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Mount Carmel College

3200 Baler, Aurora

Basic Education Department
Junior High School Level

Learning Kit in Health 9

Quarter 2 (Week 5-8)

Name: ________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _____________________________________________________

Mrs. Charito B. Dumandal

Subject Teacher
Prevention and Control of Substance Use and Abuse

I. Objectives:

A. Discuss strategies in the prevention and control of substance use and abuse;
B. Apply decision-making and resistance skills to prevent substance use and abuse; and
C. Suggest healthy alternatives to substance use and abuse.

II. Content: (Must Read!)

Misuse of drugs can cause physical and emotional problems.

It affects not only the users, but also their families, friends, and the
organization to which they belong. The costs of substance abuse
include the financial costs of law enforcement, treatment, and health
care and the social costs of crime, violence, and family problems.
Drug testing and legalization of some drugs have been proposed to
address some of the issues related to substance abuse. Moreover,
there are approaches to the management of substance abuse that
include medications, treatment centers, self-help groups, and peer-
Many teenagers are lured into using illegal substances. So, preventive measures must be applied. As they
say, “Prevention is better than cure”. The family, the school, and the entire community have moral obligations in
helping prevent and control drug abuse among these young people.
Obviously, the best solution to drug abuse is prevention. Our government attempts to break the
production and distribution of illegal drugs. Developing creative and attractive anti-drug educational programs
may provide the best hope for solving the drug issues in the future.

Strategies for the Prevention and Control of Substance Use and Abuse
Drugs change how the brain works, so early intervention and preventing the risks of drug or alcohol
addiction are of great help.
For parents or family members:

• Parents or adult family members should be positive role models.

Children look up mostly to their parents or to their older brother or
sister as role models. As such, these people should be aware that
their actions may influence the behavior of young individuals.
• Parents or adult family members should share their beliefs. Most of
the time, children listen to what their parents or older siblings say.
Parents should discuss the negative impacts of substance abuse
among their children, so that they become aware of dangerous
• Parents should be firm, fair, and consistent. Parents should set out rules that are acceptable to all parties
involved – themselves and their children. They should know how to set reasonable consequences for
unacceptable behaviors. Parents should also know that extreme disciplining may lead to substance
• Parents should discuss with their teens about personal and legal consequences of drug use and abuse.
Parents should talk to their teens about the repercussions of the use of illegal drugs in their future, or the
effects of unsafe sex I their lives.

For the Teens:

To prevent drug use and abuse, teens should develop protective factors rather than dwell on risk factors.
The following are strategies on how to increase the protective factors:

• Have self-respect or develop a positive self-image.

• Always be with a loving and caring family. If this is not possible, then try to see the positive side of every
situation you are in.
• As much as possible, be optimistic and develop the right attitude.
• Be with friends who are not using illegal drugs.
• Practice the ability to cope with stress and problems.
• Look up to responsible adults as role models.
• Be involved in hobbies or sports.
• Develop skills and talents by actively participating in school or community
• Consult with responsible adults such as parents, teachers, and school
guidance counselors about problems that you cannot control, or you think you cannot solve.
There are direct approaches involved from disseminating information about the
adverse effects of drugs to teaching strategies that help young people resist per pressure
to use drugs in various situations. Likewise, there are indirect approaches to the
prevention of substance abuse like building student’s self-esteem, improving their
intellectual skills, and increasing their opportunities in recreational activities. Among
these, developing strategies for resisting peer pressure is one of the most effective

A. Make your own pledge ID card inside the box that making a
pledge/promise not to support or use drugs comprising of five (10)
sentences. Make also your own design and don’t forget to write your
complete name and signature below. Be creative! This will be
evaluated according to the content and completeness of your pledge,
neatness and creativity, originality and impact for 20 points.

Note: Cut here and submit this on the given deadline to be announced by your subject teacher/adviser.

Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Year and Section: ___________________________ Subject: Health 9 Score: _______________
ACTIVITY 1: Pledge ID Card
Forming a Wise Decision: A Recall

A healthy person does not need to try or abuse drugs. What is important is to deal with the
problems, face the reality, and take on the challenges of life while finding the solution. Any form of
substance abuse is dangerous not only to yourself but also to your family and friends. Learning to resist
is primarily based on your own choice. Your parents, teachers, and friends can lead you to make the
right decisions. Making a decision is crucial because it entails courage, wisdom, self-respect, love for self,
and fear of God. Such wise decisions are needed to maintain peace within oneself, inside the family,
along with friends, and outside the community. Hence, making correct decisions results in a peaceful, happy, and
harmonious environment, a good and healthy living, and a better future.

Developing a habit of making wise decisions is not easy but it can be done. You have learned that there are ways to
help you make responsible decisions. Here are some of them.

1. What situation are you in?

Express the situation by describing it or by writing it down.
2. What are the possible decisions that you will make?
Enumerate the possible actions or decisions that you will do to deal with your current situation.
3. With whom are you going to discuss or share your decisions?
Think of two possible responsible adults whom you trust and who may help you decide wisely.
4. What are the possible effects or consequences of your decisions?
List all possible effects or consequences of your decisions.
5. Which decision(s) do you think are most appropriate and most applicable?
After carefully analyzing and evaluating all your actions, choose which decision is the most appropriate and most
applicable in your current situation?
6. What are the two possible effects of your action, if ever?
Infer what you think will be the effect if you chose the said action. Then act responsibly.

ACTIVITY 2: Answer This!

❖ Interview your parents about the help and support they can give you about preventing substance abuse. Reflect
also and try to answer the given situations below using a graphic organizer.

Note: Cut here and submit this on the given deadline to be announced by your subject teacher/adviser.

Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Year and Section: ___________________________ Subject: Health 9 Score: _______________
ACTIVITY 2: Quiz and reflection.
I. Ask your parents or guardian or adult members in your family. List five ways on how they may help you in
preventing drug misuse or abuse in a teen’s life.

1. _________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________________

II. Using the steps indicated in forming a wise decision, make a reflection and create a graphic organizer that
shows different steps on what would you do if one of the following situations happen to you. You may use the
back page of this paper or a separate sheet (optional) for more answers. Choose only one. (5pts)

1. Suppose you found out that your older sibling is using illegal drugs. You are concerned with his or her
safety and the safety of your other family members as well. You tried to talk to him or her, but he or she tells
you to mind your own business.
2. You live in a neighborhood where drugs are being sold as if they were candies. Your friend tells you that
you both should try these drugs for fun.
3. Suppose that your classmate’s breath smells weird. You also notice that his or her eyes are bloodshot most
of the time. You also observed that he or she has a hard time focusing. Your classmate told you that he or
she is smoking pot every night because of a family problem.
Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
Many different factors contribute to the use of illegal drugs – feelings of insecurity, social acceptance,
learning difficulties, and so on. You have learned that people who are addicted to these harmful substances only
put their health and safety at risk. But aside from support and proper values, promoting a healthy lifestyle can
also help in the prevention and control of taking illegal drugs.
Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation
A person who is drug dependent is usually in a state of denial. He or she will not admit that he or she has
a problem and that he or she needs treatment. Helping a close friend, a sibling, or someone you know who
misuses and abuses substance requires a lot of effort and love. To help, remember not to participate in the drug
abuser’s sense of denial.
You can also assist in the person’s recovery through a formal intervention. A formal intervention is an
action done by people, such as family members, to help a drug-dependent to go through treatment. A trained
counselor guides drug dependent throughout the intervention (treatment) process. There are also treatment
programs that help drug dependents discontinue using drugs. Treatment programs vary. Make sure that the
chosen approach works best for a drug dependent, so that he or she avoids relapse or a comeback on his or her
previous behavior.
In the Philippines, the DDB, in cooperation with the DOH, offers treatment and rehabilitation programs
to people who want to be treated from substance abuse. The DDB has also provided an alternative development
( drug control strategy that is trying to prevent, reduce, and
eliminate marijuana plantations. They specifically target populations that are involved in illegal activities. The
goals of supporting alternative development projects are the following: to improve the community’s economic
condition, reduce the supply of marijuana, decrease the abuse in marijuana, improve peace and order situations,
and promote harmonious relationship within the community.

Government Agencies for Assisting Drug Dependents

Listed here are the government agencies that give assistance to people with drug or alcohol abuse
problems. Some of these agencies help Filipinos deal with drug lords or pushers while saving drug users from
their addiction.

• DOH Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, formerly known as Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Network
(DARN) – This agency offers residential and outpatient treatment among Filipinos who suffer from
addiction problems.
• National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) – this law enforcement agency helps with the operations in
reducing illegal drugs that enter the country.
• Philippine National Police (Narcotics Group) (PNP-NG) – this law enforcement agency strictly implements
laws and policies regarding illegal drugs and underground illegal activities.
• Dangerous Drug Board (DDB) – this government agency creates programs and policies for the control
and prevention of drugs. It also develops existing laws about prevention and control of drug abuse and
gives seminars and trainings on drug addiction awareness.
• Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) – this is the implementing arm of the DDB in enforcing
provisions on the use of harmful substances and drugs. Both agencies work under the supervision of the
Office of the President.
• Department of Health (DOH) – This government agency supervises all government and private drug
treatment and rehabilitation centers, including their programs and operations.

Healthy Alternatives to Drugs

There are many reasons people use drugs. But there are other activities that can satisfy their needs in a
healthier way. Here are some healthy alternatives to drugs.
1. Thrill. If a person seeks only excitement by taking ecstasy, an illegal substance, there is a safer and
wholesome way to get the thrills. Get involved in sports activities that will excite you: ziplining, extreme
sports, or something that you are so passionate about.
2. Boring life. Some people turn to drugs because they feel bored. To avoid this feeling, keep yourself busy by joining
a club or a class you are interested in. You can also keep yourself preoccupied by joining groups or community
projects in your neighborhood.
3. Feeling of belongingness. Who doesn’t like to be in an “in” group? But if the people you are trying to be friends
with will turn out to be a bad influence on you, stay away from them.
4. Curiosity. It is normal for a teen to be curious about a drug. But it doesn’t mean you have to try it to satisfy your
curiosity. Divert your curiosity to other healthier options such as taking up a new hobby or skill instead.
5. Purpose. Sometimes, a person can feel depressed because he or she thinks that his or her life does not have a
purpose. Find meaning in your life by doing well to others. You can help your parents with the household chores,
teach your younger siblings on their assignments. You can also join charitable activities.
6. Get away. Taking drugs as a means to escape problems can be quite tempting because these substances can make
you forget your problems for a while. If you cannot face your problems alone, seek the help of an adult such as your
parents or your school guidance counselor. Remember that problems can be fixed by logical solutions.

The use of harmful substances is not a solution to one’s problems. Drugs only become helpful if they are taken
properly (i.e., for their intended purposes). But using drugs without any medical or health reasons is unwise.

Activity 3:
In a separate sheet of long BOND PAPER, make a three-fold brochure advocating “No to Drugs” (see
sample images below). Use your creativity and resourcefulness. This will be graded according to the content of
your brochure (what is drug, causes, effects, and prevention of using it), neatness, design, creativity, originality
and impact for 30 points.
* Note: Submit this on the given deadline to be announced by your subject teacher/adviser.

ACTIVITY 4: Performance Task

You are a member of Sangguniang Kabataan and is assigned to make a speech video that will encourage
our youths/teenagers not to use or try drugs. The video must contain the possible short- and long-term effects
of using drugs and how to prevent them. Video must be last for 3-5 minutes and will be send to the messenger’s
account of the mayor (subject teacher). This will be evaluated based on content, delivery, voice quality, and
impact for 30 points.

III. Generalization:

✓ Practicing more protective factors and being with a supportive and loving family will increase the
chance of preventing drug abuse.
✓ There are government and nongovernment agencies and organizations that are willing to help drug
dependents be treated.

Good luck and God bless!

By: Ma’am Cha

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