How Do I Know Who I Should Vote For

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How Do I Know Who I Should Vote For?

Good afternoon, everyone. Now that you have all learned some basics about
voting and elections, I’m here to tell you about how to know which candidate you
should vote for.
The candidate you vote for should be based on personal needs, wants, and
preferences. Not your parents’, your religious leaders’, nor your friends’. Just yours
and yours alone. That is because you’re voting for yourself and others like you, not
for anyone else.
That is why the first thing you need to do when picking a candidate is research.
Find copious amounts of information about the candidates. Find out about their
platform, policy, and, if applicable, history and background.
Keep in mind, however, that you should not be quick to trust the media when it
comes to looking for this type of information. Media companies are, ultimately,
businesses, and often times, money is more important than the truth for them. Social
media is the worst offender, as it is mostly filled with emotions, opinions, and bias.
That is why you need to be careful about reading, watching or listening about a
That is why the second thing you need to do is follow their campaign. This is
easier to do for presidential elections. They have debates about current issues in the
country and their answers can help you understand each of their personalities.
That’s all a person needs to know in order to know how to vote for a candidate.
However, I know that there are some of you here that might not want to vote because
of other reasons. I will tackle two of them.
I am also sure that some of you might be thinking, ‘my favorite will win anyway’.
And yes, they will, if you actually vote. If you and others don’t vote for your
candidate because of this reason, the chance for the candidate to lose grows, and it
makes it look like the candidate has less supporters than they really have.
Some of you might be thinking that, ‘my favorite has no chance’. In that case,
still vote. Why? Well, you can close the gap between your favorite and their
competitors. By doing so, their competitors will see that they have less supporters
than they thought, and will try to change some of their policies in an effort to gain
Of course, you can always do a tactical vote. Instead of voting to make your
favorite candidate win, vote to make your least favorite candidate lose. Vote for the
candidate most likely to beat your least favorite candidate. By doing so, you are
keeping your least favorite candidate out of the government. That way, if your
favorite candidate can’t go in, your least favorite candidate can’t, too.
Now, I’m sure that some of you think that you can abstain your vote. And yes,
you can, but if you do, you shouldn’t complain when a certain candidate wins. Since
you decided to abstain, you have basically given up a right and obligation.
That is why everyone needs to vote wisely. That is why you need to vote wisely.

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