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Practice TEST
Name: Total _____________/44

Use any of the following words and fill in the spaces for questions 1-3.

[Oxygen; Carbon dioxide; Water; carbon cycle; Sun Light; Glucose; photosynthesis]

1. We can follow carbon as it moves through living things, into the Earth’s atmosphere and back.

This is called the carbon cycle. (1 mark)

2. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water and turn it into glucose and

oxygen using photosynthesis. (1 mark)

3. Animals eat the plants for the energy in glucose and then release carbon dioxide back into the

atmosphere. (1 mark)

4. The word equation for Aerobic respiration is shown below:

Glucose + oxygen  water + carbon dioxide

a) Circle one chemical in this reaction that is a reactant (1 mark)

b) Write the name of one product of aerobic respiration Water or Carbon dioxide (1 mark)

5. Humans are disturbing the carbon cycle. Name 3 different activities which affects the balance of
the carbon cycle.
3 different activities which affect the balance of the carbon cycle are deforestation, burning of

fossil fuels and cattle grazing. Deforestation impacts the carbon cycle because trees absorb

carbon dioxide so without trees there is a lot of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Burning fossil

fuels such as coal and fuel oil and release a lot of carbon into the atmosphere. Finally, cattle

grazing is when cattle eat grass and produce carbon dioxide. Due to grass being really hard to

digest cows produce methane which is bad for the environment. (3 marks)

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6. Below is a diagram showing 3 versions of the planet Earth

a) Circle the Earth that best represents the normal greenhouse effect (1 mark)
b) State the letter of the Earth that best represents the enhanced greenhouse effect and explain

why this one was chosen Diagram C shows represents the enhanced greenhouse effect

because it has more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to activates such as

deforestation and cattle grazing. (2 marks)

c) For the 3 Earths pictured, state which one would have the highest average temperature

Diagram C (1 mark)
7. Name two of the main Greenhouse gases

Carbon Dioxide and Methane (2 marks)

8. Describe two consequences of the enhanced greenhouse effect on the planet. You may include
examples/scenarios in your response.
Two consequences of the enhanced greenhouse effect on the planet are that more sea ice will

melt and that sea levels will rise due to the melted sea ice. If there is less sea ice that means that

less sunlight will be reflected off the surface (more heat will be absorbed) and due to the sea

levels rising that will affect biodiversity and coastline cities.(2 marks)

9. For the following options below, which is the correct age of the universe:

a) 4.6 billion years

b) 4.6 million years
c) 13.8 million years ANSWER: d.
d) 13.8 billion years (1 mark)

10. Describe two of the main features of the Big Bang theory (what it was/what happened)

The Big Bang is the scientific conclusion that all matter in the universe originated from one

single location and expanded outwards. (2 marks)

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11. Edwin Hubble has discovered the Redshift of distant stars and galaxies.

a) Define the Doppler Effect in regards to either light or sound.

SOUND: When a source is moving closer to an observer, the wavelength gets smaller. When

the source is moving away from an observer, the wavelength gets larger.

LIGHT: When this happens with light, shorter wavelengths look blue and larger wavelengths

look red-the light has shifted to the red wavelength. (2 marks)

b) Circle the correct answer for the following: When a source is moving away from an observer,

the length of the wavelengths: gets larger / gets shorter (1 mark)

c) What colour would be observed for part B if the source of the waves is light?

RED or BLUE (circle the correct answer)

(1 mark)

d) The black lines on the image below shows what colour light is coming from our Sun, Galaxy A,
and Galaxy B.

Galaxy B

Galaxy A


400 500 600 700

[blue] Wavelength (nm) [red]

Which galaxy is closer to our sun? Explain your reasoning by referring to redshift.

(2 marks)

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e) Explain one important part about cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation that helped
scientists show that the Big Bang theory is the most likely explanation for the formation of the

(1 mark)

12.Clearly match the events listed to the time after the Big Bang where they occurred.

Time From the

Big Bang

Big Bang – space, time and energy come into existence.
0 
Universe undergoes rapid inflation.

3 s  Our solar system begins to form.

380 000 years  Today’s universe.

Elementary particles appear

200 million years 
Clouds of gas start to condense into the earliest stars and
9.3 billion years 

13.8 billion years  Atoms are formed

(5 marks)
13. Convert the following numbers from standard notation to scientific notation:

a) 150,000,000 km = 1.5x108

b) 5973600000000000000000000 kg = 5.9736x1024 (2 marks)

14. Below is a diagram showing parallax when looking at a tree (point C) from two different
positions (A and B):

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When viewing point C, how would the backgrounds be different from the different positions?
And how does this relate to parallax?

(2 marks)

15. Stellar parallax is how scientists work out the distance from Earth to nearby stars. Below is a
diagram of this for the star alpha mensa:

1 AU
Using the following formula d ( pc)= where p = parallax angle in seconds; and pc = parsecs

Calculate the distance from Earth to alpha mensa in parsecs (include all working out)

≈10.12 (2 marks)

16. Label the diagram below using the key words provided.

White Dwarf
Red Giant Planetary Nebula

Neutron Star

Red Super Giant Supernova

Black hole
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(7 marks)


Explain one good reason why the Earth could not be flat: One good reason why the Earth is not flat

is that the photos taken from International Space Stations show that the Earth is round. (1


You may write on this page if you need more space to finish your answers.
Make sure to label each answer carefully (e.g. 6.(b)(i) continued).

Black hole Nebula Red Giant Supernova

Red Super Giant Planetary Nebula White Dwarf Neutron star

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