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Screencast Your DAW with Camtasia and RME Totalmix - Phil Pendlebury http://www.pendlebury.



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A little while ago I presented an article about how to set up Camtasia to record your DAW using The ASIO Best Of Phil P
Multimedia Driver. It was a tricky one to do because those settings are very unreliable and sluggish to work

This article applies to Windows only.

Here’s the introduction to that article which still applies here:

Screencasting from your DAW can be very useful. The finished results can be used as tutorials,
walk-throughs, detailed demos of your work and many other things.

Usually a screen cast will consist of real-time capture of your system display, possibly mixed with the
system sounds and a narration track of some kind.

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Screencast Your DAW with Camtasia and RME Totalmix - Phil Pendlebury

This can all be done with a good amount of planning and a large amount of editing but that is very
time consuming.

It is much quicker (although maybe a little more prone to mistakes – but that’s another story), if you
record your sound playing back from Cubase or Nuendo, capture your movements around the project
on-screen and simultaneously record your computer’s headset microphone as narration.

Then you can edit the two audio streams along with the video screen captures together in Camtasia.

In this article we will look at a way to use the RME Totalmix Loopback function to capture your DAW sound
in all its glory. That’s nothing new – There are a number of articles that will explain how to use the Totalmix
Loopback to record into Camtasia. Unfortunately, every single of one of those misses out 2 fundamental

1. If you want to use your headset mic to record a separate audio stream that can be edited as separate entity within Camtasia
2. If you have a Webcam in the equation, Camtasia forces the input stream (not System Sound) to be a mono signal.

I want 4 separately editable streams all recorded in real-time

So here’s what I wanted to do. I wanted 4 separate streams going into Camtasia. So that they can all be
edited and treated as separate entities during editing of the screencast:

1. My DAW Audio in Full 24 Bit 48K Stereo

2. My Headset Mic in whatever format
3. My screen showing Cubase
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4. My Webcam showing either me or my hands on keyboard or guitar

I have achieved this with a bit of juggling and some logical thinking. Here’s how it is done:
Music Production
Set up ASIO Sound
You have probably already done this. Also you will be aware that Totalmix, despite all its plus points does
not use Windows Mixer. Which is probably also a plus but a little inconvenient for us at times. Waves Plugins Crashing
Your 64 Bit DAW? A
So we just need to make sure that your DAW sound is set to outputs Analog 1/2. There is nothing to change Solution
here. This will be done in your audio application. But just for consistency it is a good idea to label it in the
Remotely Viewable IP

2 sur 6 23/03/2015 09:28

Screencast Your DAW with Camtasia and RME Totalmix - Phil Pendlebury

Windows Sound Mixer. Cameras

Using Negative Track Delay

to Pull Your Track Into Time

Refreshing Your Steinberg

DAW Settings

ASIO Sound. Analog 1/2

Cubase 7 Tips #1

Set up Windows in Windows Sound Mixer

In order to be able to control Windows sounds separately from our ASIO stream in Totalmix we need to Using Voxengo Curve EQ to
direct Windows Sounds to Analog Output 3/4 using the Windows Sound Mixer. Set Analog Out 3/4 as your Clone EQ Settings
Default Sound Device in Windows. Of course you can use whatever output you choose just remember to
adjust the other steps accordingly.

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Windows Sound. Analog 3/4

Set up Totalmix Loopback to send signal to SPDIF input
This is the part that you may have already done. Once this is done you can select the SPDIF input in
Camtasia Recorder. But the problem is, as mentioned above, that the signal will be mono when the camera
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is activated. Plus there is no way to also record a headset or separate microphone as another stream. So we
set up the Totalmix Loopback as usual and also MUTE our Windows Sound channel – Analog 3/4.

3 sur 6 23/03/2015 09:28

Screencast Your DAW with Camtasia and RME Totalmix - Phil Pendlebury

Select the SPDIF Channel in Totalmix and raise the Analog 1/2 fader to send a signal to it. then hit the Windows 8 – Wake Over
wrench to expand the SPDIF controls and enable “Loopback”. LAN – It Works!

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Using Cubase 6 – Matching

Totalmix Loopback SPDIF

It is a good idea to save this as a Snapshot and save your default settings first. It is a shame we cannot save
Check It Out
the Windows Mixer settings Snapshots too.

Enable Listen on the SPDIF input in Windows Sound Mixer

This is why we directed the Windows sound to Analog 3/4 and muted the Windows Sound Channel earlier. Archives
We now go to the recording area of Windows Sound Mixer and find the SPDIF input. Click Properties and
enable Listen to this device. This is now sending the SPDIF input to Windows and it appears in Camtasia
as… System Sounds… Great.

Windows SPDIF Input – Listen

Set up Camtasia Recorder

Now we simply need to make sure the camtasia Recorder is set correctly. Make sure your audio format is
Stereo (I am using 48K but that choice is yours). Make sure Record System Audio is checked.

You should be able to see the green bars indicating audio activity if you drop down the list of inputs as in
this screenshot.

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Screencast Your DAW with Camtasia and RME Totalmix - Phil Pendlebury

Camtasia Record Settings

The End Result

If everything is correctly you will end up with 4 separate streams ready to edit in Camtasia as follows:

1. System Audio = Stereo Audio from your DAW

2. Microphone Audio = Audio from your Webcam or Headset
3. Screen Capture = The main video of your screen
4. Webcam Capture = The main video from your webcam

Don’t forget to switch back to your default Totalmix settings and turn off Listen on the SPDIF input in
Windows Sound Mixer once you have finished recording.

You may find a slight delay on the system sound due to the loopback method but it is very easy just to
knock it back into place when at the editing stage.

I hope you find this useful. I suppose I should point out that there are other ways to do this, if you do not
need the separate streams from webcam and headset mic. Then the normal Loopback method will work fine.

If you want to see this in action Check out my YouTube Channel

Happy Screencasting.

This entry was posted by Phil Pendlebury on 2013, May 24 at 18:12, and is filed under IT,
Music, Technical. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0.Both comments and
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Screencast Your DAW with Camtasia and RME Totalmix - Phil Pendlebury


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