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Homework Problems

Cheenta Ganit Kendra

Level 3
May 4, 2020

What is mathematics? It is only a systematic effort of solving puzzles posed by nature.
Shakuntala Devi

1 Section A
1.1 Problem 1
Can a 5 x 5 square checkerboard be covered by 1 x 2 dominoes?

1.2 Problem 2

Given a convex 101-gon which has an axis of symmetry, prove that the a.xis of symmetry passes

through one of its vertices. What can you say about a 10-gon with the same properties?

1.3 Problem 3
All the dominoes in a set are laid out in a chain (so that the number of spots on the ends of
adjacent dominoes match). If one end of the chain is a 5, what is at the other end?

1.4 Problem 4
Can a convex 13-gon be divided into parallelograms?

1.5 Problem 5
Twenty-five checkers are placed on a 25 x 25 checkerboard in such a way that their positions
are symmetric with respect to one of its diagonals. Prove that at least one of the checkers is
positioned on that diagonal.

1.6 Problem 6
Twenty-five checkers are placed on a 25 x 25 checkerboard in such a way that their positions
are symmetric with respect to one of its diagonals. Let us now assume that the positions of the
checkers are symmetric with respect to both diagonals of the checkerboard. Prove that one of
the checkers is placed in the center square.

2 Section B
2.1 Problem 1
What is the value of x such that (x + 22018 )2 − (x − 22018 )2 = 22019 ?

2.2 Problem 2
What is the number of summands of the sum 6 + 6 + + 6 if the sum equals 63 ?

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2.3 Problem 3 ta.c
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Figure 1: Problem 3

The distance from the top of the cat sleeping on the floor to the top of the cat sitting on the table
is 150 cm. The distance from the top of the cat sitting on the floor to the top on the cat sleeping
on the table is 110 cm. What is the height of the table?

2.4 Problem 4
The sum of 5 consecutive integers is 102018. What is the middle number?

2.5 Problem 5
Given three congruent regular hexagons, we call A, B, C the total area of the shaded zones in
each one of the figures. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) A = B = C (B) B = C 6= A (C) C = A 6= B (D) A = B 6= C (E) Each of the three areas
A, B, C has a different value.

2.6 Problem 6
Mary has collected 42 apples, 60 apricots and 90 cherries. She wants to divide them into identical
piles using all of the fruit and then give a pile to each of her friends. What is the largest number
of piles she can make?

2.7 Problem 7

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Figure 2: Problem 7

Two concentric circles of radii 1 and 9 make a ring. In the interior of this ring n circles are drawn
without overlapping, each being tangent to both of the circles of the ring (an example of such
shape for n = 1 and different radii is shown in the picture). What is the largest possible value for

2.8 Problem 8

Figure 3: Problem 8
At each vertex of the 18-gon in the picture, a number should be written which is equal to the sum

of the numbers at the two adjacent vertices. Two of the numbers are given. What number should
be written at the vertex A?

2.9 Problem 9

Figure 4: Problem 10

Diana draws a rectangular grid of 12 squares on squared paper. Some of the squares are painted
black. In each blank square she writes the number of black squares that share a side with it. The
figure shows an example. Now she does the same in a rectangular grid with 2018 squares. What
is the maximum value that she can obtain as the result of the sum of all the numbers in the grid?

2.10 Problem 10
Let M be the sum of all odd positive integers less than 100, and let K be the sum of all even positive
numbers less than or equal to 100. What is K - M ?

2.11 Problem 11
Each number from the set 1,2,3,4,5,6 is written exactly into one cell of a 2 × 3 table. In how many
ways can this be done such that in each row and in each column the sum of the numbers is
divisible by 3?

2.12 Problem 12
Ed made a large cube by gluing together a number of small identical cubes and then he painted
some of the faces of the large cube. His sister Nicole dropped the cube and it broke into the
original small cubes. 45 of these small cubes didn’t have any painted faces. How many faces of
the large cube did Ed paint?
Source: Math Kangaroo, UKMT, AMC, books by Perelman, Fomin

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