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Project Proposal


Bidding App
1. Functional Requirements
The following are the functional requirements of our system.

1.1. FR-01 Log In

Identifier FR-01
Title Log in
Requirement The user shall be able to login the system by the role specified to him
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale In order for user to have access to the system.
Business Rule (if User has been signed up successfully
Dependencies FR-02
Priority High

1.2. FR-02 Log Out

Identifier FR-02
Title Log Out
Requirement The user shall be able to logout the system once logged in.
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale User is logged out, once he is done using the system.
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High

1.3. FR-03 Delete the product bid

Identifier FR-03
Title Delete the product bid
Requirement The admin shall be able to delete all the products bid
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale Admin can delete the products which are not required.
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High
1.4. FR-04 Search the product by name

Identifier FR-04
Title Search the Product
Requirement The user shall be able to search the product by name
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale User shall be able to search the product by its name so they can find the desired
products bids easily.
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High

1.5. FR-05 Filter through categories

Identifier FR-05
Title Filter through categories
Requirement The customer/buyer shall be able to filter product bids by a specific category
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale Customer can select a specific and view all products of a specific categories
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High

1.6. FR-06 Clear Filters

Identifier FR-06
Title Clear Filters
Requirement The customer/buyer shall be able to clear all the search filters
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale Customer will have option to clear any kind of search or categories filters he/she has
applied to the system
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High
1.7. FR-07 Place a bid

Identifier FR-07
Title Place a bid
Requirement The customer/buyer shall be able to place a bid on the products auction
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale Customer can place a bid on the auction of a product by clicking bid now button.
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High

1.8. FR-08 Create Products Auction

Identifier FR-08
Title Create Products Auction
Requirement The vendor shall be able to create a product auction
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale Vendor can create the auction for a product using create button
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High

1.9. FR-09 View Created Products

Identifier FR-09
Title View created products
Requirement The vendor shall be able to view his/her created products auctions
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale Vendor can view his/her own created creations.
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High
1.10. FR-10 View Products

Identifier FR-10
Title View products
Requirement The admin and customer shall be able to view all products auctions
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale The admin and customer shall be able to view all the products which are not expired.
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High

1.11. FR-11 Edit Products

Identifier FR-11
Title Edit products
Requirement The vendor shall be able to edit all products auctions he/she has created
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale The vendor can edit the information of a product auction
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High

1.12. FR-12 View Bidders Information

Identifier FR-11
Title View Bidders Information
Requirement The vendor shall be able view information of the bidder
Source Client/supervisor.
Rationale The vendor can edit the information of a product auction
Business Rule (if N/A
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High

2. Non-Functional Requirements
Following are the nonfunctional requirements for bidding app.

PER-1: The average response time per every user click shall be less than 4 seconds. And the
maximum average time per every click shall be less than 6 seconds.

USE-1: The system user interface shall be user friendly. i.e. the minimum amount of time taken by
novice user to learn the system shall be 15 minutes.

Main-1: The system can make new changes on the basis of the requirements, if demanded after
completion of the system. The maintainability of the system can be done by integrating new
modules and offering new solutions for the raised problems.


REL 1: The system shall have less than 6 hours downtime per two months
REL 2: Maximum Bugs per 1000 lines should not be greater than 9.

3. Use Case Models

3.1. List of Actors

The following are the list of actors which will interact with our system
 Vendor
 Customer/Buyer
 Admin

3.2. List of Use Cases

Following is the list of use cases for the system
 Login
 Logout
 Register
 Create product auction
 Delete product
 Search product
 Clear filters
 View Products
 Search Products by Categories
 View Created Products
 Bid on Products
 View Bidders information
 View Bids
3.3. Use Case Model

 Admin Use Case Diagram

Given below is the use case diagram of the admin.

 Customer/Buyer Use Case Diagram

Following is the use case diagram for the customer.
 Vendor Use Case Diagram
Following is the use case diagram for the vendor.

3.3. Use Case Scenario

3.3.1. UC-01: Login

Use Case ID: UC-01

Use Case Name: Login
Actors: Admin (primary actor), Customer (primary actor), Vendor (primary Actor)
Description: User shall login to get access to his/her account in order to facilitate him/her self with the system.

Trigger: User clicks the “Login” button to sign in his/her account

Preconditions: PRE-1. User is registered in the system

PRE-2. System is available to the user
Postconditions: POST-1. User successfully logged in his/her account and has access to his/her profile.

Normal Flow: 1. User clicks on the sign in button.

2. User enters his/her credentials.
3. User clicks on the login button.
4. User is logged in the system.
Alternative Flows: N/A
Exceptions: 2a. In step 2 of normal flow, if the user enters invalid credentials.
1. System will prompt an error message to user “invalid username or password”.
2. User will enter correct credentials.
3. Use case resumes on the step 3 of normal flow.
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions 1. User has internet connection.
2. User has a registered account.

3.3.2. UC-02: Logout

Use Case ID: UC-02
Use Case Name: Logout
Actors: Admin (primary actor), Customer (primary actor), Vendor (Primary Actor)
Description: User shall logout from his/her account once he/she is finished acquiring the system resources.

Trigger: User clicks the “Logout” button to sign out of his/her

Preconditions: PRE-1. User is logged in the system
PRE-2. System is available to the user
Postconditions: POST-1. User successfully logged out of his/her account.

Normal Flow: 1. User clicks on the logout button from the menu.
2. User is redirected to the Login page.
Alternative Flows: N/A
Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions 1. User has internet connection.

3.3.3. UC-03: Register

Use Case ID: UC-03
Use Case Name: Register
Actors: Customer (primary actor), Vendor (primary actor)
Description: User shall login to register his/her account in order to facilitate him/her self with the system.

Trigger: User clicks the “Signup” button to registered his/her account

Preconditions: PRE-1. System is available to the user

Postconditions: POST-1. User successfully signup his/her account and has access to his/her profile.

Normal Flow: 1. 1. User clicks on the sign up button.

2. 2. User fills the sign up form
3. 3. User clicks on the submit button
4. 4. System verifies user details
5. 5. User is registered in the system
Alternative Flows: 2a. In step 2 of normal flow, if the user clicks on signup with Gmail option
1. System will redirect to Gmail account
2. User will verify the credentials
3. Use case resumes on the step 5 of the normal flow
Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions 1. User has internet connection.
2. User has a registered account.

3.3.4. UC-04: Create Products Auctions

Use Case ID: UC-04
Use Case Name: Create Products Auctions
Actors: Vendor(primary actor),
Description: User shall be able to create/add product auctions he/she wants to sell

Trigger: User clicks the “add” button to create product auction

Preconditions: PRE-1. User is registered in the system

PRE-2. System is available to the user
Postconditions: POST-1. User successfully created the product auction

Normal Flow: 1. User clicks on add button on his dashboard

2. User fills the forms
3. Users upload the product images
4. User clicks on the create/add button
5. Product auction is created successfully.
Alternative Flows: N/A
Exceptions: 3a. In step 3 of normal flow, if the user doesn’t upload any image of the product
1. System will prompt an error message to user.
2. User will upload the image
3. Use case resumes on the step 4 of normal flow.
2a. In step 2 of the normal flow, if the user doesn’t fill the required fields of the form
1. System will prompt an error message to user.
2. User will fill the required fields of the form
3. The use case resumes on the step 3 of the normal flow
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions User has internet connection.
User has a registered account.

3.3.5. UC-05: Delete Products

Use Case ID: UC-05
Use Case Name: Delete Product
Actors: Admin(primary actor),
Description: User shall be able to delete product auctions he/she wants.

Trigger: User clicks the “delete” button to delete product auction

Preconditions: PRE-1. User is registered in the system

PRE-2. System is available to the user
Postconditions: POST-1. User successfully deleted the product auction

Normal Flow: 1. User clicks on delete button on a specific product

2. System generates the confirmation dialogue box “are you sure”
3. User clicks on the yes button
4. System deletes the product details.
Alternative Flows: N/A
Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions 1. User has internet connection.
2. User has a registered account.

3.3.6. UC-06: Search Products

Use Case ID: UC-06
Use Case Name: Search Product
Actors: Admin(primary actor), Customer(primary actor)
Description: User shall be able to search product by name.

Trigger: User clicks the “search” button.

Preconditions: PRE-1. User is registered in the system

PRE-2. System is available to the user
Postconditions: POST-1. User successfully searched the product auction by its name

Normal Flow: 1. User navigates to the search button

2. User enters the product name
3. User clicks on the search button
4. System display the product details.
Alternative Flows: N/A
Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions 1. User has internet connection.
2. User has a registered account.
3.3.7. UC-07: Search Products by Categories
Use Case ID: UC-07
Use Case Name: Search Product by Categories
Actors: Customer(primary actor)
Description: User shall be able to search products under specific categories

Trigger: User clicks the “categories” button.

Preconditions: PRE-1. User is registered in the system

PRE-2. System is available to the user
Postconditions: POST-1. System successfully displayed the product of the specific categories clicked by the user.

Normal Flow: 1. User navigates categories

2. User clicks the categories button
3. System clicks on the specific category
3. System displayed the products under that categorys
Alternative Flows: N/A
Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions 1. User has internet connection.
2. User has a registered account.

3.3.8. UC-08: View Bids

Use Case ID: UC-08
Use Case Name: View Bids
Actors: Vendor(primary actor)
Description: User shall be able to view the total bids on his/her product auction

Trigger: User clicks the “view bids” button.

Preconditions: PRE-1. User is registered in the system

PRE-2. System is available to the user
Postconditions: POST-1. System successfully displayed the total bids count to the user.

Normal Flow: 1. User navigates to a specific auction

2. System displays the total bids count on the auction
3. User views the bids
Alternative Flows: N/A
Exceptions: N/A

Business Rules N/A

Assumptions 1. User has internet connection.
2. User has a registered account.

3.3.9. UC-09: View Bidders information

Use Case ID: UC-09
Use Case Name: View Bids
Actors: Vendor(primary actor)
Description: User shall be able to view the details of the bidders.

Trigger: User clicks the “view bidders” button.

Preconditions: PRE-1. User is registered in the system

PRE-2. System is available to the user
Postconditions: POST-1. System successfully displayed the list of bidders and their information

Normal Flow: 1. User navigates to a specific auction

2. User clicks on the view bidders button
3. System displays all the bidders of that specific auction
4. User clicks on the user and view its information
Alternative Flows: N/A
Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions 1. User has internet connection.
2. User has a registered account.

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