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Test ID : 105


Std : XI (CBSE) Marks : 480
Date : 25.07.2021 Time : 2 Hrs.
Note :
For every correct answer four marks will be awarded. For every wrong answer one mark
will be reduced. For unanswered questions zero mark.
Choose the correct answer : 120 x 4 = 480
1. Particle A moves along x-axis with a uniform 3. A boat is sent across a river with a velocity of
velocity of magnitude 10 m/s. Particle B 8 km/hr. If the resultant velocity of boat is
moves with uniform velocity 20 m/s along a 10 km/hr, then velocity of the river is
direction making an angle of 60 with the 1) 10 km/hr 2) 8 km/hr
positive direction of x-axis as shown in figure, 3) 6 km/hr 4) 4 km/hr
the relative velocity of B with respect to that 4. A boat moves with a speed of 5 km/h relative

of A is to water in a river flowing with a speed of

3 km/h and having a width of 1 km. The time
20 m/s
taken for a round trip between exactly
opposite ends is
1) 5 min 2) 60 min
x 3) 20 min 4) 30 min
A 10 m/s
5. Two trains are moving with equal speed in
1) 10 m/s along x-axis
opposite directions along two parallel railway
2) 10 3 m/s along y-axis (perpendicular to tracks. If the wind is blowing with speed ‘u’
x-axis) along the tracks so that the relative velocities
of the trains with respect to the wind are in the
3) 10 5 along the bisection of the velocity of
ratio 1 : 2, then the speed of each train must be
A and B
1) 3 u 2) 2 u
4) 30 m/s along negative x-axis 3) 5 u 4) 4 u
2. A boat crosses a river from port A to port B, 6. A train is moving towards east and a car is
which are just on the opposite side. The speed along north, both with same speed. The
of the water is VW and that of boat is VB observed direction of car to the passenger in
relative to still water. Assume VB = 2VW. the train is
What is the time taken by the boat, if it has to 1) East - north direction
cross the river directly on the AB line 2) West – north direction
2D 3D 3) South – east direction
1) 2) 4) None of these
VB 3 2VB
7. A boat is moving with a velocity 3iˆ  4ˆj with
D D 2
3) 4) respect to ground. The water in the river is
moving with a velocity 3iˆ  4ˆj with respect
to ground. The relative velocity of the boat
with respect to water is
2 Test ID : 105
1) 8jˆ 2) 6iˆ  8jˆ 14. An athlete completes one round of a circular
track of radius 10 m in 40 sec. The distance
3) 6iˆ  8jˆ 4) 5 2
covered by him in 2 min 20 sec is
8. A ship A is moving Westwards with a speed
1) 70 m 2) 140 m
of 10 kmh-1 and a ship B 100 km South of A,
3) 110 m 4) 220 m
is moving Northwards with a speed of
10 kmh-1. The time after which the distance 15. If ar and at represent radial and tangential
between them becomes shortest, is accelerations, the motion of a particle will be
1) 5 h 2) 5 2 h uniformly circular if
1) ar = 0 and at = 0 2) ar = 0 but at 0
3) 10 2 h 4) 0 h
3) ar  0 but at = 0 4) ar  0 and at  0
9. What is the angular velocity of earth?
16. Two cars of masses m1 and m2 are moving in
2 2
1) rad / sec 2) rad / sec circles of radii r1 and r2 respectively. Their
86400 3600
speeds are such that they make complete
2 2
3) rad / sec 4) rad / sec circles in the same time ‘t’. The ratio of their
24 6400
centripetal acceleration is
10. A car runs at a constant speed on a circular
1) m1r1 : m2r2 2) m1 : m2
track of radius 100 m, taking 62.8 seconds for
every circular loop. The average velocity and 3) r1 : r2 4) 1 : 1
average speed for each circular loop 17. Centripetal acceleration is
respectively is 1) A constant vector
1) 10 m/s, 10 m/s 2) 10 m/s, 0 2) A constant scalar
3) 0, 0 4) 0, 10 m/s 3) A vector with changing magnitude
11. A body of mass m moves in a circular path 4) Not a constant vector
with uniform angular velocity. The motion of
18. Which one of the following statements is not
the body has constant
correct in uniform circular motion
1) Acceleration 2) Velocity
1) the speed of the particle remains constant
3) Momentum 4) Kinetic energy
2) the acceleration always points towards the
12. Two bodies of mass 10 kg and 5 kg moving in
concentric orbits of radii R and r such that centre
their periods are the same. Then the ratio 3) the angular speed remains constant
between their centripetal acceleration is 4) the velocity remains constant
R r 19. The angular speed of seconds needle in a
1) 2)
r R mechanical watch is
R2 r2 
3) 4) 1) rad / s 2) 2 rad/s
r2 R2 30
13. A particle moves in a circle of radius 25 cm at 60
two revolutions per second. The acceleration 3)  rad/s 4) rad / s

of the particle in m/s2 is
20. The difference between angular speed of
1) 2 2) 82 minute hand and second hand of a clock is
3) 42 4) 22
3 Test ID : 105
59  59  25. It is raining vertically down. For a man
1) rad / s 2) rad / s
900 1800 walking on road, the velocity of rain appears
59  59  to be 1.5 times his velocity. To protect himself
3) rad / s 4) rad / s from rain, he should hold the umbrella at an
2400 3600
angle  to vertical. Then tan  equals to
21. Rain, pouring down at an angle  with the
2 5
vertical has a speed of 10m/s. A girl runs 1) 2)
5 2
against the rain horizontally with 8 m/s and
sees the rain making an angle  with vertical. 2 3
3) 4)
The relation between  and  is 3 2
8  10sin  26. A man walking at speed of 4 kmph finds that the
1) tan   rain is falling vertically. When he stops walking
10 cos 
he finds that rain hits his back at an angle 30o
8  10sin  with the vertical. The actual speed of the rain is
2) tan  
10 cos  1) 6 kmph 2) 8 kmph
3) tan  = tan  3) 2 kmph 4) 4 kmph
8  10sin  27. The path of one projectile are seen by an
4) tan ( + ) =
10 cos  observer on another projectile is
22. A man is walking due east at a rate of 2 kmph. 1) straight line 2) Parabola
The rain appears to him to come down 3) ellipse 4) circle
vertically at a rate 2 kmph. The actual velocity 28. Two particles A and B start moving with
of rain is velocities 10 m/s and 20 2 m/s along x-axis
and at angle 45o with x-axis respectively in xy
1) 2 2 kmph 2) 2 kmph
plane from origin. The relative velocity of ‘A’
3) 4 kmph 4) 1 kmph
w.r.t. ‘B’.
23. Rain drops are falling vertically downwards at
1) (10iˆ  20ˆj)m / s 2) (10iˆ  30ˆj)m / s
5 2 ms 1 . A man runs horizontally in the rain
3) (10iˆ  20ˆj)m / s 4) (10iˆ  30ˆj)m / s
at 5 2 ms 1 . The magnitude and direction of
29. A man projects a coin upwards from the door
relative velocity of the rain drops with respect
of a uniformly moving train. The path of the
to the person is coin observed by the man is
1) 5 ms-1, 45o with vertical 1) parabolic
2) 10 ms-1, 45o with vertical 2) inclined straight line
3) 15 ms-1, 30o with vertical 3) vertical straight line
4) 25 ms-1, 45o with vertical 4) horizontal straight line
30. The velocity of a boat in still water is 10 ms-1. If
24. A man is travelling at 10.8 kmph in a topless
the water flows in the river with a velocity of
car on a rainy day. He holds an umbrella at an 6 ms-1. What is the difference in times taken to
angle of 37o with the vertical, so that he does cross the river in the shortest path and the
not wet. If rain drops falls vertically shortest time (The width of the river is 80 m)
downwards, what is the rain velocity? 1) 1 s 2) 10 s
1) 1 ms-1 2) 2 ms-1 3
-1 -1 3) s 4) 2 s
3) 3 ms 4) 4 ms 2
4 Test ID : 105
31. The group of elements in which the 40. The first ionization enthalpies of carbon,
differentiating electron enters in to the nitrogen and oxygen respectively are (in eV)
anti-penultimate shell of atoms are called 1) 11.3, 13.6, 14.5 2) 13.6, 11.3, 14.5
1) d-block elements 2) f-block elements 3) 11.3, 14.5, 13.6 4) 14.5, 13.6, 11.3
3) s-block elements 4) p-block elements 41. General outer electronic configuration of
32. The electronic configuration of an atom d-block elements is
having maximum difference in first and 1) (n-1)d0ns1-2 2) (n-1)d1-10ns0-2
second ionization energies is 3) nd1-10(n-1)s1-2 4) (n-1)d1-10ns1-4
1) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2 42. The main demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic
2) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p1 table are
(i) Hydrogen has been placed in group I
3) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6
though it resembled to group VII as well.
4) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1
(ii) Position of some elements was not
33. Upto which element, the law of octaves was
found to be applicable?
(iii) Isotopes were not given separate places.
1) Zinc 2) Magnesium (iv) Lanthanides and actinides were not
3) Calcium 4) Argon included in the table.
34. Which of the given elements A, B, C, D and E 1) (i), (ii) and (iii)
with atomic numbers 2, 3, 7, 10 and 12 2) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
respectively belongs to the same period? 3) (ii) and (iv)
1) D and E 2) A, B and C 4) (i), (iii) and (iv)
3) B, C and D 4) A, D and E 43. The size of the species Sn, Sn+2 and Sn+4
35. Which one of the following elements has increases as
maximum number of valence electrons? 1) Sn < Sn+2 < Sn+4 2) Sn < Sn+4 < Sn+2
+4 +2
1) P 2) Si 3) Sn < Sn < Sn 4) Sn+2 < Sn+4 < Sn
3) Al 4) Na 44. Which one of the following pairs has almost
36. What type of oxide would Eka-aluminium the same atomic radii?
form? 1) Mg, Ca 2) N, O
1) EO3 2) E2O3 3) Zn, Cd 4) Zr, Hf
3) E3O2 4) EO4 45. Which of the following is incorrect?
1) The principal quantum number (n) defines
37. What would be the IUPAC name of an
the main energy level known as shell
element with atomic number 116?
2) In the long form of periodic table elements
1) Unnilhexium 2) Ununheptium are arranged with increasing order of their
3) Ununhexium 4) Ununseptium atomic weights
38. An element ‘A’ has atomic number 32. Its 3) Long form of periodic table has 7 periods
position in the periodic table is and 18 groups
1) 4th period, group 14 4) In the long form of periodic table elements
2) 6th period, group 16 are arranged with increasing order of their
3) 4th period, group 12 atomic numbers
4) 6th period, group 2 46. The elements having characteristics of both
metals and non-metals are termed as
39. The element with largest atomic radius among
1) Metals 2) Metalloids
the following is
3) Non-metals 4) Gases
1) Chlorine 2) Aluminium
3) Silicon 4) Sodium
5 Test ID : 105
47. The first ionization enthalpy of sodium is 55. Orbitals of which subshell have highest
500kJ mol-1. How many grams of sodium penetrating power?
(approximately) can be ionized to Na+(g) with 1) f 2) s
the available energy of 150 kJ (Atomic mass 3) d 4) p
of Na = 23 u)? 56. Anomalous pair of Mandeleev’s periodic table
1) 7g 2) 14g among the following is
3) 23g 4) 19g 1) Ar - K 2) Co - Ni
48. The atomic number of the element having outer 3) Te - I 4) All the above
electronic configuration ns2np4 for n = 3 is 57. Which of the following may be expected to
1) 13 2) 16 have the highest second ionization enthalpy?
3) 15 4) 14 1) B 2) Si
49. First ionization enthalpies of Na, Mg and Si 3) Be 4) Mg
are 496, 737 and 786 kJ.mol-1 respectively. 58. Most of the non-metals in long form of the
The first ionization enthalpy of aluminium (in periodic table are placed
kJ.mol-1) is 1) on extreme left 2) at the bottom
3) in the middle 4) on extreme right
1) 575 2) 800
59. Which of the following atomic number
3) 750 4) 400
corresponds to a halogen?
50. Iso-electronic species are those which have 1) 48 2) 53
1) same size 3) 26 4) 32
2) same ionization energy 60. The reason for decrease in ionization enthalpy
3) same nuclear charge of elements down a group is/are
4) same electronic configuration A) increase in atomic size
51. The incorrect order of ionic radii is B) increase in shielding effect
1) Ca+2 < Ar < S-2 C) decrease in atomic size
2) Br- > Cl- > F- D) decrease in atomic number
3) Na+ < Mg+2 < Al+3 1) A, B & D 2) A, C & D
4) Al+3 < Mg+2 < Na+ 3) A & B 4) C & D
52. Which of the following elements show least
values of ionisation energies within their 61. The primary plant body formation is mainly
periods? contributed by
1) Chalcogens 2) Noble gases 1) Apical meristem
3) Group 14 elements 4) Alkali metals 2) Intercalary meristem
53. Which of the following process require largest
3) Lateral meristem
amount of energy?
1) Al(g)  Al+(g) + e- 4) Both (1) and (2)
2) Al2+(g)  Al+3(g) + e- 62. Which tissue is found in the hypodermis
3) Al+(g)  Al+2(g) + e- region in most of the dicot stems?
4) All the above require same energy 1) Parenchyma
54. The successive ionization enthalpies of an 2) Collenchyma
element ‘M’ are 5.98, 18.82, 28.44, 119.96,
3) Sclerenchyma
153.77.... eV/atom. What is the formula of
sulphate of ‘M’? 4) Chlorenchyma
1) MSO4 2) M2(SO4)3
3) M(SO4)2 4) M2SO4
6 Test ID : 105
63. Statement – I : The first formed primary
phloem consists of bigger sieve tubes referred
to as protophloem
Statement – II : The later formed primary
phloem has narrow sieve tubes referred to as
1) Both the statements are correct 1) Dicot stem 2) Monocot stem
2) Both the statements are incorrect 3) Dicot root 4) Monocot root
3) Statement – I is correct, statement – II is 70. Match the following
incorrect Column – I Column – II
4) Statement – I is incorrect, statement – II is A) Parenchyma i) Mechanical support
correct B) Fibres ii) Storage
64. Find the odd one w.r.t lateral meristem C) Root hairs iii) Prevents waterloss
D) Trichomes iv) Absorption of water
1) Cork cambium
1) A – i, B – ii, C – iii, D – iv
2) Interfascicular cambium
2) A – ii, B – i, C – iv, D – iii
3) Fascicular vascular cambium
3) A – iii, B – ii, C – iv, D - i
4) Intercalary meristem
4) A – iv, B – iii, C – ii, D – i
65. What are the main water transporting elements
in flowering plants? 71. Which cells are equivalent to companion cells
in the gymnosperms?
1) Vessels 2) Tracheids
1) Parenchyma
3) Parenchyma 4) Both (1) and (2)
2) Albuminous cells
66. Which of the following are involved in the
radial conduction of water? 3) Sieve cells
1) Tracheids 2) Ray parenchyma 4) Sieve tube elements
3) Xylem fibres 4) Vessels 72. Identify the cells with lignified cell wall
A) Fibres B) Tracheids
67. Xylem in angiosperms consists of how many
C) Vessels D) Collenchyma
types of elements?
1) A and B only 2) B and C only
1) 2 2) 3
3) All except D 4) B, C and D only
3) 4 4) 1
73. Find the common feature for collenchyma and
68. Living enucleated cells in angiosperms are
1) Mature sieve cells
1) Both are found in xylem tissue
2) Mature sieve tube elements
2) Both are considered as dead mechanical
3) Companion cells
4) Phloem parenchyma
3) Both are simple permanent tissues
69. The type of vascular bundles given in the
4) Both are found in phloem tissue
diagram are observed in
7 Test ID : 105
74. Which of the following lacks nucleus and 80. Collenchyma differ from parenchyma in terms
become dead at maturity? of
1) Tracheids 1) possessing protoplasm
2) Sieve tube elements 2) possessing unevenly thickened walls
3) Sieve cells 3) performing photosynthesis
4) All the above 4) being a simple tissue
75. Phloem parenchyma is absent in 81. Which of the following help in maintaining
1) All the dicots the pressure gradient in the sieve tube
2) Most of the dicots elements?
3) All the monocots 1) Albuminous cells 2) Companion cells
4) Most of the monocots 3) Phloem parenchyma 4) Phloem fibres
76. Identify the incorrect statement 82. The cells given in the diagram performs
different functions except
1) In grasses, intercalary meristem regenerates
parts removed by the grazing herbivores
2) Cells which lost the capacity of division are
termed permanent / mature cells
3) Meristematic tissues are complex tissues.
4) The fibres are thick walled, elongated and 1) Provides mechanical support
pointed cells 2) Provides hardness to fruit walls of nuts
77. Statement – I : All lateral meristems are 3) Provides texture to sapota pulp
secondary meristems.
4) Produce new cells by meristematic activity
Statement – II : All secondary meristems are
83. In leaves, the mesophyll represents
lateral meristems.
1) epidermis and ground tissue
1) Both the statements are correct
2) the ground tissue consists of thin walled
2) Both the statements are incorrect
chloroplast containing cells
3) Statement – I is correct, statement – II is
3) parenchyma and vascular bundles
4) all types of simple and complex tissue
4) Statement – I is incorrect, statement – II is
84. Find the correct statement w.r.t given
78. In the given list how many are living cells?
Fibres, sclereids, parenchyma, collenchyma,
sieve tube elements, companion cells.
1) 2 2) 3
i) Xylem and phloem are arranged in different
3) 4 4) 5
79. The dead simple tissue commonly found in the
ii) They are commonly found in roots
fruit wall of nuts is
iii) Primary xylem is exarch
1) Parenchyma 2) Collenchyma
1) (i) and (ii) 2) (ii) and (iii)
3) Bast fibres 4) Sclereids
3) (i) and (iii) 4) (i), (ii) and (iii)
8 Test ID : 105
85. Find the mismatch w.r.t location of the 91. What is the structural and functional unit of
following structures. neural system?
1) Trichomes – Stem 1) Neuroglia
2) Cuticle – Root 2) Neuron
3) Conjoint closed vascular bundle – Leaves 3) Muscle cell
4) Stomata – Epidermis of leaves 4) Fibroblast
92. Which is the incorrect statement w.r.t neural
86. Identify the correct statement w.r.t primary
1) Neurons are excitable cells
1) In stem protoxylem lies towards the
2) Neuroglia protect and support neurons
3) Neuroglia make up more than one half the
2) In root protoxylem lies towards the
volume of neural tissue in our body
4) Neural tissue does not control the body’s
3) In stem metaxylem lies towards the pith responsiveness to changing conditions
4) In root protoxylem lies towards the pith 93. Identify A and B in the given diagram.
87. Commercially used phloem fibres are obtained
from plants like
1) Jute 2) Flax
3) Hemp 4) All the above
88. Apical meristem is generally absent at the tips
1) stem 2) leaves
3) root 4) branches
89. The plants exhibits growth in terms of increase 1) A - Axon, B - Neuroglea
in girth is due to 2) A - Neuroglea, B - Axon
1) Apical meristem 3) A - Dendrite, B - Axon
2) Intercalary meristem 4) A - Neuroglea, B - Dendrite
94. Which is a fluid connective tissue?
3) Lateral meristem
1) Blood
4) Both (1) and (2)
2) Cartilage
90. The cell given in the diagram is not a part of
3) Bone
4) Adipose
95. Which is the correct statement?
1) Skeletal muscle is closely attached to
skeletal bones
2) Bone tissue does not contain collagen fibers
3) Lymph is the main circulating fluid of our
1) Ground tissue
2) Vascular tissue
4) Blood consists plasma and RBCs only
3) Meristematic tissue
4) Permanent tissue
9 Test ID : 105
96. Match the column I with column II and choose 3) Areolar tissue contains macrophages,
the correct option. fibroblasts and mast cells
Column - I Column - II 4) Cells of the connective tissue secrete fibers
except in blood
A) Adipose
i) Fluid connective tissue 100. Which is a correct statement?
1) Connective tissues range from soft connective
B) Tendon ii) Loose connective tissue
tissues to specialized types
iii) Specialised connective 2) Ligament is a loose connective tissue
C) Cartilage
tissue that resist compression
3) Mast cells are present in adipose tissue
iv) Dense regular connective 4) Bones have a soft and pliable ground
D) Blood
tissue substance
1) A - i, B - ii, C - iii, D - iv 101. Identify A, B and C in the given diagram.
2) A - iv, B - ii, C - iii, D - i
3) A - ii, B - iv, C - iii, D - i
4) A - ii, B - iii, C - i, D - iv
97. Identify the given diagrams.

X) Y)
1) A - Collagen fibers, B - Mast cell,
C - Fibroblast
1) X - blood, Y - bone 2) A - Macrophage, B - Fibroblast,
2) X - bone, Y - cartilage C - Collagen fibers
3) X - cartilage, Y - bone 3) A - Mast cell, B - Fibroblast,
4) X - muscle, Y - cartilage C - Macrophage
98. Statement - I: Fibroblasts are absent in dense 4) A - Fibroblast, B - Mast cell,
irregular connective tissue. C - Macrophage
Statement - II: Areolar tissue is present 102. Cartilage is present in the _____.
beneath the skin. 1) tip of the nose
1) Both Statement I and II are correct 2) outer ear joints
2) Statement I is correct and Statement II is 3) between adjacent bones of the vertebral
incorrect column
3) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is 4) All the above
correct 103. Which is not the characteristic feature of
4) Both Statement I and II are incorrect adipose tissue?
99. Which is a wrong statement? 1) It is a loose connective tissue
1) Loose connective tissue has cells and fibers 2) Cells of this tissue are specialized to store
loosely arranged in a solid ground substance fats
2) Areolar tissue serves as a support framework 3) Excess nutrients are converted into fats and
for epithelium stored in this tissue
4) It is mainly involved in blood cells production
10 Test ID : 105
104. Matchthe column I with column II and choose 108. Identify the wrong statement.
the correct option. 1) Muscle fibers contract in response to
Column - I Column - II stimulation
A) Attach skeletal muscles to 2) Muscle fibers upon relaxation return to
i) Cartilage uncontracted state
3) Muscle tissue does not help to maintain the
B) Solid and pliable matrix ii) Tendon
positions of the various parts of the body
C) Attach one bone to another 4) Muscles play an active role in all the
iii) Ligament
bone movements of the body
D) Provides structural frame 109. Identify the given A, B and C diagrams.
iv) Bone
to the body
1) A - iii, B - iv, C - ii, D - i
2) A - ii, B - i, C - iv, D - iii
A) B) C)
3) A - i, B - ii, C - iii, D - iv
4) A - ii, B - i, C - iii, D - iv
105. ____ serve weight bearing functions of our
1) A - Cardiac muscle, B - Smooth muscle,
C - Skeletal muscle
1) Short bones of the arms
2) A - Smooth muscle, B - Cardiac muscle,
2) Vertebral column
C - Skeletal muscle
3) Long bones of the legs
3) A - Skeletal muscle, B - Cardiac muscle,
4) both 1 and 3 C - Smooth muscle
106. Statement - I: Bones interact with skeletal 4) A - Cardiac muscle, B - Skeletal muscle,
muscles attached to them to bring about C - Smooth muscle
movements. 110. Cardiac muscle tissue is a contractile tissue
Statement - II: Bones support and protect present only in the ___
softer tissues and organs.
1) liver 2) heart
1) Both Statement I and II are correct 3) kidney 4) brain
2) Statement I is correct and Statement II is 111. Match the column I with column II and choose
incorrect the correct option.
3) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is
Column - I Column - II
4) Both Statement I and II are incorrect A) Fusiform fibers without
i) Smooth muscles
107. Each muscle is made of many long, cylindrical
fibers, which are composed of numerous fine B) Contractile tissue with
ii) Cardiac muscles
fibrils called ____. intercalated discs
1) muscle fibers C) Muscle fibers involved
iii) Skeletal muscles
2) myofibers in locomotion
3) myofibrils 1) A - i, B - ii, C - iii
4) both 1 and 2 2) A - ii, B - iii, C - i
3) A - iii, B - ii, C - i
4) A - ii, B - i, C - iii
11 Test ID : 105
112. Muscles located in the biceps are ____.
1) cardiac muscles 117. Which is the correct statement?
2) skeletal muscles 1) Skeletal muscles are unstriated
3) smooth muscles 2) Cardiac muscles are striated
4) involuntary muscles 3) Smooth muscles are striated
113. Smooth muscles are found in 4) Cardiac muscles are voluntary in function
1) blood vessels 2) stomach 118. Which muscle tissue contains gap junctions?
3) intestine 4) all the above 1) Smooth 2) Cardiac
114. Statement - I: Smooth muscles are involuntary 3) Both 1 and 2 4) Skeletal
in function. 119. Which is not the part of neuron structure?
Statement - II: Cardiac muscles are 1) Dendrite 2) Axon
unbranched. 3) Cell body 4) Neuroglea
1) Both Statement I and II are correct 120. Statement - I: When a neuron is suitably
2) Statement I is correct and Statement II is stimulated, an electrical disturbance is
incorrect generated in the neuron.
3) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is Statement - II: Arrival of the disturbance at
correct the neuron’s endings or output zone, triggers
4) Both Statement I and II are incorrect events that may cause stimulation or inhibition
115. Identify the correct statement. of adjacent neurons and other cells.
1) Blood is composed of cells only 1) Both Statement I and II are correct
2) Osteocytes are present in the spaces called 2) Statement I is correct and Statement II is
lacunae incorrect
3) Bone tissue contain calcium salts and 3) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is
elastin fibers correct
4) Bone marrow in some cartilages is the site 4) Both Statement I and II are incorrect
of production of blood cells
116. Smooth muscles are ____ in function.
1) voluntary 2) involuntary
3) fusiform 4) both 1 and 2

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