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Total Marks 14

Product :> Customer Solution 3

I will talk about one time famous soft drink brand RC Cola, which was almost same look alike
Pepsi , introducing a soft drink in Pakistan is an easy and a wealthy business but to run it long is
another issue, it was brought in the market while keeping the thought in minds that eating outside
is a common amusement in Pakistan so drink always come along, RC cola was presented in a
very well impressive way to the markets when competition was not as tough as yet so the
product was being into sale to try another drink. At that time soft drink was a class symbol of
trendy people. Holding a bottle while driving a car, watching the TV, talking to the telephone,
walking on the street. So in that span of time RC cola was available almost every next
department store as well as small grocery shops.

Price> Customer Affordability: 3

It was available on the reasonable price in the market, like any other drink but we can say that
there was a time when inflation rate was not too high, gradually time was changed and new
products were introduced, so the required factor was to bring the various changes within the
product to compete the other brands while having the reasonable hike in price, but this important
factor was totally neglected where Pakistani market suffered a lot due to the lot of other social
aspects, so in that crises product had to be sustained by keeping it available in the market within
the affordable rates to the customers.

Place> Customer Convenience: 4

This is a very important point of any sort of brand, which actually started failure of RC Cola,
when it started its lowest demand, distributors shown low interest to bring into their stock, so it
was only available to the limited places where it was not actually required by the desired
customers only kept to have all the brands to give the customers guarantee of various brands
availability though the customers started pay attention to other brands which was totally
understood and the business plan turned out to be a disaster for the brand owner, also it was said
that the owner was not so keen to have the brand into running but that was just an assumption.

Promotion> Customer Communication: 4

Well it has the value of a backbone for the product to keep it into the market and to stay into the
business. Rc cola failed in Pakistan because of its poor attention given towards the advertisement
companies. People really liked it because there was no other cola at that time but this brand could
not do well when other colas brought into the market, poor promotion caused the biggest failure
of the brand, brand could not change the outlook of the bottle which was not so appealing among
others, and the regular ones seemed to be so thin and looked less drink inside. The drink has
reached its decline and rejection now a days in Pakistan so its impossible for them to rise again
through the same business strategy. Advertisement at the right time at the right scenario make lot
of difference in the business, it should be trendy. Thats wat it needed and right advertising at the
right time can do alot, It needed to do research about how can we market a product in a way that
It can give a fashionable n trendy impact on the people. Advertisement has become an other field
of work and other business to earn revenue in this fast growing technological time period so as
soon as it goes bit far from people’s mind it loses the charm, so continuous promotion in a
various ways through proper channel makes product high in demand and in communication.

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