Ejecucion y Paso de Parametrosen

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Example of execution and arguments passing for practice 1:

1. To configure the execution of the practice, we must select the drop-down menu next to the "play" button
and select the option "Run Configurations".

2. In the "Run Configurations" window, double-click on the "C/C++ Application" option.

3. In the window that appears, click on the "Browse..." button to select the "practica1" project. Then click on
the "Search Project..." button and in the menu that appears, select the "Release" option and click "OK".

4. After the previous step, we should have something similar to what we see in this figure. It is advisable to give
it a representative name and press the "Apply" button to save the changes.
5. Next, click on the "Arguments" tab and indicate the arguments that the programme will receive. After
indicating the arguments, click on "Apply" to save the changes and "Run" to execute the application.

6. Once the execution has been configured (previous steps), the option to execute the application directly in
the drop-down menu of the "Play" button will appear. This way we can run the application in a faster way,
and we only need to enter the "Run Configurations..." menu to modify the arguments that the application
will receive.

7. Once the practice has been carried out, we can see the results obtained in the "Console" tab. This tab shows
the same results that we would see on a console if we were to run the practice there.

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