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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for Interns and Elevates

1. Login and Technical issues

a. For any login/ access related issue write to TIM Service Desk and follow up with them
b. For issues related to password (for outlook/ NAD etc.) write to TIM Service Desk for
manual password reset with CC to your reporting manager
c. While writing to TIM always mention your employee id (it starts with C) and your
official Email ID
d. If TIM seeks approval for manual password reset, then forward that mail to your
reporting Manager
e. If your login/ access issues did not get resolved even after following up with TIM,
forward the communication to your reporting manager.
f. For any other technical issues (not related to login), raise a ticket on Hub (we have
already shared Hub request flow with you, follow it)

2. IBU Transfer
a. In case you receive a mail regarding your IBU transfer, no action required from your
side, we will take care of RM change from backend.
b. After IBU transfer your reporting manager will also be changed, get in touch with your
new reporting manager for any query/ information.
c. You can anytime check the details of your current reporting manager on Twingo search your name in the search box, click on result
and it will show you all your details.
d. Get in touch with your new manager for details of your Learning Consultant, IBU TMG,
IBU RMG etc.
e. After IBU transfer, your new manager may assign you some new learning assignment
however completing your mandates on DEXT will still be mandatory for you.
PS: Your reporting manager and mentor is same

3. Timesheet
a. You will receive mails regarding filling up your time sheet, you can ignore these as it
is not mandatory for you to fill up your time sheet till you are converted to full time
employee (FTE)

Frequently Asked Questions

b. After you are converted to FTE it will be mandatory for you to fill your timesheet on

4. NAD learning portal

a. NAD (New Age Delivery) is our learning portal
b. SKUs are Skill Units in NAD that are combination of related skills.
c. We have assigned/ assigning you “IT Foundation” SKU on NAD. Complete all the
modules on time, a SKU is deemed completed only when all learnings as well as all
assessments in it are successfully completed.
d. We have also assigned you few mandates on DEXT (for example POSH, IT Security
etc.), complete these as well on time.
e. In case your college exams are scheduled and you won’t be available on those dates,
inform your reporting manager well in advance with the date sheet.

5. Peer Connect
a. You are added/ will be added in a WhatsApp group where you can discuss your
queries with your peers, only official discussions are allowed in the group, no
irrelevant forwards or discussions please.

6. SME Connect Session

a. We will soon arrange a SME connect session with you to show you a flow of NAD
portal and exam booking process, you will soon get an invite for it, you can clarify all
your queries about NAD in this session
b. Go through the recording of a session on NAD portal navigation on below link:

7. Email on phone
a. Email access on phone through MAM (mobile access management) will be available
to your after you are converted to FTE, till that time use your laptop/ desktop to
access your emails.
b. You can access your emails on URL:

Frequently Asked Questions

8. Internship Mode
a. Mode of internship is virtual however in rare case you may be asked to come to office
for training purpose

9. FTE Conversion
a. As per the program details, candidates will be offered post 6 months of their
successful internship with TechM. However, by that time candidates must complete
their degree exam. with 60% and above score. If you complete your degree before 6
months of internship or are already graduated, then basis internship performance
and BU need; BU may convert you into full time employment (FTE) early as well.
However, that is at the sole discretion of BU.
b. Your conversion to FTE will be purely based upon your performance during your
c. Your reporting manager will gauge your performance on multiple criteria so mere
completing your SKUs will not made you eligible for FTE conversion

10. Internship Termination

a. Your internship can be terminated in case you are found to be flouting the internship
regulations, not attending the meetings you are invited, not replying the emails, not
answering the calls, not completing the SKUs/ Mandates/ Assignments/ tasks
assigned to you in time
b. In case you do not want to continue with the internship you can send your resignation
to your reporting manager, no internship letter will be issued to the interns leaving
in the middle

11. Absence from Internship

a. In unlikely case of your unavailability on any day (due to medical or any other
emergency) you are required to inform your reporting manager on email with
documentary evidence like doctor’s prescription and all test reports.
b. Prescription should clearly show Doctor’s details, patient details, diagnose, advice,
dates etc.
c. In case it is not possible to immediately send an email, inform your reporting
manager/ HR on phone, you can share the documentary evidence later.
d. Absence without information and documentary evidence (for whatsoever reason)
will be considered as NCNS (No call, no show) and will be liable for internship

Frequently Asked Questions

12. Internship letter

a. On nearing the last date of your internship, you will get an email to generate your
internship letter.
b. Fill up your details, get approval from your current reporting manager and generate
the letter before the end date of your Internship, after internship is ended your ID will
get disabled and you will not be able to generate the internship letter.
c. Link for letter maker tool:
Associate needs submit the details in the letter maker tool and once approved by his
Reporting Manager, letter will be available for associate to download from letter
maker tool.

13. Best practices:

a. Use only your official email ID in all the official communications
b. Be available online on phone and email in working hours on all working days
c. While writing email regarding any issue give proper background forwarding the
related email, attach relevant document if any.
d. Complete all the SKUs/ Mandates/ Assignments/ tasks assigned to you in time
e. Respond to your emails in time
f. Try to answer all your calls, in case you are unable to answer then return the call
whenever it is possible and safe for you.
g. Attend all the meetings you are invited in, in the rare case of your unavailability
inform the meeting organizer well in time

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