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Division of City School, Quezon City

School District XVI

5th District,Quezon City, Metro Manila


Teacher: Jonalvin A. Ke Learning Area: Science

Content Standards:
 The learners demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work
together to form organ system.
Performance Standards:
 The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper
functioning of the musculoskeletal, integumentary, digestive, circulatory, excretory,
respiratory, and nervous systems.
Learning Competency:
 The learners should be able to explain how the organs of each organ system work together.
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1. describe how the integumentary works
2. distinguish how the integumentary works
3. appreciate the importance of healthful habits that promote proper functioning
of the integumentary system
II. Content:
Subject Matter: Parts and Functions of the Integumentary System
Science Concepts:
The integumentary system is the bodies’ first line of the defense against outside
 Skin – The largest organ in a human’s body.
 Hair – is a slender, flexible structure found on the surface of the skin.
 Nails – they protect the tips of the fingers and toe[s from abrasion or injuries.
 Epidermis – is the outer layer of the skin.
 Regenerative layer – the deepest part of the epidermis.
 Sweat glands – cool the body
 Sebaceous glands – coat the hair with oil
III. Learning Resources:
A. References:
K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Grade 6 Science
Cyber Science pages 53-57 (2015)
The New Science Links pp. 122-128 (2016)
B. Code S6LT-IIa-b1
C. Other Learning Resources
D. Science Processes: Identifying, communicating, inferring
IV. Procedures:
1. Engagement
a. Review: (Before beginning to focus on the Integumentary System, teachers should
introduce students to the concept of organ system in general. Explain to students that
each of the organ systems work together as whole to keep the body functioning, but each
organ system has its own specific function. Introduce the organ system as listed below).
 Integumentary System
 Digestive System
 Cardiovascular System
 Lymphatic and Immune System
 Circulatory System
 Nervous System
 Respiratory System
b. Motivation: Arrange the given letters to form the correct body part. Write the
correct word in the boxes. Get a partner and discuss the function of each.

A. KSIN ---------
B. AHRI ---------
C. IANLS ---------
D. GALDSD -------
E. ERNSVE -------
2. Exploration
*(Introduce skin and the integumentary system by challenging the class with a
Ask: What is the largest organ in the human body?
Answer: skin – but students may be more likely to say an internal organ
such as the stomach or large intestine.
Ask: How do you know when you touch something hot?
Answer: Skin
Ask: There is always dust in the air. What keeps this dust from collecting in
your eyes.
Answer: Hair
Ask: How and why do we sweat?

*As students discuss these questions, introduce them to the skin as well as the
accessory organs which make up the Integumentary system. The organs are listed
below for your convenience).
A. Skin
B. Nails
C. Hair
D. Sweat glands
E. Sebaceous glands
*Show a video of Integumentary System
*Explain some of the functions of each part of the Integumentary System to your
students. Ask them to come up with some ideas of their own that explain how some
parts of the system work.
 Skin – protecting underlying tissues
 Nails – protective covering
 Hair – external insulation
 Sweat Glands – cool the body
 Sebaceous glands – coat the hair with oil
*After discussing the various jobs of the integumentary system, ask students
to complete the worksheet with this lesson plan.
4. Elaboration
a. Ask the following questions:
1. What are the parts of the integumentary system?
2. What is the function of each part?
3. How sweat is formed?
4. Why are we sweating?
b. Valuing:
1. Is the integumentary system important? Why?
2. How are you going to take care of the parts of your integumentary system?
5. Evaluation:
A. How Does the Integumentary System Work? Complete the graphic organizer below.
Protects the body’s internal living tissues and ________________
________________ body temperature
Helps the body _____________ waste materials
Acts as a ____________ for touch, pressure, pain, heat and cold
Protects the body from ________________
Stores __________________and fat
B. Identify the organs described below.
____________1. Largest organ of the body and serves as a barrier of the body
against germs.
____________2. Produce oil that lubricates the skin and hair and enhance the barrier
function of the skin.
____________3. Produce perspiration which comes out and evaporates to increase
heat loss.
____________4. Traps more warmth when the body feels cold.
____________5. Layers of the skin that stores fat.

Additional Activity:
Answer the following questions.
 What can happen if a part of the body is not covered with skin?
 What can happen if your sweat glands do not produce perspiration?
 Why should you use an umbrella or other protective cover when walking under the sun?
 How can you protect your integumentary system from disorders? Give at least four ways.
 How does the integumentary system work with the nervous system?
Activity 1
Examining and Comparing Skin
Name of the Group: ________________________________ Group No: _____________________
Group Members: ___________________________________ Date & Day: ___________________
Learning Competency:
 The learners should be able to explain how the organs of each organ system work together.
Activity 1A: How is chicken skin similar to human skin?
Describe how the integumentary works.
Distinguish how the integumentary works.
Identify healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the integumentary.
What you need:
Chicken wing dissecting pan
Dissecting kit disposable gloves
What you need to do:
1. Wear disposable gloves.
2. Place the chicken wing in the dissecting pan.
3. Observe what are attached to the skin of the chicken wing.
4. Use the dissecting kit to remove the skin from the wings by cutting through the membrane
that attaches the skin to the muscles and pulling the skin away from the muscles.
5. Look for the pockets of fats, blood vessels, and muscle fibers attached to the skin. Note the
strength of the skin.
6. Compare the chicken skin with your skin.
Guide Questions:
1. What are the parts of the chicken skin?____________________________________________
2. Human skin contains hair follicles. What type of hair follicles might you find on chicken
3. Why is it important for skin to be strong and elastic? _____________________________

Make a conclusion based from the given problem.

Prepared by: Ronald R. Valenzuela

Manuel Luis Quezon Elementary School

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