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Marie Janine Tuazon Com 17

BA Communication 2 Mr. Joworski Alipon

If you are a member of the media facing the abovementioned factors, how will you
handle every situation to still achieve the story that you need to write?

- As a media practitioner, it is my responsibility to provide people the necessary
information, especially about situations that may affect them. Whenever it
becomes challenging to gather details for a story due to disagreements
between experts, I believe it is essential to at least find a common ground
among their opinions, and start from there or use it as an angle. This way, I
could still provide the necessary information to the people without being
biased. Moreover, I would also try to find a higher credible person to provide
information regarding the situation or to connect or verify the information
mentioned by the other experts. After all, as journalists, it is part of the job to
get all sides of the story—not just two.

- Communication is the key. When risk management organizations refuse to
coordinate with one another, as a media practitioner, I should become a
bridge for information. Thus, I will start by gathering information from all
relevant organizations. Then, I would confirm or verify the information I
obtained from one organization to the other, to complete the story. Through
this, the public would be reassured that an action is being made. They would
feel confident and calm despite the fact of a potential disaster. An informed
and reassured public leads to a country’s better disaster management and
resiliency development.

- My goal as a media practitioner is to communicate to the public the
information that they couldn’t get themselves. When risk management
authorities become insensitive to the need for effective listening, dialogue,
and public participation, the public loses its trust. Hence, I would step up and
provide information to the public. Personally, it would be best to write the story
more sensitively by considering the people’s level of understanding. Truth is
useless if not understood. Therefore, I will exert effort in researching what a
specific term means and or explain it in the simplest way possible, to convey
the right message to the public and establish public participation by helping
them make informed decisions. Moreover, I would also analyze what the
people would want to know and consider it in asking questions to the
authorities. This way, the people would feel included in conversations that
affect them.
- When there is an unwillingness to acknowledge risks or share information
promptly among risk management authorities or experts, I would use my skills
as a journalist to ask leading questions. Through this, I would be able to
acquire the necessary information I need and verify the information at hand. I
am also aware that it is my job to relay to the people the right
information—nothing more and nothing less. Hence, I will be honest with what
I know and don’t know. Regardless, this will still help the people gain an idea
of what they would or might have to do. Of course, I would still provide
updates from time to time, as best as I can. In times of (possible) disaster,
transparency is better than silence.

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