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MULTIGRADE LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH ‘GRADE V AND VI WEEK 2 FIRST GRADING GRADE V GRADE VI | osyecrives A Skis 4. Decode the meaning of untamiiar words using prefixes 2. Use the plural form of regular nouns 2. Use negative and positive tag questions for" 3. White a paragraph about one's talents and abities | 2. Wta appropriate tag questions. 8. Insighta/Value ‘State and realize that success can be achieved through deligence and love for work, . Cumieulum Links. Discover one's talent and abies ‘Spek mans to develop positive values by preparing a pertonal development pian. |, SUBJECT MATTER Story: The Chis Prodigy Reading: Using uthaee (Grade W & 1) Using the Plural Form oftregular Nouns (Gr) | Using Tag Questions for "Be" Verbs (Gr. Vi) waiting a Paragraph Curriculum Links: ‘Character Education Roteronces: English for All Tmes (Reading) pp, 80:82 English Expressways 5 (Reading) pp: 60-81 Fun in English 5 pp, 136-138 GRADEV GRADE VI Materials: Picurels of Lea Salonga, tape or CD of her songs, chart fr the unlocking activites, Prediction Chart, Chats fr the ‘engagernent activites: Help! Gh, My Sched, Am Missing Something?, The Search is On, My Positive Vsiues Char, ‘Wordcards of prefixes, Chart for Matching refines, Chart ofthe poem, “The Pied Pipe of Hamelin,” Generalization (Chast (Forming Plural of hrogular Nouns), Chart of the Story,” Fun-filed Tip, Chat forthe evaluation exercises Model Chats for Profies. HW. LEARNING ACTIVITIES re-reading Actvitios 1. Matton Ask What ntrosts you mae? Are you good at dancing? singing? arawing? Those are God-given talons ‘Say: Thare ave any Flipinos who have become famous because they made une of hel talent. (Note: Show a picture of Low Salonga or play any of her songs) ‘Say: Bo you know tis ady/? Ar hor songs fair ta you? This is Lea Salonga. Shes famous not ony in the Pilppines ‘but alka abroad, Gt is vary talented, When she wos tl young, ate Was called @ “chk! prodigy.” Do you know what ‘prodigy’ means? Lotus fri out the maaning of the word prodigy along wih ober words used inthe tory wo are taking upto 2, Unlocking of difficulties: Say: Lev 00 the following phrases a chl proaigy acelamed wees Joined auctions igh scholastic rating arouse afer a show Impressive performance GRADE GRADE VI ‘Say. Listen tothe sentences. Give the word refered toby looking atthe configuration dues, Let suse the phrases we read as our guide in choosing the correct word, Pol ayy Asa child, Lea Salonga had extraordinary, tales. That is why she was called a child She joined ess ofalents and abit for singors and actors. a ponouod (© Sha had very high grads in schoo 4. Her felow actors and actresses wont out LT [+ Jo] [s[e) jartiet and enjoyed after their show but Lea went home to reat is wel-known and singer and actess, GRADEV GRADE VI 4. Setting of Motive Questions Say: Will somebody read the ttle of our story? (Lea Salonga: Child Prodigy) ‘Aske What ould you ke to find out int story? Let usfi-out the "Prediction Chart’ by wring our guesses on |____OurGuvsses [What She Did Say, Wo wifi out four pesictonaiguossen ao correct afar wa aha have read th sory Lotus open aur books on page 8, Englsh for A Tine During Reading (Tho teacher rend he story whi tho pupl ston nd road len As the tencher re ‘ho ines rondo fond chien to understand to election) she asks questions about ‘ACHILO PRODIGY . “Is this the litle git carved Is this.“ soruns a popular song from the movie, Fiddler on | - Who isthe child prodigy in the Roof These lines could well be an apt reference to Lea Salonga, child prodigy, acclaimed the story? singe-acress, and now a Laurence Ovior awardee, Yestorday's Lite Or Ari inthe Mania version of the Broadway Wt play now an intmational elebey, GRADE V GRADE VI Lea's debut as @ campus performer came when she was eight years old and in Grade. How old was she when inboth. She kept her high écholasic ratings, Sho engaged in wariout co-curicular actives, Ske singing play-scting, wring and sladontcounsoting, Aske om being acing ony, she also enjoyed emeing programs and partepaing in oratorial and iterpeetate reacting contests. She alan loved sports and dancin, Whe busy wih School ets, she squeeze i ou" ong- playing albums our movies, numerous concer appearances. She had tne foe TVshows, wel as an international recording stint with a work-famous yout group in Puerto Rico, Tough all thes, ane nevat nado stop schoo) work, She could ean eaten up wth he lessons. And stl, he got the highest graiet— high she frshed highschool at ne head of o her cass SShe was the Seout Speaker during 8 school function. Afew months later, Repertory Phiippines | she started performing on cast har in the tite ole of Arnie in the rusical Lite Orphan Annie where she captivated the stage? audience with herbeauttul perormance and her golden veice = How cl she win the aciiration ofthe audience? From then on, her word was spit betwoen school and ehoebusiness—recording. questing | What were some af her on television, shoating maes, doing commercials, and taveling. She made moressive marks | showbiz actvtis? What co-curriar activating «is aha jin in schoo? ‘Alar high School, she went on ta Ateneo in preparation fra dagree medina. Then, producers of th musical pay. Miss Stipon, came along. These frei producers had held ‘ution all ovar he world. They had to search for ane who could play Km, the iksartod Vietnamese gr whe had fen in ovo wth an American solcer, When thay saw and heard Lea, they knew thar ong sear had encod, = Why ti ahe goto Ateneo? ‘= What wero the fooign prize weaching for? Lea aliibules her achievements lo discipline and dedicaion. Unik some theater people | = What poaltve values who cavouse after a show, Lea goes siraight home and rests he voice in preparation forthe hhave contributed to Lea's next day's performance. Interviews with ner reveal that whet drives er to perfection Isher love sueoess? fr ner work. People who have met her say she exudes a general joy nlf at makes her easy | = Whatdrove her to towork wih, perfection? ‘To many young pecple, Lea's success is a soure of inspiration. For Lea is indeed a talented and inteligent superget wo has achieved much in & vary shat ime, GRADEV GRADE VI Post Reading Group 2 Oh, My Schedule! Engagement Activities 4 Pretend that you are Leas secretary. Lea had to Lets divide ourselves into 6 groups and do out respective know hor showbusinass schedule of aivtios, ‘tasks, Remind ber of Group 1 Help Les know mote about “Lite Orphan Annie” Local. INTERNATIONAL Kind (con ] Date Time Date Time we ot Pay | cot morn, | oe | Mae i i musical, ot. ° 2 2 4 5 | Group The Search is On Group 3 Am |Missing Something? Go over the selection, List all the active had to do. Puta check mark under yes # Lea had done them and under na if she missed ther. Prop 12 Dance practice + = Fompetit Activities | No Jeger bln. 1. Piay-aciing in schoo! Name of Artist: 2, Whiting fr the choo! paper Personal Abilities 3, Student counting 1 Singing 4, Classroom organizabon 2 Aating 5, Emaieing 4 Dancing 6, Oraorea contest 4 Star appeal 7 Inerpetatve reading 5 Mastery of Language 8. Studying lessons ue 9. Sports seties = Excelent 10. Preparing for tats = 2 ven Goud 11, Finishing projects <2 ae Nr. Camoron Mackintos tha producer of the ‘musica play Miss Saigon is searching fran artist, alent Sheet form, Pretend you are ‘Me, MacKiniash, Fill out the talent using the ase © Mackintosh Rater GRADEV GRADE WI. Group My Positive Values Chekelst 1. COOPERATION Engagernont Activity 2 Discussion ofthe Story 1, Who is Lea Salonga? What talents dows she have? 2, What award did she receive that makes her an international celebrity? 3, How od was Lea when she started performing onstage? 4 What the tte of he musical play Where sh played he ole of Annie? (Group tls more about te musica play where La performed atthe ape of 8 5, Did she perform spied? Cts ines inthe selection that tel about ths 6. What can you say about her schedule of activites? Let us kaow from Group 2, Lea Salonga's activites here and abeoad, 7. Did she stop schooling? 8 Itshe was wery busy with show business, was she also busy in school? NM will find that out from Grou S's presentation, 8, What do you think is Lea's ambition? Can you prove it? Cie the sentence that tells the answer, 10, Who came to hold auditions? What was he looking for? ‘V1. Dit Lea pass the audzions? Group 4, will you show us Lee Salonga’ talent sheet as they have rated har? 112. Which positive walues helped Lea Salonga succeed? \Which ofthese da you also havve? Let us Isten to Group 6 a8 they presant their postive vives CheckistChart Group § present your ‘Valves Chat.” 13, Let us ook at the activity we had a he stant of cur lesson, ‘Were your guesses and predictions right? Did Leah Sir 14, Dio you tke Lea Salonga’ story? Do you want ta be tke har? How would you develop the talent you have? GRAMMAR AND ORAL LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT ‘Aske Do you think Lea ia enjoying her work? he Let us read a page of har cary. ‘Gallon a pio read te dary to class) March 8, 1970 Doar Din, Im so happy today! Tho auctrim i ld wth opie. Man and women wih thir chin in tow, camo ‘to watch “Little Orphan Annie.” | can 866 tha litle boys And isn te font roms, Tha wit foot flash each tine ‘hay tah Love you. bea Say, Lot us make st ofthe nouns found inthe cary. GRADEV GRADE VI ‘(Have the pupils wrte the nouns on the board) Expected Answers diary chideen ‘auditorium boys ‘people girls men rows ‘wornen ‘eth Say tol usd nen fe ‘Aske How many are being talked about? ‘Which words ead in 8? What words i thet can we Add to form the plural Let us now group the lista two Expected Groupings A 8 men boys ‘women cits chideen uterus teeth ‘rpha dlavigg ‘Say What kind of nouns: -Wegular nouns) Why a thy calle equa nouns? (Thay frm their lara by aging 8 oF 08) -=What about tne nouns in column A? (lréqular nound) ‘iy are they cad iragular nouns? (Thay form te plural by changing tei spetings.) e ae Review (Prepare word cards forthe given words below) A 8 Lea Salonga she Manny Pacquiao he women thoy trees a you and Carl we = Say: Chikdren, let us read these words. ~ Atle What word can we use ta substute Le Srionga? (she) Manny Paquian? (ho) women? (they) ‘trees? (it) you and Cart? (we) ~ Whol words are in Column A? (nouns) What words are in Golum 87 kprancuns} Now. “wil be your Ite teacher whe Iwill go tothe ator las, — Quickly let us wit on the boar the corresponding ‘pling for the following nouns to mean ane or singular. men = man teeth == tooth ‘women = wornan children = child ‘Ask: What di you notice inthe sping of those wor How do reguar noun frm tr plural Trragular nouns chanve their pelings i the plural form to moan mary. ‘Say: Letus go over the rules in forming the plural of inegular rrouns, Read them silent, 2 (Assign a pupi leader to read this activity) 9 Let us read oraly the selection on the chat ‘AFunsiled Farm Trp ‘The Grade VI pupila went on a trip to the farm. Filled with excitement and attracted by the benuty ofthe scenery, they forgot about he task ‘hey were assigned fo do. So, they stared asking ‘one anther about it. "Wo are asked to make a report, aren't wa?” “Tita was asked loader, wasn't she? asked Rolan. "Geen is our class secretary, isn't sho?” inquled Hoy "She will record our observations, won't she?” Edgar and Elm can help in prepaving our report, cant they?” asked Elma, “Of course thay can," Vicky ‘The group agreed and enjoyed working together tis fun to work togetner, isn't i? 4 ‘Add-eto nouns ending in hh, and 2 . class - lasses: tax taxes “h~ sandwich = sandwiches quiz - quizzes g Add -0ato nouns ending ny with a contonant before it Change y to ifirst hobby = hobbies acy ~ actives fy = fies ‘Ad -03 to nouns ending in Fo fo. Chang fo fo to v fet lo = ves nile = knives. nding no Potato = potatoos oro = zeroes Invegular nouns form the plural ey changing thet poling! fom man - men (x - oxen mouse = mice toot — inath 0080 ~ poH86 foot= fet louse toe forum ~ for a bach ~ bacteia Sor nouns. nok change inthe form whether singular or plural deer ~ deer equipment ~ equipment pants pants Appbcation Call on pupils ta use the folowing nouns in sentences, ‘teeth eauipment bacteria chikirens women eer ‘mice ‘money alumn ‘agenda 2. Ask the following questions ‘8. Why did the chieren start asking questions with one another? What are some ofthe questions thay ake? ‘© What have you noted with the questions? ‘We are ashied to make a report, avn} we? (ithas two parts =a sentence (stem) and a question (toa) he ‘The stom is inthe postive 8a thas to be pald wih a negative tg, ‘Ask: What happened to the noun Ano’? Why? (susttutea with she) 8. Discussion awe pupils study th following © Anmit coming, iso'.sne? ‘te "ag dessin coming, tne? Ask: Wha kind of stain dogs the sentence have? the tag? ‘What happened to the noun? Why? 4. Further Discussion Have pupils copy these generalization on thelr notebooks 1 Aseniance wit ata has two parts: the stern and the tog, postive stom needs a negative tog. ‘6 Anegatie stem needs s pasitve tog 4. When the subject sa noun, changeit toa pronoun in foiming te tap quéstion 8 Application Practice: (By dyes) ‘Two pupil wil stand, On of thar wl gv th the oter th tay. Tan thay wil say together the whole sentence, x, Pupil: Wo wil have classes tomorow Pup B: won't we? Have pups form dyad, Lat them supply a tag fr the ivan enience, They wil alo make another peience 89 gen nthe example Example 4, Neri wi bing food, —__? Naria:won’ Bong food wi she? ‘GRADEV GRADE. Filipinos are creative, _? ‘They can be great artists, —__ Scene is fascinating, —_ ‘Ammais an art, ‘The storys interesting, —__? b. Peer-cheching (Let punis exchange notebooks wth other groups, let them check their answers) ‘Transition Stage achieved $0 much in a vory short Untie some theater people who carovse ater the show, Loa goes staight home and rests her voice, ‘She prachces ovedimn in eer to prepare hersell for her shows J, Hor day is ncomaate Asha ean not practice ‘Somatimes she lakos hor meals inequlary because of her busy schedule, (Len wan an gxagmbs of Repertory Philppinas 4, Heralants were discovered even during her poe-achoo! yaar, 1 When interviewed Lea does not give nonsense answers, nsoad she goes straight othe point ADE canoe Have pupils read the given words (on word cards) [se reanie cr [_ unice ‘regularly preschool ] [ase ens 2. Ask: What do the ftloaing words and sylables mean’? Connect them to thelr possible meaning 8 super [former |e — before — ® im [_eaain |x « pre: (xa a | is [superior] e [ nan [too mvehimany) un ef i i [cppoite of over. @ non: below h b Cy Ask: Where are these words/sylables wren? Before the word or after the word? (Yes, they ae writen before a word and they are called PREFIXES or a PREFIX GRADEV GRADE VI 3. Application: Work with a partner and try to give the meaning of the flowing, 8. relocate 4. Impossible be superhero hi irelevent ©. misbehaved |. expresient 4. pretest |, undisturbed 2. dishonest i. overweight {legal |, undermeignt m, ineupensive 4. Evichnant:*APrafix Qu” Hold a "Prefix Quiz Show," There should be three (3) members in a team, The Grade Vs entited to three tearns and the Grade ‘iwi ls have tree. Asign a QUIZ MASTER, JUDGESYCHECKERS, and a SCORER. Each tom wil be gue tag boards for writing thair answers. The reat of the pupils wil be the audience, Howewer, they have to take notes “2000 PREFIX QUIz SHOW" Quiz Master; Good moming, dear boys and gis. Welcome to ti rd unsorstand priv (itraduce the teams, judges/checkers and scorer) "Protx Quiz Show This twat on now well you knaw Mechanics: The question wal be ud twice only ALthe sgnal "GO" wits your answer aa the sletng boards, Plense wate legibly ‘Wrong sping 8 wrong, ANB Wa iy? Chak up 1. means right, what nt right? 2. Lea Salonga wil old concert before Valentine's dy concerts Wate the correct wont for before Valentine's day? 4. Leonsider Sarah Geronimo a great ane superior actress, She i a (supers to me, ‘GRADE V GRADE VI When Sarah had her concer, the gym was fled with tao many people. The gym was (avercrowrded) wth people. ‘My cousin who is 12 years olds below the normal weight of 30 kins. hei therefore (undenweigh) ‘This shit is oo bia for my sie. Its (oversize) for re, itis nok. possible ta ive in Mars. Give the profiad ward for not posse, ‘Mario is not reepsctfl to his parents, He is bay. ‘Note: Additonal words can be added depending onthe time availabe, End the quiz by announcing the winners, Teacher: Ask: How did you fn the contest? Did you enjoy i? Now, we ave ready forthe tet Curriculum Links 1 4 Say’ Loa Salonge hes become a sunaratar because of discipine and dediation, She worked hard to improve her God-given tales, Let us take a Nook at her numerous aces from the work of Group 6. Ask: What hind of a person was Lea? Expected Answers: busy, dligent, disciplined, decicated, loved her work, talented, inetigent, has me m 8 ‘Do you wnat tobe the her? Yes) We leaned that Lea never massed any of her actives, Do you give time also to your ‘ctvies a nome and in schoo? Lets now prepare our own personal development pan, GRADE V GRADE VI ‘Activity: MY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Name: Grade: Daily Activitios Time Allotment Action Taken Done/Undone ‘AtHome 4, 2 3 4 5 In Sehool 1 2 3 4 5. _ 7 . Weekend Actives ALHome 4, 2. 8 4 5, In School 1 2. 3 4 5, GRADEV GRADEVI ¢c, Submission of plans made. 4. Anais ‘Why is there a need to have a plan for our activites? How can we make sure that we really do our plans? |W. EVALUATION (unter on manila paper) ‘Ae the appropriate prefix forthe undetined words 1, Manny Pacquiao has not been defeated i his he fights 2. His coach and trainer was a former boxer too, 5. 11s not. polite ta leave the room without asking permission 4, Vie need to a the room gain 5. Th carpenters worked! ays than the prescribe, tine: 6, The people were not contenied wih the mayor's pla Wile 4 sentences wih ether postive or negative stem and tog, (©. Give me purl form ofthe nouns in sentences, 1. AS fe the box 8 enous jumped out 2. Mother bought a special kindof shampoo forthe many (use) on my sister's hai IN. EVALUATION (writen on mania paper) ‘A Wit the missing tg, 4, Jogging is « good form of exercise, 4 Eating nutstious foods wil mate 2 3, Lenit cant dance the chacha, ‘The boys avert aubmiting thelr projects tomorrow, 2 1B. Wee 4 sentences with ele postive or negative stern and tag. C. Using Prefaxes Use an appropri pref fe glvon sentence 1 The teacher gies & test alte ‘beginning of classes in June, 2. Al the end of Me est is given to check how much a pupil has earned, 3 hs possible to live in tne maon, GRADE V. ‘Areurionis cal for he (alumnus) of Sta. ita College The cferen (egandum) were taken up diting the moeing Welearnedthat there are many types of (bactarum). Harold isso responsible. He cannot be depended upon assigned tasks 5. Captain Barels considered a hero by young chien . Karen speaks io language, She is 8 lingual person Ld ike an ampalaya because its bitter ‘We have to ity the differant kinds of rock

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