C. Apply B B. Mental: Used To Work Was Slipping Were Already Buying Had Broken

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I. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group.

A. comfort B. nation C. apply D. moment 

A. medical B. advise C. vegetables D. physical

A. amount  B. mental  C. dependence  D. opinion

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

A. B. zone C. razor D. amaze

A. sorry B. yes C. sister D.

A. focus B. C. son D. no


I. Put in words from the box, in the simple past or past continuous.

driv open pass pull ru shine sing start tur turn wait
e n n

It was a beautiful morning. The sun … was shining… and birds (7) …………………………………………. About five
thousand people (8) …………………………………………. in front of the palace. At 10.00, the guards (9)
…………………………………. the Palace gates, and the President’s car (10) ……………was driving……………………….
out and (11) ………………was …turning………………………. left into Democracy Street.

The crowds (12) …………………………………………. to sing the National Anthem. The President’s car (13)
………………turn……………. right into Constitution Square. Then suddenly, just as it (14) …………………………….
the Ritz Hotel, a man (15) …was……pulling………………………. out in front of it and (16)
……………………………………. a gun from his pocket.

II. Underline the correct tense

17. People used to work / were working very long hours in those days.

17. I was running when I slipped / was slipping on the ice.

17. They were already buying / had already bought the tickets when they went to the concert.

17. Carol had broken / was breaking her arm, so she couldn’t write for six weeks.
17. We had been staying / stayed in a hotel by the sea last summer.

17. I opened / was opening the door and stepped outside.

17. They had stood / were standing outside when the results were announced.

17. Alexander Graham Bell had invented / invented the telephone.

17. Mary travelled to West Africa with the intension of completing the book her father wrote / had
been writing at the time of his death.

17. Mary had returned / returned to Africa in 1899, this time to South Africa, where the Boer War
had just broken out / just broke out. 

III. Fill in with an appropriate past form

In 1912, a passenger steamship called the Titanic …..was sailing….. (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean from
England to America. A bright moon (27) ……………was shine…………………………. (shine) and a gentle breeze
(28) …………blow………………. (blow). The ship (29) ………………have sailed……………… (sail) for four days and
was now more than halfway towards its destination - New York City. Some passengers (30)
………………………………sleep………. (sleep) in their cabins while others (31) ……………………………. (relax) on
deck, when suddenly they all (32) …………………………… (hear) a loud bang. Those sitting on deck (33)
………………………………………. (jump up), (34) ……………………………… (run) to the railing of the ship, and (35)
………………………………… (look) over the side. To their horror, they saw that they (36)
…………………………………… (hit) an iceberg which (37) …………………………………. (tear) a hole in the side of the
ship. Water was pouring into the ship at an alarming rate. There were not enough lifeboats on the ship
and tragically more than 1,500 people lost their lives that night. The sinking of the Titanic remains the
most infamous sea disaster in history.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect simple, the Present Perfect Progressive or the
Past simple. 

Debbie:  This is the most interesting book I (38) …………have ever read……………………………. (ever,
Where (39) …………………………… you …………………………… (get) that book?

I (40) …………am trying……………………………. (try) to find it for months now!

My brother (41) ………………………………………. (give) it to me for my birthday.

I’m afraid Tom isn’t here. He (42) ………………………………………. (deliver) newspapers since
7:00 a.m., but he should be back soon.
He (43) ………………………………………. (leave) three messages on my answering machine but
I’m not home, so please tell him to call me at my grandparents’ house. I (44) ……………………
have stayed……………. (stay) with them for the past two weeks, but I (45)
…………………………………. (forget) to tell Tom when I last (46) …………………………………. (see)


I. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same


I saw some badminton on TV and found it quite (47) ……….………………………., so I thought INTEREST
I’d see if there was a club or (48) ……….……………………….in my area. I looked everywhere
but, (49) ……….………………………., the nearest club was 80 kilometers away. So, without
any (50) ……….………………………., I decided to form my own club. It was very hard in the FORTUNE
beginning - I didn’t have any (51) ……….……………………….and I had to convince a few
people that it was an (52) ……….………………………. way to keep fit. I organized a small (53) KNOW
……….………………………., which was a lot of fun, and things started to grow from there. EQUIP
Now we’ve got a full-time (54) ……….……………………….and our (55) ……….……………………….
come from all over the country. One of our members was even a bronze (56) ………. ENJOY
……………………….in the national championship! COMPETE




II. Match to make sentences.

57. I refuse to put …… A. up a martial art, to defend yourself.

57. The current champion was … B. to swimming as soon as she tried it.
…F C. out in the second round of the
57. I used to love basketball, but I’ve competition.

D. out of the race because of a last minute
57. The trainer asked us to carry injury.

57. The organizers had to bring E. on with the activity while he answered
the phone.
57. You should think about taking
F. off team sports lately.
57. Although she was very young.
Olivia took G. the race forward by a week.
57. Rob had to pull H. up with people who cheat at games.

An inference is a guess made based on evidence. A correct inference must be based on facts from a

Inference questions start like this:

• What is suggested about...?

• Based on the passage, what is likely / probably true about...?

• What does the author imply about...?

• What can be inferred from the passage / article about...?

• Which of the following can be inferred from the reading?

Hint 1: Use logic to make inferences. Here is a list of helpful logic rules to follow:

Logic Rules

1. Find Evidence:

The correct answer will always be supported by information from the passage.

Try to find information that proves your answer choice

2. Use Common Sense:

An inference must make sense. If an inference disagrees with the main idea of the passage, it is not right.

3. Use the Process of Elimination:

Eliminate choices not supported by the passage.

4. Avoid Superlative Answers:

Superlatives are answer choices with words like “greatest,” “most”, or “highest.” They are usually wrong.
Story questions are an exception.

5. Draw a Conclusion:

Make a conclusion based on facts from the passage. A fact can be the answer to a detail question, but
not an inference question.

6. Exclude Opinions:

You should never need to give your own opinion as an answer choice.

The opinion will be supported by the passage if one is given.

Hint 2: Find Specific Ideas

Inference questions can ask you to make a conclusion from specific information or logically conclude a
cause-and-effect relationship. Find specific statements that relate to both the main idea and the

Specific Information:

Ice cream is a delicious dessert, but eating too much of it can cause weight gain, heart disease, cavities,
and diabetes.

Inference: Eating too much ice cream is unhealthy.

The Effect of a Cause:

During the 1900s, blue whales were hunted so much by whalers (cause) that today there are only about
ten thousand blue whales left in the world (effect).

Inference: Blue whales are going extinct.

Practice 1: Read the following school notice and answer the question.

For the second day in a row, there will be no classes because of the heat wave that has hit our city. The
weather reports are saying the temperature might reach 42 degrees Celsius, a record high for the area.
Students should stay home and remember to drink lots of water. There have already been reports of
people becoming very sick from the heat. Too much sun and heat can even kill you, so please do not go
out unless you must. All businesses in town will be closed after 12:00 P.M. Please remember to buy any
water or supplies you need for the day before it is too late. For students who take the bus home, the
buses will arrive in fifteen minutes. Thank you for your attention. All students are now dismissed. Be safe

What can be inferred about yesterday’s classes?

A. They will be rescheduled for today. C. They informed students about the heat.

B. They will take place in the afternoon. D. They were cancelled because of die heat

Practice 2: 

Dear Class,

I am writing to tell you about the African safari that I’m on. I promised I’d send you an update as soon as
I had the time. You should know that I was touched by how interested you were in my trip. After
spending some time here, I think you should come on a safari if you have the chance. There are many
volunteer projects in Africa that need helpers. I encourage you to get involved.

I know you were most interested in African animals. On the safari, I’ve been able to see lions, giraffes,
zebras, gazelles, as well as many other animals. My favorite was the giraffes. Did you know that they
have blue-black tongues? I didn’t! They’re incredibly long — about eighteen inches! Giraffes use these
long tongues to eat leaves from acacia trees with sharp thorns. As for the lions, it was incredible to see
them in the wild. The male’s mane was quite impressive.

Anyway, I hope you’re behaving yourself for your substitute teacher, Mr. Wilson. The school was kind
enough to give me these two weeks off to participate in this project. So I hope you are showing that you
can behave and study hard without me. I’ll be back to school on Monday the 11th, so I’ve sent this letter
express mail. I hope it reaches you before I get back. When I return, I’ll show you all of the photos that
I’ve taken. I’ll see you soon.

Mrs. Lee

1. What is the letter mostly about?

A. Students volunteering in Africa B. Sending letters via express mail

C. The safari experience of a teacher D. Surprising information about giraffes

2. What is suggested about the giraffe’s tongues?

A. They arc longer in the male giraffes. B. If they’re not blue-black, they’re brown.

C. They arc blue-black because of what they eat. D. They are good for eating leaves on thorny

3. What does Mrs. Lee imply about the student’s behavior?

A. Mr. Wilson doesn’t tolerate bad behavior.

B. She is worried that the students will behave badly.

C. The students won’t be able to volunteer if they behave badly.

D. The students will be rewarded by Mr. Wilson if they behave well.

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