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Tutorial 1

Determine whether each of these sentences is proposition. If YES, write in its negation:
a) 8 – 3 = 5. (YES)

 8–3≠5
b) Answer all questions. (NO)
c) This statement is not true. (YES)

 This statement is true


State whether the following statement is simple or compound statement.

(There are two types of statement: simple and complex, or compound. A simple statement

is one that does not contain another statement as a component. ... A compound
statement contains at least one simple statement as a component, along with a logical operator,
or connectives.)

a) Today is raining but windy.

 Compound statement (ada but)

b) Aisyah likes wearing blouse bought by her sister.

 Simple statement

Let p, q and r be the propositions
p: Today is Friday.
q: It is raining.
r: It is hot.

Represent each of these propositions using p, q, r and logical connectives.

a) Today is Friday but it is raining.

 p^q

b) Either today is Friday or it is raining, but it is not hot if it is raining.

 (p ⱽ q) ^ (q → ⌐r)

c) It is not the case that today is Friday or it is raining if and only if it is hot.
 ⌐(p ⱽ q) ↔ r
Consider this statement

You get promoted whenever you are elected as senior staff.

Write the following statement in the form of inverse, converse and contrapositive.

 Inverse
 You do not get promoted whenever you are not elected as senior staff.
 Converse
 You are elected as senior staff whenever you get promoted
 Contrapositive
 You are not elected as senior staff whenever you do not get promoted

Let p, q and r be the propositions
p: You have registered for the course.
q: You miss the deadline to submit application.
r: You are allowed to sit for exam.

Express each of these propositions as an English sentence.

a) (¬p → ¬ r) v (q → ¬ r)
 Either if you have not registered for the course or miss the deadline to submit the application, then
you are not allowed to sit for exam

b) (¬p v q) → ¬r
 Either if you have not registered for the course or miss the deadline to submit the application, then
you are not allowed to sit for exam

P: it rains
Q: we are not going to Aminah's house.

If we are not going to Aminah's house, then it rains.

if it is not raining, then we are going to Aminah's house

If we are going to aminah's house, then it is not raining

P: Amirah comes
Q: we will go to the birthday party

Converse: If we go to the birthday party, then Amirah comes

Inverse: If Amirah does not come, then we will not go to the birthday party

contrapositive: If we do not go to the birthday party, then Amirah does not come

P = they study consistently
Q = Students can perform excellently in examination

Converse = If students can perform excellently in examination, then they study consistently

Inverse = If students do not study consistently, then they cannot perform excellently in examination

Contrapositive = If students cannot perform excellently in examination, then they do not study

P = Sarah wants to win the contest
Q = Sarah has to complete the challenge

Converse = If Sarah has to complete the challenge, then she wants to win the contest

Inverse = If Sarah does not want to win the contest, then she does not have to complete the

Contrapositive = If Sarah does not have to complete the challenge, then she does not want to win
the contest.

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