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Assessment Templates

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work

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I have acknowledged all sources where appropriate in accordance with Greystone
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Submitting your assessment:

Complete all assessment tasks, upload the Templates document and submit in Moodle for grading.
Videos and information on how to submit work through Moodle are in the FAQ section of your VET
Orientation course. Once your assessment is graded, you will receive an email notification. Check
your grades and submission feedback on Moodle.
Assessor’s acknowledgement:
Please verify each of the following principles of assessment by placing a tick in each box. Refer to
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Authentic: I am assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s

own work
Valid: I am assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as
 described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment
Current: I am assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency.

This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past
Sufficient: I am assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment

evidence enable a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency

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Task 2 – Knowledge Questions Template
Please provide answers, under each question, to the following nine (9) questions:

1. List two organizational documents or resources that can help define project parameters.
• Contract/s
• Company Business Plan
• MOU – Memorandum of Understanding
• Project Brief
• Budget
• Scope Document
2. Choose one document or resource from those listed in Question 1 and explain how it helps
define project parameters.

A budget is a financial estimate of money/funds needed to complete the project with specific
items identified and itemized or listed.
Some approvals others are used at the discretion of the appropriate stakeholder or decision
maker. This needs to be reported on and justified when finalized.

3. Outline two questions or considerations for a person managing part of a project when
identifying the extent of their responsibility.

• Have you got a continency plan for problems that may occur?
• Will I have all the resources I need to complete my tasks in this project?
• Do you know how long it will be for this project to provide a return on investment
• Have you seen an organizational plan and do you know where to go to seek approval
for tasks beyond your authority or limitations?

4. Provide two examples that illustrate why it’s important for a project manager executing a
project to consider organisational objectives and the relationship of the project to other

• To ensure that this project aligns with other projects rather than compete or conflict
with them for the same resources.
• The overall business plan must be considered, if the project does not help the overall
business meet its goals, there is no point in continuing.

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• To not miss an opportunity to gain approval for a variation to the project. Allow for
flexibility – combine resources with a similar project to multiply the benefit of the
projects by working together.

5. Identify two factors a project manager should consider when allocating human resources to a

• Avoiding over and under allocation of human resources.

• Insufficient staff allocation.
• Inappropriate staff allocation. Assuming staff has the required skills before checking.
• The business may not have the necessary specialization or internal skill set to allocate.
• Time-frame increases due to the above.

6. Provide two examples of project management tools, explaining how each can contribute to
project management.

• Balanced Scorecard: This tool may take the results of strategic planning and turn them
into actionable items for businesses. The Balanced Scorecard assists businesses in
executing their strategy by (1) producing a concise one-page strategy map that specifies
the most essential strategic objectives, and (2) evaluating strategy implementation with
meaningful and relevant KPIs.
• Benchmarking goes hand-in-hand with the Balanced Scorecard. Key Performance
Indicators can only generate meaningful insights if they are compared with targets and
benchmarks. Benchmarks can come from within the company by comparing
departments and business units or can come from industry research or best practice

7. You are managing a project to train staff members in a specialist, high-risk work role.
Training must be delivered within a given time frame, in your workplace by a technically
qualified and experienced trainer.
Using the five-step risk management process, identify two risks to the project and suggest
how these risks could be controlled.

1. Risk of Delay: Written contract with financial penalties if the training is not completed
before a specified date.
2. Suitability of Staff: in this topic it will necessarily make a detailed list of staff (matrix)
and only provide the training to those that qualify.
3. The location/suitability of venue for the training:

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• Have an alternative venue booked.
• Check all equipment for safety and compliance.
• Technical visit from ten trainer.
• Signage appropriate to WHS – Emergency evacuation procedures.
• Trial demonstration.

8. Where WHS risks exist in a project, provide two suggestions for how such risks can be
identified and/or managed.

• Identify PM obligations in relation to WHS.

• Consult with WHS Committee and/or representatives.
• Ensure a safety plan is in place (Evacuation)
• Ensure First Aid materials and qualified First Aid trainers are available.
• Consult with staff prior to commencement to seek input.

9. Explain the difference between direct and indirect costs, giving an example of each.
• Direct:
➢ Company owned equipment that is used/loaned/ borrowed to complete project
➢ Costs associate with staff, human costs.
➢ Supplies/ Consumables that are used by those in the project.
• Indirect:
➢ Physical elements: Inputs for the operation of the plant, necessary for
production. For example, electrical energy, water, refrigerants, etc.
➢ Supplies such as lubricants, oils, cleaning supplies, tools and work equipment,
maintenance materials, etc.

Nine (9) Questions Total

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Task 3 - Project: Review Report Template

BizOps Enterprises

Retail staff leadership / customer

service / first aid / professional
development project

Phase 2 Review Report

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Executive Summary: ............................................................................................................................. 7
Background: ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Section 1: Define the Project ................................................................................................................ 7
Project Scope and contribution: ....................................................................................................... 7
Key stakeholders:.............................................................................................................................. 8
Operational policies, procedures and protocols, as well as legislation, regulations WHS and codes
of practice: ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Bizops policies on budgets and finance, record-keeping, reporting and quality assurance: ........... 9
Project resources: ........................................................................................................................... 10
Section 2: Planning and Implementation ........................................................................................... 11
Managing and monitoring: ‘Record-keeping and Reporting procedures’ ..................................... 11
Project Risks:................................................................................................................................... 11
Budget items:.................................................................................................................................. 12
Staff engagement: .......................................................................................................................... 12
Staff transition: ............................................................................................................................... 12
Section 3: Project Review ................................................................................................................... 13
Section 4: Lessons Learned ................................................................................................................. 13

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Executive Summary:
This report is a review of Phase 2 of the Retail staff leadership / Customer Service / First AID /
professional development project. Gina Harris has requested this to ensure that the training
provided to staff and supervisors is appropriate and the best use of BizOps finances.

This report includes recommendations for alternative training so that BizOps can maintain its ability
to be the retailer of choice for its customers and BizOps can maintain its ranking as the number on
retailer in its industry in Australia. BizOps wants to focus on innovation, green solutions and reinforce
a competitive advantage over its competitors. This project if successful in Victoria and Tasmania will
be rolled out nationally across all 150 retail stores.

Over a 6–12-month period beginning July 1, the project will select, offer training, and assess
acceptable units of competency for staff professional development in one or more streams.

Full qualifications are not required, according to BizOps management, and employees will only be
trained in areas of competency that are relevant to their job. The cost of training and development
will be covered entirely by the company.

The Victorian Training and Development Coordinator (and staff) will oversee the project, which will
be overseen by the Human Resources Manager.

To provide auspiced assessment arrangements, project employees may choose to use training
providers who are not on the BizOps recommended provider list. New providers, on the other hand,
must complete the application procedure and contractual requirements in order to be considered
for preferred provider status.

Section 1: Define the Project

Project Scope and contribution:
This project aims to provide retail sales staff with professional development across 10 retail stores
in the Victoria and Tasmania region. We have just completed Phase 2 of the project in 3 retail stores
in Victoria and Tasmania. This report will help us refine the program to ensure we are using our
resources in the most efficient and effective way. If successful, this project could form the
justification of a roll out to all 150 BizOps retail stores across Australia.

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The business has identified gaps in the skill base of retail staff. Specially, 3 streams have been
identified to improve customer service delivery, contribute to a culture of a professionalism among
staff and meet BizOps duty of care obligations. This extends to supervisory and well as regular retail
staff. We intend to investigate all training options to ensure that best courses are chosen so that all
employees have the greatest opportunity to perform their daily tasks and feel like they have a future
at BizOps.

BizOps intends to provide professional development to all of its staff including casual and part time

BizOps intends to maintain its number one rating in the annual national industry customer service

BizOps is known for its enthusiastic and inclusive culture. BizOps seeks to maintain professional and
well supported staff.

Key stakeholders:
Project Manager Role by Miguel Molina

• Changes to project timelines or deliverables are only approved after conversation

with the Human Resources Manager.
• Manage all aspects of the project.
• Budget approvals.

Stakeholders Position Roles

Victorian Training and
Miguel Molina Project Manager
Development Coordinator
Bentley Grattan Senior Training Officer VIC/TAS
Darcy Nills Training Officer VIC/TAS
Chris Wilkinson Training Officers Retail training specialist (seconded position)
Judy Prlic Retail training specialist (contract position
First aid trainer Position to be outsourced/contracted
Gina Harris Person reporting to Human Resources Manager

Staff Roles:

The Project Manager (Miguel Molina) and project staff will work with the Regional Retail
Manager VIC/TAS and store managers to:

• Set up the amount of retail staff requiring customer service training all along Store
managers and supervisors who need to improve their leadership and mentoring skills.

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• Locally, discuss the content and timing of delivery and assessment with vocational
education providers.
• In each of the three training streams, establish applicable units of competency for
delivery and evaluation.
• Negotiate with providers on delivery and assessment costs, then submit to the Project
Manager for approval.

Operational policies, procedures and protocols, as well as legislation,

regulations WHS and codes of practice:
Anti-Discrimination – BizOps seeks to provide a workplace that ensures its employees are treated
with respect and dignity and works hard to ensure its dealing meet the legal requirements of anti-
discrimination, WHS and equal employment opportunity legislation.
Preferred Training Suppliers – We must always choose from the approved training supplier list – if
employees wish to choose a different development opportunity this is negotiable with their direct
Risk Management: in developing the Project scope and reviewing the phases of the project we are
required to reduce risks to business, financial and human resources, budgeting-financial planning.
Any budgeting decisions need to be approved by Gina Harris for this project.
As such it is important that I maintain regular communication with her regarding project costs and
any proposed changes or increases. The ability to make quick decisions ensures the project continues
and maintain momentum

Bizops policies on budgets and finance, record-keeping, reporting and

quality assurance:
Budgeting – Financial planning. Any budgeting decisions need to be approved by Gina Harris for this
• Info Policy – All documents relating to this project must be created, used, maintained,
made accessible, stored and legally disposed of in a manner that satisfies legal and
business requirements. This includes physical and digital documents.

• Risk Policy – Covers the scope of the project and the project must be reviewed by the risk
management committee to ensure that there is no risk to:

➢ Business Operations.
➢ Any operational risk.
➢ Making recommendations to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory

• Risk Procedures:

➢ All project requirements. Should factor in the likelihood, consequence or impact

of a project element (Risk matrix)
➢ During a project any new risks identified should be recorded, discussed, reviewed
and approved.

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➢ Key to this is the adoption of the hierarchy of controls: Elimination, Substitution,
engineering, administrative and PPE.

• Supplier Policy - When selecting and managing suppliers, BizOps Enterprises employees
must adhere to the following rules.

• Work Health and Safety Policy - In compliance with its legal obligations, BizOps
Enterprises is committed to providing a safe working environment for all of its
employees. This commitment is demonstrated through prompt attention to unhealthy
or harmful conditions. Workplace health and safety (WHS) is the responsibility of all

BizOps policies

BizOps Enterprises adheres to the policies, procedures, and legal requirements outlined above, all of
which must be respected and adhered to by all employees and workers completing project activities.
It is critical that they adhere to the agendas, templates, and rules established by BizOps, as well as
the same methods for completing the project, since they will assist the employees, workers, and
project manager in achieving the project's goals.

Project resources:
The following resources are required for the project to be completed:

a) Training providers chosen by Senior Training Officer VIC/TAS (Brent Bentley) - an extensive
search will be undertaken via the internet and phone calls to discover the suitable trainers for
each course, select them, and set up a meeting to finalize the agreement.

b) Utilities – will be communicated and agreed upon with the trainers, and we will discuss what
kind of utilities are required for the training. We will also need to speak with Fatima and revise
the company's actual utilities.

c) Information Technology - In order to design the training, we will need books, the internet,
laptops, a presenter, and a printer.

d) Financial resources – will serve as the foundation for the project's total budget. This includes,
but is not limited to, the following:

• Awaiting Regional Inputs - meeting with regional managers to revise past inputs from the
preceding 5 years, after which we may build the project prediction.
• Salaries / remuneration - we must design a financial plan after negotiating with the
trainer the cost of the course and the advantages that he will demand, such as
transportation, lunch, and lodging.
• Training Providers Tax Invoice — double-check the tax invoice to ensure that it has been
paid, avoiding legal issues and ensuring that we are on the right track.
• Purchase orders - do some research on the materials needed for the project, discover
the best supplier, and try to negotiate discounts or financing.

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Section 2: Planning and Implementation
Managing and monitoring: ‘Record-keeping and Reporting
The project manager in charge of the project must follow and respect BizOps Enterprises rules
and complete certain solo objectives, such as managing and monitoring the manager's role and
other responsibilities, which include:

• Obtain approval for resource purchasing using existing standard operating procedures,
processes, and systems.
• Create new processes and systems that facilitate resource access.
• Find out the availability of resources
• Consult with the project sponsor, possibly the company accountant and the IT manager
about the availability of resources.

Monitor Finance: as a project manager team we have to make a report about how we are
spending the money. We need specific information about the finance like:
• The estimated and actual expenditure.
• The amount spend against the total project cost.
• The estimated remaining costs to complete the project.
• Other costs that are increasing the project cost.

Project Risks:
The project manager's risk management approach will consist of identifying a BizOps risk, which
can be any occurrence or activity that could have a negative impact on the organization. This
contains occurrences that may lead to:
• Seriously damage to the physical environment, such as contaminated land, water, or air.
• Death or injury.
• Failure to meet regulatory or legislative requirements.
• Financial loss to BizOps.
• Damage to BizOps’s reputation.
According with the information above it’s important to discuss about the Risk Policy in BizOps
that outlines our commitment to achieving risk management-related strategic and operational
objectives. Our dedication to continuous improvement is reflected in this policy. Regular
training, monitoring, auditing, and reporting processes will be used to evaluate risk
management. Employees at BizOps Enterprises are accountable for implementing risk
management ideas and practices in their respective work environments.

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Process Action
Risk identification is a structured approach to identifying the
Risk identification events that, if they were to occur, could have a negative impact
on BizOps Enterprises

Risk rating is a process to analyse and understand each of the

Risk rating risks, including understanding what causes the risk to occur and
what controls are already in place to manage the risk.

Controls represent a whole range of actions, measures and

Risk controls strategies taken by management and employees to eliminate
or reduce risks
Risk monitoring and reporting involves a process of regular
Risk monitoring and reporting review to ensure that new risks are identified and considered
as they arise.
Keeping in record the information above we need to talk about the possible risks that BizOps
may face:

Budget items:
Employees undertaking Unit Competency Cost Duration Location
Sales assistants Total No
Certificate III Retail Operations Minimise loss (Release 1) $1,950 Online Course Online
Coordinate interaction
with customers (Release 1)
Coordinate work
Store supervisory staff
Certificate III Retail Supervision teams (Release 2)
/senior sales staff Total $572 4 day training
units of competency Maintain employee
No :6
relations (Release 2)
Coordinate merchandise
presentation (Release 1)
BizOps Company
Provide professional
Store managers Total Certificate IV Retail Management customer service for
$1,200 4 days training
No :15 units of competency high value and
complex sales (Release 1)
Provide first aid (Release 5)
Nominated permanent 3 days training in addition with
First aid units of competency $1,850
staff Total No :8 Provide cardiopulmonary practices scenarios
resuscitation (Release 4)

Staff engagement and Staff transition:

In BizOps Enterprises the process of preparing budgets is sequential, but in reality, the process
is not straightforward and involves iteration processes where some steps may need to be
repeated. The steps in the budgeting process are:

• Determine budget policies and guidelines.

• Set up a Budget Committee

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• Prepare assumptions and forecasts
• Produce functional and subsidiary budgets
• Produce the master budget
• Obtain approval for the budget
• Publish and implement the budget

For the current project the budget items that have been taken for consideration is:
The cost of the units for the employees who require the training which will include the cost for
the course for each employee.

Section 3: Project Review

Post-Project Review Meeting – Agenda
Topic: Professional development projecct Who Time
Brief overview of project:
To expand the client base and maintain good customer relations, which
is beneficial to the company's reputation and growth. This project team
will comprise of individuals from the coding group, quality control, and Project 10
the project manager will have overall authority and responsibility for Manager Mins
managing and executing this project. The project manager is in charge
of reporting on the status and performance of each project resource to
the organization's managers.
Review by team:
Everyone contributed to the project's success. It's been toled and gained
once more. As a result, the gaols were well-known from the start. The
deliverables were completed on time. Work has been meticulously
planned. 15
Employees may have arrived on time instead of being fifteen minutes
and a half hour late.
Everything went according to plan because planning had been done
ahead of time.
What worked/what could have gone better?
Worked well: First aid training has been done better and customer
satisfaction has increased.
Planning had been done in advance and everything has gone according All
to plan.

Could have gone better: Employees could have come to work on time
instead of being late by fifteen minutes and half hour

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The team's communication has been lacking. Messages were always
sent late to team members. Some team members always claimed that
the boss had failed to instruct them on how to complete the assignment
properly. There have been squabbles with the boss.
We had been struggling with resource. At this time, we could not pay
our employees for all the hard work they have done.

Next steps:
Hire staff who are more reliable, who are on time at work and hire staff All 5 mins
that would not take a lot of leave or change jobs frequently

Section 4: Lessons Learned

• Finish the job on time without inflicting any risk of job completion.

• Work as a team to identify possible productive gaps.

• Ensure that all members of the different teams meet the established objectives.

• As a supervisor, you are expected to take action on employees who are late for

• The initiatives that are established must be carried out.

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