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Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 1
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
SFD: Shear force diagram
Shear forces is nothing but force which tends to separate a member.
The shear force at any point along a loaded beam may be defined as the algebraic sum of all
vertical forces acting on either side of the point on the beam.

The net effect of the shear force is to shear off the beam along with the point at which it is
BMD: Bending moment diagram
Bending moment at any point along a loaded beam may be defined as the sum of the moments
due to all vertical forces acting on either side of the point on the beam. The bending moment
tries to bend the beam.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 2
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
SFD depicts the distribution of shear force throughout the beam and BMD depicts the
distribution of bending moment throughout the beam.

Objective of SFD, BMD

I. To determine the value of shear force and bending moment at any given point of
II. To determine the position and value of maximum shear force and bending moment of
a beam.
III. To select the appropriate types, sizes and materials for any element or the system that
can safely handled the load, deformations and stresses that are expected to occur.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 3
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
The term beam refers to a slender bar that carries transverse loading; that is, the applied
force are perpendicular to the bar.

❖ The term beam refers to a slender bar that carries transverse loading; that is, the
applied force are perpendicular to the bar.
❖ In a beam, the internal force system consist of a shear force and a bending moment
acting on the cross section of the bar. The shear force and the bending moment usually
vary continuously along the length of the beam.
❖ The internal forces give rise to two kinds of stresses on a transverse section of a beam:
(1) normal stress that is caused by bending moment and (2) shear stress due to the
shear force.
❖ Knowing the distribution of the shear force and the bending moment in a beam is
essential for the computation of stresses and deformations.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 4
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
The following are the important types of beams:
1. Cantilever beam
2. Simply supported beam
3. Overhanging beam
4. Fixed beams, and
5. Continuous beam.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 5
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Cantilever Beam
A beam which is fixed at one of its end and the other end is free is called a cantilever beam.

Simply Supported Beam

A beam which is freely supported at both ends is called a simply supported beam.

Overhanging Beam
The beam freely supported at any two points and having one or both ends projected beyond
these supports is called an overhanging beam.

Fixed Beams
A beam, whose both ends are fixed or built-in walls, is known as fixed beam.

Continuous Beam
A beam which is provided more than two supports is known as continuous beam.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 6
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
a) concentrated load (single force)
b) distributed load (measured by their intensity) :
uniformly distributed load (uniform load)
linearly varying load
c) couple

a) Concentrated Load
This type of load acts relatively on a smaller area. For example, the force exerted by a chair or a
table leg on the supporting floor.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 7
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)
As the name itself implies, uniformly distributed load is spread over a large area. Its magnitude
is designated by its intensity (N/m or kN/m). The water pressure on the bottom slab of a water
tank is an example of such a loading. If a floor slab is supported by beams, the load of the slab
on the beams is certainly uniformly distributed.

For convenience, uniformly distributed load is always converted into its equivalent concentrated
load acting at the centre of gravity of the loading.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 8
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Uniformly Varying Load (UVL)
This type of load will be uniformly varying from zero intensity at one end to the designated
intensity at the other end. A triangular block of brickwork practically imposes such a loading on
a beam. The water pressure distribution on the walls of a water tank could be another example.
Here again, equivalent concentrated load (equal to area of the loading triangle) is to be used
while dealing with this load.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 9
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Concentrated Moment
If for some purpose, a beam is to accommodate a load on a bracket mounted on it, what gets
transmitted on the beam is a concentrated moment

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 10
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Types of Supports:
Simple Support:
If one end of the beam rests in a fixed support, the support is known as simple support. The
reaction of the simple support is always perpendicular to the surface of support. The beam is
free to slide and rotate at the simple support.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 11
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Types of Supports:
Roller Support:
Here one end of the beam is supported on a roller. The only reaction of the roller support is
normal to the surface on which the roller rolls without friction.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 12
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Types of Supports:
Hinged Support:
At the hinged support the beam does not move either along or normal to its axis. The beam,
however, may rotate at the hinged support. The total support reaction is R and its horizontal and
vertical components are H and V, respectively. Since the beam is free to rotate at the hinged
support, no resisting moment will exist. The hinged support behaves like the hinges provide to
doors and windows.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 13
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Types of Supports:
Fixed Support:
At the fixed support, the beam is not free to rotate or slide along the length of the beam or in the
direction normal to the beam. Therefore, there are three reaction components, viz., vertical
reaction component (V), horizontal reaction component (H) and the moment (M), as shown in
Fig. Fixed support is also known as built-in support.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 14
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Sign conventions

The shear force tends to rotate the material clockwise is

defined as positive

The bending moment tends to compress the upper part of

the beam and elongate the lower part is defined as positive

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 15
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Variation of shear force and bending moment diagrams

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 16
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Start from right hand section.
Use Sign convention of the side which you are choosing i.e Right or Left.
If the thing are complicated use other side of section.
Start from zero and end to zero. B.M at the ends will be zero.
End point of S.F. will be equal and opposite to the reaction at that point.
Mark the points and draw the diagram considering the type of load.
At change in nature of forces there will be two points in shear force diagram.
At Couple there will be two points in B.M Diagram.
• Self weight of Beam neglected unless its definite value is given.
• S.F may be max. at supports or under point loads and B.M. may be maximum at point
where S.F. is zero or where S.F. changes its nature.
• Where the B.M changes its nature is known as Point of Contra Flexure or Point of
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 17
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Shear and Moment Diagrams
Consider a simple beam shown of length L that carries a
uniform load of w (N/m) throughout its length and is held in
equilibrium by reactions R1 and R2. Assume that the beam
is cut at point C a distance of x from he left support and the
portion of the beam to the right of C be removed.
The portion removed must then be replaced by vertical
shearing force V together with a couple M to hold the left
portion of the bar in equilibrium under the action of R1 and
The couple M is called the resisting moment or moment and
the force V is called the resisting shear or shear. The sign of
V and M are taken to be positive if they have the senses
indicated above.
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 18
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Shear and Moment Diagrams



Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 19
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Shear and Moment Diagrams



Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 20
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Shear and Moment Diagrams



Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 21
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Shear and Moment Diagrams

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 22
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
To draw the Moment Diagram

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 23
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Types of Supports:
Ideally, i.e. in ideal beams (or numerical/mathematical models), for a simply supported beam, at
the support, the shear force is maximum, and the bending moment is zero.

For a cantilever, shear force is maximum at fixed end and so is the bending moment.

These support conditions are really fictional or representational. They don't exist in real life. The
question now is what is the Bending Moment where the Shear Force is maximum. The sensible
answer is: it depends. It depends on lot of factors such as the support conditions, the geometry
of the structure, the material aspect, etc.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 24
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Draw the SFD and BMD with equation



Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 25
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
𝑦 2
𝑥−2 3
𝑦 = (𝑥 − 2)



Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 26
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 27
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 28
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 29
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 30
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 31
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 32
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Relationship Between Load, Shear, and Moment

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 33
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Thus, the rate of change of the bending moment with respect to x is equal to the
shearing force, or the slope of the moment diagram at the given point is the
shear at that point.
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 34
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Differentiate V with respect to x gives

Thus, the rate of change of the shearing force with respect to x is equal to the load or
the slope of the shear diagram at a given point equals the load at that point.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 35
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
-ve sign means the load acts in downward
𝑑𝑉 = 𝑤𝑑𝑥
Integrating between sections A and B
𝐵 𝑥𝐵
න 𝑑𝑉 = න 𝑤𝑑𝑥
𝐴 𝑥𝐴

𝑉𝐵 − 𝑉𝐴 = 𝑤(𝑥𝐵 − 𝑥𝐴 )

𝑉𝐵 − 𝑉𝐴 = 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝐴 𝑡𝑜 𝐵

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 36
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
𝑑𝑀 = 𝑉𝑑𝑥
Integrating between sections A and B
𝐵 𝑥𝐵
න 𝑑𝑀 = න 𝑉𝑑𝑥
𝐴 𝑥𝐴

𝑀𝐵 − 𝑀𝐴 = 𝑉(𝑥𝐵 − 𝑥𝐴 )

𝑀𝐵 − 𝑀𝐴 = 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝐴 𝑡𝑜 𝐵

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 37
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Properties of Shear and Moment Diagrams
The following are some important properties of shear and moment diagrams:

1. The area of the shear diagram to the left or to the right of the section is equal to the moment
at that section.
2. The slope of the moment diagram at a given point is the shear at that point.
3. The slope of the shear diagram at a given point equals the load at that point.
4. The maximum moment occurs at the point of zero shears. This is in reference to property
number 2, that when the shear (also the slope of the moment diagram) is zero, the tangent
drawn to the moment diagram is horizontal.
5. When the shear diagram is increasing, the moment diagram is concave upward.
6. When the shear diagram is decreasing, the moment diagram is concave downward.

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 38
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 39
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 40
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 41
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 42
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 43
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 44
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 45
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET
Md. Bakhtierkhalzi 46
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, RUET

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