Bài Tập Matrix Acidizing: Exercise 1

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Đại Học Quốc Gia TP.

HCM Bộ môn Khoan và Khai thác

dầu khí
Trường Đại Học Bách Khoa GE 3043 – Hoàn thiện giếng và kích thích vỉa
Khoa Kỹ thuật Địa chất và Dầu khí

Giảng viên: Dr. Đỗ Quang Khánh

Tên sinh viên: Nguyễn Văn Hòa
MSSV: 1812322


Exercise 1 : A sandstone formation with a porosity of 0.2 contains 5-vol% albite

(sodium feldspar). What is the minimum volume of 3% HF solution required to dissolve
all the albite a distance of 6 in. beyond a 6-in. diameter wellbore?
r a =1 ( ft ), r w =0.5 ( ft )

v m=1, v a=14

ρ HF=0.98× 62.4=61.152lb / ft 3

ρalbite =163 lb /ft 3

v m M W m 0.03 ×1× 262.3
β 3=C a = =0.028 lbm NaAl Si 3 O 8 3 % HF solution
va M W a 14 ×20
ρ HF 0.028 ×61.152 3 3
X 3 =β 3 = =0.011 ft NaAl Si 3 O 8 /ft HF
ρalbite 163

 Albite volume:

V albite =π ( r 2a−r 2w ) (1−ϕ ) C m=π × ( 12−0.5 2) × (1−0.2 ) × 0.05

¿ 0.0942 ft 3 NaAl Si 3 O 8 / ft wellbore

 Initial pore volume

V P=π ( r 2a −r 2w ) [ ( 1−ϕ ) C m +ϕ ]=π × ( 12−0.52 ) × [ ( 1−0.2 ) × 0.05+0.2 ]=0.565 ft 3 /ft wellbore

 HF volume:
V albite 0.0942 3
V HF= = =8.564 ft 3 wt % HF solution /ft wellbore
X3 0.011

ft 3
Total HF minimum volume=V HF +V P =8.564+ 0.565=9.129 wellbore

9.129 ft 3 7.48 gal

ft (
ft 3 )
=68.285 gal / ft wellbore

Exercise 2: What is the minimum volume of 15% HCl required to dissolve calcite up to
1ft deep in the reservoir
– Reservoir porosity 18%
– Formation HCl solubility of 10% (Assume all Calcite)
– Wellbore radius 0.3 ft
r a =1.3 ( ft ), r w =0.3 ( ft )

v m=1, v a=2

ρ HCl=1.07 × 62.4=66.768lb/ ft 3

ρCaCO =169 lb/ft 3


v m M W m 0.15× 1× 100.1
β 15=C a = =0.206lbm CaC O 3 /lbm15 wt % HCl solution
va M W a 2 ×36.5
ρ a 0.206 × 66.768 3 3
X 15= β15 = =0.08 ft CaC O 3 /ft 15 wt % HCl solution
ρm 169

 Calcite volume

V CaCO =π ( r 2a −r 2w ) ( 1−ϕ ) C m=π × ( 1.3 2−0.32 ) × ( 1−0.18 ) × 0.1


¿ 0.412 ft 3 CaC O3 /ft wellbore

 Pore volume after removal of carbonate volume

V P=π ( r 2a −r 2w ) [ ( 1−ϕ ) C m +ϕ ]=π × ( 1.32−0.3 2 ) × [ (1−0.18 ) ×0.1+0.18 ]=1.317 ft 3 / ft pay zone

 HCl volume
V CaCO 0.412
V HCl= 3
= =5.15 ft 3 15 wt % HCl solution/ ft wellbore
X 15 0.08

6.467 ft 3
Total HCl minimum volume=V HCl + V P =5.15+1.317= wellbore

6.467 ft 3 7.48 gal

ft (
ft 3 )
=48.373 gal/ft wellbore

Exercise 3:
 Given the following:
- 50ft Net oil reservoir to be acidized at 3,150ft depth
- Treated through 1.2” ID coiled tubing of length 4,500ft and P max = 2,500 psi
- Acid density = 1.07 SG, Acid viscosity = 1.5 cP
- 75mD sand, Bo = 1.8, uo =0.8cP, rw = 0.3ft
- Initial skin = +15, estimated final skin = +1.5
- Reservoir pressure = 1,250 psi
- Frac gradient = 0.7 psi/ft, 250 psi safety margin required
 Calculate the following
- BHFP limit
- Expected rates at start and end of treatment
- Expected tubing pressures at start and end of treatment
- Minimum HHP (hydraulic horsepower) required
 HHP = Pressure (psi) x rate (bbls/min) / 40.8
a) BHFP=?
 BHFP Limit =0.7 ft × 3150 ft=2205 ( psi )
 Limit with safety margin=2205−250=1955 ( psi )
b) qinitial=?, qfinal=?
 Initial limiting rate – Oil filled critical matrix

kh ∆ P kh ( psafety margin − pr )
q i ,o= =
re re
141.2 μ o βo ln ( )
] [
141.2 μ o β o ln ( )
75 ×50 ×( 1955−1250)
¿ =1330.526 ( bpd )=0.924 (bpm)
141.2× 0.8× 1× ln
0.3 [( ) ]
+ 15

 Initial liniting rate – Acid filled critical matrix

kh ∆ P kh ( p safety margin −p r )
q i ,a= =
re re
141.2 μ a β a ln
141.2 μ a β a ln

75× 50 ×(1955−1250)
¿ =709.614 ( bpd )=0.493(bpm)
141.2×1.5 ×1 × ln
0.3 [( ) ]

 Final limiting rate – Acid filled critical matrix

kh ∆ P kh ( p safety margin− p r )
q f , a= =
re re
141.2 μ a β a ln
+s 141.2 μa β a ln
[()] rw

75 ×50 × (1955−1250 )
¿ =3051.71 ( bpd )=2.12 ( bpm )
141.2×1.5 ×1 × ln
0.3 [( ) ]

c) ∆Ptub,i =?, ∆Ptub,f=?

 Differential friction pressure for rates
518 × γ 0.79 1.79 0.207
a ×q i ,o × μa
∆ p f i ,o = L
1000 × ID 4.79

518× 1.070.79 × 0.9241.79 ×1.50.207

¿ × 4500=969.351( psi)
1000 ×1.2 4.79

518 × γ 0.79 1.79 0.207

a ×q i ,a × μ a
∆ p f i ,a = L
1000 × ID 4.79

518× 1.070.79 × 0.4931.79 ×1.50.207

¿ × 4500=314.86 ( psi )
1000 ×1.24.79

518 × γ 0.79 1.79 0.207

a ×q f , a × μ a
∆ p f f ,a= L
1000 × ID 4.79

518× 1.070.79 × 2.121.79 × 1.50.207
¿ × 4500=4286.17 ( psi )
1000 ×1.24.79

 Hydrostatic difference
∆ phys =0.433 × γ a × Depth ( ft )=1459.43 ( psi )

 WHP (Wellhead Pressure) for rates

∆ p sii , o=BHP−∆ p hys +∆ pf i ,o=1955−1459.43+969.351=1464 ( psi )

∆ p sii , a=BHP−∆ p hys +∆ pf i ,a=1955−1459.43+314.86=810.43 ( psi )

∆ p si f ,a =BHP−∆ p hys+ ∆ pf f ,a =1955−1459.43+ 4286.17=4781.74 ( psi )

d) HHPmin=?
 Frictional pressure drop
∆ p si, max= p wf −∆ phys + ∆ p f
⇒ ∆ p f =∆ psi ,max − pwf +∆ phys =2500−1955+1459.43=2004.43 ( psi )
 Max rate to be injected
518 ×γ 0.79 1.79 0.207
a × q i, max × μ a
∆ pf= L
1000 × ID 4.79
∆ pf × 1000× ID4.79 1.79 2004.43 ×1000 ×1.2 4.79
⇒ q i ,max =


518 × γ 0.79
a × μ0.207
a × L √
518 ×1.070.79 ×1.50.207 × 4500

¿ 1.387(bpm)
p max ×q i ,max 2500 ×1.387
 HHPmin = = =84.987(hp)
40.8 40.8

Exercise 4:
A 28 wt% HCl is needed to propagate wormholes 3 ft from a 0.328‐ft radius wellbore in a
limestone formation (specific gra vity 2.71) with a porosity of 0.15. The designed
injection rate is 0.1 bbl/min‐ft, the diffusion coefficient is 10‐9 m2 /sec, and the density of
the 28% HCl is 1.14 SG.
In linear core floods, 1.5 pore volume is needed for wormhole breakthrough at the end
of the core. Calculate the acid volume requirement using

(a) Daccord’s model
(b) the volumetric model.
1 CaC O 3 +2 HCl→ CaCl 2 + H 2 O+C O 2

(a) Daccord’s model

vm M W m 1× 100
β 28=C a =0.28 × =0.3836 lbm CaC O 3 /lbm 28 wt % HCl solution
va M W a 2× 36.5
ϕ β 28 γ a 0.15 ×0.3836 ×1.14
N Ac = = =0.0285
(1−ϕ)γ m (1−0.15)× 2.71

q h=0.1 bbl /min−ft=8.69× 10−4 m 3 /sec−m

r wh =0.328+3=3.328 ft =1.01m
2 1
3 3 df
πϕ D q r h wh
V h=
b N Ac

π × 0.15×(10−9)2 /3 (8.69 ×10−4 )1/ 3 ×(1.01)1.6

¿ −5
=0.107 m 3 /m=8.6 gal/ft
(1.5 ×10 )(0.0285)

(b) Volumetric model

V h=πϕ ( r 2wh−r 2w ) ( PV )bt

¿ π × 0.15 ( 3.3282−0.328 2) ×1.5

¿ 7.75 ft 3 / ft=58 gal /ft

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