Annexure-II - Hand Book of Project Guidelines - BSBA & BSAF

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Handbook of Project Report Writing Guidelines

(Students & Supervisors)

Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: BS (BA)

Bachelor of Sciences in Accounting and Finance: BS (AF)

Department of Management Sciences

COMSATS University Islamabad (Lahore Campus)
Off Raiwind Road, Defence Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Table of Contents
Guidelines for Project Report Writing BS(BA)/BS(AF)...........................................................................................3
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................3
2. Learning Outcomes and Objectives....................................................................................................................3
3. Approval and Supervision of the Project:..........................................................................................................4
4. Guidelines for Supervisors:.................................................................................................................................5
5. Length of The Project Report:............................................................................................................................5
6. Evaluation of The Project Report:......................................................................................................................5
7. Marking Criteria for the Project Report:..........................................................................................................5
8. Structure of the Project Report...........................................................................................................................6
8.1 Preliminary Documents & Materials....................................................................................................6
9. Layout of Preliminary Pages..................................................................................................................7
9.1 Title Page:............................................................................................................................................7
9.2 Declaration:..........................................................................................................................................7
9.3 Supervisor’s Recommendation & Feedback Sheet:....................................................................................7
9.4 Endorsement:........................................................................................................................................7
9.5 Acknowledgements:...............................................................................................................................7
9.6 Table of Contents:.................................................................................................................................7
10. Format of the Main Body of Project Work Report.........................................................................................7
10.1 Chapter-1: Introduction:....................................................................................................................7
10.2 Chapter-2: Insightful and Attractive Head (Student will Decide) Focusing on Issues: ..........................7
10.4 Chapter-3: Insightful and Attractive Head (Student will Decide) Focusing on Effects: .........................8
10.5 Chapter-4: Insightful and Attractive Head (Student will Decide) Focusing on Suggestions and Controls 8
10.6 Chapter - 5 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................9
10.7 References/Bibliography....................................................................................................................9
11. Academic honesty and plagiarism:...................................................................................................................9
11.1 What is plagiarism?...........................................................................................................................9
12. Project Report Writing (Guidelines):.............................................................................................................10
Appendix A: Title Page................................................................................................................................................12
Appendix B: Declaration..............................................................................................................................................13
Appendix C: Supervisor’s Recommendation................................................................................................................14
Appendix D: Endorsement by Head of Department.....................................................................................................15
Appendix E: Table of Contents.....................................................................................................................................16
Appendix F: Feed Back Sheet (Supervisor)..................................................................................................................18
Appendix G: Title Approval Form...............................................................................................................................19

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Guidelines for Project Report Writing BS(BA)/BS(AF)
The purpose of this document is to provide basic guidelines to the students and supervisors on some
important aspects of writing, supervising, and evaluating the project work report prepared for the
course MGT ---: Project Report Writing

1. Introduction
As per new arrangement and disseminated notification (bearing No………….) in the ongoing
COVID 19 pandemic, opting a project and submission of subsequent report in lieu of internship is
an essential requirement for the undergraduate students in the Department of Management Sciences
(DMS) COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI). This assignment is an off-the classroom and field-
based study project. It allows students to reflect and integrate their learning over their four years of
study and create a descriptive and original work in an area of their interest related to any area of
business administration as approved by their supervisor (as per approval form Appendix G). The
students must prepare a report of their work in the prescribed format and submit it to their
supervisors. Students shall be encouraged to choose projects which will complement their academic
interests, coursework and career aspirations dealing with problem solving of any industrial stream.

2. Learning Outcomes and Objectives

Writing a project work report is an essential academic requirement for the students of BS(BA) and
BS(AF). This is a study-enterprise for independent leaning from field-based activities. It gives
students an opportunity to enquire into real business practices and relate it with the theory they have
learnt so far. In this process, the student will, first of all, choose a business unit for the study (a
formally recognized and registered one); and may confine in one of its functional departments such
as, Human Resource, Marketing, Finance, Accounts, Operations etc. Then they will identify
problem statement/s (research questions), collect data, organize and present them in a logical order
(by describing issues and effects), analyze suggesting solutions and draw conclusion from the
analysis keeping in view problem statement/s. Moreover, they will prepare a formal report on the
prescribed format reflecting their knowledge and experience of the project work and submit it to the
Department of Management Sciences, CUI (Lahore Campus), for evaluation.
By understanding the research project, the students will be able to:
1. Identify issue/s or formulate it into the form of a problem statement for scientific
2. Identify relevant literature, conduct, synthesize and present literature review,
3. Collect relevant data on the problem,
4. Conduct data analysis and present results,
5. Draw conclusion from results,
6. Prepare a report in a clear, concise, and logical manner

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The Project involves an investigation in the form of a research/academic project. As such, it
provides an excellent opportunity for students to:
1. Work on an issue that they are interested in.
2. Integrate classroom knowledge and practice.
3. Learn how to think in a creative and critical manner.
4. Develop the ability to read professional literature, reports, and other works critically in their
design, treatment of data, and conclusions.
5. Strengthen the ability in presenting their work in a clear, concise, and logical manner and
enable other readers as well as relevant industry to use the results of their investigations.
6. Gain additional skills by being exposed to analytical and quantitative skills beyond what
they might learn in a classroom.
Through this project, students gain a new perspective into the real world. It is also an excellent
networking platform for students to get acquainted with people from different organizations,
business backgrounds, skills, expertise, etc. This will improve the student’s networking skills.

3. Approval and Supervision of the Project:

Duties of the student

The report shall comply with the following requirements:

 The proposed field of study or topic of research must be approved by the concerned
supervisor (through a formal form given in Appendix “F’).
 The project work must comply with the requirements advised by the concerned supervisor.
 Relevant tools and techniques (like Turnitin etc.) will be applied to ensure that the project
work has sufficient evidence of originality.
 The student must be in regular contact with his/her supervisor.
 Students are fully and solely responsible for writing and editing the project work report of
acceptable quality by meeting all requirements of the Department of Management Sciences,
CUI (Lahore Campus).
 It is essential to use correct formatting and accuracy of quotations and literature citations.
 It necessary for each student to make corrections and revisions/proofread as many times as
suggested by the concerned supervisor.
 It is compulsory to get recommendation from the supervisor and submit the final report (two
copies) to the supervisor in proper binding.

4. Guidelines for Supervisors:

The supervisor is responsible for the following:
 To familiarize themselves with this project work policy, format requirements, and deadlines
those affect students and bring into their notice from time to time.
 To sincerely advise students on improvements to organization, form, content, and
expression of material.

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 Supervisor must sign the printed copy of first page of plagiarism report and affix it to the
appendix of the project report. Plagiarism is not acceptable more than 20 % as per HEC
standard practice
 It is required to give formal feedback in the shape of feedback sheet (as given in Appendix
“F”) by assessing and awarding final internal grading

5. Length of The Project Report:

The length for the project report shall be around 6000 words. This length is exclusive of the
materials included in appendices.

6. Evaluation of The Project Report:

The project report shall be evaluated at two levels: internally by a supervisor appointed by
Department of Management Sciences, CUI Lahore Campus and externally by examiners assigned
by the Head of Department, Management Sciences, CUI Lahore Campus.
Weightage given for internal and external evaluation of the project will be 60% and 40%
respectively. Students shall also be required to attend the viva-voce examinations to defend their
work. (If required)
The Department of Management Sciences, CUI Lahore, has set the following criteria for marking
the project report. Therefore, all internal and external evaluators must evaluate the reports on the
basis of set criteria given below.

7. Marking Criteria for the Project Report:

Evaluation items Marks assigned*
Context/ background & purpose of the project 10
Creativity and Originality 10
Ability to Plan & Use of Methodology appropriateness 10
Ability to Evaluate Literature 20
Data Analysis 10
Levels of Accuracy, Technical Competence, Organization, Expression 10
Level of Writing Skill (Use of Functional English and Referencing) 10
Impact on Selected Industry on the Basis of Results 10
Viva Voice 10
Total 100

8. Structure of the Project Report

A project report is typically made up of three main divisions: (1) Preliminary Documents &
Material, (2) Body of the Report, and 5) Supplementary Materials (References &
Annexures/Appendixes). Each of the sections contains different kind of contents. Students are
required to assemble the project report in the following order:
8.1 Preliminary Documents & Materials
 Title page of the Project Report

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 Student Declaration
 Certificate from the Supervisor & Feed Back Sheet
 Endorsement from Head of Department
 Acknowledgments
 Table of Contents
 List of Tables and Figures
 Executive Summary
8.2 Body of the Report
 Chapter I – Introduction (Contains Theoretical background, Problem Statement (research
questions), Scope, Methodology & Structure of project in the following Chapters)
 Chapter 2 – Insightful and attractive head focusing on issues by reviewing literature and
analysis of data
 Chapter 3 - Insightful and attractive head focusing on effects by reviewing literature and
analysis of data
 Chapter 4 - Insightful and attractive head focusing on suggestions and controls based on
discussion in preceding chapters
 Chapter 5 – Conclusion
8.3 Supplementary Materials
 References
 Appendices

9. Layout of Preliminary Pages

The project report includes preliminary pages in the following order – the declaration, supervisor's
recommendation, endorsement, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures
and abbreviations.
9.1 Title Page: The title page is assumed to be page “i” but is not numbered. The title is typed in all
upper case. All text on the title page is center justified. (See Appendix A: Title page)
9.2 Declaration: Students’ declaration about the originality of work. (See Appendix B: Declaration)
9.3 Supervisor’s Recommendation & Feedback Sheet: A recommendation letter and feedback sheet
from the supervisor for approval of the project work report. (See Appendix C & F: Supervisor’s
9.4 Endorsement: An endorsement letter from the Head, Department of Management Sciences, CUI
Lahore. (See Appendix D: Endorsement)
9.5 Acknowledgements: Acknowledge them who have really helped you to prepare the project
work report. (optional)
9.6 Table of Contents: Double space down from heading. Insert table of contents. All headings and
subheadings are capitalized and punctuated exactly as they are in the text. The table of contents is

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double spaced except when a heading or caption wraps to a second line. (See Appendix E: Table of

10. Format of the Main Body of Project Work Report

10.1 Chapter-1: Introduction:
A brief theoretical backdrop about the project is required to be given like referring to some standard
textbooks, journals, magazines, newspaper, etc. This part should include following sub-heads to
attract reader.
10.1.1 Problem Statement/s and Research Question
10.1.2 Scope and Significance of the Study
10.1.3 Methodology and Structure of Project

10.2 Chapter-2: Insightful and Attractive Head (Student will Decide) Focusing on Issues:
The structure and heading of this main part have been left at the liberty of student to decide. But
while dealing with this section main focus should be on the various issues based on the problem
statement and research questions as given in the preceding part (i.e. introduction). Following are the
main points to follow in this part.
 It is essential to have a preliminary survey of the available literature on the topic. An
empirical study may be conducted to find issues which provide research gaps for further
 This part will help you in understanding the problem in depth and the aspects which are
being investigated and will provide ideas for further research.
 Attempt should be made to collect latest information by scanning latest reports, official
documents, research papers and articles published in periodicals, journals, newspapers etc.
 The purpose is to find gaps in the existing literature. It is mandatory to refer at least 10
latest references of aforementioned resources and especially focusing should be on reputed
international Journals in the area of your study (if available).
 It is at the option of the student to have various sub-heads (if required) in this part. But
focus should be on the quality of identified points of issues. Discussion should be made by
proper literature review, analysis of data and referencing few corroborated facts and figures.

10.4 Chapter-3: Insightful and Attractive Head (Student will Decide) Focusing on Effects:
This part has also been left at the will of the student. This focus of this section should be on the
various effects of the identified issues in the preceding part. Following are the main points to
follow in this part.
 It is essential to have a prior investigation of the real time effects as well as review of
literature and analysis of data. As in the previous part, an empirical study may be conducted
to find level of effects.
 Attempt should be made to collect latest information by scanning latest reports, official
documents, research papers and articles published in periodicals, journals, newspapers etc.

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 It is mandatory to refer at least 10 latest references of aforementioned resources and
especially focusing should be on reputed international Journals in the area of your study (if
 It is at the option of the student to have various sub-heads (if required) in this part. But focus
should be on the quality of identified points.

10.5 Chapter-4: Insightful and Attractive Head (Student will Decide) Focusing on Suggestions
and Controls

This chapter is main crust and deals with the ultimate goal of this stud. This section is based on the
opinion of the writer on the basis of collected data, identified issues keeping in view overall effects.
 Element of coherence, conciseness, and standards of professional of writing skills should be
 Every point of suggestion should be supported by proper refences, facts and figures.
 In this part in case primary data is collected through questionnaires, observations, inspection
of records, interviews conducted and / or secondary data collected from published records
be systematically analyzed and tables, graphs, diagrams should be used wherever necessary
to present the data. Proper Tabulation, classification, and analysis (statistical techniques
wherever applicable) should be done. Every table / data should be followed by suitable
 It should follow two preceding parts in order to create useful relationship of all parts.

10.6 Chapter - 5 Conclusion

This chapter should be based on gist and main outcome of all proceeding chapters.
 It is the main responsibility of the writer to make sure wither he/she has addressed all
research questions and more specifically problem statement in this part.
 It should clearly deal with the literature, data analysis and inference made / drawn in the all
chapters of the study.
 It is highly suggested it should identify broader scope for any future research in the selected
field and industry.

10.7 References/Bibliography
A detailed reference list all sources as per prescribed style should be there. Following documents should
be inducted compulsorily (if used);
10.7.1 Sample Questionnaire
10.7.2 Financial Statements
10.7.3 List of Respondents (if primary data)
10.7.4 Any other relevant documents
10.7.5 Glossary of terms

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11. Academic honesty and plagiarism:
Comsats has an ongoing commitment to fostering a culture of learning informed by academic
integrity. All students have a responsibility to adhere to this principle of academic integrity.
Plagiarism undermines academic integrity and is not tolerated. Plagiarism is a form of academic
misconduct and is viewed very seriously. The following notes describe what plagiarism is and
where you can obtain additional information about it. It is part of your responsibility as a student of
COMSATS to ensure that you understand what plagiarism is, so that you avoid it in any of your
assignments and other academic work.

11.1 What is plagiarism?

Comsats sets plagiarism into the following categories:
i. Copying: Using the same or very similar words to the original text or idea without
acknowledging the source or using quotation marks. This includes copying materials, ideas
or concepts from a book, article, report or other written document, presentation,
composition, artwork, design, drawing, circuitry, computer program or software, website,
internet, other electronic resource, or another person's assignment, without appropriate

ii. Inappropriate paraphrasing: Changing a few words and phrases while mostly retaining the
original structure and/or progression of ideas of the original, and information without
acknowledgement. This also applies in presentations where someone paraphrases another’s
ideas or words without credit and to piecing together quotes and paraphrases into a new
whole, without appropriate referencing.

iii. Collusion: Presenting work as independent work when it has been produced in whole or part
in collusion with other people. Collusion includes students providing their work to another
student before the due date, or for the purpose of them plagiarizing at any time, paying
another person to perform an academic task and passing it off as your own, stealing or
acquiring another person’s academic work and copying it, offering to complete another
person’s work or seeking payment for completing academic work.

iv. Inappropriate citation: Citing sources which have not been read, without acknowledging the
'secondary' source from which knowledge of them has been obtained.

v. Self-plagiarism: ‘Self-plagiarism’ occurs where an author republishes their own previously

written work and presents it as new findings without referencing the earlier work, either in
its entirety or partially. Self-plagiarism is also referred to as 'recycling', 'duplication', or
'multiple submissions of research findings' without disclosure. In the student context, self-
plagiarism includes re-using parts of, or all of, a body of work that has already been
submitted for assessment without proper citation.

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12. Project Report Writing (Guidelines):

12.1 Number of copies to be submitted

A student shall be required to submit two thesis bound copies of the project report in the
recommended format.
12.2 Length:
 Approx. (About 6000 words)
12.3 Paper:
 A4 white bond paper
12.4 Typing:
 Font – Times New Roman
 Standard letter size: Title – 14 and Text – 12
 Black Color
 One side of the paper
 One and half line spacing
12.5 Margin:
 Left and Top – 35 mm
 Right and Bottom – 20 mm
12.6 Page Numbers:
 All the pages in the initial part are in small roman centrally located at the bottom of the
 Each chapter should begin on a new page
12.7 Alignment:
 Title page: Centre
 Chapter heading Centre
 Sub-heading: Left
 Body of text: Justify
12.8 Referencing Style:
 Report writing format should follow the APA styles of citation and references.
 An exception lies for text in the tables, all other text must always be justified.

Students are required to follow the above stated guidelines and are required to write the
summer project report in their own language.

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Appendix A: Title Page



A Project Work Report

Name of Student
Registration Number

Submitted to
Department of Management Sciences
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of


Submission Month and Year

Appendix B: Declaration

I, hereby, declare that the project work entitled TITLE OF PROJECT WORK REPORT
submitted to the Department of Management, CUI, Lahore Campus, is an original piece
of work under the supervision of Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms. … … … (name of the supervisor)
… … … …, and is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Sciences in Business Administration (BSBA). This project work report has
not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of degree.

Name of Student:

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Appendix C: Supervisor’s Recommendation

The project work report entitled TITLE OF PROJECT WORK REPORT submitted by
… … … (name of student) of CUI, Lahore Campus, has prepared under my supervision
as per the procedure and format requirements laid by the Department of Management
Sciences, CUI, Lahore Campus, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Sciences in Business Administration (BSBA). I, therefore, recommend
the project work report for evaluation.


Name of Supervisor:

Appendix D: Endorsement by Head of Department

I, hereby, endorse the project work report entitled TITLE OF PROJECT WROK submitted by
… … … (name of student) of, CUI, Lahore Campus, in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of the Bachelor of Sciences in Business Administration (BSBA) for external


Name of Head of Department:

Appendix E: Table of Contents

Title Page … … … …… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … i

Declaration … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ii

Supervisor’s Recommendation & Feedback Sheet … … … … … … … … … … … … iii

Endorsement … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .... . iv

Acknowledgements … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …… … ...v

Table of Contents… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …vi

List of Tables … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …vii

List of Figures… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … viii

Abbreviations … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … i x

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..1

Theoretical Background of Study … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ... … 1

Problem Statement/s and Research Question … … … … … … … … … …… … … 3

Scope and Significance of the Study … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ...4

Methodology and Structure of Project … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .… 5

Limitations … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. ..6

CHAPTER II: WILL BE DECIDED BY STUDENT (Focusing on Issues )… …… 11

Can be inducted (will be decided by student) … … … … … … … … … … … .. … …12

Can be inducted (will be decided by student).. … … … … … … … … .. … … … … ..15

Can be inducted (will be decided by student)… … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 17

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CHPTER III: WILL BE DECIDED BY STUDENT (Focusing on Effects)… … … 18

Can be inducted (will be decided by student).…. … … … … ... … … … … .. …… … 19

Can be inducted (will be decided by student). … … … … … … … … … … … … … .25

CHPTER IV: WILL BE DECIDED BY STUDENT (Focusing on Controls)… . … 26

Can be inducted (will be decided by student).…. … … … … ... … … … … .. …… … 27

Can be inducted (will be decided by student). … … … … … … … … … … … … … .29

CHPTER III: CONCLUSION… … …. … … … … … … … … … … … … .. … … 32



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Appendix F: Feed Back Sheet (Supervisor)
Feed Back Sheet (Supervisor)
Undergraduate Summer Industrial/Organizational Project (Programme Name)
Name of Student: (------)
Registration Number: (------)

Context/ background & To be filled by Internal Supervisor

purpose of the project

Creativity and To be filled by Internal Supervisor


Ability to Plan & Use of To be filled by Internal Supervisor


Ability to Evaluate To be filled by Internal Supervisor


Data Analysis To be filled by Internal Supervisor

Levels of Accuracy, To be filled by Internal Supervisor

Technical Competence,

Level of Writing Skill To be filled by Internal Supervisor

(Use of Functional
English and Referencing)

Impact on Selected
Industry on the Basis of

Internal Supervisor
Total Marks (60) Obtained Marks ( ----- )
External Supervisor
Total Marks (40) Obtained Marks ( ----- )

To be filled by External Supervisor (Comments about student)

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Appendix G: Title Approval Form
Title Approval Form
Undergraduate Summer Industrial/Organizational Project (Programme Name)
Name of Student: (------)
Registration Number: (------)

Title No.1 To be filled by Student

Reasons for Choosing

Title No.2 To be filled by Student

Reasons for Choosing

Title No.2 To be filled by Student

Reasons for Choosing

Name of Supervisor To be filled by Student

Designation To be filled by Student

Signature of Student

Approval of Supervisor Title No. 1 Title No.2 Title No.3

(Please tick an appropriate box)

Signature of the


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