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Moment Restraint and Second-

Order Analysis of a Cantilevered

Precast Column Supported by
an Isolated Footing
This paper presents criteria for determining the base rotational spring
restraint and the second-order analysis of a cantilevered precast
concrete column supported by an isolated reinforced concrete
footing and its anchorages bearing on elastic soil on piling. The
column-base-footing system is analyzed, as well as the relative
importance of its two interfaces: the column base plate to footing and
the footing to soil. This issue is of major importance in the analysis
and design of framed structures and in the determination of their
deflections, stability, and second-order effects. This paper extends the
J. Dario Aristizabal-Ochoa,
procedure presented in Sections 3.8.2 through 3.8.4 of the PCI
Ph.D., P.E.
125-Year Generation Professor Design Handbook, Fifth Edition, and provides a practical tool for
School of Civil Engineering calculating the degree of fixity at the base of precast and monolithic
National University columns on isolated footings bearing directly on soil or supported by
Medellín, Colombia
piling. The steps for calculating the total overturning moment, overall
stability, and stresses in the different materials and supporting soil, in
accordance with the ACI Building Code (ACI 318-99), are presented.
The proposed model is limited to rigid footings and short-term
behavior. Further research is ongoing to determine the effects of
secondary settlements in the soil, creep and shrinkage of the
concrete, bond slippage in the anchor bolts, and other factors.

he strength, stability, and struc- caused by strong winds and earth-

T tural behavior of buildings,

bridges and other structures are
highly sensitive to the overturning
quakes. The behavior and strength of
columns at their bases affect the over-
all response of buildings and bridges
moment restraint provided to the base (including substantial increases in the
of columns by their connections to the lateral drifts and overturning mo-
foundation, the foundation itself, and ments).
the supporting soil or medium. The Second-order effects (lateral sway,
base moment restraint is of particular P- ∆, and “bowing” secondary mo-
importance in structures subjected to ments, P-δ) must be considered in the
severe lateral loads, such as those analysis. The ACI Building Code1 and

AISC LRFD Steel Manual 2 provide
for the proper evaluation of these ef-
fects for precast cantilevered columns.
Column bases must resist overturn-
ing moments in addition to axial verti-
cal loads. The vertical loads cause a
pre-compression zone at the interface
between the column base plate and
footing and between the footing and
soil. When a large overturning mo-
ment is applied, the pre-compression
at both interfaces on the tension side
of flexure is reduced, often to zero,
creating uplift of the footing, tension
in the anchor bolts, or both simultane-
On the compression side of the in-
terfaces, the contact areas remain in
compression but with the possibility of
exceeding the compressive strength
capacity of the concrete or the bearing
capacity of the soil. The base plate, the
anchor bolts, and the footing each
have the ability to undergo rotational
or axial deformations, depending pri-
marily on the size of the base plate,
the distribution of the anchor bolts and
their length available to deform, and
the area of the supporting soil avail-
able. The behavior of the anchor bolts
and base plate is also influenced by
any pretension force initially applied
to the anchor bolts.3

Chapter 15 of the ACI Building
Code 1 contains provisions for the
proper design and detailing of rein-
forced concrete footings and their con-
nections to columns through anchor-
age and base plates. The PCI Design Fig. 1. Column supported by an isolated footing (modeling of a column-base-footing
Handbook, 4 Fifth Edition, Sections system): (a) Column base-plate-to-footing interface; (b) Footing-to-soil interface.
3.8.2 to 3.8.4, presents a procedure for
calculating the overturning moment plates. For moment-resisting bases in Sarisley7 and Thambiratnam and Para-
restraint at column bases, including steel columns, there exist a number of masivam.8
the calculation of degree of fixity and methods that depend on the magnitude More recently, Melchers9 has pre-
the structural modeling of partially of the axial load, its eccentricity, and sented experimental results with indi-
fixed columns. In this paper, the PCI the details of the base plate and anchor cations that include the following:
procedure is adopted and extended to bolts.2,3,6 1. The footing rotation estimates
footings supported by piles. Example Current research has been aimed at have more uncertainty than those of
1 presents the application of the PCI modeling the behavior of the column- the base plate, particularly in cases of
procedure, and Examples 2 and 3 pre- base-footing system and the relative foundations on soft soils and subjected
sent the application of the extended importance of its two interfaces: the to light vertical loads.
procedure. column base plate to footing and the 2. For a given lateral load, the foot-
Chapter 11 of the AISC LRFD Steel footing to soil. Experimental studies ing-to-soil interface can contribute
Manual contains the design procedure of steel base plates subjected to axial more than one-half the total rotation
presented by Thornton5 for both heav- load and overturning moments have for nominally pinned bases, and con-
ily and lightly loaded column base been reported by DeWolf and

November-December 2002 3
system and an explanation of the rela-
tive importance of the two interfaces
are given. The method is based on
static equilibrium, strain compatibility,
material properties, and well-estab-
lished principals of soil mechanics.10,11
Three cases of an isolated footing
supported by an elastic medium are
presented. These are “two-parameter”
soils,12,13 toe-bearing piles, and shaft-
friction piles. The effects of the rota-
tion of the footing as a rigid body, the
bending of the base plate, and the
elongation of the anchor bolts are also
included in the proposed models.
The effects of the rotation of the
footing (which is assumed to behave
as a rigid body), the bending of the
base plate, and the elongation of the
anchor bolts are included in the pro-
posed models. Three numerical exam-
ples demonstrate the application of the
proposed models and corresponding
equations in the stability, second-order
analysis, and calculations of the total
design moments and deflections of
cantilever columns.


The structural model of a rigid foot-
ing supporting an eccentrically con-
nected column (with properties E, A, I,
and H) is shown in Fig. 1. The total
rotation of the column base θb is sim-
ply the sum of the rotations of the base
plate, anchor bolts, and footing (see
Fig. 1b), as expressed by Eq. (1a):

θb = θbp + θab + θf (1a)

Fig. 2. Rigid footing of dimensions L × B resting on a two-parameter (ks and S) soil. θf = rotation of the footing
θbp = rotation of the base plate
siderably more for nominally fixed curs at load levels of about one-half of θab = rotation caused by elongation
bases, even in cases of very stiff sup- its ultimate moment capacity. of the anchor bolts
porting soils. If the axial load on the column is
3. The behavior of the base-plate-to- heavy enough that there is no tension
OBJECTIVES in the anchor bolts, θ bp and θ ab are
footing interface depends primarily on
the base plate thickness and, to a The principal objective of this paper each zero, resulting in θ b = θ f and
lesser extent, the bolt size. is to present a practical method for de- making the moment spring restraint at
4. The deformation of the base plate termining the base rotational spring the column base a maximum. In terms
is critical to the degree of fixity at the restraint and second-order analysis of of flexibility coefficients, Eq. (1a) can
base of the column. Results reveal that a cantilevered precast column sup- be expressed as:
even for nominally fixed base connec- ported by an isolated reinforced con-
tions, the base can become essentially crete footing and its anchorages bear- θb = (γbp + γab)M + γf Mf (1b)
pinned once sufficient permanent plas- ing on elastic soil or on piling. An
tic deformation of the base plate oc- analysis of the column-base-footing where

M = overturning moment at the
column base
Mf = overturning moment at the
footing-to-soil interface
γbp = flexibility coefficient of the
base plate
γab = flexibility coefficient of the
anchor bolts
γf = flexibility coefficient of the
These three flexibility coefficients
are presented in the next two sections.

Flexibility at the Base-Plate-to-

Footing Interface
The elastic structural modeling for
the moment-rotation behavior of a
base plate and its anchor bolts is pre-
sented in this section. The flexibilities
of the base plate and its anchor bolts
can be estimated using Eqs. (2a) and
(2b), which are similar to those in-
cluded in the PCI Design Handbook.
Their derivations are presented in Ap-
pendix A for quick reference.

g[2e / ( w + 2 x1 ) − 1]
γ ab = (2a)
2eEab Aab ( w + x1 )
γ bp =
( x1 + x 2 )3 [2e / ( w + 2 x1 ) − 1]
6eEbp Ibp ( w + x1 )

Aab = total area of anchor bolts in Fig. 3. Plan views of a rigid footing supported on regular arrays of piles.
e = eccentricity of the applied
x2 = distance from face of column roles in the strength and stiffness of
axial load at the column base
to the base plate anchorage the base-plate-to-footing interface. Ex-
The rotation of the base and the lat- perimental results and further details
Ebp = modulus of elasticity of the
eral deflection of the column cause an on the behavior and ultimate strength
base plate
additional eccentricity of the axial of steel-bolted base plates are given by
Eab = modulus of elasticity of the
loads on the column, increasing the DeWolf and Sarisley,7 Thambiratnam
anchor bolts
total base overturning moment. Note and Paramasivam,8 and Melchers.9
g = assumed length over which
that in Eqs. (2a) and (2b), if the eccen-
elongation of the anchor bolts
tricity (e = M/P) is less than w/2 + x1 Flexibility at the
takes place
(i.e., P lies inside the center of com- Footing-to-Soil Interface
w = width of the column in the di-
pression of the bearing plate-to-bolts
rection of bending Two cases for rigid footings – those
interface), then θbp = θab = 0 (i.e., the
Ibp = moment of inertia of the base resting directly on “two parameter”
effects of base plate rotation and rota-
plate elastic soil and those resting on piling
tion caused by anchor bolt elongation
x1 = distance from face of column – are presented in this section.
do not need to be considered).
to center of the anchor bolts 1. Rigid footing resting directly on
Eqs. (2a) and (2b) indicate that the
(positive when anchor bolts a “two-parameter” elastic soil. The
base plate thickness, the size, distribu-
are outside the column, and flexibility coefficient of a rigid footing
tion, and anchorage of its anchor
negative when they are inside (with dimensions L × B as shown by
bolts, and the material characteristics
the column) Fig. 2) resting on a soil with elastic
of both components play significant

November-December 2002 5
glected. In this case, the flexibility of
the footing-to-soil interface is in-
creased by a factor equal to (1 + k1 +
12k12) according to Eq. (3), and conse-
quently reducing the rotational spring
restraint at the base of the column.
Note that Eq. (3) is valid as long as e ≤
B/6 (i.e., the eccentric vertical load ap-
plied at the footing-to-soil interface is
within the kern of its area), indicating
that the rigid footing is subjecting the
soil to compression without undergo-
ing uplift.
Otherwise, for e > B/6, the nonlinear
effects of that portion of the footing
being uplifted must be taken into ac-
count. Gurfinkel 16 has treated this
problem, including the combined ef-
fects of biaxial bending and compres-
sive axial load, using a numerical al-
gorithm for three different types of
stress-strain curves for the supporting
2. Rigid footing resting directly on
piles. For this discussion, it is as-
sumed that all the piles are identical –
with total length Dp, cross-sectional
area A p , moment of inertia I p , and
modulus of elasticity Ep – and sym-
metrically distributed as shown in
Figs. 3 and 4.
For a set of three piles at a distance
D between centers (see Fig. 3a):

γf = (5a)
ksp Ap D 2

Fig. 4. Elevation view of a rigid footing supported on (a) toe-bearing piles and For a set of four piles (2 × 2) at a
(b) friction piles. distance D between centers (see Fig.
parameters ks and S is calculated using porting soil or medium is calculated 1
Eq. (3):12,13 by Eq. (4): γf = (5b)
ksp Ap D 2
θf 1/12
γf = 0.65 Es  Es L4  For a set of six piles (2 × 3) at a dis-
Mf ks = E I  (4)
1 − νs2  f f tance D between centers (see Fig. 3c):
 12   1 
= 3   (3) 1
 ks LB   1 + 6k1 + 12 k12  where γf = (5c)
4 ksp Ap D 2
Es = Young’s modulus of support-
where ing soil or medium
For a set of nine piles (3 × 3) at a
ks = coefficient of subgrade reaction νs = Poisson’s ratio of supporting
distance D between centers (see Fig.
k1 = S/ksB2 soil or medium
S = second “parameter,” denoted as Ef = Young’s modulus of rectan-
the surface tension reaction of gular footing 1
the supporting soil.12,13 If = moment of inertia of rectan- γf = (5d)
6ksp Ap D 2
According to Vesic,14,15 the relation- gular footing
ship between the soil spring constant ks Eq. (3) can be reduced to γ f =
For a set of sixteen piles (4 × 4) at a
and the elastic properties of the sup- 12/ksLB3 if the surface tension S is ne-

distance D between centers (see Fig.

γf = (5e)
20 ksp Ap D 2

For a set of m × n piles at a distance

D between centers (see Fig. 3f):

γf = (5f)
mn(n 2 − 1)ksp Ap D 2

For bearing piles resting on rock

with a coefficient of elastic reaction kro
(see Fig. 4a):

kro E p / Dp
ksp = (6a)
kro + E p / Dp

For friction piles with their bottom

ends bearing on soil with a coefficient
of elastic reaction kso and surrounded
by soil (shaft friction) with a coeffi-
cient of elastic reaction kss (see Fig 4b):

ksp =
Dp λ Ap
[λ + α (1 – λ )] E +
+ (1 – λ )
kss S pe


Note that Spe is the shaft friction area

of the pile (i.e., the embedment area of
each pile in the surrounding soil = pile
perimeter × embedment length =
LperDe). The parameters α and λ repre-
sent, respectively, the variation of the
shaft friction stress along the embed-
Fig. 5. Vesic’s
ment length of the pile and the ratio of
the axial load bearing at the pile toe to values for α
the total applied axial load at the pile according to
head. the distribution
Vesic15 suggests different values for of the shaft
α according to the distribution of the friction force.15
shaft friction force, as shown in Fig. 5,
and for λ according to Eq. (7):
D = average depth (taken herein as 0.45 fc′
De /2) kss =
λ = 1 – βγD S pe / Pp (7) L per Cs
Pp = total applied axial load at the
top of a pile where
where In addition, Vesic 15 recommends d = pile diameter
sin φ cosφ that f c′ = concrete compressive strength
β= (8) of the piles
1 + sin 2 φ 0.45 fc′d
kso = Cp = empirical coefficient that de-
φ = angle of internal friction of the Ap C p
pends on the soil surrounding
surrounding soil and the piles (see Table 1)
 γ = specific weight of the soil at Cs = (0.93 + 0.16 De / d )Cp
depth De Eqs. (6a) and (6b) represent the

November-December 2002 7
Table 1. Cp values according to Vesic. Solution
Soil Type Driven Piles Bored Piles Calculate the first-order design
Sand (from dense to loose) 0.02 to 0.04 0.09 to 0.18 loads.
Clay (from hard to soft) 0.02 to 0.04 0.04 to 0.08 According to ACI Code Section 9.2,
Silt (from dense to loose) 0.03 to 0.05 0.09 to 0.12
the required column strength is con-
trolled by one of the following three
load cases:
combined elastic modulus of the pile- (9) represents the second-order equi- Load Case 1: U = 1.4D + 1.7L
rock system for toe-bearing piles and librium of an unbraced column under Load Case 2: U = 0.75(1.4D + 1.7L
the combined elastic modulus of the axial compression and end moments, + 1.7W)
pile-surrounding soil-bearing stratum which can be solved directly (without Load Case 3: U = 0.9D + 1.3W
system for shaft-friction piles. trial-and-error procedures, as shown in These three load combinations are
Note that in Eqs. (6a) and (6b), the Example 1 below). This is an im- depicted in Fig. 6b with their respec-
stiffnesses of each component are con- provement over the method presented tive first-order eccentricities.
nected in series. The values for kro, kso, in the PCI Design Handbook, which Check rotation between column
and kss can be determined from in-situ requires an iterative procedure. Eq. (9) and footing.
load testing, or suggested values can be is derived in Appendix B. Since w/2 + x1 = 20/2 + (–2) = 8 in.
assumed according to the correspond- For a cantilever column with Ma ≠ 0 (> e = 6.933 in.) and e < L/6 = 12 in.,
ing soil characteristics.10,11,17 Also, note and Mb = –(Mpr + Pu∆) = –Pu(e + ∆), there is no tension in the anchor bolts,
that in Eqs. (7) and (8), β is a dimen- then from Eq. (9): and the axial force resultant falls in-
sionless factor obtained assuming that side the middle third of the founda-
the friction stress along the pile shaft is
e – ( Ma / Pu )(1 – Φ / sin Φ ) tion. Therefore, γbp = γab = 0 and γf =
constant and that the embedded surface etotal = 12/(ksLB3) = 12/(200 × 724 lb-in.) =
Φ tan Φ – Pu H / κ b
of the pile becomes a sliding or failure 1/(4.47897 × 108 lb-in.). Based on a
surface with an average frictional force (9*) first-order analysis, the overturning
of magnitude βγD S pe . moment restraint at the base B is κb =
where etotal = e + ∆ 4.47897 × 108 lb-in./radian.
Second-Order Analysis Perform the second-order analysis
and check final eccentricities.
For a particular loading condition,
the total lateral drift at the top of a NUMERICAL EXAMPLES In this particular problem, Ma = 0
and Mb = –(WuH + Pu∆) = –Pu(e + ∆).
cantilever column can be calculated by
Example 1 – Analysis of a Can- Then, from Eq. (9):
the well-known equation of flexibility
for a beam-column, Eq. (9), developed tilever Column on a Rigid Footing ∆=
by Salmon and Johnson3 and Aristiza- Resting on an Elastic Soil
bal-Ochoa,18,19 which includes both the Given the cantilever column and 1 / (1 – Φ tan Φ + Pu H / κ b ) – 1
P-∆ and P-δ effects: footing resting on an elastic soil of
Fig. 6a, determine the overturning mo- (10)
Ma sin Φ − Φ ment restraint at B and the design
+ For Load Case 2:
( EI / H ) Φ 2 sin Φ loads and overturning moments, tak- Pu = 122.25 kips
Mb sin Φ − ΦcosΦ ing into account the second-order ef-
( EI / H ) Φ 2 sin Φ fects. Assume that: Φ=
σa = allowable bearing soil stress
∆ Mb 122.25 / [ 4300 × 20 4 / (12 × 192 2 )]
=− − (9) = 5000 psf (240 kPa)
H κb ks = 200 psi/in. (0.054 N/mm3) = 0.2804
S = 0 e = 4 in.
where f c′ = 5000 psi (35 MPa)
E = Young’s modulus of the col- Therefore, from Eq. (10):
Pu ∆ = 0.34 in.
Φ= 2 umn
( EI / H )
= 4300 ksi (30 GPa) Mb = –Pu(e + ∆)
∆ = the total drift of the column at Pdead = 80 kips (356 kN) = 530.8 kip-in.
A with respect to the base B Plive = 30 kips (133 kN) etotal = e + ∆
Ma = total factored moment at top W (wind load) = 2 kips (8.9 kN) = 4.34 in. (110 mm).
end A of the column (positive Check the soil bearing stress and the For Load Case 3: Pu = 72 kips
clockwise) slenderness ratio KH/r of the column
Mb = total factored moment at bot- according to ACI 319-99, Section Φ=
tom end B of the column 10.11.5.
(positive clockwise) 72 / [ 4300 × 20 4 / (12 × 192 2 )]
It is important to emphasize that Eq.
= 0.2152 and e = 6.93 in.
Fig. 6. Cantilever column on a rigid footing resting on an elastic soil (Example 1): (a) Structural model; (b) Load combinations
with their respective first-order eccentricities; (c) Imaginary beam-column for computer analysis.

Therefore, from Eq. (10): Check the soil bearing stress. umn at its base is very low, resulting in
∆ = 0.34 in. σ a < P total /BL + [W(H + h f ) + a slenderness ratio kH/r greater than
Mb = –Pu(e + ∆) P∆]/(BL2/6) 100, which, according to the ACI
= 523.4 kip-in. Under service conditions P total = Building Code, requires a special anal-
etotal = e + ∆ Pdead + Plive + Weightcol + Weightfoot = ysis that must include the effects of
= 7.27 in. (185 mm). 80 + 30 + 6.67 + 8.1 = 124.77 kips. shrinkage and creep, cracking, material
For all load cases, the total eccen- Then, Ptotal /BL = 3.466 ksf and [W(H nonlinearity, and other considerations.
tricity etotal < (w/2 + x1) = 8 in. and L/6 + hf) + P∆] = 2 × 17.5 + (80 + 30) × This is an important oversight of the
= 12 in. Therefore, there is no induced 0.34/12 = 38.12 kip-ft (assuming con- PCI Design Handbook. Therefore, to
tension in the anchor bolts, and the servatively that ∆ = 0.34 in.), and further reduce kH/r, it is recommended
axial force resultant falls inside the Mtotal /(BL2/6) = 1.059 ksf. Therefore, that the value of B be increased. In ad-
middle third of the foundation. the maximum soil stress = 3.466 + dition, the fact that etotal = 7.27 in. for
Examine imaginary column for 1.059 = 4.525 ksf < σ a = 5000 psf Load Case 3 is very close to the limit
computer modeling. (OK) of (w/2 + x1) = 8 in., indicating that in
As suggested in the PCI Design Check the slenderness ratio kH/r order to avoid tension in the anchor
Handbook, an imaginary beam-col- of the column. bolts and a further reduction in the
umn of flexural stiffness 3EiIi /Hi = κb With Ψa = ∞ and Ψb = (EI/H)/(κ /6) base resistance, the anchor bolts should
= 4.47897 × 10 5 kip-in./radian and = [4300 × 204/(12 × 192)]/(4.47897 × be located outside of the cross section,
axial stiffness EiAi/Hi = ksBL = 200 × 105/6) = 4.0, the effective length factor as shown in Fig. 1a.
722 lb/in.= 1036.8 kip/in. is chosen to k obtained from the alignment chart or Note that in all three load cases,
simulate the effects of the column- from the stability equation the precast cantilever column is rigidly
footing-soil interaction, as shown in ( π /k)tan( π /k) = 1.5 is k = 3.179. connected to the footing (since γbp =
Fig. 6c. If the same material and mo- Therefore: γab = 0), making the rotational spring
ment of inertia are chosen (i.e., Ii = I = restraint at the column base a maxi-
13,333 in.4), then the span and cross- kH/r = 3.179 × 192/5.7735 mum (with a value of κb = 4.47897 ×
sectional area, respectively, must be = 105.7 > 100 (too high!) 108 lb-in./radian). Further, it is benefi-
Hi = 384 in. or 32 ft, and Ai = 92.59 sq cial to have x1 = –x2, making γbp = 0
in. These results are similar to those Conclusions [see Eq. (2b)] for any loading condi-
reported in the PCI Design Handbook. The flexural fixity given to this col- tion and base plate size.

November-December 2002 9
ties of the column are the same as
those given in Example 1.

Using Eqs. (6a) and (5b):

kro E p / Dp
ksp =
kro + E p / Dp
1.8067 × 3122 / 216
1.8067 + 3122 / 216
= 1.6059 kip/in.3

γf =
ksp Ap D 2
482 × (π × 12 2 / 4) × 1.6059
4.18468 × 10 5 kip - in.

κb = 4.18468 × 108 lb-in./radian

The flexural restraint provided by the
four toe-bearing piles shown in Fig. 7
is lower than that provided by the sup-
porting soil in Example 1, resulting in
even larger values for kH/r, second-
order moments, and lateral deflections.
To reach the same degree of fixity and
the same results of the column of Ex-
ample 1, the distance D between piles
must be increased slightly from 48 to
49.7 in. Since κb is proportional to D2,
it is recommended that D be increased.
Assuming D = 54 in., then kH/r =
98.08, which is a little improvement in
the design at no extra cost.

Example 3 – Cantilever Column

Fig. 7. Cantilever Supported by a Rigid Footing
column on a rigid Resting on Shaft-Friction Piles
footing resting on The square footing of Example 1 is
toe-bearing piles being supported as shown in Fig. 8 by
(Example 2). four equally spaced friction piles
driven 10 ft (3.1 m) deep into a dense
Example 2 – Cantilever Column Ep = Young’s modulus of the con- sand stratum. Determine the rotational
Supported by a Rigid Footing crete piles = 3122 ksi (21.5 spring restraint at the column base.
Resting on Toe-Bearing Piles MPa) Assume that:
Dp = 18 ft (5.5 m) f c′ = concrete strength of the piles
The rigid footing of Example 1 is = 3000 psi (21 MPa)
being supported by four equally d = pile diameter = 1 ft (0.305
m) Ep = Young’s modulus of the con-
spaced piles, as shown in Fig. 7. De- crete of the piles = 3122 ksi
termine the moment restraint at the D = 4 ft (1.2 m)
Kro = 1.8067 kip/in. 3 (0.4904 (21.5 MPa)
base of the column. Assume that: d = 1 ft (0.31 m)
f c′ = concrete strength of the piles N/mm3)
Assume that the loads and proper- D = 4 ft (1.2 m)
= 3000 psi (21 MPa)

Dp = 10.5 ft (3.20 m)
De = 10 ft (3.05 m)
γ = 143.61 lb/ft (22.56 KN/m)
φ = 0.35 radians
α = 0.5
Cp = 0.02
Assume that the loads and properties
of the column are the same as those
given in Example 1.

Before making use of Eqs. (6b) and
(5b), the following parameters must be
determined using Vesic’s approach:15
Cp = 0.02 (for dense sand and driven
piles; see Table 1)
Cs = (0.93 + 0.16 De / d )Cp
= (0.93 + 0.16 10 / 1 ) × 0.02
= 0.02872
0.45 fc′d
kso =
Ap C p
(π × 12 2 / 4)(0.02)
= 7.162 kip/in.3

0.45 fc′
kss =
L per Cs
(π × 12)(0.02872)
= 1.2469 kip/in.3
sin φ cos φ
1 + sin 2 φ
(sin 0.35)(cos 0.35)
1 + sin 2 0.35
= 0.2882
Fig. 8. Cantilever
column on a rigid
( Pdead + Plive + Weightcol + Weight foot ) footing resting on
( m × n) friction piles
(80 + 30 + 6.67 + 8.1) (Example 3).
(2 × 2)
= 31.193 kips

Finally, using Eq. (5b)

λ = 1 – βγD S pe /Pp
= 1 – [0.2882 × 143.61 lb/ft3 × (0.5 × 10 ft) × (π × 1 × 10 ft2)]/(31,193 lbs) 1
γf =
= 0.7916 ksp Ap D 2
ksp =
482 × (π × 12 2 / 4) × 6.5285
= 1
10.5 × 12 0.7916 π (12 2 / 4) =
[0.7916 + 0.5(1 – 0.7916)] + + (1 – 0.7916) 1.701167 × 10 6 kip - in.
3122 7.162 π (12 × 10 × 12 × 1.2469)
= 6.5285 kip/in.3 or
κb = 1.701167 × 109 lb-in./radian

November-December 2002 11
Perform second-order analysis induced second-order moments, and second-order analysis would require a
and check of final moments and ec- lateral deflections are reduced, meet- more complex model like a “step-up”
centricities. ing stability requirements of the ACI column system comprising the precast
For Load Case 2: Building Code. column and the footing itself with all
Pu = 122.25 kips the corresponding connections.
Φ = 0.2804 CONCLUDING REMARKS The proposed models and corre-
e = 4 in. sponding equations are limited to rigid
Therefore, from Eq. (10): The analytical results discussed in footings, short term behavior, and
∆ = 0.17 in. this paper indicate that the rotational static loads (i.e., linear elastic ranges
Mb = –Pu(e + ∆) = 509.4 kip-in. spring restraint of a column base con- of stresses, deflections, and immediate
etotal = e + ∆ = 4.17 in. (106 mm) nected to an isolated footing and the settlements). Therefore, there is a real
For Load Case 3: cantilever column’s stability depend need for further research to determine
Pu = 72 kips on the following factors: practical models that include the fol-
Φ = 0.2152 1. The physical parameters of the lowing:
e = 6.93 in. connection between the column and 1. The effects of the flexibility of
Therefore, from Eq. (10): the footing (i.e., arrangement, size, the footing and piles;
∆ = 0.17 in. and materials of the base plate and its 2. Long-term effects (such as sec-
Mb = –Pu(e + ∆) = 511.2 kip-in. anchor bolts); ondary settlements in the supporting
etotal = e + ∆ = 7.10 in. (180 mm) 2. The geometry and size of the soils, bond slippage in the anchor
As in Example 1, for all load cases, footing; bolts, and creep and shrinkage in the
the total eccentricity etotal < (w/2 + x1) 3. The bearing characteristics of the concrete members);
= 8 in. and L/6 = 12 in. Therefore, soil under the footing and its sur- 3. The actual nominal strength of
there is no induced tension in the an- roundings; each component and their interactions
chor bolts and the axial force resultant 4. The type and arrangement of the at ultimate loading conditions (such as
falls inside the middle third of the footing-soil interface and the type and the axial and shear forces and biaxial
foundation. distribution of the piles; and bending interactions);
5. The intensities of the applied 4. The effects of prestressing the an-
Check the slenderness ratio kH/r loads and overturning moments. chor bolts and reinforcements; and
of the column. Analytical results also indicate that 5. The effects of different types of
With Ψa = ∞ and Ψb = (EI/H)/(κ/6) it is beneficial to have x1 = –x2, mak- loads.
= [4300 × 204/(12 × 192)]/(1.701167 × ing γbp = 0 [see Eq. (2b)] for any load-
106/6) = 1.0532, the effective length ing condition and base plate size.
However, cases in which etotal at the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
factor k obtained from the alignment
chart or from the stability equation precast column base is greater than The research presented in this
(π/k)tan(π/k) = 5.6969 is k = 2.345. (w/2 + x1) must be avoided in practice. paper was carried out at the National
Therefore: They probably are not only unreliable, University of Colombia, School of
kH/r = 2.345 × 192/5.7735 as claimed by Melchers, 9 but also Mines, in Medellín, Colombia. The
= 77.98 < 100 (OK) cumbersome to analyze, requiring an author wishes to express his apprecia-
iterative procedure to determine κ b tion to DIME for their financial sup-
since both γ bp and γ ab are nonlinear port and encouragement and to Mr. J.
functions of the eccentricity e [see Paul Smith-Pardo, graduate student at
The rotational spring restraint pro- Eqs. (2a) and (2b) with e = etotal]. Purdue University, Indiana, while he
vided by the four friction piles to the In addition, the effects of the footing was at the National University of
column shown in Fig. 8 is about 3.8 thickness hf on κb, which must be cal- Colombia, for his cooperation and as-
and 4.1 times that provided by the culated according to Eq. (1b) (i.e., κb = sistance. The author also expresses his
supporting soil and toe-bearing piles M/θb), and on the critical axial load of appreciation to the PCI JOURNAL re-
in Examples 1 and 3, respectively. As the precast column [according to Eq. viewers of this paper for their thought-
a result, the slenderness ratio kH/r, the (9)] must be considered. An “exact” ful and constructive comments.

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Steel Construction, Chicago, IL, 1992, pp. 132-139. American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 799-807.


Flexibility due to the Connecting Bolts
 2e 
Assuming the model shown in Fig. 1, in which the left- g − 1
side anchor bolts are subject to tension with an equivalent θ ab  w + x 
or = γ ab = 1
free length g and are still in the elastic range with a total M 2eEab Aab ( w + x1 )
elongation ∆g = Tg/Eab Aab caused by the tensile force T:
Flexibility due to the bearing plate
Assuming the model shown in Fig. 1, which shows that
∆g Tg the span of the plate (x1 + x2) acting as a cantilever:
θ ab = = (A1)
( w + x1 ) Eab Aab ( w + x1 )
θ bp = (A3)
From equilibrium (overturning about the right bolt in Fig. ( w + x1 )
T(w + 2x1) – P(e – w/2 – x1) = 0 T ( x1 + x 2 )3
or δ= (A4)
3Ebp Ibp
M  2e 
T=  − 1 (A2) Substituting T from Eq. (A2) into Eq. (A4) and the result
2e  w + x1 
into Eq. (A3):
Substituting T into Eq. (A1):
M ( x1 + x 2 )3 [2e / ( w + 2 x1 ) − 1]
θ bp =
M  2e  6eEbp Ibp ( w + x1 )
 − 1 g
2e  w + x1  θ bp ( x + x 2 )3 [2e / ( w + 2 x1 ) − 1]
θ ab = = γ bp = 1 (2b)
Eab Aab ( w + x1 ) M 6eEbp Ibp ( w + x1 )

November-December 2002 13
The reader is referred to Salmon and Johnson3 (p. 900) for Then
further details on the derivation of Eq. (9). The general ap-
proach to the second-order analysis of an “ideal” beam-col- Ma  sin(Φ − Φx / H ) H − x
y=  − −
umn (i.e., a perfectly straight prismatic member with per- P  sin Φ H 
fectly centered compressive end loads P, and with bending
Mb  sin(Φx / H ) x x
end moments Ma and Mb occurring about one of the princi- − + ∆ (B5)
pal axes of its cross section) begins with the well-known P  sin Φ H  H
Timoshenko equation:
Differentiating once to obtain the slope:
d2y M
=− (B1) dy
Ma 1 − Φ cos(Φ − Φx / H )  +
d x EI  
dx PH sin Φ
where Mb  Φ cos( Φx / H )  ∆
1 −  + (B6)
M = Ma + Py – (Ma + Mb + P∆)x/H (B2) PH  sin Φ  H
dy ∆
Substituting (B2) into (B1): When x = 0, = θa +
dx H
dy ∆
d2y P M Ma + Mb + P∆ x When x = H , = θb +
+ y=− a + (B3) dx H
d2x EI EI EI H
Then, θ a and θ b after some algebra may be expressed as:
Letting Φ2 = P/(EI/H2), the solution for Eq. (B3) is Ma sin Φ − Φ sin Φ Mb sin Φ − Φ
θa = +
( EI / H ) Φ 2 sin Φ ( EI / H ) Φ 2 sin Φ
y = C1 sin Φ  + C2 cos Φ  −
x x Ma
+ Ma sin Φ − Φ Mb sin Φ − ΦcosΦ
 H  H P θb = +
( EI / H ) Φ 2 sin Φ ( EI / H ) Φ 2 sin Φ
Ma + Mb + P∆ x
(B4) ∆ Mb
P H =− − (9)
H κb
Applying the boundary conditions of zero deflection at Note that from rotational compatibility at moment
x = 0 and y = ∆ at x = H gives
equilibrium at end B:
C1 = (Ma cosΦ + Mb)/(PsinΦ) ∆ Mb
θb = − −
H κb

C2 = Ma/P

A = cross-sectional area of column Ma = factored moment at top end A of column
Aab = total area of anchor bolts in tension Mb = factored moment at bottom end B of column
B = width of footing m×n= rectangular array of piles [see Fig. 3(f)]
D = distance between centers or centroids of piles P = applied axial load at column base
De = embedment length of piles Pp = applied axial load at pile head
Dp = total pile length S = surface tension reaction of supporting soil
D = average depth (taken herein as De /2) Spe = shaft friction area of pile (i.e., area of each pile
d = diameter of piles embedded in surrounding soil)
Cp = empirical coefficient of soil surrounding piles = Lper De
(see Table 1) r = radius of gyration of column cross section
Cs = empirical coefficient of soil surrounding piles x1 = distance from face of column to center of anchor
= (0.93 + 0.16 De / d )Cp bolts (positive if anchor bolts are outside column,
E = Young’s modulus of the column material and negative if they are inside)
Ebp = modulus of elasticity of base plate x2 = distance from face of column to base plate an-
Eab = modulus of elasticity of anchor bolts chorage
Es = Young’s modulus of supporting soil or medium w = width of column in the direction of bending
Ef = Young’s modulus of reinforced concrete footing α = soil parameter representing variation of shaft
E = eccentricity of applied axial load at column base friction stress along embedded pile (see Fig. 5)
= M/P β = coefficient of sliding friction
f c′ = compressive strength of concrete ∆ = total drift of column at top end A with respect to
g = assumed length over which elongation of tension its base B
anchor bolts takes place νs = Poisson’s ratio of supporting soil or medium
H = column height κb = rotational stiffness of end connection at column
hf = footing vertical depth base B
I = column moment of the inertia λ = soil parameter representing the ratio of axial load
Ibp = moment of inertia of the base plate carried by pile toe (i.e., by bearing at bottom of
If = footing moment of inertia = LB3/12 the pile) to total applied axial load at pile head
K = effective length factor of column γf = flexibility coefficient of footing
kro = coefficient of elastic reaction of rock for toe- γbp = flexibility coefficient of base plate
bearing piles (Fig. 4a) γab = flexibility coefficient of anchor bolts
ks = coefficient of subgrade reaction (according to γ = specific weight of soil at depth De
Vesic14) φ = angle of internal friction of surrounding soil (for
kso = coefficient of elastic reaction of bearing soil at clay varies from 16 to 26 degrees)
bottom end of friction pile Φ = stability parameter = [P/(EI/H 2)]1/2
kss = coefficient of elastic reaction of surrounding soil θf = rotation of footing
of friction pile θbp = rotation of base plate
L = length of footing θab = rotation caused by elongation of anchor bolts
M = overturning moment at column base Ψa = alignment chart coefficients [(EI/H)c /(EI/L)g] at A
Mf = overturning moment at footing-soil interface Ψb = alignment chart coefficients [(EI/H)c /(EI/L)g] at B

November-December 2002 15

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