Security Misconfiguration: Description

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Security Misconfiguration happens more often in every places. Which leads an attacker to have
access to resources that he is not supposed to have. This vulnerability is in top ten of the OWASP
project. Web application must properly configured with advised security and it must be checked,
security controls must be implemented from the developing phase itself to prevent the application
from attacks and unauthorized access.


Security controls must be carried out in every step while implementing a web
application, network infrastructure, servers, and every part of an application. This vulnerability is so
common everywhere which can take down a company who thought that every security control has
been implemented but they did not know it was misconfigured. Leaving a default credential for a
well-known open service will lead an attacker to gain a remote connection through that service.
Leaving a admin page with default password can lead to persistent damage to the application.

The Types are

 Unnecessary administration ports that are open for an application.

These expose the application to remote attacks.

 Outbound connections to various internet services. These could

reveal unwanted behaviour of the application in a critical

 Legacy applications that are trying to communicate with applications

that do not exist anymore. Attackers could mimic these applications
to establish a connection.

 Default accounts are not changed, an attacker will find the default
admin page on the server with default password.

 Directory Listing is enabled, an attacker will find out that the

directory listing was not disabled and try to navigate through the
directories of the server to find some sensitive information.

 Showing extra information on the error pages, which is used for the
attacker to enumerate more about the application.

 Disable administration interfaces.

 Disable unnecessary ports.

 Disable use of default accounts/passwords.

 Configure server to prevent unauthorized access, directory listing,

 Consider running scans and doing audits periodically to help detect
future misconfigurations or missing patches.

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