Sophie cried for a
while, then finally she agreed to take medicine.

" Thanks, Liam. Why don't you go back to sleep? I'll take care of her now. What
time is it, by the way?" She asked groggily. She sounded tired and still sleepy.

" It's 4 am, babe. I'm okay. I slept for a few hours. Why don't you go back to
sleep?"I told her I reached for Sophie's small hand and kissed it. What is it with
these two girls? I can't seem to stop kissing them.

" I'm okay. I slept longer than you. You must be exhausted. Please lie down and
sleep." She begged, and I felt happy that she's concern about me.

" Okay, okay, but can I sleep here with you and Sophie? My back kind of hurt on
that floor." I lied to her. I really just wanted to lie down next to them.

" Of course! I'm sorry, you should have told me a while ago. Go on; make yourself
comfortable." She said, embarrassed. So I happily laid down with Sophie in the
middle. Bella is hugging Sophie's little body close to her so she could give me
more room in the bed.

I laid down facing them and fell asleep watching them. Bella is humming a lullaby
to comfort Sophie, and it lulled me to sleep too. She is a great mother, and she
would make a great wife too. I drifted off to sleep with my hand on top of Bella's
lying on Sophie's back with that in mind.

The next time I woke up was the most emotional and beautiful morning I have ever
woken into. I was lying in bed with Bella curled in my chest. Her head is on my
shoulders, and I have my arms wrapped around her.

Sophie is nowhere to be seen. Aunt Agnes probably took her to breakfast. I stared
at my innocent angel sleeping in my arms, and I felt like shouting. How could I
ever forget how I felt for her. I brushed her hair, covering her small and
beautiful face, and stared to my heart's content.

Then I felt her move, so I quickly closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep, still.
She's probably shocked waking up in my arms like this. I felt her stiffen and tried
to move away, but I tightened my hold on her and faked snored.

She stopped moving and stared at my face. Then I felt it. Her small hands caressed
my face as if memorizing it. Then it touched my lips so lightly. I swallowed hard,
trying not to smile. Then she sighed deeply and snuggled to my chest. My heart
feels like bursting in excitement. I couldn't believe it. I have her in my arms. My
little Bella is in my arms, and I am so happy.

I stirred and whispered to her ear, " Good morning, love."

She looked up so fast and stared at me wide-eyed. She tried to get out of my
embrace, blushing so hard, but I tightened my hold.

" Where do you think you're going?" I asked, smiling down at her. She had the most
beautiful eyes in the world.

" Ahm, I have to look for Sophie." She said softly, biting her lip. I conjured all
of my willpower to stop myself from devouring that sweet, pink lips.

" I think aunt Agnes got her, babe. Let's stay like this for a while. You feel so
good in my arms." I whispered to her and tucked a hair beneath her ear. She is
still chewing on that lip as if asking me to take a bite as well.

" Baby, I am one second away from keeping my sanity. Please stop doing that." I
told her and touched her lip, taking it out from her teeth. I did the next best
thing, instead. I kissed her forehead for a long time, then her cute little nose,
and lastly her eyes.

" Let's get out of here, or I might do something I should not. Good morning, by the
way, gorgeous." I told her and gave her a peck on the lips. I can't resist it, sue
me. She was blushing like a tomato and looked so cute.

I stood up and headed out of the room. I must be a saint for leaving her in there.
I should watch what I'm doing, or I might be in deep shit.

Chapter 21
Bellas' POV

I woke up because I heard movement in the room. I opened my eyes to see Liam
hovering above Sophie. I thought I was dreaming, and then I remembered he's here to
help me with Sophie. When he saw me awake, I smiled at him, and he seemed
entranced. He was about to give Sophie her medicine.

I got up and helped him give the medicine to my daughter. Sophie cried for a while,
then finally she agreed to take medicine.

" Thanks, Liam. Why don't you go back to sleep? I'll take care of her now. What
time is it, by the way?" I asked groggily. I sounded tired and still sleepy.

" It's 4 am, babe. I'm okay. I slept for a few hours. Why don't you go back to
sleep?" He told me. He reached for Sophie's small hand and kissed it. I watched
with this dull ache in my chest. He really loves kids.
" I'm okay. I slept longer than you. You must be exhausted. Please lie down and
sleep." I begged him. He really does look like he needed a good sleep.

" Okay, okay, but can I sleep here with you and Sophie? My back kind of hurt on
that floor." He told me with a grimace on his face. I felt so embarrassed that I
did not think it would be uncomfortable for him.

" Of course! I'm sorry, you should have told me awhile ago. Go on; make yourself
comfortable." I said, embarrassed. So he happily lies down with Sophie in the
middle. I am hugging Sophie's little body close to me to give him more room on the

He lays down, facing us, and slowly drifted off to sleep. I am humming a lullaby to
comfort Sophie, and it lulled him to sleep, I guess. He drifted off to sleep with
his hand on top of mine, lying on Sophie's back.

I didn't realize I drifted off to sleep after that. I woke up with the feeling of
light touch on my face. I feel warm and cozy. I snuggled more on my soft bed.

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt I couldn't move. I woke up to a naked chest and
warm arms embracing me. I slowly looked up and had the shock of my life. I am
inside Liam's arms, and we are snuggling on the bed.

Waking up in his arms like this feels like heaven. I didn't move for a while, so
scared to wake him up. When I was sure he's still sleeping, I dared to touch his
gorgeous face, my Liam. I traced his face to etch it in my mind and keep it in my

Then I touched his lips so lightly, how I wish I could taste them once again. I
sighed deeply and snuggled close to his chest. If only I can have this kind of
morning for the rest of my life, I will die a happy woman.

Then I felt him stirred and whispered to my ear, " Good morning, love."

I looked up so fast and stared at him wide-eyed. I tried to untangle myself from
his embrace, blushing so hard, but he tightened his hold.

" Where do you think you're going?" He asked me, smiling. Those blasted dimples and
chocolate eyes are not helping with my raging hormones. I can get lost in those
beautiful chocolate eyes of his.

" Ahm, I have to look for Sophie," I said softly, biting my lip. I'm trying not to
moan or reach out and kiss him senseless.

" I think aunt Agnes got her, babe. Let's stay like this for a while. You feel so
good in my arms." He whispered to me and tucked a hair beneath my ear. I am chewing
my lip so hard now, asking all the Gods to give me the strength to resist this
temptation in front of me.

" Baby, I am one second away from keeping my sanity. Please stop doing that." I
heard him say huskily and touched my lip, taking it out from my teeth. Then he
kissed my forehead for a few minutes, then my nose, and lastly my eyes. God, those
lips and those endearments are going to be the death of me.

" Let's get out of here, or I might do something I should not. Good morning, by the
way, gorgeous." He told me and gave me a peck on the lips. I was so shocked I
couldn't move. I wanted it to last, not just a peck, but I stopped myself. I know I
am blushing like a tomato now. How I wish he stayed and give in, I wouldn't mind,

To my dismay, he stood up and headed out of the room. I hoped he didn't. It felt so
good to be in his arms, look in his eyes, and stare at him all day. I lay there,
trying to control my hormones. This is not good. I should not allow myself to be
alone with Liam, or I might do something stupid again.

I got up and went to my bathroom. I looked at my flushed face and glinting eyes.
What are you doing, Arabella? He has a girlfriend, and he was about to propose to
her. You are setting yourself for another heartbreak, woman.

Could you not read too much on his actions? Maybe he's only trying to console you
as a sister and nothing more. Yeah, sister, my butt! Who would hold their sister
like that! Stare at her so passionately and kiss her like that! God! Liam, what are
you doing to me!

I shouldn't have come back. I should have just stayed away like my first plan. What
will he think and say when he finds out the truth? Should I tell him? God! This is
so complicated. I don't want him to change his life because of Sophie. And I don't
want to be separated from my daughter also, what should I do?

But, can I really see him with another woman? Can I really survive watching him
build a family with another woman? I feel like dying a thousand deaths just by
thinking about it, so I guess not.

Chapter 22

After my shower, I put on my black shorts and white off-shoulder sweater. I let my
wet hair down and put a lip tint on my lips. I don't have to wear makeup inside the
house. I grabbed my phone and went out.

I found my baby girl on Liam's lap at the table. Mom is making pancakes, and there
are bacon and egg on the table too. My stomach grumbled when I inhaled the yummy
smell of pancakes and bacon. I can't help but blush every time I remembered that
smack on the lips a while ago.

" Good morning, sweetheart. Why didn't you wake me up?" I kissed my daughter's head
and held her face. I can see she's still weak but not hot anymore.

" Nana said I should not wake you up mommy, you and uncle Liam looked tired. You
took care of me all night, so we let you sleep more," She said weakly and pouted.
Her hazel eyes stared sadly at me. I squeezed her face softly and kissed the tip of
her nose.

" Thank you, my sweet but mommy is fine. You know I will always take care of you,
right?" I smiled at her, and she nodded with a smile. Her cute dimples coming out
of her cheek, a copy cat of her father's. I stole a glance at Liam, who has been
staring at me since I came and knelt in front of Sophie.

The emotions written in his eyes are unfathomable. There's something in the way
he's looking at me that had me blushing all over again.

" Good morning, honey. Come on, take your seat, and eat your breakfast. Liam, you
too, hon, you only had coffee." My mom interrupted our moment, and I stood up, as
usual, blushing from roots to tips. I heard Liam chuckled, and I looked at him. He
then put on a poker face.
" Good morning, mom. Thanks for feeding Sophie. I guess I was a bit tired. I didn't
even notice she's not beside me anymore." I apologized to my mom and smiled
gratefully at her.

" Oh, I'm sure you didn't, babe. You were snuggling to me and was feeling
comfortable." Liam teased me, and I glared at him. My mom laughed and agreed with
him. He winked at me on top of Sophie's head, and I just pouted.

" Oh, yes! You two looked so cute snuggled like that. I should have taken a photo.
Bella thought you're her teddy, Liam." Mom laughed, and Liam too. I glared at them
both and covered my very red face.

" It's not funny, mom, and you're not helping." I stood up and poured myself a
coffee. Sophie went down from Liam's lap and went to her Nana. Mom scooped her up
to her arms and kissed her cheek.

" What does my little Princess want to do?" Mom asked her.

" Can we watch cartoons, Nana? Let's leave mommy and daddy to eat their breakfast."
I choked when I heard her say those words and looked at her with wide-eyes. I heard
Liam coughed as well. I looked at mom's shocked face, and I glanced at Liam. He
looked at me with wide eyes too. I swallowed hard.

" Sweetheart, why do you call Liam your daddy?" Mom asked her. She just lifts her
shoulders like it's nothing.

" Isn't he, my daddy, Nana? I look like him, and he loves me, and I love him too.
Uncle Liam, will you be my daddy?" She answered shyly and peeked at Liam from my
mom's neck. She looked sad and hopeful. I had a hard time swallowing.

The lump in my throat and the pain in my heart prevented me from talking. I stood
up and ran to the bathroom. I locked myself inside and let my tears fall. I covered
my mouth to suppress my sobs. I slid down the floor and sobbed.

I was so busy hiding my feelings for Liam and my fear that I forgot my daughter's
feelings. She must have confused Liam as her father, especially that Liam is giving
her special attention. Am I a bad mother? Is it right to deprive my daughter of his
father's affection? Am I doing the right thing by not telling Liam the truth?

I was hiccupping when I heard the soft knock on the door. I covered my mouth to
silenced my hiccups. Then I heard Liam's voice asking me to open the door.

" Bella? Baby, open the door." He asked softly.

" Please, Liam, give me a moment. I will come out in a few minutes, okay?" I told
him tearfully in between hiccups.

" Bella, open up, please. You're obviously not okay, love. Please open the door."
He begged. I think he's sitting on the floor, too, probably leaning his back on the
wall beside the door.

" Baby?" He called again.

I sighed and opened the door slightly. I peeked out and saw him leaning his back
beside the door. Our eyes met, and I saw the emotions in his eyes. My eyes
automatically teared up. He cursed and stood up. He went inside the bathroom and
sat beside me. He scooped me to his lap and cradled my head in his neck.

I cried my heart out. I cried for us, for my daughter, and him. He held me close to
him and let me cry. He kept his lips on my head and rubbed my back, whispering
sweet nothings.

" Sweetheart, stop. I was taken aback, but it's wonderful if she wants to call me
dad. I don't mind at all. You don't have to be upset about it, love." He consoled
me while wiping my tears with his thumb.

" I just did not expect she'll say that and ask you to be her dad. I was so busy
with life that I neglected my daughter's needs. She needed a father, and I cannot
even tell her who he is because I'm scared. He didn't know, Liam. He didn't know it
was me that night, he was so drunk, and he had a girlfriend." I told him, hoping
he'll get the hint.

" The more you should tell him, love. He should know that because of his
irresponsible drinking, he violated an innocent girl. You should not make excuses
for him, baby. He should act like a man and be responsible." He said with so much

" Liam, I have to tell you something," I whispered and burrowed my face on his

" What is it, baby?" But before I can say more, there was a knock on the door.

" Liam, there's someone here looking for you. She said she's your girlfriend." We
both stiffen, and I felt like cold water was dumped on me. I almost told Liam the
truth and forgot about his girlfriend. I scrambled to my feet and left Liam's lap.

I heard him curse and raked his fingers to his head. He banged his head on the wall
and closed his eyes. When he opened it, he looked at me with a crestfallen face. He
reached out his hand and touched my face.

" I have to go and talk to her, babe. I'll come back later, or I'll call you, okay?
You haven't told me what you were about to tell me. I'm sorry, babe, I have to go."
I nodded and smiled sadly at him.

" Thanks, Liam, for everything," I told him, and he pulled me to my feet with him
and hugged me tightly. We were lost in our thoughts and emotions when we heard
another knock. We let go and stared at each other. He kissed my forehead lovingly
and placed his forehead on top of mine. Then he kissed me on the lips before he
went out.

I was left brokenhearted and dazed. How can I forget that he is taken? I almost
made the mistake of telling him the truth. I can't ruin his future, his happiness,
and hurt Taylor. I am doomed, right? But Liam's touch and kiss felt so real, felt
so right. Should I fight for him? Should I tell him what I truly feel?


Chapter 23
After splashing cold water on my face, I walked out of the bathroom and went to the
living room where mom and my precious daughter watched TV. I sat beside mom and put
my head on her shoulder. I took Sophie's hand and kissed it.

" Feeling better, hon?" Mom asked, and I nodded my head, not able to talk yet.

" Mommy, are you okay? Are you also sick? I will ask daddy to take care of you." My
daughter said and touched my face. I'm feeling emotional again every time she calls
him daddy. I kissed her palm on my face and closed my eyes.
" Mommy is fine, baby. Do you really want uncle Liam to be your daddy?" I ask her
looking at her innocent, angelic face.

" Yes, mommy." She answered, nodding her little head.

" Why, my sweet pea?" I ask her looking at her innocent hazel eyes.

" Because he takes care of me, mommy, and he loves me. I know he loves you too. He
keeps staring at you when you are not looking." She narrated, and I was shocked at
how she observes even at an early age.

" Honey, just because somebody is staring at someone means he's in love with that
person. It could be that he's just looking." I told her, trying to make her

" No, mommy, it's not. I know he loves you, and you love him too. You look at him
the way he looks at you." She said with certainty as if she knows what she is
talking about.

" How did you become so expert at love, ha? Baby, there are things that we cannot
force, we cannot control. You are too young to understand, but I promise that I
will tell you everything you need to know when you're older. Always remember, mommy
loves you so much and Nana too." I explained to her, kissing her small hands.

She looked sad and was about to cry, but I tickled her to stop her tears. Soon the
house is filled with her giggles and screams. Mom looked at me with love and
understanding, and I smiled at her with a heavy heart.

Mom got up to prepare lunch, so we were left in the living room watching cartoons.
A few minutes later, mom came back with my ringing phone in her hand. I forgot that
I left it on the table this morning. When I looked at the caller ID, the number is
anonymous. I looked at mom, puzzled, then answered the call.

" Hello?" I answered reluctantly.

" Hi, is this Arabella?" The person on the other one asked. He sounded familiar,
but I'm not really sure.

" Yes, this is her. May I know who this is?" I asked.

" Hi, this is Tom, Thomas Peters." He replied, and I was silent for a minute. Tom,
the Principal of Glendale School.

" Oh, Principal Peters, hi. Is there anything I can do for you? Do you want me to
come to school?" I anxiously asked him.

" No, no, Miss Montreal, I called because I would like to invite you for dinner."
He said, laughing a little and sounded a bit hesitant.

" Oh. Right. Dinner. Ahm, tonight?" I replied, astounded. That was fast. I guess
Liam was right. He is interested.

" Yeah, tonight, but if you're busy or have another thing going on, we can do it
some other night." He answered.

" Well, I have no prior commitments tonight. I guess I can go?" I told him, looking
at mom standing close.
" Perfect! I'll pick you later at 7 pm?" He said, sounding excited and happy.

" Okay, at 7 pm. I'll text my address." I answered back.

" Okay, looking forward to tonight. I'll see you later, Bella, and thank you." Says
Tom and cut the call. I stared at my phone with a dazed face.

" Who was that, honey?" My mom asked.

" That was Thomas Peters mom, the Principal at Glendale. He asked me to dinner
tonight at 7." I told her, stunned.

" Oh, you had only met yesterday, right? He's fast. Well, if Liam is too dumb to
snatch you, then too bad for him. He's got competition." My mom said, smirking.

" Mom, it's just dinner. You're watching too much romance movie." I told her
rolling my eyes at her.

" Oh, honey, I was not born yesterday. If a man asks a beautiful woman to dinner,
they only have one thing in mind. They want your heart. Be careful, honey. I
wouldn't want you to be caught in between two raging bulls." Mom said, laughing,
then went to the kitchen.

" I still think you're exaggerating, mom!" I shouted at her, then slummed on the
sofa again.

" Mommy, you're going out tonight?" My princess asks.

" Yes, baby. Is it okay if Nana tucks you to bed later? Mommy's new boss is taking
her to dinner later." I told her and asking for her forgiveness.

" What about, daddy? He will be sad if you go with your boss." She said her face
looked sad, and is pouting. I sighed and placed her on my lap.

" Baby, uncle Liam has a girlfriend, and they are about to get married. Don't you
think mommy deserves to be happy too?" I asked her with a pout as well.

" But, you are happy with daddy." She said, on the verge of crying now. It breaks
my heart to shatter her hopes, but I have to make her see that her father and I
can't be together.

" Sweetie, daddy is happy with someone else. Do you know aunt Taylor? The one we
met at their house? That's his girlfriend, and they are getting married." I
explained to her painfully.

" I don't like her. She looks at me with angry eyes, and she glares at you too.
Daddy doesn't love her because he's always staring at you, not her." She insisted,
and I'm at a loss for words. How could my 5-year-old daughter be so observant of
what happens around her?

I did not answer her and just kissed her head. I'm thinking of what might happen
tonight and what to expect. I don't even know what to wear! I have to call Collette
and ask for help. She's the expert, not me. I reached for my phone again and dialed
her number.

" Hello gorgeous, what's up?" She answered on the 2nd ring.

" Hey, Cols, I need your help," I told her.

" What is it, babe?" She asked worriedly.

" I have a date tonight, and I don't know what to wear. Can you come later and help
me out? With the dress and makeup? You know the usual stuff. I'm not an expert on
this. I haven't really had a date before." I explained to her nervously.

She was silent for a while. Then I heard a scream so loud. I have to distance my
phone from my ear.

" You have a date?! With who?! I'm coming over right now! We have to get ready! I
will make you so beautiful. He won't want to bring you home." She screamed and
laughed. I smiled at her reaction, typical Collette. Then I heard a crash in the
background and some curses.
Hi, guys! I want to thank all of you for a very wonderful response to my book. I
want to ask your opinion on the new cover I made for this book. Should I use this
one or stick to the old one? I value your opinions so much. Again, thank you from
the bottom of my heart.

Chapter 24
Liam's POV
My heart was so heavy when I left Bella in the bathroom. I wanted so much to
console her. I am itching to beat the ass of that idiot guy who got her pregnant.
If he ever sees that piece shit, he'll surely give him a piece of his mind.

When I came to the living room, I found Taylor standing by the door looking smug.
While aunt Agnes and Sophie are on the sofa watching TV.

When Sophie saw me, she extended her arms to me, asking for a lift, which I happily
obliged. She cuddled in the nook of my neck and hugged me. I hugged her close to
me, feeling all sorts of emotions, and kissed her head.

'" Daddy, where's mommy? Is she okay?" She whispered in my ear, scared for Taylor
to hear her.

" She's still inside, sweetheart, but she's okay now. She'll come out in a moment,
alright?" I whispered back.

" Are you leaving now?" She added, clutching me so tight.

" Yes, my sweet, but I'll be back to check on you, okay? You take care of mommy for
me, alright? Make her smile and happy. I don't want her to be sad anymore." I told
her, and she nodded her little head.

" Okay, daddy. Please come back soon, but don't bring the witch with you. I'm
scared of her. She hates me." She whispered, not so quietly, that Taylor raised her
brows and tapped her feet as if she's getting bored.

" Okay, sweetheart, I promise." I chuckled and kissed her chubby cheek, then passed
her to aunt Agnes. I walked to Taylor's side and kissed her cheek.

" Finally! She doesn't look so sick for you to stay the night, Liam." She said
indignantly and gave me a suspicious look.

" She was, yesterday and last night, Taylor. But if she isn't, I would still take
care of her, end of the story. Why are you here, anyway? I thought you're not
attending the wedding?" I told her with a bored tone and irritation.

" Because I realized I was childish, babe. I missed you.' She answered, pretending
to be sweet. I want to gag. She tried kissing me on the mouth and embraced me. But
I took her arms away from me and averted my face.

" Taylor, there are people here, and there's a child present. Behave yourself.
Let's go back to the house and talk. This is not the right place for this." I
reprimanded her and opened the door. I turned to aunt Agnes and Sophie and bid

" Aunt Agnes, I'll go back to the house for a while. I will come back to check on
Sophie and Bella. Please talk to her and tell her I'll come back later." I told
aunt Agnes, and she nodded, smiling sadly.

" Why do you have to come back? She looks fine to me." Taylor retorted with an
irritated face and looked at Sophie with indifference.

" Taylor, I am a doctor. It's a protocol to check on my patient's progress even if

they look fine. She had a high fever yesterday. There's a possibility it will come
back if not treated accordingly. Do not question my decision on how to treat my
patients." I answered her with an edge on my voice. I gritted my teeth and left

I am so pissed with her attitude. I know that she's jealous of Bella, but to take
it out on a little girl ticks me off. I don't know why I'm with her this long. I
must have lost my mind to ever like this haughty woman.

She followed me to our house shouting at me to wait for her. I went inside and went
straight to the bar. I needed a stiff drink to be able to survive this. She marched
to me and put her hands on her waist with blazing eyes.

" I am asking you, Liam! Why do you have to spend the night and the whole morning
there, when you can always check on her without sleeping there?! You are just
looking for an excuse to be close to that bitch." She shouted, and I cursed under
my breath.

" Who are you calling a bitch?!" Before I can answer her, I heard Collette's
booming voice. Todd and my parents came strolling in with her. She's throwing
daggers at Taylor, folding her arms on her chest. My parents were looking at her
with indifference as well.

" That bitch who's pretending to be innocent, Bella, who else?! She's trying to
steal my man!" She answered Collette, puffing her breath and waving her hand.

" Girl, don't you dare call my best friend a bitch because the way I see it, the
only bitch here is you! She didn't do anything to you. You are only jealous because
she's beautiful, and my brother doesn't look at you the way he's looking at her."
Collette is firing up now. I looked to my parents for a rescue.

The last thing I want is a fight between my sister and my soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.
I did not like that she called Bella a bitch, and I will tell her that.

" Taylor, we don't appreciate you attacking poor Bella like that. That girl was
nothing but nice to you, and she didn't do anything wrong. Liam stayed the night
because little Sophie was so sick yesterday. Do not jump to conclusions based on
your jealousy." My mom scolded her, yet Taylor just laughed menacingly.
" Ha! Who are you calling innocent!? If she were a saint and so pure, she wouldn't
get pregnant at a young age and without a husband, for that matter. She's nothing
but a cheap and a flirt woman! I know she's after my Liam! The way she stole
glances at him, I know those looks!" She retorted, and my mom gasped at her

" That's enough! Taylor, you're overstepping your boundaries! You don't have the
right to attack Bella without her knowing! She did nothing of all you accused her
of doing! She's a loving mother who is so concerned with her child. That's why I
volunteered to help!" I shouted at her to everyone's astonishment. I cannot hold it
anymore. The things she's saying about Bella enraged me.

" That's exactly what she's doing, Liam! She's using her daughter to get your
attention. She is nothing but manipulative and a flirt! For all we know, she's
instructed her daughter to get attached to you so she can keep you close!" She
didn't stop, and I did what I think will stop her. I slapped her.

The sound of a hand making contact echoed in the living room. Everyone gasped, and
everything went silent. Taylor's face was to the side with the impact of Collete's

" I couldn't take it anymore. She's too much! You don't have the right to call her
names and keep Sophie out of this! You don't know her, so don't say nasty words
towards her!" Collette was seething in anger.

" You dare put your hand on me?! How dare you hit me?!" She gritted her teeth and
hissed at Collette.

" I will gladly add another one if you won't shut up, you snobby bitch." Collette
answered and went closer. I stopped her and held her arm.

"I want you out of our house, Taylor, and never come back. We are over! I cannot
believe I cared for an arrogant and proud woman like you. To attack the poor woman
and her child like that is way beyond you. You're despicable." I told her, keeping
my anger in control.

" You heard him, now scram bitch." Collette ordered and extended her hand to show
her the way out. Before she left, she throws daggers at my family and me and said.

" This isn't over! You will pay for humiliating me and for laying your hands on
me!" She pointed her hand at me and went out of the door angrily.

I inhaled deeply and poured myself another drink. Nobody talked for a while, then
Collette's phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and smiled, she mouthed Bella,
and I got nervous all of a sudden.

" Hello gorgeous, what's up?" She answered on the 2nd ring.

" What is it, babe?" She asked worriedly, and I looked at her curiously.

She was silent for a while, listening to whatever Bella was saying. Then I heard
her scream so loud.

" You have a date?! With who?! I'm coming over right now! We have to get ready! I
will make you so beautiful. He won't want to bring you home." She screamed and
laughed. I was so shocked, and when her words sink in, I cursed under my breath and
threw my glass on the wall near the fireplace.
Chapter 25
Still Liam
Everyone was surprised at my reaction, and mom came to me worriedly.
" Son, calm down. Let's sit down, honey, come on. Tell me, what's wrong?" Mom
guided me to the sofa and rubbed my back. I covered my face with my hands and
wanted to cry.
" Liam, what's wrong, son?" I heard my dad asked. I kept my head down and clasped
my hands.
" She's going on a date. Bella's going on a date!" I whispered more to myself. I
wanted to cry or punch someone.
" Liam, what's wrong with that? Bella is single and beautiful. Of course, men will
be attracted to her. She deserves to be happy too, you know." Collette butt in, and
I cursed again.
" But she can't do that! She can be happy with me! I can make her happy!" My family
gasped and looked at each other. I did not see mom's and Collette's faces, but they
are grinning from ear to ear.
" What are you saying, Liam? Do you like Bella?" Collette asked me. I covered my
face with my hand again and threaded my fingers through my hair frustratingly.
" I don't just like her, Cols. I am in love with her. I have loved her for so long.
I can't even remember when it started." I confessed to them, looking at them with
" Oh, my God!" Was Collette's response. Mom was covering her mouth, tears in her
" What should I do? I don't want to lose her again. And I am falling in love with
Sophie every day. Do you know that she started calling me daddy this morning? I
wanted to cry when she asked me if she can call me dad. Bella was devastated that
she ran to the bathroom and cried." I told them what happened this morning.
My mom is full-blown crying right now, so as Collette. I was confused at their
reaction and looked at them with a frown. I looked at dad, and he had a sad face
while smiling at me.
" Liam, you have to tell her. You have to let her know how you feel. Oh, God! You
two are such idiots!" Collette told me in panic.
" Why didn't you tell us how you felt for her son? Things wouldn't have to be so
complicated as now." My mom asked me.
" I was scared, mom. She was so young, and I thought she only sees me as her older
brother. When she went away and didn't even say goodbye, I was so hurt. I wanted to
look for her, but I don't know where. So I busied myself with studies and my
work." I told them honestly.
" When I saw her at the airport that day with her daughter. I felt like crying. I
wanted to run to her and hug her, but I thought she was married. Then I found out
the guy is out of the picture, and she suffered alone. I fell in love with her all
over again. I guess I never really stopped loving her." I confessed everything
until I realized I am crying.
Mom hugged me and comforted me while my dad tapped my back. Collette is crying in
Todd's arms, sobbing so loudly.
" You stupid idiot." She cried. " You have to talk to her, Liam. You two have so
much to talk about. I don't want to be the one to tell you what she has to tell
you. Do something, and tell her how you truly feel." Collette cryptically told me.
There's something she's hiding from me. I should go and talk to Bella then. I am so
nervous, but I have to do this before I lose her again. I will never survive losing
her for the second time, especially Sophie.
" My advice is to let her go on this date. Make her explore and come to terms with
her feelings for you. Because if I'm not mistaken, the feeling is mutual between
you two. I can see it in her eyes, the way she looks at you." My mom said, I wanted
to protest, but I know what she said is right.
Bella has to come clean with her feelings, as well. But just by thinking of her
with another man kills me. Seeing her smile at the other guy is like a dagger
through my heart.
" Mom is right, Liam. Let's give Bella a chance to date and see what she'll do
after that. Knowing Bella, she will tell me all about the date when she comes home.
Don't worry, I won't tell her what you told us, but you have to act right away, or
she might fall for this guy." Collette warned me, and I looked at her with
determination on my face.
I will never let that happen. Bella is mine, and I will not allow any man to touch
her nor take her away again. I have to think of a plan to woe her. I have to talk
to Aunt Agnes first, come clean, and finally ask Sophie.
Before this week ended, Bella will be my girl and hopefully my wife, soon, I vowed.
I looked at them gratefully, and I clutched my hand hoping I'm not too late.
" We are all behind you, son. We love Bella too, and there's nothing more I want
than to have her as my daughter-in-law. Thank God you got rid of that wretched
woman!" Mom said, rolling her eyes, and I laughed lowly.
" That's true! If you did not hit her, I would have! I wanted to scratch her eyes
out and pull out all her hair! I hated that woman so much, urgh!" Collette agreed
with mom and was looking so furious.
" Just let us know if you needed help, son, and we will help you." My dad said and
smiled at me, patted my shoulder, and squeezed it.
" Let me know if you need help with the marriage registration, bro, and I will
gladly do it for you." My soon to be brother in law Todd added in. He's a lawyer,
so he knows these procedures. I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.
" Thanks, bro. I might ask you one day." I told him with a small laugh. Suddenly I
feel light. Telling my family about my feelings for Bella felt so good. I know they
love her, and they would be thrilled to have her be a part of the family


Chapter 26
Arabella's POV

My call with Collette was cut, and I'm not sure why. I know I've heard some cursing
and shattered glass. It's currently 1 pm, so I still have 6 hours to kill before my
dinner date with Tom. I texted him my address, and he answered right away.

I am not sure what to expect tonight. I wasn't even expecting him to invite me out
of the blue. Am I excited? If it's Liam, then you know the answer. But I guess it
won't hurt to start dating and give myself a chance to enjoy being single.

" Bella, honey, lunch is ready," Mom called and approached Sophie on the sofa. "
Come on. sweetheart, I made your favorite spaghetti."

" Okay, mom, be right there, thanks," I told her. My phone dinged. Collette is
texting me, saying she will be here in an hour. So I texted back an okay sign and
went to the dining to join mom and my daughter for lunch.

After lunch, I gave Sophie her medicine and gave her a sponge bath. After checking
her temperature, I took her blanket and favorite teddy and sat with her on the
sofa. We watched her favorite Disney movie Rapunzel. After half an hour, she
drifted off to sleep. So I turned off the TV and made her comfortable on the sofa.

I asked mom to watch her while I take a shower. While I was in the shower, I
heard Collette's voice outside. It's almost 5 pm, and it will probably take
Collette 2 hours to get me ready. She's that vain and crazy about dressing up.

When I came out from my shower, Collette is sprawled on my bed, staring at the
ceiling in deep concentration. She sprung up when she heard me and hugged me so
tight. I was puzzled by her actions. I didn't know she would be this excited for my
first date.

" Hey, babe, what's up? You look like you got a gift from Santa?" I asked her,

" I am just so happy for you, love. Okay, let's get you ready for that date. But
first, tell me about this guy. Is he cute? Do you like him? Where did you meet?"
She fired the questions so quickly I had a hard time catching up.

" Hey! Relax! Which question should I answer first? Cols, he's the Principal in my
new school, Thomas Peters. He's not bad, quite charming, and a perfect gentleman. I
won't say I like him because it's too early to tell. And you do know. I'm still
hung up with your brother, right?" I looked at her in misery.

" Thomas Peters, ha? I think I've heard of him from someone, I can't remember. But
I guess this will do you good, babe. Try to hook up with other men to really
analyze for feelings for Liam. If your feelings for him don't change after this
date, then I say man up and tell him. You owe that to Sophie, babe, and most
especially to yourself." Collette looked at me in the mirror, smiling sadly. I
noticed her eyes are puffy.

" Yeah, I guess you're right, Cols. Hey, what happened? Your eyes are puffy. Did
you fight with Todd?" I asked her. It would be a shame for them to fight a week
before their wedding.

" Oh, no, babe. Todd and I are great. It's just wedding jitters, you know, it's
getting near, and I want everything to be perfect." She laughed and averted her
gaze. She started blow drying my hair then curled the ends to give my hair a soft
wavy look.

We were busy for an hour and a half. I was dying to ask her about Liam and his
girlfriend, but I am too shy to do it. After she did my makeup, she then went to my
closet to choose my outfit. She's throwing clothes after clothes.

Then finally she emerged with my black evening dress. I forgot I had that dress. I
didn't have the perfect occasion to wear it. That's why it's been hanging in my
closet for years. It's a mid-thigh, body-hugging dress, and it's strapless. She
squealed when she saw me in it and searched for the perfect shoes to go with it.

I have 30 minutes more before Tom arrives, but I heard someone knocked on our door.
He's early if that's him, good quality for a man. Collete found my 3-inch black
stiletto and asked me to put it on. I hope I won't trip on these shoes. It's been a
long while since I wore this kind of shoes. I'm the sneaker kind of girl, actually,
ever since I become a mom.

When I'm done, I looked at myself in the mirror and was amazed. Collette did a
great job with my barely their makeup. I actually look good, my hair is flowing
softly on my shoulders and back, and my eyes puffed and looked bigger.

Collette is eyeing me in the mirror, and she smiled so sweetly at me and hugged me
from the back.

" You look beautiful, Bella. How I wish my idiot brother will see you now. He will
have a heart attack, for sure." She said, and we both laughed.

" I'm pretty sure he's busy with his girlfriend right now. I doubt if he ever
thinks of me. He told me he's planning to propose to her soon. I guess he will have
his happy ever after." I told her forlornly, looking down, trying not to get too
emotional or my makeup will be ruined.

" Awe, babe. I don't think that will ever happen. Just you wait and see." She
smiled. There's this mischief in her eyes. She's hiding something from me as if she
knows something I do not.

" What are you up to, Miss mischief?" I asked her, laughing and shaking my head.
Then we heard a knock on my door. I went to the door to open it, and my mom is
there to inform me that my date is here. I sudden;y felt nervous.

I grabbed my purse with all the essentials in it, especially my phone. Collette and
I went out together, and when we came to the living room, my breath was knocked out
of me.

There stood, Liam and Tom, staring at each other. Sizing each other up. Liam is a
bit taller than Tom, and Sophie is in his arms. Okay, Kill me now. This is not
happening! I grabbed Collette's hand and looked at her anxiously with eyes wide

Chapter 27
I am looking from Liam to Tom, who stood tall and nobody backs down from their
staring contest. They didn't even notice I'm already in the room until Sophie
called me.

" Mommy! You look so pretty!" She exclaimed. It was then that Tom and Liam both
looked at me. Liam's eyes grew wide, and he gasped.

" Wow! Bella, you look gorgeous." Tom was the first one to recover while Liam is
still tongue-tied. Then his facial expression changed. There are pain and jealousy?
He glared at Tom again and looked back at me.

" Baby, aren't you a little under-dressed? Where is your coat? At least cover
yourself, babe. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold." He said with a disapproving

" I'll go get it, hon," Mom volunteered and left the room.

" What are you doing here, Liam?" I asked Liam. He gave Sophie to Collette and
approached me. He is staring at me differently, and it gives me butterflies.

" I told you I'd come back to check on Sophie, right? And since you're going out,
I'll keep her company until you come home. Make sure you have her back before 11,
Mr. Peters." He told Tom but his eyes never leaving my face.

He tucked my hair on my ear and smiled sadly. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes
as if trying to control whatever it is he's feeling.

" You don't have to wait for me, Liam. Mom is here. She'll look after Sophie. Her
fever is gone, so I don't think you have to worry anymore. You can't leave Taylor
alone. I'd feel bad for her if you do that." I told him, smiling.

" Taylor went back home, babe, and she's never coming back. We broke up this
afternoon, and she went back to New York." He informed me, and I wanted to shout,
but I caught myself and put on a poker face. Even though deep inside, I'm jumping
up and down for joy.

I glanced at Collette, who had a secretive smile on her face. So that is her
secret, she knows that this news will make me happy. I gave her a glare telling her
she's in trouble for not telling me in advance. I wouldn't be caught off guard
right now.

" Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, Liam. Are you okay?" I asked him although I wanted
to shout and dance.

" Are you, really? Because I'm not. It's bound to happen. We never really click. It
just took a long time for me to realize that." He said, smiling down at me. I
didn't realize we are excluding everybody in there until Tom made his presence

" Ahm, Bella, we really have to go. We have a reservation at the Hampton's for 7
pm, and I don't want us to get caught in the traffic." He said, and I smiled at him

" Oh, yeah, I'm so sorry, Tom. Okay, we should go now. Mom, thank you for fetching
my coat, and Liam, thank you for being here. I wouldn't worry too much knowing
you're here with Sophie and mom. Collette, I'll talk to you later and thank you." I
glared at my best friend, who gave me a wink, and laughed.

" Anytime, babe. Mr. Peters, please have her back before eleven? I'm sure two hours
is enough for dinner unless you're dining in another state, and hands-off, please."
Liam gave Tom a warning look. Tom raised his brows and chuckled.

" As far as I know, Dr. Jones, you're not her father and definitely not her
boyfriend. I believe she has a mind of her own and can decide whether she wants to
come home early or not." Tom replied to Liam with a malicious smile.

He is taunting Liam, and Liam's reaction was obviously not good. His lips curled
with disgust, and muscles along his jaw tensed. Before something happens, I cut the
tense situation and dragged Tom to the door.

" Alright, let's go! Liam, I will be back three hours max, alright? I wouldn't want
to leave Sophie that long either. Thanks for the concern. Mom, we're leaving." I
looked at Liam helplessly, asking him to back down.

" Alright, dear, have fun. Mr. Peters, I'm entrusting my daughter to you, have her
back safely." Mom replied and looked at Tom pointedly.

" I will, mam. I will have your precious daughter home safely." Tom answered her
with a smile. I put on my coat before going out of the door. Liam and Collette
followed us outside. Liam is still looking at Tom differently. If looks could kill,
Tom would probably be six feet under by now.

" Remember, Mr. Peters, before eleven and hands to yourself. Bella, call me if you
need me, okay? I'll be waiting, babe. I wouldn't say have fun, but be careful."
After saying that, he kissed me on the forehead and squeezed my hand.

There's something in his eyes I cannot explain. I smiled at him and went with Tom
to his car. Collette and Liam are standing close to each other. Collette gave his
brother a side hug as if trying to pacify him. What's up with that. He looks like
he's about to cry.

I was still looking at them in the side mirror until they're out of sight. I sighed
and looked ahead, clutching my hands together, wishing I never left.

" So, what's the deal between you and Dr. Jones, Bella?" I heard Tom asked, and I
turned to look at him in confusion.
" There's nothing between us, Mr. Peters. What made you say that?" I asked him,
puzzled at his question.

" Well, he's obviously jealous and very protective of you. Is there something I
should know? Is he Sophie's father?" He poked, and I froze.

" What?! No! We were just very close. He acts like an older brother ever since we
were young. We practically grew up together, and he's been like that since." I
explained to him, feeling apprehensive.

" Oh, okay. Well, it doesn't look like he was acting as a brother a while ago. It's
more like a jealous boyfriend." He chuckled, and I laughed awkwardly.

" Anyway, you do look gorgeous tonight, Bella, and thank you for accepting my
invitation." He glanced at me and smiled. I smiled back and thanking him, wanting
this night to be over.

I regretted I accepted his invitation. Don't get me wrong. Tom is a nice guy, but
knowing that Liam is waiting for me back home, there's nothing I want more than to
go back. God, I hope I survive this night.

Chapter 28
Liam's POV

I watched the car that carries the love of my life drove farther away until it's
nowhere to be seen. My heart is heavy, but I held it in. I inhaled deeply and let
the air out with a long sigh. When I saw Bella tonight looking so beautiful and
ravishing, I wanted to drag her back to her room and hide her there.

I don't want any man to see her looking like that, it pains me to let her go on
this date, but I have to. I don't want to scare her away even before I started. I
have to play cool, and I have to plan everything perfectly.

I waited for this moment for a long time. I don't want to screw it up by being so
controlling, although it's tough. I felt Collette squeezed my arm, and I looked
down at her face. She smiled at me, telling me she understands what I'm feeling.

" Have faith, bro. Fight for her. Show her what she means to you, and she will be
in your arms in a heartbeat." She encourages me. I nodded my head and closed my
eyes. We went back inside the house. She stayed for a while then went back home.

I'm left with aunt Agnes and Sophie in the living room. Sophie is back on my lap,
watching cartoons. Aunt Agnes is doing her knitting on the single sofa and steal
glances at me, smiling.

" So, Liam. You and you're girlfriend broke up? That's good to hear, son. I don't
really like her. I'm not too fond of the way she's looking at Sophie." She said,
shaking her head and scowled.

" Yeah. That's one of the reasons why we broke up. She throws a fit this afternoon
when we went home. She's saying bad things about Bella and Sophie. I couldn't
tolerate it anymore, mom and Collette were upset at her as well. My family was
really not into our relationship in the very beginning. I don't even know why I
stayed with her for a long time." I explained to her.
" I can see why your family doesn't like her. She's arrogant and so full of
herself. You don't look good together, if I may say so." She added with a laugh.
Sophie fell asleep in my arms, so I carried her to her room and tucked her in. I
kissed her head before leaving her and went back to the living room to talk to aunt

I've never felt so nervous in my life, but I have to do the right thing and ask
aunt Agnes's permission to court Bella. I sat back on the sofa and was fidgeting. I
rubbed my cold hands together and clutching them in front of me.

" Are you okay, hon? You seem agitated?" Aunt Agnes asked. She noticed my nervous
state. I looked at her in panic and swallowed hard.

" Ahm, auntie? There's something I need to tell you." I started, then inhaled
deeply and stared at her curious eyes.

" What is it, dear?" She stopped knitting and faced me.

" Okay, hooo, I can do this. Ahm, auntie, can I court Bella?" I told her slowly and
looked at her reaction. I am trembling, and my hands are sweating. She sat like a
statue and her mouth is hanging open. Then she gave me a big smile and burst into

I was shocked at her reaction. She had the same reaction as my mom and Collete when
I told them I am in love with Bella. I stood up and knelt in front of her. I held
her hands and looked at her worriedly.

" Auntie, are you okay? Why did you cry? " I asked her, distressed at her reaction.

" I am okay, hon. I am just happy. Finally, you realized you are meant for each
other. I have been praying fervently for this moment. I am so happy for you, son.
You do love her, right?" She said, smiling through her tears.

" I do so much, auntie. You don't know how I wanted to tell her not to go on this
date. But I don't want to come on too strong. I want to take things slow and make
her get used to me around her. I have been in love with her for so long. I don't
want to screw everything before it has even begun." I told her honestly. She smiled
and patted my cheek.

" Thank you, Liam. You don't know how much you made me happy. Be patient with her,
she has been through a lot, and she's carrying a burden too heavy for her. When the
time comes, she will tell you the truth." She said. Again with the cryptic words
like what Collette told me this afternoon.

What is it that Bella is hiding? What does it have to do with me? I stood up after
kissing aunt Agnes' hands and went back to the sofa. I kept looking at my watch,
itching to message Bella and ask her to come home. It's been only an hour, but I
miss her already.

It's funny how I've become a softy ever since Bella came back. I always want to see
her. Her smile and blushes, even when she was choking, are so endearing to me. When
I saw her tonight in that dress, I wanted so bad to kiss her.

Motherhood seems to agree with her. She never looked so beautiful and so enticing.
I detested the way Tom looked at her as if he owns her. And when he placed his hand
on her back to guide her to his car, I wanted to rip that arm so bad.

I glanced at the clock again and fidgeted with the phone in my hand. I cannot
concentrate on the movie I'm watching. My mind keeps on going back to Bella and how
she looks tonight. I don't trust this, Tom. I cannot explain why, but I don't like
him. Maybe I am paranoid, and my jealousy got the better of me.

I gave in to my urges and started texting Bella to make sure she's okay. I keep on
writing and rewriting my sentences. I don't want to sound nosy or bossy. I want her
home now.

" Hey, you arrived safely at the restaurant? Everything, okay?" I texted her and
pushed send. I threw the phone on the sofa and waited impatiently for her reply.
Aunt Agnes has been stealing glances at me, smiling. Then I heard the beep on my
phone. I grabbed it right away and read her reply.

" Yeah, we are having dinner now. Everything okay, there? Is Sophie alright?" She
texted back, and I smiled.

" Yeah, she's okay, babe. She's sleeping in her room. I am watching TV with your
mom. Please be home early, okay? And don't choke without me around." I joked at
her. My face hurt from smiling so hard.

" Liam, I've only been gone for an hour, and we've just started eating. Now stop
texting so I can eat, you crazy guy." She replied, and I laughed. I decided to
tease her a little, so she wouldn't have time to entertain her date.

" Oh, I am crazy, alright. I am so crazy about you, babe ;)" I sent the message
with a smirk. Let's see how you will handle that, Bella. I'm pretty sure she's
blushing right now.

" Liam, stop it! I'm on a date, you moron! Now he's probably thinking I'm watching
porn on my phone for blushing so hard. I'm not gonna answer you anymore. Let me
eat. I'm starving!" She answered, and I am laughing so hard now.

God! I love teasing her. How I wish I could see her face right now. I hate the
thought of her smiling at Tom and explaining her predicament to him. I miss having
her in my arms the way I cuddled her this morning at the bathroom.

A few minutes later my phone rang, I thought it was her, but I was disappointed it
was the hospital calling. Aside from my own clinic, I am also volunteering in the
town's local hospital. I pushed the answer button and listened to the person on the
other line.

" Hello? Dr. Jones speaking." I said in a formal voice.

" Good evening, Doctor. This is Glendale Hospital, we have an emergency, and we
badly needed you here, doctor." The voice on the other line said.

" Alright, I'll be there in twenty minutes." I cut the call and stood up. I went to
get my coat and headed for the door.

" Aunt Agnes, I need to go to the hospital. There's an emergency, and I'm needed
there. I might not be able to come back, so please monitor Sophie for me and let me
know if the fever comes back?" I told aunt Agnes while putting on my coat.

" Sure, son, I'll do that, be careful, okay?" She answered, and I nodded, kissed
her cheek, and went out of the door. I went to my car and sat there for a minute.
Then I grabbed the phone to text Bella one more time.

" Baby, I need to go to the hospital. I might not be able to come back tonight, so
I won't be here when you come home. Make sure to come home before eleven and keep a
distance from that ape, understand? Be careful, love, sorry I can't wait for you."
I sent her the message then started the car. I'm going home first to grab my things
before heading to the hospital. My phone sounded when I parked outside my parent's
house. I read her response and smiled.

" Yes, dad! It's too bad you won't be there when I come home, but please be
careful. I'll see you tomorrow?" She replied, and my heart soared. She wanted to
see me too. There's hope for me then.

Chapter 29
Bella's POV

We were in the middle of dinner when my phone sounded. I received a text, so I

smiled apologetically at Tom and opened my message. I don't want to miss any
messages because they might be important. Even though Liam is looking after Sophie,
I still want to check on her from time to time.

When I opened the message, I saw that it was from Liam. My heart jumped out from
excitement and anticipation.

He texted if we've arrived at the restaurant safely, and automatically I smiled.

He's so sweet. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy.

I texted him back a reply, letting him know that we arrived safely and that we are
in the middle of dinner, and asked if Sophie is okay.

I grabbed my spoon again and continued eating. Then my phone beeped again. I
grabbed it and read his message. Right on cue, I choked not because I was clumsy
but because of what he said. His endearments and jealousy are going to be the death
of me. He told me to come home early and not to choke without him around.

I reprimanded him and told him to let me finish my food. I tried so hard not to
smile like an idiot and trying not to blush. Tom has been looking at me with a
puzzled face.

" Oh, I am crazy, alright. I am so crazy about you, babe ;)" Oh, my God! He's not
flirting with me, is he? This lunatic! I am with another man, and he decided to
flirt with me!

I scolded him again and reminding him that I am on a date. His remarks made me
blush harder, and I am feeling so hot. My face probably looked like a ripe tomato
right now. Now I am sure this crazy man is flirting with me!

" Everything okay, Bella?" Tom asked me curiously, his brows furrowed.

" Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. It was Collette, and she was pestering me about
something. Let's eat, shall we? I'm starving." I told him, avoiding his eyes. So we
ate in silence. My mind is not here, though but with someone at home probably
waiting impatiently.

We were now having dessert when my phone sounded again. I opened it eagerly only to
be disappointed. It's from Liam again, and I feel sad reading it.

" Baby, I need to go to the hospital. I might not be able to come back tonight, so
I won't be here when you come home. Make sure to come home before eleven and keep a
distance from that ape, understand? Be careful, love, sorry I can't wait for you."
Unfortunately, he won't be waiting for me when I go home. Although I felt sad, him,
calling me baby and love, still makes me giddy. He's bossy again, but I love it. It
makes me feel special to him.

I texted him back and added a little flirting. Two can play in this game, Dr.
Jones. I want to go home now. But I don't want to be rude to Tom. Liam has been
acting weird and saying weird things. He's giving me mixed signals, and I'm

It's now at ten o'clock, and we're done with dessert, but Tom still didn't make a
move to leave. He seemed to be enjoying the night, unlike me. My mind keeps going
back to my conversation with Liam.

" Bella, I'd like to thank you again for tonight. I was hesitant at first to invite
you, but I'm glad I did. You look truly amazing tonight, Bella." He said, and I
smiled timidly, blushing a little. I'm not good at accepting compliments.

" Thank you, Tom, and it's my pleasure. I had a wonderful time, and the food is
great." I answered politely and took a sip at my wine.

" I hope this won't be the last time? I want to get to know you better. I like you,
Bella. I guess by now, you know that already. I wouldn't invite you to dinner if I
weren't interested." He stated bluntly, and I was dumbfounded. I don't know what to

" Tom, as much as I enjoyed your company, but I have to be honest with you. I'm not
looking for a relationship right now. I want to focus on my career and my daughter.
I really do appreciate you being honest with your intentions, but I'm just not
ready to be involved with someone right now." I told him truthfully, a grimace on
my face. I cannot give him hope.

How can I give my heart to anyone when it's not mine to give? It belongs to a
certain man until now. He owns me completely and irrevocably. My heart is and will
always belong to him. I saw Tom's facial reaction changed.

His face becomes so red, and he is gripping the table so hard. I was concerned by
his reaction, but then he recovers so fast and smiled brightly at me.

" I won't give up, Bella. I will wait until you are ready. Please do not prevent me
from showing you how serious I am about my feelings towards you." He said, grabbing
my hand and holding it a little bit too tight. I smiled at him and discreetly
pulled my hand from his grip.

" Should we go home? I'm sorry, but I have a sick child waiting for me. I had a
wonderful time, Tom, thank you." I told him and stood up. He followed suit and put
money on the table. I put on my coat and walked towards the door.

I felt him behind me, and I felt him placed his hand on my back. I tried to control
not to flinch. I'm just not comfortable being touched by anyone except Liam.
Finally, we reached his car, and I waited for him to open the door for me.

He came closer, and I can smell the wine from his mouth. I stepped aside to give
him room so he can open the door. He saw what I did and scowled. His eyes glinted
in the dark, and his face came closer to me.

" Are you scared of me, Bella?" He whispered. He's too close for liking.

" What? No, Tom. I was giving you space to open the door. Thank you." I answered
him and ducked to take a seat. I inhaled deeply, troubled at his behavior. He
looked down at me, not saying anything, then closed the door and went to the
driver's side.
" As I've said, Bella, I'm not giving up. I am serious about this. I will pursue
you until you're ready to accept me." He said, then turned on the car. I was silent
the whole ride contemplating what he said. Tom is different when he's drunk.

The Tom who interviewed me and showed me around the school was sweet and polite. He
is gripping the steering wheel too tightly and had a solemn look on his face.

Chapter 30
We arrived home in less than fifteen minutes. He was driving like a mad man. I was
gripping my seat all the time. I was so scared we'll get into an accident. He
parked outside our house and turned to me. He stared at me seductively.

" Thank you for tonight, Bella. I enjoyed your company. I hope next time you won't
be too distracted." He said, placing his arm behind my seat. I gave him an
apologetic smile.

" Thank you too, Tom. I'm sorry, I wasn't too entertaining tonight. I am not used
to dating, and I have a sick daughter at home. I can't concentrate." I told him,
and he nodded. I tried to open my door, but it's still locked.

" Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?" He said, coming closer to me. I backed away
and placed a hand on his chest.

" Uhm, Tom, I don't think that's a good idea. I told you I'm not ready for anything
yet. Can't we be friends?" I begged him. Starting to get nervous. Before he can do
anything, my phone rang, and I was so relieved. I took out my phone and saw that it
was Liam calling. Tom straightened up and scowled.

" Liam, hi?" I answered, sounding breathless and relieved.

" Baby, are you home? Why do you sound breathless?" He sounded worried.

" Yeah, we've just parked outside the house. Is everything okay? Hold on, Liam," I
told him, then asked Tom to open the door.

" Tom, can you please open the door?" He glared at me then grunted. I heard the
lock and opened the door as fast as I could.

" Thanks, Tom, drive safe, goodnight," I told him before I closed the door. He
stepped on the gas right after I closed the door. God! That was weird. I forgot
that Liam is still on the line until I heard his voice.

" Bella, are you okay, babe? What's going on?" Came his worried voice.

" I'm okay, Liam. It's just that Tom is acting weird tonight." I told him honestly.

" What do you mean weird? Explain, Bella!" He shouted a little.

" You know what? Forget it, Liam. Maybe it was only in my imagination." I lied to
him so that he won't worry too much.

" Bella, you are lying to me. Please, babe, tell me right away if he does something
to you. Now get inside. I don't want you freezing outside." He ordered, and I
rolled my eyes at the phone. He sounded like a father.

" When did you become so bossy? You're like my father. Why are you calling, by the
way?" I teased him and went inside the house. The whole house is dark and quiet. I
went straight to my room and plopped on my bed, smiling like an idiot.

" I was checking if you went home safely, babe." He answered I know he's lying.

" Checking? Or you ordering me to come home? I am a grown woman now, Liam. You
don't have to worry about me and scare every guy that comes near me like before." I
told him jokingly.

" The more I am worried, love. You are more dangerously gorgeous now. I'm scared
wolves will flock to you and take advantage. I want you safe." He answered, and my
heart did a summersault in my chest.

" You're crazy. I can take care of myself, you know. I've done that for six years
when I'm away." I told him with sadness in my voice.

" I know, baby, but I can't help it. I feel so protective of you. Please allow me
to do that. By the way, I want to tell you. You look so beautiful tonight." His
voice dropped and sounded sexy. I bit my lip so hard and closed my eyes tightly. I
want to squeal like a schoolgirl.

"Baby, still there? You did not fall asleep on me, did you?" He asked, laughing.

" Yeah, I'm still here." I squeaked. " Are you staying at the hospital tonight?" I
asked him.

" I guess so, love. A little boy accidentally fell down the stairs. We need to
observe him because he took a pretty bad fall and bumped his head. I am at the
doctor's lounge right now, trying to take a nap."
He said, sounding tired.

" Oh, that's too bad. I feel bad for the parents. I hope he'll be okay. You should
get some rest, Liam. You sound tired and sleepy. I'll check on Sophie and get some
sleep myself after." I told him, getting up, and went out my door to transfer to my
daughter's room. Mom is lying beside her.

" Okay, babe. You call me right away if her fever came back, okay?" He ordered.

" Yes, doctor." I teased him and laugh.

" I'm serious, woman. Don't make fun of me." He scolded me, and I chuckled.

" I"m sorry, Liam, I can't help it. You're like a mother hen. Don't worry, okay?
She's fine. The fever is gone, thank God. I'm going back to my room now." I
whispered, careful not to wake mom and Sophie.

" Okay, goodnight, baby, sleep tight." He whispered huskily, and it went straight
to my heart.

" You really enjoyed calling me that, do you?" I teased him again to ease my
palpating heart.

" Yep! Enjoy it, baby, because you're gonna be hearing that for the rest of your
life." He answered seriously, and I was rendered speechless. I sighed and held on
to my phone so tight, wishing he was here.

" Goodnight, Liam. Be safe. I'll see you tomorrow." I whispered to him.

" Goodnight, babe. Don't miss me too much." He chuckled and ended the call. I
stared at the ceiling and hugged the phone to my heart. I really do miss him so
much it hurts. I got up and went to my bathroom to change, wash my face, and brush
my teeth.

When I came out wearing an old t-shirt that I stole from Liam's closet so long ago,
my phone light up, I went under my covers and grabbed my phone to see who sent me a

" What are you wearing right now, babe?" It's from Liam. This guy is obviously
flirting with me. What has gotten into him? I decided to flirt back to give him a
dose of his own medicine.

" Nothing, just the smile you gave me :)" Take that, Liam! Let's see who can sleep

" F..k, baby! Please don't play with me! My dirty mind is playing so many scenes at
once in my head. I wish I were there to see that smile, baby." He texted back, and
I giggled. Now you know how I felt, you flirt!

" You started it, doctor Jones. I wish you were here too." I sighed and hugged my

" Okay, let's stop, or I might bail out of here and go there. Goodnight, babe,
Dream of me because I will surely dream of you. Kisses, love." I stared at his last
message and smiled broadly. Should I hope? Should I let myself believe that he
loves me as much as I love him? Or even a little bit?

" Goodnight, Liam. See you in my dreams, babe." I replied and ducked under my
pillow, so scared to see his reply. Then my phone dinged. I emerged from under my
pillow and stared at the phone. I reached out with a trembling hand and read his

" I'm coming over right now!" Oh shit!

Chapter 31
When I arrived at the hospital, I went to work right away. A 6-year-old boy had a
bad fall on their stairs, had a few fractures. But the most threatening is the bump
he got on the head. He went to surgery not so long ago and was put in an induced
coma to help the brain heal. We will be observing for 24 hours at least. Hopefully,
he'll wake up.

After talking to the family and putting the parents at ease, I went to the Doctor's
lounge to rest for a while. I think this will be along night. I was really hoping
to be there when Bella comes back from her date, but I have to be a doctor, and
this kid needs me.

I have to put my personal need aside in the meantime. I will have plenty of time to
talk to Bella. Speaking of Bella, it's 10:30 already. I should give her a call.
Make sure she got home safely for my peace of mind. I grabbed my phone and dialed
her number.

She picked up on the first ring, sounding breathless or in panic? She sounds
breathless and relieved at the same time.

I got worried. Maybe something happened. I asked if she's home already because if
she's not, I'm flying there and bring her home.
She said they are parked outside her house, but the sound of her voice is still
weird. She stopped talking, and I heard her addressed the scumbag. " Tom, can you
please open the door?" She seemed stressed. Did that guy do something to her? I
will kick his ass if he ever tries anything with my girl.

I heard her thanked Mr. Peters and said goodnight, sounding relieved. Then I heard
the car leaving, and I gave out a sigh of relief.

" Bella, are you okay, babe? What's going on?" I asked her, and I'm really getting
worried now.

She said she's okay but said something that made me feel uneasy, and I got heated
when I heard that.

" What do you mean weird? Explain, Bella!" I shouted a little, trying to control my
anger. If that bastard made a pass at my girl, I would really lose it.

She changed the topic right away. She is lying to me. I can sense it. She's trying
to cover whatever that ape did to her.

I begged her to tell me what really happened and why she said that Tom was acting
weird. But she refuses to answer, so I ordered her to go inside the house. I know
she's still outside in the cold, and it's getting late.

She teased me for being bossy and that I sounded like her father when I order her
around. I heard her door opened, so I'm sure she went inside the house.

Then I heard her ask me why I am calling and if everything is alright with me. I
told her I called to check on her and that if she's home safely.

" Checking? Or you ordering me to come home? I am a grown woman now, Liam. You
don't have to worry about me and scare every guy that comes near me like before."
She said, chuckling a little.

I answered her truthfully that I am more worried now than before. I told her she's
more gorgeous now and that men with bad intentions will flock to her and might take
advantage of her. What? It's half true, alright? I do want her safe, and I don't
want her dating another guy other than me.

She called me crazy for worrying about her and that she has been taking care of
herself for the past six years. She answered me with sadness in her voice, and I
felt it right through the heart.

I told her I know that she's a strong woman and that she can take care of herself,
but she can't blame me for worrying still. Then I whispered huskily that she looked
beautiful tonight. I imagine her in my head when I saw her tonight. I almost had a
heart attack. I wanted to drag her back to her room and hide her there.

She suddenly kept quiet. I thought she fell asleep. I asked if she's still there,
and I am not talking to a sleeping woman.

" Yeah, I'm still here." She squeaked, and I smiled. I guess she's as affected as I
am. " Are you staying at the hospital tonight?" She asked me.

I told her I might stay the night and told her about my patient. I narrated what
happened to the little boy and that I might have to monitor his progress. I told
her I am in the Doctor's lounge trying to get some rest. Suddenly I felt drained
and bone-tired weary.
" Oh, that's too bad. I feel bad for the parents. I hope he'll be okay. You should
get some rest, Liam. You sound stored and sleepy. I'll check on Sophie and get some
sleep myself after." I heard her went out of her room.

I told her I would after we're done talking. I also told her to call me if Sophie's
fever came back. She teased me and laughed at my seriousness. I just don't want her
to worry about her daughter, and I don't want her to feel sad anymore.

" I'm serious, woman. Don't make fun of me." I scolded her, and I heard her

She apologized and told me not to worry because Sophie's fever is gone and she's
sleeping soundly. The minx even called me a mother hen. Then she whispered in a
sexy voice that she's going to bed and that she's sleepy, and I felt it down to my
groin. She sounded so sexy. I feel so hot right now.

" Okay, goodnight, baby, sleep tight," I whispered huskily. This girl is going to
be my downfall. I am like a lovesick puppy in her hands.

" You really enjoyed calling me that, do you?" She teased me again about the
endearments I kept throwing at her. I am just making her feel comfortable before I
go for a kill.

I answered seriously that she has to get used to it because she will hear it from
me for the rest of her life. She was rendered speechless again. I heard her sigh. I
wish I were there to see her blushing face.

She whispered goodnight and said that she'll see me tomorrow, sounding emotional,
how I wanted to hold her right now and kiss those worries away.

" Goodnight, babe. Don't miss me too much." I chuckled and ended the call. I stared
at the ceiling, thinking about Bella. She consumes me, she can direct my moods, and
I can't even do anything about it.

I decided to tease her one more time before letting her go to sleep. I can't help
it. She's so gullible.

" What are you wearing right now, babe?" I texted her, smiling. I am 100 and 1 %
sure she's blushing from head to toe right now.

" Nothing, just the smile you gave me :)" Oh f**k! She did not! My Bella is
flirting back. God, the vision I see now doesn't help at all!

I was trembling when I replied to her text. I told her not to tease me and play
with my mind. I texted her back, groaning. She got me! That vixen!

She answered that I started it, and she's right. She gave me a dose of my own
medicine. I clutched my phone to my heart when she added she wished I was there
with her. God, How I wish I am next to her right now.

I texted her goodnight and ask her to dream of me because I will definitely dream
of her. I wanted to stop the conversation before it got out of hand, and I'll be
driving to her house like a lunatic.

" Goodnight, Liam. See you in my dreams, babe." She texted back, and I smiled and
reached for my phone. What I saw made me sit up straight and scrambled to my feet.
I need to see her! I grabbed my keys and went dashing out of the Doctor's lounge to
my car. I texted her back.
" I'm coming over right now!"

Chapter 32
Still Liam's POV

I informed the nurse's station that I'd be stepping out for a while. I instructed
them to call as soon as there's progress or an emergency on my patient. I changed
my clothes and stepped out of the hospital.

I know it's pretty late, but I need to see her, or I'll go crazy. I got into my
car, started the engine, backed out of the parking lot, and soon ran 120kph. I hear
my phone keep on beeping. It's probably her trying to change my mind.

Oh, baby girl, you shouldn't have flirted with me. The only way to appease my
hunger for her is to see her, smell her, and touch her. I don't care if it's only
for a minute or an hour as long as I'm with her. I am almost there, and I trembled
in excitement. Soon, my love, you'll be in my arms.

I'm in our neighborhood now and parked not far from Bella's house. I want to
surprise her. I grabbed my phone and checked her messages.

" Liam! You're joking, right?!" She texted.

" Liam! Answer me, you, you crazy person! Where are you?!"

" Don't play with me, Liam! I am serious! Stop playing around!" She is panicking
now. Good! That's what you get for teasing me, baby girl. I dialed her number, and
she answered right away.

" Liam! Where are you? You were only joking. You're at the hospital, right?" She
asked, almost shouting.

" Baby, open your door," I ordered her in a severe tone.

" No! You're lying! You're not outside! Liam, I swear to God, I'll kill you if
you're lying!" She shouted and sounded breathless. I guess she ran from her room to
her door. I hoped she's not wearing anything as she told me.

I heard the lock to her door, and there she is, wearing only my shirt? Holy shit!
She's wearing my shirt! The shirt I thought I'd lost a long time ago. I strode
towards her and pushed her inside. Scared people might see her half-naked.

I closed the door with my feet and lean on the door. Bella stood not far from me
panting, hand on her mouth and eyes wide with shock. I am panting too, not because
of panic but because I am so turned on right now. I've never seen so much beauty.
She looks so good in my shirt, with her soft hair cascading around her face.

We both seemed rooted in place, standing there in the dimly lit living room,
staring at each other with our breaths coming fast and our focus locked upon each
other, as though we were equally afraid the other might disappear.

" Liam," she whispered, and I strode towards her slowly. Afraid she might run away.

I reached out my hand and cupped her face. She closed her eyes for a moment and
opened them again. She looked so fragile, and I see raw emotions in her eyes.
" Hi, baby," I whispered and smiled. I hope she can see the love I have for her
shining in my eyes.

" Hi, you crazy guy." She giggled and smiled so sweetly at me. I'm pretty sure
she's blushing.

" So, you're the culprit," I said in a soft voice, still staring at her beautiful
brown eyes.

" Ha?" She answered, furrowing her brows, confused at what I meant.

"I was looking for this shirt many years ago, babe. Now I know who took it." I
chuckled and tucked her hair on her ear.

" Oh, shit!" She just realized she's only wearing my shirt, and I'm betting she
doesn't have a bra too. She's trying to tug on the shirt to cover her long creamy
legs. But I've seen it already. There's no use in hiding it. She is biting her lip
and keeps on tugging the shirt.

" Baby, stop. I've already seen it. You don't have to be embarrassed. You look
wonderful, sweetheart." I told her, then grabbed her to stop her from fidgeting. I
locked her in my embrace and stared down at her upturned face.

" Liam, what are you doing?" She asked, confusion and pain in her eyes.

" Holding the love of my life in my arms." I smiled at her and kissed her nose.

" Can I hold you for a while, babe? Before they call me back at the hospital?" I
asked her. She stared at me in wonder, then nodded her head, smiling timidly.

I guided her to the sofa, and we lied down facing each other. She is still staring
at me as if she can't believe I'm here. She touched my face slowly and traced every
corner of it. I grabbed her hand and kissed her palm, staring intently at her eyes.

She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. When she opened them, tears fell down her
eyes. I wiped her tears with my thumb feeling emotional myself. I kissed her lips
so softly and closed my eyes. I have her locked in my arms, and I'm never letting

I dragged my mouth over hers, shaping her lips before settling in for a rough and
ardent kiss. I gathered her closer against me until there's no space between us. I
stopped kissing her and rested my forehead against hers, panting.

"You're all I think about. You're all I see. I can't sleep because I'm always
thinking of you." I admitted to her, looking her straight in the eyes.

" Liam," she whispered, sobbing. I kissed her forehead, her nose, her eyes, then
finally claim her lips again. I can't seem to stop kissing her.

" I am absolutely, positively, unquestionably, beyond any doubt, in love with you,
Bella. I have loved you for so long. I can't contain it anymore." I confessed. I
poured all my feelings into the one person who has captured my heart a long time

" Oh, God!" She exclaimed and sobbed in my arms. I hugged her so tight and kissed
her head repeatedly until she stopped crying.

We don't say anything, and I feel myself drifting to sleep, an imminent, inexorable
plunge into dreams. But just before I fade from consciousness, I hear four words
that are my undoing.

"I love you, Liam. So much." She whispered, and my heart surged. I tightened my
hold on her and inhaled deeply. She's finally mine. I grabbed the blanket draped by
the back of the sofa and cover it over us.

" Goodnight, my love," I whispered to her and kissed her lips softly. She murmured
goodnight and drifted off to sleep. I stared at her for so long until sleep
overtook me.


Chapter 33
Bella's POV

I stared, shocked at his last message. He can't be serious. He's joking, I know.
He's always pranking me since we were young.

I texted him several times, asking him where he was and to stop joking around. He's
not really coming over, right?

I am so nervous right now. I am pacing my bedroom floor. He is still not answering

my messages. I am biting my nails now and kept on pacing the floor.

" Don't play with me, Liam! I am serious! Stop playing around!" He's not answering.
This crazy man is enjoying his game. Then my phone rang, and it was him. I answered

" Liam! Where are you? You were only joking. You're at the hospital, right?" I
asked, almost shouting.

" Baby, open your door." I paled at his answer. He is telling me to open our door.
Is he really here?!

I swear to God, I'll kill this guy if he's lying! I shouted at him and ran to open
the door. I forgot to put on a robe out of panic.

I unlocked the door, and there he stood outside my door, looking as handsome as
ever. He strode towards me and pushed me inside. I stepped back and stared at him
in shock. I can't believe he's here. He really came. He is staring at me with dark
eyes and panting.

We both seemed rooted in place, standing there in the dimly lit living room,
staring at each other with our breaths coming fast and our focus locked upon each
other, as though we were equally afraid the other might disappear.

" Liam," I whispered. Then he strode towards me slowly. I can't seem to move, and
he came closer, staring straight into my eyes.

He reached out his hand and cupped my face. I closed my eyes for a moment and
opened them again. Liam stood in front of me, and he's staring at me with so much
passion and love?

" Hi, baby," He whispered and smiled. I almost fainted with the tenderness I hear
in his voice. I wanted to cry.

I said hi back and called him crazy, then I giggled and smiled at him. I can feel
my face heating up, probably blushing from head to toe.
" So, you're the culprit," He said in a soft voice, still staring at me how I love
to look at those chocolate brown eyes.

I furrow my brows, confused at what he meant by his statement. The culprit of what?

" I was looking for this shirt many years ago, babe. Now I know who took it." He
chuckled and tucked my hair on my ear.

Fuck! I just realized I'm only wearing his shirt, f**k!. I tried tugging the shirt
down to cover my exposed legs. How can I be so stupid! I even forgot I don't have
my bra on!

He grabbed me to stop me from fidgeting. He told me to stop tugging on the shirt

because I look good and there's nothing to hide. He locked me in his embrace and
stared down at me. I'm looking up at him feeling so embarrassed.

I asked him what he was doing. I am so confused by his actions. I don't want to
hope that he loves me as much as I love him. I can't let myself go through all that
pain when all these ends.

" Holding the love of my life in my arms." He smiled at me and kissed my nose. I
stared at him dumbfounded. He kissed my nose and smiled down at me. He asked if he
could stay for a while and let him hold me before he's called back to the hospital.

Did I just hear him say 'love of his life? People slap me. I think I'm
hallucinating. But he looked so serious, and his eyes are looking at me differently
as if I'm precious. I nodded my head and smiled timidly.

He guided me to the sofa, and we lied down facing each other. I am still staring at
him. This is all true, and he's here with me and holding me tenderly. I touched his
face slowly and traced every corner of it. He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm,
staring intently at my eyes.

I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes. When I opened them, tears fell down my eyes. I
have prayed and waited for this moment to happen. For him to look at me the way
he's looking at me now. To be the center of his attention and hold me like this.

He wiped my tears with his thumb, and he looks like he's about to cry too. He
kissed my lips softly, and we both closed our eyes. He holds me as if he's scared
to let me go.

He kissed me tenderly at first, dragged his mouth over mine. His kiss was soft and
slow at first, then he changed tempo and went from soft to hard and urgent. I
kissed back with all the pent-up emotions inside me.

He gathered me closer against him until there's no space between us. We stopped
kissing because we're out of breath. He rested his forehead against mine, and we're
both panting.

"You're all I think about. You're all I see. I can't sleep because I'm always
thinking of you." He admitted to me, looking straight into my eyes.

" Liam," I whispered, sobbing. It hurt so bad to be so happy. My heart hurts at the
tenderness and conviction in his voice. He kissed my forehead, my nose, my eyes,
then finally claim my lips again. We can't seem to get enough of each other.

He confessed his feelings, and I am so over the moon. If only he knew how much I
loved him. How I yearn to be in his arms and how I wanted to tell him the truth. He
said he had loved me for so long and that he cannot contain his feelings for me

I sobbed in his arms, and he held me tight, letting me cry in his chest. Now that
he told me he loves me, I am more scared to tell him the truth.

What if he'll hate me when he finds out he's Sophie's father? What if he'll leave
me when he knew the truth? He hugged me so tight and kissed my head repeatedly
while I cried so hard in his chest.

We don't say anything, and I feel myself drifting to sleep. But just before we
drifted off to sleep, I said the four words I've meant to say a long time ago.

"I love you, Liam. So much." I whispered, and my heart ached. He tightened his hold
on me and inhaled deeply. He's finally mine, but why does it hurt even more? He
grabbed the blanket draped by the back of the sofa and cover it over us.

" Goodnight, my love," He whispered to me and kissed my lips softly. I mumbled

goodnight and drifted off to sleep. I was feeling drained and tired, so I was out
instantly. Feeling warm and safe in his arms.

Chapter 34
Bella and Liam's POV

I woke up to the feeling of floating. I opened my eyes and saw Liam's features in
the dark. He is carrying me in his arms.

" Liam?" I whispered hoarsely, still in a half-asleep state.

" Hey, baby. Go back to sleep. I'm transferring you to your room. I need to go back
to the hospital, babe." He replied and placed me slowly on my bed. He sat at my
side and caressed my face.

" What time is it?" I asked him, closing my eyes.

" It's four am, babe, so you still have time to sleep. I'll see you when I get
back, okay?" He said and kissed my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and
kissed him back. I am missing his warmth already.

" Mmmmm, can't you stay a little longer?" I protested and held him tight.

" I wish I could, sweetheart. There's nothing I want more than to hold you in my
arms forever. But that little boy is awake, and I am needed there. I promise I'll
come back as soon as I can, alright?" He chuckled, loving this sweet side of hers.
I didn't know she can be so clingy, but I'm not complaining.

" Okay," She mumbled and pouted. I laughed at her cuteness and kissed her pouting
lips. It's so hard to leave her when she's acting like a baby.

" Go back to sleep, sweetheart. I'll lock the door on my way out. Sleep tight,
baby. I love you." I kissed her more times before standing up.

" I love you, too. Be safe and come back soon." She said sweetly, and my heart did
a summersault in my chest. I went back to her side and dipped my head to kiss her
hungrily, enough to last me a few hours without her.

" I will love, I promise. Now go back to sleep." He said, and I closed my eyes with
a smile on my lips and a heart full of happiness and love.

Liam's POV

I left Bella on her bed with a heavy step. I wanted to stay with her and wake up
beside her, but I need to do my job. I locked the door behind me and went to my car
with a smile on my face. I feel like jumping for joy or shout.

My Bella loves me. She said so herself, and now that she's mine, I'll shower her
with so much love and affection she'll drown.

But still, there are doubts in my heart and my head? What about Sophie's father?
The last time we talked about him, she sounded hurt and still loves him. I need to
talk to her about him, or there will always be this big block of doubts between us.

As for Mr. Peters? He better keeps his distance from my girl. I don't trust this
guy. I'm not too fond of the way he's looking at Bella. It gives me the creeps. I
arrived at the hospital and soon went to my rounds at the children's ward.

Bella's POV

I woke up to a bright light coming from my window. I was disoriented at first, then
memories of last night came flooding in, and I squealed and rolled in my bed like a

Liam. My Liam came last night and told me he loves me. Oh. My. God! Was it real? I
was not dreaming, was I? Then, right on cue, my phone beeped, signaling a message.

" Good morning, my gorgeous girlfriend. Are you awake, baby?" He texted, and I
squealed again and hugged my phone. I am blushing, and my heart is pumping so hard
in my chest.

" Good morning, babe. I just woke up. How's that little boy?" I asked him, biting
my lip in anticipation.

" He's going to be okay, baby. They're going to keep him for another day or two.
Then he can go home. I'm on my way out now. I can be there in ten minutes. Let's
have breakfast together? I miss you terribly." He replied, and my heart swelled.
God, how could you love someone so much and not die of a heart attack?

" Okay, I'll wait for you. I miss you too, Liam. I wished you were still beside me
when I woke up. I thought I was only dreaming last night. I was sad when I couldn't
find you beside me." I told him truthfully.

" Awww, my poor baby. Don't worry, from now on. I'm gonna spend every free time
with you and Sophie. Do you think Sophie will be happy we're together, babe?" He
asked, and I smiled. If only he knew how his daughter adores him.

Speaking of Sophie, my fears came back. I know I should tell him, but how? We've
just discovered our love for each other. What if he will never understand and hates

" Are you kidding me? She already thinks you're her daddy, Liam. I know she will be
thrilled to know that we're a couple now. She loves you, Liam, you know that,
right? We will tell her together today. Now stop texting me. I want to take a
shower before you arrive. Drive safe, babe, see you." I texted him and got up.

I chose an off-shoulder, short flowery dress from my closet and went to shower. My
phone beeped. A reply from Liam was on display. I opened it and blushed all over

" See you, babe. This time, I'll kiss you longer, and you're never leaving my arms.
I can't wait to see you, my love. I'm trembling in excitement." This guy will kill
me with his romantic words, I tell you. I hurried up and made sure to shave my

After 30 minutes, I came out of the shower and went to the mirror. I applied lotion
all over my body before putting on my underwear. Next, I put on my dress and blow-
dried my hair. I took my time prepping myself, trying to calm my pumping heart.

When I thought I looked pretty enough, I came out of my bathroom only to be pushed
by the wall and kissed savagely. I was shocked initially, and when I realized it
was Liam, I kissed him back with equal passion.

He had my hands above my head and pressed his body to mine. He kissed me hungrily
and then went to my neck and shoulder. We are both panting after the kiss. He had
his forehead pressed against mine with closed eyes.

" Good morning, baby. You don't know how much I wanted to do that the moment I saw
you again. You smell so good, love. So good to eat. Maybe we should skip breakfast.
I don't need food. I need those lips." He said huskily and stared at my eyes, then
at my lips hungrily.

" Good morning to you too, babe." I chuckled and put my arms around him. He hoisted
me up, and I wrapped my legs around him. He strode back to the bed and sat there. I
am straddling him, and we are staring at each other.

" Can we just lock ourselves here and hold each other like this?" He whispered, and
I giggled.

" Babe, Sophie might be waiting, and I am hungry." I pouted. Brushing his hair and
thread it with my fingers. He groaned and captured my lips again. We were like two
thirsty people who found the oasis. We can't stop kissing and groping each other.

" Okay, okay, we should stop, baby, or I might not be able to. God! Your lips taste
so sweet. I can kiss you forever. Let's go, or aunt Agnes might be wondering what
took us so long." He stood up with me, still straddling him.

He let me down and grabbed my hand, walking hand in hand to the dining where Sophie
and mom are waiting for us. When mom saw our hands, she gasped and covered her
mouth. Then she smiled at us.

I was blushing hard. Then I heard Liam chuckled and kissed my temple. He pulled a
chair for me beside Sophie, and he sat to my other side.

" Good morning, sweethearts. So, it's official, huh?" My mom greeted us and teased
us at the same time. Liam held my hand and kissed it before answering my mom.

" Yes, aunt Agnes. This girl is officially mine, and I have no intention of letting
her go." He answered my mom, which made her so happy and clapped for joy.

" Mommy? Daddy? You love each other now? I am going to have siblings now?" My
daughter asked excitedly, and I spilled my coffee with her question.

" Oh, yes, baby. We are going to make lots and lots of siblings for you." Liam
answered her, laughing. I glared at him and swatted his hand, which made him laugh
" Baby, don't believe your dad. He's only joking. How are you feeling, sweetheart?"
I kissed my daughter and scooped her to my lap. Liam held her small hand and kissed

" I am okay now, mommy. Daddy is a good doctor. He made me better. I want to be
like daddy when I grow up." She announced proudly, and I had a hard time breathing.
My heart feels like it's being squashed in my chest.

" That's wonderful, sweetheart. Daddy will help you with that. Mommy will only take
care of your siblings." Liam answered her, and I slapped his shoulders again. I
felt eyes on me, so I looked up to see mom looking at me with uncertainties in her

I know what she's trying to say, and I know that she's right. I need to tell Liam
the truth, or things will get more complicated the longer I hide the truth from

Chapter 35
Bella's POV
After breakfast, Liam went to his parent's house to shower and catch up on a little
sleep. He begged me to come with him, but I refused. I need time to think and plan
on how to tell him about Sophie. Mom and I are in the kitchen having our coffee
while my daughter, Sophie, is in the living room watching her favorite cartoons.

" Honey, I am so happy for you and Liam. I knew the moment he sent you home from
the airport that the feelings you have for him are somewhat mutual. The way he is
looking at you and the way he cared for you speaks louder." My mom held both my
hand and stared at me with compassion.

" But sweetheart, you have to tell him now about Sophie. You have to let him know
what happened that night before things get out of hand." She added with pleading

" I know, mom. I am planning to tell him before Collette's wedding this Sunday." I
told her, feeling nervous and apprehensive.

" I can't do it this week because classes will start in two days. I have to get
ready and prepare for my lesson plan. Sophie needs to get used to her new school
and adjust to her new classmates." I added and smiled sadly at her.

" Alright, sweetheart, but don't drag too long. Anything could happen, and I don't
want you to get hurt, especially Sophie." She patted my hand and smiled. I nodded
my head and glanced at the living room where my precious daughter is watching TV.

I was washing my cup when my phone rang. I wiped my hand with the cloth, grabbed my
phone, and felt excited, thinking it's Liam. But when I saw the caller ID, it's
from an unknown number. I answered it hesitantly.

" Hello?" I asked.

" I'm coming for you!"The voice said, then cut the call. I was speechless and
scared. The voice was not familiar, and it seems like the caller used some device
to hide the real voice.

I must have looked like I saw a ghost when mom came back to the kitchen. She saw my
state and rushed towards me.
" Honey, what is it? Are you okay? Who was that on the phone?" She asked me

" I don't know, mom. I can't distinguish the voice. But he or she sounded angry. He
said he's coming for me." I told her in a shaking voice. She helped me to a chair
and held my hands. She took a glass of water and gave it to me.

" Maybe somebody's just playing a prank on you, honey. But to be sure, let's report
it to the police, okay? I don't like the idea of you being stalked or threatened."
My mom said, and I nodded. Just then, another call came. I was so scared to look at
my phone, so mom grabbed it and looked at the caller ID.

" It's Collette, hon." She said and passed me the phone.

" Hey, Cols." I greeted her too eagerly.

" Hey, you. Be ready in 30. I'll pick you and Sophie up. We are going to the
boutique to have you, and Sophie chose your gowns for the wedding." She announced

" Oh, okay. Gosh, I forgot you are getting married next week. I am so happy for
you, Cols." I told her with a tremor in my voice.

" Hey, what was that? Aren't you happy for me? And don't worry, it's your time
next. You wait and see." She sounded positive and happy. I will tell her later
about Liam and me and maybe about the call. I only hope it's a prank.

I can't think of anybody having grudges towards me. Well, except for Taylor, maybe,
but I don't think she will stoop this low for a man.

" Okay, I'll let you go now, babe. Be ready. I'll come to pick you up." Collette
said and hung up after saying goodbye.

" Mom, we are going out with Collette. We have to fit our gowns for her wedding. "
I informed my mom and got up to get Sophie ready and me.

" Okay, hon, please be careful. When you get back, we will go to the station and
report that number, alright?" My mom reminded me, and I nodded.

I told Sophie we are going out with aunt Collette to fit our gowns, and she was
ecstatic. She ran to her room before me and told me to hurry up. Mom and I laughed
at her excitement. Mom went to help her change while I take a quick shower and
change too.

After my shower, I put on my tattered jeans and red off-shoulder sweater. I put on
light makeup and lip tint to finish my get up for the day. I know Liam is probably
still sleeping right now. He barely had slept last night and this morning, but I
sent him a quick message telling him we will be with Collette today.

" Hi, babe. I know you're still sleeping, but I want to let you know Sophie and I
will be going with Collette to the boutique for our gowns. I'll see you when we get
back, okay? Give me a call when you wake up. I love you, and miss you." I pushed
send and put my phone in my purse.

Sophie is sitting on the sofa, waiting for me when I came out of my room. She's
wearing her red tutu dress and white leotard. Mom braided her hair and put a white
ribbon on the side. She really is my treasure and looked exactly like her father
except for her eyes, where she got from me.
Then I heard Collette's car horn. I held Sophie's hand and said goodbye to mom. We
went out of the house and went straight to Colette's car. I helped Sophie first in
the back seat and made sure she's all buckled up before going to the front seat.

" Hi auntie Coyet, I miss you." Sophie greeted her aunt, who made Collette grin and
look back at her.

" Awww, I miss you too, sweetheart. I'm so sorry, baby; aunt Collette has been very
busy lately. I promise after my wedding we will spend more time with each other,
okay?" She said, smiling, and Sophie nodded her head enthusiastically.

" What about you, Miss? Any news about your budding love life? You didn't tell me
about your date last night. You said you would call me and tell me all about it.
You never called." She looked at me accusingly, and I grimaced at her.

" I'm sorry, babe, I got distracted last night and this morning," I said, smiling
at her. She eyed me curiously and raised her brows. I know she will flip when she
finds out about Liam and me. She started the car, and we were on the road when my
phone rang.

I smiled when I saw the caller ID. Collette has been giving me side glances,
curious about who the caller and why I smiled like a lunatic all of a sudden.

" Hi," I said briefly, smiling so wide my face hurt.

" Hey, baby, where are you?" Yeah, you guessed right, people, it's my Liam calling.

" We are on our way to the boutique, babe. I told you Collette is bringing us
there. Have you had your lunch?" I asked him, eyeing Collette, who's been glaring
at me, anxious to know who is on the other line.

" I will in a moment, babe. I took a shower first, and then I will go down and eat.
I am starving, but I am craving for something else, or should I say, someone." He
said huskily, and automatically I blushed and giggled like a schoolgirl.

" Stop it, you flirt. I'll see you when I get back, babe. I have something to tell
you." I scolded him and told him I need to tell him something. I've decided I don't
have to wait for Collette's wedding to tell him the truth. Whatever happens, I know
he will listen and understand. I will accept whatever he will say or if he gets
mad. I don't want anything in between us to hinder our happiness together.

" Alright, babe, I'll be waiting. Don't take too long, okay? Kiss Sophie for me and
prepare your lips for me. That lip is mine." He joked again, and I giggled.

" Okay. Bye babe, see you later." I told him.

" Bye. Be safe. I love you, baby." He replied, and I had a megawatt smile again on
my face.

" I love you, too. Bye." I cut the call and bit my lip, stopping myself from

" Okay, spill! I have been waiting anxiously to know who that is!" Collette asked
and parked the car on the side of the road.

I turned to her and grinned like a madwoman. " That was... Liam." I told her,
waiting for her screams. Her eyes grew wide, and her mouth is wide open. Then, on
cue comes the loud shriek.
" Aaaaaahhhh! Oh, my God! Finally! God! I'll kill you for keeping that from me.
When did it happen? How did it happen?" She asked rapidly. Sophie and I are
covering our ears. This girl's scream could pass for a police siren.

" It started last night while I was having dinner with Tom. He was bugging me and
had been flirting. I flirted back until I came home, and he went to the hospital
for an emergency. The flirting didn't stop there. We have been sending messages all
night until I called him babe? That's the time he came rushing to the house. I
guess he loves me as much as I love him, Cols." I told her, almost crying. She got
emotional too.

" He saw me wearing his shirt I stole from his closet six years ago, and we started
kissing. He then told me he is in love with me for a long time, and we slept on the
sofa holding each other. I thought I was dreaming, Cols. I can't believe it
actually happened, but he came home early morning, and we had breakfast together. I
am so happy I can't contain it." I started crying now, and Collette hugged me,
crying too.

" Oh, Bella, I am so happy for you both. Finally, you stupid fools admitted to one
another your feelings for each other. Mom and dad are going to be so happy that
when they find out, they will be planning your wedding too." She grinned, and I
laughed at her. We fixed ourselves, and Collette started the car again to continue
our journey.

We were both smiling at each other and sang along to the music on the radio. I feel
so happy and contented. After six years of suffering alone and missing the people I
love, I am finally here, and I am with the man I love the most.

Converted by Kei

Chapter 36
After fitting and choosing the gown, Collette brought us to this cute little cafe
near the boutique to get our lunch. Sophie got spaghetti and fries with ice cream,
and I had my burger and iced mocha.

We were happily chatting when my phone dinged. I took it out of my purse and opened
the message. The color on my face drained, and I trembled in fear. I am staring at
the photo of us in the cafe with the message. I am watching you.

Collette noticed my reaction and snatched the phone from my hand. Her eyes grew
wide, and she looked at me in horror.

" What is this, Bels. Who sent this?" She asked in a panic.

" I don't know, Cols. This morning I received a call, and a distorted voice said
I'm coming for you. Mom said we should report it to the police. We were supposed to
go today, but you called, so I told her we would do it after. Collette, I am so
scared. They are here, and they are watching us. I cannot think of anybody doing
this to me."

" We have to call Liam. I am scared, Bella, but we are safe here. I don't think
they will do anything with people around and in broad daylight." She said and
started dialing her phone. I took Sophie and placed her in my lap, holding on to
her tightly.

I roamed my eyes around the cafe and outside to see anyone is acting strange or
looking at us. I am starting to get paranoid and am looking at everyone in
suspicion. Then I heard Collette got through Liam.

" Liam, please come with the police. We are at the cafe near the boutique. I will
send you the location, and please hurry. Someone was stalking Bella and followed us
here. We will explain everything when you got here, okay? Please hurry!" She cut
the call and looked at me in distress. She sent Liam our location along with the
photo sent to me by the stalker.

" Let's wait for him here, Bels. He's coming, and we are safer inside. Todd is
coming with him too, and he is calling the police now." She held my hand and
squeezed it. I nodded, unable to say anything. I hugged my daughter close to me and
said a silent prayer for Liam to hurry up.

20 minutes later, we heard the siren, and we saw Liam's car parked at the side of
the road. I've never felt so relieved seeing him and Todd walking fast inside the
cafe. Collette went flying up to Todd's arms. I stood there, frozen with Sophie in
my arms.

Liam went straight to me and knelt in front of me and hugged Sophie and me. He
kissed my head and cupped my face.

" Are you okay, baby? when did this start, and why didn't you tell me right away?"
He asked me, worry is written all over his face. He took Sophie from my arms and
sat on the chair next to me. He held my hand and kissed it, urging me to talk. The
police came and asked me the same question.

" I received a call this afternoon from an anonymous number. I couldn't recognize
the voice because it was distorted or some device to change the voice. The voice
said he's coming for me. I told my mom about it, and we were planning to go to the
police after we were done here. But just now, somebody sent me this photo." I
showed them my phone and the photo taken of me, Sophie and Collette inside this

" Do you know anyone who might have a grudge towards you? A potential admirer that
you rejected maybe?" The police asked. Liam has been holding my hand the whole
time, silently watching me and listening to the police.

" No, I've just come back from Denver. I can't think of anybody who might want to
harm me." I shook my head and looked at the police, then at Liam.

" What about Tom, baby? You said last night that he was acting strange. Did he say
anything or got mad somehow?" Liam asked me, and then I got to thinking. It could
be a possibility, but Tom wouldn't be that stupid to do all these. He wouldn't
jeopardize his career over this.

" I don't know, babe. I don't think he would be stupid enough to do this. It's
someone else, someone who wants me gone." I told him, doubt, and apprehension on my

" We will sweep the whole area and check if anyone is looking suspicious. In the
meantime mam, I suggest you don't go somewhere alone. We will track the number used
by the stalker and get back to you for the result. But if this guy is smart, I'm
pretty sure he used a burner so as we can't trace the location or the number." The
police advised, and I nodded. They went outside to check the area while we remained
inside the cafe.

" We should get going, babe. Aunt Agnes is in our house waiting for us with mom and
dad. We'll talk there, alright?" I nodded, and he stood with Sophie in his arms. My
daughter was oblivious to what was going on around her.
We left in a separate car. Collette is with Todd, while Sophie and I went with
Liam. Liam's face is on full alert. He keeps looking at the side mirror to check if
someone's following us. I, too, am checking the side mirror for signs of a car
following us.

Liam is gripping the steering wheel so tight until his knuckles turned white. His
jaw clenched, and his lips grew thin with anger. I touched his arm, and his
attention snapped to me in alarm. I squeezed his arm and smiled wearily at him.

He smiled back, but it didn't reach his eyes. His eyes are full of worry and fear.
He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. He then squeezed it and interlocked
our fingers tightly. We were holding hands until we reached his house.

Collette's car was already in the driveway when we parked behind it. Liam got out
and opened the door for me, then opened the back seat to get Sophie out. He held a
hand for me before going inside the house.

Everyone is in the living room, waiting for us. When we came in, mom came rushing
in and hugged me.

" Are you okay, hon? Was it the same person who called you this morning?" Mom asked

" I believe it is, mom," I told her wearily. Liam put Sophie down, and she went
straight to Collette's waiting arms. Aunt Carmen and uncle Demitri fondled her and
kissed her head.

" Let's take a seat, baby, and I'll get you water." Liam guided me to the sofa and
got me a glass of water.

" Any news from the police, dear?" Aunt Carmen asked me.

" Not yet, auntie. They said they would try to track the number and will let us
know as soon as they have results." I told her, distressed about everything that's

" Can't it be Taylor? She did threaten us when she left, Liam. It could be her or
Tom as you said at the cafe. Who else would have a motive of scaring Bella like
this?" Collette asked Liam, obviously stressed out as well.

" I don't think Taylor can do such a thing, Collette. She will be an easy suspect
if ever she is behind all these. I know Taylor, she's all talk, but she'll get over
everything fast. My first bet is Tom, but I doubt it as well. He is a Principal,
for Christ's sake. I don't think he will put his profession on the line just
because he got rejected." Liam answered and raked his fingers through his hair.

I touched Liam's arms, and he looked at me with concern and anxiety. He pulled me
to him and put his arms around me, kissing my head, which didn't escape from Liam's
parent's watchful eyes and Collette's.

" Let's not talk about this crazy stalker for a while and talk about the two of
you. Why didn't you tell us you two are a thing now?!" Collette stared at us
accusingly, and her parents laughed.

" Yes, son. When did this happen? You two are together, right?" Liam's dad asked,
smiling at us.

" I decided to find courage as you've told me and declared my undying love to her
last night, dad. Fortunately, she said she loved me too, or I would die of
embarrassment and heartache if ever she rejected me." Liam joked and kissed my now
blushing cheek.

" I am so happy for both of you, dear. It's about time! It is so frustrating
watching you both playing hide and seek with your feelings." Aunt Carmen said,
grinning at us and obviously happy. We were all laughing when another message
sounded on my phone.

I took it out and opened the message. I gasped loudly and covered my mouth. A photo
of all of us laughing has been sent to me with the caption, " Laugh all you want
bitch! You will soon die along with your precious daughter!" Liam took my phone and
cursed under his breath.

Author's Note
Hi, guys! This is not an update but an appreciation post to all of you, beautiful
readers. I want you all to know how much I value your comments, suggestions, and
appreciation for my book.

The story will get more interesting and heart wrenching in the next few chapters,
so hang on tight and get those tissues ready. I love you guys so much, and thank
you from the bottom of my heart.

If you have any concerns regarding grammar, spelling, and punctuation, please let
me know, and I will revise the chapters. I was crying while writing the climax of
the story. I was never this emotional about a story I make, but somehow this story
touched my heart.

Who do you think is the stalker? Your guess is as good as mine, so sit back, relax,
and enjoy the story. Please support me by sharing my story, and your comments will
be greatly appreciated.

I was having a hard time continuing the story but reading your comments kept me
going, and I am now in chapter 42, so I hope you will be patient and wait for the
completion. I am truly very proud of this book, and I wouldn't have done it without
you guys. You are the best!


Chapter 37
Liam's POV

I ran outside to check the surroundings. This lunatic is lurking outside and
watching us! I'll be damned if I let them take away my woman! Whoever that bastard
is, I will find him! I can't lose Bella. Not again! It pained me to see the fear in
Bella's eyes every time this lunatic sends her photos.

I dialed the detectives' number earlier and told them about the new photo Bella
received just now. They said they would be coming over and assigned people to watch
over the house.

I went back inside to see my family stressing out and Bella silently crying. I went
back to her side and held her tight.

" The police are coming, baby. They will send their men to watch over the house and
protect you. I will stay with you until this bastard gets caught, okay?" I consoled
her and kissed her temples.

" Liam, I am scared. I am scared of what this person could do." She sobbed in my
arms, and it broke my heart to see her like this.

" Baby, look at me. I will not let them touch you, okay? We will find this guy,
trust me." I told her and kissed her forehead. Then we heard cars stopped outside
and someone knocked at the door. Todd got up and opened the door. It is Detective
Drew and some other policemen.

" Good afternoon, everyone. Doctor Jones, I am assigning detective Rogers and
detective Cole to watch over your house tonight and follow Ms. Montreal wherever
she goes until this guy is caught. Show me the latest photo they sent." Detective
Drew said, and I handed him Bella's phone.

" This is now a criminal case. Whoever this is, he is obviously trying to scare
Miss Montreal and maybe waiting for the right time to strike. As I've said earlier,
she should not be left alone, and that includes her daughter. You mentioned the
name of Mr. Peters, we visited him, and he got a solid alibi on his whereabouts
this afternoon. He promised to cooperate on this investigation and is willing to be
investigated." The detective said, and I just nodded. I can't think of anybody else
who would do this to Bella.

" Can you also try to check on Taylor Miller? She's my ex-girlfriend and lives in
New York. Maybe check on her itinerary and see if she left New York this week? We
really cannot think of anybody else." I told him, and he jots down the name.

" Alright, Dr. Jones, that's it for now. Our men will do a full sweep of the
perimeter before we leave. Our detectives will be patrolling outside your house so
that you can rest easy for tonight. I will let you know in the morning if I have
some developments. Take care and give us a call if they try to contact you again,
Miss Montreal." He ordered and walked to the door. My dad sees him out and thanked

" I'll go and prepare dinner. Agnes, would you like to come with me and help me
out?" My mom stood up and went to the kitchen with Aunt Agnes and Sophie. Dad went
to his study, then Collette and Todd went to their room to rest. I was left alone
with Bella in the living room, she looks tired, so I lifted her and walked upstairs
to my room.

" Liam, where are we going?" She mumbled sleepily.

" To my room, babe. You look like you need a rest." I kissed her forehead and laid
her on my bed. She looks so fragile yet so perfect lying in my bed. I pulled the
covers and put them over her tiny body.

" Sleep, love. I will go down and check with the detectives. I will come to fetch
you when dinner is made, okay? Don't worry too much, baby. You are safe. I will
never leave you." I kissed the top of her head, her hands, and her soft lips.

" Thank you, Liam. I feel better because you're here with me. I love you so much."
She whispered and looked up at me. My heart clenched at the tenderness I saw there.
I dipped my head and captured her lips.

" I love you too, baby, with all my heart, and I will do everything to keep you and
Sophie safe," I promised her. She smiled and closed her tired eyes. I stayed with
her for a while until she fell deep into sleep. I kissed her softly on the head and
went out of my room.
I went to the kitchen to check on Sophie and asked if I could help the two mothers
busy preparing dinner.

" Hey, guy! Anything I can do to help? Hi baby, how's my Princess?" I went to
Sophie sitting by the counter, watching her Nana mixing the sauce for the pasta.

" Hi, daddy. I'm helping Nana make the pasta sauce." She told me animatedly. I
picked her up and kissed her soft chubby cheeks.

" Wow! It must taste so good then. Good job, sweetheart." I twirled her around, and
she squealed in delight.

" Hi, hon. How's Bella doing?" Aunt Agnes asked me while stirring the sauce.

" She fell asleep right away, Aunt Agnes. She was stressed about all this. It
makes me so mad. I want this to end." I told her honestly. If I ever get a hold of
this crazy stalker, I'll wring his neck.

" I do hope the police will catch whoever this guy is, son. I am scared for what he
is planning to do to Bella." My mom butted in and shook her head in frustration.

" Yes, I am too, Carmen. Especially the school is going to start on Monday. She
will be exposed to a lot of people there, and who knows, this guy might try hurting
her while in school." Aunt Agnes added. Her voice is full of misery and fear.

" I know, Aunt Agnes, but I trust the police will do their job in protecting her. I
wanted so much to guard her 24 hours, but I have a clinic to run and my voluntary
work at the hospital too." I told her, frustrated that I cannot do anything to
prevent this from happening.

" Dinner will be served in a few minutes son, go and check on Bella. Wake her up so
we can eat. I'll call your dad and your sister." Mom ordered me, so I went up to my
room to awaken my queen. Sophie came with me to help me wake her mommy up.

We came closer quietly and watched her sleep soundlessly. Sophie went to the other
side while I lay facing her. I tucked her hair on her ear and kissed her forehead.

" Baby, wake up. Dinner is ready, and Sophie is here to fetch you. She helped Nana
cook today." I touched her face softly, and she burrowed her face on my palm.

" Mommy, wake up. I made your favorite pasta sauce. Nana said, it's your favorite,
come on, mommy, I'm hungry." Sophie laid her head on her mother's head and
whispered in her ear.

" Alright! Alright, you two, I'm up!" She grabbed Sophie and tickled her.

" Hello, sleepyhead. Had a good rest?" I asked her and kissed her upturned face.

" Mhmm, until you two disturb my beautiful dream." She chuckled and attacked Sophie
with small kisses. How I wish this will last forever. I wished to build a family
with her. I wished Sophie was my daughter. It will be the best thing ever. After
all of this is through, I will ask Bella to marry me, and I won't take no for an

Chapter 38
Bella's POV
Two days had passed, but no news about the stalker. He also stopped sending me
photos or calling me. I was both relieved and scared. He's probably hiding
somewhere and watching us. Today is the first day of school.

I woke up early to help my daughter change into her uniform and fix her bag. I
can't believe she grew up so fast. She will be turning six this year on Christmas
eve. I still haven't told Liam about her, but I'm planning to tonight. He said he's
taking me out to dinner by the lake. It would be the perfect time to tell him.

I only hope he won't get mad or hate me for hiding it from him. I hope he will
believe me and not turn his back on me. It will be the death of me if he looks at
me differently. I have to let him know that I did not plan it. I was so in love
with him that I abandoned all reasons and let that happen.

I don't regret what happened between us, even if he won't accept me. Sophie is the
best thing that ever came into my life and the best decision I've ever made.

" Sweetheart, are you ready? Let's go eat our breakfast before going to school,
okay?" I held my daughter's hand and led her to the kitchen, where my mom made us
pancakes and bacon. I poured milk on Sophie's glass and a coffee for myself.

" Good morning Nana!" Sophie greeted her grandma cheerfully.

" Good morning, my beautiful Princess. Are you excited for your first day of
school?" Mom asked her, and she nodded eagerly. I smiled and pinched her cheek

" Good morning, mom. I hope the car is in good condition today." I greeted my mom
and kissed her cheek.

" Good morning, dear. Yes, I think it is in great shape, hon. The mechanic sent it
yesterday and said they fixed whatever needs fixing on that old car." Mom said,
smiling. She is now cleaning the counters and the stove.

" Alright, off we go, baby. Say bye to Nana." I stood up and brought our plates and
mugs to the sink, and took our bags. I was putting on my shoes when my phone
sounded. A message from Liam, and it brought a smile to my face.

" Good morning, baby. Good luck on your first day of work. I'm sorry I wasn't able
to come and see you off. The clinic called so early, they needed me there. Please
kiss Sophie for me. I'll see you tonight, don't forget our dinner date. I love you,
baby." He texted, and I smiled so widely. Sophie is looking up at me, so I dipped
my head and kissed her forehead. That's from your daddy, baby, I said in my mind.
She smiled at me and hugged me.

" Thank you, babe, and it's okay. I'll see you tonight, okay? We are going now, or
we'll be running late. Take care, babe. I love you too." I responded to his text
and went to our car. I fastened Sophie's belt first at the backseat, and then I
went to the driver's seat to start the car.

It was a 20 minutes drive to Glendale School, depending on traffic. When we entered

the school ground, I found a good spot for the car under a big tree. I turned off
the engine and got out to get Sophie, and entered the school.

I sent Sophie first to her room and introduced her to her teacher before going to
the Principal's office. I haven't seen nor talked to Tom ever since our last date.
I have to apologize to him for being dragged into this investigation, but I'm not
saying he's off the hook.
I knocked on his door and waited for him to tell me to come in before going in. He
stood up when he saw me enter and came close to me.

' Bella, I'm so glad you're here. Are you okay? What was that all about the stalker
thing? You don't really believe it's me, right?"

" Good morning, Mr. Peters. No, of course not, and I'm sorry if you're dragged into
this mess, sir. We were only trying to discover who that person is. Don't worry.
The police are doing their best to locate the guy." I told him, smiling, keeping a
distance just in case.

" Good. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my colleagues, especially you. So are
you ready for your first day? The kids are eagerly waiting for you in your room."
He changed the subject real quick and sat back in his chair.

" Yep, ready as I'll ever be. I am excited and a little bit nervous, to be honest."
I told him, laughing awkwardly.

" Bella, can I invite you for dinner tonight? After work?" He suddenly said but of
the blue. I was caught off guard and didn't know what to answer. Then I recovered
quickly and declined his offer as gently as I could.

" Oh, I'm sorry, Mr.Peters, but Liam is taking me to dinner tonight," I told him,
smiling apologetically.

" Really? That was fast. Is it safe to say that you chose him over me? You know
what, you don't have to answer that, it is quite obvious. I am happy for you,
Bella, and I hope you'll have a successful life with the Doctor." he said, smiling
sadly. I smiled back and thanked him.

" I better go, sir. My kids are waiting for me. Thank you again for giving me this
opportunity to teach here, Mr. Peters, and I hope you will find the one suitable
for you. Have a good day, sir." I stood and went to the door.

My day was filled with fun and laughter. My students are so sweet and easy to
teach. At lunch, I took Sophie to my room and introduced her to the kids who
remained, and she made friends right away. After school is done, I gathered my
things and went to fetch Sophie in her room.

Her teacher Ms. Rivers was a kind and sweet woman. She said goodbye to her teacher
and went to the parking lot. There are few cars left, and some students loiter in
the ground waiting for their parents. I unlock the door and let Sophie in. She
fastened her seatbelt on her own because she said she's a big girl now.

I went to the driver's side and placed my bag on the passenger seat beside me. I
turned on the engine and wait for it to heat up when my phone rang.

" Hi, babe," I answered happily. It was Liam calling.

" Hello, love. How's my two Princess? Ready to come home? How's your day?" He asked
so many questions. I laughed at his excitement.

" It was fun and exciting, and Sohpie made a lot of friends today. Baby, say hi to
daddy." I passed the phone to Sophie, and I put it on speakerphone because I'm
already driving out of the parking lot.

" Hi, daddy! I love school! But I love you the most! I miss you, daddy!" She
shouted eagerly, and my heart soared. She really loves her dad, and that's all I
asked for.
" Aww, my princess, you make daddy cry. I love you too, sweetheart, so much. Now
pass the phone to mommy. I want to speak to her." Sophie gave me the phone.

" Baby, drive slowly and be safe, okay? I'll wait for you at home. I can't wait to
see you, and I'm excited about our dinner tonight." He told me, and I smiled even
though he can't see me. He has been giving me butterflies ever since I started
crushing on him.

" I will, babe. I miss you too, a lot today. I'm excited about our dinner too. I
have something to tell you. Oh shit!" I exclaimed. I am running a bit too fast.
Then I realized the brakes are not working.

" Bella, what is it?! What's going on?! I can hear Liam shouting and panicking. I
tried, again and again, to step on the brake, but nothing happened.

" The brakes won't work, Liam! We are running too fast! Oh, God! Oh, God!" I
screamed. I looked at Sophie, so scared of what might happen next.

" Bella! Baby, please tell me what's going on! Try to slow down, babe. Try to look
for a safe way to make the car slow down!" Liam is full-blown screaming now.

" I can't, Liam! Oh, my God! Liam! I love you! I'm sorry!" That was the last thing
I said before the car swiveled and toppled over many times. I can see the broken
glass flying around us. I looked at my daughter, and she was creaming. Oh, God,
please protect my daughter. Take me. Take me instead.

Chapter 39
Liam's POV

I was so busy the whole day, but thankfully I was able to finish around 3 pm. I had
time to go to the groceries and prepare for tonight's dinner with Bella. Collette
helped me decorate the lake and laid the cloth by the grass under the big tree.

I will ask her to marry me tonight. I told my parents and Aunt Agnes, and they were
very thrilled about my plan. Bella said she has something to tell me. Well,
whatever it is, I will still marry her. I have waited for this moment forever, and
now that it's here, I'm never letting her go.

It's 4:30. I'm sure Bella is done with school and is getting ready to come home. I
decided to give her a call to ask how her day was and Sophie's. I dialed her
number, and it feels so good to hear her voice. We chatted happily until I hear the
panic in her voice.

" Oh, Shit!" I heard her say.

" Bella, what is it?! What's going on?! I asked her, trying not to sound scared.

" The brakes won't work, Liam! We are running too fast! Oh, God! Oh, God!" She told
me. Now, I can't keep still. My heart is filled with fear, and I panicked.

" Bella! Baby, please tell me what's going on! Try to slow down, babe. Try to look
for a safe way to make the car slow down!" I instructed her despite the growing
fear in my heart. My hands grow cold, and I am shouting now. My parents, Collette
and Todd, came running outside to see what's going on.
" I can't, Liam! Oh, my God! Liam! I love you! I'm sorry!"That was the last thing I
heard from her before a loud crashing sound echoed through my phone and their
screams. I didn't know I was screaming until my parents calmed me down and asked
what happened.

" Liam, what is going on?!" My mom is crying now, and Collette too. I looked at
them with a fear-stricken face and tears flowing from my eyes.

" Mom, Bella, and Sophie. They got into an accident! The brakes won't work, and the
car was running too fast. We got to go to them! We got to find them! Oh, God! I
can't lose them both! I can't!" I cried in my mother's arms like a baby. I am so
scared to know what might have happened to them.

I heard my dad on the phone calling for the police and ambulance. Collette is on
the phone with Aunt Agnes. I was sprawled to the ground balling my eyes out. Todd
and dad helped me up and guided me to the car.

Aunt Agnes came running in tears towards us, and we all went to the crash site.
When we arrived, there are so many police cars, and people gathered. The police
informed us that they were brought to the hospital a few minutes ago. He said they
are both in bad shape and looked critical.

I kneeled to the ground and cried again. I heard Aunt Agnes' scream and cries. Dad
hauled me up, and we all went to the hospital. I felt so numb and trembling
uncontrollably. When we arrived at the hospital, we went straight to the
receptionist and asked about the two new patients.

She told us to go to the ER, and I ran as fast as my feet would allow. I wanted to
go in, but they won't allow me. I screamed for Bella and Sophie, hoping they would
hear me. Todd and dad talked to the Doctor while mom and Collette dragged me away
from the door and placed me on a chair.

I bowed my head and prayed so hard to please keep them safe. Please, God! let them
be okay! Aunt Agnes is still crying beside me, and I held her hand. Then the doctor
came out to talk to us. I stood up and waited for him.

" The two patients are not looking good. The little girl had too many cuts from the
glass, and we need to operate on her ASAP. The problem is, we need a blood donor
for her. Her blood type is rare, and we don't have an emergency pack here." The
doctor informed us. I cursed and asked him.

" What is her blood type? I'll call all my friends and other hospitals." I asked
him, terrified.

" AB negative," The doctor said. I was dumbfounded. What are the odds? I am AB

" I am AB negative! Take my blood! Take as much as you can!" I told him.

" Excellent! Let me pass you to my nurse. She will do the tests if you're an
eligible donor. It will take only a few minutes. We have to hurry. As for the
mother, she is in the operating room right now. She took quite a blow in the head
and sustained fractures and cuts all over her body. The surgeons are doing their
best to save her, but I would have to say, to ready yourselves." He added in a sad
and sorry voice.

" No! That's not true! She will pull through this!" Collette screamed and cried.
Aunt Agnes was crying so hard as well and was holding on to my crying mother.
" Doctor, please save them. Please!" I begged him, almost kneeling. I didn't even
realize the nurse took a sample of blood. I am feeling numb because of the pain I
am feeling in my heart.

" We will try our best, Doctor Jones. That's all I can promise." A few minutes
later, the nurse came back with the result and gave it to the Doctor.

" Thank God! You have healthy blood cells, doctor. It's a good thing you matched
your daughter's blood." He announced, and I was confused at what he said. I heard
gasps around me, but I did not mind it.

" She's not my daughter, doctor. She's my girlfriend's daughter, the one in the
operating room right now." I corrected him, although I would gladly adopt Sophie as
my own child.

" Oh, well, that's not what the results say, doctor Jones. Aside from checking your
blood for diseases or abnormalities, we also checked your DNA, and it says you're
99.9% the father of the child." He told me, and I felt lightheaded. I grabbed the
wall and suddenly want to puke.

" Doctor, we have to hurry! We need blood for the little girl. We are losing time
by the minute." The nurse announced.

" Liam, go, son, save your daughter! We will explain everything when you come back.
Please hurry! Sophie needs you, son!" My mom said, and I looked at all of them.
They all seem to know, but nobody told me. How did it happen? I nodded numbly and
went with the doctor and the nurse.

Now that I know that Sophie is really my daughter, the fear I felt doubled. I have
the two most important people in my life inside that operating room, fighting for
their lives. How can I survive this? How can I function without them?

Chapter 40
I was inside a room lying on the bed with a numb heart, but tears are still flowing
in my eyes. I keep on recalling the events in my life. When and where did I make
love to Bella? Is that what she meant when she said she was sorry a while ago?

Sophie, my beautiful little Princess, is really my daughter. But the thought of

losing them both crushed my heart. She's almost six, which means Bella was pregnant
when she left six years ago. And the only memory I have was the night at the party.
Does it mean it was Bella I had sex with that night?

But why did she leave? Why didn't she tell me? I would have married her in a
heartbeat! This is all my fault. I was a coward back then. If I had only told her
about my feelings for her, she wouldn't have suffered alone.

I would have witnessed her growing belly, the birth of our daughter, and her first
steps. Oh, God! Please, give me this one more chance. I will set everything right!
I will make them both the happiest they could ever be. Please give us more time. I
need more time with them.

The nurse came in and told me we're done. They took two bags of blood from me,
which I don't mind. I will give every single drop of my blood if it saves my baby
girl. She told me to lie down first and drink the juice she prepared.

I waited for a few minutes and went slowly to where my family was waiting outside
the operating room. They all stood up and helped me to a seat. I looked at them,
waiting for an explanation. Collette decided to talk. She held my hand and looked
straight into my eyes.

" Remember the night of the party?" She asked, and I nodded.

" Remembered you got so drunk and had a fight with one of your buddies because you
caught him banging your cheap girlfriend, Jenny?" I nodded again, listening

" Well, Bella and I helped you in your room and changed your clothes. She cleaned
your cuts and bruises. I left her to watch over you because there are still guests
downstairs, and I need to clean up the mess we made." She continued.

" She told me that something happened to both of you that night. You grabbed her
and started kissing her. And because she was so in love with you for so long, she
didn't stop you. She thought you finally noticed her, and she was so happy." She
said, crying.

" But right after you had sex, you said, quote " get out Jenny, we are done,"
unquote. You thought she was Jenny, and she was devastated after that. Do you know
how many times I watched my best friend cry for you, Liam?" She asked and looked at
me, accusingly.

"Every time you have another girlfriend, she will lock herself in the room and cry
her heart out. To see you parading your girls in school broke her heart over and
over. That's why when she found out she was pregnant, she got scared you won't
believe her. That you won't accept the child, so she ran away. Even though it
killed her to leave, she left for you." She is sobbing now, so as my mom and Aunt

" She doesn't want to ruin your life with a baby because she knew you wanted to be
a doctor. She left because she wants you to live life the way you planned it. She
loved you, Liam, all those years ago, until now. There's no other man for her but
you." She ended her speech, and I realized my face is wet with tears.

My poor Bella, my darling sweet girl. What have I done? Dear God! If you grant me
just one more wish, please bring them back to me. Please, I need them. I would
rather die than lose them. Then the doctor came out from the operating room.

" I have good news, and I have bad news. The good news is, little Sophie will
survive. We were able to get all the broken glass from her body and stopped the
bleeding. She is being prepared to be transferred to a private room." The doctor
said, smiling, and I released the breath I'm holding. Thank you, God!

" Another good news is, we were able to operate on Miss Montreal and stopped the
bleeding in her brain. Took out the broken glass from her face and body and fixed
the fractured ribs and legs. The bad news is." He stopped talking and looked at me
with apologetic eyes.

" Miss Montreal went into a coma right after the surgery. The next 24 hours will be
critical, she may wake up, or she may not. The brain is a very complex organ in our
body. I guess it stopped functioning to help the body recuperate from the damage it
took." He informed us, and I stumbled back to slide down to the floor slowly.

" Rest assured; we will do our best to help her. After they are done cleaning her,
we will put her in the ICU. In the meantime, you can visit your daughter but one
visitor at a time. She will be put in Room 304. I am so sorry, Doctor Jones, but we
wish for the best. All we could hope for is a miracle that Miss Montreal will wake
up come back to us. I'll leave you all to check on Sophie." He told us and walked
back to the operating room.

I covered my face with my hand and cried silently. All that went through my head is
she's in a coma and might not wake up. I am relieved that my little girl is saved,
but my Bella, the love of my life, went farther away and may not come back.

I banged my head on the wall and cursed myself. I am stupid! I was so stupid!
Collette sat beside me and hugged me, sobbing.

" Liam, please be strong. Sophie needs you now more than ever. I know Bella will
wake up. She has to! I'm not getting married unless she wakes up! She is the
strongest woman I know. I know she will get through this. She loves you and Sophie
so much, enough for her to fight. Pull yourself together, Liam. Bella needs you."
She whispered to me, and my heart broke a thousand pieces more.

Baby, please wake up! I talked to her in my mind. I believe if a person is in a

coma, her spirit roams free. Baby, if you can hear me, please come back to me. I
cannot face this alone. I cannot raise Sophie alone. We need you, my love. Please
come back to me. I swear I felt a gentle touch on my cheek! I looked up, but
there's nobody there! I cried even more.


Chapter 41
We all went to see Sophie in her assigned room. Todd brought Aunt Agnes home to get
things needed for Sophie and Bella in the hospital. I allowed Collette to go first
and see my little girl. I have to get myself ready. My emotions are all over the
place. Things are a little different now that I know she's my daughter.

Mom and dad followed after Collette, who's a crying mess when she came out. I took
a deep breath and waited for mom and dad to come out. They were so emotional, too,
when they came out. Suddenly, I was so scared to go in. Collette and my parents
urged me to open the door.

I closed my eyes and retook a deep, steady breath before going in. The first thing
I saw is all the wires connected to her. I clutched my chest for the sudden pain I
felt for my little girl. She looked so small on that bed, and she is covered with
bandages all over her body.

I walked slowly towards her, and the tears kept on falling from my face. How did I
not know? How stupid could I be for not recognizing my own child? I reached for her
hand and kissed it.

" Hello, my darling. This is your daddy. Please wake up soon, my sweetheart. I am
so sorry I did not recognize you. I am so sorry I was not there when you were born.
I promise, starting today, I will never leave your side." I cried in her small,
fragile hand.

" Sweetheart, daddy will be waiting. We have to wake mommy up too. You see, mommy
decided to sleep a little bit longer. I want her to wake soon, so we could all be
together." I cried my heart out in front of my sleeping daughter. I was so lost in
my grief when I heard a knock on the door. Collette's head peeked by the door.

" Liam, the police are here. They want to talk to you about the accident." She
informed me, and I nodded my head. I looked at my daughter one more time and kissed
her head before going out.
" Doctor Jones, I am so sorry about what happened. My men were currently patrolling
the area when Miss Montreal left the school. They were right behind her when the
accident happened." Detective Drew said, and I was looking at him emotionless.

" We brought the car to the shop to check for any foul play. My instincts are
right. The car has been tampered with. The brake line has been cut. That's why Miss
Montreal was not able to control the car speed." I cursed so loud and punched the
wall behind me. My mom came to my side and stopped me.

" We are checking all the CCTV around the school and asked some people who might
have seen somebody around the car. I am sorry, Doctor Jones, but we will do our
very best to catch this bastard. I hope Miss Montreal will recover soon." He added
apologetically. " I will keep in touch and let you know if there are any

" Who could have done such a thing? Why are they doing this to Bella?" My dad said
with anger in his voice. I am seething in rage and wanted to punch someone. Whoever
this person is, I will make sure he will suffer in my hand before I hand him over
to the police.

" Liam, let's go to the ICU and visit, Bella." My mom held my arm, but I shook my
head. I don't think I can bear to see her in there. I will lose my mind seeing her
like that.

" Mom, I can't right now. I can't bear to see her, now. I will go crazy, mom. I
will stay with Sophie until she wakes up. Please tell Bella I love her so much. I
will see her when I'm ready." I told them in a broken voice. How could something so
wonderful end up this way?

We were so happy with the last two days before this happened. I can't erase the
last words she told me before they crashed. She loves me until the very last moment
she had consciousness. I was not even able to tell her I love her, too, with all my

I went back to my daughter's room and sat on the chair beside her bed. I rested my
head on the side of the bed, holding her little hand. How can I tell her that her
mom may never wake up? How can you explain to a little girl that her mother might
not come back?

I sobbed and cried for all the pain Bella must have gone through because of me. How
could she love me still after all the pain I gave her? How could she be so
selfless? I was in that state when I heard a small voice calling me.

" Daddy?" I looked up abruptly and stood near her.

" Oh, my sweetheart! Daddy's here. Daddy's here, darling!" I was so happy seeing
her awake and hurt at the same time. She looked in pain and so weak.

" Daddy, where is mommy?" She asked in a soft small voice. My heart clenched, and I
couldn't speak for a while.

" Mommy is sleeping in the other room, sweetheart. Mommy was hurt badly, baby. She
needs to sleep a little bit longer. Don't worry when you're better; we will go and
see mommy together, okay?" I told her and kissed her head.

" Sweetheart, daddy has to call the doctor, okay? I need to tell them you're awake.
I love you, sweetheart." She nodded her small head, and I kissed her hand before
going out to call the doctor.
The doctor checked my daughter's vitals and said she's going to be alright. I
thanked the doctor and went to my daughter's side. Just then, Aunt Agnes came
rushing in. She's in tears when she saw Sophie and came to her side.

" Oh, my darling, sweet girl. I am so happy you are alright. You are a brave little
girl. I love you, my sweetheart." She cried and kissed her head repeatedly.

" Nana, have you seen mommy? I want to see mommy." She started to cry, and I came
to the other side to hold her hand.

" Sweetheart, mommy is in the other room, sleeping. We cannot go and see her for
now, but when you are well and can walk, we will go see her, okay?" Aunt Agnes told
her, and she hiccuped. It breaks my heart to prevent her from seeing her mother. I
cannot let her see her mom's condition. It will break her little heart.

" Sophie, baby, when all of these wires are taken out from your body, I promise we
will go and see mommy, okay?" I told her softly, and finally, she nodded. I kissed
her forehead, trying not to cry in front of her. I need to be strong for her, for

Chapter 42
The last 24 hours are the longest and the most painful in my life. I was in my
daughter's room, but my mind is with the love of my life, fighting for her life in
the ICU. I prayed so hard for her to wake up and look at me the way she used to.

Aunt Agnes is sleeping on the other bed while I stayed on the chair next to my
daughter's bed. It's currently 3 am, but I am still wide awake. Suddenly, Sophie
stirred in her sleep and cried for her mom. I climbed the space beside her and held
her in my arms.

" Ssshhh, sweetheart, daddy's here. Daddy's here. You're alright. I got you." I
whispered to her and kissed her head. I was cautious not to touch or hold her tight
because she is still in pain.

" Daddy, mommy is crying. She is crying in my dreams. She is very sad, daddy.
Please go to her." She said, crying, and I bit my lip so hard not to let out the
sob I am trying to hold.

" I will, baby. I will go and see mommy. Go to sleep, sweetheart. Daddy will stay
with you for a while." I told her and got down from the bed. I caressed her wet
cheek and kissed her hand. Slowly she went back to sleep. I stared at my little
girl for so long and wept. Then I stood up and went out of there.

My heart is beating so fast, and I was dragging my feet to the ICU. I am nearing
the glass window, but I can't seem to will myself to look at her. I leaned on the
wall beside the glass and took a deep breath, and prayed to God to give me

Slowly I got near the window with closed eyes. I placed my forehead on the glass
before slowly opening my eyes. What I saw inside gutted me. My poor baby, my Bella,
is hooked to more wires and a life support machine.

She looked so fragile. She is covered with bandages from head to foot. Her face is
the only visible part, and it was badly bruised, and there are cuts all over it. I
clenched my fist on my heart. It felt like it's been squeezed so tight, I can't
How could an angel, like Bella, go through all these pains? How could someone hurt
this kind, caring, and most loving woman? Whoever he is, I will make him pay. I
took hold of the door handle and wiped my tears.

I need to be near her. She needs to know I am still here, that I am not leaving. I
want her back to me, back in my arms, and see those big innocent hazel eyes stare
back at me. As I drew nearer, I saw the damage it made to her sweet, beautiful

I stared at her with a heavy heart and tears flowing from my eyes. I touched her
face softly and held her hand.

" Hi, baby. I am mad at you. You stood me up for our dinner date, babe. After all
the efforts I made, you stood me up. You need to pay me for that. I need your lips
to compensate me, baby." I whispered to her brokenly.

" Baby, please wake up. I want to hear your voice again. I want to hear your laugh
and see your beautiful smile." I sobbed in her hand.

" Come back to me, baby, please. I am sorry. I am so sorry for not recognizing you
that night. I am sorry you suffered because of me. I know. I know now that Sophie
is mine, and I was over the moon knowing that we made that beautiful princess." I
told her and keep looking for a sign, even how small, that she can hear me.

" Our little girl is okay, baby. She is doing fine now. It's a good thing my blood
matches hers. We were able to save her, and she was asking for you. So, please,
sweetheart, wake up and come back to us. We need you. I need you. I don't know how
to function without you, Bella. I can't lose you again. Please come back to me,
baby." I sobbed my heart out in that empty ICU room with only the beeping sound of
the machine be heard.

I don't know how long I stayed there crying until I can't cry anymore. A nurse came
in to check on her vitals and smiled at me sadly. It's advantageous to be a doctor
here because they allowed me to stay in the hospital and get in the ICU without a

I'm going to file for leave until Sophie gets better and until Bella wakes up. I
will never leave her side, never again. I kissed her cheek fleetingly then decided
to go back to my little girl.

" Baby, I'll go and check on our Sophie, okay? I will come back and revisit you. I
want you to open your beautiful eyes when I come back, babe, or I won't tell you
the surprise I planned for you. I love you so much, Bella." I whispered in her ear
and kissed her temple. I looked back one more time before going out the door.

I guess I stayed there longer than I thought because the sun is shining brightly
outside my daughter's room. She is still sleeping soundly. Aunt Agnes is up and
about fixing the small table.

" Good morning, dear. Did you go and visit Bella? I haven't really gone there. I
don't think I can handle seeing my darling girl in that situation." Aunt Agnes
asked me and wiped her tears. I nodded and went to hug her.

If I am suffering and in agony seeing Bella like that, what of the mother who
carried her in her womb and nurtured her as she grows? I can't imagine the pain
Aunt Agnes must be feeling right now.

" We will get through this, Aunt Agnes. Bella will wake up. I know she will. She
has too much to lose if she won't wake up. She can't bear to leave you and Sophie."
I murmured to her and rubbed her back as she cried silently in my arms.

" Good morning, guys." Collette appeared at the door with my parents. They brought
spare clothes for me, and they brought breakfast.

" Good morning, son. How are you holding up?" My dad embraced me and tapped my

" Morning, dad. I'm hanging there. I am positive Bella will come back to us." I
told him emotionally.

" Good morning, sweetheart. I brought you some clothes and things you need, and
there are food and fruits as well. Come, Agnes, Let's have breakfast. How's my
angel?" My mom informed me and came to Sophie's bed. Just then, Sophie stirred and

She must have felt sore and in pain due to her wounds. I rushed to her and calmed
her down. Collette rushed to the other side as well and whispered to her to help
cal her down.

" Nana? Is mommy awake? I want to see mommy. I want mommy." She sobbed, and
everyone is getting emotional. I choked up and kissed her little hand.

" Sweetheart, mommy is just waiting for you. When you are fully healed, we will go
and see mommy, okay?" Aunt Agnes told her, and she stopped crying, but the hiccups
didn't stop. My mom went to get the doctor to check on her.

" How are you, sweetheart? You are such a brave little girl. Dr. Jones, you can
feed her soft food and fruit juice. No solid food yet for two days, but she can
have fruits. I will give mild pain killers for her wounds, and the nurse will come
to change the bandages." The kind doctor instructed me. I nodded my head and
thanked him.

" As for your girlfriend, she is out of danger, but unfortunately, she is still in
a coma. We don't know what's causing this, but we are positive that she will wake
up anytime soon. I will take her off life support since she is breathing on her
own." I gave a deep sigh, and I hear gasps and a silent cry behind me.

We will keep on monitoring her progress, but right now, all I can say is, she is
just taking a very long and deep sleep. So if you are truly her Prince Charming,
kiss her with all you got so she will wake up." The doctor jokes and I smiled at
him, so relieved that Bella is out of danger.

Baby, I will annoy the heck out of you every day if you don't open your eyes. I
will kiss you openly even with people around if you don't wake up, you hear me? So
hurry your butt and stop sleeping, baby. We miss you already. I miss you.

Chapter 43
We all went into a routine. Aunt Agnes and I will look after Sophie and Bella
during the night while Collette and mom take the day shift. Although I barely leave
the hospital, I only go home to shower, change, and back to the hospital.

It's been a week since the accident, but Bella still didn't wake up. Sophie is
getting better now. Her bruises are gone, and the bandages are gone. She is a
little weak and moody, but we tried to entertain her a little longer to keep her
mind off her mother.
I am yet to talk to my little girl. I have to tell her that I am her real dad, but
I am scared. I don't know if she will accept me or be angry at me for not being
there for them for the past six years. My parents and Aunt Agnes has been urging me
to confess to my daughter.

Today, She will be able to walk around the hospital, and the first thing she asks
is if she can go and see her mom. I dreaded to let her see her mom, but maybe, if
Bella hears her voice, she will wake up.
She is very excited and asks me to hurry up.

I put her in a wheelchair since the ICU is a bit far. I don't want to strain her.
She has just recovered and is still a bit weak.

I asked Bella's doctor to allow us to her room for a few minutes. They said she
could be transferred to a room but still will be monitored until she wakes up. The
police doubled their guards outside Bella's and Sophie's room.

I am excited and scared at the same time for Sophie to see her mother. I want Bella
to hear Sophie's voice to give her the courage to wake up. I know she will be
relieved to know our little girl is okay.

When we entered the ICU, I can see that most bandages are gone, and her bruises are
fading. I lifted Sophie in my arms and placed her beside her mother's bed. Sophie
touched her mother's face and laid her head in her mother's chest.

I bit my lip to stop the tears from falling. She missed her mother so much, and I
do too. I want to see her smile and hear her voice.

" Mommy, wake up. I want to go home now. Stop sleeping and wake up." She whispered
to her mother, and I rubbed her small head.

" Bella, wake up, love. Sophie is here, baby, and we want you back." I kissed her
forehead and cheek. I know she can hear us. There are tears on the corners of her

" Baby, I miss you so much. Please stop pretending to sleep and wake up already. I
want us both to tell Sophie the truth. I can't do this without you, babe." I told
her, squeezing her hand.

" Mommy, please wake up. Daddy is always crying because you keep on sleeping. Nana,
too is very sad. let's go home, mommy." Sophie touched her face, trying to wake her

" Doctor Jones, I'm sorry, but time's up. We will be preparing her to be
transferred to a private room. You can stay with her there for as long as you
want." The nurse interrupted us with an apologetic smile. I nodded at her and asked
Sophie to say bye to her mom.

" Sweetheart, say bye to mommy for now. We will go to her room once she's
transferred, okay?" I told her, she clung to her mother's chest for so long it
broke my heart.

" Mommy, we will see you again. We will wait for you to wake up. I will sleep
beside you in your room and daddy too." She whispered to her and turned to me to be
lifted off the bed. I kissed my daughter's head and placed her back in her

" See you later, baby. I love you." I kissed her forehead again, then left the
room. When we arrived at Sophie's room, Aunt Agnes, Collette, and my parents are
there with Detective Drew.

" Liam, Detective Drew has some news for us." My dad told me. I placed Sophie back
to her bed and sat there beside her.

" What is it, detective? Have you found the bastard who cut the brakes of Bella's
car?" I asked him, gritting my teeth. I wanted so bad to find whoever did this and
beat him to a pulp.

" We checked the woman name Taylor, but she's off the hook. She has a solid alibi
from the moment the stalking started. She was in Paris for a modeling gig, and we
checked the airlines and hotel that she checked in, and it matches." He told me,
and I nodded but not so convinced yet.

" We have in custody a CCTV footage of the person seen near her car, Doctor Jones,
and possibly the suspect. The said guy was brought to the headquarters for
questioning. He is junky and accepts odd jobs to get money." He informed us, but
that is not what I want to hear. I want to know who asked this guy to do it. The
real culprit is still out there and might be planning something else to harm my

" Please make it quick, detective. Find this guy as soon as possible! Every moment
he's at large, my family will always be in danger. I want them to pay for what they
did to my girlfriend and my daughter!" I shouted out of frustration. My mom came to
my side and patted my shoulder to calm me down.

" We are doing everything we could, Doctor Jones. In the meantime, we will double
our security and make sure not to leave Miss Montreal or your daughter alone in the
room." Detective Drew advised. My dad showed him to the door and thanked him. I
ruffled my hair and sighed in dismay.

" Liam, honey, calm down. The police are doing their job. We will soon find out who
did this to Bella and Sophie. You have to be strong, son, for Bella, for Sophie."
Aunt Agnes said and held my hand tight.

" Bella is going to be transferred to a room today. I will stay with her. Please
watch over Sophie and never let anyone come in. Right now, we don't know who to
trust. In a few days, Sophie will be released from here. Please don't let her out
of your sight." I told my family and Aunt Agnes, who all nodded their head grimly.

As of this moment, everyone is a suspect. I am not taking any chances. I will

protect Bella and Sophie with my life. I have been a fool before for letting her
slip in my hand. I will not make the same mistake again. My only hope is she wakes
up soon to start our lives together with our little girl.

Chapter 44
That night, I am finally beside my Bella. For the first time, Aunt Agnes saw her
daughter, and she wept for her daughter. I let Sophie stay with me for a while
until it's time for her medication and rest.

Her room is right beside Bella's room, which is very convenient for everyone. I
watched Bella sleep, and I can't help but get emotional again. I slowly climbed on
her bed and lay down beside her. I combed my finger through her hair softly and
kissed her temples.

" Hi, my love. Can you please stop sleeping and let me sleep too? I am scared to
close my eyes because I might miss the moment you open your eyes. Baby, I am sorry.
I am sorry for hurting you over and over again. Why didn't you tell me, Bella? Why
didn't you give me a chance to see Sophie grow?" I whispered to her softly.

" I am so mad at you for thinking that you will be a hindrance to my plans. I could
have taken care of you when you were pregnant, Bella. I could have seen Sophie on
her first step. Hear her first word. You took that away from me, baby." I cried
beside her.

" But I am willing to forget all that and forgive you if you will only open your
eyes, baby. I promise I will take care of you and Sophie, and our future children
forever. Just please come back to me." I whispered and sobbed beside her. I am
hugging her so close to me, so scared to let go.

I want to hear her voice so badly. I swear I am hearing them now. I cried even
more, when I felt a hand touched my head.

" Bella, please wake up, my love. I need you. I cannot go on another day without
hearing your voice, sweetheart, please?" I told her and wept even more.

" Liam, I'd gladly wake up if you could only stop squeezing me so tight, my love.
You are hurting me." I heard a soft, hoarse voice. I stopped breathing and slowly
raised my eyes at her. There I saw the most beautiful eyes that I missed so much,
smiling down at me.

" Hi, babe." She said, smiling sadly at me, and I scrambled to my feet with wide
eyes. Then I realized what is happening and rushed back towards her.

" Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Baby, you're awake! You came back! Oh, God! Thank you,
thank you so much." I said repeatedly and kissed her all over her face and kissed
her lips gently.

" I'll call the doctor, baby. I have to call everyone, let them know you're awake.
Oh, God, I love you. I love you so much, sweetheart." I whispered to her and kissed
her hand over and over. I can't believe she's awake.

" Babe, can we have this moment alone for a while? I want to be alone with you. I
miss you." She asked softly, and I nodded eagerly and sat down beside her. I placed
my forehead on hers and stared at her beautiful hazel eyes.

" You gave us a scare, baby. I thought I'm going to lose you. Sophie has been
asking for you. I didn't know what to tell her. Thank you, thank you for coming
back to me, to us." I told her, kissing her tenderly.

" That last moment was the scariest moment of my life, Liam. I thought I would
never see you again. I thought I wouldn't be able to tell you about Sophie. I am so
sorry, Liam, for hiding the truth from you. I was so scared when I found out I was
pregnant. When you didn't recognize me that night, I was so hurt, and I have
decided to stay away from you. " She continued.

" But then I found out I was pregnant. It added to my misery and fear. I was scared
you wouldn't believe me and won't accept the baby. So I decided to go back to
Denver and finish my studies there. But there's never a day that I forget about
you, especially when Sophie was born." She is crying softly now. I keep wiping her
tears and kissing her.

" She looked exactly like you. She has your dimples and your smile. It made me miss
you even more. I am sorry, Liam." She finished and wept.
" No, baby. I should be the one to say sorry. If I only took the courage and told
you how I feel, things would have happened differently. I am so sorry I wasn't
there when you needed me, my love." I whispered to her and kissed her forehead.

" That night at the lake when I kissed you, that was me giving in to my emotions.
But then I got scared again when I saw your shocked face, and I remembered I had a
girlfriend. I am sorry if I hurt you that night, sweetheart." I pleaded with her
and closed my eyes.

" That's all in the past, babe. What's important is now. We have the rest of our
lives to show each other how much we love each other. But first, we have to tell
our darling girl the truth. Now, call the doctor and let them check me, babe. I'm
getting tired again." She whispered to me and scrambled to my feet.

" Wait for me, baby. Don't close your eyes again, you hear?" I told her, so scared
that she'll go to a long sleep again when I come back. She chuckled and nodded at
me. I kissed her one more time and ran outside to call the doctor and nurses.

The doctors were so shocked and happy to see her awake and are smiling at everyone.
I went to my daughter's room and told Aunt Agnes the good news. She was in tears
and ran to the other room. I lifted my sleeping daughter in my arms and whispered
to her.

" Wake up, baby girl, mommy is looking for you, sweetheart. She's finally awake." I
told her, kissing her temples. We transferred to the other room, and there I saw
Aunt Agnes crying in her daughter's hands.

" Mommy?" Sophie whispered sleepily, and I saw Bella's face lit up, and her eyes
watered when she saw Sophie in my arms and heard her voice.

" Oh, my baby. I miss you so much, sweetheart. I am so sorry. Mommy took so long to
wake up. I am so happy to see you are okay, my sweetheart. I was so scared I
wouldn't be able to see you again." She cried, holding our daughter so tight in her
arms. I kissed them both on the head, so glad this is all over. I thanked God so
much for giving me my last wish. To bring them back to me.

Chapter 45
I called my parents and Collette early in the morning to tell them the good news.
They all came rushing to the hospital and cried when they saw Bella sitting on her
bed with Sophie on her lap. The doctor and nurses came soon after and checked
Bella's and Sophie's vitals.

" Aaaah, Miss Montreal, finally you are awake. You had us worried back there." The
doctor smiled at Bella. My heart wants to burst out of happiness to see her smile
finally. She kept glancing at me and give me a sweet smile.

" Thank you, doctor, and thank you for saving me. I never thought I'd be able to
see the people I love." She said in a very emotional voice. I gathered her in my
arms and kissed her temple.

" Just doing our job, Miss Montreal. So, doctor Jones, you really are a Prince
Charming after all. You were able to kiss your girlfriend awake." He joked, and
everyone laughed.

" Yes, daddy is my mommy's, Prince Charming. She always tells me when I was little
that my daddy is her Prince." Our daughter butted in, and we were surprised by her
" Sweetheart, you remembered that? You were only three or four when I said that."
Bella asked our little girl, who is sitting on her lap.

" Of course, mommy. When you said my daddy is a Prince and leaves in a faraway
castle, I asked God every night to bring him back so that you won't be sad anymore
and you will stop crying. He is my daddy, right?" She asked us, and we were all
choked at her question. She sure is brilliant for a five-year-old, unlike me, who
was so stupid to realize and see the resemblance.

" Oh, baby, how did you know? We never told you." Bella asked our daughter

" Because when we saw him at the airport, I saw how you look at him and him to you.
And duh, mommy, I look like daddy. You are happy when you see him. You always
smile." She answered her mother, and everyone laughs at our red faces. I took her
from Bella's lap and hugged her to me. I kissed her repeatedly and teared up.

" Oh, my sweet girl, I am so sorry. Daddy was so dumb to realize it sooner. Mommy
didn't tell me you existed, so I didn't know, but that is all in the past. I am
here now, and I will take care of you and mommy, okay? I love you both so much. You
are my world now." I told her in a broken voice.

I felt Bella's arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. Everyone in the room
seemed to be affected by the situation; hence, everyone sniffed and wiped their

" We are so happy you are finally together, son. So very happy." My mom said,

" Alright, Miss Montreal, we'll keep you here for a few days, and then if your test
results come out okay, we will send you home. I'll leave you all to your happy
reunion, and Miss Montreal, welcome back." The Doctor said before going out of the

" Bella, I swear if you didn't wake up, Todd would curse you for eternity,"
Collette told Bella, glaring happily at her.

" What? Why? What did I do?" Bella asked in confusion.

" Because the day you were in a coma, I declared that I would not marry him unless
you wake up. So he was so agitated after. We moved the wedding day indefinitely,
depending on when you are going to wake up." She announced, Bella gasped, and we
all laughed and nodded at her to tell her it's true.

" You crazy girl! What if I didn't wake up?! Are you gonna let Todd wait forever?"
She scolded Collette and looked at Todd apologetically.

" I would, Bella. I'd be crazy to let this equally crazy girl out of my hand." Todd
answered sincerely with a smile and kissed my sister. I am so glad they found each
other. Only Todd was crazy enough to tolerate my sister's weird personality.

" Awww, that is so sweet, Todd, thank you. And I am so sorry your wedding is
delayed because of me." My darling girl apologized to them with a sad smile.

" What are you talking about, Bella? We can't celebrate and be happy while you are
lying here in the hospital. I will not walk down that aisle without my maid of
honor." Collette told her with a voice full of indignation.

" Alright, kids, let's leave Bella to rest again, but please do wake up this time,
hon, okay?" My dad announced and joked at Bella, which made her and everyone laugh.
Our little Angel is lying in her mother's lap, sleeping.

" Yeah, we have to get to the wedding planner as well and set a date for the
wedding again. We have to call the florist, the chef for our cake, the caterer, oh
and everyone else. I am so happy you are finally back with us, Bels. You really
scared the heck out of me." My sister Collette said and went to hug Bella.

" I am so happy to have you back, Bels. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you."
She added and hugged Bella a bit tighter.

" Thanks, Cols. I am just thankful I was given a second chance in life. I am so
happy to see all of you again." Bella answered tearfully.

" We have to go too, son. I have to help your sister with the wedding. Call us if
you need anything, alright? Bella, sweetheart, so good to have you back. We were so
scared. We thought we're going to lose you. I've never seen my son so devastated,
so lost when you were in a coma." My mom hugged Bella too and kissed her cheek.
Then, my dad followed and kissed Bella too.

" We have to go, son, but we'll be back later and bring you food, okay?" My dad
said and hugged me.

" Thanks, Dad," I answered him, then looked at Collette and Todd.

" Take care, guys, and thank you. Sorry I won't be of much help to your
preparations." I told them.

" No worries, bro. I know you wouldn't waste time away from your family. Take care
of Bella and Sophie. We'll handle the wedding." My sister smiled then they all went
out the door.

" Liam, Bella, since Sophie is asleep, I'll go home for a while and get some change
of clothes and bring back the dirty ones. I'll be back before lunch, okay?" Aunt
Agnes said, and we both agreed.

" It's okay, mom. Take a nap for a while. Liam and I will take care of Sophie. Be
careful, mom, and I love you." Bella said, smiling at her mother. Aunt Agnes
approached her bed and kissed her head.

" I love you, too, Hon. I am so grateful you came back to us. I can't lose you too,
Bella, I just can't." Aunt Agnes cried on Bella's shoulder, and Bella was getting
emotional too.

After the scare we all went through these past few days, it made me realize how
important it is to tell that someone you love how much you love them. This is where
we start celebrating life.

Chapter 46
After two days, Sophie was released from the hospital, while Bella slowly recovered
and healed fully. Thanks to technology, her scars and bruises are all gone now, but
I know the invisible scar will forever be there.

Those scars will make us stronger and remind us that life is short and that we
should value and love each other more. It will always remind us that we are given a
second chance in life, at love, and we should not waste it.
I stayed with Bella in the hospital while Aunt Agnes took care of Sophie at home.
Bella is scheduled to be released tomorrow, and we are so relieved. We watched a
classic movie on the TV, Bella is leaning on me with my arms around her when
there's a knock on the door, and an unexpected visitor came in.

" Sorry, I hope I did not interrupt anything?" Principal Tom came in with flowers
and fruits.

" No, no, Mr. Peters, come in," I answered him, but I did not make an effort to
stand up. Instead, my hold on Bella tightened. As I've said, everyone is guilty
until proven innocent.

" How are you, Bella? I'm sorry if I only came today. I was busy at school,
especially when you're class suddenly was left without a teacher. We had to find a
substitute teacher, asap. I am so glad you are okay. We were so worried when we
heard you had an accident with Sophie on board." He apologized and approached the
bed, handed the flowers to Bella, which I didn't like, and handed me the basket.

I reluctantly let go of Bella and placed the basket on the table. He sat down on
the chair beside Bella's bed and held her hand. I glared at his back and went
around the bed to again gather Bella in my arms. She pulled her hand from Tom's
grasp and thanked him for the flowers.

She turned to me, smiled, and kissed me. I was shocked for a while, then smiled and
kissed her back. I like this side of her. She's not embarrassed anymore to show her
feelings for me, especially in front of this guy.

" Thank you, Tom, for handling the situation in school. I will be released tomorrow
and rest for a month before I can go back to work. That is if I still have a job to
go back to." Bella asked Tom with sad unsure eyes.

" Of course, Bella, the job is still yours. Come back whenever you're ready, the
school can wait. I am just glad you and your daughter are okay. And congratulations
to both of you, I guess. I can see that you've patched up whatever it was between
you two." He said, smiling, but it didn't reach his eyes.

" Thank you, Tom, we appreciate that," I answered him with a nod and kissed Bella's
temples. He only stayed for a while. The atmosphere is a bit awkward, so he stood
up and left after wishing Bella well.

When he left, Bella and I were left staring at the TV. We are both lost in our
thoughts. I am weighing everything in my head whether to suspect Mr. Peters or not.
I really don't know the guy. I haven't heard of him. I don't think he studied at
our school because I would have remembered him.

" Baby, how well do you know, Tom?" I asked Bella. She looked at me as if she knows
what I'm talking about.

" Are you suspecting him, babe? Honestly, I was thinking the same thing. Remember
the time we went on a date, and I told you he was acting strange?" She asked me,
and I nodded.

" Well, that night, I saw a different side of Mr. Peters. The first time we met in
school, he was sweet and kind. But when I turned him down, he seemed to be
aggressive and pissed off." She continued, and I listened intently.

" What do you mean when you turned him down? Did he make a pass at you? Did he
court you? That scumbag!" I was surprised and enraged by what she said.
" Yes, he stated his intentions when we were at the restaurant. Then I told him I
was not ready for a relationship, but really I was pining for you. Then when we
were in his car outside my house, he wouldn't let me out. That's why I was so
thankful you called at the right moment." She told me, and I was trembling in
anger. That son of a bitch tried to use force on my woman!

I will have to keep an eye on him and dig deeper about him. He may have a solid
alibi, but he could still be behind all of it.

" Baby, I want you to stay as far away from him as possible, okay? Do not let
yourself be alone with him in a room or anywhere. I will have to tell Detective
Drew about this and tell him to dig more about Mr. Peters. Please, baby, promise
me." I looked her in the eye and made her promise. I can't bear it anymore if
something happens to her again.

" I promise, Liam. I'm not comfortable around him anyway. I will have to find a way
to avoid him, although it will be difficult once I start working." She answered
while cupping my cheek. I kissed her forehead and tucked her head under my chin.

" Don't worry, love. We will find the bastard who did this to you and our little
Princess. Oh, baby, you don't know how happy I am to know she is my daughter. I was
over the moon but scared at the same time. I don't have any idea on how to be a
father." I confessed to her my fears of being Sophie's dad.

" Liam, you were wonderful. Even if you make mistakes, she will love you no matter
what. Can't you see how much she adores you? She loves you, babe, don't forget
that. We will make it work, you and I." She said softly, smiling up at me.

" I am sorry, again, my love. It was never my intention to hurt you or cause you
pain. Destiny was mean and played a trick on us. It conspired to drive this wedge
between us, but despite the mistake of lying to you, my heart and soul has always
been yours." She continued tearfully.

" Baby, that's all in the past. What is more important is that you are here, in my
arms, alive. We will start afresh, my love, with our darling little Angel." I told
her, cupping her face in my hands.

I dipped my head and captured her sweet lips to mine and kissed her with all the
love I felt for her. I savored every moment with her because every second, every
minute, is valuable to me now. I will show her every day how much she means to me.

I was a fool six years ago, and I intend to change that. I won't let my fear and
insecurities stop me from what truly makes me happy.

Chapter 47
Finally, Bella will be out of the hospital today. I feel so relieved and happy that
she recovers quickly. She misses our little girl already, so do I.

We checked out of the hospital after three weeks, and I've never felt more blessed
than today. I helped Bella to my car and fastened her seat belt for her.

" Babe, I can do that myself, don't make a fuss." She giggled, but I answered her
with a searing kiss to her lips then her forehead.

" Let me pamper you a little bit more, baby. Just sit back and relax. I got you." I
winked at her and stole another kiss before closing her door. I rounded up to my
side of the car and started the engine. I held Bella's hand while driving, but she
reprimanded me.

" Liam, concentrate on driving, babe. You can have my hand and other parts of my
body later at home." She told me and looked at me with apprehension.

" Baby, relax. I'm a good driver, and I'm driving at a normal speed." I calmed her
down. I think she developed a phobia after what happened to them.

" I'm sorry, babe. I'm not comfortable riding a car after what happened. Don't
worry. I will be fine after a while." She said, breathing heavily. I took her hand,
kissed it, and then let it go.

" It's okay, baby, I understand. Why don't you close your eyes and lean your head
on the back of your seat? I'm here, babe, I got you. I won't let anything happen to
you, okay?" I told her and glanced at her. She nodded and leaned her head backward,
closing her eyes.

I focused on driving and glancing at my girl from time to time. She was clasping
the seat belt tightly and was breathing heavily. I wanted so badly to comfort her,
but I need to hurry and bring us home. The sooner, the better.

After 20 minutes, I am already parked outside their house. I turned off the engine
and took out my seat belt. I turned to her and cupped her face.

" Sweetheart, open your eyes. We're home, love." I told her. I unfastened her seat
belt for her. Slowly she opened her eyes and let out a long sigh. She looked around
and settled her gaze on me. I can see the fear in her eyes, and it pains me to see
it there.

" Wait here, babe, I'll open the door for you, alright?" I told her, and she nodded
her head slowly. I kissed her lips so tenderly and got out of the car. I opened her
door and held her hand to help her out of the car. I steadied her before letting
her go to get the bags out from the back seat.

I extended my hand to her, and we walked to their door slowly. I can feel her
trembling still, so I put my arm around her and kissed her temple. It is currently
5 in the afternoon. I know her mom, my family, and our daughter is waiting inside
for us.

They are giving her a surprise to welcome her home. That is why nobody came out to
greet us. I asked her to open the door, pretending I left something in the car.

" Go on first, babe. I left my phone in the car. I'll be right behind you, okay?' I
urged her in and stepped back. So she went and opened the door only to be greeted
with shouts of surprise.

" Surprise!" Everyone cheered, and she stood frozen, shocked and happy. She looked
back at me, and I grinned. I approached her and hugged her from the back.

" Welcome home, baby," I whispered and kissed her cheek.

" Mommy! Daddy!" Our little Princess ran towards us, and I lifted her in my arms.
Bella hugged us both and kissed our little Princess all over her face.

" Hi sweet pea, I missed you so much, baby." She kissed Sophie's hand repeatedly,
and I kissed my daughter's cheek as well, then kissed Bella's head.

" Welcome home, best. I am so happy to see you home." My sister Collette hugged
Bella, then Aunt Agnes and my parents followed.

I guided Bella to the sofa and handed Sophie to her to sit on her lap. I then
placed our bags inside her room and joined them outside. I sat beside Bella and our
daughter, put my arm around them, and chatted with dad.

Mom and Aunt Agnes are in the kitchen, busy preparing dinner. I felt Bella's head
lean on my chest and heard her sigh contentedly. I kissed the top of her head, and
she looked up at me, smiling. I smiled back at her, whispered in her ear.

" I love you." Her smile widened, and her cheeks turned red. She looks so adorable.
I pinched her nose and kissed her forehead. She doesn't need to answer. I can see
it all in her eyes. The love she has for me shone brightly in her eyes, and I feel
the luckiest man in the world.

" Hey, Cols, where's Todd?" I heard Bella asked Collette, who is sitting on the
single couch beside her.

" He will be here later, babe. He has some urgent matters to attend to in the
office. He said he's sorry he missed the surprise party but welcomes you home." My
sister informed her.

" Oh, please thank him for me. We'll get together some other time." Bella said.
Then my mom came out from the dining and informed us that dinner is ready. I stood
up and took Sophie from Bella's lap and lifts her in my arms, tickling her.

I reached my hand to Bella to help her stand and wrapped it around her waist. We
walked to the dining room together. My sweet Princess clinging to my neck while my
darling girlfriend wrapped her arms around me. My heart feels like bursting with
happiness right now.

How did I ever get so lucky? I got the girl of my dreams and was blessed with a
sweet little angel. I looked around me, saw the most important people in my life
surround us, and I thanked God for all these blessings.

Little did we know that a pair of eyes are watching us from the window, seething
in anger. This person was pissed to see us so happy.
They didn't know. Another storm is brewing and coming their way. I can only hope
that they will stay strong and trust each other. A love this strong will be tested
time and time again.

Chapter 48
Soon after dinner, we all gathered in the living room, sipping our coffees. As
usual, Bella is in my arms, and Sophie is in her lap. I can see the strain on
Bella's face when I looked down on her. She is obviously still recuperating, and
the excitement of the day is taking a toll on her.

My parents must have noticed it too that they call it a night. Collette went with
them and told Bella she'll revisit her tomorrow. After the hugs and goodbyes, I
took Sophie in my arms and told Bella to freshen up.

I told her I would tuck our daughter to bed while she gets ready for bed. If you're
wondering, I'm spending the night. There's no way in hell I'm leaving my girl alone
tonight. She smiled at me gratefully and kissed Sophie and me.
" Goodnight, mommy, goodnight, Nana." Our angel whispered sleepily to her mother
and grandmother.

" Goodnight, my darling girl." Aunt Agnes answered and kissed Sophie's cheek, then
turned to Bella and me.

" Goodnight, honey." She hugged and kissed Bella.

"Thank you, Liam, and goodnight." She squeezed my arms.

" There's no need to thank me, Aunt Agnes. I will gladly do this for the rest of my
life." I answered her and smiled. She patted my cheek and retired to her room.

" Goodnight, mom," Bella answered her mom.

" Goodnight, my sweet. I love you." Bella turned to our daughter and kissed her
again. She then went to her room while I went to my daughter's room. She asked me
to read her a book before going to bed, which I happily obliged.

This will be the first time I tucked my daughter in bed as her father and read her
a story. I become a little bit emotional. I sat beside her in her bed and read her
favorite book, sleeping beauty. She said the book is about her mom and me and how I
kissed her mom so that she will wake up.

I laughed at what she said and agreed with her. I was in the middle of the story
when she fell asleep with her head on my lap. I was stroking her hair while
reading, which helped her fall asleep faster. I kissed her head and covered her
with the blanket securely. I turned off the lights but left a small lamp on.

I stared at my little Angel and felt so proud that I am her father. She has her
mother's eyes, but she resembles me more when I was young. How could I be so blind
and stupid and did not see? In my defense, I did not know Bella was that girl six
years ago. So it didn't cross my mind that I am Sophie's father.

I stared at my sleeping daughter a bit more before closing her door and transferred
to Bella's room. She is already on the bed facing the door. Her drooping eyes tells
me she is fighting sleep to wait for me. I approached her and bent to kiss her

" Go to sleep, love. I will hop in there to take a quick shower." I pointed to the
bathroom and smiled. She nodded and closed her eyes. I kissed her head again then
went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After 15 minutes of rushed shower, I came out of the bathroom with only my boxers
on. I rubbed my wet hair with the towel then climbed to the bed beside Bella. I
gathered her in my arms when I saw her stirred and faced me.

She placed her head on my chest and felt her hand over my heart. I took her hand
and kissed her palm. I placed my lips on her forehead to give her a long kiss,
holding her hand above my heart.

" I love you, Bella," I whispered to her. She then looked up at me and stared into
my eyes with so much love.

" I love you, too, Liam." She whispered back. My heart constricted, and I felt like
crying. We stared at each other lovingly. Slowly I dipped my head and kissed her
soft, sweet lips. I poured all my love into that kiss and held her in my arms
She raised her hand to cup my cheek, and I held her face in my hand. I deepened our
kiss and intruded her mouth with my tongue. I heard her moan softly, and I am
getting turned on, but I am still holding back.

I know she's not fully recovered, but she just felt so good in my arms, and her
kisses and moans are so addicting.

" Baby, we need to stop. You are still weak and not yet fully healed. Trust me,
baby, I am hanging on a thin thread here. I want you so bad, it hurts, but I don't
want to hurt you, too. I will wait, baby, until you're fully recovered. Then I will
make love to you all night long." I whispered to her in a strained voice, trying to
control my arousal.

" Thank you, babe. Sorry if I make you uncomfortable." She answered shyly. I lifted
her face and stared at her beautiful hazel eyes.

" I am not uncomfortable, babe. I am aroused. I want you, but I love you more
that's why I will let you sleep, for now." I smiled at her and kissed her lips
repeatedly. She giggled and kissed me playfully, too.

" Now, off to sleep, you beautiful temptress." I tapped her bum, and she gasped.
She hit my chest softly and buried her face in my neck. I chuckled and hugged her
tight. She is still very innocent despite her being a mother.

My sweet, innocent girl is still so shy with our little intimacy. I will show her
how much she affects me and how much I wanted her when it is time.

" Goodnight, my love," I whispered to her and kissed her head.

" Goodnight, babe, and thank you for making me feel like I'm the most beautiful
woman in the world. Being in your arms like this and listening to your heartbeat is
my favorite place to be." She whispered back and kissed my chin. I gathered her
close and put the cover over us, sighing contentedly.

" Because to me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, baby. When I hold
you in my arms, I feel like I'm holding the whole world." I told her and hugged her
tight, kissing her forehead.

She wrapped her arm around my torso and put her leg over mine. I wrapped my arm
around her as well and held her head close. We fell asleep holding each other tight
as if scared we might lose each other.

No words can describe the feeling I am feeling right now. Watching her sleep in my
arms is the best feeling of all. If I were time, I would stop and watch her sleep
all night.

Chapter 49
Bella's POV

I woke up with a start. I feel like someone is watching me, watching us. It's still
dark outside, and Liam is sleeping soundly beside me. I reached for my phone to
check the time. It's only 2 am.

I got up, suddenly feeling thirsty. I put on my robe and slowly went out of my
bedroom to get water. The whole house is so quiet. I walk to the dimly lit living
room. Some light is coming in from the glass window. I went straight to the
kitchen, grabbed a glass, and filled it with water.
I looked out the window and watched the darkness. I thought about the accident, and
I can't help but shudder. I could have died. My daughter could have died. Whoever
this guy is, he really wants us dead.

While looking out the window, I suddenly gasped, and goosebumps covered my body. I
think there's someone out there watching me. I saw a shadow move from behind the

I put my glass on the sink and hurried out of there. I almost screamed when I
bumped into someone. Strong arms held me by the waist, and when I looked up, I was
so relieved it was Liam.

" Baby, what are you doing out of bed this late?" He asked me. I hugged him tight,
and I'm pretty sure he felt me shiver.

" I got thirsty, babe, so I came out to get some water," I whispered to him,
burying my face on his chest.

" Then why are you shivering? What's going on?" He asked again and stroked my head
and back. He lifted my face with his hand and stared into my eyes with worry.

" I thought I saw someone outside. At the back, behind the trees. I saw a shadow
move like it is watching me. But maybe I imagined it, or my mind is playing tricks
on me because of what happened." I whispered to him, fear is still evident in my
face and my voice.

" Are you sure? Come on, let's go check." He held my hand and led me to the
kitchen. He looked out the window and watched the tree, but there's no one there.

" Maybe it was just the branches or the leaves moving, baby then created a shadow
that you thought it was someone moving." He told me, then rubbed my arms.

" Maybe," I answered softly, but not really convinced. I swear I felt that guy's
eyes on me, but I won't tell Liam, or he might worry all the time.

" Alright, my sweet, let's get you to bed." He said and kissed my forehead.

" Okay," So we went inside our room but still, the feeling of being watched
lingers. I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching us.

" Come on, baby, go back to sleep. You still need to take a lot of rest so you will
recover faster." Liam pulled me in his arms, spooning me.

" Goodnight, again, my love." He whispered, then kissed my neck.

" Goodnight, babe," I whispered back and snuggled closer to him. Slowly, I
succumbed to sleep and felt safe in Liam's arms.

Unknown's POV

This bitch must have 9 lives. She got lucky the first time, but I will make sure
she's dead next time. I want this arrogant doctor to suffer. I want him to feel the
pain of losing someone he loves.

I have been cautious with my plan. I did not expect this girl to come back but see
how Liam loves her, and their daughter makes everything perfect.

I have been standing outside their house watching when I saw her came to the
kitchen. I will get you. I will destroy all of you! She looked out the window and
looked straight in my direction, so I hid behind the tree.

She must have felt my presence. She quickly turned to leave when the bastard Liam
showed up. I hid behind the tree and kept myself in the dark.

I will have my revenge. If I can't kill the girl, then I will have to kill Liam.
You can have your fun for now. Enjoy each other while you still can. Soon I will
burst your happy bubble and send you all to hell!

My sister suffered because of both of you, including the doctor's sister. You drove
her to insanity; that's why she killed herself. Now I will drive you all to
insanity, and I will kill one of you.

No one knew I existed. I was in prison for 10 years, but I heard about my sister's
death and the reason behind it. I have nearly gone mad and wanted to go on a
killing spree, but I held back my anger.

I planned my revenge with caution and precision. I will destroy your lives the way
you destroy my sister. When the two went back to their room. I went out of my
hiding place and walked back to where I came from.

Soon, baby sis, soon. I will bring them all to their knees and send them to hell. I
will execute my plan in two days. I will make sure one of them dies.

Bella's POV

I woke up feeling tired and troubled. After what happened, I have always dreaded to
hear the sound of my phone or riding the car.

At first, I thought the stalker wanted to scare me, but I realized he wanted me
dead after the accident. He could hurt any of us, but what's bugging me is, why?

What have I done for him to hate me this much? I cannot think of anyone I have
offended for the past years. My head is throbbing. I am scared of what might
happen, of what he will do next.

I woke up alone in my bed. I must have slept in, seeing the sun is high up the sky.
I reached for my phone to see it's already 9 am. Then my door opened, and my little
Princess peeked.

" Daddy, she's awake! Mommy is finally awake!" Sophie screamed for her dad and ran
to my bed straight to my arms.

" Good morning, mommy! I was scared you wouldn't wake up again!" She said, laying
her head on my chest.

" Good morning, sweetheart. I am sorry, I must have been exhausted. That is why I
woke up late." I told her, stroking her hair. Then my door opened wide, and Liam
came in with a tray of yummy breakfast and steaming coffee.

" Good morning, sleepyhead." He greeted and came to kiss me after placing the tray
on my bedside table. I got up and lean on my headboard, smiling.

" Good morning, babe. I could get used to this." I told him and pointed at my
breakfast. He sat beside me, and Sophie went to his lap.

" Oh, you should get used to this, baby, because I will serve you breakfast in bed
every day." He grinned and kissed my temple. He then reached for the tray and
placed it on my lap.

" I helped daddy make your breakfast, mommy. I kept on checking on you, but you
won't wake up." She pouted, and I pinched her cute nose and kissed her chubby

" Thank you, my sweet. Don't worry. I will not sleep for very long this time." I
told her and started eating. I felt Liam's eyes on me, so I turned to look at him
with raised brows.

He just smiled, shook his head then kissed me. He stared into my eyes with
tenderness and love, so I smiled back and kissed him back. I want this. I want to
wake up like this for the rest of my life.


Chapter 50
Liam left after I had my breakfast to go to his clinic and resume his work. He has
neglected his work for a few weeks because of our accident.

He told me to get ready by eight because he's going to take me to dinner, the one
we were not able to do the day I got into an accident. I am so nervous yet excited
for tonight. This is going to be our official first date.

I am so excited. I can't keep still the whole day. He said he would text me if it's
time for me to down by the lake. He was so reluctant to leave us this morning, and
I feel sad too that he will be gone the whole day.

Sophie cried so hard when her daddy tried to leave. That's why Liam decided to
bring her with him. He said he would ask his assistant to bring her daughter to
keep Sophie company in the clinic's playroom while working.

Sophie has grown so attached to her father, and Liam loves every second of it. I am
so thankful he took the news quite well. We haven't really talked about that night.
He didn't ask, but I know I need to explain what happened and why I left.

Tonight, I will bear my soul to him and tell him how much I worshipped him a long
time ago. I want to know as well why he didn't tell me he had feelings for me. We
have so much to talk about, and I don't want to wait anymore. After my near-death
experience, I realized life is short and that every moment counts.

It's almost lunchtime. I wonder how my precious daughter and my handsome boyfriend
is doing? I grabbed my phone and tried to dial his number. He answered on the
second ring.

" Baby, anything wrong? Are you okay?" Was his worrying answer.

" Babe, I'm okay. I just want to check on Sophie and you. I miss you both. It is so
quiet n the house, and I'm feeling lonely. Honestly, I just want to hear your
voice." I told him in a sad voice.

" Aww, sweetheart, if I were not so busy today, I'd be out the door right this
second. Your voice is my favorite sound too, baby. Sophie is doing fine, babe.
Don't worry. She is having fun in the playroom with the other kids." He said, and I
missed him even more. I don't know why I've become so clingy, but I can't help it.

" It's fine, babe, don't mind me. It's almost lunchtime, Liam, don't forget to feed
your daughter and yourself, alright?" I reminded him, and he chuckled on the other

" Yes, mother." He laughed. " I love you, babe. We'll be home as soon as I'm done
with my last patient, okay? Don't forget to eat your lunch and take your medicine,
okay?" He added.

" Yes, dad," I answered playfully too, which made him laugh so loud, and I had the
biggest smile.

" God! I miss you, baby." He whispered. " Baby, can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll
give it back." I can hear the smile in his voice and the passion.

" I miss you too, babe. I just want to be curled in your arms right now. Come home
soon, okay?" I answered him in a soft voice.

" We will, baby. Why don't you take a nap later after lunch? You need your energy
for our date tonight." He teased, and I blushed. Whatever he is planning, I am
pretty sure it includes a lot of kissing.

" Okay, babe. Drive safe later when you come home. Kiss our daughter for me, okay?
I love you."

" God! I love the sound of that—our daughter. Do you think we could make a son
too?" He teased again, and I giggled.

" I love the sound of your giggles too, baby. I better hurry up so I could go home
and have you back in my arms again. I love you, baby. I'll see you soon." He said
before ending the call. I laid there looking up the ceiling with a big grin on my

I didn't think it's possible to be so in love until now. Liam surely does make up
for the lost time. He is a devoting father and a loving boyfriend. My only hope is
that we will be together forever. Then I heard a knock on my door, and mom came in.

" Sweetheart, I brought you your lunch." Mom said, bringing a tray in.

" Mom, you didn't have to do that. I am okay now. I was planning on getting up and
eat lunch with you." I told her, feeling guilty.

"Nonsense, honey. You are still a bit weak. You need more rest to regain your
strength, okay? Besides, I heard you'll go on a date tonight with Liam, the more
reason you need to rest. You might stay out late, and I don't want you feeling sick
or faint." She teased and smirked.

" Mooom!" I groaned and covered my flushed face. She laughed before leaving me
feeling hot and bothered.

I ate my lunch with nothing on my mind but the date tonight. I feel like a teenager
going on a date with her ultimate crush. Well, basically, it's true. This is going
to be my first date with the man of my dreams. I have been dreaming about this
moment ever since I realized I am in love with Liam.

I hurried my lunch and rummaged my closet for a dress to wear. He said to dress
casual and warm because we're having dinner outdoors. I spent the last two hours
trying on a lot of clothes. After finding the perfect outfit, I went to the
bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower, I blew dried my hair and laid down for a while. Maybe I should
take that nap after all. I suddenly become tired after all the excitement. I can't
wait for tonight. With that in my thought, I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to a small hand caressing my face and a soft voice whispering, " Mommy,
wake up."

I opened my eyes slowly and saw the angelic face of my daughter. She is sitting on
Liam's lap sitting beside me.

" Hi, baby, we're home." He said and dipped his face to kiss my lips. I smiled and
kissed him back. I reached for my daughter and hugged her tight, and showered her
with kisses.

" Hey pumpkin, I miss you. Did you have a good time?" I asked her, trapping her in
my arms. Liam is watching us with a smile on his face.

" Yes, mommy. I made some new friends. When I grow up, I will help daddy in the
clinic and help cure the babies." She announced, and I felt so proud.

" I'm sure you will be a great doctor someday, sweetheart," Liam told her and
stroked her face.

" Baby, I need to go home and freshen up and prepare for our date. You better get
up too and start preparing. I don't want you to be late. I will wait for you by the
lake at 7 tonight." He told me, smiling, and dipped his head again to kiss me and
kiss Sophie on the head.

" I love you, both." He said and stole a kiss one more time.

" We love you too, babe. I'll see you later." I answered him with a sweet smile.

" I love you too, daddy," Sophie said and embraced his father's neck.

" Let's go, sweetheart, let's leave mommy to prepare for our date" He carried
Sophie and went out the door. I stretched happily and got up, so excited for my

Converted by Kei

Chapter 51
I have one more hour before our date. Liam said he would be waiting by the lake,
and Collette will come to fetch me to bring me to him.

I chose to wear my skinny jeans, a black singlet, and my cardigan. I don't have to
wear too much makeup since we will only have dinner by the lake. Liam has been very
busy all afternoon preparing because he only texted me once since he left.

I let my hair down and curled the tip a little bit to add body to my hair. I was
putting my cardigan on and whisked some perfume when Collette knocked on my door.

" Ready, Bels? You're Prince is waiting." She asked and grinned wickedly. I grinned
back and nodded excitedly. We went out of my room and saw mom and Sophie in the
living room watching TV.

" Mom, I'm going now. Please help Sophie to bed by 8 pm." I told my mom.

" I'll take care of Sophie, hon. Go ahead and enjoy your date. I know you've been
waiting for this night since you were in grade school." She teased, and Collette
laughed. I blushed so hard and hit Collette in the shoulder.

" Baby, mommy will be out late tonight, okay? Nan will tuck you to bed and keep you
company for a while." I kissed my daughter's head and looked into her eyes.

" I know, mommy. Daddy told me this afternoon. He will have a surprise for you."
She said animatedly. Her eyes are tinkling with excitement, and I smiled at her
action. I pinched her nose and kissed her before moving to the door.

Collette brought her car, which confused me because the lake is only at the back of
their house. She said it was Liam's instruction. He doesn't want me to tire myself
from walking. My boyfriend is the sweetest and the most thoughtful guy.

When we parked outside their house, Collette looked at me and hugged me tightly.
She then went out of the car, and I followed. We went inside their house, and she
told me to head down the lake alone.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones are in the living room waiting. They smiled when they saw me,
and Aunt Carmen came rushing in to hug me and whispered in my ear.

" Welcome back, sweetheart. I am so happy for you and Liam." She kissed my cheek
and smiled. Uncle Demitri hugged me too and said the same thing.

Todd was in the corner drinking his wine. He smiled when I looked at him and raised
his glass to me. I smiled at him then went to the back patio heading to the lake.

I suddenly felt nervous and excited at the same time. I can see Liam standing by
the end of the trail. The path was lined with candles, and rose petals are
scattered on my path. I can see a candlelit table set by the big tree and a blanket
spread beside it.

Liam stretched his hand when I drew nearer. He is looking in my eyes with so much
emotion, and a soft smile lingers on his lips. We are staring at each other's eyes
until I reached him and accepted his hand.

He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around my waist. I automatically wrapped my
arms around his neck and looked up at him with a glowing smile.

" Hey, beautiful. I've been waiting for a long time for this." After saying that,
he swooped in and captured my lips in a hot demanding kiss. I kissed him back
because I was waiting for this moment too. I missed him today, his smell, his
touch, his voice.

After a few minutes of torrid kissing, we broke free and stared at each other,
panting. His forehead is against mine, and we smiled with eyes half-closed.

" I miss you today, baby, so bad. I was counting the minutes before I could see
you, hold you and kiss you like this." He whispered huskily.

" I miss you too, babe. I was so excited the whole day for this. You turned this
place magical, Liam. This is so enchanting. Thank you for doing this," I told him
emotionally. He held my face and kissed me tenderly.

" Anything for you, my love. I want to erase the last memories you have here and
replace them with happy ones." He said seriously, staring into my eyes.

He pulled me to the table and seated me before he went to his side and sat down in
front of me. He prepared steak, grilled vegetables, and mashed potatoes. He also
prepared red wine, and soft music is playing on a portable player hanged by the

The whole tree was decorated with small twinkling lights and confetti. He really
went all out for this date, and it made me fall in love with him even more. We ate
our dinner and chitchatting about our day.

After our dinner, Liam pulled me to my feet and asked for a dance. He said he
wanted to ask me to the Prom before but was too chicken to ask. If only he knew
he's the reason I didn't go to the prom my senior year. I only wanted to be with
him and only him.

" Why didn't you ask me then? I would have said yes in a heartbeat." I told him

" I didn't know before, baby. If I'd only known you are feeling the same way, I
would have done this a long time ago. I was so scared you only see me as an older
brother, and at that time, Jenny and I are a thing. I thought you didn't want to be
with me." He whispered regretfully and kissed my forehead.

" Oh, Liam, if you only knew. Together with you is my favorite place to be. Every
moment with you is a moment I love. You should have known, babe. I was always in
your house, even when you were in college. I made sure I am around when you come
home." I stared into his eyes and poured my heart out.

" Yes, I noticed, and I was always excited to come home because I know you will be
in our house. I was so miserable when I was away. I wanted to call you, but I was
scared. I wanted to hear your voice, but I thought you would think it strange for
me to call." He said, laughing a little.

" We were foolish back then, huh? We could have saved each other the heartbreak if
we were just honest with ourselves." I told him, and he nodded. We stopped dancing,
and he guided me to the blanket to sit.

He leans his back on the tree, and I am in between his legs wrapped in his arms. We
stared at the calm water basking in the warmth we feel hugging each other.

" I love you, Bella, so much. God, whenever I think about the accident and how I
almost lost you, it makes me crazy." He tightened his hold on me and kissed my
shoulder. I hugged his arms around me and looked back at him.

" I love you more, Liam. I have always loved you and always will." I smiled at him
and kissed his lips. He deepened the kiss and turned me around to straddle him. He
took off my cardigan and started kissing my neck and my shoulders.

" I want you so bad, baby." He whispered while still kissing me hungrily.

" I want you too, Liam," I admitted. He pulled me closer, if that's even possible,
and devoured my lips.

" Okay, we should stop first. I want to feed you your cupcake." He said, smiling,
and reached for the cupcake placed on the plate. He placed it near my mouth for me
to take a bite. I did what he asked and took a bite.

I was chewing slowly when I suddenly bit on something hard. I touched it with my
tongue and took it out from my mouth with the tissue Liam handed me. My eyes went
wide when I saw what it was.

It's a diamond ring! My mouth hangs open, and my eyes went wide, looking back and
forth from the ring to Liam's solemn face.

" Liam," I whispered, choking. My eyes watered at what I saw and held in my hand.

" Bella, if there's one thing I learned from the accident you had, it is that life
is too short. I don't want to live it with more regrets and more what-ifs. I want
you and our daughter to be in my life forever, and I never want to part from you,
ever again." He said in a serious and emotional tone. I am sniffing at the moment
because my tears won't stop flowing.

He took the ring from my hand, wiped it with the tissue, and held it in front of
me. His eyes never left mine, and he's also tearing up.

" Baby, I have always loved you and wanted to be with you. When you left, I was so
lost and broken., but when I saw you at the airport, it felt like I could breathe
again. You are the love of my life, Bella." He paused and took a deep breath.

" My one true love. You and our daughter Sophie is my life now. Will you please do
me the honor of becoming my wife?" He asked with pleading eyes, and I sobbed while
nodding my head vigorously. He sighed in relief and smiled while placing the ring
on my finger. He then kissed my hand, and we embraced, both so emotional.

" God, I love you so much, baby. You are mine now, and I'm never letting you out of
my sight again." He whispered through my hair. He held my face and wiped my tears.
We then kissed and showed each other how much we longed for this moment.

But little did we know, two pairs of blazing eyes are watching us from afar. He is
fisting his hand and is seething in disgust and anger.

Chapter 52
After our very emotional and intimate dinner, I helped Liam pack the things we used
and brought them into the house. I washed the dishes while he finished cleaning by
the lake.

It was already 11 in the evening, and the whole house is so quiet. Liam came in the
back door and locked it after him. I had finished washing the plates, putting them
in the rack when he approached me and hugged me from the back.

" Are you okay, baby? I told you I would do it in the morning. I don't want you to
tire yourself." He asked me and kissed my neck and shoulder. I took off my cardigan
a while ago because it's a bit hot in the kitchen.

" Babe, I am feeling better now. Besides, it's just fair that I wash the dishes
because you prepared the dinner. I want to help you." I told him, turning around to
face him.

He is looking down at me with love and adoration. I looked up at him, smiling. I

tiptoed and kissed him on the lips.

He held my face in both hands and deepened our kiss. I clutched his shirt at the
back and kissed him with the same intensity.

" Bella, there isn't one person in this world that I want more than I want you.
Will you let me make love to you, baby? Let me show you how you should be loved."
He whispered in a very sensuous voice.

He lifted me in his arms and placed me on top of the kitchen counter. I pulled him
close to me, and we kissed like there's no tomorrow. He kissed down my neck and the
sensitive part where my neck and shoulders joined.

I can't help but moan because of the sensation his kisses are giving me. He came
back to my lips and bit my lower lip.

" Liam, I want you too," I whispered in labored breathing. He groaned and kissed me

" Let's go to my room? I want to replace the memories you have in there with me as
well. I want to make love to you properly, baby. Your first shouldn't be like that.
I am sorry if I took your innocence and did not even know it." He stared into my
eyes anxiously. I nodded to his plea, so he lifted me to let me down and left the

He dragged me up the stairs to his room. My heart is pumping so hard in my chest I

could almost hear the loud beat. When we entered his room, he backed me to the
closed door and devoured me again.

We reached for each other's clothes urgently, wanted to feel each other's skin. I
am standing in front of him with only my black underwear. I was feeling conscious
and covered my breast, but Liam held my arms away from my body.

He placed them on top of my head and looked me up and down. He was biting his lip,
and he had a carnal look on his face. My breathing becomes erratic. I am so aroused
right now with only a smoldering look from him. I'm already a goner.

Heat pooled in my center when he slowly ran his eyes all over my body. He is
licking his lip and biting them as he made love to me with his eyes.

" You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Bella. You shouldn't be ashamed
of your body, baby. Do you know how much I want you right now? This much." He
guided my right hand and placed it on his engorged manhood.

I gasped and swallowed hard. I couldn't even remember how endowed he is down there
because I was so nervous the first time. He took off his shirt and jeans and left
only with his boxer brief.

" Jump, babe." He whispered and lifted me. He wrapped my legs around his waist and
carried me to the bed. He placed me gently on the bed and covered me with his hard-
muscled body without breaking our eye contact.

" I want to remember this moment and look at you on my bed. I have dreamed and
fantasized about you on my bed for so long, baby. I can't believe I have you here
below me, looking so ravishing." He painfully said, as if trying to control

Then we kissed. We kissed with so much passion and worshipped each other. There's
never a part of me he didn't kiss. I was so embarrassed when he went down on me and
worshipped me there. I was trying to suppress my moans and covered my mouth with my

The sensation he's giving me is bringing me to ecstasy. Then he slowly kissed his
way up to my body and kissed me hard. I am delirious now with so much need for him.

" Are you ready for me, baby?" He whispered huskily, biting my ear and nipping on
my neck. I whimpered and nodded my head.

" Please, Liam," I begged him, for what I don't even know. He positioned himself in
my entrance and slowly pushed his manhood inside me.

I gasped and teared up a little bit. I felt the initial pain because of his
intrusion but soon replaced with so much bliss when he started to move in and out.

I am clawing his back and arching my body to meet his every move. He was moving
slowly at first and soon found a rhythm we both enjoyed.

" God, baby, you're so tight. It's like you're still a virgin. I won't be able to
hold any longer. Come with me, baby." He said in a broken and labored breathing and
pummeled into me faster and harder now.

I can feel myself almost on edge, and I am clinging to him tightly. The whole room
was filled with our grunts and moans.

" I love you, Bella. You're mine. Only mine." He said repeatedly, and I mumbled the
words over and over again.

" Yours, body and soul. I love you too, Liam. Oh, God! I'm cumming!" I whispered
yelled to him, hanging on to him desperately. We both came simultaneously, and it
was the best feeling in the world.

He lay panting on top of me, our foreheads touching and smiling into each other's
eyes. He kissed my forehead, eyes, and nose, then finally a tender kiss on the

" Are you okay, baby? Did I hurt you?" He asked me and rolled to his side, bringing
me with him. Now our position switched. I am lying on top of him with a satisfied
smile on my lips.

" I am feeling wonderful, babe. Thank you for being gentle with me." I told him,
blushing. He kissed me again and chuckled.

" My innocent, Bella. You should stop blushing, baby. I've seen and kissed every
part of you. There's nothing to be ashamed of. You are mine, and I am yours. You
can explore my body anytime you like, babe." He teased and winked at me.

I hit his chest softly and buried my face on his neck. I can feel his laughter, and
he wrapped me in his arms tenderly.

" Let's get some sleep, baby, or I might not let you sleep at all." He joked and
rolled me on my side. He pulled me closed and spooned me.

" Goodnight, baby. I love you so much." He whispered behind me and kissed my nape,
neck, and shoulder.

" Goodnight, babe. I love you more." I whispered back and kissed his arm wrapped
around me. I drifted off to sleep with a smile. I snuggled closer to him and slept

Chapter 53
I woke up feeling sore but happy. I must have overslept because the sun is shining
so brightly from Liam's window. I can't help but blush again when I think about
last night.

I roamed my eyes around Liam's room. Nothing much has changed. It still looks the
same as before. I found a note on top of Liam's pillow with a single rose. I opened
the note and read what he wrote.

" Good morning, gorgeous. If you're already awake, come down by the pool. Our
daughter and I will be waiting for you. I brought your swimsuit and a dress from
your house so you can change. Hurry up, love. I can't wait to announce our
engagement. I love you."

I kissed the note and brought it to my chest. I almost forgot about our engagement.
I stared at my finger where my diamond ring lies. I can't believe I'm marrying
Liam. He was just a dream before, my secret fantasy. Now, he's going to be my
husband, and he loves me.

I closed my eyes and absorbed everything that has happened. We are given a second
chance in love, in life. I will make sure to enjoy every moment of it and value
everyone I hold dear. I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

I put on my skimpy red bikini Liam chose for me to wear. Why am I not surprised? My
fiance is a little bit perverted and is obsessed with my body. I cover my body with
the white sundress he also brought, thank God.

After making sure I look decent and awake, I went out of the room and headed for
the pool. I can hear my daughter's squeals and giggles, and I can't help but smile.
I've never heard her laugh this much. She sounded so happy.

When I stepped out of the patio, I saw mom and Aunt Carmen talking on the other
side while Todd and Uncle Demitri are on the other side having a serious

Collette and Sophie are in the water playing while my handsome and half-naked
fiance is busy grilling BBQ and burgers. He has a beer on the one hand, and his
taut back has red markings on them. Oh. God! This crazy guy was proudly announcing
our escapade last night!

" Honey, you're awake! What are you doing there? Come here and join us. What
happened to your face?" She asked, almost laughing. I know I must have looked like
a ripe tomato right now.

Liam turned around and grinned when he saw me. He left the BBQ and marched towards
me. He circled his arms around my waist and kissed me right in front of everyone.

" Liam put a shirt on! Everyone can see the red marks on your back! God, this is so
embarrassing." I hissed at him and covered my face. I heard him chuckle and kissed
my forehead.

" Good morning, beautiful. Baby, you don't have to be ashamed. Everyone knows how
much we love each other, and I am proud of my battle scars." He grinned, and I
smacked him in the arm and glared at him.

He laughed so loud and kissed my nose. He then guided me to where my mom and Aunt
Carmen are sitting. He cleared his throat and asked Collette to bring Sophie and
come out of the pool for a while. Sophie ran to me, and I swooped her up to my

When everyone's attention is on us, Liam wrapped his arms around me from the back
and placed his chin on my shoulder. He winked at our daughter and gave her a high

" Guys, we have an announcement to make." He said.

" You all know about our love for each other and watched us grow. You've witnessed
our heartbreaks and our miseries. Now we want to share with you our happiness and
ask for your blessing to our new beginning. I've asked Bella to be my wife, and she
said yes." He continued and became a bit choked up.

I have tears in my eyes and kissed my daughter, who clapped her hands. Everyone
cheered, and our mothers cried, hugging each other. Collette came running to us and
hugged us both.

" Finally! I knew something happened last night with all that marks on your back
and Bella sleeping over." She glared at us teasingly, and I smacked her arm so

" Congratulations, son! Finally, you put a ring on it." Uncle Demitri patted Liam's
back and hugged him.

" Welcome to the family, Bella, officially. You have always been a family to us."
He hugged me too and kissed my head. I thanked him tearfully. Soon my mom came to
me crying and hugging me so tight.

" I am so happy for you, my darling girl. After all those years watching you crying
and pining for Liam, he is finally going to be your husband." She told me in
between her sobs, and then she turned to Liam.

" Liam, I have always treated you as my son, and I am so happy you two are together
at last." My mom hugged Liam and looked at us with a tearful smile.

" Congratulations to you both. Maybe we could have a double wedding then?" Todd
came forward and congratulated us.

" We'll see, bro. We wouldn't want to steal the spotlight from my sister, so we
will let you wed first. I want to prepare for our wedding because my darling fiance
and my little princess deserve the best." I told him and pulled Bella to my side. I
took Sophie from her arms and kissed our sweet little angel.

We then celebrated the good news with BBQ and drinks. We spent the whole day
sunbathing and playing in the pool. Todd excused himself because he received a call
from his office while mom got tired and went home.

Liam is playing with Sophie in the pool while Collette and I are left soaking the
sun in. We sipped our margarita and chatted about her wedding.

" Hey, Cols, why don't we call our friends and have a bachelorette party? We could
do that this weekend and have a pool party. What do you think?" I suggested to
Collette, and she seemed excited about it.

" That's a good idea, Bels! Let's contact everyone! I miss those crazy girls, and
I'm sure they missed you too. I'll call Todd and let him know our plan so he could
plan something for the weekend as well." She dialed Todd's number and told him our

" Hey, babe! Everything okay at the office?" I heard her talk to Todd.

" Listen, honey. Do you think you can get Liam out of the house this weekend and do
some boys stuff? Bella and I are planning to have a pool party for our friends. It
would be my bachelorette party, and I wouldn't want you and Liam around." She
continued and giggled. She had too much margarita, I guess.

" Alright, thanks, babe. I love you. See you later, bye." She cut the call and
grinned at me.

" We're all set, Bels. Now, who to call?" She scrolled on her phone directory while
I looked at my Fiance and my daughter in the water. They look so happy, and my
heart is finally at peace, and I am happy.

Liam turned to look at me and waved at me. I waved back and smiled. He then
motioned me to join them in the water. I looked at Collette, who has drooping
eyelids and was about to drift off to sleep.

I stood up and took off my sundress. I am left with my skimpy red bikini, and I
heard Liam whistled. I rolled my eyes at him while his eyes never left my body,
biting his lip. Sophie reached her arms to me, so I took her from Liam.

" Damn, baby! Now I regret choosing that bikini. I am having boy problems." He
whispered in my ear when I came close to them. I glared at him and pointed to our

He just grinned and positioned himself behind me, pulling me to his chest and his
obviously bulging gem. I gasped and turned wide-eyed to him. He grinned and teased
me by rubbing his hard-on to my butt.

" Liam," I hissed and moved away from him. I heard him laugh and chased us. Soon we
were having fun playing in the pool. Liam pretended to be a shark and chased us
around the pool. Sophie's squeals can be heard all over the village together with
our peals of laughter.

Chapter 54

It was 2: 30 in the afternoon when Liam's phone rings. He was asked to go to the
hospital for an emergency, so our fun was cut short.

He went out of the pool quickly and pulled Sophie and me out too. I feel sad that
our family bonding was interrupted, but it is Liam's sworn profession, and they
badly needed him at the hospital.

We went to his room to shower and change. Liam is dropping us off at our house on
his way to the hospital. We parked outside our house and said our goodbyes, but
Sophie started crying again.

She wants to go with her dad, but Liam said she couldn't go this time because he
will be busy with the patient's ad they do not allow children there unless she's a
patient. She cried so hard and clung to her father's neck.

I gave Liam a grimaced smile, looking sorry. He hugged his daughter tight and
kissed her head, and whispered soothing words to her. Finally, she let go and clung
to me instead. Liam looked at us with pain and regret in his eyes and smiled sadly.

" I'll text or call you when I'm free, babe. I can't promise if I can come home
tonight." He told me and touched my cheek tenderly.

" Okay, be careful, babe. Call me when things get settled, alright?" I answered him
with a small worried smile.

" I will, my love." He replied and kissed my lips tenderly. And I went down his car
with our daughter, who is crying softly.
" Bye, sweetheart. Stop crying, okay? Daddy will be back before you knew it. I love
you, Princess." Liam called Sophie, and she turned her little head to him and

" Okay, daddy. Please come home soon. I love you too, daddy." She answered with her
little voice, and Liam's face lit up, although there is sadness in his eyes.

" Bye, babe. I love you." I told him and smiled.

" I love you too, baby. I'll call you tonight." He answered, smiling. We watched
him go until he's out of sight then went inside the house.

Mom was in the kitchen when we came in. I placed Sophie on the sofa and turned on
her favorite channel on TV, then joined mom in the kitchen.

" Hey, mom, need any help?" I asked her.

" Oh, hey, sweetheart. Why are you here? I thought you are spending the night at
Liam's?" She turned around, surprised to see me.

" He was called to the hospital for an emergency, mom. He might be at the hospital
the whole night, so I said to drop us off here." I explained to her in a sad voice
and shrugged my shoulder.

" Oh, okay then. I'll prepare pasta and vegetable salad for tonight. Can you help
me with the salad, hon? I'll prepare the pasta. Where's Sophie?" She asked.

" In the living room, watching her favorite show. We had a hard time peeling her
off her dad. She cried so hard again and wanted to go with him. It's a good thing
Liam was able to convince her. She's really getting attached to him." I told her
about what happened in the car just now.

" It's quite normal, sweetheart. Sophie longed for her father ever since she was
aware that she has a father. Give her time to adjust to the thought that her father
has to leave sometimes to work. For now, let her enjoy the attention and affection
of her father." My mom advised. I sighed deeply and nodded.

After our dinner, we watched TV for a while. Then at 8: 30, it was time to bed for
my little girl. I helped her brushed her teeth and tucked her to bed. I was reading
her favorite book when my phone signaled a text.

I looked at my sleeping daughter and kissed her head softly. I securely tucked her
blanket around her then turned off her light. I transferred to my room and went to
my bathroom to get ready for bed.

When I'm tucked under my comforter, I grabbed my phone and opened my text. It was
from Liam, and I smiled widely.

" Hey, baby. How's everything there? Is my Princess okay? Is she asleep?" He

" Hi, babe, sorry for the late reply. I was getting ready for bed. Sophie is fast
asleep after I read her favorite book. Is everything okay in there? Have you had
your dinner?" I replied to him, which he answered right away.

" I'm having my dinner now, baby, and everything is fine, just a little busy. I
want to text you before it gets crazy again around here. I miss you. I wish I am
right there with you. I prefer kissing you rather than missing you." His words give
me the butterflies, and it made me miss him even more.
" I would love that too, babe, but I understand that you have to be there. God, I
can't explain what I'm feeling right now. I want you. I want you here with me. I
want to be with you. I want to hug you. I just want you." I told him honestly.

I don't care anymore if I sound so clingy, but I just miss him so much. Then my
phone rang, and his name registered on the caller ID.

" Liam," I answered softly.

" God! Baby, stop. You make me want to escape and run back to you. I will be there
as soon as I'm cleared to go, okay?" He said, sounding frustrated.

" I'm sorry, babe. I guess I got the Sophie bug." I chuckled. " Even if we spent
the whole day together, I will still miss you the second you leave." I continued
with a sigh.

" I know exactly what you mean, baby. When I'm with you, hours feel like seconds,
but when you're not around, hours feel like years." He whispered huskily. I closed
my eyes and imagined his face with his dimpled smile.

" I love you, Liam. How much I love you is like trying to explain how water tastes.
It's impossible." I told him emotionally. I heard him hissed and cursed under his

" You are making it so hard for me, Bella. We need to stop this call, or I might
ditch my patients and come to you. Sleep well, my sweet, and dream of me. It sure
is hard to sleep tonight when all of me craves for all of you, desperately." He
said in a labored breath and let out a big sigh.

" Okay, I'll let you go now, babe. You take a rest if possible, alright? And come
home as soon as you're done. Goodnight, Liam. I love you." I told him.

" I will, baby. I'll be out of here the moment they let me. I love you too, my
love, and goodnight. Make sure to lock all the doors and windows, okay?" He
instructed, and I assured him that I already did. We cut the call reluctantly, and
I curled in my bed with him on my mind.

Chapter 55

I woke up scared and panting heavily. I had a nightmare. I was inside the car all
over again, and I saw my daughter all covered in blood. I sat up and hugged my
knees. It was so vivid like it happened all over again.

I was rocking back and forth when I heard the noise outside my door. My fear
doubled when the sound came again. I was so sure I checked all the windows and
doors. Wait! I forgot to check the kitchen window!

I quickly came down from my bed, grabbed my phone, and was ready to call 911 if the
intruder comes in. I am clutching my phone to my chest, placing my ear to the door
to listen. I heard something bumped into something and hissed.

There's someone outside! Somebody got in the house! Sophie! Oh, my God! My
daughter! I looked around me. I need to have something to protect myself, and I
need to get to my daughter's room. I looked at my phone to check the time. It's
only 4 am.
I held the lampshade and listened again. I can't hear anything. I need to get my
daughter. I slowly opened my door and aimed the lamp above my head. I am shaking so
hard, but I need to be strong for my daughter.

There's a soft light coming from the living room. I can't see anyone. So the
intruder must be somewhere around the house. I went straight to my daughter's room.

I was frozen in shock when I saw her room is open. Oh, God! Oh. God! Please protect
my daughter. I walked slowly to the door and gasped when I saw a shadow towering
above my daughter.

" Stay away from my daughter! I've called 911, and they are already on their way!"
I announced to the intruder. I aimed the lampshade in his direction and ready to
strike when he spoke.

" Bella, it's me. Put down the lamp, baby." Liam said and held his hand for the

" Liam?! God! What are you doing sneaking up in here? I could have hurt you! How
did you get in here?" I whispered, yelled at him, and let out a sigh of relief. He
came to me and hugged me.

" You left the kitchen window unlocked, Bella. You lied to me." He scolded me. I
hugged him tightly. I am still a bit shaken from my nightmare and for thinking
someone wants to hurt my child.

" I'm sorry, I forgot that window. What are you doing here?" I asked him. My face
was still buried in his chest.

" I came to check on our daughter before going to your room. What are you doing
still awake?"

" I had a nightmare, and then I heard some noise. I was so scared that a crazy
stalker was in the house. All I think about was Sophie. Why didn't you call me that
you're coming home?" I asked him, looking up at his face.

" I didn't want to wake you. Come on, let's go back to your room." He pulled me
with him and went back to my room. He took off his shirt and pants and left only
with his boxers and lie with me on the bed.

Automatically he pulled me to his chest and kissed my head. I curled to his side
and hugged him close. I listened to his steady heartbeat. He held my hand and
brought it to his lips.

" Everything okay at the hospital, babe?" I asked him softly while looking up at

" Yeah, everything's back to normal, baby. That is why I was able to get out of
there. I took a shower at the hospital before coming home, so I won't waste time
and hold you right away. Tell me about your nightmare, sweetheart." He asked and
kissed my forehead.

I sighed first and sivered before telling him about it. He was listening intently
and tightened his hold on me when he heard my quivering voice.

" It seemed so real, Liam. I really thought we were in that car again." I whispered
to him in a shaking voice.

" It's all over, baby. You and our Princess are safe. I won't let anything like
that happen again. I can't bear it if something happens to you again or our little
girl." He answered me and held my face to look at him.

" I can't lose you, Bella. You and Sophie are the most important people in my life.
I can't be with you always, baby, so please always protect yourself and be safe."
He continued, and I can see the emotions displayed on his face.

" I promise, Liam. You too, please always be safe. As long as this person is still
out there, we really don't know what he would do next. I won't lose you again." I
answered him emotionally. He kissed me passionately, full of emotions.

We made love until we're both exhausted yet satisfied. I am tucked under his chin
and wrapped tightly in his arms.

" Goodnight, baby. I love you so much, don't ever forget that. I will do everything
to protect our family." He promised with a solemn face and placed a long kiss on my

" I love you too, Liam, more thank you'll ever know. We'll get through this
together." I held his face tenderly and smiled at his eyes. We kissed one more time
and drifted off to sleep, clinging to each other and to the love we have for each

But somewhere in a dark room, someone is plotting the grand scheme of bringing down
the people who took his little sister from him. He planned this for years now, and
he believed the right time has come.

He won't let them be happy and live life as if his sister never existed. It took
him a while to execute his plan. He will not let his sister's death go in vain. He
will avenge her, and he will start with the one who broke her heart.

Chapter 56

It was already mid-day when I woke up with Liam's arms all around me. His head is
buried in my hair, and both arms are locked around me. I slowly peeled his arms off
of me and turned to look at his sleeping form.

I swiped the hair covering his eyes and kissed his lips softly. He moaned softly
and smiled, then gathered me close to him. He opened his eyes a little and smiled
sweetly at me. He kissed me softly then closed his eyes again.

" Good morning, babe. You go back to sleep. I will check on our daughter and get
some food, okay?" I whispered to him and kissed his forehead. I peeled his arms
again and stood up. I heard him mumbled something but went back to sleep.

My poor darling must have been too tired. I went to my bathroom to freshen up
before checking on my daughter and getting something to eat.

My daughter Sophie is in front of the television, sprawled on the floor with all
her drawing tools. She was so focused on her work when I squatted beside her.

" Good morning, sweet pea. What are you drawing?" I asked her, then kissed her
head. She is growing so fast. She will turn six next month, so I have to tell Liam
that we have to throw her a surprise birthday party.

We haven't really celebrated her birthday with anyone. It was always just the two
of us with a small cake and ice cream. Now that we are home, I am pretty sure her
grandparents and crazy aunt won't let that happen, especially her doting father.

" I am drawing our family, mommy. Look, you, me, and daddy. Now we are complete!"
She exclaimed happily. I choked at what she said. We are complete. I didn't know my
daughter has longed for our family to be complete. At her age, I thought she's just
interested in cartoons and drawing.

" Yes, sweetheart, we are finally complete." I kissed her head again and hugged
her. I stood up and went to the kitchen to get myself some food and coffee.

Mom is at the back, busy tending her garden. I waved at her when she saw me at the
kitchen window and smiled.

I poured coffee on my mug and sat on the dining table. There are pancakes on the
table, but I'm craving bacon and scrambled eggs. So I got up and took it out from
the fridge and cooked for Liam and me.

After cooking, I ate in silence then washed my plate and mug. I arranged Liam's
food on the tray and went out of the kitchen.

" Baby, you want to help mommy wake daddy up?" I called Sophie, and she stood up
excitedly and nodded.

" Yes, mommy! I will show daddy my drawing and ask him to put it in his office."
She announced excitedly and ran beside me. She helped me open the door to my
bedroom and walked in.

She climbed the bed and laid beside her father. She touched his face with her small
hands and patted softly.

" Daddy, wake up. Mommy and I brought you breakfast, and I want to show you
something." She whispered in her small voice. Liam stirred in his sleep and swooped
Sophie in his arms. She squealed in delight and giggled.

" Good morning, daddy. Wake up already." She squirmed in his arms and continued
giggling because Liam is tickling her sides.

" Good morning, my Princess. What is it that you want to show me?" He asked,
opening her eyes and kissed his daughter. He looked up at me and smiled.

" This one, daddy! See? Mommy, me, and you! It's our family portrait, daddy. Will
you hang it in your office?" She asked. Liam got up and lean on the bed headboard.
Sophie sat on her father's lap and showed him the drawing.

I sat on the bed, facing them. Liam looked at me on top of Sophie's head with tears
in his eyes. He blinked fast and swallowed the lump in his throat. I bit my lip and
blinked the tears that are threatening to spill out of my eyes.

" I would love that very much, my sweet angel. I will show this to my colleagues
and my patients. They will be very jealous." He said and hugged our daughter,
closing his eyes for a minute.

" Come on, sweetheart, let daddy drink his coffee first and eat his breakfast." I
took Sophie from Liam's lap and transferred to mine. I handed Liam the tray, and we
watched him eat his breakfast.

" Thanks, babe." He said and grabbed my hand to squeeze. I only smiled and looked
down at Sophie's drawing. I asked the school to give Sophie two weeks before going
back to school. I'm not comfortable letting her attend school without me there to
watch over her.

Thankfully the administration agreed and gave us two weeks off. Liam finished his
breakfast and was now sipping his coffee when his phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID and frowned. " Hello?" he answered gruffly.

I looked at him, and he was also staring at me with an expressionless face. He

listened intently to the person on the other line.

" Thank you, Taylor. They are both doing fine now. I also hope that you have
nothing to do with what happened, or I swear to God, I'll hunt you down myself.
Yes, I'm sorry, but I had no choice but to tell them that you threatened us when
you left the house." I heard him say. He was gripping his phone tightly and gritted
his teeth.

I reached for his hand and squeezed it to calm him down. He sighed heavily and held
my hand so tight. He ended the call and cursed under his breath.

" I don't know what I saw in that woman. She is just so overbearing and clingy. I'm
happy I cut ties with her, but I still don't trust her." He said, shaking his head.

" Sweetheart, do you wanna go to the zoo? Daddy is free today, so you both have me
for the whole day. But first, let's go to the mall and shop for clothes and toys,
then go to the zoo, okay?" He suggested, and Sophie's eyes went wide with delight
and nodded eagerly.

" I have to go back to the house and change, babe, and then I'll come to pick you
both in an hour? Is it okay if I bring some of my clothes here? That way, I won't
have to go back and forth to get my stuff." He asked me with uncertainty.

" Of course, babe. I would love that very much." I smiled at him, happy at what he
is suggesting. He wants to move in with us. That's what he is trying to say. So, he
went home to grab his stuff and came back after an hour, showered, and loaded with
his bag.

Sophie and I are ready for the day. This will be our first family outing, and our
darling daughter looks like it's Christmas morning, and she received her Christmas
gift. I would do anything, to always to see that smile on her face.

Chapter 57

We are at the children's section, and Sophie couldn't stay put. So many toys and
beautiful dresses surround her. Liam told her to pick everything she likes, and her
face lit up like a Christmas tree. We watched our little girl grabbed anything she
sets her eyes on.

Liam had his arms around my shoulders, and my arm is around his waist. I felt him
kissing me on the head from time to time. I looked up at him with a smile, and he
kissed my forehead and nose. The salesladies in that store swooned at our public

I even heard others say how lucky I am to have such a handsome and loving husband.
Instead of getting mad, I am feeling proud. Our daughter ran back to us and dragged
us to the toys section. She wanted the big dollhouse and begged her father to buy
it for her.

Of course, Liam agreed and bought her the dollhouse. Next, we went to buy her
clothes, from casual clothes to pajamas and shoes. After buying everything she
wants, we went to the cashier to check out.

Liam placed Sophie on top of the cart and snaked his arm around my waist. Some of
the customers are looking at us with a smile. One particular woman turned to us and

" You two looked good together, and you make such a beautiful child." She smiled
and looked at Sophie adoringly. We thanked her looked at our daughter lovingly. We
sure did make a beautiful child.

At the cashier, the one behind the counter keeps on glancing at Liam and blushed. I
turned to Liam and raised my brows at him teasingly. He furrowed his brows at me
and kissed me right in front of the girl.

I was so shocked, and my cheeks felt hot. The girl blushed even more, and so did I.
I hit his arm and pouted. He just laughed at me and kissed my forehead.

After paying, Liam told us to go inside the women's section and wait for him. He
will put Sophie's toys and clothes in the car first so that we won't have to carry
so many things. I held my daughter's hand and went inside.

I really don't need to buy anything, but Liam insisted. I looked around the store
and went straight to the jeans section. Maybe I should one or two new jeans. Then
we went to the casual dresses, something I can wear to school or dinner.

My daughter helped me choose and asked me to try them on. The saleslady suggested
shoes for each clothes, but I declined. I am just a simple girl with simple needs.
I don't really need to dress to impress. We were on our way to the fitting room
when a woman bumped into me.

I almost lost my balance and crushed Sophie, but an arm held me steady. When I
looked up, it was Liam, and he was frowning. I looked at the woman, and she just
smirked instead of saying sorry.

" You really should look where you're going, or you might end up getting hurt." She
said with a fake smile, then turned to Liam and gave him a flirty smile. Liam, on
the other hand, tightened his hold on me and picked up Sophie.

" I think you should be the one to look at where you are going, Miss. It's
impossible you didn't see my wife and my daughter." Liam gave the woman an
irritated stare and turned to me, " are you okay, baby?"

" Yeah, I'm fine, babe. I was just caught off guard." I answered him and reached
for my daughter's hand.

" Are you okay, sweetheart? Mommy didn't step on your toes?" I asked her and kissed
her hand.

" No, mommy, daddy pulled me out of the way and caught you." She answered in her
little voice and buried her head in her father's neck. I turned to the woman and
glared at her.

" Next time you want to go for a stroll, do it in the park. I was in the right
lane. You are the one who came out of nowhere." I told her and looked at her with
daggers in my eyes.

" Well then, I'm sorry. I am new in this town, and I was looking around. I am the
new psychiatric doctor in Glendale Hospital." She answered haughtily, then turned
to Liam, dismissing me.

" I think I saw you there last night. You're the Pediatrician, Dr. Jones, right?
I'm Doctor Paige Johnson, " she extended her hand to Liam to shake, clearly
flirting with him, and I didn't like it.

" Yes, I am. This is my fiance, Arabella, and our daughter Sophie." He replied
dryly. He did not accept her hand, which made her smile awkwardly.

" Baby, are you done with your shopping? We'll grab lunch first before going to the
zoo." He asked me. I nodded and smiled. I decided not to try the ones I picked up
and pay for it directly, instead. I want to get out of here right away and get rid
of this disrespectful doctor.

" I'm on my way to the cashier, babe, to pay," I told him. He nodded and pushed me
softly forward and totally ignored the doctor. He put down Sophie and took his card
to pay for my clothes. I refused, but he gave me a stern look, so I gave in.

I can feel the woman's eyes on my back, so I looked back at her. She is staring
daggers at me, and when Liam turned around, she gave a fake smile again. What a
bitch! I raised my brows at her and stared her straight in the eyes.

Liam took the bags and guided us out of the store without giving a glance at the
woman. I stole a glance at her, and I can see she is seething in anger. I raised
one brow and smirked at her. Then I held unto Liam's arm and looked up at him.

He looked down at me and kissed my waiting lips so tenderly. I don't know what came
over me, but I am not letting any slut flirt with my man and disrespect me.

The old Bellaa would cower and cry in the corner. But, I am a new Bella. I went to
hell and back, just to be with the man I love, and I'll be damn if I let any woman
take him away from me again.

We put the bags in the trunk then left the mall. We are heading for the restaurant
to eat before going on our adventure in the zoo. Sophie is so excited to see the
animals. This is her first time to go to a zoo and see live animals she only saw on
tv and in books.

Liam had a soft smile on his face and held my hand while the other was steering the
wheel. I want to see that smile on his face forever. He turned to glance at me when
he felt I was staring and winked at me. I giggled and felt him kissed my hand. I
want this. I want to stay like this always.


Chapter 58
Liam's POV

After our lunch, we proceed to the zoo, and the wonder and excitement I saw in my
daughter's eyes made me so happy. I carried her on my nape while holding my lovely
fiance's hand. We had so much fun feeding the giraffes and watching the penguins

I've never felt this happy, this contented. Having them with me and looking at
their happy faces made me feel complete. They are the missing piece in my life that
made me whole. We are eating hotdogs and ice cream while resting on the bench by
the fountain.

" Babe, remember that woman in the mall a while ago?" My Bella turned to me and

" The doctor? Yes, baby, why?" I asked her.

" Well, I don't know if I imagine it, but there's something odd about her. The way
she looks at me and you, it's like she knew us." She said, and it got me thinking
too. I have been thinking the same thing. That woman seems familiar.

" Yeah, I got the same vibe too. But, I don't know her. It's the first time I met
her, which is odd. Don't worry your pretty little head about her, baby. Forget her,
and I'll avoid her in the hospital as much as I can." I told her and kissed her
We were talking seriously that we didn't notice our darling daughter fell asleep in
my lap. Poor thing must be exhausted after all the excitement today. I carried her
in my arms, and we decided to go home. It's almost dark, and the sky seemed gloomy.
It looks like it's about to rain.

" Baby, why don't we spend the night at my apartment tonight? I don't want to drive
in the dark in the pouring rain. I can't risk driving with and our daughter on
board. It's not far from here, and we can go home tomorrow morning or in the
afternoon." I suggested to her, and she agreed right away.

So we went out of the zoo hand in hand with our sleeping daughter in my arms. I
settled Sophie first, secured her seatbelt while lying on the seat, and then left
the zoo. My apartment is only 5 minutes drive away, so we arrived soon enough.

My apartment has two bedrooms, so I placed my daughter in a smaller room. Bella

helped her take off her clothes slowly and put on the new jammies we bought. I went
to the kitchen and fixed us something for dinner.

Few minutes after we arrived, heavy rain poured down from the sky. Lightning and
heavy raindrops are displayed on my big glass window. Bella came out from our
bedroom all showered and wearing one of my white shirts. Her legs are bare, and
I've never seen such a beautiful and seductive woman. Her beauty enticed me, and
she seems to put me under her spell.

She came towards me with a smile while I just stood there tongue-tied at the
apparition walking towards me. She tiptoed and kissed my cheek softly.

" Cat got your tongue, babe?" She chuckled and peeked at the food I'm preparing. "
What are you cooking?" She asked.

" I'm making pasta, baby. You can't blame me. You always get me dazed whenever I
see you. You have no idea how you affect me, do you?" I asked her wrapping my arms
around her waist and tipped her face towards me.

" Not as much as how you affect me, babe. If you haven't noticed, you always make
me blush whenever you look at me. You make me feel so beautiful when you look at me
like this." She whispered and blushed. She looks so cute when she's shy like this.

" Because you are, baby. How many times do I have to tell you and show you how
beautiful you are? No one compares to your beauty, and I have my eyes only for you.
You have me, body, heart, and soul, baby, always. Do not ever forget that." I
dipped my head and kissed her passionately.
" Babe, the sauce." She whispered through my lips, and I let her go reluctantly.
She stayed behind me, watching me cook, wrapping her small arms around me. I turned
to her from time to time to steal kisses. I love listening to her giggles and see
her blushed for me.

We ate our dinner at the table and feeding each other while watching the sky lights
up and poured more water. After dinner, Bella volunteered to wash everything while
I take a shower.

When I'm done with my shower, I brushed my teeth and shaved a bit, and then I
exited the bathroom. Bella is standing by the bedroom window, watching the heavy
rain outside. I came closer and hugged her from the back.

" What are you thinking, love?" I asked her, kissing her neck and cheek.

" When I was in Denver, every time it's raining this hard, I would look out the
window and think of you. Are you okay if you're safe from the heavy rain?" She
whispered, and it tugged at my heart. I tightened my embrace and kissed the top of
her head.

" I am sorry, my love. My stupidity and cowardliness brought you too much pain. If
I had only been honest with myself and to you, you wouldn't have suffered all those
years." I whispered agonizingly to her and nuzzled her neck.

" Liam, that's all in the past. We were both young and naive. We didn't know how to
deal with our emotions back then. What's important is here and now. We finally have
each other, and we have our darling little angel in that room right there.
Everything happened for a reason. What matters is we found the way back to each
other." She turned to me and held my face in her small hands.

I swooped down and kissed her passionately, pouring all the love I have for her and
telling her through my kiss how much she means to me. I carried her in my arms and
brought her to bed. Tonight I will show her how much I ached for her. How much I
adore and long for her.

I made slow and passionate love to her. Explored each other's body and fed the
hunger we have for each other. With the raindrops as our background, we danced to
the music of love and passion. I made love to her until we both were so exhausted
and slept soundlessly.

Before drifting off to sleep, I watched the love of my life sleep. I vowed never to
let her slip out of my hand and make her happy for the rest of my life. She and our
daughter are my life, and I will do everything to keep our family intact.

" I love you, baby, forever and always," I whispered to her and kissed her soft
lips one more time before closing my eyes. She snuggled closer to me and kissed my

" I love you too, Liam, now and forever." She whispered back, and I smiled in my

Chapter 59
In the morning, we had our breakfast at the little cafe near my apartment before
going to my clinic. I want to show Bella my clinic and introduced her to my staff.
I had some appointments today, and since we are in town, I might as well pass by
the clinic.

At the clinic, my staffs are all very excited to finally meet Bella, and they were
all happy to know that Sophie is indeed my daughter. We went to my office, and as
promised, I put my daughter's drawing in a frame and placed it on top of my table.

My first appointment arrived a few minutes after, so Bella took Sophie out of my
office and went to the playroom. I have three appointments today then we will go
back to Bella's house. I plan to ask her to move in with me at my apartment since
it's near my clinic, hospital, and school.

I don't want to be away from them any longer, and I want to be always around them
if the stalker strikes again. As long as he's still out there, I won't be at ease.
I want my family safe at all times. I want Bella also to feel secure with me. I
don't want her to doubt my love for her.

At around 1 in the afternoon, I'm finally done with my appointments for the day. I
searched for my fiance and my daughter. I found Bella talking to my receptionist
Liza while my daughter is busy talking to Liza's little girl Annie. When Bella saw
me, she smiled so sweetly and approached me.

" All done, babe?" She asked. I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her to
me. She circled her arms around my neck and stared lovingly into my eyes.

" I'm all yours for the rest of the day, baby," I said and kissed her lightly on
the lips. I felt her smile on my lips, and I kissed her again.

" Daddy, can we go and eat now? I'm hungry." Our sweet little girl butted in, and
we both laughed.

" Of course, sweetheart. I am sorry, daddy took so long. Let's go and grab lunch,
and then we are going home.

I listed her up in my arms and put my arm around Bella's shoulder. We said goodbye
to Liza and Annie and were out of there.

We were on our way home, and our little girl is fast asleep in the backseat. My
Bella is also drifting off beside me. I lowered down the volume of the radio and
drove in silence. I glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time when I noticed
a black car following us.

I noticed this car at the restaurant when we left. I gripped the steering wheel a
little tighter. I glanced at my precious cargo and felt scared. I dialed Detective
Drew's number and glanced at the plate number. He answered on the second ring.

" Detective, Dr. Jones here. We are on our way home from the town, and I noticed
this car following us from the restaurant. Can you run the numbers for me? 524-MBC,
it's a black Ford series. I can't see the driver's face because it's tinted." I
told him in an uptight voice.

"I'm almost to the house. I'll park few meters away and see if it will pass or
stop." I continued, never letting the car out of my sight. It passed us by, and I
tried so hard to look at the driver, but it's tough since it's getting dark

" Dr. Jones, we are running the plate number now. Were you able to look at the
driver?" Detective Drew asked on the other line.

" No, detective. It is really heavily tinted, plus it's getting dark outside too.
Please let me know when you found out who it belongs to." I told him and cut the

I turned on the car again and continued driving to Bella's house. When I parked
outside the house, I looked around first before waking Bella up.

" Baby, wake up, we're here." I touched her face softly. She opened her eyes and
looked around.

" I'm sorry, babe. I didn't realize I dozed off." She apologized and touched my

" It's okay, love. I know you were tired, so I let you sleep. Let's get inside and
transfer Sophie to her bed." I opened my door and rounded on her side to help her
out. Then I went to take my daughter in my arms and carried her inside the house.

I looked back on the road and saw the black ford before passing us by and slowed
down. I put my arms on Bella and guided her to the door. I really have a bad
feeling about that car. Whoever it is, it's been keeping tabs on us.

I went straight to Sophie's room and put her down on her bed. Aunt Agnes is
preparing dinner in the kitchen, so I decided to talk to her while Bella changed
Sophie's clothes.

" Aunt Agnes, can I talk to you for a while?" I asked Aunt Agnes and sat down by
the table.

" Sure, hon, what is it?" Aunt Agnes sat down in front of me with a worried face.

" I want to ask your permission auntie to let Bella and Sophie move in with me. I
know you just got them back, but I don't want to waste more time as well away from
them." I stared straight into her eyes and begged with my eyes.

" I understand you, Liam. Although I'll be sad when they leave, I know you'll take
good care of them, and I know my daughter is happy now that you're together." She
said while clasping my hands in hers and patted it.

" Thank you, auntie. Don't worry. We will be visiting you always, and we're not
that far from here. It's just that it's nearer to my clinic and the hospital. And
also near Bella's and Sophie's school." I assured her and squeezed her hands. Bella
came in and saw us. She went to her mom and kissed her cheek.

" Hey, mom, want any help? What were you two talking about? You both look so
serious," she asked us, looking back and forth to her mom and me.

" Baby, I asked your mom's permission to allow you and Sophie to move in with me to
my apartment in town. I don't want to ask you first without asking Auntie's
permission. She said yes, babe. Will you move in with me? Please?" I looked at her
and half-smiled.

I am nervous about her answer. I know it was sudden, but I don't want them out of
my sight after everything has happened lately. I waited for her answer and held my

She then smiled and nodded. I sighed deeply and stood up. I gathered her in my arms
and hugged her tight.

" Thank you, baby. You got me worried there. I thought you're going to refuse." I
told her, lifting her face towards me and kissed her forehead.
" Why would I do that, Liam? When all I ever wanted was to be with you, every
single day. Mom, don't get me wrong. I miss you, and I will always visit you with
Sophie, okay?" She turned to her mom and reach for her hand.

" I know, sweetheart, and I am happy for the both of you. As long as I see you
happy, then I am happy too." She patted Bella's hand and got up to continue
preparing dinner. I exited the kitchen to give Detective Drew a call.

I need to know who that car belongs to and why it is following us. While Bella and
Aunt Agnes are busy in the kitchen, I went out the front door and dialed my phone.
I won't wait for this bastard to make his next move. I will catch him before he can
do that.

Chapter 60
As I dialed my phone, my eyes roam around the property, looking for anything that
looks suspicious. This person, whoever he is, is just waiting for the right time to
strike again. Detective Drew answered after three rings.

" Dr. Jones, I was just about to call you. We got a hit on the car. Do you know
anyone named Paige Johnson?" He asked, and I cursed.

" We met her this afternoon at the mall. She is the new Psychiatric Doctor at
Glendale Hospital. Why would she follow us around? Can you run a background check
for me, Detective? I don't trust this woman." I told him and run my fingers through
my hair.

" We're one step ahead of you, Doctor. I've asked the team to do a background check
and conduct surveillance. If she has something to do with the accident and threats
towards Miss Montreal, we will arrest her and interrogate her." The detective said.

" Thank you, Detective. I appreciate that. Please let me know as soon as you get a
lead. In the meantime, can you assign your men to look after my fiance and
daughter? I won't be around them all the time. I want them safe and looked after
even if I'm not around." I asked Detective Drew, and he agreed right away.

I gave my address in town since we will be living there starting next week. I cut
the call and looked around again. I swear I saw a shadow behind the lamp post in
front of the house.

I ran towards it and check, but there's nobody there. But I am positive something
moved behind it a few minutes ago. I looked beyond the woods and at the deserted
road. I got to catch this bastard! I won't let him get his filthy hands on my
family ever again!

I was standing there frustrated when I heard Bella's voice from across the road.
She asked me to come back in because dinner is ready. I jogged towards her and
hugged her lightly.

" What were you doing out there?" She asked, looking up at me. Her brows were
furrowed, and she had a curious look in her eyes.

" Nothing, baby. I thought I saw a deer, but it ran away towards the woods." I lied
to her. I don't want her stressing out again. She doesn't know about the car that
was following us around either.

" Oh, okay. Let's go; dinner's ready. I'll check on our daughter and wake her up."
She said, and I nodded. I looked back again behind us. There's this nagging feeling
that someone is looking at us behind that darkness in the woods.

We had a quiet dinner and enjoyed each other's company. We announced to our darling
daughter the news of moving in with me to my apartment, and she ecstatic. She ran
to her room and started packing.

We all laughed at her excitement and let her be. When we checked on her after
dinner, she fell asleep on top of her clothes on her bed. Bella made her
comfortable and put all her clothes in the open luggage. I kissed her head and
tucked her securely under the covers.

We were in the living room having our coffee and watched TV when Bella's phone
rang. She was comfortably leaning on my chest with curled feet under her. So, I
grabbed her phone for her and saw that it was Collette calling.

" Hey, what's up?" Bella answered, still curled up beside me. I have my arm around
her and my hand holding her head in place. I kissed the top of her head and
listened to their conversation.

" Tomorrow? That soon? So, what did Todd say? Where will they go? Huh, well, he
better make sure not to bring my fiancee to a strip club, or I'll have his balls."
I heard her say, and I chuckled. She looked up at me, frowning and pouting.

I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and grinned. She slapped my chest softly and
continued listening to Collette. All she did is answered, okay, yeah, and sure. I
am pretty sure Collette barked orders and instructions to her. she hanged up after
a while and gave me her phone to put back on the center table.

" What did she want, babe?" I asked her, tilting her head.

"She said we'll be having her bachelorette party tomorrow in your house. Your
parents will be out of town, and Todd is bringing to some club. You better behave,
Mister, or I won't move in with you." She said sternly and pointed her finger in my

I captured her hand and kissed each finger. I stared into her hazel eyes and said
to myself, how could I look at other women when I have the perfect girl in my arms?

" Baby, I have my eyes only for you. I see only you. Even if you're not around, you
are always on my mind, so you don't have to worry about other women because I am
all yours." I told her and kissed her cute nose.

" You'd better, or I swear I'll disappear again and will never come back." She
declared, and I got a bit scared. Just the mention of her disappearing again
doesn't sit well with me. I tightened my hold on her and kissed her forehead.

" I promise, baby. Please believe me that you're the only one for me. Whatever
happens, always remember that I love you. If I do something to betray that trust,
there must be a reason. Please wait for my explanation before going away, okay?" I
begged her staring into her eyes.

She nodded and lifted her face to kiss me. I kissed her back and hugged her tight.
I will do everything to protect them and keep them safe, even if I have to lie to
her and keep vital information about the case.

What she doesn't know will not hurt her. At 11 o'clock, Bella is driving off to
sleep in my arms. So, I turned off the TV and carried her to our room. She clung to
me and kissed my neck. I dipped my head and kissed her head.
I will conquer any obstacle or any danger, as long as she's beside me and in my
arms. She and Sophie are my life. Without them, my life would be meaningless and

Chapter 61
Bella's POV

Saturday came, and it's time for our pool party. Liam and I went to their house
early to help Collette with the preparations. Todd informed Liam they would be
leaving around 6 pm before the first guests arrived.

Collette invited some of our close friends from high school and her close friends
from college. At 5 pm, everything is set. The pool area lays out food, music,
decorations, and drinks.

Liam and I went home to change. Me in my bikini and wrap-around dress, while Liam
change to casual jeans and shirt. Actually, he doesn't want to go, but Todd invited
some of his friends to join them.

He sent me to the house at six before leaving with Todd. He was reluctant to let me
go and warned me to behave. I laughed at his jealous behavior.

" Babe, who would I be flirting? We are all girls, remember?" I told him, wrapping
my arms around his torso.

" who knows, Collette might have a surprise up her sleeves and invite some
strippers. I swear, Bella, I come flying here if I learned there are other men here
later." He warned, and I laughed even more.

" I promise, as soon as there are other men, I'll call you, and I will go home,
okay? The same goes for you. Don't you dare look at other women or even flirt with
them, or else?" I warned him also. He kissed my waiting lips and pinched my nose.

I watched them drive away before going back to the pool, where Collette was busy
making sure everything was set for the night.

Our guests slowly arrived a little around seven. Our high school friends were so
thrilled and happy to see me, and we chatted like it was only yesterday when we
were in high school. Collette's college friends are so cool and very friendly.

We were sipping our martini when Sandra, our high school friend told us something
that shocked us. Somebody brought Jenny's name when they learned that I am engaged
to Liam, Collette's brother.

" Have you heard about what happened to Jenny after that night at your party?"
Sandra asked us. Collette and I both shake our heads and looked at her

" Well, according to what I heard, she never went to college. She was so ashamed
about what happened, and people are bashing or calling her names on her social
media." She looked t us, and we listened intently.

" My source said she went into depression and got a little crazy. Her parents put
her in a mental institution because she had been trying to commit suicide." We
gasped and looked at each other in horror.
"But after a year, nobody really knows what happened to her. They said she
succeeded in killing herself and died in the hospital. Her parents died in a car
accident after she died." She continued, and everyone was so quiet.

" Why would she do that to herself? Even if I don't like her, I still feel sorry
for her." I mumbled, and Collette agreed with me.

" One more thing. Did you know that she has a brother who was sent to prison for
arson and murder when he was a teenager?" Sandra asked again, and we were

" Really? She never mentioned she had a brother. Whatever happened to her? Was it
confirmed that she really died?" Collette interrogates Sandra more, but she said
she doesn't really know the full story.

We were silent for a moment, both lost in our thoughts and feeling a little guilty,
but Jenny was really an odd girl. Maybe she already had a mental disorder back
then, but it only intensifies when she went through all that humiliation.

But the question is, where is she? Is she really dead? What happened to her? Just
then, my phone beeped, signaling a message. It's probably Liam checking in on me. I
overlooked the time, and it's almost 11 in the evening.

I took out my phone from my purse and opened the message. What I saw made me froze,
and I paled. Collette noticed my state and rushed to me. She snatched my phone and
cursed at the photo.

She dialed Liam's number and shouted at him. I stood frozen in place, and tears ran
down my face. I heard Collette cursing him and told him to come home now.

The photo my stalker sent to me was Liam and Paige Johnson, the new doctor,
kissing. Paige stood in between Liam's thigh and her arms around his neck. Liam's
hands are in her waist. I could not think straight.

Collette rushed back to me after shouting at the phone and held me in her arms. The
memories of seeing Liam with many other girls came back to me, and I sobbed my
heart out. Collette guided me inside the house away from prying eyes.

I told her I want to go home and told her to go back to her guests. I wanted to be
alone. I wanted to process what I just saw and what I should feel.

I want to give Liam the benefit of the doubt, but the photo tells a different
story. I had to admit Paige is gorgeous and sexy. She's the type Liam used to date
and fucked in high school. I arrived home, and it was so quiet.

I went straight to my room and in the shower. I cried so hard inside and let the
water drown my sobs and tears. I don't know how long I was inside because my phone
had 20 missed calls from Liam when I came out.

I changed to a worn-out sweatshirt and climbed my bed. I had a few drinks tonight,
which explains my flood of emotions. I hugged the pillow where Liam used to lay and
inhaled his scent. My body rocked from sobs again, and I tried so hard to suppress
it with the pillow.

My phone rang again. I know it's from Liam, but I'm not sure I'm in my right state
of mind to talk to him. I am feeling hurt and betrayed. It feels like I am in high
school all over again. How could Liam do this to me? How could he say one thing and
do the opposite?
Chapter 62
Liam's POV

When Todd and I arrived at the club, some of his friends are already there playing
at the pool table. He ordered us drinks, and we joined his friends. I wanted to
check on Bella, but I stopped myself. She deserves a night out with friends, so I'm
giving her freedom tonight.

It was almost 11, and I was sitting by the bar drinking my 3rd bottle of beer when
Dr. Paige Johnson came into the bar. She was wearing a skin-tight short black dress
and looked around.

When she saw me at the bar, she smiled seductively and came towards me. This woman
is really something. She even followed here. I need to know what she wants and if
she is behind all, that's happening to Bella.

" Doctor Jones, fancy meeting you here." She smiled and leaned on the bar standing
too close for comfort. She is gorgeous, yes, but I don't feel any stirring in my
manhood when I look at her.

" Is it really, Doctor Johnson, or you followed me here?" I raised my brows at her.
I'm a little bit tipsy already, and my blood boils when I remember this afternoon
when she followed us around.

" You're fast, Liam. You caught me. Well, Doctor Jones, when I want something, I
never stop until I get what I want. And I want you." She whispered seductively and
ran her fingers in my biceps. I grabbed her hand squeezed it tightly.

" Listen, you crazy bitch! Don't you dare come near to Bella or me ever again?
Don't do anything foolish, or I swear to God I'll strangle you myself!" I hissed at
her. She smirked and wrapped her arms around my neck, and went in between my

" I like it when my man talks dirty to me." She said and then swooped in to kiss
me. I was too shocked to react first, but then I held her waist and pushed her away
from me when I recovered.

" Son of a bitch! You are cray! Stay away from me, woman, or I swear I will hit
you. I will never betray my fiance. Not even for the like of you. You are a
disgrace to your profession, behaving like a whore." I was trembling in anger when
my phone rang.

I saw it was Bella's number, so I answered right away. To my horror, it was

Collette's outraged voice that I heard. She was cursing me to hell and threatened
to cut my balls for hurting her best friend again. I was confused about what she's
saying then said about a photo of me kissing another woman.

My heart stopped for a while, and fear enveloped me. I suddenly felt sober and
stared deathly at the woman in front of me. I cursed and told Collette that what
she saw is not what it looks like. But she told me to come home and fix it because
Bella is in bad shape.

I ran out of there as fast as I could and went to my car. I dialed Bella's phone,
but she's not answering. I've never felt so helpless and scared all my life.
Whoever sent the photo must e inside the club and probably the stalker. But I don't
have time to know that, what I am concerned about now is Bella.
She is must be feeling hurt and crying right now. I cursed and hit the steering
wheel so hard. I'll strangle that bitch when I see her next time. She planned this!

She wanted to do that so the accomplice can take the photo and send it to Bella to
make it look like I cheated on her. I dialed her again but still no answer. I'm
almost home. I won't stop until he listens to me. I can't let her think that I
betrayed her.

When I reached home, I parked the car and went to knock on the door. I keep on
dialing her number, but she won't answer. I went around the back to check her
window if it's locked or not. I can't keep on knocking, aunt Agnes and my daughter
might wake up and learned what happened.

I need to fix this before morning, or I'll go crazy and might kill someone. I tried
to open her window, but it is locked. So I knocked softly on it and called her

" Bella, baby, please open your window and let me come in. We need to talk, baby.
Please listen to me first before going to conclusions. You promised me you will,
believe me, baby, and will listen to me first." I begged her, almost on the verge
of crying now. I suddenly felt so drained and helpless.

" Baby, please? Please talk to me, my love, or I swear I'll go back to that bar and
kill that woman!" I said frustratedly. I am sitting on the grass now and leaned on
the wall below her window.

" It was all a mistake, baby. I did not kiss her. She kissed me! I was pushing her
that time that photo was taken. She caught me off guard when she did that. I was
slow to react. Please believe me, Bella. I will not do anything to hurt your make
you feel less." I am crying now, so angry at myself for not seeing what that woman
was planning to do.

I heard the lock on the ledge being unlocked, and I scrambled to my feet right away
and opened the window. Bella stood there with swollen and red eyes. My heart
constricted, and I felt so bad for her.

" Baby, can I come in?" I asked softly, unsure if she wants to be with me or wants
to talk to me. She stepped back and turned her back without saying anything. I
climbed the window and came inside. I closed it behind me and made sure to turn the

She went back to bed and laid down facing the other way. I took off my shoes,
jeans, and shirt, then climbed in, facing her. I looked at her closed eyes, tears
flowing from it, and it felt like a thousand needles pricked my heart.

I gathered her to me and hugged her tight. I felt her sobs, and I let her cry for a
while. I keep on kissing her head, her eyes, and her lips, whispering over and over
how much I love her and how sorry I was. When finally she stopped crying, I held
her face kissed her forehead.

" Will you listen to me now?" I asked softly. She nodded but still keeping her eyes

" Will you please look at me? I want to look at your eyes when I tell you what
happened." I begged her. I waited until she focused her swollen eyes on me. I
smiled at her and kissed her lips softly.

" Hi, beautiful," I said and kissed her again. She pouted, and I chuckled. I sighed
with relief. At least she doesn't look so angry now.
" Baby, what happened tonight was not what it looked like in the photo. That woman
came to the bar and approached me. We had a heated argument because I warned her to
stay away from us." I started and didn't stray my eyes away from her face.

" She was flirting with me openly and was touching me, so I gripped her hand to
stop her. What she did after that surprised me, and I was not too quick to react.
When I did recover, I held her waist to push her away. That was the angle the
stalker took and sent to you to make it look like I enjoyed kissing her." I pleaded
for her to believe me. She is staring at me without saying anything.

" Baby, please believe me. I did not kiss her back. I love you and only you,
Bella." I told her and leaned forward to place my forehead on her forehead.

" When I saw the photo, all I can think about was the time when you parade your
girls in front of me during high school. All the pain came back, and I felt so
betrayed. I was scared, Liam. So scared that you got tired of me and realized that
you don't really love me." I heard her say, and it tore my heart hearing her say

" Bella, I would never do that. I told you that I was in love with you all those
years ago, and it was only an excuse to hide my feelings for you. I am so sorry,
sweetheart, for hurting you all those years. I love you with all my heart, Bella,
only you." I reassured her and kissed her hard on the lips.

She clung to me, and I pulled her even closer. I poured all my love and fears into
our kiss and told her through my kisses how much I love her. I spent the whole
night making it up to her and showing her that she's the only woman that makes me
lose control.

Chapter 63

Liam's POV

I woke up early and left my sleeping finance in bed. I didn't wake her up because I
know she was exhausted after all the drama last night.

I want to go to my parent's house and face Collette to explain and ask Todd about
what happened last night? The stalker was there, and he might know this guy.

I went out of our room and went to my daughter's room. She is still fast asleep,
hugging her favorite stuffed toy, the unicorn. I kissed her head and went out.

I need to go back to our house to face Collette's wrath and ask Todd about last
night. The stalker was there last night. It might be one of Todd's friends, or he
might see someone who took the photo.

I entered our house and went straight to the dining where I know my whole family
will be. When I entered the dining, my eyes went straight to my outraged sister.

She glared daggers in my direction and pointed her fork at me. Todd is trying to
calm her down and pacify her anger.

I sat opposite her, but my eyes went to Todd. My parents are looking from me to
Collette and me, obviously not knowing what happened last night.

" Why are you here early, son? Where's Bella and Sophie?" My dad asked me.
" They are still asleep, dad. I left early to talk to Collette and Todd." I looked
at the two in front of me. Collette was still looking angry, and Todd was puzzled.

" Collette, what you saw in the photo was not exactly what happened. The stalker
just took the shot in an angle where you were lead to believe differently." I
started, looking her straight in the eye.

" We met that woman yesterday when we went shopping. She bumped into Bella
purposely and introduced herself as Doctor Paige Johnson. She's the new Psychiatric
doctor at Glendale Hospital. This woman has been following us since yesterday." I
continued, and I can see the change in my sister's facial expression.

I reported her to the police when she followed us from the mall to Bella's house. I
did not expect her to show up last night and make a scene. She said she wants me
and she will get what she wants. That kiss was unexpected. The time I was holding
her waist was to push her, but the stalker took the photo that moment to make it
look like we were kissing."

" Now, my next question was for you, Todd. Did you notice anyone suspicious last
night? Didn't you see who took the photo?" I turned to Todd questioningly.

" I don't know, bro. I was a little bit drunk last night, and I was talking to my
friends. I didn't even notice you went to the bar." He answered me innocently. I
nodded my head but still skeptical.

" Okay, bro, but can you give me a list o all your friends that attended last
night? The police are going to the bar too, to check the CCTV." I bluffed.
Something is telling me he's not telling the truth or is covering up for someone.

" Oh, ahm, sure, Liam. I'll give you the list later." He said and smiled awkwardly.

" I'm sorry, Liam. I overreacted because when I saw Bella's face last night and saw
the picture, I wanted to strangle you for hurting her again." My sister apologized,
and I give her a short nod.

" Liam, honey. We have to find this person, and that woman must be stopped! How
dare he come in between you and Bella. I will go to the hospital and report her to
the management!" My mom declared, also getting furious.

" Liam, there's something you should know. Sandra, our classmate from high school,
told us a piece of alarming news." Collette said, and I listened intently.

" What is it, Cols?" I asked her.

" She said that Jenny, your ex, the one you dumped because you caught her banging
your buddy, got depressed after that night and even went to a mental institution.
She never went to college because of shame and bullying." She narrated, and I was

" She tried to commit suicide and has gone crazy. That's why her parents sent her
to the Institute, but Sandra said she heard that she committed suicide in the
hospital and died. Then her parents died of a car accident after she killed
herself." She continued, and I was appalled by all the information.

" And another thing, Sandra said, Jenny has a brother who was imprisoned for arson
and murder a few years ago. Don't you think it's a coincidence, or he has something
to do with all this?" She asked with fear and alarm on her face.
" It could be, or it could be not, but I will ask Detective Drew to look into that
matter. For now, anyone could be the suspect. I want you all to take care and not
trust anybody." I looked around me, and they all nodded.
" I've asked Bella to move in with me in my apartment, and she agreed. I want both
of them to be with me at all times. I can't risk not being able to protect them.
Until this lunatic is caught, I won't take my eyes off my family." I told them, and
they are all delighted with the news.

" Son, you do what you have to do. You call us if you need us, alright? Take care
of them and take care of yourself too."

" Liam, Sandra said, she is not sure if Jenny is really dead, but that's what she
heard. If she is still alive, she could be the one doing this, and she might have
help from her brother. Please take care of Bella and Sophie." Collette warned me,
and I nodded solemnly.

It got me thinking too. It could be Jenny if she's still alive. She might be
wanting revenge after I humiliated her that night. Almost all of the students in
our school were at that party, so they know what a slut she was.

I need to call Detective Drew and ask him to dig into Jenny's file and ask the
hospital she was admitted to about her case. As for the brother, she never
mentioned that she had a brother when we were going out.

I need to know if Dr. Paige Johnson has something to do with Jenny. She suddenly
showed up in this town, declaring her desire to get me, which isn't reassuring. I
looked at Todd, and he had this faraway look on his face. Should I have him
investigated too?

When Collette introduced him to us two years ago, we never really questioned him
because he is a lawyer. But we never really know his background. All he said is
that his parents are both dead and that he is an only child.

I stared at him, and when he realized I am staring, he looked up at me and gave me

a timid smile and a short nod.


Chapter 64
Bella's POV

I woke up with a headache and the worst hangover in my life. I looked beside me but
find it empty. Where did Liam go? Did he go to work already? I got up and held my
head in my hand. God! I'm never drinking again.

I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, and did my morning routine. I took a
cold shower to ease my headache and changed into my jump short, and went out to
look for my fiance and my daughter.

I found my daughter with my mom in the kitchen baking muffins, but no Liam. My mom
greeted me and offered me muffins.

" Morning, honey. How's the party last night? I didn't hear you come in." My mom
said and smiled at me.

" Good morning, mommy. Where's daddy?" My darling daughter asked, and I went to
kiss her head.
" That's what I want to ask, babe. Didn't you see him when you woke up?" I asked
her hugging her at me. She is sitting at the table watching her Nana bake.

" When Nan woke me up, I didn't see daddy, mommy. I thought he is still sleeping."
She answered, and I shook my head.

" Maybe he went to their house, hon. why won't you call him or send him a message?"
Mom suggested, and that's what I did. I dialed his number, and he answered on the
second ring.

" Good morning, gorgeous, miss me?" He greeted me, and I automatically smiled.

" Good morning, babe. Where are you? Are you in the clinic already?" I asked him.

" No, babe. I'm at home. I came to talk to Collette and Todd. I'll be there any
minute. Is my Princess awake?" He asked.

" Yes, she's also looking for you. Here I'll pass her the phone ." I placed the
phone in my daughter's ears.

" Daddy, why did you not wake me up? I want to visit Grandma and grandpa too? " She
pouted and sounded upset. I can hear Liam made a lot of explaining, and I grinned.
He's terrified when his daughter is upset with him.

"Okay, daddy, come back soon. Nana and I are baking muffins, and you know that
mommy is the muffin monster. She will eat it all if you don't hurry." she giggled,
and I glared jokingly at her.

" Hey! I'm not a muffin monster. I like eating little girls more, aaarrr!" I
pretended to bite her, and she shrieked.

" Daddy, save me! Monster mommy is going to eat me! Ahhhhhh!" She screamed. I took
little bites on her neck, and she shrieked again. I heard Liam said he's coming
home now and cut the call.

I was still tickling her when Liam came in panting. He probably ran all the way
from their house here. He kissed me first and then lifted Sophie in his arms,
showering her with kisses. He greeted my mom good morning and continued kissing

" What were you doing out so early, babe? Have you had your breakfast?" I asked,
circling his waist with my arms, and looked up at him.

" I went to explain to Collette about what happened last night, baby. I know she
was upset and furious too. I also asked Todd if he noticed something unusual last
night. I told detective Drew about what happened and asked them to investigate." He
explained to me, kissing the top of my head.

" I can't believe the nerve of that woman. To think that we only met her
yesterday." I shook my head, still upset about last night.

" Don't worry, okay? I already warned her, and I will keep my distance from her if
I see her in the hospital." He said and hugged me to him. My daughter also hugged
me, and I kissed her little hand.

" Why don't you all sit down so we can have our breakfast? Bella, honey, help me
set up the table." My mom interrupted our moment, and we all obliged her command.

While we were having breakfast, Liam told us to start packing our suitcases
because we moved in today to his apartment. Sophie was so excited that she ran into
her room to finish packing her clothes. I looked at my mom, and I can see that she
is sad.

" Mom, will you be okay here alone?" I asked her, and she smiled.

" Of course, hon. I will be fine. You promised me that you would take care of each
other, especially Sophie, okay?" She looked at both of us with a sad smile and

" Don't worry, Auntie Agnes. I will take care of them both and will protect them.
We will visit you always and let Sophie call you every night to say goodnight."
Liam reassured her, and she nodded with a grateful smile on her face.

That day was filled with packing and making sure we got everything. Liam went to
his clinic for a while to attend to his patients. He said he would come back to
pick us up later after his work.

Collete came to help us and talk about last night. She got so curious about this
Dr. Paige that she said she would go to the hospital and look for her. She was
furious about what that woman did and said to Liam, but also worried.

She said she trusted her brother, but she doesn't trust this woman, and I totally
agreed with her. I know how much Liam loved me, and I believed and trusted him
completely. It's this woman that I can't trust at all.

I need to find out who she is and what does she want. I can't be weak now. Now that
I know Liam loves me too, I will not sit around and let another woman ruin what we

This time I will fight for my man tooth and nail. No one messed with my man and get
away with it. I will show her who Liam belongs to and that she should learn her

Chapter 65
Liam arrived at past 5 in the afternoon. He loaded our luggage in the trunk, and we
said our goodbyes to mom. We decided to pass by the grocery to buy all the stuff
that we needed at home. A lot of people greeted Liam, some are patients before, and
some are locals.

Our daughter, Sophie, enjoyed it a lot and has been putting stuff in the cart.
Mostly her favorite food and snack. We bought enough to last a week and loaded them
in our car.

After the groceries, we stopped by a fast food to order our dinner and had it
packed to go. Then we were on our way to Liam's apartment, which will be our new

Liam took care of the luggage while I carry some of the groceries. Sophie is so
excited and went straight to her new room. We will have it decorated once we've
settled in. I arranged what we bought in the kitchen and put all the frozen goods
in the fridge.

Next, I prepared our dinner on the table since it's already 7 in the evening. For
the first time, we ate as one as a family, just the three of us.

We held hands to say the prayer. We let our daughter Sophie lead the prayer, and
what she said melted our hearts.

" Dear father, Jesus. Thank you for this food, and thank you for bringing back my
daddy to us. May all the little children have food on their table and have their
mommy and daddy with them. Please bless and protect my daddy and mommy and me, as
well. Thank you for all the blessings and for making my family whole again. In
Jesus' name, we ask, Amen." She opened her eyes and smiled brightly at us.

Liam and I looked at our precious daughter and thanked God for giving her to us. We
looked at each other with tears brimming in our eyes, and I felt him squeezed my

I can see he's trying to hide the emotions he felt, and I tried to swallow the lump
in my throat. I helped Sophie put food on her plate and placed the napkin on her
chest, while Liam put food on my table.

I can't explain what I am feeling right now. This scene had played in my mind many
times when we were in Denver. I have wished and prayed that Liam would be with us
and eat our meal together as a family.

I can't believe my daughter had the same prayers as me. She prayed that her father
is with us like this and we'll be a happy family.

We keep on looking at our daughter, who has been eating happily and keeps on
smiling at us. What a precious gem we have, and we will do everything to protect

After our dinner, Liam volunteered to clear the table, wash the dishes while I
went, and help our daughter wash and brush her teeth. I put on her pajamas and
helped her to bed. We were currently reading her favorite book when Liam showed up,
leaning on her room's open door.

" Hi daddy, come lie with us. Mommy is reading my favorite book." Sophie called her
dad and asked him to join us in her bed. Liam walked in and lay down beside her on
the opposite side.

I continued reading while my fiance and our darling little girl listened. After a
while, when I glanced at the two, they were fast asleep. Liam is holding my hand on
top of Sophie's chest, while Sophie's head is tucked under her father's chin.

My heart swelled with love and adoration to the two most important people in my
life. How I wish this moment will last forever and that we will all be safe and
happy always.

I covered them both with the blanket and kissed both their heads, whispering I love
you and goodnight to both of them. I turned off the lamp and went under the covers.
Liam didn't let go of my hand even in his sleep, and I don't intend to let go

We slept together in one bed with our daughter in between, and nothing looks more
perfect than this. I slept with a heart full of gratitude and love.

The next morning, I woke up early and got up to fix our breakfast. I left Liam and
our daughter in the room and transferred to the master's bedroom to take a shower.
My luggage is still unpacked. The same goes for Sophie's.

I will attend to it later after breakfast and do some cleaning and rearranging.
Liam's apartment is a typical pad for a bachelor.
Now that we are here, I will add a color and homey feel to this place. Now that we
are here, we will take care of Liam and make sure he comes home to a clean house
and food on the table.

I still have a lot of time before going back to school, so I will make sure I will
pamper Liam and my daughter and take care of them as best as possible.

I turned on the TV while making pancakes and frying bacon. What I heard on the news
shocked me to the core, and I paled.

" A body was found inside a burnt abandoned building near the St. Martin's
Psychiatric Hospital. The police are now determining the body's identity, but they
were led to believe that this is the body of the missing patient named Jenny
Wilson." The commentator said. I covered my mouth and listened to the full report.

" Jenny Wilson went missing for three years now, and no one really knows what
happened until now. She went missing after a man who introduced himself as her
brother came to visit her three years ago. The attending Doctor said she left the
two talk in her room, but when she came back, they are both gone." He continued.

" They said the man did not leave any identification and did not give his name, but
rumor said, he is the brother who went to prison for arson and murder. The question
now is, did the brother killed Jenny and why? We will keep you updated on this case
once the identity of the body is confirmed." The report ended, and I was glued to
my spot, still absorbing everything.

Jenny is really dead? And her brother is the suspect? Who is her brother, and why
would he kill her? I am still frozen when Liam came into the kitchen freshly

" Morning, love, are you okay?" He asked, kissing my cheek. It was then that I came
out of my trance.

" Morning, babe. Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I've just watched a piece of alarming news
on the TV. Is Sophie awake, babe?" I asked him and diverted the issue.

" Still sleeping, baby. Why did you wake up so early?"

" I want to prepare our breakfast and start cleaning and arranging the apartment.
Is it okay if I do some changed around here, babe?" I asked him, kissing him on the
lips lightly.

" Of course, love. From now on, you are the queen of this house. Do whatever you
want, baby." He answered and kissed me tenderly.

I asked him to fetch our daughter to have our breakfast and start unpacking our
clothes. I spent the whole day cleaning and decorating the apartment. Liam was kind
enough to buy the things I need and cooked lunch for us.

But the news this morning keeps on repeating in my head. Could it be that our
stalker is her brother? Who is her brother?

Chapter 66

At 2 p.m., Liam was called to the hospital. I was worried about what would happen
or what would that crazy new doctor do to sabotage our relationship again. I packed
a light snack for Liam and waited for him by the door.
" Lock the door when I get out, babe, and don't ever open it unless it's me, okay?
Call me if there's any problem. I will message you once I'm done with my patients
and whether I'll be able to come home tonight." He instructed, and I nodded in
everything he said.

" Be careful, Liam. I'm sure that doctor is going to be there and might have some
tricks on sleeves again. Let me know if you arrive safely and when you have spare
time. I love you." I reminded him and kissed him.

" Don't worry too much, alright? I will handle her and will stay away from her if
possible." He circled his arms in my waist and kissed me back. Then he turned to
our daughter sprawled on the carpeted floor in front of the TV.

" Sweetheart, daddy's going to work now. Be good to mommy, okay? I love you." He
called to her.

" Okay, daddy. I love you too," she answered with a wave and went back to watching
the TV.

" Be careful, and you take care, okay? Don't strain yourself too much. I love you."
He said and kissed one more time before exiting the door. I closed the door as soon
as I saw him enter the elevator and locked it.

I fixed a snack for Sophie and continued setting our bedrooms and closets. When I
came out of the bedroom, I saw my daughter fast asleep on the floor. So, I carried
her to her room and let her take a nap.

I cleaned the living room and fixed myself a tea, and looked down the glass window.
It is now 4 p.m., but Liam hasn't texted me yet. He is probably busy right now with
his patients. I'll send him a message anyway, to ease my troubled mind.

" Hey, babe. I know I shouldn't text you, but I want to know if you've arrived
safely in the hospital? Is everything okay? Anyway, the whole apartment is very
quiet. Your daughter is taking a nap, and I am drinking my tea while missing you.
Text me when you're free, okay? Love you."

I pushed the sent button and put my phone back in my pocket. I decided to prepare
our dinner, and I'll keep some for Liam, in case he comes home late at night. I
prepared chicken Alfredo pasta and garden salad.

After an hour, I am done with my cooking. I went to my room to take a shower before
Sophie wakes up. I spent 30 minutes in the shower and am now putting on my white
tank top and comfy baby blue pajama bottom.

I wrapped my hair up with a towel and went out to check on Sophie. It's getting
dark outside, so I turned on the lamps in the living room and the drop lights by
the dining. I went to my daughter's room to wake her up.

" Hey, sleepyhead, wakey, wakey. It's time for dinner, sweetheart. Come on up, you
go." I kissed her cheek, and she stirred. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. I
carried her outside and sat her on the chair.

I placed her food in front of her, and we started eating. Just then, my phone
beeped, indicating a message. When I opened it, I gasped and dropped my fork on the

" So, you've decided to move in with your boyfriend? Well, enjoy it while it lasts,
Bella. You won't be happy for long." The stalker texted me with a photo of the
three of us in the supermarket. He's been following us around! He knows we're

I wanted to call Liam, but I hesitated. He might be busy now, and he doesn't need a
distraction when he's working. I forwarded the message to Detective Drew and asked
him to find this guy ASAP!

My phone rang, and detective Drew's number registered on the caller ID. I accepted
the call and asked him what to do?

" Miss Montreal, calm down. We are doing everything we could to locate this person.
It could be anyone. One thing's for sure is, he knows you and Liam." He stated.

" Now, don't go out alone or go to a secluded place where you will be vulnerable
for a target. We had a new lead that Liam asked us to investigate. I'm optimistic
we will identify this guy really soon. In the meantime, be very careful and trust
no one, alright?" He advised, and I answered my agreement.

After a few more talks of do's and don'ts, we hang up, and I tried to finish my now
cold dinner. My daughter Sophie looked at me with innocent eyes and asked if I'm
okay. I smiled at her and nodded my head.

When we're done with our dinner, I asked Sophie to sit in the living room and watch
TV while I clear the table and wash our dishes.

I was lost in my thoughts when my phone rang again. This time, it's Liam's number
that's flashing on my screen. I wiped my hand with the cloth and answered his call.

" Liam! Are you okay? I haven't heard from you since you left this afternoon. Have
you had your dinner?" I bombarded him with questions right away.

" Baby, slow down.: He chuckled.

" I'm sorry, I wasn't able to text you right away, baby. We had a lot of patients,
and I start work as soon as I arrived. I'll be there in an hour, love. I'm done
with my checkups and come back in the morning for my rounds." He told me, and I was
relieved that he is coming home tonight. I will show him the message from the
stalker and tell him about my suspicions.

" Okay, babe. I'll heat your dinner when you're almost here. I've prepared chicken
Alfredo pasta for dinner. Come home safe, okay? Have you seen that woman?" I asked

" I thought I saw her a while ago, but I stayed away and kept myself busy and
surrounded with people. I'm going now, baby. I'll fix my things and will be on my
way home."

" Okay, babe. Drive safely, and be careful." I told him and cut our call. I breathe
a sigh of relief, now that I know we won't be alone tonight. It's really creepy
when you know someone is watching you and following your every move.

I know that are undercover detectives downstairs watching us but, still, this
lunatic is clever and has been very careful to cover his tracks. Whoever he or she
is, I won't let them succeed. I won't go down without a fight and I won't give up
on Liam.

Chapter 67
Liam's POV

I have been swamped with patients the moment I stepped into the hospital. Many kids
were brought in due to stomachache, fever, and vomiting. I'm up on my feet for 4
hours straight, jumping from one patient to another.

I haven't called Bella since I arrived. I bet she's worried sick by now. I went to
my office to relax a little bit before making the last rounds and then go home. I
should call my fiance, or she will not stop worrying all night.

Before I can grab my phone, there was a knock on my door, and the she-devil walks
in. I furrowed my brows, not liking the intrusion, but we are at work. I should
behave like a professional.

" What can I do for you, Dr. Johnson?" I asked in a clipped voice. She walked in
further to the room and sat in front of my table.

" Oh, I only want to say hi, Liam. You were soo busy since you arrived, I didn't
have the chance to say hi. How are you? Were you able to sleep after that kiss?"
She smiled seductively and ran her fingers on my hand.

I snatched my hand and glared at her. The nerve of this woman. She shouldn't be a
psychiatrist. She's the one who needed a shrink.

" Dr. Johnson, I thought I made myself very clear that night. Stay the hell away
from me, and don't even try flirting with me. You are just wasting your time. I
think you needed help. There's something wrong with your head." I hissed and gave
her a death glare.

" Liam, Liam, Liam. The more you resist, the more I want you. And as I've said,
what I want, I get. Please call me Paige, babe." She said, laughing like a lunatic.

" Get out of my office right now, or I'll report you to the management for sexual
harassment!" I shouted at her and pointed at the door. She got up and raised her
two hands.

" Easy lover boy, you don't have to be rough. I prefer you do that when we are in
bed. Bye, baby, I'll see you around." She winked and blew me a kiss before she
walked out. What a psycho!

I grabbed my phone, and I saw that Bella had a message for me. I read it before
giving her a call. I composed myself first so that she won't notice I'm in a foul
mood. She answered on the third ring, sounding worried as I've suspected.

" Liam! Are you okay? I haven't heard from you since you left this afternoon. Have
you had your dinner?" She bombarded me with questions right away.

" Baby, slow down.: I chuckled. It was so good to hear her voice after that
nightmare a while ago.

" I'm sorry, I wasn't able to text you right away, baby. We had a lot of patients,
and I start work as soon as I arrived. I'll be there in an hour, love. I'm done
with my checkups and come back in the morning for my rounds." I apologized, and I
can hear her sighed with relief. Something must have been bothering her.

" Okay, babe. I'll heat your dinner when you're almost here. I've prepared chicken
Alfredo pasta for dinner. Come home safe, okay? Have you seen that woman?" She
asked about that devil as if she had the third eye.
" I thought I saw her a while ago, but I stayed away and kept myself busy and
surrounded with people. I'm going now, baby. I'll fix my things and will be on my
way home." I lied to her. I don't want to add any more stress to her. I'll tell her
later when I get home.

" Okay, babe. Drive safely, and be careful." I heard her say, and we said our
goodbyes. I took off my gown and changed my shirt. I'll pass by the patients on my
way out. Right now, I need my baby in my arms. I am so fucking stressed and tired.

I grabbed my bag and went out of my office. I made sure I locked the door before
proceeding to the wards. I gave instructions to the nurses and told them. I'll be
back in the morning to check on my patients.

On my way out, I saw that devil woman again. She is obviously waiting for me. I
sidestepped and ignored her. I went out of the entrance and walked faster to my
car. I can feel her following me, so I stopped.

" What the fuck do you want? Why are you following me?" I yelled and stared icily
at her.

" I just want to send you off, babe. Maybe I can get a hug and a kiss?" She smiled
evilly. I'm losing it. I want to strangle her to death!

" Stay away from me, or I swear to God!" I warned her and got in my car. I slammed
the door and locked it right away. She stood there grinning like a hyena. She's up
to something, but he can do that I will be one step ahead of her.

I will report her to the higher up and have her kicked out of the hospital. I need
to call Detective Drew and asked if he found out something about her. I drove off
out of there and rushed to go home. I was gripping the steering wheel so tight I
can't feel blood on my fingers.

I dialed Detective Drew's number and have him on speakerphone. It took him a while
to answer, but after a time, he did.

" Dr. Jones," he answered.

" Detective. Have you looked into Dr. Johnson's background yet? Did you find
anything? This woman has been harassing me everywhere, and I get a bad feeling
about her." I told him with an edge on my voice.

" Not yet, Dr. Jones, so far all we gathered is that she came from a Mental Health
Institute in the city. But the funny part is, the staff there said she went missing
for a while and didn't report to work after she had a visitor." He disclosed.

" We are trying to get t the bottom of her disappearance and determine who the
visitor was. What's bugging me is the time she went missing is the exact time one
of the patients went missing. Jenny Wilson, that's the patient's name."He
continued, and I stepped on my brake so suddenly and felt cold.

" Jenny Wilson? Are you sure?" I asked him, shocked, and suddenly felt scared.

" Yes, Doctor. Do you know her? We are following the case of the body of the woman
found burnt beyond recognition in an abandoned building near the facility." He
said. I gripped my hair and cursed.

" She was my ex in high school, and we didn't part ways on good terms. I didn't
hear any more from her after we fought when I caught her cheating on me. Please,
detective, let me know as soon as you have news." I begged him. Now I am more
scared of my family's safety.

" I will, Doctor Jones. I want to catch this lunatic as well. Your girlfriend is so
stressed because of this stalker. He sent yet another text to her a while ago with
a photo of the three of you at the supermarket." He told me, and I cursed again.
Bella didn't tell me anything about it when I called. I cut our call and thanked
the detective.

I turned on my ignition again and drove fast to get to my family right away. This
is really getting out of hand. Whoever this is, either he wants to scare us or
really out for blood. If it's Jenny or her brother, why would they do this to us?

It's been years since that incident, and we were in high school then. This is
really crazy. I need to catch this guy or them to have peace, and my Bella won't be
living in fear anymore.

Chapter 68
Still Liam's POV

When I arrived at my apartment building, I saw a car parked not far from the main
entrance. It must be Detective Drew's men. Somehow it gave me relief and peace of
mind that they are watching over my family.

I parked my car on my spot and got out. I walked faster inside and pushed the
elevator button. I want to see and feel them before I can breathe easily. I was
counting the floors before reaching our apartment floor.

I rushed out and knocked on our door. After three knocks, I heard Bella's voice on
the other side of the door.

" Who is it?" She said. Sounding alarmed and scared.

' It's me, baby, open up." I called, and she opened the door fast. When it opened,
she went flying to my arms, shaking. I held her close and inhaled her scent. I
carried her inside and kicked the door closed. I made sure to lock it before going
to the sofa and sat with her straddling me.

" What is it, sweetheart? Why are you shaking?" I asked her even though I know
already what happened.

" The stalker sent me another message tonight. It was a photo of us at the
supermarket, and he knows that we moved in with you. Liam, I am so scared. I can
feel eyes following us everywhere we go." she whispered, burying her head in my

I stroked her back, comforting her. I kissed her head and sighed heavily. It really
is taking a toll on her. It made me even angrier, and the desire to catch this
bastard is overwhelming.

" Baby, look at me," I told her and held her small face in my hand. I kissed her
first before continuing.

" I will never let anything happen to your daughter. I promise you that in my life,
Bella. I will never let any lunatic steal our happiness. The police are doing their
best on our case, and the FBI is involved now." I reassured her.
" But this guy could be anywhere or anyone, Liam. We don't know who he is and what
he looked like." She said tearfully. I kissed her forehead and held it there.

" Baby, remember when you told me about Jenny? It is just hunched, but I think it
has something to do with her. Detective Drew told me that Dr. Paige Johnson came
from the Institute where Jenny was confined. I am not sure how they are connected,
but I am positive these two women are involved." I told her, and she gasped,
covered her mouth, and stared wide-eyed at me.

" Babe, I had the same thought. I saw from the news that there was a burnt body
found in an abandoned building, and they believed it is Jenny's body. Could it be,
or they faked her escape?" She whispered with fear in her eyes.

" I don't know, baby. Detective Drew told me these two went missing the same day
and was never found again. Well, except for Dr. Johnson, because she is obviously
alive and has been harassing me ever since. There is something about this woman, so
I asked Detective to do a background check on her and Jenny."

" But, Liam, if it really is Jeny, why would she do this? What have we done to her?
It was obviously her fault that you dumped her, and it happened in high school. She
can't be that vindictive over an issue she herself made." Bella said and was
clearly puzzled and disturbed about all the information e gathered.

" Whatever it is, baby, I still want you to be very careful and do not trust
anyone. Now I am sure there a few of them working together to cause panic and
inflict fear on all of us. I will get to the bottom of this, babe, don't worry too
much, okay?" I told her and kissed her forehead again and placed mine on hers.

She nodded and closed her eyes, clinging to my hands tightly. I kissed her lips
softly, repeatedly. She kissed me back, and soon we were making out on the couch. I
can feel my arousal and hers too. So I carried her towards our room with her legs
wrapped around me and arms around my neck.

I'll take care of my other hunger after I have my fill with my carnal desire. I
laid her slowly on the bed and kissed her passionately. I can't get enough of the
taste of her lips and wanted more. I felt her reached for my shirt and opened the
button one by one hastily.

I got rid of my shirt and took off her tank top. I kissed her again and went down
her neck to her swollen breast. They seem to look larger when we first made love in
my old room at my parent's house. I heard her moan my name, and I went delirious
with desire.

Soon all of our clothes were discarded, and I made love to her as I've been starved
for a year. My desire mixed with my love for her consumed me, and I showed it to
her. I kissed every inch of her body and memorized all the freckles and every nook
of her sexy body.

She flipped us over and went on top of me. She, too, explored my body in a sensual
way that had me hanging on a thin thread. She worshiped my body as I did hers,
which almost brought me to the edge.

I sat up, and we made love holding tight to each other. I guided her body to slide
up and down my body and kissed her hungrily. We were both panting and moaning each
other's names.

" I love you, Bella, so much," I whispered to her and kissed her even more. I
flipped us back and laid on top of her. I stared into her loving eyes and started
pumping in out of her in a steady rhythm that soon went faster and harder.

" I love you too, Liam. I love you. I love you." She chanted as I continued to push
in and out of her. she was clawing my back and raked her nails on my skin that adds
fuel to my arousal. She clung to me and matched every stroke I did.

" Liam...I'm cumming! She whispered and clung to me tightly. Her breathing becomes
erratic, and I moved even faster.

" Let go, baby! I'm right with you." I said, and we both found our release after a
few strokes, and I grunted my release. I collapsed on top of her but made sure not
to crush her hard. she clung to me, breathing unevenly.

I rolled to my side after a few minutes and gathered her in my arms. She hugged my
body and sighed contentedly. I kissed the top of her head and lifted her face
towards me.

" I love you," I said and kissed her softly on the lips. I felt her smile against
my lips and whispered back.

" I love you too." Then my stomach grumbled, and I heard her giggle. She got up and
grabbed my shirt. She put it on her and held her hand to mine.

" Come on, lover boy. Let us feed your other hunger," she said with a smile. I
chuckled and put on my pants, then reached her hand. We walked out of the room hand
in hand with a satisfied smile.

Converted by Kei

Chapter 69

Bella's POV

A week had passed when I woke up one afternoon feeling nauseous. I scrambled to my
feet and ran to the bathroom to hurled my guts out. Liam went to the clinic early,
so he's not around to witness it.

I have been feeling sick lately and always feeling tired. I know what this means,
but I have to make sure. So I made an appointment today with a private doctor. I
want to surprise Liam, but I have to be 100% sure.

I asked Collette to come today, but I did not tell her why. She is y best friend,
and I felt bad when I didn't tell her about Sophie. Now, I want her to be a part of
this, and I know she will be thrilled.

I washed my face and took a hot shower to ease my tired body. I asked Liam to send
Sophie to mom's this morning. I told him I would have a girl's day out with
Collette today, but I have a doctor's appointment, in truth.

I was drying my hair when our doorbell rang. I know it's Collette, but still, I
peeped on the hole to make sure and asked who it was. Collettes' voice can be heard
from the opposite side, so I opened the door eagerly.

I am dressed in a red, short sundress and my white sweater. I hugged Collette and
let her in the apartment while I fetch my purse and my phone.

" So where are we going, exactly?" Collette asked. I smiled at her and didn't say a

" Later, Cols. Let's go, or we'll be late for our appointment." I answered her and
went out of the door.

" Alright, now you're secretive. Do you have a surprise wedding gift for me? Are we
going to a gay bar?!" She asked, and I laughed at how ridiculous and dirty her mind

" Bella! Tell me, already!" She shouted after me. I pushed the elevator button and
waited for her to join me.

" I swear, woman, if you bring me to a gay bar wearing this, I'll strangle you."
she threatened me, and I just smirked at her.

" What's wrong with what you're wearing? You look fine to me." I told her, running
my eyes all over her. she is wearing tight jeans and a fitted black midrib shirt
with her trench coat.

" I should look good because I am the bride!" she said, then the elevator door
opened, and we went in. We went to her car parked in the basement. I can't trust
myself to drive a car yet after the accident.

We went out of the apartment building, and I instructed her to go straight

downtown. she kept glancing at me, curious about where we are going. When we were
near the clinic, I told her to slow down and park the car in front of it.

She looked at me with wide eyes when she finally saw the sign outside the building.
I motioned for her to follow me, and she rushed beside me.

" Miss Montreal?" The receptionist asked me when I came in, and I nodded.

" Follow me please, Dr. Reynolds is waiting for you inside. You can bring your
friend with you." She said and smiled at her. We followed her down the hall into
the small room.

" Miss Montreal, welcome. Come and sit, please." The doctor greeted us and asked us
to sit in front of her.

" Good morning, Doctor Reynolds, and thank you for having me even at such short
notice." I smiled at the middle woman in front of me.

" No problem, Miss Montreal. Alright, so how long have you been feeling sick
lately?" She asked, and I answered all of her questions. After the necessary
interview, she took a sample of my blood and had it checked.

Collette has been very quiet since we came in. I looked at her, and she looked pale
and nervous. I smiled at her apologetically. She reached for my hand and squeezed

" Thank you for bringing me. I don't why I'm the one feeling nervous and emotional
when you are the one who will soon find out if you are pregnant or not. Did you
tell Liam about this?" She asked me with a voice full of emotions and concern.

" No, I haven't. I wanted to make sure before telling him. And I want to surprise
him. You're the only one who knows, Cols. After what happened with Sophie, I owe it
to you to tell you about the second one." I told her, and she hugged me tightly.

" Thank you, Bels. I am so excited and nervous and so happy for you both." She
whispered. Then the doctor came back, after a while with a smile on her face.

" Miss Montreal, the result just came in. Congratulations, you are 6 weeks
pregnant." She announced, and I heard Collette squealed. I covered my mouth, and
tears flowed in my eyes. I am feeling so many things.

This means so much to Liam. To witness the growth of my belly with our second baby.
He will be able to see his or her birth and will be able to hold our baby when he
or she comes out. Collette hugged me and cried with me.

The doctor gave me vitamins and instructions on what to do and what not to do. She
also gave me a baby book guide to help me with a proper diet. She also provided me
medicine for my nausea and vomiting.

Collette and I went out of the clinic feeling happy, loaded with vitamins and
medicine. She held me with care and helped in the car. We decided to go to a
restaurant to have our late lunch. Suddenly I am feeling hungry and thirsty.

We were eating our lunch and had been chatting happily when a couple came in the
front door that made me gasped. Collette noticed my reaction and turned around.
She, too, gasped and let go of her utensils.

The couple didn't notice us because we were seated at the far corner and was hidden
from the rest of the crowd. The woman looked familiar, but the man with her made my
blood boil.

If I am at a boiling point, Collette, on the other hand, already erupted. She stood
up and marched up to the two unknowing couple. I followed right behind her to make
sure she doesn't make a mistake and kill the two.

" Fancy meeting you here, Todd. Who's the bitch?" Collette said, and Todd looked up
at us with wide eyes like a deer caught in headlights.

" Honey, what are you doing here?" He stood up and went to kiss Collette on the
cheeks, but she dodged.

" I could ask you the same, HONEY! And you haven't answered my question, who is the
bitch?" She raised her voice and stared daggers in the woman's direction.

The woman in question is just smirking and sipping and acted unbothered with the
situation. I looked at her with a death glare, and she raised her brows at me.

" Honey, this is my client, Dr. Paige Johnson. We have an appointment and decided
to meet here. Bella, it's nice seeing you again." He diverted his attention to me,
and I gave a curt nod and a short smile.

" I'm okay, Todd, thank you. So you know, Dr. Johnson, huh?" I asked him and
glanced at the bitch.

" Yeah, yeah, as I've said, she's my new client, and we were about to discuss her
case." He answered, feeling uneasy, and kept on glancing at a seething Collette.

" I will send Bella home. Make sure you are already at home before I go back."
Collette said and gave Dr. Paige another glare before storming out of the
restaurant. I followed after her and made sure she calmed down before driving.

" I'm sorry, Bella if I ruined our happy afternoon. Do you think she's only a
client? She seemed very cozy with him before I confronted them. I will really kill
Todd if he is cheating on me." Collette said and gripped the steering wheel.
" I don't know, Cols. But I tell you, that woman is a snake. She is also after
Liam. She's the new Psychiatrist at the hospital. Remember the photo we saw Liam
kissing at the bar? That's her." I told her. She cursed and hit the wheel.

" Fucking bitch! I will really drill a hole in her head if she ever seduces my
fiance." I will strangle Todd if he ever let her seduce him." She declared.

I was lost in my thoughts while Collette was still cursing while driving. Why is
Todd with her? How did they know each other, and why didn't Todd told Liam that he
knew her. Now I am curious and confused at the same time. I have so many things to
tell Liam. I don't know which one to tell him first.

Chapter 70
Collette was really in a foul mood when she sent me home. I understand her. I, too
am very enraged when I saw that woman. But then I realized I have another life
inside of me, so I have to calm myself.

She didn't bother to come up. She said she would be waiting for Todd at home and
confront him again. I didn't tell her about that woman's possible connection with
Jenny or her brother. What the hell was Todd thinking about associating with that

He knew very well what she did that night, and Liam asked him if he knew her or saw
anybody took the photo of them, but he denied it. What are they up to? What is his
connection with her?

My mind is racing one hundred miles per hour. I want to call Liam, but I know he
will be swamped at the clinic. I will wait till he comes home. I need to text him
that I am home and that he needs to pick up our daughter at mom's later.

It's 3 p.m., and I am feeling tired and a bit nauseous again. I double-locked the
door and went to our room to lie down for a while. I made sure to hide my vitamins
and medicine so that Liam wouldn't suspect.

I want to surprise him, but we have a more pressing and alarming situation to
tackle for now. My pregnancy can wait. We need to know what Todd and that woman
were plotting if ever he is on her side.

I grabbed my phone and texted Liam to remind him not to forget to pick up Sophie
later before coming home. I told him I came home early because something came that
needed Collette's attention.

I did not elaborate much because I wanted to tell him personally about what
happened. I don't want him to go to their house and beat Todd. We need to discuss
first what should be done and what this means.

I fell asleep thinking of the worst-case scenario. I woke up with a start when I
heard my phone ringing. I reached for it and answered without looking at the caller

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

" Hello, Jenny? Tom here, Mr. Thomas Peters. I wanted to call to ask a favor. Your
class will have a field trip this Friday, but your substitute teacher had an
accident and will not be able to walk for a few days. Could you fill her post?" The
caller said. I was puzzled at first about what he was talking about, then the
realization hit me, and I got up abruptly, making my head spin.

" Tom? I mean Principal Peters. what was it again?" I asked him, clearing my head.
I looked at the time. It's almost 5, which means I've slept for almost an hour.

" I asked if you could accompany your class this Friday for a field trip outside
town? Do not worry. It will only be a one-day event, and you will be back late
afternoon. You could bring Sophie if you want so that she can have fun with the
kids?" He explained.

" I'm really sorry. I won't have bothered you if we have a spare teacher.
Unfortunately, everyone has their classes, and it's too late to look for a
replacement for the substitute since Friday is two days away." He continued.

" Oh, don't worry, Mr. Peters, I'm okay with it. I'll discuss it with Liam, but I'm
sure he will agree. It would be a great time for Sophie to see the great places in
Colorado. The change of scenery will do good for both of us." I reassured him, and
he sounded relieved and excited.

Then another call came, and when I checked, it was from Liam. So I told Tom I would
give him a call later or tomorrow to confirm after I've talked with Liam. He said
he would wait and hoped that Liam would allow us.

After saying goodbye, I answered Liam's call, and I heard the car stereo and
Sophie's voice on the speaker.

" Hey, babe," I said.

" Hi, baby. How are you? Were you sleeping?" He answered.

" Yeah, sorry, I didn't realize it's already late. I got tired after our ahm,
shopping, so I laid down for a while and fell asleep." I apologized to him.

" That's okay, baby, you needed the rest. You look exhausted these past few days.
Are you feeling sick, my love?"He asked, his voice is laced with concern.

" I am okay, babe, don't worry. I was just tired, that's all. Are you on your way
home? Your daughter seems to be in a good mood." I said, smiling, listening to my
daughter's cute voice.

" Haha, yeah, apparently, she likes to sing. Do you want me to grab dinner on our
way home, babe? You don't have to get up and prepare dinner." He offered, and I am
so thankful he mentioned it because I am really feeling weak and dizzy right now.
" Actually, I was about to ask you, babe. Can you grab a Chinese take out? I'm
suddenly craving Chinese. Then can you also get a pint of Oreo ice cream and
Cheetos?" I asked him, salivating just thinking about the food I ordered.

" Whoa, someone is hungry." He chuckled.

" Alright, baby, I'll get all you want. Wait for us, okay? Sleep a little bit more.
I'll call you when we are near the apartment." He said, laughing.

" Thank you, babe. I love you." I said to him sweetly.

" I love you, too, baby. Sophie, sweetheart. Say hi to mommy." He called Sophie,
and I heard her scream hi, and I miss you.

" I miss you more, sweetheart. I love you. Drive safe, babe." I replied to my
daughter and reminded Liam to drive safely. We cut our call, and I laid back down
to stop my dizziness. Then after a few minutes, I went to the bathroom to freshen

I can't wait to tell Liam everything that's happened today. I hope he will allow
Sophie and me to go on this field trip. I know Sophie will love it and will enjoy
herself with the other kids.

I went to the living room and turned on all the lamp because it is starting to get
dark. Then I set the table and heated water in the kettle. I will drink tea while
waiting for Liam and our daughter to arrive.


Chapter 71
I killed time by taking a shower first. After 40 minutes, Just as I finished
putting on my comfy pajamas, the doorbell rang. I checked the peephole first before
opening the door.

As soon as I opened the door, my daughter jumped in my arms and hugged my waist. I
hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. I looked up at a smiling Liam and
smiled back.

" Hi baby, missed us?" He asked and kissed me softly on the lips.

" I do so much. Hi sweet pea, how's your visit with Nana? I carried her inside
while Liam closed the door and placed the food on the table.

" It was fun, mommy. We baked your favorite muffin, and Nana said to bring some for

" Wow, thank you, sweetheart. Okay, come on, let's get you showered and changed
first before we eat dinner, okay?" I kissed her chubby cheek then turned to my
loving fiance.

" Babe, why don't you take a shower also before we eat dinner?" I suggested to him,
and he agreed. Kissed my temple and Sophie's when he passed us before going to our

I brought Sophie to her room and gave her a bath, then put on her pajamas. We went
out to the living room and saw Liam heating our dinner. I went close to him and
hugged him from the back. He turned my way, so I tiptoed and kissed his cheek.

" Thanks, babe. Your daughter decided to play with bubbles. That's why we took
longer to finish taking a bath." I explained to him, he chuckled and kissed my

" It's okay, baby. Our daughter must have missed you today. I know I did. He
winked, and I blushed. I hit him on the arm lightly, which caused him to laugh even

We decided to eat by the living room and squatted on the floor. We put on Sophie's
new favorite Disney movie, Rapunzel, and ate while watching.

After eating, Liam washed the dishes while I helped Sophie brushed her teeth. We
went back to the living room to watch another Disney movie, Frozen. Halfway through
the film, Sophie is knocked out. So Liam carried her to her room while I continue
After a while, Liam came back to the living room and sat beside me. I curled under
his arms and laid my head on his chest.

He was playing with my hair and massaged my nape. It felt so good that I almost
fell asleep. Then I remembered what I wanted to tell him so, I straightened up and
faced him.

" Babe, guess who we saw at the restaurant this afternoon?" I said. He lowered the
volume of the TV and faced me.

" Who?" He asked curiously.

" Todd, and guess who's with him?" I asked again.

" Baby, I'm not a fortune teller, alright? Tell me already." He chuckled and
reached for my hand.

" Dr. Paige Johnson," I told him, and I saw the surprised look on his face, then
changed to confusion, then frowned.

" Are you sure? I mean, when I confronted Todd, he didn't mention that he knew
her." He asked in confusion.

" Positively sure, babe. Collette confronted them, and that woman even dared to toy
with us. Todd said she is his client but isn't it odd? Of all the attorney in town,
she chose Todd?" I asked him.

He nodded and was lost in thought. We were silent for a while when his phone rang.
He answered when he saw who was calling.

" Detective." He answered curtly and placed the call on speaker so I can hear.

" Dr. Jones, we have developments. The CCTV we got from the bar where the photo was
taken showed that a guy is sitting not far from the bar pointed his phone in your
direction. I had the screenshot photo enlarged, and guess who took it?" He asked.

" Who was it?" Liam asked, but I get the feeling we wouldn't like the answer to
that question.

" It's your sister's fiance, Attorney Todd Mathews." He said, and we both looked at
each other in shock. Liam cursed and covered his face with his hand in frustration.

" We will have to bring the Attorney for questioning. I am preparing the warrant
now, so first thing tomorrow, we will serve it to him. I believe he knew the woman
and probably the perpetrator." The detective said. I covered my mouth and thought
of Collette.

God, what will Collette feel about all this? Why Todd? Who is Todd? My mind is
spinning from all this information.

" Okay, Detective. Do what is deemed necessary. If Todd had something to do with
all of this, so help me, God. I don't care if my sister loves him, but he placed my
family in danger and almost killed them." Liam's voice was full of distaste and

" Okay, Dr. Jones, that's it for now. Hopefully, we'll get to the bottom of this
and solve the mystery of Miss Montreal's stalker. Goodnight, Doctor." Detective
Drew cut the line, and we were left shocked and worried at the same time.
I reached for Liam's hand and squeezed it. I know he is feeling torn right now.
Thinking about her sister and Todd and the situation. He gathered me close to his
chest and kissed my head.

" What are we gonna do, Liam? How are we going to tell Collette?" I asked him,
burying my head under his chin.

" I don't know, baby. I don't know." He whispered painfully. I hugged his middle
tightly and sighed in despair. Then I remembered about Principal Tom's call this

" Babe?" I asked softly.

" Mmmm?" He answered.

" Principal Tom called this afternoon and asked me if I could take the place of my
substitute on Friday. The kids will have a field trip, but the replacement had an
accident and can't accompany the kids. He said I could bring along Sophie so she
can enjoy herself with the kids too. Will you allow us to go?" He stiffened for a
while then sighed.

" Do you want to? I mean, I'm not in favor, baby. I still don't trust that guy, but
if you want to go, I'll set aside my jealousy and suspicions." He answered me, and
I smiled brightly at him.

" The change of scenery will do good to Sophie, and I can't abandon my students. He
seemed very desperate when he called, but still, I told him that I have to ask your
approval first." I explained to him, and he nodded with uncertainties written all
over his face.

" As long as you promise to keep Sophie, always by your side, and you be careful.
Always bring your cellphone with you and a spare one in your pocket. I'll give you
my other phone so that I can track your location during your field trip." He said.
I nodded happily and kissed him.

I will tell him about the pregnancy when we get back from the trip. Maybe I can
find a souvenir from the place we are visiting that will help with the surprise.
Liam stood up and carried me to our room. He said I looked tired and sleepy, so
it's time for bed. I totally agreed.

Chapter 72
On Thursday morning, we went to Liam's house. Todd is there with the family having
breakfast. I convinced Liam to control his temper and wait for the police. We
couldn't risk Todd escaping before the police could ask him.

The tension between Collette, Liam, and Todd is so very high. I keep glancing at
the three. Todd had no idea what was coming, while Collette was so quiet and didn't
bother to look at Todd.

Aunt Carmen tried to start a conversation to break the ice, but no one is
interested in talking. Collette is playing with her food while Liam's jaw is so
tensed. I reached for his hand under the table and held it tight.

He turned to me and smiled sadly. He understood what I'm trying to say. I want him
to relax and be calm. After breakfast, we all gathered in the living room
pretending to interact, although no one's really interested. We are all lost in our
own thoughts when the doorbell rang.

Uncle Demitri stood up and opened the door. After a while, he came back with
Detective Drew and two other men. Detective Drew had a paper in his hand and is
looking from Liam to Todd.

Todd Looked like he saw a ghost. He looked deathly pale and swallowed hard. Liam
stood up and shook Detective Drew's hand. He nodded to the two men as well and sat
back next to me.

" Good morning, everyone. I came bearing bad news. I have here in my hand a warrant
for Atty. Todd Mathews. We are inviting you for questioning for possible
involvement in Miss Montreal's case. We are also asking you to turn over all your
electronic devices for investigation." Detective Drew said, and everyone gasped
except Liam and me.

" What do you mean?! Todd! Explain yourself!" Collette stood abruptly and shouted
at Todd. Shock and fear are written all over her face.

" Todd, son. Tell us it's not true. You had nothing to do with Bella's accident,
did you?" Uncle Demitri asked Todd, but he remained quiet and bowed his head.

" Todd! Answer me! Do you have anything to do with Bella's and Sophie's accident?
Is that woman paying you to do this?! Answer me, you bastard!" Collette screamed
and tried to hit Todd, but Liam stopped her.

" Todd, I will still give you the benefit of the doubt, tell us the truth, and I
might forgive you for putting my family's life in danger," Liam told Todd and
stared hard at him.

" Atty. Mathews, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will
be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you
cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the
rights? I have just read to you" Detective Drew read the Miranda right to Todd, and
he just nodded.

Aunt Carmen is crying in uncle Demitri's chest while Collette is sobbing in Liam's
arms. I rubbed her back and looked at Liam with pain and fear in my eyes. It's a
good thing we dropped Sophie at mom's house before we came here.

The two men placed the handcuffed on Todd's wrists and took him out to the waiting
car outside. We all followed them. Uncle Demitri ushered Aunt Carmen and Collette
to his car while Liam and I went to his car.

We still want to support him even though his loyalty and innocence are in question.
I want to know if he is really involved in all of this. We all arrived at the
station and went inside to watch when they question him.

We were all tensed about what could happen and what Todd would reveal. He was
brought to a small room while we were ushered in the adjoining room with the glass

They started questioning him, but he remained silent. The only word he said is he
wants a phone call, and he will wait for his attorney. Detective Drew can't do
anything and have to give him what he asked. He came out and told us to come back
another day because Todd is not talking today.

We were so disappointed, especially me, because I won't be here to witness it

tomorrow. I am going on a field trip with Sophie and my students.
I texted Mr. Peters last night confirming my participation tomorrow. He said we
could meet him in school tomorrow and we will ride the bus together. I showed Liam
his reply, and he frowned but did not say anything.

We all went back home and gathered to discuss what just happened. Liam told them
about what Detective Drew told us last night. That Todd was caught on the CCTV
taking photos of Liam and Dr. Paige.

He could be the stalker, or someone asked him to take the photo that was then
forwarded to me. He probably knows who my stalker is and what he wants. I feel so
sorry for my best friend. Will there still be a wedding?

" Liam, you mean Todd could be the stalker? He might the one behind the accident? I
can't believe it! He was right under our noses, and we didn't even know." Uncle
Demitri shook his head in disappointment. Collette is silently crying, so I went to
her side and gathered her in my arms.

" Babe, please stop crying. Let us hope that Todd has a good explanation about all
of this. Please don't give up on him yet. We'll wait for the result of the
investigation, okay?" I consoled her and rubbed her back.

" Bella, you and Sophie almost died! If he knew anything about it, I could never
forgive him for that. Bella, what if he is Jenny's estranged brother? What if he
was only using me as a pawn to get to you and Liam? Did he really loved me?" She
whispered in inspiration, then choked and sobbed.

I feel her pain and confusion. I also came to that conclusion, but I will still
wait for Todd's explanation. I don't believe he is only using Collette. I saw how
he looks at her and how he cared for her. There must be an explanation.

" Guys, all we know is that he was on CCTV and that he knew this woman. If they are
conniving to hurt us, then we will let the law handle it." Liam declared, and his
parents nodded their heads in agreement.

We all went silent and were lost in thoughts about what would happen tomorrow.
Should I call Principal Peters and withdraw my decision to accompany the kids on
that field trip? Liam might need my support. And looking at Collette now, she might
need me the most.

Chapter 73
After consoling Collette for hours, we left her asleep on her bed on Thursday
night. My mind is still conflicted about going on the trip tomorrow, but I guess
it's too late to back out on my word.

Besides, my daughter is really excited about this trip, so I will have to set aside
the situation we face and enjoy one fun day with the kids and my daughter.

When we arrived home, Liam carried our sleeping daughter to her room while I went
straight to our room feeling exhausted. I made sure the bathroom door is locked and
took my medicines and vitamins from its hiding place.

I haven't had the opportunity to tell Liam yet about my pregnancy. It will just
have to wait for another day or two. Besides, I want to surprise him, and our
daughter about this news and I need time to prepare. I finished my routine before
bed and changed into my pajamas when Liam knocked on the door.
" Are you okay in there, baby? You didn't fall asleep on the sitting on the loo,
did you?" He joked, and I smiled. At least he sounded okay. I was worried about him
this morning when Todd was brought to the station.

" I'm almost done, babe. I'll be out in a minute. I hid all the medicine and
unlocked the door. I went out and saw Liam stretched on the bed with his hands
behind his head. He looked at me when I emerged from the bathroom.

" All done, baby?" He asked, standing up and pulling me in his chest. I looked up
at him and nodded with a smile. He kissed the tip of my nose then went into the
bathroom to take a shower.

I climbed the bed and went under the covers, suddenly feeling so sleepy. I tried to
stay awake, so I could tell Liam that he had to send us to school early tomorrow
for the trip. After 15 minutes, he came out of the shower and rubbed his wet hair
with a towel.

He is wearing only his sweatpants and shirtless. This is the problem with being
pregnant. The sexual urged is too strong. I looked away from him and breathed
deeply. Now I've turned into a sex addict and want to devour my sexy fiance.

I felt him came under the covers beside me and turned off the lamp. The whole room
is soon enveloped in darkness, and only the light from the moon outside illuminates
the room. He pulled me in his embrace, and I laid my head on his bare chest.

I can smell his aftershave and body wash, and it's intoxicating. He kissed my
forehead, and I kissed his chest in return. I am writing patterns on his chest
while listening to his steady breathing.

" Babe, you have to send us to school early tomorrow. Principal Tom said the bus
would leave at 8 am." I told him, looking up. I felt him lets go a big sigh. I know
he's really not in favor of us going, but I can't abandon the kids and let
Principal Tom do it alone.

" Okay, love. Please promise me that you will be very careful, okay? Always keep
your guards up, observe your surroundings and the situation. Even though Todd is
caught, we still don't know if he's really the one." He said, rubbing my hair and
kissing my head.

" I will, babe, I promise. Don't forget to give me the spare phone, okay? I'll hide
it in my jacket, just in case." I answered him.

" Okay, love. Now let's get to sleep. You look so tired and sleepy on our way here.
If we're leaving early, then you need to rest early. Goodnight, baby." He ordered.

" Goodnight, babe. I love you." I whispered to him and reached up to kiss him on
the lips.

" I love you more, baby. " He replied and hugged me tightly. I inhaled deeply and
sighed in contentment. I want to sleep like this every night, enclosed in his
embrace and smell his scent.

Soon after, I heard my alarm went off and reached for my phone on the bedside
table. It's 7 in the morning. It's time to wake up and prepare breakfast and a
light snack for Sophie while we're on the road. I let Liam sleep a bit more while I
went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I wore my skinny jeans and a white long sleeves shirt. I tied my hair in a pony and
left my face bare. I went to the kitchen to cook breakfast and prepare water and
snacks for Sophie and me before going to her room to wake her up.

She woke instantly when I shake her a little. She's up and ran to her bathroom to
brush her teeth and wash her face. I choose a denim jumper for her and a tight red
sweatshirt. I also put her hair up on a ponytail like mine.

I gave her cereals and milk and went to wake my man up. I kissed him repeatedly and
asked him to wake before he opened his chocolate eyes and gave me his dimpled smile
that I love so much. He gathered me in his arms and inhaled my scent.

" Good morning, my love. " He whispered huskily, and I answered a mumbled good
morning back. He held my face between his hands and kissed me properly before
getting up. He went to the bathroom and said he would follow after he's done with
his morning routine.

I was eating my toasted bread and bacon and egg when he joined us. He kissed
Sophie's head before sitting beside me and drink his coffee.

" Are you excited for today, peanut?" He asked his daughter, and she nodded
eagerly, mouth full of cereals. We both chuckled at her enthusiasm. She really is
our bundle of joy. After breakfast, Liam grabbed his car key and handed me the
spare phone.

It's a small device, so that it won't be a problem hiding it in my jean pocket. It

won't be hard to hide it in the back pocket since my shirt is long and totally
covered my back. I grabbed my small backpack with all the spare clothes for Sophie,
snacks, and water. I put my cellphone in the front pocket of the bag and my wallet.

We arrived at the school at exactly 8 am, but there's no bus in sight. I was
worried we were left behind, but Principal Tom is by his car waiting. Liam parked
the car beside his car and came out to open my door and Sophie's.

" Good morning, Dr.Jones, Bella. Hello little Sophie." He greeted us with a big

" Principal Tom, where is the bus?" I asked him in confusion.

" Oh, they went ahead, Miss Montreal. I told them we would catch up with them.
There's one substitute teacher with them, so you don't have to worry. We have a
schedule to follow, so I told them to leave us. We'll catch up, and you can
transfer on the bus when we do." He explained. I looked at Liam and saw him eyeing
Tom suspiciously. He was frowning and stared at him too hard.

" Can't you wait for a little bit for them? We arrived at exactly 8. It can't be
that late." Liam said, irritated that we would be riding with Tom in his car.

" I'm sorry, man, we can't take the risk of being trapped in traffic and be late
for our scheduled tour," Tom answered, looking apologetic. Liam threw him a death
glare before turning to me.

" Remember what I told you? Always be on guard. Do not trust anyone and call me if
anything happens, okay? Be careful, love, and take care of our princess." He said
softly that only I could hear. He kissed me in front of Tom, who looked the other
way to avoid seeing our public display.

" Sweetheart, enjoy yourself, but do not stay far away from mommy, okay? Always
hold mommy"s hand and do not go with anybody but mommy, you understand?" Liam
crouched down to Sophie to give her instructions and to say goodbye.
" Okay, daddy. Can't you go with us, daddy?" Sophie asked her dad, wrapping her
little arms around his neck.

" I can't, sweetheart. Daddy has a lot of things to do today. But you will call me
every hour, okay? So daddy will not worry about you and mommy." He said, and our
darling daughter nodded.

" Principal Tom, I am entrusting you, my family. If anything happens to them, I

will hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands." He warned Tom. Tom huffed and
shook his head.

" Don't worry, Doctor. I will bring them home in one piece." He answered with a
grin, then gestured me to his car. Liam hugged me one more time and kissed me. I
helped Sophie at the back seat, then went to the passenger seat.

Liam stood there while we exited the school ground. I was looking at him until we
turned a bend, and I can't see him anymore. I fidgeted with my fingers and glanced
at Tom nervously. He glanced my way and smiled mysteriously with glinting eyes.

Chapter 74
Liam's POV

I left my Bella and my daughter with a heavy heart. I still don't trust Principal
Tom, even though he's out of the list for Bella's perpetrator. I have a bad feeling
about him, but since Bella believed him, I have no choice but to give him the
benefit of the doubt.

I'm going straight to the station to meet with Detective Drew. They will try to
interrogate Tood today. Hopefully, he will tell us the truth.

When I arrived at the station, my parents and Collette are already there waiting
for me. We went to the adjoining room of the interrogation room to listen and watch
Todd's possible confession. I can see that my sister couldn't sleep last night and
probably was crying the whole night.

I went to hug her and kissed the top of her head. I greeted mom and dad as well,
and we all waited for Todd to enter the room.

A few minutes later, he entered with his attorney and the interrogating officer. We
waited in anticipation. He looked exhausted and looked at the glass window. He
knows that we are on the other side.

" Atty. Mathews, are you ready to talk now?" The Detective asked Todd, and he

" Why don't you start with your relationship with Dr. Paige Johnson? Did she ask
you to take that photo at the bar? Were you the one sending photos and threats to
Miss Montreal?" The Detective asked.

" No, I'm not the one sending those photos. I was forced to take the photo and spy
on Dr. Jones' family and Miss Montreal." Todd started. He looked so stressed out.

" Forced? By who?"Asked the detective. Todd hesitated for a while, but his Attorney
urged him to continue.

" By Dylan Wilson and his sister Jenny. I met the two at the prison. I was Dylan's
attorney, who helped him get parole. I was also taking care of Jenny's needs at the
Mental institute where she was confined. I was obligated to help them out of debt
to their family." Todd started, and we were so shocked by his revelation.

" Their parents sent me to school after adopting me from the orphanage. I am
managing their finances and assets. Dylan is a dangerous man. He even got his
parents killed out of anger for sending his sister to Mental Institute." He

" He loved his sister so much, but his parents don't allow them to see each other
because they were ashamed of what he did. When Dylan found out about what happened
to his sister, he asked me to process his parole."

" He then planned the escape of her sister from that institute and made it look
like she killed herself. The body you found at the abandoned building was not Jenny
but Dr. Paige Johnson. They stole her identity, knowing that no one will look for
her because she's an orphan." We were so taken aback by all the information we
heard from Todd.

" Then Dylan found out the reason why her sister suffered and went crazy. So they
ordered me to approach Collette and woe her. I was to make her fall in love with me
then leave her on our wedding day." He said.

" So you mean to tell us that Dr.Paige is actually Jenny Wilson? Then who is Dylan?
Who is her brother, and why are they harassing Miss Montreal?

" According to Jenny, Bella and Collette were the reason why Liam dumped her, and
she got humiliated at the party. She was bullied and harassed after the incident
that she was forced to drop out of school. Her parents were so disappointed with
her that they never let her out of the house. Her anger and drove her to insanity."
Todd narrated.

" She wanted revenge, but then Bella went missing after high school. So they
planned to destroy Liam and Collette and humiliate them the way she was humiliated.
Bella was really not in the plan, but when she showed up, Jenny saw red."

" She knew how Liam felt for Bella all along. She said even before. She knew that
Liam was in love with her. Then they had a child, which made her even jealous and
crazy. Dylan was the one who cut the brakes on Bella's car that day. They want her
dead." Todd continued, now staring at the mirror.

" I didn't expect to fall in love with Collette, but I did. And I told them I want
out, but they threatened me. They said they would kill her if I don't go through
with the plan. Collette, I love you. I really do, and I tried to protect you,
please believe me." Todd is now getting emotional.

" Attorney, you still did not answer the question. Who is Dylan Wilson, and where
is he?" The Detective asked him again.

" He is hiding under a different name, and he will be executing his plan on killing
Bella and her daughter today. Liam, you have to warn Bella to stay away from
Principal Tom. He is Jenny's sister. He is Dylan Wilson!" He shouted at the mirror,
and I suddenly felt numbed and cold.

Fear enveloped my whole body, and my legs gave out on me. I wobbled on my feet, and
I can't breathe. My Bella, my Sophie! Oh, God! I let them go with that devil.

" Dr. Jones, are you alright?" Detective Drew asked me. I looked at him with fear
in my eyes.
" Detective, you have to follow them. Bella and my daughter are with Principal Tom
right now. He tricked us. He said he needed Bella for the children's field trip. He
got my family. Oh, God! Please find them!" I whispered and clutched at my aching

" Liam! What are you saying? You let Bella go with that bastard?! Liam, you have to
find them! Oh. God! Liam, did Bella tell you she's pregnant? We went to the doctor
the other day, and she wanted to surprise you. Did she tell you?" Collette kneeled
in front of me. I have never felt so much fear until today.

" What?! She's pregnant?! Fuck! No, she didn't tell me. Maybe she was planning to
tell me after this trip. I have to warn her." I reached for my phone and sent a
message to her, hoping Tom won't be around when she reads it.

" Baby, Tom is the stalker! Tom is Jenny's brother! Please find a way to escape. I
will come to look for you. Turn your GPS on and act normal. If you see a gas
station or convenience store, pretend to go to the bathroom. Bring Sophie with you
and ask for help from the people there. I am coming, baby. I will find you. Please
be careful and take care of our babies. I love you, be strong, love." I sent the
message and stood up.

" Detective, let's go! We have to find my family before anything happened to them.
I will kill that bastard if he ever lay a hand on my family. Have your men caught
Dr. Paige already? I want to see these two behind bars!" I asked Detective Drew.

" I've given the order of nationwide search for Dr.Paige and Principal Tom, Dr.
Jones. All the units are alerted and in pursuit of the two." He answered me.

" Liam, please be careful and please bring Bella and little Sophie home. I can't
believe they had us fooled. Bella cannot be stressed because of her condition. Oh,
God, please protect them." My mom is crying, and my dad looked so worried and

" Don't worry, mom. I will find them, and I will bring them back." I told my mom,
then my phone beeped, and I received a message from Bella.

" Liam, help us! We were able to escape with the help of the store manager. He lent
us his truck and told us to go out at the back. Tom hasn't noticed yet, but I am
scared he will catch up with us. I am so sorry I did not listen to you and tell you
that I am pregnant. I love you, Liam. Whatever happens, please do not forget that I
love you. I am going back on the highway, back to the city on an old pickup truck."
My heart clenched at her message, and suddenly with hope in my heart, I dashed out
of the station and into my car.

Detective Drew and his men followed. Collette jumped on my passenger seat with
determination on her face. She won't take no for an answer, so I did not waste time
arguing and started my ignition. We soon run 100 miles per hour on the freeway,
desperate to reach Bella and Sophie before Tom catches up on them.

Chapter 75
Bella's POV

We left the school at 8:30 am and now driving along the freeway. Tom said we would
meet the children at the next stop. We have been traveling for an hour now, but I
haven't seen the bus yet.
" Tom, are you sure they traveled this way? We should have seen the bus by now. And
I think we are off the road already." I turned to Tom, trying to stay calm.

" Relax, Bella. We'll get there." He said, grinning at me. I turned to my daughter,
who's drifting off to sleep. Then I heard the message tone of my hone.

I grabbed it from my bag and opened the message. My blood turned cold, and I paled.
The message is from Liam, saying Tom is the stalker. He is Jenny's brother. I
recovered fast and pretended nothing happened.

I read Lam's instructions carefully and looked outside the window. I prayed hard
that we would pass a gas station so we could escape. My heart is beating so fast,
and I fear for my children's safety. I inhaled deeply and turned to Tom again.

" Tom, do you think we can stop at a gas station later? I need to go to the
bathroom, and I need to buy something for Sophie." I smiled at him, praying he will
not see right through my nervousness.

" Sure, babe. I think we'll pass by a small gas station in 10 minutes." He told me,
and I smiled at him. I was never so thankful in my life until I saw the gas station
far ahead. I turned to my daughter and woke her up.

" Sweetheart, wake up. We'll go to the bathroom real quick and grab some snacks,
alright? We might still be far from our destination." Thankfully she woke up
immediately. Tom parked the car. He said he would fill the tank to make sure we
have enough gas.

I grabbed my daughter from the backseat and went inside the store. I went straight
to the counter and talked to the older man, probably the owner.

" Sir, please help us. We are kidnapped by that man outside. Please call the police
and help us escape." I begged the older man shaking in fear. I keep on glancing
outside, making sure Tm didn't notice us.

" Okay, hon. Here's the key to my truck. It is parked outside at the back. Go to
that small door at the end of the aisle. It will take you straight to the backside
of the store. Go now, hurry. I'll take care of him. I'll tell him you're at the
bathroom if he comes and looks for you." The older man handed me the key, and I
teared up, so grateful to him.

I carried my daughter and hurried up to the end of the aisle to the back door.
There I saw a beat-up truck, but it was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.
I placed Sophie at the back and secured her seatbelt before hurrying up to the
driver's seat.

I turned on the ignition, and it came to life right away. I thank God and all the
saints, and soon we are on our way back to the road we came.

I kept on glancing at the side mirror to check if Tom is following us. Hopefully,
we'll be as far away as possible before he realized we are gone. And hopefully, the
police will get him first before he catches upon us.

I grabbed my phone from the bag and texted Liam. I am shaking all over because,
after the accident, this is the first time I am driving again. I have to conquer my
fear and toughen up.

After 30 minutes of driving, I grabbed my phone again and called Liam. I put it on
speaker and waited for him to answer. But it was Collette's voice I hear when the
call finally connected.
" Bella! Oh, God! Are you okay? Liam is driving, but you can talk to him." Collette
shouted, her voice is laced with concern.

" Baby, where are you? Are you and Sophie okay?" I heard Liam's voice, and suddenly
I wanted to bawl my eyes, but I get a hold of my emotions and answered him clearly.

" We are okay, babe. We were able to get away from Tom. I am so thankful to the
store owner. He helped us and gave me his truck. He made sure to call the police
when we left. I hope Tom hasn't found out yet and that the older man will be okay."
I told him. I am still checking my rearview mirror.

" I got your GPS baby, we are near you, and the police are right behind us. We will
catch him, and I'll make sure he'll pay for what he did to us. Stop at the side of
the road, babe, and wait for us. We're almost there." He instructed me, and I did
what he said.

I stopped the truck beside the road and kept on looking at the mirror. Cars are
passing by, so I know we are safe. I made sure to lock the doors and had my fingers
on the key if Tom showed up.

After a few minutes, I saw Liam's car, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I opened the
door and grabbed Sophie at the back seat. Liam jumped out of the car and ran to us.
We hugged tightly, and he kept kissing us.

We hurried back to the car after locking the truck. Detective Drew stopped beside
Liam's car and asked me the name of the gas station. He said they will go and check
if Tom is still there.

" Dr. Jones, some of my men will escort you back to your house. Stay there and
don't go anywhere. If this Tom got away, he would be more dangerous. Even Dr. Paige
is off the radar, so I suggest all of you be very careful." Detective Drew said
before speeding away in the direction of the gas station.

" Let's get out of here, babe. Our parents are worried sick and are waiting for us
at home." Liam said and opened the door to the car. Collette and I hugged tightly.
She brought Sophie to the backseat with her while I sit at the front with Liam.

We traveled the road back to town, and our escort is right behind us. Liam was
holding my hand in a tight grasp and kept on kissing it. I am so happy I was able
to escape from Tom. Who would have thought that he is the devil we are looking for?

I hope the police will catch him and his sister, Jenny, soon to have our normal
lives back. I cannot live in fear all my life. I want to have a normal and happy
life with my family.


Chapter 76
Liam's POV

We arrived at our house at exactly 5 pm. After instructing the police to keep an
eye on Principal Tom or Dr. Paige, we went inside the house. My parents and Aunt
Agnes are waiting for us inside.

" Oh, thank God! You are safe, honey. I was so worried." Aunt Agnes hugged Bella
and Sophie. My parents did the same, then we all gathered in the living room to
talk about what happened.
" Bella, sweetheart, you had us worried sick. Who would have guessed that Principal
Tom is the perpetrator? He seemed a decent man and kind." My mom told Bella and
shook her head in disbelief.

" I know, although I was really uneasy around him even before, never in my wildest
dream would I thought of him as Jenny's brother," Bella replied.

" I still don't understand why these two wanted revenge. What is it that you did so
wrong to this Jenny that made them so angry?" My dad asked, puzzled by the whole

" I don't know too, dad. All I know is we parted ways because she cheated on me
multiple times. If there's somebody who should be having a grudge, it should be
me." I answered him and threaded my fingers through my hair.

" I think she was vindictive because she was humiliated that night. But why blame
it on us when she did it to herself. She was slut in school all those years. People
know that. Why target us? all we did was tell Liam about her sleeping around, but
he never really believed us until he witnessed it himself." Collette said.

" Whatever the reason is, they are still guilty for Bella's and Sophie's accident,
and they need to be punished. You are still in danger until these two get caught."
Aunt Agnes butted in. Before anyone could speak, my phone rang. It is a call from
Detective Drew.

" Detective, any news? Did you catch him?" I asked him right away.

" No, Dr. Jones. I am sorry. We were too late. When we got there, he already
escaped. When he realized that Bella and your daughter are gone, he left the place
in a hurry before the police could get there. Let's be thankful that the owner of
the store helped them escape." Detective Drew reported, and I cursed under my
breath in frustration.

That son of a bitch is still out there, so is his sister. It means all our lives
are still in danger. I want these two crazy siblings caught!

" Do you have any lead on where he might be? What about Jenny? Were you able to
find her yet?" I asked him again. I am so stressed and frustrated. I won't be able
to breathe if they are still at large.

" We are working on it, Dr. For the meantime, do not let your family go anywhere
without an escort, and do not let them out of your sight. Report to us right away
if he ever makes contact again. Every station in the county was already notified
about them. Their photos are being distributed throughout town, the local newspaper
and television." Detective Drew advised us.

' One more thing, Dr. Jones. It is confirmed that the body found at the abandoned
building really belonged to Dr. Paige Johnson. Jenny Wilson and her brother killed
her and burned her beyond recognition, but her dental matches. Jenny Wilson had
plastic surgery and copied her face and stole her identity."

" You are dealing with a very dangerous and crazy people, Dr. Jones. Be on guard
and do not trust anyone. I guess you learned your lesson with your brother-in-law,
right? I'll call you as soon as we have leads on their whereabouts."

" Thank you, Detective. Please keep me posted." I ended the call and sighed in
frustration. I felt Bella's hand on my shoulder, and I turned to her with weary
" He escaped. He knew that you were gone and that the police are coming. They are
now tagged as wanted criminals, and all the county police force is looking for
them. Still, we have to be cautious and do not go out alone." I looked around me.

" Especially you, baby. I'm sorry, I forgot that you have good news. I am so happy,
baby, that we will soon have another angel. You should have told me sooner. I
wouldn't have allowed you to go on this trip." I told her, and she hugged me.

" I am so sorry, babe. I wanted to surprise you, but so many things happened that
I've decided to do it after the trip." She said, hiding her face in my neck.

" Oh, yes, Bella. Congratulations to you both, sweetheart. We are so happy and
excited about this new addition to the family. Do you hear that, Sophie? You will
be a big sister!" My mom said excitedly and clapped her hands.

" Honey, I am so happy for you. But Liam was right. You should have told us right
away. What if that crazy Tom succeeded in kidnapping you? I don't even want to
think about it." Aunt Agnes scolded Bella, and she sorry to everyone.

My sister Collette was so quiet on the corner that I turned to her and asked her if
she is alright. She just nodded and said she wanted to lie down before dinner. She
said she's having a headache and will go to her room. I know she's worried about
Todd, and I don't blame her.

I know how much she loved Todd, and to know that he betrayed us, betrayed her,
really hurt her. I will go to the station and talk to Todd. I want to know exactly
how he got caught up in all these messes. I still want to give him a chance to
explain himself.

" Alright, I'm going to the kitchen and prepare dinner. Bella, you lie down as
well, hon. Rest for a while, and I will have Liam fetch you once the dinner is
ready. Sophie, sweetheart, do you want to help your grandma cook dinner?" My mom
declared, standing up.

" I'll help you, Carmen. Come on, sweetheart, let us help grandma." Aunt Agnes
volunteered, and they all went to the kitchen. My dad went to his study to do some
paper works.

" Let's go, baby. Let's get you to bed. I know you are tired after all the
excitement of today." I helped Bella on her feet and carried her up to my room. She
laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes. She must be exhausted and stressed

I kissed her head and placed her on the bed. I placed the overs on her and kissed
her again. She is out the moment her head hits the pillow. I looked at her one more
time and went out. I want to talk to Collette. I know she's hurting and needed a
shoulder to cry on. I, too, am hurting for her. Right now, she needed her big

Chapter 77
Liam's POV

I knocked on Collette's door and heard her soft voice telling me to come in. I can
hear the tears behind that sad voice.

" Hey, sis, can I come in?" I peeked in her door before going in. She is under her
covers, obviously crying.

" Hey, yeah, sure." She looked at me, and I can see her swollen eyes and red nose.

" How are you holding up? Wanna share? You know you can always talk to me, right?"
I asked her. I sat on her bed, facing her. She got up, lean on the headboard, and
hugged her knees.

" I'm so scared and confused, Liam. How could Todd do this to me, to us? I can't
believe he had us fooled and put Bella's and Sophie's life in danger twice." She
shook her head, and fresh tears ran on her cheeks.

" I know how you feel, Cols, and I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn't
played around in high school and were honest with my feelings, I wouldn't have
hooked up with Jenny. This would not have happened. They used you to get back at
me. I am so sorry, sis." I reached for her hand and squeezed it.

" For what it's worth, I believe that Todd really loved you. He just got mixed up
with the wrong people. I am still thankful to him that he told us the truth about
the Wilson siblings." I told her, half smiling.

She closed her eyes, and tears ran down her cheeks. I really feel sorry for her. I
can't blame her if she will never forgive Todd. I am angry too because if he really
cared and loved my sister, he would have told us the truth a long time ago.
Whatever his reason is, the fact remains that he is an accessory to the crime and
will be put to prison for that.

" Hey, I am here. I will always protect you and support whatever your decision is.
Do not forget that, okay?" I squeezed her hand again and pulled her to my chest. I
let her cry some more until she got tired. I let her lie back down and kissed her
forehead before leaving her room.

I checked on Bella again. I am so worried about her, especially in her condition. I

can't believe we're going to have another baby. This time I'll make sure to stick
around and be there for our second one until she comes out.

I missed all that with Sophie. I missed her birth, her first step, and her first
word. This time will be different. I'll make sure of that.

I sat next to my sleeping finance and touched her cheek softly. My Bella, my sweet
yet strong Bellaa. She has been through a lot, but she remained resilient. I admire
her strength and compassion. I thank God every day that he brought her back to me.

She stirred and opened her eyes slowly. She saw me looking down at her, and she
smiled. I smiled back and swooped down to kiss her softly.

" Hey, baby. Are you hungry?" I asked her. I placed my forehead on hers and stared
at her beautiful hazel eyes.

" Actually, I am. Sophie and I were not able to eat lunch this afternoon because of
what happened. You're little one is asking for food in my tummy." She said,
chuckling and rubbed her still flat stomach.

" Then let's go and feed you both. I don't want my babies to starve." I said,
laughing. I kissed her one more time and held my hand for her. She stood up and
reached for my hand. I placed my arm around her waist and guided her down the

When we reached the ground floor, we saw Sophie sitting on her grandpa's lap
watching TV. She looked up at us and went down from my dad's lap, and ran towards

" Mommy! Daddy!" I caught her before Bella does. I don't her carrying her anymore
since she's carrying our second baby.

" Hey, sweetie. Did you help your Nanas with dinner?" I asked her and kissed her

" Yes, daddy. We prepared something special for mommy so that my baby brother will
grow fast and strong in her tummy." She answered eagerly. Bella smiled and kissed
her cheek.

" Thank you, sweet pea. Mommy and baby brother are starving already. Can we taste
the food you prepared?" Bella asked her, and she nodded vigorously. We chuckled and
went to the dining.

Dad turned off the television and followed us into the dining room. Mom and Aunt
Agnes are busy setting the table. It looks like we are having a feast. The table is
full of delicious food. They both smiled when they saw us and told us to sit down
so we can eat.

" Honey, can you go and fetch your daughter? We will not start without her." Mom
ordered my dad. He stood up and went upstairs to Collettes's room.

" Bella, dear, we prepared this food for you. It would be best if you ate lots of
nutritious food, especially now that you are pregnant. We have salmon, stir-fried
beef with broccoli, and mashed potatoes. Here taste this Mushroom soup Agnes and I
made. This is good for you and the baby." Mom served the soup to Bella.

I know how happy she is about Bella's pregnancy and that she can take care of her
and pamper her. We all missed Sophie's growth and development, so this pregnancy
means a lot to us. I know Bella is overwhelmed with all of the attention.

But she will have to suck in because everyone will be doting on her 24/7 starting
today. I watched her devoured the soup in minutes and was very pleased.

" Thank you, Aunt Carmen and mom, that was delicious. I never knew I am really
starving until I saw all this food." She laughed shyly. Mom and Aunt Agnes were so
pleased to see that she finished her soup and that she liked it.

" Oh, sweetheart, don't you think it's about time you call me mom too? You are both
engaged and will be having another baby, my second grandchild. You are a part of
this family and have been for years now." Mom suggested, and I hear Bella sniffed
beside me. I reached for her hand and kissed it. She turned to me and smiled.

" Okay, thank you, mom." She said shyly. Mom clapped her hand excitedly and hugged

" Then, it's just right that Liam calls me mom too?" Aunt Agnes said, and I
scratched my head and grinned at her.

" Yeah, I think I should, mom," I answered her, and we all laughed. Then Dad and
Collette entered the room. Bella stood up and hugged Collette.

The two hugged for so long and cried in each other's arms. I know how strong their
bond is. When the other one is hurting, the other felt it too. Then my mom
approached them and hugged my sister.
" You will be okay, sweetheart. We will get through this, okay? We are here for
you, and we will face this problem as a family." She whispered in my sister's ears
and stroking her hair.

Then we all gathered at the table and started our meal. In the middle of our
dinner, my phone rang. I checked the caller and saw that it was Detective Drew. I
answered right away.

" Detective, any news?" I asked him right away.

" Bad news, Doctor. Todd's attorney posted bail, and he got out two hours ago. We
tried to tail him, but he went missing. Then 30 minutes ago, we received a call
from a bystander. He said he heard a gunshot at a vacant lot near the mall." He
said, and I was getting nervous about what he will say next.

" My men went to check, and it was confirmed. It was Todd. Shot in the head and the
chest. I am so sorry, Dr. Jones. Please relay the news to your family, especially
your sister." I sat there frozen, and my first instinct was to look at my sister.
This will destroy her.

Converted by Kei

Chapter 78
Everyone looked at me with expectations and worries on their faces. I felt Bella's
hand on my arm, and I looked at her in shock. Although I was angry with what Todd
has done, this is not what I want to happen to him.

I do believe him when he said he loved my sister. They didn't even have the chance
to talk. He wasn't able to explain to Collette the reason why he helped the two

" What is it, Liam? What did the Detective say?" My dad asked me, and I focused my
attention on him, unable to talk. I don't know how to break the news to them.

I know that they have loved Todd as their own son. This news will also hurt them,
but not as much as Collette.

" It's Todd," I said, then paused and looked at Collette. She is staring at me
expectantly, waiting for me to continue.

" What about, Todd?" She asked in almost a whisper.

" Detective Drew said his attorney bailed him out this afternoon." I was not able
to finish what I'm going to say because Collette stood up abruptly.

" He's coming over? I have to change." She was about to go when I stopped her.

" Collette! He's not coming over. He was found dead at a vacant lot near the Mall.
He's gone, Cols, I'm sorry." I told her in anguish. I saw how her face turned to
shock, hurt, fear, and anger.

" No. No! You're joking, right, Liam? You're trying to see if I forgave him. If I
still love him! Yes! I still love him, alright? And I am willing to listen to
whatever his reason for betraying me!" She is hysterical. I looked at my parents
for help.

My mom is in shock, and tears pooled in her eyes. At the same time, my dad sat
there frozen in shock as well. I can hear Bella sniffing beside me, so she must be
crying as well.

" What are you saying, Liam? It can't be true. Why is he dead? Who killed him?" My
mom asked in a shaking voice.

Bella stood up and went to help Collette sit in her chair again. She held her hands
and cried with her. My daughter Sophie is also crying, even though she doesn't
understand what was happening. She just saw everyone so upset, and it made her sad

I lifted her from her seat and placed her on my lap. She buried her small head in
my chest. I stroked her back and kissed her head.

" Detective Drew said, when he got out, they tried to tail him, but they lost him.
Then, just a while ago, they received a call from someone saying he found a dead
body at a vacant lot near the Mall. They went to check and confirmed that it was
Todd. Shot in the head and the chest.

Collette cried even louder now and sobbed. We looked at her with pity. My mom went
to her and hugged her. Collette hugged mom's middle and cried.

" Mom, he, he can't be dead," she wailed.

" We haven't talked properly. I haven't told him that I believed him. I haven't
told him I'm pregnant! What will happen to us?!" She cried even more, and we are
all shocked at her revelation.

" Oh, my God! Sweetheart. My poor child. I am so sorry, baby. We are here for you,
sweetheart. We will help you get through this. You have to be strong for Todd and
your baby." My mom cried with her. Bella was sobbing too beside her and laid her
head on Collette's back.

I didn't realize I was already crying too. I can't imagine the pain she must be
feeling right now. My mother-in-law, Agnes, also stood up and rubbed Collette's

" I only have one person in mind who could have done such evil deed or make it two.
Those two lunatics must be caught, Liam. I cannot risk losing another member of
this family!" My dad said, seething in anger. I know how much he admired Todd.

They have been talking about doing business together after the wedding. But now
that Todd is gone, there's no more wedding.

" The whole police force is looking for them now, dad. Their faces are plastered
all over the newspaper and television. They can't hide forever. Eventually, they
will come out because they are not done with their revenge yet." I told him. My
hold on my daughter tightened.

I am not letting them touch my family. Over my dead body! I will look for them
myself if I have to. But where could they be? What are they plotting now?

" Starting today, we must stick together. Never go out of the house unescorted or
go to places alone." I told them, then I turned to my mother-in-law.

" Mom, from now on, you have to stay here with us. It is not safe for you to stay
at the house alone. Until these two are caught, we cannot be too relaxed. Tomorrow,
I will get our things from our apartment and move back here." I continued.
" I cannot take a risk and let them have a chance to strike on my family,
especially now that Bella and Collette are pregnant. We must protect each other." I
added, and my dad agreed.

" Collette, sis. I promise we will have them pay for what they did to Todd. For
now, let us all take a rest. Mom, can you bring Collette to her room? Bella and I
will clear the table and wash the dishes." I told my mom. I stood up and carried

" Mom, can you please take care of Sophie and help her to bed? We will be there as
soon as we're done here." I told my mother-in-law and passed Sophie to her. She
nodded, took Sophie from my arms, and went upstairs with my mom and Collette.

My dad stood up and helped us clear the table, then soon retired to his study. I
can see that he's really upset with what happened to Todd and Collette. He looked
10 years older after he heard the news and Collette's admission.

" Baby, do you want to sit down? I can wash the dishes. You relax and watch my sexy
back." I hugged my dear Bella to me and kissed her forehead.

" I'm okay, babe. I will help you so that we can rest together. I really feel sad
for Collette, Liam. Why didn't she told us she's also pregnant? Todd died without
knowing he's going to be a dad." She said in a hushed voice and laid her head on my

" I know, baby. I feel terrible, too. I know how painful this is for her. All we
could do is be there for her and support her. She needs all the support she can
get." I told her and kissed the top of her head.

" Come on, let's get started. You look like your going to pass out of exhaustion."
I told her, and we proceeded to wash the dishes.

" Babe, will it be okay if I sleep with Collette tonight? I can't let her sleep
alone tonight." Bella asked after we're done with the chore.

" Sure, babe. I'm sure she'll love that." I answered her with a smile. She tiptoed
and kissed my lips softly.

" Thanks, babe." She said. I checked all the windows and doors, making sure they're
all securely locked.

Then we went upstairs to get ready for bed. We passed our daughter's room and
peeked inside. My mother-in-law is holding her close to her, and both are fast
asleep. My mom went out of Collette's room and saw us.

" How is she, mom?" Bella asked my mom.

" She's really hurt, dear, and won't stop crying. She fell asleep crying. That's
why I left her for a while. I'll be checking on her later." My mom answered.

" It's okay, mom. You take a rest. I'll take care of her tonight. I will keep her
company and try to console her." Bella told my mom, which made my mom smile,
grateful for her gesture.

" Thank you, dear. I am sure she will love your company." Mom said, kissed both of
us, and went to her room.

" Goodnight, baby, and thank you for keeping her company tonight. Although I will
miss you in our bed and beside me, I know my sister needs you more than I do. I
love you, baby." I kissed her soft lips and hugged her tight.

" I love you too, babe, and goodnight." She tiptoed and kissed me one more time
before going inside Collette's room.

I hope she will be able to ease some of Collette's pain. I cannot imagine losing
someone you love the most. I cannot imagine losing any of them. I will surely go
crazy and go on a rampage.

Chapter 79

Bella's POV

I opened Collette's door slowly and got in. She was facing the wall and was hugging
her knees to her chest. My heart ached for my best friend. I couldn't imagine the
pain she must have been through right now.

If it was Liam, I think I'll die with him. I don't think I'll survive without Liam.
I slowly climbed the bed and hugged her from the back. She slowly turned around and
faced me. Her eyes are swollen and still full of tears.

" Bella," she whispered, then sobbed in my chest. I let her cry for a few minutes
and stroked her back. I cried with her. I cried for their love and for their child
who will never meet his father.

" I'm here, Cols. I will never leave you. I am so sorry, babe. I am so sorry this
happened to you." I whispered to her and hugged her tightly.

" Bella, how can I live without him? How can I raise our child alone? What will I
tell our child? Bella, I don't want to go on without him." She cried, and her words
tore me apart.

" Cols, don't ever say that. We are all here. We will help you, and we will raise
our kids together. Do you remember when we were kids? We made a vow that we will
get married and get pregnant together? Now, we can make that happen. Our kids will
grow together, and they will love each other like brothers and sisters." I told
her, wiping her tears.

" I am so scared, Bels, and so lost. I miss Todd so much. I am angry at myself for
not giving him the chance to talk to me at the station. He told me that he fell in
love with me while doing what the Wilson siblings ordered him to do." She cried.

" I should have listened. I shouldn't have abandoned him. Now, he's gone, and I
won't ever see him again. Feel his touch or hear his voice. It hurts so much,
Bels." I closed my eyes and bit my lip so hard. How can I make her feel better? How
can I ease the pain she's feeling right now?

" Hush, babe. You are one of the strongest people I know. I know you'll get through
this. You will have to, Cols, for your child, please." I begged her. We slept,
holding on to each other, and cried ourselves to sleep.

The next morning I woke up feeling sick. I scrambled to my feet and ran to
Collette's bathroom. There I saw her sprawled to the floor, barfing her guts out on
the toilet bowl. I ran to the sink and vomited. After puking, I sat on the floor
and leaned my head on the cold wall.

I inhaled and exhaled slowly, then crawled towards Collette. I helped her to her
feet and helped her brushed her teeth. We went back to her room, and she crawled
back to her bed.

" Let's go down, babe, and eat breakfast. We need to eat for our babies, please?
Besides, aren't we going to prepare for Todd's wake? Collette, you need closure.
And it would help if you face this now." I urged her, but she didn't budge. I
sighed deeply and left her be. I walked out of her room and went to our room.

I was surprised to see it empty. Liam must have gotten so early. I went to our
closet and looked for a change of clothes. There I saw Liam's shirt and sweatpants.
I took it out and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower, I went down to look for food. My stomach is grumbling now. My baby
is asking for food. I went straight to the patio by the pool, where I hear voices.
Mom and my in-laws are there, and my little girl is playing with her dolls by the

" Good morning, guys. Morning sweetheart." I greeted everyone and my daughter.

" Morning, dear. How was your sleep? How's Collette?" My mother-in-law asked me.

" We had a rough night and equally rough morning. We were both throwing up early in
the morning. I asked Collette to come down with me to eat, but she doesn't want
to." I told her.

" It's okay, hon. I'll go and bring her food. Go and eat your breakfast. You must
eat more now that you're pregnant." She said.

" She's right, honey. Take care of your health. You have a little one inside you
now. You must eat on time and eat more." My mom agreed with my mother-in-law. I
nodded my head and started eating my breakfast.

" Have you seen, Liam? I went to our room and found it empty." I asked them.

" He went to your apartment, sweetheart, to get some clothes, and he said he would
pass by the station and the morgue. Somebody has to identify Todd's body and
prepare for the funeral. Todd, as we know, lives alone. He doesn't have a family or
any relatives that we know of." My father-in-law Demitri informed me.

I feel so sorry for Todd. To die alone and to die in that brutal way is just so
inhumane. How could Dylan and Jenny do that to him? After what he did for them? He
doesn't deserve this kind of death. He doesn't deserve to die at all.

" Don't worry, hon. I am had an escort with him. The FBI sent more men this morning
to look out for us and to protect us." My mom added. I nodded my head and continued

" Yes, dear, you shouldn't worry too much. The FBI is involved in this case now. It
won't be long that these two will be caught. Besides, I got us covered, in case
they make a mistake of coming here. I won't hesitate to put a bullet through their
heads." My father-in-law said and patted his bulging side. He has a gun.

Later that afternoon, I received a message from Liam saying he's on his way home. I
replied and told him to be careful and be safe. Mom and my mother-in-law are in the
kitchen baking, while my father-in-law is in his library.

Sophie and I are watching frozen again when we suddenly heard a gunshot outside. My
father-in-law went out of the study quickly. Both my moms came rushing in from the
kitchen as well. We waited and listened for a while.
When another shot was fired, my father-in-law told us to hide in his study and lock
the door. We ran inside then I remembered Collette all alone upstairs. I told my
mom to hold Sophie while I ran out of the library and went to Collette's room.

She sat in her bed with wide eyes. She jumped when I suddenly came in. I dragged
her out of there and went downstairs again to go to the library, but the main door
was suddenly pushed open with force.

Chapter 80

We stood frozen by the foot of the stairs, and my father-in-law was aiming the gun
at the door. An FBI agent came in with a gunshot wound on his shoulder. He closed
the door and locked it. He hid behind the wall opposite my father-in-law and aimed
his gun at the door as well.

" Mam, please go and hide. We are under attack. I've called for back-up, but it
will take a few minutes for them to arrive. Some of my men are dead. There are at
least five armed men outside. One of them is Dylan Wilson. There's a woman inside
the car, whom I presume is his sister Jenny." The Agent told us. I clung to
Collette tightly and prayed to God that the police come soon.

Then the door blew off. It was shot with a shotgun. Pieces of the wood flew to the
living room, I didn't realize Collette, and I are screaming. My father-in-law fired
at whoever is at the door so was the FBI agent.

He motioned us to move and hide in the library, but then a voice can be heard
outside that sent chills to my bones, especially when I heard what he said next.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you. You wouldn't want to shoot Dr. Jones
accidentally, do you?" It was Tom. And he has Liam as a hostage. He probably
arrived the moment they attacked.

" Drop your weapons, and throw them out, or I will shoot him right here." He
shouted again. My father-in-law and the FBI agent looked at each other, conflicted.

I was covering my mouth and shook violently. I am so scared of what might happen to
Liam. Collette and I were clutching at each other's hand and was breathing

The two men threw their guns outside and backed up from the door. My father-in-law
came to us and tried to drag us inside his study, but I refused to move. They have
Liam! Then there are footsteps coming in.

Tom came into view, with was Liam held at gunpoint. Our eyes automatically seek
each other. Mine is full of fear, while his eyes are full of concern and anger. He
tried to wiggle out of Tom's grip but failed.

Then Dr. Paige followed with an evil smirk on her face. She also had a gun in her
hand and pointed it at the FBI agent.

" Finally, we are all in one room. What a reunion, huh? " Jenny said and laughed
like a lunatic. Tom pushed Liam towards us, and I caught him in time. We held on to
each other, and then he placed me behind him.

" Aww, how sweet. You have always been protecting her ever since, Liam. It was
always her! Do you really think you can protect her now?" Dr. Paige or Jenny said,
grinning like a fool.

" Hey brother, these three are the reason why our dear daddy and mommy put me in
the asylum. They ruined my reputation and got to live a happy life while I was
rotting away in that hellhole!"

" Do you want to end it now, little sis? We can put a hole in their heads and be on
our way. Just give the signal." Tom or Dylan asked his sister.

" You lunatics! What have we done to you?! Why are you doing this to us? Why did
you kill Todd?!" Collette shouted and tried to attack them, but her father held on
to her.

" Ah, ah, ah. Easy there, tiger. You want to know why? I'll tell you why! Back in
high school, you two have been on my nerves. You are always telling Liam to break
up with me! You told him I was sleeping around and was cheating on him!"

" I tried so hard to make him love me! Look at me and not that midget!" She pointed
to me.

" Liam never looked at me the way he's looking at you all those years! Every time
we're together, he's always talking about you! Bella this! Bella that! I am so
fucking fed up listening to him bragging about you! That's why I sleep around to
get his attention!" She shouted and glared at us.

" Why do you think nobody courted you during high school, huh? It's because he
scared them all off! He was too coward to admit his feelings for you and used me!
Then you two best friends acted like you're so special and looked down on me!"

" Well, who's laughing now bitches?! And Collette, do you know why I killed your
Todd? It's because he fell in love with where he wasn't supposed to! He was my boy
toy before he met you! He wanted to marry you, that bastard! So I put a hole in his
head and blew off his heart." She laughed hysterically, and we all stared at her in
horror. She really is crazy.

Tom laughed with her. They are both crazy, and we are in deep shit. She pointed the
gun at me, but Liam placed himself in front of me.

" Jenny, I am so sorry for what I have done. Please, stop this. Spare my family,
I'm begging you. We were just kids back then, Jen. We don't know what we were
doing." Liam begged her and covered me from the gun.

" Sorry? Sorry?! You put me to hell and then rejected me twice because of her! I
will kill her first, then your sister. Then your precious daughter and everyone
else. I will make you watch while they die in front of your eyes." Jenny answered
and aimed the gun at me.

" Sis, let's get over with. I'm getting bored." Tom turned to her sister and glared
at her. Then we can hear the siren outside. The police are here. Thank God we are

" Shit! The police! I told you to wrap it up quickly, Jenny, now we are in
trouble!" Tom shouted at her in irritation.

" Move, Liam, or I will shoot you first!" Jenny ordered Liam. I was clutching at
his shirt. He didn't move. And glared at Jenny. Daring her to do what she said.
Then Jenny pointed the gun at him and fired! At the same time, the police came in
with Detective Drew.
They fired at Tom and Jenny, killing them instantly. I held my breath and waited
for Liam to fall, but it was not him who fell to the ground. It was Collette!

She laid there with blood oozing out of her stomach. She ran to Liam on time when
Jenny fired her gun. Liam is cradling her head in his legs, and I kneeled in front
of her.

" Cols, why did you do that? Why did you take the bullet that was supposed for me?"
Liam cried and cradled her to his chest, rocking her back and forth.

" Cols, please, please hang in there. Don't close your eyes, babe. Why did you do
that, Cols?" I am clutching at her hand, crying.

" You both have been through a lot to find each other. You have a beautiful little
girl that needs her parents. I can't let you go through what I went through when I
lost Todd, Bels. I know how much you love my brother. I don't want to see you
suffer like me." She said in a soft and breathy voice. I cried so hard and kissed
her hand.

" At least now... I..could be...with Todd. We can be a happy family in heaven.
Liam, take good care of your family. Take care of mom and dad." She whispered. Just
then, my mother-in-law went out of the study and saw us.

She screamed and ran towards her daughter. My father-in-law also knelt in front of
Collette in tears. They are holding her hands and kissing them.

" Oh, God! My baby, my baby, please hang tight, sweetheart, where the hell is the
ambulance! We have to get her to the hospital now!" My mother-in-law shouted
through her tears.

" Mom. Dad. I love you both so much. I am sorry, but I cannot live without Todd. I
want to be with Todd. Please let me go." Collette is crying and is having a hard
time breathing now. She was slowly closing her eyes and was choking in her own

" No! No! No! Collette! Please, baby, don't leave us! Please open your eyes,
sweetheart!" My mother-in-law screamed hysterically. I am now crying so hard in
Liam's chest, and I felt his chest moved, indicating that he is also crying.

At that moment, we knew that she's gone. She sacrificed herself for us. She got
what she wanted. She can be with Todd in heaven together with their little angel.
Her selfless sacrifice gave us a chance to be with each other and be with our

My best friend. My sister. She has always protected me ever since we were kids. She
has been my shield, my protector, my angel. Until the very end, she still thinks of
me and gives up her life for me to have mine.


Chapter 81
Bella's POV

We are all in the funeral home where Collette's and Todd's wake is being held. All
our high school friends came to pay their respects and some of our teachers too. It
was all a shock to everyone when they heard what happened.

What was supposed to be a wedding became a funeral. We are all devastated and still
in shock. Liam's parents stayed at his apartment for the meantime while their house
is being fixed and cleaned. And we are staying with mom for now.

I am so exhausted, and I know so is Liam. We haven't rested well since the

incident. There are interviews and paperwork to be signed. We didn't have time to
cancel the wedding preparations for Collette and Todd because we were so busy
preparing for their funeral.

During the day, we greeted people and entertain them. Many of Todd's clients came
to pay respect, and some of Liam's colleagues from the hospital also paid their
respects. It was a very gloomy and painful time in our lives.

I acted busy and attentive to everyone during the day, but I cry myself to sleep at
night. Sometimes Liam comforts me, but most of the time, I am alone because he has
to go to the hospital. I can't believe my best friend is gone.

I reminisce our days when we first met, how we clicked instantly and became
inseparable. She was always the heart of every party while I am the meek one. I
remember how she comforts me every time Liam had another girlfriend.

She would fight my battles for me, shut those bullies and snob girls at school. She
has been my rock and my superhero. Now she's gone. I won't be able to talk to her.
I won't hear her laugh, her voice, her snorts.

I was currently lying on my bed when there was a soft knock on my door. When I said
come in, to whoever is outside, my daughter Sophie peeked in.

" Mommy, are you awake?" She asked in her small voice.

" Yes, sweetheart. Come here, what is it?" I said to her and opened my arms for
her. She climbed on the bed and laid down beside me.

She was facing me and looked at my swollen eyes. She touched my face and wiped away
my tears. I held her small hand and kissed her small palms.

" Mommy, don't be sad. Please stop crying." She said, on the verge of crying

" I'm sorry, sweet pea. Mommy is so sad. I miss your Aunt Collette." I told her and
closed my eyes.

" I miss her, too, mommy. Is she in heaven now with uncle Todd? Is she coming
back?" She asked innocently. It broke my heart all over again.

" Yes, baby. She's in heaven now with Uncle Todd and their baby. I am sorry,
sweetheart, but she's not coming back to us. She has to stay there with her
family." I whispered to her. Fresh tears came out of my eyes, and she started
crying too.

" But, I want her back. She promised I'll be her flower girl at her wedding. Can we
call her mommy? Can we ask God to bring her back?" All I did was sob and hugged her
tight. She has no idea about death. She thought Collette is just somewhere taking a

" Baby, when you are older, you will understand all this. For now, mommy promised
that she will always protect you, love you, and I will never leave you. Aunt
Collette loves you too so much. I know that she will always look after you and will
be your guardian angel in heaven." I explained to her. I hear her sob and hiccuped,
so I lulled her o sleep.
We fell asleep holding unto each other when Liam came in. He went to the hospital
and went straight to the wake. I came home in the afternoon because I was not
feeling well and was dizzy the whole morning.

Liam sat beside the bed and stroked my face softly. I opened my eyes and stared
into his sad and tired ones. He smiled sadly at me and kissed my forehead, then
kissed our daughter's head too.

" Hi, babe. When did you come in? What time is it?" I asked him in a hushed voice,
afraid to wake Sophie up. I had a hard time pacifying her cries. She fell asleep
out of exhaustion after crying.

" Hey, baby. I arrived a few minutes ago, and it's 7 pm. I passed by the wake from
the hospital, and mom told me you were not feeling well, so I rushed home. Are you
okay, baby?" He asked lowly and kept on stroking my face.

" I am fine now, babe. I just felt dizzy this morning. Probably due to pregnancy,
and stress I guess. How are you?" I asked him worriedly. He hardly had enough
sleep, and when we do lie down, I can feel him tossing and turning.

I know he is hurting but is trying to keep it in and be strong for the family. I
wanted him to let go and cry it all out. I want him to mourn for his sister, to
cry, so that I will know that he's going to be okay.

" Liam, it's okay. You can cry, babe. There's no one here to criticize you. It is
okay to be vulnerable and to mourn your sister. I know how much you love her. Don't
blame yourself, babe. She did that of her own free will. Let us honor her dying
wish and live a happy life." I looked at him sadly. I saw how his demeanor changed,
and tears pooled in his eyes.

"I can't believe that she's gone. I cannot accept that she's gone. It was supposed
to be me. Why does she have to do that? I am her big brother! I was supposed to be
the one to protect her, Bel! I can't help but blame myself for all this." He
finally broke down and covered his face with his hand.

His shoulder shook, and he is sobbing like a baby. I got up, went to his side, and
hugged him tightly. He clung to me tightly and wept. After days of bottling it all
in, he finally let loose and cried. I held on to him and let him take it all out.

" Liam, Collette is in a good place now. The only way we can honor her life is to
accept that she's gone and to take care of the gift she gave us, which is another
chance, another life. She sacrificed herself so that we can enjoy life with our
children." I whispered to him and rock him back and forth.

" We might not see her physically, but she will always be with us, in our hearts. I
miss her, too, baby." I kissed his head and rubbed his back. His body rocked from
the sobs he's letting out and my heart broke for him. I know it will take a while,
but we will get through this and we will never forget the day Collete gave us our
happy ending.

Chapter 82
Today is the day where we lay Collette and Todd on the ground. Today was supposed
to be their wedding day—what a sad way to end things. The supposed-to-be grand
wedding of the year became their funeral.

We are at the church for the mass and eulogy. Today is the saddest day of our
lives. Collette is looking so beautiful in her wedding dress while Todd is wearing
his tux. We requested the pastor to wed the two as planned.

We want to give them their dream of becoming husband and wife, even in their death.
The wedding entourage is all present and is wearing their gowns. My little Sophie
is wearing her beautiful gown and laid white rose petals on her Aunt Collette's

Everyone was so emotional. There weren't dry eyes inside that church. Mom Carmen
put on Collette's wedding ring on her ring finger, while my father-in-law places
Todd's ring on his finger. Now they can journey through the afterlife as husband
and wife.

When it was my turn to talk at the eulogy, I breathe deeply and muster the courage
to take the mic and start reminiscing my memories with my best friend.

" I met Collette when I was 8. She was my first friend when we move back here from
Denver. The moment we first talked to each other, I knew then that she would be my
soul sister. She has always been the life of every party. She's funny, smart, and
brave." I started, pausing every once in a while to control my tears.

" She has always been my rock, my shield, my hero. She takes away with her a part
of me, and I will always have a part of her in me. She may be gone in this world,
but in my heart, she is still alive. I will always be in debt to her. To honor her
memory, I promise not to learn to live without her, but to live with the love she
left behind." I continued, and now I had a hard time stopping the tears from
flowing from my eyes.

Everyone was crying and looking at me with pity. I turned to Liam and saw him
staring at me with tears in his eyes. I smiled at him through my tears and looked
at my in-laws. They had gratitude and love in their eyes and is smiling even in
their grief.

" I would like to thank each one of you for being with us in this very trying time.
For celebrating life and death. For paying your respects to our dearly beloved
Collette and Todd. As we say our final goodbye to them, may we always remember, as
long as we keep them and their memories in our hearts, we never truly lost them?
Thank you all for coming." I ended my speech and went down the podium.

Liam stood up to guide me to our seat. He put his arms around me and kissed my
temple. I looked up at him and touched his cheek.

" That was beautiful, baby. Thank you." He said and kissed my lips.

When the mass ended, heavy rain poured down from the sky. As if the heavens are
mourning with us. We started the march to the cemetery, where we will finally put
them to rest. Liam carried Sophie, and we held hands while walking. Under the heavy
rain, tears flow, and emotions are overflowing.

Each one of us said our goodbyes to Collette and Todd and left with a heavy heart.
Liam walked back to the church, where he left the car since it's only a 3-minute
walk from the cemetery.

Back at the Jones' house, some guests still lingering around and extend their
condolences to the family. I told Liam I'd be up in our room because I'm not
feeling well. This pregnancy is quite different from my pregnancy with Sophie.

Maybe I was just too stressed and emotionally drained. Instead of going to our
room, I sneaked into Collette's room and looked around. It was untouched like she
never really left. I went closer to her picture frames lined up in a little corner
of the room with teary eyes.

There were pictures of her and Liam when they were younger. Her parents, Todd's,
and then there were her and me. From the day we first met until our school days. I
touched our photos and swallowed the lump in my throat.

How happy we were back then. She also has a photo of Sophie when she was a baby. I
remembered she asked me one when she knew about her. Then the photo when they were
playing in the pool. She looks so happy in all her photos.

Then I went to her bed and brought her pillow to my nose, and inhaled her scent. I
will miss her scent, her snoring, and her giggles. Soon I was sobbing in her
pillows and laid down on her bed like a baby.

When I was dozing off, I swear I can feel a touch on my head, and a soft breeze
came in the room. I can feel her, and it made me cry even more.

" Cols, I miss you," I whispered in the quiet room. I know she's in there with me.
Then I drifted off to sleep, thinking about our happy memories.

I dreamed about the first day we met in school in 2nd grade. I was sitting by
myself feeling scared and shy because I'm the new kid. Then this beautiful girl
with blonde hair approached me and said.

" Hi, I'm Collette. What is your name?" She asked and extended her hand.

" Arabella," I answered shyly and accepted her outstretched hand.

" You're new here, right? Where did you come from?" She asked and sat on the chair
beside me.

" Yes. We're from Denver. My mom and I moved back here when my daddy died. We live
in my Nana's old house in Maddison Village." I answered her again.

" Maddison Village? That's where I live! What's the name of your Nana?" She asked

" Nana Becky. She died a few years ago and left the house to my mom." I said.

" Really?! We are so close to each other! We are two houses up from your house! We
are neighbors! I am so happy!" She clapped her hands and grinned at me. I smiled
shyly at her.

" From now on, we will come to school together, and we will be best friends! I will
take care of you, and I will protect you from the bullies. I will introduce you to
my elder brother, Liam. He's in fourth grade now. I'm sure you will like him, and
he will like you. In fact, I want you to marry him when we grow up so we could be
real sisters! From now on, I will call you Bella." She said animatedly, and I
stared at her in confusion.

This girl sure does have a wild imagination. She's planning my future already; how
weird is that? She never left my side from then on. We are like magnets. We seldom
separate ven in our sleep.

I spent my whole childhood in their house and had a lot of sleepovers. Until the
day I developed a crush on her brother and eventually fell in love with him, she
always supported me. Somehow she knew that Liam and I would end up spending the
rest of our lives together.
She truly is our fairy Godmother. And for that, I will eternally be grateful to
her. I will cherish her memories forever and will be telling my children about
their brave and beautiful Aunt.

I woke up with a start when I felt a hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Liam
lying beside me on the bed. I was hugging Collette's pillow and dreamed about her.
I stared at Liam with sleepy and tired eyes.

" Hi, baby. Why are you sleeping here? I was worried when I couldn't find you in
our room." He asked me with concern.

" I passed by on my way to our room and couldn't resist. I missed her, Liam. I
missed lying beside her and smelling her scent. I dreamt about her. I dreamt about
the first day we became best friends." I told him, and my voice broke.

" Shhhh, baby. Please stop crying. You have been crying non-stop for days now. It
is not good for your health and our baby. You should take care of yourself, babe.
Collette wouldn't want you to get sick. I know that you miss her, I miss her too,
but we have to move on, baby, and let her go." He said and pulled me to his arms. I
buried my face in his neck and sniffed.

" Let's go down and eat dinner, okay? The guests left an hour ago, so the house is
quiet and peaceful again. Everybody is having dinner downstairs." He told me, and I
nodded. He got up and pulled me to my feet. We looked around the room one more time
before going out.

Chapter 83
The day after the funeral was the hardest. How do you go back to your everyday life
when you knew someone was missing? We were having breakfast when my mother-in-law
suddenly blurted out.

" Liam, I think you should get married as soon as possible, while Bella's tummy is
still not that obvious. I didn't cancel Collette's reservations for the wedding. I
think your sister would want you both to use it. Everything has been paid in full.
All we have to do was change the names on the wedding invitation." Mom Carmen
announced out of the blue.

Liam and I looked at each other, and we both nodded. I guess it would make Collette
happy to see us getting married. So my mother-in-law made all the changes and
necessary arrangements. We are getting married next week!

We resumed eating our breakfast when there's a knock on the door. My father-in-law
stood up and answered the door. After a few minutes, he came back, and behind him
is someone unexpected.

" Liam, baby! I am so sorry I was not here during Collette's funeral. I found out
too late. But as soon as I've heard, I flew here right away." Taylor said and
hugged Liam from behind. We were too shocked to react, but when Liam finally
realizes, he untangled Taylor's arms from his neck.

" Taylor, what are you doing here?" Liam asked in annoyance.

" Why, of course, I want to console you, babe. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I've acted
like a bitch the last time, but you know that I love you, babe. I'm here now, and
I'm sad about what happened to Collette. Condolence, by the way, Mr. and Mrs.
Jones." She said and turned to my in-laws, who were quite shocked and annoyed with
her presence.

" Thank you, Taylor." My mother-in-law replied stiffly and glanced at me with a
worried look. I smiled reassuringly at her.

" So, you're still here? I thought the funeral was yesterday. What are you still
doing here?" She asked with raised brows and sharp eyes.

" Mind your tone, young lady. You can't talk to my daughter-in-law like that!" My
father-in-law said in a threatening voice.

" You can't show up here unannounced and uninvited, then attack my daughter-in-law.
If there's someone who doesn't belong here, it's you, not her. We appreciate your
concern and sympathy, but you cannot stay here." My mother-in-law said and stared
at her indifferently.

" Daughter-in-law?! Since when?! Why didn't I know they got married?!" She said
hysterically and glared at Liam and me.

" Calm down, Taylor, and besides, we broke up, remember? We specifically told you
not to set foot in this house again. What are you doing here? Bella is the mother
of my children, and we are getting married next week." Liam told her, and her eyes

" So it's true? That midget is your daughter? Ha, so I was right all along! She's
not as innocent as she pretended to be. Is she blackmailing you, babe?" She turned
to Liam and threw me a death glare.

" Excuse me?! Who the hell do you think you are? You can malign me or insult me all
you want, but you cannot call my daughter names." I stood up and glared at her. She
may be taller than me, but I'm not letting anyone attack my daughter.

" Ha! Do you think you scare me? I eat little girls like you for breakfast." She
approached me with a threat. Liam suddenly stood up and stood in front of me.

" That is enough, Taylor! You don't have the right to threaten my wife or attack my
daughter. You have no right to be here at all! I made it clear to you the last time
you were here that we are through! Now get out. I don't want you upsetting my
family!" Liam is shaking in anger, so I took hold of his hand and rub his back.

" I am not giving you up that easily, Liam. I was just busy these past few weeks.
That's why I didn't have time to reach out to you. We can still patch things up,
babe. If you pity her because you knocked her off, we'll pay her. How much do you
want?" She begged Liam and glared at me again.

My blood boils, and I pushed Liam out of the way so I can scratch her fake face and
snatch her hair. But Liam was quick to circle his arms around my middle and held me
away from the smirking bitch.

" You bitch! Do you think you can buy everything?! My love for Liam has no price.
Unlike you, you see him as a toy, as an object that you owned. I feel sorry for
you. You must have been very lonely." I sneered and mocked her.

Her nostrils flared and were about to attack me when my father-in-law's loud voice
interrupted us. My daughter Sophie is also crying, and my mother-in-law carried her
in her arms.

" That is enough! You, get out! I won't tell you you twice or so help me, God, I'll
throw you out myself! Liam, where did you ever find these crazy women, son?! First
that crazy Jenny, now this snotty, equally crazy woman!." I chuckled at his words
and looked at the red-faced Taylor.

" Young woman, if you ever come near our family again, I will have you arrested. We
have enough drama already. We don't need you to add to our problems. I suggest you
leave right now before I lose my temper." Said, my father-in-law. He is usually the
quiet one, but now I see that he does have a temper.

" I'm not done with you yet. Liam, I want to speak with you alone. I will be
staying at the Langton Hotel tonight. I will wait for you there." She said and
picked up her bag from the chair.

" We have nothing to discuss, Taylor. We are through. What's there to talk about?"
Liam answered her in a bored voice.

" I can help you. If she's trapping you into this marriage because you got her
pregnant, we can find a way." She said, trying to persuade Liam to come back to
her. I snorted and shook my head. How pathetic.

" Taylor, you've known me for two years. Do you really believe anybody can force me
into doing something I don't want to do? I love Bella, I have loved her for so
long, and I am marrying her. In fact, she's pregnant with our second child." Liam
tried to make her understand.

" Whatever was between us, it was purely physical. I am sorry, but I never loved
you. I've never loved any woman as much as I love Bella. Please understand and let
me go. You are upsetting my pregnant fiance and our daughter." He begged her
again. He placed his arms around me protectively.

" How can you say that? Two years Liam, I gave you two years of my life. I loved
only you and never cheated on you. You just used me? All those years?" She
whispered, and tears flowed from her eyes.

" I am sorry, Tay. I did care for you, but we are poles apart. Our personalities do
not match. I can't keep up with your world, and you're a cold, manipulative woman.
I hope you can find a guy that can tame you and keep up with your mood swings."

" I am really, truly sorry, Tay. Please forget about me, and move on. You are a
beautiful woman. I am sure men are lining up to have your attention." Liam told her
in a calm and soft voice, but he still has his arms around me in a protective way
in case she attacks.

" So this is it, then? This is goodbye? Okay. You're free. I hope you both have a
happy life. I will surely find a man better than you, Liam. I am sorry, Mr. and
Mrs. Jones, for my intrusion. Congratulations, and I'm sorry." She looked at me
defeatedly and turned to Liam with longing eyes.

She stormed out of the house, and I was able to breathe. Liam ushered me to the
chair and handed me a glass of water. He sat down beside me and held my hands.

" I am so sorry, baby. I swear I broke up with her before we were together. I
didn't know she will come barging in unannounced." He stared at me with pleading

" It's okay, babe, you don't have to explain. For what it's worth, I do feel sorry
for her. I can see how much she loves you." I told him, touching his face.

" I need a drink. A very stiff drink. I don't know why or where you find these
crazy women, Liam. I am so glad our Bella came back, or I might disown you if you
ever ended up with that woman." My father-in-law declared, and I can't help but

Mom Carmen also laughed while Liam was scratching his head. I am so glad the
tension is gone. I am thankful to Taylor. At least she lifted the somber atmosphere
in the house.

Chapter 84

The following days were very hectic for us. We had to buy my wedding gown instead
of a custom-made one because we ran out of time. Invitations are changed and sent
to close friends. All of Collette's bridesmaids agreed to be a part of our wedding
still, and I was very thankful for that.

We opted for a small wedding, only chosen friends and distant relatives are
invited. Sophie, my little girl, was so excited and had been counting the days
until she walked down the aisle with me.

My morning sickness has lessened, thanks to the medicine, and I guess my baby is
also excited for the big day. It's a good thing that I still have a flat tummy, or
else I will look like a walking cake on my wedding day.

My gown is simple. It's a strapless, mermaid cut dress that fits my body like a
glove. My mom and mother-in-law went with me to buy the gown. When I put it on for
fitting, my two mothers cried and gushed at how exquisite I look in the gown.

I can't wait for Liam to see me in this gown, walking down the aisle towards him.
He has been very too this past few days. He has left a lot of pending work in his
clinic that needs his attention. The regular patients need to be checked and
monitored, and charts had to be filled up.

We will have the wedding by the lake, where we used to play and swim when we were
kids. It also the place where he first kissed me. That lake was a witness to all
the tears I cried because of him. When he brings his girlfriends over for a
barbecue party or camping, I would hide behind the tree and cry my heart out.

It is where I first realized I am already in love with him. And in all those
heartaches, Collette was with me. Consoling me and making me laugh. How I wish she
is still here and we could walk down the aisle together.

My reminiscing was cut when I felt a sudden pain in my lower abdomen. I am

currently lying down on the sofa at my mom's place watching reruns of Grace
Anatomy. I sat up and held on to my abdomen. Then I felt it again, the sudden pain.

I am alone in the house because my mom and Sophie went to the supermarket to get
groceries. I did not go with them because I have not been feeling well lately. I
grabbed my phone and dialed my mother-in-law's number.

My in-laws are nearest to me. Whatever happens, they can always come over quickly.
The phone rings for several minutes before it was answered.

" Bella? what is it, dear?" Mom Carmen asked.

" Mom? Can you please come over to the house? And please bring dad and a car. We
need to go to the hospital." I said as calmly as possible. Although deep inside, I
am already panicking. I might lose my baby, and I am so scared.
" What? Why? What happened?! She asked worriedly, and I can hear a rustling. She's
probably in her room while I called. Then I heard her call my father-in-law and
told him to hurry.

" I am feeling a lot of pain in my abdomen. I don't want to call Liam yet because I
know he's busy in the clinic. I don't want him to worry. I want to make sure and
have my baby checked." I told her slowly. The pain is there again, and I don't want
her to hear I'm in pain, or she might panic.

" Oh, my God! Okay, okay, I am almost there, sweetheart. Demitri will follow with
the car. hang in there." She said, panting. She's probably running from their house
to ours. Then I heard the front door opened and she went in panting.

She helped me to my feet then I felt something hot came out of my private area. I
am wearing a sundress, so we can clearly see the blood sliding down my legs. Our
eyes widened, and I started to tear up and shake.

" Mom?" I called her attention. Then she shouted for my father-in-law outside. He
came rushing in with a worried face.

" What happened?" He asked. Then he saw the blood and my now pale face. He rushed
to me and carried me, then ran outside with my mother-in-law right behind us. He
placed me in the backseat, and my mother-in-law climbed in with me.

I am shaking uncontrollably and sobbing now. I can't lose this baby. Liam was
excited for him to come out. Oh God, please, please don't take away my baby. My
father-in-law was speeding on the highway and was beating the horn repeatedly.

I heard my mother-in-law called Liam and told him what happened and that we are on
our way to the hospital. I can hear his panicked voice and said he'll meet us
there. My mother-in-law was holding my hand and gripped it tightly.

Soon we arrived at the hospital, and Liam was already there waiting with the
emergency nurses and doctor. He opened the door and carried me out, and put me on
the stretcher.

" You're going to be okay, baby. You're going to be okay." He said repeatedly and
kissed my forehead.

" Liam, I am so scared. I don't want to lose our baby." I cried in his hand.

" You won't, babe. Our baby is strong. I know he will fight for us. Hang in there,
baby. I'm right here." He whispered. I was brought to the emergency room, where no
one is allowed to enter. I held on to his hand until it's impossible not to let go.

I saw his anguished face before the door closes. He was looking at me with so much
emotion. The doctor and nurses were quick to assess the problem and ask a lot of
questions. The last thing I remember was the doctor injecting something in me, and
I passed out.

I dreamed I was in a white place with lots of clouds. I heard someone calling my
name. I know that voice when I turned around. I saw Collette coming towards me. I
ran towards her, crying.

" Oh my God, Cols! Why are you here? Why am I here? Am I dead?" I asked in worry.
She giggled and embraced me again.

" No, silly. You are dreaming, Bels. Don't worry. You are going to be alright. Your
baby is going to be fine. I am so happy for you and Liam, Bels. I knew from the
moment I saw you that you are going to be my sister." She said, smiling and holding
my hand.

" I'm so sorry. I won't be there on your wedding day. But, please know that I am
always with you in spirit. I love you, Bels, and I miss you. Please take care of my
parents and Liam. Live a happy life for me." She said, and her voice became farther
and farther away, and her image is slowly fading.

I wanted to hold on to her longer, but something is pulling me back. I looked

around me, and the white clouds suddenly fade, and I am falling into a black hole.


Chapter 85
Liam's POV

When Bella and Sophie got into an accident, I thought that day was the scariest day
of my life. But today doubles the fear. We might lose our second child. I was
really looking forward to seeing Bella's belly grew bigger every day with our

God, please, I am knocking at your door once again. Save our child, and please
protect Bella. They are my life, and I know she was really excited about this baby.
Please don't take him away from us.

I was pacing the floor outside the emergency room impatiently, waiting for the
doctor to come out. I've called my mother-in-law a while ago and told her what
happened and to please look after Sophie while we are at the hospital.

Bella has been through a lot, but she never gives up and remained strong and
resilient. I know she will get through this and will never give up on our baby. We
only have three days left until our wedding day. She has to be okay. I can't wait
to call her my wife and spend the rest of my life with her.

The door to the ER opened up, and nurses came out with the Doctor. I rushed to him
and asked about my wife and my child.

" Doctor Steve, is my wife okay? Is our child okay?" I asked him frantically.

" Doctor Jones, your wife is going to be fine. Your child is going to be fine. It
was critical a while ago. We almost lost the baby, but I guess he really wants to
see the world. You got a tough one in there, and your wife fought hard to keep it."
The doctor said, and I let out a breath of relief.

" We put her to sleep while doing the necessary procedure. She was stressing too
much, and it was not good for her condition. She had what we call a 'Threatened
Miscarriage,' which usually happens to pregnant women before the baby reaches 20
weeks old."He explained.

" She must have suffered a traumatic or stressful experience to trigger this
threat. I suggest you don't allow her to do strenuous activities and take a lot of
rest. She has to be kept overnight to monitor her condition and to make sure the
bleeding stopped." He added, and I nodded my head. Taking notes of all the dos and

" She will be transferred to a private room in a while. And Doctor Jones,
congratulations on your wedding and the baby." He said, extending his hand for me
to shake.

" Thanks, Doctor, and thank you for saving our child." I accepted his handshake and
thanked him.

" Anytime, Doctor. Okay, I got to go. I have patients waiting for me. Just ask the
reception or her room number, Doctor, and you can wait for her there." He said
before walking away.

My parents approached me and hugged me in relief. They had quite the scare as well.
I thanked them for their quick response and for bringing Bella to the hospital
right away. We all went to the front desk and asked for Bella's room number.

" Liam, we have to go back and get Bella's necessities and prepare dinner for you
both. We will be back later, okay?" My mom announced, and I nodded my head. We said
our goodbyes there, and I proceeded to Bella's room.

I walked into the room and saw my very pale fiance lying on the bed, sleeping. I
walked towards her after closing the door slowly. She looked so fragile and small
on that bed, and it breaks my heart. I kissed her forehead softly and sat beside

I touched her belly and thanked God my child is still there. I felt Bella stirred
and slowly opened her eyes. She looked around in confusion, then focussed her gaze
on me.

Her eyes watered, and she started crying. I jumped on my feet and laid beside her,
gathering her in my arms. She is trembling and sobbing.

" Shhhh, baby. Don't cry. You're okay, and our baby is okay. Please stop stressing
out. It's not good for you or the baby." I begged her and kissed her head

" I was so scared, Liam. I thought I'm going to lose him. But when I passed out, I
had a strange dream." She whispered in between hiccups.

" What was it, babe?" I asked her softly.

" I saw Collette. She looked so happy and so real. She hugged me, and it felt so
real. I can smell her scent and touch her warm flesh. I thought I died. But she
said I was only dreaming. She said she is happy for both of us and not to worry
about our baby." She sobbed, and my heart twisted. I wish I could be there too and
hugged my baby sis.

" See? You don't have to worry about a thing then. You have a badass guardian angel
in heaven now." I joked to lighten her mood, and she giggled. She hugged me
tightly, and I did too.

" I really miss her, and I guess she knows that. That's why she showed up in my
dream. I am okay now because she looks happy. She is finally at peace, Liam." She
said, and I smiled. I am glad she finally accepted the fact that Collette is gone.
I think her death added to her stress and depression.

" I'm glad, baby. Now we can go on with our lives and honor her wish. For us to
live a happy and peaceful life. I can't wait for the day you officially become my
wife, Bella." I told her with a voice full of emotion.

" That we should, babe. For Collette. For us. For our children." She replied and
lifted her face to me with a smile. Her eyes are swollen, but she still takes my
breath away. I dipped my head and kissed her tenderly.

" I love you, Bella, with all my heart. I will prove it to you every day for the
rest of our lives." I told her, staring lovingly into her beautiful, hazel eyes.

" I love you, too, Liam, always and forever." She answered. I kissed her forehead,
and we hugged, sighing deeply. Thankful to God that we have each other. That we are
given a chance to be with each other and live the rest of our lives together.

We've been through a lot. I am so grateful to her for coming back into my life,
giving me Sophie, and making me whole. I can't imagine the rest of my life without
her and our children. I am complete. She completes me.

We fell asleep holding each other tight. Deep down inside I know, the storm has
passed and we'll get to see the sunshine again. Being with Bella and having her in
my arms makes every obstacle easy to endure.

Chapter 86
Still Liam's POV

" Liam, son, wake up." I felt somebody is shaking me awake. I opened my eyes to see
my mom hovering over me, smiling.

" Oh, hi, mom. What time is it?" I whispered and moved slowly so that I won't wake
the sleeping Bella. I untangled my arms underneath her and went down the bed. She
slept peacefully, which must be because she was exhausted after the scare she had.

" It's eight o'clock, dear. I brought dinner and some change of clothes. How's
Bella?" She places the food containers on the table and put our clothes and other
stuff in the small closet.

" She's fine now, mom. She was relieved that the baby is fine. She got quite the
scare this afternoon. I did, too. I thought we're going to lose the baby." I told
her, massaging my neck. After the adrenaline rush died down, I am feeling a little
bit tired.

" Imagine my fear when I saw her looking so pale, and blood ran down her legs. I
thought I would faint right there. Good thing your dad was quick-minded and handled
the situation. I was so scared for her and the baby too." My mom told me, and when
I looked at her, she does look flustered and worried.

" Thank you to you both. You got her here on time. We could really have lost the
baby if it was a second too late." I thanked my mom, and she patted my shoulders.

" I have to go now, dear. Your father is waiting for me in the car. Go ahead and
wake Bella up. She had to eat something to gain her strength and recover fast." She
said while looking down at Bella.

" Poor thing. She has been through a lot, and Collette's death really affected her.
That probably triggered the threatened miscarriage. Series of stressful events
could really take a toll on you. Take care of her son, don't let her overthink or
overdo herself. Her condition is quite sensitive at this stage." My mom ordered.
" I know, mom. She and Collette are inseparable ever since. Losing her best friend
was the last straw for her. Thank dad for me, mom, and you both take care. We'll
see you tomorrow." I kissed her cheek and hugged her.

" I will, son. Kiss Bella for me when she wakes up, alright?" She said, patting my
back and then left. I arranged the food on the table first before waking my
sleeping beauty.

" Hey, sweetheart, wake up. You have to eat, baby." I shook her softly and kissed
her soft lips. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled. I turned the bed's handle to
change it to a sitting position.

Then placed a pillow on her backside to make her comfortable. I kissed her forehead
before reaching for the food to feed her.

" Babe, I can feed myself. Go ahead eat your dinner too." She complained, but I
insisted on feeding her and feeding myself. After our dinner, she asked me to call
her mom so that we can talk to Sophie. I passed her the phone after dialing my
mother-in-law's number.

" Hello, mom? How's Sophie?" She asked her mom when she finally answered. She put
the phone on speaker so that I can hear too.

" Oh, honey! How are you? Are you okay? I am so sorry I was not here when it
happened, dear. Sophie is fine, dear. She cried for a while, asking for you both,
and wanted to go there, but I told her we'd come to visit you tomorrow. Poor thing
has been asking if her baby brother is going to be okay. She was really sure she's
going to have a baby brother." We both smiled after hearing what mom said.

" Is she there, mom? Can we talk to her?" Bella asked.

" Yes, she is, hon. Wait, I'll pass her the phone. Sweetheart, mommy, and daddy
want to talk to you." She called Sophie. Then we heard her small teary voice on the

" Mommy? Are you okay? Is my baby brother okay?" She asked tearfully. We both
looked at each other. Our poor, sweet Princess sounded sad.

" Hey, sweet pea. Mommy's fine, baby, and your baby brother is fine too. He is
strong and brave like his big sister. Don't cry, baby, we'll be home tomorrow,
okay?" Said Bella.

" Hey, Princess. Don't be sad, okay? Daddy will take care of mommy and your baby
brother. You can come tomorrow with Nana and visit mommy, alright?" I told her, and
I heard her small voice answered, okay.

" Alright, sweetie, give the phone to Nana. Don't forget to brush your teeth before
going to bed, okay? We love you, sweetheart, goodnight." Bella reminded her, and we
both said goodbye and goodnight to our daughter.

" Hey, hon. You take a rest and don't think too much, okay? I'll take care of
Sophie tonight. You don't have to worry. I'll see you in the morning." My mother-
in-law said, and we are very thankful for her. She has helped us a lot in taking
care of Sophie and making sure Bella eats nutritious food.

" Thanks, mom. We'll see you tomorrow. Love you, mom, goodnight."She ended the call
and passed the phone to me.
She then went down from the bed, and I was there to assist her. She's still a bit
weak and had dextrose attached to her right arm.

" Where are you going, babe?" I asked her.

" I need to go to the bathroom, and I want to brush my teeth, babe." She told me. I
held her securely and helped her into the bathroom.

" Are you gonna be okay, alone? You call me if you need me, okay?" I asked her,
unsure if I should leave her.

" I will be fine, babe. I'll be very quick, and I will call you once I'm done,
okay?" She told me and pushed me out of the door. I leaned outside the door and
waited for her to finish. I have to make sure I'll hear her if she ever needs me.

After a few minutes, the door opened, and she walks out holding her dextrose above
her head. I took it from her hand and put an arm around her to guide her back to
her bed.

I placed the dextrose back to its stand and helped Bella get on the bed. I adjusted
the bed back to a lying position so that she'll be comfortable. After making sure
the bed is at the right angle, I covered her with the blanket and tucked her

" Comfortable, babe?" I asked her, sitting on the bed facing her and held her hand.
I brought it to my lips and kissed it.

" Yes, babe, thank you." She answered and smiled. Then a nurse came in to check her
vitals and temperature. She's looking at us with envy and smiled at Bella.

After she left, I switched off one of the lights so that Bella can go to sleep. I
lay down beside her and put my arm around her while holding her hand.

" Sleepy, baby?" I asked her, but she shook her head.

" Not yet, babe. We've slept for two hours this afternoon, remember?" She said,
looking up at me.

" Yeah, me too," I told her.

" Can you tell me exactly when you realized you were in love with me?" I asked her
in a hushed voice. I lifted her face towards me and saw that she blushed. I grinned
at her and kissed her nose.

" Do you have to ask again?" She buried her face on my chest. I chuckled and listed
her face again.

" I will never get tired of hearing it, baby," I told her seriously.

" I had a crush on you the moment I saw you when I was 8. Then as years go by,
you've been very protective and caring that I can't help but fall in love. I
realized I was deeply and madly in love with you when you started dating." She
started, and I listened wholeheartedly.

" I remembered coming to school with Collette, and the first thing my eyes seek is
your face. Imagine my shock and grief when I saw you with a girl. You had your arms
around her shoulders and kissing her. I ran to the bathroom with Collette running
behind me." I can feel her pain, and my embrace on her tightened.
" I cried the whole day and night and the following days, turn to months, then
years of heartbreaks. Collette keeps on telling me to move on and look for another
guy because you're a jerk." She giggled, and I playfully glared at her.

" I did try, you know. But I don't know why they only ask once and then lose
interest. Now, I know. You scare them away, you big oaf. I didn't have a decent
date or a boyfriend throughout high school." She pointed her finger at my chest. I
chuckled and kissed her lovingly.

" I tried so hard to stop what I feel, baby. I thought, at first, I was only
protecting you as a big brother. But no, I realized, I have always loved you. That
night at the lake, when I kissed you. I was sober. I pretended to be drunk because
I was in shock and embarrassed." I admitted to her. Her eyes widened, I smiled

" But when you ran and cried, I felt so bad. I wasn't able to stop myself that
night. I have watched the whole and been wanting to kiss you. So when you went out,
I followed you and saw you by the lake. But when I got into a fight, I was really
drunk. I drunk a lot after you ran. I am so sorry, baby. I didn't realize it was
you in my bed that night." I apologized to her and kissed her temples.

" But I want you to know, when I was having sex with who I thought was Jenny, I
actually wished it was you. I am so happy when I found out it was you all along,
but I got hurt when you ran away again and didn't tell me that we have a kid." I
told her with a sad face. She touched my face ad reached to kiss me.

" I'm sorry, babe. I was too young and was hurt, not to mention scared. But what's
important now is that we are finally in each other's arms. I never stopped loving
you, Liam, not even a minute." She declared, and my heart swelled with what she
said, and I kissed her tenderly.

" And I love you too, baby, so much. I will make it up to you for the rest of our
lives. It's getting late, sweetheart—time to sleep. Goodnight, baby." I told her
and kissed her forehead.

" Goodnight, babe." She whispered back, and we fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.
Hoping that our tomorrows will be filled with love and joy, together with our
children and family.

Chapter 87
Liam's POV

The next day, we checked out of the hospital when the doctor said she's good to go.
Sophie's arrival with my mother-in-law was perfect timing. We all went home
together, and Sophie was like a mother goose, attending to all her mother's needs.

She's watching her mom like a hawk. She said she doesn't want her mom to feel tired
because her baby brother will get tired too inside her tummy. She was so adorable
and sweet. I am pretty sure she will be a doting sister when her sibling comes out.

One more day and it's our wedding day. Everyone was so busy, and all the tables and
chairs were being delivered, and the lake was filled with flowers and came to life.
I didn't let Bella come out of the room or out of bed.

I want her well-rested and in good shape on our wedding day. My mom contacted
makeup artists on the day of the wedding, and someone came from a salon to give
Bella a mani and Pedi and cut and colored her hair. She was pampered the whole day,
and I can see that she was enjoying it.

Tonight I will be sleeping at our house while she will be sleeping in our bed
alone. Our parent's aid we have to follow the tradition shall not see each other
until the wedding day. We both protested, but our moms strongly declined our pleas.

I am in my room at the moment staring at the ceiling. It's still 4 pm, exactly
three hours since I last saw my fiance, and I am missing her already. I will go
crazy if I can't even talk to her. So, I grabbed my phone and texted her.

They didn't say anything about texting or calling, so I guess it's okay to text
her. I am thinking of a flirty text to make her smile.

" Hey, baby, can I borrow a kiss? I promise I will give it back." I texted and sent
with a kiss emoji.

" Baaaabe, I miss you already. Can you sneak out of there and come here? I am bored
and missing you badly." She replied, and I am almost tempted to do exactly what she

" I know, baby. I miss you too, but let's allow our mothers this one last time,
okay? After tomorrow, we will never part for the rest of our lives." I texted back
to her.

" But how can I sleep tonight? I got used to you beside me, holding me." She
complained. Ever since she got pregnant, she has been very clingy and sweet, and I
love it.

" One night, baby, one night. Then we will have all the nights together." I

" I just want to be curled up in your arms right now, babe." She answered back. I
wanted so bad to go and hold her, but we have to follow our moms.

" Baby, you're making it so hard for me. There's nothing I want more than to be
with you, but we have to endure, baby. I can't wait for tomorrow and see you in
your wedding dress. I think I'll die of anticipation." I texted back.

" Me too, babe. Can't wait to see I do and be officially Mrs. Liam Jones." She
replied, and I smiled. Then my mom knocked on my door and peeked in.

" Liam, we need you downstairs, son. The caterer wants to ask you something, and
the cake is here too. Everything has to be ready for tomorrow. I don't know why you
two chose a 6 am wedding." She mumbled and shook her head.

" Because it's the perfect time for the sunrise, mom. It symbolizes new hope, new
life for us. " I explained to her, and she smiled at me, finally understanding the
concept behind the time we chose to wed.

" Alright then, let's go. People are waiting downstairs, and your best men will be
arriving shortly. I've prepared the guest rooms, and dinner will be served by the
pool tonight. We'll have a barbecue and steak, but you can't drink. I don't want
you to have hungover on your wedding day." She reminded me, and I nodded at her.

" I know, mom. We'll probably sleep early tonight so that I will be at my nest
tomorrow. I only get married once. I want it to be as perfect as possible." I told
her. We went out of my room and went down to meet the caterers and check the lake's
It's getting dark now, but the lake area is filled with lights, and people are
running here and there, so busy preparing for tomorrow. The caterer wanted to
confirm some of the ideas she has for the buffet table and the number of guests.

Then the wedding planner wanted confirmation for the arch that they made near the
water—the chairs and flowers' positions and a lot more. My phone buzzed in my
pocket. I forgot to say goodbye to Bella a while ago because my mom suddenly showed

" Are you busy, babe? What are you doing now? Are you asleep?" She texted, and I
laughed at her questions.

" I'm sorry, baby. Mom showed up and asked me to come down because the caterer and
the wedding planner are looking for me. We're down by the lake, babe, still doing
last-minute decorating and arranging." I texted back to her.

" How I wish I were there to see all of that. I want to help too." She replied.

" I know, babe. But I want this to be a surprise for you. I know you will love the
arrangements we made here. I want to give you the most beautiful wedding and make
you love me more." I teased her and press send.

" I don't think I could love you even more than I already have, babe. I can't wait
for tomorrow. I Gotta go, babe. Mom's calling me. My bridesmaids are here, and
we're going to have dinner. Sophie is more excited than me, by the way. Ahe's
wearing her gown to sleep, she said." I laughed at her last words.

Of course, our little Princess is the happiest person at this moment. I remembered
she said her favorite Prince and Princess are finally getting married and live
happily ever after. She watched too much of Cinderella and Snow White that she
thought we are one of her characters.

" Haha, don't I know that, baby. She's been waiting for this day since we announced
that we are getting married. Go and eat, baby. I gotta go as well. My groomsmen
just arrived. I love you, baby." I replied.

" I love you more, babe." She texted back, and I smiled. I went back to the house
to entertain my groomsmen and get ready for dinner. Few more hours, and I will be
marrying the girl of my dreams.


Chapter 88
Bella's POV

It's 4 in the afternoon, and I'm feeling bored and missing Liam so much. I am
missing his scent. His voice and his touch. I miss him, period.

I can hear the voices down by the lake. Everyone is so busy. I hope I was there
too, to see everything fall into place. My daughter Sophie is the most excited one.
She can't sit still and has been asking is it time yet for the wedding.

I told her she has a sleep one more night, and when she wakes up, it will be time.
She declared that she would be wearing her gown to sleep to be ready when she wakes
up. Mom and I laughed at her silliness, but I adored her so much.

She said that her favorite Prince and Princess of all time will finally have their
happy ever after, and she will be their flower girl. My heart tightened when I
heard her say that. She has been praying for this day to come. For her mommy and
daddy to get married and we become one family.

Then my phone buzzed on my bedside table. I grabbed and opened it. It's a text
message from Liam. I grinned when I read what he texted and swooned like a
schoolgirl. We texted back and forth for 30 minutes until his texts stop.

He's probably busy or fell asleep. I waited several minutes, but nothing. So, I
texted him again and asked if he's busy or asleep. He texted back that he's down by
the lake trying to make everything perfect for tomorrow.

We are getting married early in the morning, just as the sun shines on the horizon.
I chose this time to symbolize a new hope and new life for us. We have so many to
be thankful for. After all the tragedies in our lives, the loss, and grief, we all
need sunshine, a start of a new day.

I wanted to take a peek at the lake, hoping I would be able to see Liam down there,
but my mom suddenly showed up and told me my bridesmaid are here. They'll be
spending the night since the wedding will be early morning.

I am so excited to spend the night with the girls. They are originally Collette's
bridesmaids and our mutual friends from high school. I went out to greet them and
to show them to their rooms.

Mom prepared her signature dishes and her famous muffins. The girls and I had a lot
of fun eating and chatting. Then we decided to play truth or dare in my room. I
have three bridesmaids, by the way. They are Natasha, Christine, and Conney.

So we are on my bedroom floor spinning the bottle. The first spin landed on Conney,
and she chose dare. We asked her to dance a striptease and were rolling on the
floor laughing so hard at her version of striptease dancing.

The second spin landed on me, and I chose truth. They were all looking at each
other and grinning like hyenas, ready for the kill.

" What is Liam's size down there?" It was Christine who asked the question, and I
blushed automatically.

" What?! Can't you ask something else? I can't answer that!" I complained and
covered my face. The girls laughed and insisted I answer the question.

" Come on, Bella, be fair. I danced a striptease dance, you know?" Conney said,
glaring playfully at me.

" How would I know his size? I have nothing to compare him with. He was my first
and last." I told them, covering my face out of embarrassment.

" You mean to say he's the only man that banged that delicious body of yours?
You've never tasted other dishes?" Natasha teased, and they all laughed.

" All I know is he's huge, okay? Now stop it already. I'm sweating here!" I
complained, and they all laughed at my discomfort.

" You're always the hopeless romantic one in the group, Bels. I'm glad you get to
have your happy ever after with the Prince you've been dreaming of marrying."
Conney said emotionally.
" Thanks, Con. Who would've believed that the famous and hot Liam Jones would fall
in love with the nerd and plain girl like me, right?" I asked them and shrugged.

" I would," Christine answered.

" I saw how he looks at you all those years Bella. He has been in love with you
ever since, and you two are just oblivious of your feelings for each other. And
please, don't sell yourself short. You are one of the prettiest girls in school."
She added.

" True. A lot of girls envied you and hated you at the same time. Boys are flocking
towards you every time you walk by, but they were too scared of Liam. He warned
every guy not to approach you, you know. We knew then that he has feelings for you,
and it won't take long until he realizes that." Natasha agreed with what Christine

" Even Collette knew then that you would end up marrying her brother one day. I
remember she said these two are destined for each other. My brother doesn't know it
yet." Conney added.

I looked at them with teary eyes, and they all gathered to embrace me. I suddenly
miss Collette. She should have been here, celebrating with us. The girls understood
why I cried, so they hugged me and consoled me.

After that emotional talk, we decided to call it a night. We have to wake at 4 am

to do our hair and makeup. We said our goodnight, and they all transferred to their

I went to my bathroom, did my business, change into Liam's oversized shirt, and
climbed the bed. I hugged his pillow and inhaled his scent. I miss my Liam. I
decided to text him goodnight.

" Hey, sexy. Are you asleep?" I pushed sent and waited for his reply. In less than
a minute, he answered.

"I'm about to text you, baby. We've finished playing poker. I am now lying on my
bed alone, missing you badly." He replied. I decided to flirt with him a little

" I'm hugging your pillow right now and smelling your scent. I suddenly feel hot
and horny, wishing it's you I'm hugging instead of your pillow." I sent the text
and was grinning as I waited for his reply.

" Fuck! Baby. You're doing it again! It's not fair!. You know I can't go there." He
answered, and I giggled, feeling proud of myself. I could always make my husband
feel flustered.

" I'm wearing your shirt, you know, and it feels like I'm in your arms. It's so
hard to fall asleep tonight when all of me craves for all of you. You're in your
bed. I'm in my bed. One of us is definitely at the wrong place, babe. I like my
bed, but I like it better when you're in it: Goodnight, babe. I love you. Dream of
me tonight because you will definitely be in my dreams, and it will be SPG." I
texted. I'm pretty sure he's pacing his bedroom floor right now, wanting to come.

" You will pay for this, baby, big time. I will collect my payment tomorrow night.
I won't let you sleep a wink the whole night. Better keep your stamina and that
delicious body of yours ready, baby." He replied, and I got a dose of my own
medicine, fuck!
" Goodnight, sweetheart. I'll see you in my dreams." He texted again. Oh boy! What
have I gotten myself into? I've angered the lion, and I will be his meal tomorrow
night, but why do I feel excited instead?

Chapter 89
I woke up to a light shaking and a small voice whispering in my ears. I disregard
it and face the other way. I want to sleep, and whoever is waking me up will really
get it if they won't stop.

" Mommy, mommy, wake up! You have to wake up, or you will be late for the wedding."
Said the small voice, and I opened my eyes quickly.

Wedding?! Wedding! My wedding! I got up too quickly. I think I had whiplash. It's
still dark outside. I turned around to see my little Sophie all dressed up. She's
really excited about this day.

" Good morning, mommy. You have to hurry up all the aunties are doing their make-up
already. Nana asked me to wake you up. She said you have to drink your tea and eat
breakfast first before doing your make-up." Sophie said, putting her hands on her
hips as if she's scolding her daughter.

I giggled and grabbed her. I tickled her and attacked her with kisses. How could I
get so lucky? She is the best decision I have ever made in my life. She lights up
my day and gives me so much joy. I told her to go and tell Nana I'm coming out. I
have to freshen up first.

She ran outside, and I grabbed my phone, checking if Liam texted me. I smiled
automatically when I saw he had a message a few minutes ago.

" Good morning, my Princes. Time to wake up, my love. Your Prince awaits. I can't
wait to see you, baby, in your white gown. Don't forget to eat breakfast, babe. I
don't want you fainting on our wedding day." He texted.

"Good morning, babe. I can't wait to see you, too. Our little Princess woke me up.
She's more excited for this moment than us. I've got to prepare now, babe. See you
later." I replied

I went to the bathroom and took a hot bath. I twisted my hair up because I don't
want it to get wet. I put on lotion and my underwear. I also put my garter for
later. I wore my robe so that it would be easy to change later.

I went out and went to the kitchen. The girls are there with some of the make-up
team, sipping their coffees and eating pancakes. They all greeted me, and the girls
teased me again.

" Good morning, Mrs. Jones. Did you have a nice sleep? Did you have an SOP with Dr.
Jones last night?" Natasha teased, and they all giggled. My mom laughed and handed
me my tea. I wanted so much to drink coffee, but I can't drink coffee for 9 months
because I'm pregnant. The Horror!

" Better hurry up, babe. It's your turn for the hair and makeup. You wouldn't want
to be late on your wedding day, right?" Christine said. They all stood up to
retouch their make-up and put on their gowns.

I hurried to eat my breakfast and sipped my tea. After I'm done, I ran to my room
to brush my teeth and went out again for the team to do their magic on my hair and
make-up. After an hour of deciding which hairstyle suits me, we've decided to let
it flow freely and curled the ends.

I love my barely there make-up. They only highlighted my eyes and gave them a
smokey effect. Then I put on my simple strapless mermaid cut gown. I wore my 2
inches shoes because I can't wear higher than that.

Then my mom came over and put on my last touch, which is my vail. She's already
crying when putting them on my head. I tried to stop my tears because I don't want
to ruin my make-up.

" Mom, stop, I'll ruin my make-up, and we'll be late." I hugged her.

" I'm sorry, baby. I can't help it. After all, you both went through, and after all
your heartaches and suffering, you still end up marrying the only man you love. I
am so happy for you, sweetheart. I am thankful to God that he showed you both the
path towards each other." She held my hand and said those words with so much

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded while smiling. Aside from Collette, my
mom also knows how much I loved Liam. All those years of coming home in tears and
crying myself to sleep because of Liam.

When I got pregnant and told her that it was Liam's, she was not surprised at all.
It's like she knows this would happen all along. It's like everyone knows we're in
love except Liam. It took him a while to really accept the truth that he's in love
with me.

My daughter walked in and looked at me in awe. She covered her mouth with her hands
and stared at me with wide eyes.

" Mommy, you look so pretty. You look like a real Princess, mommy." She said with
eyes full of adoration and wonder.

" Thank you, sweet pea. You, too, looked so pretty in your pink dress. We both
looked like a Princess, don't you think?" I asked her, and she nodded eagerly and
grinning at me. She came forward and hugged my belly.

" I know daddy will be thrilled to see us, mommy. We have two Princess and one
Prince in our family. When my baby brother is born, we will have two Prince two.
Then we are even." She declared, and we all laughed at her.

" Why are you so sure that you will have a baby brother, sweetheart? We haven't
even checked his gender yet." I looked down at her, smiling.

" I just know, mom. I dreamt of him. And his name will be Cole, from aunt
Collette's name." She said, and I was dumbfounded. I looked at my mom, and she,
too, had a surprised look on her face.

" Wow, that's a beautiful name, sweetheart. I'm sure aunt Collette will be happy,
and daddy too." I told her and kissed her forehead lightly, careful not to smear my
lipstick on her forehead.

" It's time to go, Bella. It's almost time. You're Prince Charming might think you
da cold feet and run away again." My mom joked, and we all laughed. I breathe
deeply then gathered my gown in my hand with the help of Conney.

We walked out of the house and into the waiting carriage. Yes, guys, a real
carriage. Liam wanted us to have a fairytale wedding as what our daughter wanted.
Her favorite Prince and Princess getting married Disney style.

The rest of the team rode their cars and will meet us by the lake. As we drew
nearer, I can see the guests are waiting for us, and Liam stood by the arch
excitedly. Mom went down first, then Sophie. I stayed at the carriage for a while,
taking the view of the lake.

Liam has outdone himself on this. The lake has turned into a magical forest. It is
filled with flowers, and the pathway is filled with white rose petals leading to
the artificial arch altar where Liam was standing with the Priest.

I felt like I stepped into my daughter's fairytale book and became the Princess.
The whole place was transformed into a garden of beautiful flowers and twinkling
lights. The sun is about to rise. It is time. My father-in-law reached out to help
me step down the carriage.

Then my bridesmaids and groomsmen lined up, indicating the start of the ceremony.
The music started, and the entourage walked one by one to the front. Sophie is in
front of me with a basket full of rose petals.

The wedding planner told her to start walking, then finally the wedding march
started, and it's my time to walk down the aisle towards the man of my dreams with
my mom in my arms. All the guests stood up when we started walking down the aisle.

I can see Liam wiping his eyes, and I started to tear up myself. Who would have
thought that after all those years of loving each other secretly, we'd end up in
this day and vow to love and cherish each other till eternity?

If I am dreaming, please don't wake me up. I'd rather live in this fantasy world
than live in the real world without Liam.

Chapter 90

Liam's Pov

I have been waiting for the love of my life to arrive. I can't wait for her and our
daughter, Sophie, to see the whole place transformed into a magical garden. I gave
what my little girl wishes for, for our wedding.

She wanted us to be married, Disney style. She wants a fairytale wedding for us, so
that's what I did. To make the whole experience more realistic, I rented a carriage
for my bride and little Princess. I know she will be very excited and ecstatic to
see the carriage.

It's past 6 am, they will soon be here, and I will get to see my bride in her
wedding gown. I have been sweating hard even though there's a cool breeze. The dawn
is breaking, and the sun is about to shine. Then I heard the hooves of the horses.
She's here. My bride is here, and my heart rate quickened.

I saw the carriage stopped at the arch entrance, and my mother-in-law and my little
girl stepped down. Bella is still sitting at the carriage, looking around the place
in awe. I can barely see her face because it's covered with her veil.

But even though her face is covered with the veil, I know she's the most beautiful
woman here. Her long, wavy hair is blown away by the wind. She looked exquisite in
her body-hugging strapless gown.
Then the music started, and the entourage is starting to walk down the aisle. My
little girl started walking towards me with her beautiful pink gown and basket full
of rose petals. She was smiling happily and looked at me with excitement.

When she reached me, I hugged her and kissed her then told her to sit on the chair
in front. Then the wedding march started, and my bride stood on the archway with my
mother-in-law, who I think is crying at her side.

She walks slowly towards me, and I can't hold my tears any longer—my Bella. My
sweet, innocent Bella is walking towards me. As I looked at her smiling sweetly at
me, I can't help but thank God for giving her back to me.

She had been through a lot. I've hurt her several times in the past. She raised our
child alone, yet she still chose to love me and be with me. If I'm not the luckiest
man in the world, I don't know what I am. I vowed here, and now that I will make up
for all the tears she shed for me. I will treat her like a queen and will give her
the world if I can.

Suddenly, she's in front of me, beaming at me. We stared at each other with so much
love. She looks so beautiful. I have no words. Then my mother-in-law tapped my arm
and hugged me.

" She's all yours, son. Live a happy life and respect each other. Love and honor
each other. That's what makes a marriage last. " She told us, then hugged and
kissed Bella. I held my hand for Bella, and she accepted it.

Then we faced the Priest in front of us, and he nodded to both of us, a sign that
we are about to begin. The sun is rising slowly from the lake, and the place is
enveloped in a soft glow—what a lovely day to wed.

"Heavenly Father, we come before you today grateful and filled with happiness and
excitement to witness the union of these two brave souls and amazing couple.
Father, hold them in your gentle arms, close to your heart. For this, in the name
of Jesus Christ, we pray." The priest started. Then he looked at the two of us and

" This is your love story...come true. Your journey of marriage begins with "I DO."
Cherish this bond, for it belongs to only the two of you. Start each day with
gratitude and compassion for each other, and unconditional love will follow. You
will be blessed with the greatest happiness in life. To love and to be loved."

" Now it's time for you to exchange your vows and put the ring on your fingers.
Face each other and look into each other's eyes while you say the vows." He

We faced each other both had tears in our eyes and a heart full of emotions. Bella
took the ring and said her vows first.

" Liam, growing up, you've always been just a dream. I've always wondered how it
would be like to be loved by you. When I laid my eyes on you for the first time,
and when you gave me that dimpled smile, I was a goner." She started, and her voice
cracked, but she swallowed the lump in her throat.

" I remember telling myself. Someday, I'll marry this boy. Someday, I will be his
Princess and him, my Prince. Then one day I woke up and realized that, that someday
is today." She stopped because she's tearing up. I, too, had tears in my eyes, so
as everybody.

" You are my today and all of my tomorrows. If I have to do my life all over again,
I'd gladly relived all that I've been through if I would still end up marrying you.
I'd choose you, even for a hundred lifetimes. I'd chose you. Our journey isn't
perfect, but it's ours. And I'll stick with you until the end." She stopped and
smiled lovingly at me. I mouthed the word I love you, and she answered I love you,
too back at me.

" I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on
your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring to
remind you of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day. This ring is a token
of my love. I marry you with this ring, with all that I have and all that I am."
Then she puts on the ring on my ring finger with a shaking hand.

She smiled at me, and I can't stop grinning. It's official, I am hers, and she will
be mine. I took the ring and held her hand, then took a deep breath and started
reciting my vows to her.

" Bella, I can still vividly recall the day Collette brought you to our house for
the first time. You were this shy little girl and so adorable. Then I reached for
your hand to shake. The moment we touched, I knew that you would be my wife
someday." I started.

" I am so sorry for taking this long to make that someday, today. Today I will
marry my best friend. The one I laughed with, live for, and dream with. You have
given me too much without asking in return. When death threatened to take you away
from me, I was devastated." I paused to inhale deeply.

" I can't imagine the pain I've caused you all those years. I would never
understand why you still chose to love me unconditionally after all that I've put
you through. But for that, I am eternally grateful, and I promise to cherish you,
love you, and protect you until my very last breath." I squeezed her hand, and she

" Thank you for giving me a beautiful and sweet loving daughter. And for this one,
right here." I touched her belly.

" You've given me the world and made me whole. With this ring, I give you my heart.
I promise, from this day forward, you shall not walk alone, your heart shall be my
shelter, and my arms will be your home. My heart is, and always will be yours."

"I have for you a golden ring. The most precious metal symbolizes that your love is
the most precious element in my life. The ring has no beginning and no end, which
symbolizes that the love between us will never cease. I place it on your finger as
a visible sign of the vows which have made us husband and wife."

"Because this ring is perfectly symmetrical, it signifies the perfection of true

love. As I place it on your finger, I give you all that I am and ever hope to be."I
placed the ring on her ring finger and kissed it tenderly.

We then faced the priest to bless our rings and our union.

" Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another and to speak the
truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish
and encourage each other, stand together through sorrows and joys, hardships and
triumphs for all the days of your lives?" The priest asked.

" We do." We answered

" May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you
look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment but also of the
vows you have made and the strength of
your commitment to each other."

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have- the
gifts of your lives united. And may your days be fruitful and long on this earth. I
now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." I turned to Bella and
lifted her veil.

I caught my breath at how beautiful she looked today. Her face is radiating with
the sun shining above us. She looked like a real Princess. I then gathered her in
my arms and kissed her passionately. I heard the cheer of all our guests, and
Sophie ran to us, hugging us both.

Our parents then joined us, and the priest congratulated us. Our friends came
forward and congratulated us as well. Pictures were taken, and soon the festivities
begin. We had a barbecue, and arrays of food are laid on the table.

I looked around me and at my wife. All I can think of is how blessed and lucky I am
to have all these important people in my life celebrating with us. How I wish my
sister were here. She would have been the happiest one.

She made this union possible. She predicted a long time ago that Bella would be my
wife. She knew back then that we are destined for each other. She truly is our
guardian angel, and I will be eternally grateful to her.


Chapter 91

Bella's Pov

Everyone was having fun. Some are dancing. Some are even taking a dip in the lake.
It was a beautiful morning, and I feel so happy. Liam and I walk around to converse
with the guests and thank them personally for coming to our wedding.

Liam's staff at the clinic, the doctors and nurses from the hospital, and some of
their family friends and mom's friends are present. My daughter Sophie is enjoying
the spotlight when most of the guests compliment her dress and find her cute and

At 1 pm, Liam dragged me away and told me to say goodbye to the guests and our
family. I was puzzled but didn't argue. After our goodbyes and detaching ourselves
from a clinging little girl, Liam guided me to his car.

" Where are we going, babe? I asked him. He looked at me and winked, kissed my lips
then went to the driver's side. He turned on the car and drove off to God knows
where. He's secretive. He's smiling and whistling while driving.

" Babe, you're acting creepy. Where the hell are we going? I haven't changed. I am
still in my wedding gown, Liam." I asked him with confusion written all over my
face. I am really intrigued by his secrecy.

" Mrs. Jones, please relax. I got you covered, baby. All of our luggage is at the
trunk, and we will change once we boarded." He answered. I turned to him wide-eyed.
Did I hear him right? Luggage? Boarded? Are we going to the airport?

" What do you mean, luggage? Boarded? As in on a plane? Liam, where are we going?"
I glared at him, yet feeling excited. He never mentioned to me that we are going on
a honeymoon somewhere out of the country.

" You'll soon find out, my beautiful wife." He grinned and kissed the back of my
hand. He laced our hands and continued driving to the airport. After a few minutes,
I can see the airport. Then Liam parked the car in front. He opened the trunk and
took out two pieces of luggage. He handed the key to the attendant and gave him a
big tip.

People are staring at us, smiling, and I blushed so hard. I am still in my wedding
gown, while Liam is still in his tux. As we passed by people, they all would say
congratulations and best wishes. Liam held my hand, and I cling to his side feeling
so embarrassed.

I can hear some cheers and clapping but was too embarrassed to look up. Liam was
really enjoying the attention and would wave and thanked them. When we reach the
counter, Liam handed our passports to the lady.

She checked in our luggage and handed back our passports after a few minutes with
our tickets. She congratulated us and told us to enjoy our honeymoon in Paris. In

" Paris?! We are going to Paris?!" I looked at him in surprise and excitement.

" Where else should we go to celebrate our union and undying love than in the city
of love, baby?" He grinned, and I jumped in his arms, embracing him excitedly. I've
never been to Paris, and it is one of the destinations I wrote on my bucket list.

I can't believe Liam is bringing me to Paris. Now I will see and visit the Eiffel
tower in person, not just in magazines and TV. We went into the gate of our
destination and were ushered to the first-class seat. Liam really did plan this

I am over the moon with excitement. I can't sit still. The flight attendant handed
me a blanket I was grateful for because I'm starting to get cold.

Then she came back with two glasses of champagne courtesy of the airlines to
congratulate us. I am so happy I can't contain it. Liam is watching me with
amusement and steal kisses when the stewardess is not around.

I wrapped the blanket all over my body and curled to Liam's chest. Soon we are
ready for take-off. It would take us 13 hours to get to Paris from Phoenix,
Arizona. I love our little corner because we can lay down and get comfortable while
flying and have little privacy because of the cubicle's curtains.

Liam got into the blanket with me and wrapped his arms around me. I know he's
tired, he's done all the preparations for our wedding, and he did with flying
colors. Soon, we drifted off to sleep, cuddled in each other's arms.

" Thank you, Liam, for making me the happiest woman on earth," I whispered to him

" Anything for you, baby. I'd do anything to make you happy. Because if you're
happy, then I am happy." He whispered back and tilted my face towards him.

We stared at each other's eyes with love and contentment. His face slowly came
closer to mine and kissed me tenderly and passionately. I grabbed his nape and
combed my fingers through his hair.

Our tongues battled for dominance, each never wanting to lose. We ravaged each
other's mouth and got lost in the intense make-out. We have a few hours to kill
before we land in Paris, why not use it to show each other how much we love each

Liam's hand is roaming around my body, and his mouth went down to my neck and my
shoulders. We really missed each other, even if it's only one night apart. His lips
came back up and kissed me with urgency.

" Baby, we have to stop, or we could be arrested for indecent behavior. I can't
promise you will be quiet if I make love to you right here. You tortured me last
night, and I intend to collect a debt. As soon as we land in Paris and we get into
our hotel, we are not leaving our room until the next day." He whispered through
kisses. I giggled and kissed him back with equal eagerness.

" I am sorry, babe. I guess the pregnancy turned me into a horny momma. I want you
so bad right now, babe." I whispered back to him and bit my lip. He groaned and
swooped down to capture my mouth again.

Soon I felt his hand went under my gown and caressed my thigh. Slowly it came
closer to my sex, and I'm waiting in anticipation until he touched me right where I
want to be touched.

" Do you want me to touch you, baby?" I bit my lip to suppress a moan and nodded

" You have to be very quiet, baby, or they will know where doing the deed." His
husky voice sent shivers down my spine. He was licking my earlobe and leave tiny
bites on it. Then his lips went back to my lips and devoured me.

His hand moved again underneath my gown until he reached my center. His finger went
inside my soaked panties and massaged my nub. I moaned in his mouth because of the
sensation his giving me.

" You're so wet, baby, fuck. Be quiet, love." He whispered and claimed mouth again.
His tongue went inside my mouth at the same time his fingers went inside me. His
fingers went in and out torturously slow inside of me. Then he's circling my nub,
making me moan again.

Two of his finger went in again. This time he went faster, and at the same time,
his thumb is massaging my nub, bringing me to ecstasy. I can feel my climax
building up, and I clutch at his hair, matching the pace of his fingers with my

" Liam, I'm almost there!" I gritted my teeth in ecstasy. He went even faster now,
and I was lost in the sensation.

" Cum for me, my love." He whispered and silenced my scream with his mouth when I
cum so hard. His still massaging me until I came down from my high.

" I love you, baby." He whispered.

" I love you more, babe," I whispered back and kissed his adam's apple.

" What about you, babe? Can't I do something to help you with this?" I touched his
rock-hard member, and he hissed in response.

" Oh, don't worry, baby. I am adding it to your list. I'll be collecting in full
later." He said and kissed my nose. I giggled and hit his chest.
" Take a rest now, baby. We still have a long way to go. I want you well rested
when we land in Paris because you won't get any once we're there." He grinned, and
I hit him again in the arm. He gathered me closer and kissed my forehead.

" Goodnight, my sweet. I love you so much." He said and kissed the top of my head.

" Goodnight, babe. I love you too, so much." I closed my eyes and laid my head on
his chest, wrapped securely in his arms. How did I get so lucky and have this
wonderful man like my husband? Thank you, God, for giving him back to me.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him and raise our kids together.
He's been a wonderful father to Sophie and a loving, devoting husband to me. I
can't ask for anything more.

Chapter 92
I woke up to Liam's voice. He's kissing my nose and eyes. I moaned and dunked
deeper into the blanket and hugged him tightly.

" Baby, you need to wake up. We're almost there. I want you to see Paris from above
before we land." He said, so I opened my eyes slowly, one at a time. He chuckled at
my action and kissed my forehead. I sat up, and he adjusted our seat.

I looked out the window, and he's right. We're almost there. I can see the night
light of Paris from up here, and it's breathtaking. I can see the Eifel Tower, and
I felt so excited to see it closely and personally. I have to ask Liam to bring me
there and look at Paris from the tower.

The Stewardess handed us coffee and tea and a slice of cake. It's almost 1 am, so
we'll probably land at 1:30 am. I can't wait to explore Paris. But first, I have to
explore my husband's body.

I blushed at my own naughty thoughts. Liam noticed my flaming face and raised his
brows. I bit my lip and covered my face with my hair.

" What were you thinking, Mrs. Jones? Are you thinking of ways to pay your debts
and compensate me?" He teased, and I rolled my eyes at him and hit his arm. He
chuckled and kissed my cheek.

" Don't worry, baby. I won't stop you from doing anything to my body." He
whispered, and I blushed 10x more. He laughed loudly and gathered me in his arms.

" I love how innocent you are, love. It makes me the luckiest man alive. " He told
me and brought my hand to his mouth. He kissed each finger and my palm.

Then we heard the captain announcing our descent to Paris. We were advised to
fasten our seatbelt and prepare for landing. I am so excited to see and smell Paris
for the first time.

After we landed, we waited for a few minutes until we could go out of the plane. We
were given priority since we are at the first-class accommodation and I am
pregnant. Yes, Liam informed them that I am pregnant. That's why we are given

We went through customs and security and got our luggage. When we went out of the
airport, I saw a man in uniform holding a sign with our names on it, Mr. and Mrs.
Jones. I will never get tired of reading and hearing it.
The guy is from Le Metropolitan Hotel, one of the famous hotels for honeymooners in
Paris. Wow! My husband really went all out on this honeymoon. I feel so blessed.

The scenery outside the car was so breathtaking. I don't know where to look. Liam
is just watching me looking like a kid in a candy store. Then we saw the Eifel
Tower standing so majestically. I felt like crying seeing it for the first time.

I turned to Liam and flung myself to him, and kissed him all over his face. I was
so happy and excited, I feel like shouting. Liam chuckled and held me close.

" Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is the best time of my life! Well, the
second best actually, the first one was when we got married. That was the best
time." I told him, and he grinned.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the hotel, and again I was dumbstruck. The hotel
is so beautiful and elegant. The driver helped us with our luggage, and then a man
came to us and welcomed us. We approached the front desk, and Liam gave his name
and credit card.

The beautiful woman handed him the key to a suite, and my eyes widened. Liam winked
at me and reached for my hand. The woman congratulated us so as the other staff. We
thanked them all and headed to the elevator.

" Wait until you see the surprise I have for you in our suite, baby." He said and
grinned again. When we arrived at our floor, my excitement grew more and more. Then
Liam handed me the key when we were outside our suite room and swooped me in his
arms bridal style.

I opened the door with our key card, and Liam strolled in, kicking the door closed.
My eyes can't believe what I saw. I am looking at the best view I've ever seen.
Liam booked us the Eiffel Tower suite! He saw my reaction and kissed my cheek.

" Welcome to our suite, love. Now you can look at the Eiffel Tower anytime you like
without leaving the room." He announced, and I shrieked and attacked him with
hugs. The oval-shaped window gave us the best view of the tower.

There are two single couches, and a small table by the window with a champagne
bottle chilled just for us. The bed was filled with red rose petals and also
scattered all over the floor.

I felt Liam's arms encircled me from the back and kissed my bare shoulders up to my
neck and my ears, nibbling on it.

" Happy Mrs. Jones?" He whispered huskily.

" Very, Mr. Jones," I answered back in a soft, aroused voice. I turned around and
circled my arms around his neck, massaging his nape, and stared lovingly into his

" How did I ever get so lucky to have such a sweet and thoughtful husband?" I
tiptoed and kissed his lips. He gathered me close and deepened the kiss.

" Can I collect your debts now, my love?" He asked between kisses.

" Yes, you may, Mr. Jones," I answered, panting heavily now. He turned me around to
open my gown from the back and kissed my shoulders and neck.

Soon my gown pooled at my feet, and I stepped away from it. Liam picked it up and
placed it on the chair. I was left only in my white lace underwear attached to a
garter and matching bra. Liam swallowed hard and stared at me with pure lust and

" God! Baby, you're gorgeous. I am the lucky one for having such a lovely and sexy
wife. Come here, baby." He sat on the bed and asked me to come forward. I stood in
front of him, and he touched my thigh and grabbed my butt.

I jumped when he spanked it lightly. His eyes are now dilated, indicating his
arousal. He kissed my belly, where our son is growing by the day. I reached for his
shirt and started unbuttoning it. He had already discarded his coat when we
entered, so it's easy for me to undress him.

I took off his shirt and pushed him to the bed. His muscled chest and toned stomach
are in full view, and I can't wait to lick it. I unzipped his pants and pulled them
down, leaving him in his boxer brief. His bulging manhood is dying to be let out.

I took his brief off and left him bare for my eyes to feast. His member sprung to
life, and my eyes widened. This is the first time I see him in his naked glory. I
ran my eyes all over his body and bit my lip.

" Baby, stop torturing me. Come and take your fill, my temptress wife." He pleaded.
I unhooked my bra and took off my panty, giving him a bit of a striptease. My eyes
never leaving his. Now I stood naked in front t of him with only the garter on.

He got up in a sitting position and reached out for me. I climbed on top of him,
straddling him. We kissed passionately as if hungry for each other's taste, He
latched on to my breast, and I arched my back to give him more access.

His other hand is massaging the other breast while he is sucking and licking on the
other. I'm delirious with desire and started rocking on his manhood. He groaned and
bit hard on my nipple. I gasped at the sensation I almost cum.

H lifted me a little to accommodate his member and slowly guided me to sink in and
take all of his glory. I gasped at the sensation it's giving me. I felt so full and
stretched. He is huge and hard, rock hard.

He lifted me up and down again, guiding me, and showing what he wants. Soon I am
bouncing up and down, and the room is filled with grunts, moans, and panting. He is
matching my every move. When I go down, he will push hard and held tight on my

I rotated my hips, and that seems to please him because his groan grew louder and
louder. I ground myself on him and rocked faster.

" Baby, you are driving me crazy! I am cumming, baby! Cum with me." He whispered
huskily, and our moves became clumsy, both seeking release. One last push, and we
came hard. I screamed his name over and over, and he the same.

We stayed glued in that position, clinging unto each other, panting and satisfied.
He moved back up on the bed with me still on top of him. We went under the covers,
and he changed our position.

He laid me down, and he on top of me, supporting himself with his arms on both
sides of my head. We stared at each other. He kissed me softly and nibbled my lips.

" Ready for round two, Mrs. Jones?" He asked, and I giggled. We spent most of our
time in Paris in bed. We only went out for food and bought some souvenirs for our
parents and our little girl. I had the best time of my life, and I intend to keep
it that way.
Before we knew it, our vacation is over, and we are flying back home to our
daughter and start our new life as a family.



Two years have passed, two years of joy and laughter. Our 7-year-old daughter
Sophie is the best sister to her siblings, two-year-old brother Cole and one-year-
old sister Belle. Liam built us a house by the lake, and we've been living here

I went back to teaching at the Glendale School, made new friends, and loving my
life. Liam transferred his clinic to the hospital so that he won't have to travel
back and forth if there's an emergency.

My mom and my in-laws have been greatly helpful, especially when I gave birth to my
son Cole, and youngest daughter, Belle. They are so in love with our children, they
come almost every day, or we go to them.

Our children loved their grandparents so much. They are always excited to visit
them. Looking at my kids, I can't help but think of Collette. If she were alive,
our kids could have grown together, and we would watch them fall in love and see
them graduate and get married.

I missed her. I will always miss her. She is the sister I asked of God, and she
helped write our love story. I always tell my kids about their brave and loving
aunt, who sacrificed her life to save their father and give us a second chance.

They would always ask me to tell them our story before going to sleep. Sometimes,
Sophie would help me and tell them the fairy tale story of their mother and father.

The two little ones would be so amazed every time their big sister would tell them
the story. Little Belle would always say after Sophie finished telling them that
she also wants a Prince, like daddy, and grow up to be a Princess like mommy.

Then, my handsome boy, Cole, would say he will be like his daddy and find his
Princess and slay the dragon, like what his daddy did.

We are all cooped up in our bedroom when Liam arrived from the hospital. Our kids
shouted in excitement and jumped to their father's waiting arms.

" Hey, my little warriors? Have you been good to mommy?" He carried Belle in one
arm and Cole in the other, while Sophie clung to his legs. They all looked like
monkeys clinging on a tree. My heart swelled looking at my family.

Liam has been keeping his promises and stayed loyal and devoted to his children and
me. He is the best husband and best father to his children.

He makes sure we have food on the table, a roof on our heads, and provide
everything we needed and more. They came to bed and laid down beside me.

" Hey gorgeous, momma." He kissed my waiting lips, squishing the three between us.
They would all chorus an eww, and we will both laugh and tickle them endlessly.
This is always the scenario every time their father comes home.
We will tickle them, and their screams and laughter will fill the whole house.
This is our life now—the life we owed to our guardian angel above.

We will make sure to cherish this life she gave us and live a life filled with
peace, love, and happiness.

The end.

I want to take this opportunity to thank every one of you, my dear readers, for the
love and support you've given me. I hope you've enjoyed my story and get inspired
to fall in love and never give up, no matter how unattainable that person is. Live
life to the fullest and give praise to God Almighty for giving us this life.

Keep safe, everyone, and again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless us

Converted by Kei

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