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A. A list of powerful

Traditional Authority Charismatic Authority Rational Legal Authority

For this, it is our former There isn’t someone in our This is our today’s barangay
barangay captain. He has been community who formed an captain. He got the position
our leader since I was born andorganization that breaks the through a major vote because I
the people from our community rules but there is someone in think we all want a change from
seems like they’re already usedour place that has an aura that before and also because he has
to the fact that our former makes us look up to him and this charisma of a leader that
captain has been in the position
follow. He’s not in any position won’t really let us down. And
for a long time and no one or higher places but when he we finally got what we deserve
seems to want to take it before.
stands, he feels like a leader and the captain is giving it.
that we can certainly rely on.
Identify somebody in your community that possesses the following types of authority. Try to offer an
explanation for each case.

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