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Acute PaYacetamol

Poisoning: TWo Case

Studies and a Review
Ker J, VeCnAleret)MMed(lnt)(Pret)
ErasmusRfE, mecre
Tbis article presents a reuietu on MPraxMed(Pret)MD(Pret)

parctcetlmol as a tberapeutic agent but

alsc.tas a potentictl toxin, based on two S Afr Fam Pract
patient stuclies. Tbepatbophysiologt,
cliagnostic approach and management o.f
paracetamol poisoning is discussed.

Curricuhun Vitae
. f u t t t t ' si r ' t ' ts' t I r t l i t t l t t f I l t c { ' t t i t ' t r s it . ) 't . t f
I' r't'lt t r"it t t | ] t.l | | | | {/ I i f lL't/ tt i I l.t t t :lt I J(.'lt{t KEYWORDS
i t t l ( ) - l t r t t t l . l l . l l t ' z l( l t r l t i r t l ( ) 1 5 . i l t Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) is
widely used as an analgesic Poisoning;
i t , . , l tIIL t t , . l i i I t i t t 'tir , \r t l t l t t t i t t I t r t t , t t l sl;l i ' * I and
{}I ll('sl)i tr t I () t']:'.1lt't I i t-i t t t' t i f I I I | | "r t'tt'()L'! {t antipyretic and is readily available Acetaminophen;
[ ! r t s l t i t t r l | | 9 t i o , 1 ( ) , $ . ) . i !. / . t c r tf l r t r t l t l f
without prescription. It was first used Physicians,Family;
I t ; l t t l L l t i l i h i l l ' l l t t s l t i l t t Il 1 t ) . \ ' J - l l l l j l
in medicine by von Mering in 1893, but
. l i i l t t t ' si t ' ( t t t i t i l t )! ) t ' ! ti t l ( . 'l l t r r ( l i t e t I ( ) 3 . i - Diagnosis.
I t),\t)) tltt t'i ttq tt,l.titlt I i tuL' Ltt,ii,rr.srlAr.) it only gained popularity after 1949
l ; L tt ' l i i t t t t ' i L ' t ' lt t t ' t , t ' t t l . l l t , t l t t t t s t t . after being recognised as the major
{ , ' t r r r t ' ; t I l . yl t t ! s l ' t ' i t t r -i I t t r I | ) l t . \ ' " s i t ; i r t!trtt
active metabolite of both acetanilid I )t'ltrtt l ntt,u! ttl .llttlitirir,. lirlrr lrslJ-t'
r ; J 'l ' rt . ' f ; t t ' i tttt ; t i l I l l : 1 ' t ' n t t t t ' t ' t l! l t l s l . t i ! t t l . and phenacetin.'
tt t t tl t/ r'i,.qi.cfr'r"{.,r/ {;it f iltur:t tl,]lisl sirrr,'r,
/ t ) ( ) i . 1 1 i . s; ' r i l t ' r ' r , s / s( t i t , ; " - l - s l l t t t t t i . After oral ingestion paracetamol is
lr'i'$ritirirr;t' ..lJt1.r( /., litt t t(l ittrt t I *t.i I lt."tff't
! ' . r t t I L t t ' t .' .f t t t ; t t ' si - st t t t t t ' itt ' t l t t i t ( l l l . ) L ' \ , ' rapidly and almost completely
l . r r u ' tt'! ! " t tt l t l l l J , ' r ' , , . absorbed from the gastro-intestinal
tract and 85 - 95 o/ois metabolised
Departnrentof InternalFledicine
primarily by the liver and excreted in
F*rultyof Meclicine,
of Pretoria
the urine as a non toxic substance,
l i t ; l t l t . 1 '1 r ' r i t . ' r l t t t s( l 1 t ( r l i fi ( ( l t t ' i / l . t t i The remaining 5 - 15 % is metabolized
ll t lt'lrlt .l)t,;li llri' { nii,r'rl*l.l' uf l:}r'r,/ril.rrr
through Cytochrome P-450 to a toxic
i;t lt)--+. I lt' t'rtrttftIi'tal l]ti, .ll 1';'lt.r',lk'r/
t t f [ : l ] t i u t l l r t s r / o r ' l r ; r l / l l i r 5 1 . q ' l i lri u r r i l l ' intermediate which is detoxified by
.l/t'i/it i;,,r'. 1iri/tt'l'ft'rlrl-;r-r ('r/ glutathione present in the liver cell.
l i r t i r t ' t ' t ' t t! I i t i ; i i t l : f t i i . r r r :i . r - 7 r r " r t l r / ir'ilr
'. During an overdose glutathione is
. { r r i r l ' .l l i r l , r r l i r r / f i t ' t : :t I t : r t ' r t t l t t ' t ' t rll! t {
. l r ' i / r / t . . , t i .tl.'t f i : t t t t Ii i . f l ' t ' t ! t! i L ' t ' .P r i t t t t t ' . 1 ' exhausted and then hepatic cell
t , r ; & ' , r : l r 1 l i t . , ;i t l / ( ' 1 1 ' . { /l .t !t , i N t t t ' t t t l t i l t i t ' necrosis with subsequent liver failure
l ; , , . ' , 1 t t - i r t!i l' t. r ' r ' , , 1 rt t' l l l . t t '( i l ' { t i ! t l I L r . , develops. Paracetamol remains the
t J r f r l r , 1 ' { ' / r 1 { ' rtrtif ! l . t t ' l , r i l r t g t 'o f " t i . t t ,( i l } .
commonest cause of fulminent
l : : ' . ,t . r . ! . r . i 1 r q ' i r y ll1' ;,t i f t , . s s t , : i t t l . ' t t t t ti ! _ l '
i / i ' r / t .t ; ; i ' t r I I i t ( [ ; t i t i ' r : s i l . ir' t f ' f i t t ' l o r i t t hepatic failure in the United Kingdom,
i t s t t l I t J ; I i r , r r l l r , r i /t ' ! t t s l t t ! t t l . accounting for 60 - 650/oof all cases.'z
Paracetamol is the most commonly
Eep;rrtmentnf F;rnrily
Frcuity*f f{edicjne,Universityof Pretarla. reported potentially toxic pharma-
PO Box *67" PRETORIA000| ceutical ingestion in both adults and

s A F A r r r r L py R A c r r c E 1 ' A Z F E B R U A R1y9 9 5
children, resulting in over 100,000 Siagnosfic Approach Fi:r';r{:r,r1 l ::t::;i: r:' :! rr

calls to United States poison centres (:'itlf iiili{,1f tr{rlr 1 Ci!L}5t} {.!j

in 1991,"and despite the availability of Early recognition and treatment is

a t l ! : . ! r i l! . , x i! i t r . i : : : : : , : i : , : : i : ; : : '
a specific antidote, fatalities still essential. A history of ingestion is
occur. It was found that acute essential, but the most reliable
paracetamol poisoning is common in nlethod of diagnosis is a determina-
Cape Town.' tion of plasma paracetamol concen-
tration." Determination of a paraceta-
The purpose of this article is to mol plasma concentration should be
'et) discuss the clinical presentation .of done routinely in those cases with an
paracetamol poisoning using two unreliable history, because poisoned
patient studies, and to review modern patients frequently have no clinical
concepts in the management. abnormalities until manv hours after a

Patient Studies I
The first patient is a 17-year old
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 5 Normal
female who was admitted to the
medical ward with a history that she
Total Bilirubin 19 10,5 I 4€! u mol&
had taken 45 paracetamol tablets
(22,5 gram) a few hours previously.
Bilirubin <5 0-4u moVL_
The results of blood tests performed
over the next few days are presented
Phogphatlqpe 1L_0_100 98 26-78rU/L
in Table I. This demonstrated high
levels of liver enzymes,indicating
G/qr n"7
ll 80 9-34rU/L
A_L_T 2180 4868L3s4 1,169 rc.37NlL
Iiver cell necrosis. The prothrombin
activity as well as bilirubin remained
AST 3 590 3 440 329 71 ILAoIUiL
normal. She made an uneventful
LDH _1. ": 2_39 156 6-o:?QQ
4{bumin _38 39-59grI'
aclivity 140 o/o I00 o/o
The second patient is a 20-year old
female who developed jaundice three
days after she had ingested 35
paracetamol tablets (17,5 gram). The
paracetamol overdose. Early identifi-
results of the blood tests performed
cation of unrecognised poisoning and
on this patient during her stay in
treatment with the specific antidote
hospital is presented in Table II. This
patient demonstrates extremely high will prevent morbidity and possible
modality. Due to the common formu-
levels of liver enzymes with the ALT :.i: fr*,f;1iij 'D:rt-i:r i- :i
lation of paracetamol with opioids,
more than eighteen thousand units.
the possibility of paracetamol toxicity i*:.'.:-ii t i::: t,l',;:::: :: ::.:.:- :i :.:
Her prothrombin activity dropped to
should also be considered in every
37 0/oof normal. A consultation with
I1)11iii"ril L:"il;l rn +;:

case of suspected opioid ingestion.

the liver unit was requested with the if 6i;:l ;,ifltl;:Il lr i::i

possibility in mind that she might

When a reliable history is available,
need aggressive treatment which
patients with ingestions less than 150
might include consideration for liver
mg/kg in children, or 7,5 gram in
transplantation. She made a complete
adults clo not require further
recovery and was discharged 7 days
evaluation for toxicity, provided they
after admission.
do not have chronic liver disease.


When the paracetamol plasma potential seriousness of the A 2il year old needed
concentration is above 150 pg/ml at 4 intoxication. Nausea, vomiting, aggressive treatmer!t
hours or above 15 pg/ml after 15 anorexia and abdominal pain occur
after inE*stirrg S$
hours, liver functions should be during the initial 24 hours and may
performed. The aspartate amino- persist for a week or more. Clinical paracetamol tfiblet{i -

transferase (AST) is used as a indications of hepatic damage become even liver transplantaiion
sensitive marker of liver injury and is manifest within 2 to 4 days of
wGs cons!dered:
of prognostic value. If AST indicates ingestion of toxic doses. Severe liver
hepatocellular injury, then serial damage (with levels of aspartate
determinations of AST, alanine aminotransferase activity in excess of
aminotransferase (AIT), prothrombin 1000 IU per liter of plasma) occurs in
time (PT), bilirubin, electrolytes and 90o/oof patients with plasma concen-
glucose are warranted.n trations of acetaminophen greater

Pathophysiology and ClinicaN


In adults, hepatotoxicity may occur

after ingestion of a single dose of 10
to 15 gram (200 to 250 mg/kg)
paracetamol and a dose of 25 gram or Conjugated
more is potentially fatal.' When high Bilirubin 43.6 25.6 53.1 o-au-llq!I,
doses of paracetamol are ingested, it Alkaline

undergoes N-hydroxylation to form N- Phqqphq@e - 132 26-78rU/L

acefizl-para-benzoquinoneimine (\IAPQD, G/GT 300 9-34rU/L
a highly reactive intermediate metabo- 4I,! _ - rLe45 9,340 ? ?p5 8j]0_
lite which reacts with sulphydryl .{sT_ _ _,1'-0-,995
_lgs5-_Eq u-??ryni
groups in proteins and glutathione. LDH 190 60-200ru/L
When hepatic glutathione is depleted ru i[-..-- - - -W n9-Esil-
after the ingestion of large quantities Prothrombin
of paracetamol, reaction with hepatic activity 37 o/o l0A o/o
proteins is increased and hepatic
necrosis is the result.

There are other conditions which are than 300 pg/ml at 4 hours, or 45 pg/ml
associated with depletion of hepatic at 15 hours after ingestion ofthe drug.
glutathione. These conditions cause Minimal hepatic damage can be
the liver to have an increased anticipated when the drug Determinethe piasma
susceptibility to the toxic effects of concentration is less than 120 pg/ml at
paracetamol. These patients are 4 hours, or 30 pg/ml at 12 hours after
ingestion. c()fl$e{"}trati(}r!
therefore high-risk patients and may
develop toxic effects at a lower dose The clinical course of paracetamol
of ingestion. Chronic alcohol abuse, poisoning can be divided into 4
malnutrition, patients on anticonvul- stages.''
sants and rifampicin all constitute this Stage I: 0,5 to 24 hours after ingestion,
high risk group. is characterisedby anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, malaise, pallor and
Sympton-rsof acute poisoning during diaphoresis.
the first 2 days do not reflect the

s A F A M T L yp R A c r r c E 1 0 4 F E B R U A R1y9 9 5
Stage II: 24to 48 hours after ingestion, The efficacy of acetylcysteine as an Poisoned patients often
entails the resolution of stage I and the antidote for paracetamol has been show no clinical
development of right upper quadrant defined, but the optimal time of dosing
abnormalitiesuntil many
abdominal pain and tenderness, is still under debate. The ideal time to
elevated serum bilirubin, prothrombin start acetylcysteine treatment is hours after the overdose.

time and hepatic enzymes, and within B hours of ingestion of

oliguria. paracetamol.o

Stage III: 72-96 hours after ingestion, is Neither intravenous nor oral NAC has
characterised by peak liver function been shown to be the superior route
abnormalities while anorexia, nausea, of administration, because each
vomiting, malaise may reappear. dosing protocol is very effective when
treatment is initiated within 10 hours
During stage IV: 4 days to 2 weeks of ingestion.'' The dosage schedule
after ingestion, resolution of hepatic for oral treatment is 140 mg/kg,
dysfunction usually takes place. followed by 70 mg/kg every 4 hours
Fatalities generally occur between 3 for 17 doses (total of 18 doses
and 5 days after overdose but have equaling 1330 mg/kg in 68 hours), and
been reported at other times3 and for intravenous treatment 150 mg/kg
hepatic regeneration becomes IV as a bolus over 15 minutes, then 50
complete in survivors. The rate of mgikg over 4 hours, then 100 mg/kg
recovery varies but is complete by 5 to over 16 hours (total of 300 mg/kg in 20
7 days, although recovery can be hours).
longer in severely poisoned patients.
Tfeatment with acetylcysteine up to 24
Management hours after the overdose is both safe
and beneficial." All patients with
According to Sommers? all patients evidence of severe toxicity should be "All patients suspected
given acetylcysteine regardless of the
suspected of paracetamol poisoning of paracetamol
should be admitted to hospital for duration after which they present.'z
observation. Gastric lavage and The use of acetylcysteine up to 72
activated charcoal are only of benefit hours postoverdose significantly admitted to hospital for

if given within 4 hours of ingestion of decreasesboth the progression of observation"

hepatic encephalopathy and
an overdose of paracetamol. If a
mixed ingestion of paracetamol and mortality.'1
another drug is suspected, then
charcoal should be used as indicated Cimetidine has been considered as an
regardless of the time delay and adjunctive agent due to its ability to
inhibit cytochrome P-450. Cimetidine
without regard to the specific
treatment of paracetamol toxicity. may have an additional protective
effect when used with acetylcysteine
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is the current in paracetamol overdose.r2'"r
treatment of choice for paracetamol
The improvements in intensive care
overdose. NAC supplies additional
glutathione to enhance glutathione and the advent of orthotopic liver
supply.' NAC may have other actions transplantation have allowed the
that ameliorate organ damage after rescue of a previously untreatable
injury has occurred. small group of patients with this

s A F A M T L yp R A c r r c E 1 0 5 F E B R U A R1y9 9 5
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Mechanism of action of N-acetylcysteine in
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therapeutics. 7th Ed. New York: Macmillan Invest 1983;71

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Collection System. Am J Emerg Med intravenous N-acetylcysteine treatment
1992;10:452-505. protocol. Ann Emerg Med 1991;20:1058-63.
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year experience. S Afr Med J 1987;72:773- paracetamol - induced fulminant hepatic
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1984(2);103-19. the treatment of Acetaminophen overdose.
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Butterworths. 1992:34-9. transplantation after paracetamol
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