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(Affiliated to AIBEA )
Singapore Plaza, 164, Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai-600001
Phone & Fax : 2533 1522, 2533 1422
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22nd May, 2021

Mr. V. Irai Anbu, IAS,
Chief Secretary
Govt. of Tamilnadu

Dear Sir,
Guidelines on functioning of Banks
GO (Ms) 386 dt. 22-5-2021

We refer you to our letter dated 15-5-2021 detailing the steps

to be taken for the smooth functioning of the banks and
keeping in mind the interest of the customers and bank

In the above communication issued by the Government today

evening, we find that Banks have been allowed to function with
1/3 of the staff. Apparently, this is a welcome step because
the intention is to reduce the number of staff coming to the

But, Sir, you will appreciate that unless the number of

customers coming to the Banks is also reduced simultaneously,
this will only be counterproductive as less number of staff
would have to serve more number of customers. Hence it is
also very important to restrict the banking services to the most
essential activities. Today, it is our common experience that in
many branches customers are coming to the branches for
routine requirements like updating passbooks, etc. Many such
services are dispensable and this would help to reduce the
footfall in the Branches.

Secondly, when the Government is contemplating strict

implementation of lockdown, movement of the people will also
be restricted and hence business hours of the Banks may be
restricted to one or two hours per day within which the
customers can complete their essential banking requirements.
The total working hours can also be reduced accordingly.
Thirdly, most of the Bank Branches have very few number of
employees and this guideline of 1/3 staff to attend is practically
not implementable. There are many branches which have one
manager, one clerk and one class IV staff. In these branches,
all these staff have to come to the Banks daily since there
cannot be any rotation.

Fourthly, the number of bank employees getting affected and

infected is on the increase and bank employees are working
under a lot of fear and anxiety. Vaccination of bank employees
on priority is also not in place. Hence bank staff area working
under grave risk.

Hence we request the Government to look into these

submissions and advice the SLBC to take care of these aspects
while issuing their guidelines to the Banks.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,


Copy to:
State level Bankers Committee
c/o Indian Overseas Bank, Chennai

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