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A Simple Routine to Develop Your Basic English Skills

Developing your reading habit takes a lot of time and dedication, but if you manage to develop it, then
you will see that it will help develop your writing and vocabs too. A routine is given below so that you
can improve your reading fluency along with your vocabulary.
Day 1 (Reading + Vocab):
Skills targeted: Reading Fluency, picking up new vocabulary, and sentence making
Go to
Start from the beginner section, scroll down and finish reading 3 passages per day. Understand the
sentence structure and try to identify the patterns of compound / complex sentences using the techniques
taught in class. This should take around 30 min to 45 min.
After you are done with the Beginner section, then move on to the “Low Intermediate” –
“Intermediate” – “High Intermediate” – and “Advanced” sections.

As you read, please note down any unfamiliar vocabs in the vocabulary recording sheet. Note down the
form of the word along with its meaning and MAKE A SENTENCE so you understand how it is used.
Make more digital copies or get printouts or photocopies of the sample sheet as needed. Record and learn
5 – 7 words daily. This activity should take 30 min.
Sample Vocab Sheet:
Word Meaning Bangla Meaning






After you’re done, follow this playlist and learn some more useful words:
You can look up the meaning of the word here:
Alternatively, if you want to look up the Bangla meaning, then look up the word here:
An example has been given below:
Example Passage:
During the “frustration phase”, the newcomer begins to experience a more negative view of their cultural
surroundings. The problems of communicating in a new language or the tasting different foods, for
example, are no longer novel. The visitor tends to exaggerate or dwell on problems in the new culture.
There is a definite frustration that things that should be easy are still difficult.

Word Meaning Bangla Meaning

surrounding the place where someone or something is and পার্শ্ববর্তী
(noun) the things that are in it

Sentence: They live in very comfortable surroundings.

Exaggerate to make something seem larger, more অত্যুক্তি করা, অন্যায়ভাবে

(verb) important, better, or worse than it really is বাড়ান
Sentence: I don’t want to exaggerate (verb), but it was a
dangerous situation.

What he said are simply exaggerations.

Definite something that is fixed or clear সুনির্দি ষ্ট, যথার্থ

Sentence: There are definite weaknesses in their
security arrangements.
Day 2: (Grammar Practice + Speaking)
Skills Targeted: Basic Grammar, speaking proficiency and listening aptitude
Download “Essential English Grammar In Use” by Murphy and solve one unit per day. After if you’re
done, download and finish the other book, “English Grammar in Use”. Alternatively, you can buy the
books too. This should take around 1 hour daily.

Then watch a video from this playlist (It contains videos on grammar):

After you’re done with it, do some speaking practice:

Follow this link if you want to improve your level from Band 5 – 6.
Follow these links if you want to improve your level from Band 6 – 7+

Level 2:
Level 3:
It is preferred that you watch the videos with a partner and do some pair work.
● watch the video once (if it’s a long video – watch one minute and pause)
● Understand the sentences that are spoken
● Repeat them 2 – 3 times with your partner, and try to converse using them
● Spend 15 – 20 min doing this activity with the rest of the videos in the playlist.
● If you don’t have a partner, repeat what is said in the video by yourself, and try to use those
sentences in English.
Note: Going through these videos will also help to improve your listening skills and vocabulary. As usual,
note down the words that are unknown to you from the speaking videos in your vocab sheet / notebook.
Lastly, watch a video or two from here – it contains basic speaking expressions:
Integrate the activities of both days if you feel dedicated enough, but don’t overdo it –



Additional Resources:
Listening Aid –
Follow this playlist and listen to the story being narrated – 30 min each day- this will help you to
learn English passively.
After you finish Murphey’s first book and most of the passages from Dreamreader, which should take 1 –
2 months depending on your pace, try to develop a reading habit. You could try reading a few books given
in the Reading list below:
Level 1 (For those who have never read a book)
● The Harry Potter Series – J.K. Rowling
● The Fault in Our Stars – John Green
● The Great Gatsby – F Scott Fitzgerald
● The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway
● Books by Sidney Sheldon (Google the titles)
● Books by Agatha Christie (Google the titles)
● Malgudi Days – RK Narayan
Level 2 (After you feel comfortable with reading)
● Books by John Grisham (Google the titles)

● Books by Dan Brown (Google the titles)

● Books by Paulo Coehlo (Google the titles)

● The Lord of the Rings – J.R.R Tolkien

Bonus Resources:
Vocabulary through Video (you can incorporate this at Day 1):
This playlist contains videos explaining the usage of the most common vocabulary used in English. I
recommend that you watch these on Day 1.
Conversational English from movies (you can incorporate this at Day 2):
Vocabulary Books:

These are good books that can help develop your basic vocabs. Just go through them in your spare time
once in a while, but NEVER TRY TO MEMORIZE them. Just try to recall the words and their usage.

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