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Total Marks 00


Student ID: Mc 090201749

Assignment Marketing Management (MKT 501)

Blackberry had finally acknowledged the confession of touch sensitive mobiles and
launched blackberry to match the challenges given by apple I-phone. Blackberry users
expected a lot from Rim on this phone that could cross the apple I-phone and again
become the market leader in the existing known markets. But this time expectations were
not met. Blackberry storm 9500 is badly hit in Pakistan as it’s purchase and re-sale
dropped like anything.
Reasons of Failure:
The reasons for not having what they expected, I tried to analyze the drawbacks that exist
on the end users side, especially when it is seen in a Pakistani users perspective.
User Friendliness:
Blackberry phone is not at all users friendly and you will have to spend many days to
understand its basic operations.
No Wifi:
WiFi option is not available and buying Rs. 30K plus phone and not having wireless
network is getting common, particularly for high end users.
Black berry phone has not that much memory only 1GB, while you can get as much as 8
to 16 times memory when spending same amount on other brands.
Capacity touch feature:
Capacity touch feature has not got that much like touch accelerometer technology
because of its pressing and releasing style.
A new market mix should be introduced to secure this brand from failure

Brand should be made user friendly. WiFi option should be available because using
wireless network is getting popular and symbol of status too. It memory storage should
be enhanced which is the most important priority by the consumer during purchase
decision making. Phone should be modified like color and casing style should be
attracting to user.
When price strategy decides it should be in mind that all users are able to purchase or not.
So price should be such that company earns batter revenue but on the other consumer
gets full satisfaction with affordable price and bulk of attractive functions.
We will use push strategy for our product by using various promotional tactics and
through media. Distribution will be divided in zonal basis. We will directly approach
retailer by providing credit facility and bonus in form of incentives. We will also provide
trade allowance to our distributions and retailer to further intensify usage of push
Promotion should be done through broadcasting through commercial mass media.
Advertisement should be on the TV, Radio and newspapers attractive add should be
introduce to attract the customers. Sales promotion should be include sales by enhancing
the value for customers. This value should be created through the volume discounts.
Billboards will be used to advertise on roads and buildings of highly dense areas. Online
advertisement will also be used; ads will be published through all the famous social
networking websites like Face book, Orkut, Twitter, etc.

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