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Question 1
Four equivalences classes are given for integer value
Which of the following options represent correct set of data for valid equivalence
class partitions?
Select one:
a. 0, 1, 99, 100, 200, 201, 499, 500
b. 50, 100, 250, 1000
c. 50, 100, 200, 1000
d. 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 350, 500
Question 2
Which type of automation test design is used in the example below, An automation
team designs an automation framework for testing of their web based applications.
Realizing that they need to use different test cycles, they decide not to hard code
any data in their scripts. Instead they read all the data from text files while test
execution is in progress?
a. data-driven
b. Keyword-driven
c. dynamic test design
d. data coverage analysis

Question 3
If the HTML web page is given for the test, Which of the following is the major
priority initially?
Select one:
a. To check the non-functional and functional attributes
b. To test the URL and check for GUI
c. To test the functionality
d. Field level check.
Question 4
What is the difference between system testing and integration testing?
Select one:
a. Integration testing is always done after system testing
b. Integration testing includes only functional testing, system testing includes both
functional & non-functional
c. Integration testing does interfaces between systems, system testing requirements
d. Integration testing cannot be done in incremental manner, whereas integration
test can be done in incremental manner
Question 5
Difference between Severity & Priority?
Select one:
a. Priority is same as severity but different names
b. Developers do priority & Severity is done by testers.
c. Severity Impact on the system & Priority Impact on business point.
d. None.
Question 6
Which one of the following is a Product risk?
Select one:
a. 3rd party Supplier issues
b. organizational issues
c. Poor software Quality
d. one of the employer was resigned.
Question 7
Big bang approach is related to?
Select one:
a. Inter system testing
b. Retesting
c. Regression testing
d. Integration testing
Question 8
Which of the following is NOT used in system testing?
Select one:
a. Functional tests
b. Structure-based tests
c. Unit tests
d. Non-functional tests
Question 9
Mark the correct sentences:
I. Defects are a result of environmental conditions and are also

referred to as Failures
II. A human mistake may produce a defect
III. A system will totally fail to operate correctly when a failure exists in it,
IV. When a defect exists in a system it may result in a failure
V. Defects occur only as a result of technology changes
Select one:
a. I, III
b. II, IV
c. IV, V
d. I, II
Question 10
Non functional system testing SHOULD include?
Select one:
a. testing quality attributes of the system including performance and usability
b. testing to see where the system does not function properly
c. testing a system feature using only the software required for that action
d. testing a system feature using only the software required for that function
e. testing for functions that should not exist
Question 11
Given the valid inputs for a given Name field. The inputs of the field are Mr. , Mrs.
, Ms Which comes under valid ECP?
Select one:
a. no input, other than Mr. Mrs. Ms
b. Any one of the above mentioned ,No input, any other input
c. Mr. Miss. Mrs., No input, any other input
d. Any one, Mr. MRS. Ms,
Question 12
What information need not be included in a test incident report?
Select one:
a. test environment details
b. how to reproduce the fault
c. the actual and expected outcomes
d. severity, priority
e. how to fix the fault
Question 13
What does configuration management tool does?
Select one:
a. A tool that supports the recording of the requirements
b. A tool that provides support to the test management and control part of a test
c. None of the options
d. Interfaces between the test management tools and requirement tools
Question 14
Formal Review is led by WHOM?
Select one:
a. moderator
b. Interviewer
c. Manager
d. author
Question 15
Which of the following is a test level according to the V-model?
Select one:
a. Monkey testing
b. Iterative Incremental
c. Adhoc testing
d. Integration Testing

Question 16
By using the performance tool that sets a start time and end a stop time for a given
Transaction in order to measure the response time will make the whole transaction
take slightly longer time, this effect is called ?
Select one:
a. probe effect
b. performance effect
c. transaction effect
d. none
Question 17
The Characteristics of the Inspection are:
1. Led by moderator
2. Uses check list
3. Applicable when there are no documents
4. Formal review Process
Select one:
a. 1,2,4
b. 2,4
c. 1,2,3
d. 3,4
Question 18
Which of the following is NOT part of system testing?
Select one:
a. Usability testing
b. Performance, load and stress testing
c. Requirements based testing
d. Business process based testing
e. Top down integration testing
Question 19
What are the tasks of a typical teste:
I. Preparation of test data
II. Set up of test environment
III. Review of the test plan
IV. Prepare test script
Select one:
a. I, II
b. I, II, III
c. I, III
d. I, II, III, IV
Question 20
What is component Testing?
Select one:
a. White box testing
b. Functional.
c. black box
d. test level
Question 21
How many possible ways can be there for 2input fields with numbers 1,2,3,4?
Select one:
a. 8
b. 10
c. 16
d. 4
Question 22
What will Use case testing finds?
Select one:
a. structural behavior
b. Functional.
c. performance.
d. Regression

Question 23
Confirmation & regression Testing is done at which level ?
Select one:
a. At every level
b. Only at system & acceptance.
c. Both System & Acceptance
d. Only in System Level
Question 24
From the following defect reporting, When ever I open an application the systems
crashes, What is the most priority items missing while defect reporting?
Select one:
a. Expected result, impact on the user.Both expected result and impact can be
easily known by looking at the defect report.
b. Severity , Priority
c. Version, Tested on.
d. User Name, Company ID
Question 25
Static analysis tool is related to ?
Select one:
a. Coding standards
b. testing after the product is finished
c. Comparing the actual & Expected results in offline
d. None
Question 26
Static Analysis tools cannot do the following ?
Select one:
a. Undefined values while executing the code
b. Memory leaks dynamic
c. Divide by 0
d. none
Question 27
The test condition is the value of x is between 0 and 100. Including 0 & 100. What
are the BVI for the test cases?
Select one:
a. -1, 0, 99, 100, 101
b. -1,0, 100, 101
c. -1, 0, 50, 100, 101
d. 0, 50, 99, 100
Question 28
Which of the documents should testing require?
Select one:
a. Liabilities, contract agreement, not the company standards
b. should only see the company standards not the user liabilities and contract
c. Should see all the documents Liabilities, contract agreement, company
d. None.
Question 29
What is visible to endusers is a deviation from the specific or expected behaviour,
this is called?
Select one:
a. a fault
b. an error
c. a defect
d. a mistake
e. a failure
Question 30
Which of the outcomes leads to failure ?
Select one:
a. mistakes done by developers leads to failure
b. mistake/Error found in S/W while testing leads to defect and hence leads to
c. Insufficient programming
d. Error in software some times leads to failure.

Question 31

Given the following:

Switch PC on
Start “outlook”
IF outlook appears THEN
Send an email
Close outlook
Determine the minimum for statement and branch coverage
Select one:
a. 2 tests for statement coverage, 3 for branch coverage
b. 2 tests for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage
c. 1 test for statement coverage, 1 for branch coverage
d. 1 test for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage
e. 1 test for statement coverage, 3 for branch coverage
Question 32
Use Case testing Deals with?
Select one:
a. Functional and non-functional
b. Non-functional attributes like Performance.
c. None
d. Functional but not Non-functional
Question 33
Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User
Acceptance Test scripts?
Select one:
a. System specification
b. User requirements
c. Actual results
d. Program specification
Question 34
The techniques which comes under black box testing are?
Select one:
a. BVA, Statement coverage
b. EVP,BVA, Conditions coverage
c. BVA, EVP, State transition
d. Static analysis tools

Question 35
Which of the following tools can be used by Complexity in the code?
Select one:
a. modeling tool
b. static analysis tool
c. test data preparation tool
d. configuration management tool

Question 36
Which of the following is NOT included in the Test Plan document of the Test
Documentation Standard?
Select one:
a. What is not to be tested
b. Quality plans
c. Test items i.e. software versions
d. Schedules and deadlines
e. Test environments
Question 37
Consider the following statements about risk-based testing:
I. Risk-based testing has the objective to reduce the level of project risks.
II. Tests should be prioritized to find the critical defects as early as possible.
III. Non-testing activities may also help to reduce risk.
IV. Risks have to be reassessed on a regular basis.
V. The project stakeholders can give useful input to determine the risks
Select one:
a. II, III and V are true. I and IV are false
b. II, III, IV and V are correct. I is false
c. I, II and IV are true. III and V are false.
d. I, III, IV and V are true. II is false
Question 38
Testing should be stopped when?
Select one:
a. all the planned tests have been run & all faults have been fixed correctly
b. time has run out
c. it depends on the risks for the system being tested
d. all faults have been fixed correctly
e. all the planned tests have been run
Question 39
Which of the following statement is true?
Select one:
a. For Good testing we have to choose V-model
b. Life cycle Model
c. Water fall model should be used for every Project.
d. Iterative Incremental model
Question 40
What is Integration testing in the small means?
Select one:
a. Only uses components that form part of the live system.
b. Tests interactions between modules or subsystems.
c. Tests the individual components that have been developed.
d. Tests interfaces to other systems.

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