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Problems and fitting

 If X is Poisson variable such that

P[X=2]= 9 P[X=4]+90 P[x=6] find λ

 P[X=2]= 9 P[X=4]+90 P[x=6]

 =9 +90

 =9 +90

 =

 =4
 Put =x

 (x+4)(x-1)=0
 ie x=1
 =1 λ =1
 A manufacturer of cotton pin 5% of his
product is defective. If he sells cotton pins
in boxes of 100 and guarantees that not
more than pins will be defective. What is the
approximate probability that the box will fail
to meet the guaranteed quality
 Ans: n=100 p=0.05 λ =5
 f(x) = , x=0,1.....

 = 0, elsewhere
 P [the box will fail to meet the guaranteed quality]
= P[X ≥ 10] =1- P [X <10]
 =1- P[X=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

 = 1-


= 1-0.0067[112.6395]= 1-0.7547 =0.2453

 Let a frequency table be given for which X
takes the values 0,1,2... and the
corresponding frequencies are f0, f1,....
 N be the total frequency. If it is assumed that
X follows the Poisson distribution with
parameter λ then its pmf is

P[X=x] = f(x) = x= 0,1,... ,

 = 0, elsewhere λ >0

 The process of determining the most
appropriate value of the parameter λ from
the data and finding the pmf is called fitting
of Poisson distribution.
 Let ͞X be the mean of the data. Mean of the
Poisson distribution is λ. The estimation of
is usually done by equating ͞X and λ
 λ = ͞X
Then fit the pmf as

f(x) = x=0,1....

=0, else where

And the theoretical frequencies are N*f(0),
 The number of death reports of people of age
more than hundred years on 1000days were
The no. of deaths 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No. of days 229 325 257 119 50 17 2 1 0

 Fit the Poisson distribution and calculate the

theoretical frequencies
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total

f 229 325 257 119 50 17 2 1 0 1000

xf 0 325 514 357 200 85 12 7 0 1500

 where ͞X = = 1500/1000 = 1.5 =λ

f(x) = , x=0,1....

=0, else where

Theoretical frequencies are N*f(0),
 where N = 1000
X Theortical frquency N*f(x)
0 223

1 335
2 251
3 125
4 47
5 14
6 4
7 1
8 0
Total 1000

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