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Individual assignment I

Industrial Management and Engineering Economics

Mahidermariyam Tadesse 0800988

Submitted to Eden A.

Aug, 2021
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
The word management and its impersonal word "manager" comes from the two Latin words
manus meaning hand and agere meaning to act. So, to conclude it means to handle and take
care of things in an organization.
Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner
through planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Each manager has a role. A role is a set of expectations for a managers’ behaviour. Each role
represents activities that managers undertake to ultimately accomplish the functions of
management that are planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Management is the soul that keeps an organization alive, so it’s very important aspect to an
The size of management can range from one person in a small organization to hundreds or
thousands of managers in multinational companies.

Definitions of Management
Management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined
objectives. Management is often included as a factor of production along with machines,
materials, and money.
Management consists of the interlocking functions of creating corporate policy and
organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization’s resources in order to
achieve the objectives of that policy.
Management may be defined as the art of work done through people with the satisfaction of
the employer, employees and the public. Management can be the art of guiding directing and
Concepts of Management
Management is an executive art that actively direct the human effort to a common goal.
It’s not about setting goals or framing policies rather implementing policies set or led by the
administrators. It’s the follower of the administration.
Planning, organising, stuffing, motivating, directing coordination and control these all are
functions of management.
Instead of being a controller, today’s manager is an enabler who helps people do their best:
 Design rules without specifying actions.
 Shape culture, system, and conditions.
 Help their people

Nature of Management
Management can be seen in three ways as a science, as an art and as a profession.
Management as a science: management can be seen as a science because it involves scientific
methods like observation and requires knowledge of management theory.
Management as an art: it can also be viewed as an art because it requires personal skills of
leadership communication etc.
Management as a profession: can be seen as a profession as its proved by McFarland to
include the behaviours of a profession.

Scope of Management
It can range up to a lot of areas it covers a lot of disciplines and areas all over science.
Although it is difficult to determine the scope management it can be of
 Subject matter of management
 Functional areas of management
 Management is multidisciplinary
 Universal application
 Being an agent of change

Functions of Management
There are four basic functions of management planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Planning: defines where the organization wants to be in the future and how to get there.
Organizing: involves assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments, delegating authority,
and allocating resources across the organization.
Leading: creating a shared culture and values, communicating goals to people throughout the
organization, and infusing employees with the desire to perform at a high level. You don’t
have to be a top manager to be an exceptional leader. All managers need to provide strong
leadership within departments, teams, non-profit organization, and small business.
Controlling: means monitoring employees’ activities, determining whether the organization
is moving toward its goals, and making corrections as necessary.

Levels of Management
Top-level management
Accountable to the stakeholders and the public. Their responsibility is planning and
coordinating. They are Directors C.E.O.s etc.
Middle-level management
Accountable to top-level managers. And responsibilities are Directional and managerial
functions and implementation of policies and plans. They are branch managers department
managers etc.
Low (executive) level management
Accountable to quality and number of products. Their responsibility is deploying jobs and
responsibilities to variety of workers. They are supervisors Forman etc.
Skills of Management
The necessary skill for managing an organization can be placed in three categories:
conceptual, human, and technical.
Technical: includes mastery of the methods, techniques, and equipment involved in specific
functions as well as specialized knowledge, analytical ability, and the competent use of tools
and techniques in a specific discipline particularly important at lower levels.
Human: demonstrated in the way that a manager relates to other people, including the ability
to motivate, facilitate, coordinate, lead, communicate and resolve conflicts. Increasingly
important at all levels.
Conceptual: refer to the cognitive ability to see organization as a whole and the relationship
among its parts. Involves knowing where one’s team fits into the industry, the community
and the broader business and social environment. All managers need it especially at the top

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