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For the whole Canada in a Changing Climate report, visit more frequent heavy rain
events increase the chance of
mudslides and wash out roads,
ENERGY Heavier spring melts
can increase flood risk
as well as damage mines

Warmer winters decrease the Extreme weather is a common

use of natural gas and heating oil cause of interruptions in power supply

More air conditioning in the summer

increases electricity consumption
MINING Ice roads, which are used
for transportation in the North
during the winter, are becoming
less reliable

Permafrost thawing damages

FORESTRY buildings, roads and airport runways

Changes in forest composition, pest and

disease outbreaks, and more frequent fires FOOD
could lead to more mill closures Longer and warmer growing seasons
and lost jobs would allow crops to be grown farther
Livestock operations
north, lengthen outdoor feeding seasons
may require less heating but more
for livestock and allow Canada’s maple
air conditioning; trees may have to
syrup industry to expand northward Extreme weather disruptions
be added to pastures to provide shade
can delay the distribution of
Loss and damage due to heavy rainfall, supplies, cause power failures
in factories and raise
Winter tourism such
as skiing will suffer
HOUSING hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires and
winter storms is now more costly than
fire and theft
production costs
Land-use planners can
shorter seasons encourage the construction
of homes in areas
protected from hazards
associated with extreme
weather events MANUFAC TURING
Climate change can affect the availability of supplies and
resources for manufacturing, such as water and timber

Subsidies and other policies promote retrofits that Homeowners and businesses are already
Warm weather tourism More frequent improve energy efficiency and insulation, as well as
such as camping is droughts and paying more for insurance due to the greater
the resiliency of older homes to extreme weather likelihood of extreme weather
expected to grow heat waves

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