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Nama: Ria Agustin

Kelas: XI-OTKP
Matpel: Bahasa Inggris
Hari/tanggal : Jum’at , 23 Juli 2021


A, Opinion
= Definition,Opinion is a sentence or statement whose truth has not been or
cannot be proven and is subjective. The opinion itself comes from the thoughts
and personal feelings of the owner. All the feelings felt by the subject so that
the opinion is more personal.
= Purpose , an expression used to ask for opinions or views about someone or
= Generic structure:
1. Statement of Opinion (Thesis) which is one part containing the author’s
point of view on the issue discussed. Usually also a theory that will be
supported by arguments.
2. Argumentation is one of the reasons or evidence used to strengthen the
statement in the thesis, although in general argumentation is defined as
rejecting an opinion. This argument can be in the form of general
questions or research data, statements of experts, or facts based on
reliable references.
3. Statement or Re-affirmation of Opinion (Reiteration), which is one part
containing the reaffirmation of opinions driven by facts in the
argumentation section to strengthen or confirm. It’s at the end of the

B . Thought
- Definition , Thoughts are ideas and mental processes. Thinking allows
a person to represent the world as a model and treat it effectively
according to goals, plans, and desires.
- Purpose , the purpose of the mind is to satisfy one's heart
Are expressed, and spoken orally or non-verbally, while thoughts are
things that are stuck in the mind.
EXAMPLE Dialogue :
A. Opinion
Percakapan 1
Regina: I think I’ve gained weight because my favorite jeans don’t fit me
anymore. What do you think I should do? (Sepertinya berat badanku
bertambah karena celana jean kesukaanku tidak muat lagi. Menurutmu
apa yang harus aku lakukan?)
Cady: I think you should take some exercise. (Menurutku kamu harus
Regina: What kind of exercise do you think is the best to lose weight?
(Menurutmu olahraga macam apa yang terbaik untuk menurunkan berat
Cady: I don’t know about that. How about asking my sister? She’s an
athlete, so she maybe knows what exercise that is the best to lose
weight. (Aku tidak tahu mengenai itu. Bagaimana jika bertanya kepada
saudariku saja? Dia adalah seorang atlet, jadi mungkin dia tahu olahraga
apa yang terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan)
Regina: That’s a great idea. Let’s ask your sister. (Itu ide yang bagus.
Mari kita tanya saudarimu)
B thought
Perkacapan 2
A: I don’t understand why there is so many garbage lying around in
this campus. Does the students not know that they should throw
their garbage into the trashcan? (Saya tidak mengerti kenapa ada
begitu banyak sampah yang berserakan di kampus ini. Apakah para
mahasiswanya tidak tahu bahwa mereka harus membuang sampah di
tempat sampah?)
B: Some people are too ignorant even for such a little thing like this.
What is your opinion about littering? (Beberapa orang terlalu tidak
peduli bahkan untuk hal sekecil ini. Apa pendapat Anda mengenai
buang sampah sembarangan?)
A: I think people who litters are uncultured and uncivilized. So it’s really
saddening to see so many people littering at campus, a place where the
students are supposedly cultured and civilized. (Menurut saya orang-
orang yang buang sampah sembarangan tidak berbudaya dan dan
biadab. Jadi ini sangat menyedihkan ketika melihat begitu banyak orang
buang sampah sembarangan di kampus, tempat yang seharusnya
mahasiswanya berbudaya dan beradab)

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