You Are An IT Assistance in Commercial Bank of Ethiopia and The Following Problems Is Happened in The Morning

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You are an IT Assistance in commercial bank of Ethiopia and the following problems is

happened in the morning

1. Ato Abebe , human resource Department his computer is unable to start

2. Ato Kebed ,finace Department head peachtree software is not working to preparing
3. w/ro Aster , manager officer ,the media player is not functional to listen music
4. Ato Zelalem , public relation department, the printer is stop working the print the
5. Ato Ahmed manager office it need a paper to print annual plan
6. Ato lema H.R department he need to install updated antivirus software.
7. w/ro marta marketing department her computer is unable to start .
8. w/ro tigest from registrar office they need new software and they want
you to develop the new software for data recording purpose

User argument

Manager officer Within 30 min

Finance Department Within 45 min
Human Resource department With in 1. Hour
Public relation department With in 1.30 hours

Record the details of the requested by preparing a request record list below

No Clint name Departmen Problem Priority Remark

t description
Task 1

Suppose you are working in ABC College as an IT assistance service technical. Today you have received
the following four support request formats ( form 1 ,form 2 form 3 and form 4) from the department of
the college . In addition you received a call from W/t Hana , secretary of the college ,she wants you to fix
her mouse that is not fast enough to work with and Ato Yonas , instructor in the college ,came to
workshop and insist you to provide him a latest Dell computer .Lastly ,when you check your email ,Ato
Samuel head of the marking department asked you a support concerning his malfunction laptop .

NOTE:- as the college rule and regulations , IT assistance service technical do not provide a maintenance
support and advice to request come by e –mail and in personal

Form 1.
Dept Dean Office Date of request 01.07.04 Req ID xx.xx.xx

Name of the client Ato Zelalem

Equipment Description Toshiba Laptop

Problem Description My laptop is restarting

For it support Tech. only _________________________________________________________________

Identified problem description __________________________________________________________



Time ________________________________________________
Form 4

Dept outcome base training dep’t Date of request 01.07.04 Req ID xx.xx.xx

Name of the client Ato Alemseged

Equipment Description Dell optiplex 780

Problem Description windows media player is not responding

For it support Tech. only _________________________________________________________________

Identified problem description __________________________________________________________



Time ________________________________________________

1. Record the details of the requested by preparing a request record list

2. prioritize and escalate the requests considering your work environment and your roles and

3. use the following request form as an example

ABC College
Information technology Department Client support record list
N Request Request Client Departmen Equipment Reporte Current Priority
O ID Date Name t d Status Remark

1 Xx/x/2005
Task 3 create a user account
Create a secured user account that cannot able to access any document
3.1search wmark folder and copy to document and setting \allures\favorite
3.2Rename WMARK by your name
3.3show Adjust Date and Time Task bare system

3.4 customize desktop icon

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