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¡: Designatñon: D 4372 - 93

¡ 1 :1. '·
Stta1T11daird Specüfñcatñcll'll foir
-r.1,. f'lame--Resistall'1lt Materüals Ulsedl irn Campüng Te111tage 1
i ~ . , ':
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4372; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
JI. Scope structure designed to protect persons from the elements, all
or a portian of the covering of which is made of fabric or
~ 1.1 This specification covers the evaluation of the flame
resistance of fabric and other pliable materials used in other pliable materials. Discussion-The term "camping tentage" in-
camping tentage.
eludes but is not limited to; camping tents, play tents,
1.2 It provides far certification of materials by suppliers
recreational vehicle awnings, dining flies, and canopies,
and far labeling programs to caution the user against actions
fabric screen houses, add-a-rooms, and ice fishing tents.
detrimental to flame-retardant treated fabrics. It also facili-
3.1.3 flame resistance, n-the property of a material
tates the identification of tentage as being constructed of
whereby flaming combustion is prevented, terminated, ar
flame-resistant materials, and it identifies the manufacturer.
inhibited fallowing application of a flaming ar nonflaming
1.3 This standard should be used to measure and describe
source of ignition, with ar without subsequent removal of the
the properties of materials, products, or assemblies in re-
sponse to heat and flame under controlled laboratory candi- · igrrition source.
1 Discussion-Flame resistance can be inherent
tions and should not be used to describe ar appraise the fire
hazard ar fire risk of materials, products, ar assemblies under property of the basic material ar product, or it may be
imparted by specific treatment, The degree of flame resis-
actual fire conditions. However, results of this test may be ·
tance exhibited by a specific material during testing may vary
used as elements of a fire risk assessment which takes into
account all of the factors which are pertinent to an assess- with different test conditions.
3.1.4 flame resistant, adj-having flame resistance.
ment of the fire hazard of a particular end use.
1.4 The fallowing precautionary caveat pertains only to Discussion-"Flame resistant" is the mandated
the test method portian, Sections 8 and 9, of this specifica- description far certain products that meet established con-
formance standards or specifications when the product is
1.5 This standard does not purport to address ali of the tested by a specific method, Where no confarmance stan-
1: safety problems, if any, associated with its use. Jt is the dards exist, "flame resistant" is a relative term and is used to
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- compare one material to another.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3.1.5 glow, n-visible, flameless combustion of the solid
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. phase of a material. Discussion-A salid may both glow and give off
combustibles that bum in the gas phase (that is, flame) hut
Lri¡ __ 2_,_lReferenced Documents~----- .. ---- _ ------ ----- the two are norñecessariiy interdependent. Aspects of glow
: ¡ 2.1 ASTM Standards: not involving · combustion are defined in dictionaries of ·
:: D 123 Terminology Relating to Textiles2 general terms.
, D 1776 Practice far Conditioning Textiles far Testing2 3.1.6 For definitions of terms relating to burning be-
, ; D4391 Terminology Relating to the Burning Behavior of havior, refer to Terminology D 4391. Far definitions of other
11 Textiles3 textile terms used in this specification, refer to Terminology
• 1 G 23 Test Method far Measuring Humidity with a Psy- D 123.
¡l chrometer (The Measurement of Wet-Bulb and Dry- 3.2 Description ofTerms Specific to This Standard:
. ¡' Bulb Temperatures)4 __ · 3.2.1 flooring materials-any pliable planer structu"
used as a base surface in camping tentage, but excluding such
3. Terminology , things as rugs _ ar carpets placed in the tent that are not
3.1 Defintttons: ' integral parts of the item.
3.1.1 after-flame time, n-the length of time far which a 3.2.2 wall and top material-any pliable planer structu"
material continues to flame after the ignition source has been used as a nonbase surface in camping tentage includin~
l' removed. roofs, . sides, windows, screens, doors, awnings, flies, anc
¡_¡ 3.1.2 camping tentáge-any portable temporary shelter ar canopies,
,: '
1! !
4. Physical Requírements
1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-13 on r.
Textiles and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee D13.52 on Flammability. 4.1 Flame Resistance ofFlooring-When subjected to thr a
-1 ,.· C~rrent edition approved Nov. 15, 1993. Published January 1994. Originally
pubhshed as D 4372- 84. Last previous edition D 4372- 84 (1989)E1•
test described in Section 8, no specimen from a sample uni:
offlooring material shall be damaged within 1.0 in. (25 J11Jll_
-- ---
m .
Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 07.01.
--- ~7i,mudt JJookóJ:ASTM-Stañtilitils-;'Vo1UT.ü2.
4 Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 06.01.
·· - -- ---- of the edge . of the hole in the flattening frame. Th ;
requirement includes specimens that were unleached ªº"
1 !l

ri, 402
TABLE 1 Damaged Length 6.1.2 Wall and Top Materials Dimensions-Each test
----- -···-· __ -···'Ma)limum._ ~
: : ll..::b:.::e~r-=-ec:::.,t=a.n""gl
"""" c,;,..;1/...16..,.._
es,:...o..,f,._c~lo""t==h'-'2=--'3/.""4_,b:..;.Y...;l;.;;:2;. . ;± in..,..,.,.(7_0~--
_;ntreated Weight ef age Damaged Damaged by 305 ± 2 mm) with the long dimension parallel to either
, •aierial Being Tested, Length fer Sam- Lenglh fer an warp or filling directions of the material.
· oz/yd2 (g/m2¡ ple Unit, in.
Individual Spec-
imen in. (mm) 6_2 Apparatus:

4.5 (114) 1 o.o (250) 6.2.1 Water Container or Tank, of such shape and size
: :;, a but not ever 1 O 5.5 (139) 1 o.o (250) that the specimen can be submerged therein with ali surfaces
- ,10 to 340) ... of the specimen having full access to the water. For cloth
- ,;, 6 but not ever 8 (200 6.5 (165) 10.0 (250) specimens the container shall allow not less than ½ gal (1.89
- ., 270)
: ,er 4 but not ever 6 (140 7.5 (190) 10.0 (250) L) ofwater for each square foot (0.093 m2) of specimen. The
~ments, ali •o 200) water shall be changed by a continuous flow or by emptying
f fabric or <er 1.5 but not ever 4 8.5 (216) 10.0 (250) and refilling so that there shall be at least six complete
• ,50 to 140) changes of water in a 72 h period.
,,01 over 1.5 (5) 9.0 (241) 10.0 (250)
tage" in. 6.2.2 Means ofMaintaining Water, ata temperature of 60
ilay tents, to 70ºF (15.5 to 21 ºC) and at a pH of 6.0 to 8.0 during the
canopies unweathered, specimens that were leached but unweathered, test.
tents. ' and specimens that were weathered but unleached. 6.2.3 Means Jor Holding the Specimen, submerged
materia) 4.2 Flame Resistance of Walls and Tops-When sub- throughout the leaching period.
nated, or jected to the test described in Section 9, no specimen from a 6.3 Procedure-Immerse the specimens in water at a
nflaming sample unit ofwall or top materials shall have an after-flame temperature of 60 to 70ºF (15.5 to 21 ºC) and ata pH of 6.0
val ofthe time of more than 4 s; the average after-flame time for all to 8.0 for 72 h. Prior to further testing, remove the specimen,
specimens in a sample unit shall not exceed 2 s. The damage air-dry and bring to standard atmospheric conditions for
inherent length (distance from the bottom of the specimen to a point testing'textiles.
b.ove which ali materials is sound) for the sample unit and . _
e resis- individual specimens shall not exceed the values shown in
nay vary Table l. Portions or residues that break or drip from the test 7. Specímen Preparatíon and Procedure for Accelerated
specimens shall not continue to flame after they strike the Weathering
·e. bumer platform. This requirement includes specimens that 7.1 Test Specimen-Weather 4 specimens of flooring
andated were unleached and unweathered, specimens that were material per sample lot prior to testing. Handle specimens of
ed con- leached but unweathered, and specimens that were weath- wall and top materials in a similar manner.
duc- ·- ered but unleached. 7.1.1 Flooring Material Dimensions-Each test specimen
ces shall be a 9 by 9 ± 1/16 in. (230 by 230 ± 2 mm) section of the
USeb._/ 5. Conditioning flooring material to be tested.
5.1 Flame tests shall be performed under or upon imme- 7.1.2 Wall and Top Material Dimensions-Each test
1e salid diate removal from standard atmospheric conditions and on specimen shall be rectangles of cloth 2¾ by 12 ± 1/16 in. (70
specimens in moisture equilibrium under standard atmo- by 305 ± 2 mm) with the long dimension parallel to either
spheric conditions, as follows: the warp or filling directions of the materials.
5.1.1 The standard atmospheric conditions for testing 7 .2 Apparatus:
textiles are 65 ± 2 % relative humidity ata temperature of70 7 .2.1 Vertical Carbon Are, inounted at the center of a
± 2ºF (21.1 ± 1 ºC). vertical cylinder. The are shall be designed to accommodate
5.1.2 Moisture equilibrium is considered to have been either two or tl'lree pairs of carbons but shall bum only one
reached when, after free exposure of the material to air in pair at a time, automatically transferring from one ~air to
motion controlled at standard atmospheric conditions given another as the carbons are consumed. The carbons shall be
in 5.1.1, the change in mass of successive weighings made at Sunshine-cored and coppercoated, No. 22 for the upper pair
intervals of 1 h is no greater than 0.25 %. and No. 13 for the lower pair. The are shall be operated on
5.2 In the event of disputes conceming the results of tests 60 A and 50 V across the are for alternating current and on
that may be affected by the moisture content, the material 50 A and 60 V across the are for direct current.
shall be preconditioned by being brought to moisture equi- 7 .2.2 Rotating Rack, with holder in which the specimens
librium with an atmosphere having a relative humidity of are suspended vertically and normally to radiation from the
not over 10 % and a temperature not over 125ºF (52ºC) as are with the center of the face of the specimen at ".a radial
directed in 5 .1.2. The material shall then be brought to distance of approximately 18 in. (457 mm) from th~ are.
moisture equilibrium under the conditions given in 5.1.1 7.2.3 Water-Spray Nozzles, mounted horizontally (the
and 5.1.2 and then tested. water-spray assembly vertically) in the test chamber inside
the specimen rack and so placed that the water sha'll strike
6. Specimen Preparatíon and Procedure for Leaehíng the specimens evenly over their entire length in the form of a
6.1 Test Specimen-Leach 4 specimens of flooring mate- fine spray in sufficient volume to cover specimens immedi-
the rial per sample lot prior to testing. Handle specimens of wall ately on impact. The apparatus shall be so operated that the
unit and top materials in a similar manner. specimens are exposed to successive cycles of 102 min of
nm) 6.1.1 Flooring Material Dimensions-Each test specimen light without spray and 18 min of light with spray.
This'--' shall be a 9 by 9 ± 1/16 in. (230 by 230 ± 2 mm) section ofthe 7.2.4 Meansfor Maintaining the Required Temperature of
and flooring material to be tested. Water, in the spray.

7.2.5 Means far Maintaining the Required Pressure of
Water, entering the spray. shall be easily removable. The sides shall be fastened together
7.2.6 Means far Delivering the Required Quantity af with screws or brackets and taped to prevent air leakage into
Water. per spray nozzle to the specimen. the box during use.
7.2.7 Exhaust Fan, to ventilate the are effectively. 8.3.2 Supparting Frame-A steel plate, 9 by 9 in. (230 by
7.2.8 Black Panel Thermometer Unit, for measuring the 230 mm), with a 1/4 in. (25 by 25 by 2 mm) thick shim
temperature within the maehine. This unit shall eonsist of a affixed to the underside of each comer is required to suppon
metal panel to the base ofwhieh is attached the sensitive por- the material above the floor of the chamber during the
tion of a bimetallic dial-type thermometer. The entire base is course of the test. The edge of the supporting frame must be
¡ then coated twiee with long lasting baked enamel paint. kept clean.
. ' ;¡ .3 Pracedure: 8.3.3 Flattening Frame-A steel plate 9 by 9 in. (230 by
7.3.1 Rotate the rack about the are ata uniform speed of 230 mm), 1/4 in. (6 mm) thick with an 8-in. (203-mm)
1 zpm, diameter hole in its center is required to hold the flooring
. ;
1.3.2 The temperature ofwater in the spray shall be 80 ± material flat during the course of the test.
; l lO~F (26.7 ± 5.6ºC) . 8.3.4 Punch, capable of making a 1/4 in. (6 mm) diameter
7.3.3 The pressure ofthe water entering the spray shall be hole in the center of the specimen of flooring material to be
1 to 18 psi (7 to 124 kPa) inclusive.. . tested.
7.3.4 The quantity of water delivered to the specnnen 8.3.5 Standard Igniting Saurce-Methenamine timed
shall be 0.12 to 0.25 gal/h (0.45 to 0.95 dm3/h) per spray burning tablet or an equal tablet. These tablets shall be
nozzle, inclusive. stored in a desiccator over a desiccant for 24 h prior to use.
7.3.5 The black panel temperature at the exposure plane (Small quantities of sorbed water may cause the tablets to
ofthe specimen rack shall be 155 ± lOºF (68 ± 5.7ºC) when fracture when first ignited. If a major fracture occurs, any
measured in the following manner: Before reading the results from that test shall be ignored, and it shall be
temperature, the machine shall be full of specir~~n~ and shall repeated.)
be in operation long enough for thermal equilibnum to be 8.3.6 Hood, capable of being closed and having its draft
established. Mount the black panel in the test-panel rack and turned off during each test and capable 'of removing rapidly
take readings at the point where water spray is not striking the products of combustion following each test. The front or
the panel.
sides of the hood should be transparent to permit observa-
7.3.6 Suspend the specimen on the rotating rack without tion of the tests in progress.
tension and in such a way that the ends or corners cannot 8.3. 7 Mirror, ima11, mounted above the test chamber at
curl. The long dimension of the specimen shall be in the an angle to perníít observation of the specimen from outside
vertical positíon and shall be indieated on the reverse side of ofthe hood.
the cloth. No test portion of the specimen shall be over 7 in. 8.4 Sampling:
(178 mm) above or below the horizontal plane of the are. 8.4.1 Lot Size-A lot is defined as ali the fabric in a single
7.3.7 Expose the specimen to normal radiation from the manufacturing run of one type of fabric.
are for 100 h.
8.4.2 Lot Sample-Unless otherwise agreed upon, as
7.3.8 At the end of the exposure period, remove the when specified in applicable material specifications, ran-
specimen from the maehine, allow to dry, and bring to
domly take as the lot sample the number of samples defined
standard atmospherie conditions prior to further testing. as follows:
Lot size m yards Sample size
800 or Iess
801 up to and including 22 000
8. Flame Resistance of Flooring Material 22 001 and over 3
8.1 Uses and Significance-This test method simulates 8.4.3 Laboratary Sample-For fabric rolls, take as a
the burning characteristies of a flooring of a camping tent, laboratory sample a full width swatch 1 m (or 1 yd) long
ignited at the center of the material. The slight elevation of from the outside of each roll in the lot sample after first
the specimen simulates the air pockets found under a tent discarding a complete full width wrap length from the very
floor in field conditions. This test method can be used to end of each roll.
determine the effects of finishes and other fabric treatment 8.5 Pracedure:
on the burning propertíes of the materials under controlled 8.5.1 Place the test chamber in the draft-protected envi-
laboratory conditions.
ronment (hood with draft ofi) with its bottom in place and
8.2 Test Specimens-Tbe test specimens shall be in accor- the supporting frame centered in the bottom of the ehamber,
dance with 6.1.1 and 7. l. l. Test four individual specimens, shimmed side down.
no two specimens containing the same warp or fill or
8.5.2 Puncha 1/4 in. (6 mm) diameter hole in the center of
filaments. Por specimens' condition refer to 4.1 and 4.2. the specimen of flooring material to be tested.
8.3 Apparatus:
8.5.3 Place the specimen on the supporting frame in the
8.3.I Test Chamber, consisting of an open top hollow
position in which it will be used, exercising care that the
cube made of noncombustible material with inside dimen-
'ons 12 by 12 by 12 in. (305 by 305 by 305 mm) and a
iínimum of 1¡4 in. (6 mm) wall thickness. The flat bottom of s Methenamine Reagent Table No. 1588, available from Eli Lilly, Inc., 307 East
"-fhe box shall be made of the same material as !h~ _ sides and McCarty St. or 740 South Alabama, Indianapolis, IN 46206, has_ been found

~fil!, D 4372

FIG. 1 Vertical Flame Resistance Textile Apparatus

specimen is horizontal and flat. Place the flattening frame on puff of smoke) or the flaming or smoldering has approached
the specimen, and position a methenamine tablet on one of within 1.0 in. (25 mm) of the edge of the hale in the
"--" its flat sides with its edge within 1/s in. (3 mm) of the edge of flattening frame at any point. Disregard any test in which the
the hale in the center of the specimen. ,' tablet is extinguished by physical action of the specimen of
8.5.4 lgnite the tablet by touching a lighted match oran flooring material, for example, the fabric edge suddenly
equivalent igniting source carefully to its top. curling or shrinking, and repeat the test.
8.5.5 Continue each test until the last vestige of flame or 8.5.6 When al1 combustion has ceased, ventilate the hood
glow disappears (this is frequently accompanied by a final and measure the shortest distance between the edge of the



'· i


FIG. 2 Vertical Flame Resistance Textile Apparatus, Door and Top View with Baffle


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~j D 4372


..__,.__;::í 1~
rr.1 r
- 01-'Att,
l-.a41r;,9 .. ~¡(;

FIG. 3 Vertical Flame Resistance Textile Apparatus, Views and Details

hole in the flattening frame and the damaged area. Record

the distance measured for each specimen. 9.3.1 Cabinet,6 and accessories, fabricated in accordance
8.5.7 Remove the specimen from the chamber, and re- with the requirements specified in Figs. 1, 2, and 3. Galva-
move any bum residue from the floor of the chamber. Befare nized sheet metal or other suitable metal shall be used. The
proceeding to the next test, cool the floor to normal room entire inside back wall ofthe cabinet shall be painted black to
temperature or replace with one that is at normal room facilitate the viewing of the test specimen and pilot flame.
temperature. 9.3.2 Burner, equipped with a variable orifice to adjust the
8.6 Report: flame height, a barre! having a 3/s in. (10 mm) inside
diameter, and a pilot light.
8.6.1 State that the specimens were tested as directed in The burner may be constructed by combining a 3/s
ASTM Specification D 4372. Describe the material(s) or
in. (10 mm) ínside diameter barre! 3 ± ¼ in. (76 ± 6 mm)
product(s) sampled and the method of sampling used.
long from a fixed orifice bumer with a base from a variable
8.6.2 State the number of specimens in each set of 4 tested orifice bumer.
in which the damaged area does not extend to within 1.0 in. The pilot light tube shall have a diameter of
1, (25 mm) of the edge of the hole in the flattening frame.
i 8. 7 Precision and Bias: approximately 1/16 in. (1 mm) and shall be spaced t/s in. (3
mm) away from the bumer edge with a pílot flame t/s in. (3
' 8.7.1 Precision-The precision ofthe procedure in Speci-
fication D 4372 far flame resistance of flooring used in
camping tentage is being established.
mm) long. The necessary gas connections and the applicable
plumbing shall be as specified in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, except that
8.7.2 Bias-The true value of the flame resistance of
a solenoid valve ro?.y be used in Iieu of the stopcock vaive to
flooring used in camping tentage can oñly be defíned in
which the bumer is attached. The stopcock valve or solenoid
terms of a test method. Within this limitation, the procedure
valve, whichever is used, shall be capable of being fully
in Specification D 4372 has no known bias. opened or fully closed in 0.1 s. On the side of the barre! of the bumer, opposite
9. Flame Resistance of Wall and Top Material the pilot light there shall be a metal rod of approximately 1/s
in. (3 mm) diameter spaced ½ in. (13 mm) from the barre!
9.1 Significance and Use-This test method simulates the and extending above the bumer. The rod shall have two S/16
buming characteristics of a wall or top of a camping tent, in. (8 mm) prongs marking the distances of ¾ in. (19 mm)
ignited at the lowest edge. This method can be used to and 1 ½ in. (38 mm) above the top of the bumer.
determine the effects of finishes and other fabric treatment The bumer shall be fixed in a position so that the
on the buming properties of the material under controlled center of the barre! ofthe bumer is directly below the center
laboratory conditions. of the specimen.
9 .2 Test Specimens-The test specimens shall be in accor- 9.3.3 Control Va/ve System, 7 with a delivery rate designed
dance with 6.1.2 and 7 .1.2. Test eight individual specimens, to fumish gas to the bumer under a pressure of 2 ½ ± I/4 psi
take four from the warp and four from the fill direction of
the test material. No two warp specimens shall contain the
same warp yams or filaments and no two fill specimens shall Test Cabinet, available from United States Testing Company, 1941 Park Ave.,
contain the same fill yams or filaments. The test shall be Hoboken, NJ 07030, the Govmark Organization, Inc., P.O. Box 807, Bellmore,
NY 1171 O, or Custom Scientific Instruments, Inc., P.O. Box A, 13 Wing Drive,
performed both befare and after leaching or weathering. Whippany, NJ 07981, have been found satisfactory far this method.
9.3 Apparatus (For tolerances of dimensions found in Gas (Type B) and regulator valve system, Models IL-350 and 70 with hose
9.3.1 through 9.3.3, refer to Figs. 1, 2, and 3.): fittings connected in series, available from Matheson Gas Products, P.O. Box 85,
East Rutherfard, NJ 07073, have been found satisfactory far this method.

,¡;¡,j jl'lJ~(K,1'

,¡ o
o '-~/D1B~/~6tf$'

1.. . ---- º M!V.r TQ &l#"H.d'";f'

NorE-AII pipe fitting to be black iron Pipe.

FIG. 4 Vertical Flame Resistance Textile Apparatus

shall consist ofNo.-19 gage steel wire or equivalent and shall

8,oiri01A, ~OLE be made from 3 in. (76 mm) lengths ofthe wire and bent ½
in. (13 mm) from one end to a 45º hook. One end of the
hook shall be fastened around the neck of the weight to be
9.3.5 Stop Watch, or other device to measure the burning
FL00l?ING MAW~IAL time to 0.2 s.
9.3.6 Sea/e, graduated in 0.1 in. (3 mm) to measure the
damaged length. ¡i· 1

9.3.7 Clamps, for holding the specimen to the supporting 11

frame shall be Acco No. 325, Hunt Bulldog Clips Number 2, i¡ f ¡1
, or equivalent. 8 A total of four clamps, two on each side are !1i !i I il '
r- : '.!¡.
used. Two clamps ¾ in. (19 mm) above the bottom edge and /1 '11
two clamps 1 ½ in. (38 mm) above the first two. : :Ji'
9.4 Sampling: l. !!
9 .4.1 Lot Size-A lot is defined as all the fabric in a single ! :r¡!.
manufacturing run of one type of fabric.
1 1:i !
9.4.2 Lot Sample-Uniess otherwise agreed upan, as •
r l :,

when specified in applicable material specifications, ran- : ¡ 1

domly take as the lot sample the number of samples defined ' ,'¡. i::
as follows: ¡ ,:! ¡\.
Lot Size in Yards Sample Size ::-:1¡
800 or Iess 2 ¡' .: :1 ltj 1
80 I up to and including 22 000 3 ,¡ 1! í,
22 001 and over 5 ¡ 1 11 ·!,
' 11:
SPECIMEN , 11,1 ¡.,
9.4.3 Laboratory Sample-For fabric rolls, take as a· ,,1; ~!l
SIDE VIEW laboratory sample a full width swatch 1 m (or 1 yd) long ! lii :
from the outside of each roll in the lot sample after first 11
FIG. 5 Horizontal Flame Resistance Apparatus, Views and ¡Jl:_·,¡~:t
discarding a complete full width wrap length from the very
end of each roll.
1 ¡, l. :1

9.5 Procedure: : ¡¡:: .:¡; :

(17 .2 ± l. 7 kPa) at the burner inlet. The manufacturer's 9.5.1 Vertically suspend the specimen in its holder in the j l i I

rmmended delivery rate for the valve system shall include cabinet in such a manner that the entire length of the ¡i !
1 ·;

required pressure. . /,¡

specimen is exposed and the lower end is ¾ in. ( 19 mm)
- The gas shall be Matheson Gas "B" or equivalent
composition. ,¡: :IH¡_t. 1
¡I 1, !
9.3.4 Metal Hooks and Weights, to produce a series of
Hunt Bulldog Clips No. 2 for holding the specimen to the supporting frame, : '· ~ ' '

available from the Govmark Organization, Inc., P.O. Box 807, Bellmore, NY [fii :: '.
total loads to determine damaged length. The metal hooks ,, ,1

l! 4
11710, have been found satisfactory for this method.
1, .,
' ·ª

~t D 4372
TABLE 2 Loads for Determining Damaged Length product(s) sampled and the method of sampling used.
Untreated Weight of Material Being Tested, Total Tear Welght 9.6.2 The report shall include the following information:
oz/yd2 (g/m2) Determining the All values obtained from the individual specimens
Damaged Length, lb (g)
(after-flame time and damaged length of the sample unit
Not exceeding 3.0 (102) 0.125 (57)

l shall be the average of the results obtained from the

Over 3.0 and not exceeding 6.0 (102 to 203) 0.25 (113)
Over 6.0 and not exceeding 1 O.O (203 to 332) 0.50 (227) individual specimens tested).
Over 1 O.O (332) 0.75 (340) After-flame time to the nearest 0.2 s and the
l_'. damaged length to the nearest 0.1 in. (3 mm).
~ 9. 7 Precision and Bias:
abave the top of the gas burner. Set up the apparatus in a
~;' draft-free area. 9. 7 .1 Precision-The statistics from round-robin testing
f- done a few years ago is being compiled, but was not ready for
'f, 9.,5.2 Prior to inserting the specimen, adjust the pilot
printing at the time this standard was published.
flarae to approximately 1/s in. (3 mm) in height measured
9. 7 .2 Bias-The true value of the flame resistance of wall
from its lowest point to the tip, Adjust the burner flame by
and top material used in camping tentage can only be
means of the needle valve in the base of the burner to give a
defined in terms of a test method. Witbin this limitation, the
flame height of 1 ½ ± 1/16 in. (38 ± 2 mm) with the stopcock procedure in Specification D 4372 has no known bias.
fully open and the air supply shut off and taped. Obtain the
1 ½ in. (38 mm) flame height by adjusting the valve so that CERTIFICATION AND LABELING
the uppermost portian (tip) of the flame is leve! with the tip
of the metal prong (see Fig. 2) specified far adjustment of
U). Certification and Labeling
flame height. It is an important aspect of the evaluation that 10.1 Material Certification-Each lot of flame-resistant
the flame height be adjusted with the tip of the flame leve! materials supplied to a manufacturer of camping tentage
with the tip of the metal prong. After inserting the specimen, shall be accompanied by a written certification from the
fully open the stopcock and vertically apply the burner flame supplier stating that it meets the flame-resistance require-
at the middle ofthe lower edge ofthe specimen far 12 ± 0.2 ments of ASTM Specification D 4372 and giving the lot
s, and turn offthe burner. Keep the cabinet door shut during number and yardage therein.
testing. 10.2 Labeling of Camping Tentage-A label ar labels
9.5.3 Record the after-flame time far each specimen to the shall be permanently affixed to each ítem of camping tentage
nearest 0.2 s. After flaming and glowing have ceased, remove containing the following information:
the specimen from the cabinet. 10.2.1 Certification-s-K statement that the materials used
9.5.4 After each specimen is removed, clear the test in the manufacture of the ítem meet the flame-resistance
cabinet of fumes and smoke prior to testing the next requirements of ASTM Specification D 4372.
specimen. 10.2.2 Manufacturer Identification-An identification of
9.5.5 After both flaming and glow have ceased, measure the manufacturer ofthe ítem, unless the item bears a private
the damaged length. The damaged length shall be the label, in wbich case, it shall identify the private labeler and
distance from the end ofthe specimen, which was exposed to shall also contain a code mark that will permit the seller of
the flame, to the end of a tear (made lengthwise) of the the item to identify the manufacturer thereof to the pur-
chaser upan bis request.
specimen through the center of the damaged area as follows:
9.,5..-5.1 F0ld the specimen length. wiee -~nd crease by hand 10.2.3 Code Number-A number enabling the mannfac-
turer to ídentify from bis records the suppliers and suppliers'
along a line through the bighest peak of the damaged area.
Iot numbers of the certified materials used in the item. The Insert the hook in the specimen (ar a hale, ¼ in. (6
manufacturer shall also maintain records identifying the
mm) in diameter ar less, punched out far the hook) at one
parties to whom he sold camping tentage. Further, he shall
side of the damaged area ¼ in. (6 mm) from the adjacent
maintain records identifying items manufactured from lots
outside edge and ¼ in. (6 mm) from the lower end.
of certified material. Records shall be maintained far four Attach weight of sufficient size such that the mass years.
and hook together shall equal the total tearing load required
10.2.4 Warning Label-The information in ar its
in to the specimen.
equivalent must be permanently affixed to the tent at one
9.5.6 Gently apply a tearing force to the specimen by conspicuous location, and must contain block letters on a
grasping the comer of the cloth at the opposite edge of the white background. The first paragraph of the body of the
char from the load and raising the specimen and weight clear label must be placed in a conspicuous location on each
of the supporting surface. Mark off the end of the tear on the carton containing the tent.
edge, and make the damage length measurement along the The first line of the warning label shall be set in
undamaged edge.
24 point type. The next two lines shall be set in 16 point Loads Jor Determining Damaged Length-The type, and the remaining paragraphs shall be set in 12 point
specific load applicable to the weight ofthe test material shall type. -
be as shown in Table 2.
9.5.7 Record the damaged length far each specimen to the WARNING
nearest 0.1 in. (3 mm). JKEEP ALI. FLAME AND HEAT
9.6.1 State that the specimens were tested as directed in FABllUC
ASTM Specification D-4372. Describe the material(s) or This tent is made with flame resistant fabric which meets

Af · Specification D 4372. lit is not fíre proof. The fabric 11. Keywords
wi. rn ifleft in continuous contact with any flame source. 11.1 flammability; tent
'hre application of any foreign substance to the tent fabric
may render the flame resistant properties ineffective.
The American Society far Testlng and Materlals takes no position respectlng the validity of any patent r/ghts asserted in connection
with any ítem mentioned in this standard. Users of thls standard are express/y advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rlghts, and the risk of lnfr/ngement of such rights, are entire/y their own responsibility.

Thls standard Is subject to revlsion at any time by the responsib/e technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revisad, elther reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invitad either far revision of thls standard or far additlonal standards
and shou/d be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments wi/1 rece/ve careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. lf you fea/ that your comments have not received a fair hearlng you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Phlladelphia, PA 19103.

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