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Odoo ERP Report- Card Safe

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Business

Jatin Mehta (2028601)
Jitin Jain Mathew (2028608)
Anchal NG (2028630)
Kushal J (2028638)

Prof. Sreekanth Deshpande


28 February 2021

About the company:

Card Safe is Always a step ahead.

As a technology driven company committed to making a digital space better through our
products and services. Card Safe was founded on the principle that in this rapidly growing and
changing digital world people should not live-in fear constantly looking over their shoulders: real
or virtual. We believe in making the world a little better one cyber safe user at a time.

About the product:

Product description and the necessity of Card Safe -

What is Card Safe? What does it do and how does it work?

Card safe is a simple data protection solution for anything using RFID or NFC in their chips.
Primarily bank cards and e-wallet. The card acts as a radiation transmission blocker, providing a
shield of protective cover around your wallet/pocket eliminating the risk of theft from hackers.
Think of card safe as your insurance for data security.
Protects our users from:

1. Data theft.
2. Monetary theft.
3. Identity theft.

How Card Safe works?

Card save has four layers in the card to enable this technology:

• Jamming signal generator.

• Transmitting antenna.
• Receiving antenna.
• 2 layers of protective cover.
Processes intended to be configured in ODOO ERP:
We plan on to intend different processes in different main modules that will be configured in the
ODOO ERP. We plan on to bring in the following modules:

• Accounts
• Marketing
• Sales & Support
• Operations
• HR
When it comes to Accounts Module: It will help us in keeping track of the expenses made and
the purchase orders received. When it comes to expenses, we can keep a track on the expenses
yet to report and the expenses that are to be reimbursed. Hence, the processes
• Expenses
• Purchases
• Invoicing
When it comes to Marketing: It will allow us to effectively and at a low cost reach huge number
of customers. That is the reason we have to choose the right target and go ahead with the
marketing. Hence, this module will consist of
• E-mail Marketing
• Website
When it comes to Sales & Support: It will allow us to track sales that the company has made
and keep a track on the sales made and after sales services. Hence, the processes will be
• Sales
• Help Desk
When it comes to Operations: It will allow us to track the inventory on a regular basis to
maintain equilibrium between the supply and demand from the consumers out there. It will also
help understand the manufacturing process that goes behind and to bring in innovativeness with
the help of product lifecycle management. Hence, the processes will be
• Inventory
• Manufacturing
• PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)
When it comes to HR: This module will help us in Oversee all important information for each
department at a glance. Restrict visibility of sensitive information to just HR managers, or make
other information public for all employees to see such as employee directory. Hence, the
• Employee Directory
• Reimbursement

Business Process Map- ODOO ERP- Card Safe:

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